SIGHT HERALD AND NEWS wecintiaoy. J"0, ,s" y5ft, A A HORSE THAT RAM AS A ( THBEE -YEAR-OLD IN THE. KENTUCKY DERSV OF I906, DIED JUST OHE ttaVTV -tlfiO. DECEMBER. 1344. ) (CKNEO BY JL'PiE JOHN TNLtv; I Vm i lunmA me AL TO MAKE A SSUARE CME'iaJ MARTHA E. FRANCIS, St FrKZsao, Cii"'s, 1-24, 0 HA E FOUR TOES, BLT SOME HAVE THf, AMt OSTRICHES HAVE ONLY AVO. Flag Unlawfully Displayed, Reported WASHINGTON. Jan. 24 jF The White House referred to the war department today a com plaint that a flag was displayed m an unlawful manner at the in auRiiration last Saturday. The protest was made by Gridlev Adams, chairman of the national flnj! code committee. He wrote Mr. Roosevelt that the flag was "disgraced" when it was placed below the speaker's stand. Adams quoted a law statins that when the flag is displayed flat it should be above and be hind the speaker. r. tiiNtiinjr , ijty whlch was recelvel "V'i i'l OIL Period! and valid unlit Augmt 31. 1043. Other period, will be announced lhe.v U,uiiiw!'iUii. CLASSIFIED HATES out fi.v ' J; ! 5S nm n: w word II. 4 day run V- word 5 dav run V" wur! e neck run word I iw-v vscouVrf"lor Payment in Advance 94 ni.eount (or ravmem by loin Ad. ifMwd by 1:00 p. m. wjll appear unn afternoon in "New foday" column. New Today Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing B(ati. 4.:w .Main trt. Offtc hour daily, 10 a m. to X p. m.: Saturday. 10 a. m. to 2 p. tn. Phone 81tl for all infoima tion. AH appl.ra.fctn muit be MAILED In to th War Price rnd Rationm BtNrd at 4.W .Main street, and NOT presented in person. SUGAR Ration book 4 Suj-ar stamp No. 34 valid Indefinitely. PROCESSED FOODS BLl'E STAMPS Kation book 4--C-2. D-2. E-3. F-2 and G-3 valid for consumer ue. Sump X-5. Y-3. A -3 and B-3. which wert validated December 1, re main valid. MEAT. BI TTER. CHEESE RED STAMPS Ration book 4 T-5. tT-5. V-3. W-a and X-3 valid for consum er use. Stamps Q-5. R-3 and S-6. which were validated December 3. remain valid. J , Tk in' fts to vour meat dealer and he will pay 4. cents and two points per pound. Kunrs Ration book 3 Alrnlane shoe sumps 1. 3 and 3 good indefinitely. GASOLINE "A"-14 stamp pood until March 31. IMS, All Kas rationins ap plications must be accompanied by mita- Wlt.l. KKEP children in my home by hour or day. 22 Martin. m SALE i; (3 Doflse sedan. Good irvs. Hood condition. aaB Mar tin. -v KOS SALE Electric hrooder. 300. 800 or 100 chick capacity. Two oil Incubators, 450 ctftf Ur. used one ariuun. Al bu: -.iw. nuMintcd on trailer with iM Chevrolet motor. W, W. Ktrtiiicy. m, 3 Hox 4il-U. Back, of Stewart's Ad dition. -' WILL TRADE Rambler trailer home, valued at $730 00 for down pay merit on 3 or 4 room home, cloao in. Call WANTED -Part,v to put In 18 acres on share. Phono tSUV 1-30. TWO NAVY couples desire two bedroom fumishfd house or apart liTcnt. No chil dren, no pets, no brains. Wit pay up to f 100.00 per month. Phone aiOl, Ext. ma. aton. between 8 and 10 a. m. l-3fl WANTED TO Bl'Y -Mtx-Master or sim ilar mixing machine. Call IU93. 1-30. ORDER YOl'R Farm Master superior quelitv chicks now for present needs or future delivery, t-arm Master chicks turn feed into food products quickly and economically. We can sup plv vou with New Hampshircs. Rhode Island Retis. Borred Rocks and Le horna. SEARS FARM STORE. 1-24 Red Ryder By Fred Harmon WOlSJs BE : V Jl E?CfD fU&LE ) H1Nt llrtE, YOU ONLY CtfE 6ACC!?!CHEE-NE:JCHeE-NES F THY 4 WMW 4lWnE-S 1 CMS HErvE J (l W OiEE-NEI, WHO KVOfc-S FART VCU twj WE 1 HAVE-UA , urHir'J' JTc ZJS wise tuucse cave, .hae Riomt oo tmeret Wash Tubbi By Leslie Turner JS fifteen mnjtcsjap raooopcea.- iTORSTfTTO CONTACT THE iMySTEElOUS PLANE r NO RESPONSE FROM HIS RADIO- BUT HIS SET MAY BE0UT0FORPER T SPOTTERS Tl f HE STILL DOES BY NOW HE HAS PASSED OUT f HAVE THEM DIRECT lNrRCEPTOR SAY PLANE V- - II NOT ANSWER, SIR OF OUR RANGE... PROBABLY III PATROLS TO HIM AT ONCE. I 1 APPEARS TO BE V,. II IDENTIFICATION OF CHANGED HIS COURSE .WARN I II IF HE IS AN ENEMY IMPOSTOR. 1 J AMARKII TOJO... f I 1 WSVEKY PLAN6 IS I HEADQUAKltkS UN HONSHU II IHtT HILL BLOW HIM IO BUS.' I raBEStlfv" r KfiHT J Boots and Her Buddies By Martin to m3LS3t &oo - "vw: rXVL. . VOrVb lOi' "VOOTb WTrS ROO?"-'.'.t COM". 1Xi3YKr.?ItC IMIftlllMl.OI', Freckles and His Friends By Blosser I'M BOH IMA I1SJ MA7I tUA AMD I'M PlTiUELV Si IPFB ' , n fURELY SELFISH OF MF. Base.' when l see owe7 OF HER MOVIES I LIKE TO Bf SURROUNDED BV A HAREM .' AND 1 WOULDN'T MISS THIS PICTURE FOR A million bucks .' you rrr? couldn't DRIVE s-1 HfcY. me away; ' LAKC- i-ric-TJ V I HAPPENED , ,-JV- t To juNicat! it cant be -it Mustn't be.' Fate can't DO This To me: .' C0PR. 13.5 R't NE"SCI-'V(CC. INC. i vT. V., T. M CEC. U S. PAT. OFf. B ' J Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin wr whatsth' war's over I n OCUHt, fcXCEPT FOR Vm ID lMC-.-riA-r.-.k. niuniMK Vat l I n LiHWvJD AW.K f . II ICTLfUCM T M&n rl 17 nil Tu' HOPE5.I FIND t TALKED MYSELF IN IO ft JAM! ll'LL SAY YOU n Ave, IN A GREAT, BIG x.triyjt um i AM' DUMBER. tvtKY DAY! R HIGHrJryGFTTWr.uAMrS" I -AaI7FQ WFnc nM . I wxw tu-x,,src.v nTwa THEN WHY WHEN HE GOT YEH. AN' HERE;. DIDN'T YOU MAKE IT SURE HIM A DE AL .STEDDA ' MUSTA DONE MOKIM' TM MAD SO HE'D CALL IN THAT HEEL OF A GRAND" WIZEF SHYSTER VOUR 'CARCASS TO peel! fASIRECALL.YOU RETURNED "l ' TO MOQT'GETTH' MAGIC BELTK HANDED BACK TO YOU! S YCAME WITH A PACKET f- Ol- BAIT AGL.1 1 TfcR, HOPING I IT.TH WAY HE I I WUUUU Ot.1 LalJ.3 ritAHl l Lnnt kuakiin - ATWITTER1 A IN HERE WITH; SHYSTER, YOUR V Z H'S ARMY.' 7 CARCASS TO PEEL! j YANTI-nill-llm mldilU-l Soun kacner. B.l ol want.. All "'"''''"LJ; a. I'k-a.a call ail WANTKI-KxiorlaiU'J wmnaii or girl for aleiiograulitc itoiltlon. tflaaily rm iiluMiianl, oud aalary. Tlioaa who an oiled balolt. pltan apply aahl, a. your appllcallon aa loal. Apply ' paraon at DU-k RaaUar'i atora (or man. riMINIKIIKU DOOM tor one (wraon. Ue"; llonian prolcrrcil. IM Klainalli. l-M FOK ItKNT -HoufcekoephiK room, inlla bio (or ona man. 1143 IMna. 1114 rOH IIENT-Slora builillng with nuidarn (rout at ooa Main. Inqulra nudy'a Mm a Shop. JlilOtt ,l,a, w.luanhaul armalur. . Ini lldil. man'a blcyclt. "ak. i TOR SALE-Pra-War uoy' blcycla and glrl'a blcycla. Naw balloon Una. I1 California Ava. ... . WTmr.lOood uiad car. :k3 h,; Way. I'lunw ' Wll.l. SHAIIK homo wllh war widow and t.htld for i-are of my child and home. Phono 711KI bcloro 00 a. in. IH.1 ft'OH hou.a. two atovra. on Boardman. Phono Ml". a7"" roil Chevrolet Coupa. Il N. Carroll, after S p. in. TOPPING and IrimlnlnB treea and ahrulw. land.caiilng. flowering ahailo trees and .hruba. Ike.hora Ganlenn Nuraery. Phono 40(U. 2-2-lin AI.I. WOOL rough-rider alarka wllh pleata and ilppera. (iabardlnaa and Bedford cord.. Now at Hudy'a Men i Shop. 600 Main. a-ll BULBS BULBS If you are tntcreeted In Croft Llly Duioa, wo nava inam. Wrlta to A. I. Oallln co Intaratala Nawa Brooklnga. Ore. 1,30 rOR SALE Montgomery Ward mangle. Phone :tlM4. l-atl LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATK OT OHEOON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH NADINE M. GILMORE, Plaintiff, DAVID V. GILMORE, Defendant. TO: David V. Gtlmore, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON. GREETING: You are hereby required In appear and answer the com plaint filed a its Inst you in the above entitled suit and court on or before February 14. 194.1. ai.d tf you fail to sn appear and answer, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court ti-s in icuvi pr-avoa irjr in ner com plaint, to-wlt: A divorce from you upon the grounds of desertion for a period of more than one year. This summons Is served upon you by pub lication pursuant to an Order of the Honorable David R. Vandcnbcri. Judge of the above-entitled court, said order be I n if dated January IS, 104.1. and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive nnd successive weeks. The date of the first publication Is January 17. 1943. and the dale of the last pub lication is February 14. 104,1. W. LAMAR TOWNSFND, Attorney for Plaintiff 4:t3 Mnln Street Kin ninth Fnlla Civmnn Jl7-34-31:F7-14. .No. II. Little Orphan Annio By Harold Gray VEPi w; r r;pT it SHE CLAIMED J&CK WAS A GAMBLER ' fcNty 6&MRI in' WAS SIN ted 0 WHEN HE CUT OFF HER. ALLOWANCE WELL'-'TMfvT WWEM SHE ftNb JLICjGeT HEDGE UM HIM COMMITTED ! ALL VERYHUSH-HUSH, O' COURSE r-?l rtHr?E SHE b,C) 1 f THEY USED TO ARGUE I WHEN HE CUT OFF HER. ' Al S' I 1 1 fg's: J I r.yrim I L ON IT, ALL TH TIME ! ffS I AND HER PROFESSIONAL fl I Kr 5Fi rk. bO-QOODIN' I J-rSA I Fl jtrt, trrTl it,:. II iin iiirT f( MW. rl kgp npl SI'MMONS Faullr N'a. TJ-,-t IN THK CIRCUIT COURT Or THE COUNTY ORBCON FOR KLAMATH ALFRED S. PEARSON. Plaintiff va. CLARA CALDWELL PEARSON. De fendant To Clara Caldwell Pearson. Defendant IN THE NAME Or THE STATE Or OREGON, GREETING: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above-entltled suit on or before Thursday, February 8. 1045: and If you fall to o appear and answer. Ihe court for Ihe relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wlt: A Judgment and de cree of divorce on the grounds of wilful abandonment for one year Immediately pr nr 10 iiung me complaint nerein. This summons Is served upon you bv nubltcatlon pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of Klamalh Countv. which order was dated January n. 104.1. and the dale of Ihe first publication hereon belnK January 10. and Ihe la.t publication helnv on January 31. 104S. rnc.tJ u. unini'ii, Allnrn.v for Plaintiff . Suite one. Melhase nulldlng. Klamatn Falls, uregon. in-17-24-Sl No. fl. T1IIKUI , ,, of milking cows. We can give linmedl. S . delivery See or call DON POTTER .., f John Hear Dealer, Tnlclake, Lain. I'luma 1013. '" UlllviNU TO RENO Friday morning, re lurn In one week. Have room lor pasaengera. Phono 4M15- Federal IX WANTKD-Stenographer. Savlnga and Loan. First WANTED. Janllor. rirsl Tederal Savlnga and Loan.. 1 " on v n... mimth'a PUP hmwn and wime springer .i........ E, Main 81. FREE WOOD-Large poplar trees. Phone rOR SALE Ping-pong labia wllh pad dles and net. 4l)ii Summers l.ane. 1-J3 FOR RALE -Piano. Blond mahogany . hi.. u-UK bench aiuioa aaaa Summers Lane. l.o TRADE 600-lg new recap (or f''J new recap, sum ouiniii... - WANTED Late model electric refriger ator. Phone M33. 1 17 LOST-Lady'a black wallet containing ..a- -r-i hiMik.. ale. Reward. Ph 4MS. I" Mottlna NoIIcm Big Lflkes Local No. 2511 Meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Sunday t 422 Main St. F. C. Wlllonbom, Financial Sec. K. A. Gordon, Pres. 2-17M Vir Klamath rails Asrl No. aoeo Rsjulsr msatlna1 every Tues day nlxht. 7; p.m.. r OC. hall, ttth anil Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. Klamath rails Moose Lod No. J1W meets on Thurs day nights, 8:00 p. m. Ini tiation every second and four Thursday. CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesday eve-a,..,-, ni n(h month. 7:30 d. m.. at Labor Temple 433 Main. C, U. LUiHU. isec. ana . n. Office Open 7:00 to W:0o P M. Evtry Wednesday. Phone SM7 3;3m a-j-ijrVVV-tf-alV'aa,Nl"i"i a iaaj.aJaMaeVi 2 Lolt gnd Found Oontral Notion -!!!iii.iia Announcement A. L. Vincze Has Acquired Complete Ownershi of t he O. K. TransferC Call Us For Household Moving and Storage Long Distance Heavy Hauling Distributors for Industrial Air Product. Oxygen Acetylono Corbklo - Welding Supplies 536 Spring Si Phone 4455 Night Phono 736V LU1j-u"H I " Gtmtral Notice OK FURNITURE STORE will bo open (or business February IM nl l nw location 2401 South 6th Formerly PALMER'S BAKGAIN HOUSE Will Glvo Same Service ns llefora, 1-31 LOST Identification bracetel. "Hollle Allen." atol Orchard Way. Ph. 742.1 dayltmes. I'35 LOST-Sllver faracelet wllh gold flow ers, heart fastener. Ph. 7410. Reward. 120 STRAYED to my place, one cow. brand ed "3S" left hip. Owner moy have some by paying feed bill. Joe Vlelra. Hlldebrand. I-" Conaral Notice FOR STUARTS DANCE ORCHESTRA Inquire 634 Oak St., or phone U3 TWO SISTEP.S INN Wecd-AsliUnd Junction 3 Miles Went Hwy. 97 Southern Fried Chicken nnd Stenka RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Phono 00U0 2-17 (0 Sarrica Phone 3330 ED F. KING Septic Tanks Septic Tanks Cleaned, tnipocllon free. Modern equip ment. Contents hauled away. Bt.ECTROI.tlX Cleaner, complete aery Ice. Phone 1I7 - 1031 Main. DENTISTRY, afleinoont. 4000 Way. 130 itrMu-riTfiilNil DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Bucklea covered. Alleratlona on new and old clolhlug. Mrs. II. M. Allender. 131 Main Room 310 Ph. 1103. . I '31m LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Semi-Annual Report of Treasurer, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON Summary of Builneti Transacted From July 1. 1S44, to December 31, 1944 M. . aV M. It I. . B. eV I. Am.. Armory Administration ..- Bononra, City o( Bonanza. Road - Current Expense Chlloquln, City of , Cblloquln, Road Chlloquln, B. es I. . - County School county scnooi imiv, oijti.i , County School Unit. B. At i. . Dor License p. IrHa.Unn n strict. I'L..!-,.. I. In nUlrlPl ft Jtr Enterprise Irrigation District, General ... Ksinics - County Fair, Maintenance County Fair, Slate Levy Fire Patrol General Warrant Bond Sinking General Worrant Bond interest Grazing Act . Horsefly Irrigation District, g. & M. ...... Horsefly Irrigation Dstrct, B. St I. Horsefly Irrigation District, General High School. County Klamath Falls, City of - Klamath Falls, B. St I Klamath Falls. Road - Klamath Irrigation District. O. St M Klnmath Irrigation District, B Si I. Klamath Irrigation District, General Keno Irrigation District, a St M. Keno Irrigation District. General Klamath Drainage District, O. St M. Klamoth Drainage District, B. I. ............ Langcll Valley Irrigation District, O. St Lanaell Valley Irrigation District, B. St Library. County .... Low Library . Liquor Enforcement .- Lakeshore Gardena Drainage District ... Market Roaa Malln Irrigation Dlstrlcl, O. Molln Irrigation District, B. Malln, City of Malin, B. St I. ..... - Malln. Road Merrill, City of -.. Merrill, B. St I. U...II1 nnnri ..--...I.- n..iMn nutrlct ni. r.rnu. Irrieallon District. O. S( M. Pine Grove Irrigation District, B. St 1 Road, County Road Bond Sinking - - - Road Bond Interest School District. No. 1 Special School Dlstrlcl No. 1 B At I - Shasta View Irrigation District, General Shasta View Irrigation District. B. St 1. Shasta View Irrlgotlon District, Emergency State Elementary School State Game Commission ..-- Sunnyslde Irrigation District. O. St K Sunnysldc Irrigation District. B. St I Union High School No. 2, Special Union High School No. J. B. St I. . ....... ....j.. ..y... Upper Van Brimmer Drainage District, O. At M. Undistributed Taxes Willow Valley Irrigation Dlstrlcl, O, At M Willow Valley Irrigation District, B. t I. Willow Valley Irrigation District, General Post War Road Sinking Fund - Post War Road Sinking Investment ..- County School Unit B. At I. Investment Museum Fund Museum Fund Invistment Malln Community Pork At Recreational Dlstrlcl . County Rond Investment Current Expense Investment County Fair Maintenance Investment Road Bond Sinking Investment Road Bond Interest Investment General Warrant Bond Sinking Investment General Warrant Bond Interest Investment School District No. I, B. At I, Investment Union High School No. 2, n. St I. Investment Liquor Enforcement Investment Dog License Investment County School Unit special Serial Merrill Rural Flro Dlslrlcl School District No. I." Special Serial Union High School No. 2. Special Serial County School Unit Special Serial Investment Market Road Investment TOTAL LESS TRANSFERS NET TOTAL Bank Statement Balanco ,. , , No Outstanding Chocks Cnsh on Hand Untied States National Bank of Portland, Klamath Foils Branch nonk Statement Balance , , Outstanding Chocks No. 10.1.1" , .....j 2,002, (Ml , , . No. to.'lflo 72,Mfl0.u7 nAI.ANCK DIHRI'RIIK- RAI.ANIIK July I, ten mi;nt r( r,lf r Use, l, leu .no SS 33 33.J.1 2.0S3 M 1HO0 M 3 974 to J.M4.1U 18.43 S04 7S 1.413.3S 04X10.1 .44 .13 33 13 40. M.U13 7I laa.omjn m m si 131.111 34S.11 1,11411 i.omm Ii:i4 13 00 IM33 . H3.7H 311.H-J Atl.M 2.0.7320 3 4:17 S3 34.743.10 R.4 337.11 334.7A4.30 1113. 170.01 I. 1.1. 113.12 240.1100 34 222,703.17 1: U.04I4 70.4J1.X1 J1..1M2H 21.133.17 2.707. .VI 3.:n2.31 l.2lon 1.0O3.I0 (I3BOS 3.1)17.2.1 2.030 17 .00 1 ..142 33 1 .143.00 3 111 .00 1.17133 1J7B.2S 2.73 Oil 330.74 320.74 3.702. Ill 12.038.37 .l.82ail S.M0.MI 2.131.30 2.131.30 3,73 US 3.703, H.1 1.3O0.03 1.000 00 8.A10..17 B.U3I..12 1..11MI.44 1.0I2.V) 74fl.3e l.330..1:i 1.0I.1K8 1311 00 I.7MI18 1.187. ID 8.B5 . 48.71 ' 1.337.03 16.38 237.32 3I30O 808.78 748 88 176.20 1 2S.I0 2.431.87 ' 700 00 318 34 3.078.01 .00 U4..1.10.87 U4n1KI.87 .00 .00 2o:liln4.1l .1)0 .00 4.336 01 4.318ir7 .00 16.603 30 , 41.036.04 88.114.1 UO 43.611.43 36.11)4 37 40.103 31 12.042 110 I 3.062.04 3.000.76 2.D03.6S 802 83 - 271.00 1.430.27 1.631.10 630.47 303.13 600.08 . 030.43 2,130 33 10.000 21 3S.6I7.4A 16.131.77 8.136 00 A.330.00 2.407 00 2.404 06 0.024.38 0.310.40 8.60:1.31 6.OO7.40 2.II0II.I12 3.276.32 7.8:16 64 B.4.10.14 2A10.II0 O.SIIO 04 13,448 40 303.37 337.2.1 403 02 321.14 .00 2.120.86 2 120.0(1 .00 21,43 .38 213 74 814 70 30.01)0.26 33.862 64 34.626 48 31.003.13 0. 940.13 13.064 67 17.009 46 13.400.36 310 40 3.334 30 8.094.84 S.OI039 00.6.1 1.180.13 2.O11.04 001.30 142.20 1.0I2RO 3.311.04 1.681.24 2 78 31.14 63,37 23 21 168.68 2. 1311 0.9 2.326.03 211 60 2 .110 00 2.7IU tUl 0.02 HM28 03.20 00 6.1618 6 048 06 11.231. 63 1. T10.02 2.344.04 2,B02.04 1JII8.72 2.111.40 307.10 207.10 2.111.40 SO.270.30 1 38,023 84 8.1.040 84 80.271.00 67.002.90 82.284 2 3 6.622.41 3.137.40 6.306 22 . .00 72.064.61 100.9OI.76 29.437.19 48.726 63,110 . 02,328 17 6 20 i ) 20 147. 1.1 130 31 113 41 100 33 3.O04.0I 31 20 218.90 3.183,12 . 00 11.736.40 .03 '"I3 12624 J 98 37 1.088 04 671.22 478 10 32.60 .10343 606 24 639.43 .,-SS 40.001 00 103.116 03 63.110.03 1,877.7.l J7.02IIB3 8.12 20 1,120 00 1 6116.1.1 401120 .on. 7.000 00 178 000 00 .00 'Si? .nJ2J2 1.201.10 S?2iJ 'fSl1 1.0IH0O 020.18 019.66 102 20 06 6.1 010 II ASoo'S ,'000M .'n" : fJJJSIS rSIS , 28,000 00 40.000.00 lltrnifL? 1 00000 1.772 00 1)06,63 13.000.00 ,., 1.000 00 I4.tKHI.IHl mntvim ' . 68.II79.10 311.214.06 II, 'S'm 3O.IHHI.O0 JZSZ! 10.000 00 U.IHHI.OO 10 060 00 27.O00.O0 04.000,00 is-sr '" niXiio 3.000.00 SZ , m 50.000.00 43.0111,02 23.'070:02 1.3211.00 1,320.00 SS 19.241.14 19,241.14 'SI 40.7.96 88 40,7.90.98 MMM 20.000.00 fi-j$$ 1,20.1.900.66 a-jtj.ani.nj tm.rn.rn l.ioj.jsa'.Ji I i i J?!'? 4114.0611.14 1.920,313.14 a,IM,304.I8 1,182,832.27 8300,000.07 076,038.37,17 Cash on Hnnd :.,. National Clly Rank. New York Bank Statement Balance , ,,, , Cash on Hond , United Stales Savlnga Bonds Defense Series Total Cash on Hand Nollce is hereby given, In compliance with Sec. 88-303 6.C.LA. six months period, ondlng Ihe 31st day o( Docembor, 1014. 1 ,040.00 .9OO,00O,07 (100,1)92. 21) 1.040,00 8070,00 """ true and correct .l.l.nV.nW.'.,'. 3. tflZV"" "'rlTXm,,h County, Oreaon. 10 Stlet REFRIGERAIi SERVICE Wc .Srrvlcv Alls,, Hutwohuld or Comji Dont u'nd f. . brenkduwn. Mine a t 0 r eomiiletclv , now iliii-ln,, cij ft Hells, Si-ills, Control!,! vnivoj in Stocx llert Kiislmon, Sen Merit Wasd' Machine Ser, 611 So. Olli REFRIGERATl SALES and SERi DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL All Miket Parti, Controls ind td in Slock Oregon Equipmf Phonu 0017 121 & PLUMBINt SERVICE Plumbing it Hettlni U Installed and Bi?I DAVIS PLUMBING! We Hurry-Phoni REFRICERAIIC- WASHING MAC- and Small Applic' Repair DAVE cox, SH Klamath Refrigerati Phono 7011 2000 South Slitl ii niinPii FURNACES, CIIIK Cleaned and Rf' WOOD COAL-FURNACES Avnilnblo for RfP'' -Compare Our t TUFTS HEATING SER Plionc o INCOME I SERVICE Commercial Boo' Rtillln A. Cf Room 4, Hop" ' 110 N. 8lh Open Evcnlnits "d,fj' Phono 3v MOVING - Sjj LocrI nndLofl l-i .hFW TRANSFER crjdO ARenlS lor 101 Kliininth I'liono Htauen. 'V u imnll. Di(onnam" I whop. I paw." twJZflSfla Vm E-.t hJj fori keotonL! CURTAINS I.AUNW"- arWINOMACIIlNfJfilll