14 nuiomoiiTi 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 AulomotWe Wednesday. Jan. 24. 1849 HERALD AND NEWS NIN1 Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK 34 Automotive 34 Automotive """wanted plumbers ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week -- $1.62.5 per hour 6lh St. T Service! ,Mt h?" , I,,,. ,e(ll,l"hln. "!,, Jr."" "!' l""lr"" X uifii-itd API '" "wif I WANTEO-Anrhrtf Hotel. Hilp WinHd. Mil IELP WANTED iMan or Woman No Experience Necessary ..tractive Salary lis Liberal Laundry Allowance Acellcnl Opportunity for Auvanccmr ni STANDARD J Stations, Inc. . White, Olh mid Klnmnm I. Skinner, 57 Mnin St. Mojc, 131(1 Oregon Ave. Or Phono 0178 1-25 WANTED toy Over 1 6 or young man (or stock room helper. Full tim work. n I l sears, Koebuck and Co. frD-SjwUr or prauor, Uptown nnr. in oo, iin, man WED-Netl yount man to hand) .mrn nun worn armina ApDly In person. MnUr'i nth riwtr fltiop. 1211 Main Hi. ....,.,., ,,,,,, v , ifMiinur ff r- Apply Uvilck Cinmar. aCD7inciHret radiator repair PPtd ihop. ut money for riant a 1 V yoil like, in rrn iim..ry after pt a m iT """"'"w paper ' "I" 3 ft. m. Ainu , " I'.y. rtppiy nnwuni fy or Nun any I72ltf Situation Wanttd roon.Pre. &. 1,wl'",w district """I Rllll 111)1 lOll 1-34 Room and Board room for men. 2o Jeft.r.on "oiim For Rant 1-27 lltNT-s,..-.' JAparimtnt. For Bent "nit Wic; i " c,bln' woa. 'co tmioii. 0343 Summer. lilt rot Ram llPRron Serv u . main. Phni.. flum 3.7m rmiie. n..":"c n i-room mod. "0II.B. Mill . . .7. . ' IT niilrlct ,ri.. """'"on nr E, fcllaX '' For Rant llll i t'ltMiln1 Slor rhnt 3394'. KTrTrr- .'" "ontuomshv waA6 Int. Ani. p.il 1,1 fl. r ower e. 13124. "nd News f,wnt JLw.1"".'" , ThVip wmi "J!L fcSTBWT" r.hi.u "'nr. ntermountain Plumbing Co. Phono 817S inOMf 30 ftaal Citata for Sala Fine Income Linus alx bntlruom liounc, cor ncr lot, duulilo nliunblni:, very elu.ic in on North tllli SI. Slonn loundntlon, rlty hent, On font (routine. Olfcred Dt $7500.00. 3 Bedrooms fl-room nltrnctlvn homo In Choi cu Aililn. I his ronc-rclr hnae ment. furnuee, lot lr.o 100 x 100. Property In excellent con dition. You'll be MirprlKird when you uet tha price nnd lernij. Chilcote & Smith in n, nib. Phone 4.104 HOMES f-'OR SALE .JOHN McFliE, RKALTOn t 18 N. 7th Phone 4521 2-5 ran ai r. 3. room hoot on Noilh Olh Ktr..l. Ir. norrt, laundry. ara(e In t,aiamnl. I'rlc. M400.M. T.rn'.. .1 ai-r.a on Suuim.ri l.an., .1 arr.a tn alfalfa, lu'O hou.r. ham an4 rnirlaan hnu... All rnon und. Call at offlc. lor prlf. nnd lrrni. I1'.. Trpil Cn1r RAIlNlllltrtU AOKNC'V 111 s. iiii rnont mi III SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 l.llm ron KAI.C-tol'J Am.rcar 4-d.or a.d.n. IrfHiha nlr. an.l In A1 rondltion. Kompntd lll ovtrilrlv. and h.al.r. Prlorllv nrqtl.d to buy Dili car. fir. It at 0.111 Motor Co., nth and Klanuih. 133 roil 8AI.K- arr.. aoine u..,l lilmbrr, a.unr wood. 3 room.. 700.00. 4702 Alva, off Hha.lA Way anil Ivory. 1-37 reH SA1.K- 2.limlt'm noui. nrar Ml,t: alao iilaito. nial 071.1. 3.-M)4f FOn MAI. IT.. 3. room houar. modern, with hai.m.nl. parity furnlah.di cloi. In Phon. 34ta. ... - . 133311 fOlt HAl.E-4.room furnllhed houae. In. eludlnjf .lertrlo ranse. acr. llood land. brrl. elilrk.n hou... larav. 3000, .Tjoo nmkljn Rt off Blah... Phon. 3938 fl. r 4:30 p, m, H.n ah.Pturd. 1-34 SAVE MONEY AND HIJY ME.3 ronm mtMl.rn, furnllh.d hou... eloa. In. newly oeroraled. G.race. 13UO ea.h. Phon. 3303 or Inquire 1133 Walnut At. 133 ton MALE- ' acre. 4 and 3-room houe. 3330.00, Chrll lluck. Ulal 0470. 1 34 ton SALE . rtrlclc aparlment home In Klamallt Valla. 23 nulla, nlrely fur nl.lted. excellent Inenme: alno fur. nlihed htlrK inneM, IS larfefea, 330.000. Phone 0017. 1.34 Fort ftAt.E- lit acre, 4-rooin houae. 6 ahatl. tree, lane lawn, off Shaata Way on .Hummer. L.n. 1733. Vi block to bu line. I 3T ron KALK.,0.room modern unfurnished houae, four yeara old. Concrete foun . dallon end cellar. On bua line. Imme diate noi.eaalon. Call at 4033 Shaal. Way or Phon. 3073, 1-34 rOK SAt-E-Morlern house, barn, Alao exlrn sood farm or InfilnK learn with hurneaa. 3100.00. Frank Burhee. Dorrla. 1-30 roil SALE - Newly decorated 3-rooin houae. Mot Sprlnsa, Venetian blind. 11)43 Melro.e, before n p, m. 1-xl KOIl SAt.Entt .ere dairy ranch, 7 ntllei from Klamath Kalla on Lakovlew lllnh way. nt. 3 Box 714. 1-3.1 34 Automotive RADIATOR i REPAIRING Wb Are Well Equipped To Civo Prompt Service Troctor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2840 S. 6th St, Phone 8331 i4no-tr RECAPPING. Hlld TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So Oth Phono 7071 1-7 Exchange Motors Fords 1038 to 1B42 Chovrolets 10,') to 1041 n.vmouthS 11)34 to 1042 Dodges 1834 to 1042 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Itaaround Ci'HiikshHfls With Bearings to Fit; I. C. "Ike" Heath Phono 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 CASH For Your Car We Need YourCar Do You Need the Money? COME AND GET IT ; Lombard's Phone 3136 424 So. 6th St. 521 So. 6th St. Public Used Car Lot' 7th and Oak Across from Post Otlice South We Buy and'Sel) Used Cars and Trucks We Need Late Models COMPARE Our High Bid Before You Sell --See Selby Last- Phone AUTOMOBILE Careful SERVICE Complete Prompt' Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location ODELL MOTOR CO. 734 Klomoth Ave. 34 Autom .live WE CAN . MAKE - ' Your outo lights push the dark back So that you can sec to drive safely Even against the strongest light. May vve in time to save your car ond life? LEO'S GARAGE : llth nnd Main Sts. Phone 0003 Mon.-Wcd. Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klnmnth Ave. , Whero 8th Street Ends FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build, Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phono 6042 2-7m Motor Rebuilding Slnrtor and Generator Reconditioning ' MOTOR TUNE-UP . !5 Years' Experlenco Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. a-ism Winter Driving Is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 8108 John Sandmeyer, C. j. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bids. 1-3 t-m SEE MEL, IIENIIY t Lomb.rd'a IJod car Lot. 021 s. th St. Ton Opa CASH PRICE at once for your car. All mikot inn" mod.ln lor !.. 3-l3m Mrn Wtrl, Kri 0834 2370t( REPAIRING Phon 4149 Wed unci Snl 34 Automotive Special Notice! , Received Supply of 1 00 Bumper Jacks Will' fit. oil models Reasonably priced. See these today. Ashley CHEVROLET CO. 410 South 6th St. Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? ' If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For Appointment , Burness Motors DoSoto S. 6th & Walnut Plymouth Phono 6669 2576tf WANTED TO TRADE '33 Olds, hydra matlc 5 Pass, coupe, for . sedan. Will glvo nr take difference. Theodore .mid, nt. :i. nox limn. t-xa 35 Fuel Heatinq STANDARD BURNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnace Oil Diesel Oil Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE : Phone 5140 Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Fuel Oil Dealer RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oil Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1 -3 1 m 36 MiscelUnooui For Salt FOR SAI.K-A1I prewar bed cfavenos. flu. ven ports, nonir with innlchins chHlrs nnd platform tochers: bedroom suites nnd iniier-prh-g mrUlreMsrn; (llninffrnom nnd kMcliem snls. PTtE- WITT'B TRADING POST, 2244 8. (1th. cash ron vovn rtrnNiTunK- trade IN WHAT YOU DON'T WANT. IS READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade 36 Miscellanaout r or Saio 36 Miscellaneous For Sale SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O, Box 130, 36 Mitcellaneoui For Sale COAL j Cash-and-Carry ' " Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealer 015 Market Phone 514!) 2-23MC FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048U FOR SAU5-1D42 trailer house, like new. sleeps , suinwood finish interior. ' nriirinnl price if taken at once. Also 1500 Ballon steel water tank. Inquire Robinson's Trailer Court, second trail er on left. 1-24 FOR SALE -Just arrived Cocoa Door Mais, S1.D5. $2,110, $3.25. Lucas Furni lur., 185 E, Main, 1-23 FOR SALE -New white enamel wood range. Priced right. L. J. Sacher, 5514 S. 6th. 1-20 SPECIALS--Sl0.no machlnclcss perma nent waves. S7.50; cold waves S10.00. Swansen's Beauty Shop. Phone 6Gfit. 623 Main St. 1-27 BOOKS-BOOKS-nOOKS Don't discard yours buoks or magazines. Calt 53112. 2-5 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves buueht. OK second Hand store. 620 Klnmnth. Phone 5671. l-.Hm rOR SALE 100 tons haled nay. 1st' cut atfalfa, oat. and rye. at Kcno. Sec Guy Moor, at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulcloke 7104. 235311 ALLEN Adding Machine and, FHIDEN Calculators. 124 S, Oth St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 2-15m FOR SALE Dry wood, 1314 Dayton. Ray Ullxsctli. 2-2 FOR SALE Ann Arbor pickup baler, slightly used. 2-3 nf new price. L. S. Dunlap, Tulelakc. Phone 0122. 1-26 FOR SALE 2 sets double harness, Must sell. Leaving town. 1226 Kunc, 1-24 FOR SALE-Furniluro comntcto for fl room house. 324 Martin. Call after 12 noon, . 1-24 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joycr. 143S Martin. Phono 0077. l-3lm FOR SALE-Trailer nouse. 24 ft. '42 model Plymutith. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Aulo Court, nitt SPENCER COIt!',TimtK Mrs, Enid Burch, 621 Oak, Phono 7:116 for appointment, 2-lim FOR SALE Two 2 h.p. air compressors, autom.Uc with tanks, Cascade Laun dry. 1-31 FOR SALE Clos stove. Deluxe model. 6 burners, 2 ovens, like now. Phone 6066. 1-31 FOR' SALE-l.argo wooden barrels. In fiulre nt Fluhror". Bakery. 1733U FULLER BRUSHES-Rep. It. V. Morgan. 539 So. Rlf.ralrie, Phone 33411. a-Oi" REGISTERED WHITE COt.LIE PUP PIES and bitch. Fred Fisher, HI. 2. Roseburg, Ore, 1 -25 JUST RECEIVED stainless sleel flatware, knives, forks and spoons tor commer cial use. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So, 6th. FOR SALE-3-wheel trailer, 1.155 Kane. Klamath Falls 2563H ' 36 Miscellaneous For Sale GLASS-.Mirrors, reallverins,. pl.t. win- dow and nuto Sla.u. fnrnittir tnn. "helve. Kimball's Glaas Shop. 327 Walnut. Phooe 737ft. 3.3m pn CATC JO I , . . . . ,.i w ucuiuui,, ki, oaven- port and chair, gas ranse, etc. Phone I FOIt SALE -Chenille hedpread. (ull n. ossorico colors, 31I.B5. Lucas Fur niture. ln3 E. Main. 1-23 38 For isle or Trade FOH SALE OB TRADE For (food saddle horre one black gelding 7-vcars-oId 1R00 lbs., broke to work. J. E. Jack son. Bonanza. t-2(J 40 To Exchange TRADE 30 Caterpillar tractor, good sh.-tpe. for large wheel tractor on rubber. I. E. Brothanek, Malln. Ore. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! . . 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phono 3429 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phono 3583 2301 So. 6th 2-16 WANTED -Battery radio. Will pay good price. Write L. E. Thomas. Pelican Bay Camp, BIy, Ore, 1-30 WILL PAY CASH tor used guns. Bring them In f or opprnlsat. BELL'S HARD WARE. 520 Main SI. l-31m CASH patd for household goods. Phon. "510. 4M0U WANTED TO BUY-Palr of thinning shears. Pleaso phone 4808 after 5:31) r- ni. sioitr RAILROAD man and wife would like either furnished or unfurnished apart ment or house. Permanent renters. Ph. 6504. 1-24 WILL PAY CASH rOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4310 or 7175. I -22m WANTED TO BUY Lata model pickup truck. Phone 7271, 1521 Sargent. RPlf WHOLE CARTON OF CIGARETTES for first furnished . apnrtmcnt or house for rent. Call daytime. -Lt. Smith. 0108. Ext. 108. 1-24 COU1M.E want to rent furnished apart ment or small house. Permanent, Call alia. Apt. 308. 1-24 WANTED A farm to rent for ono or more years. J, W, Cavender, Redmond, Ore. i.j7 WANTED -Small furnished apartment. . No drinking. No wild parties. Will pav good rates for vlght place. 1st Sgt, G. It. Mowerr, USMC. Phone 5121. Ext. 13. i-27 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of nil kinds. Also eggs. MnrUn Produce Co. Phono 3372. ... . t-3Im FOR SAI.E-On. Guernsoy cow. 40211 Summers Lone. i t-24 if It's a "froien" article you need, advertise for a used one in the classified New Motors For You' CHRYSLER CAR - Nearly All Models in Stock Wiii Fit All Chrysler Engineered Cars and Trucks $180.00 to $225.00 Not -- Reconditioned or Rebuilt Burness Motors Cor. S. 6th and Walnut Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- TOP PRICE FOR YOUR ; CAR It reasonably clean we make no deductions. You ' need not sacrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot - Large or Small ' U. S. ONE'S U. S. TWO'S . ' ' PEEWEE SIZE Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone-7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 44 Livestock and Poultry ' . ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's nowest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1,. 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to-leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't com in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th . Box 328 , Klamath Falls, Oregon V " OREGON BRED CHICKS 993U 44 Live tock and Poultry REGISTERED BERKSHIRES Two sows, bred for March farrow. S75 each; March boar. 550; young stock. Mem ber of California Berkshire Breeders' Assn. Merle Goode, Mocdoel. Calif. 1-26 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE S MARKET. 819 East Main. Phone 4282. 2-5ni HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal. Urnbs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3505. l-31m WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallory's Y Market. Merrlll-Lakcview Junction. Ph. 4620. 1-20 CHICKS. Finest and best grade of chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent. Oregon. 3-5 WANTED-Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. l-31m PAYING UP TO S3 lb for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattlo, VVn. 1-31 46 See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For . LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y" FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Cnmplclo Privacy 12 Months to Pas No Co-Signers : Quick Service , - Locally Owncci Motor' Investment Co. . Klamath's Oldest M-275 , S-241 ' 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 l-31m Phone 4113 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Klamath Falls 2S67tf 44 Livestock and Poultry 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on . P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 ! Lie. M-223 Lie. S-281 l-31m 48 Business Opportunities EMERGENCY SALE Bargain 920,0001 Bargalnt ; Owner Inducted Famous Redwood. Auto Court on Redwootla Highway noar Crescent Ctly 24 Units Modern Furnished Store Gas Pumps . 1)3 Ai res Fine Tlmberland Valued at .1 S40.000 See A. E. OALI.IN at the Wl-Ne-Mo Hotel or Wire Del Norte Trlpllc.l. rr Crescent City If it's n "(roien- arttcl. you n.ed ee v.rtla. for . us.d on. Iplh. classlflad. . pi,.