BIX HERALD AND NEWS Wednesday. . IM .(Men Drill for Series With Grants Pass Five Stub Ringstead Works Out With Pels In Fast Scrimmage Session Tuesday Stars for Eli A cheering note was Intro duced into the Pelican cage camp Tuesday afternoon with the re turn of Stubby Ringstead. Stub transferred to Grant high of Portland this year and returned to the Pelican fold only recently. Rinestead may well aid the Klamath cause as he is a good dribbler and has a good eye for WIELD PAUL HAINES By HOT DOGI Through the splendid coopera tion of the Marine Barracks, a ball game has oeen scheduled for Saturday night at the Klamath Union high school gym nasium between Shannon's, a top independ ent club from Port land, and the Leathern eck quintet from the Barracks. As we mentioned yes- hatnfs terday, all pro- HAINES ceeds from this game will go to the national infantile paralysis fund. We are truly grateful to Arnold Gralapp, superinten dent of scnoois, Stanley Wood ruff, Drincipal of KUHS, Joe Peak, director of athletics. Ma jor Clvde C. Roberts, execu tive oiiicer at the Barracks, Capt. William R. Ourand, post athUtic officer, and Col. George Van Orden, command ing officer at the Barracks. Without the aid of these men it would have been almost im possible to stage this game for the benefit of the crippled youngsters of the United States. We too feel grateful to the mem bers of the Shannon ball club for making the trek from Port land so that some little boy or girl may walk again. Our goal Saturday night is $10001 We are informed that no basketball name in Klam ath Falls has ever brought in that amount. But heck, fel lows, there's a first time for everything. We cannot help but feel that the goal will be reached in so fine an athletic contest for so humane a cause. . We think it significant that the American people are in the midst of a campaign to benefit humanity when so many are bent upon destroying it. From now on, it's up to you folks, we're counting on you! Gail Bishop "Held" To 17 Counters Warriors Still Win FORT LEWIS, Jan. 24 (it, Holding Gail Bishop to 17 points, Eastern Washington , college came within two points of trim ming the Fort Lewis Warriors last night, losing the basketball game, 34-35 on a goal tossed by Sub Joe Harvey of the Warriors in the last 30 seconds. Roffler of EWCE scored 16 points. NYU Grid Chant Is Now New Guinea War Cry, Greeting NEW YORK "Hubba-Hub- ba call the natives when an American Gl passes by in New Guinea. The expression, pecu liarly adapted to New Guinea dialect, can be traced to New York university, where football players used it. Capt. Bob Con nolly, Violet end of 1937-38-39, brought the chant to New Guin ea. A guerrilla skirmish fol lowed. Shouting "Hubba-Hub-ba," the men put the Nips to rout. Much impressed native car riers returned to their villages, and now the collegiate war cry of NYU has become a chant of the jungle. the bucket. Coach Marble Cook had his charges engage in a fast scrimmage session Tuesday, aft ernoon and Ringsteaa looKea nromisintr. The K-men travel to Grants Pass this weekend to take on the cellarite Cavemen in an attempt to gain their second conference victory. The Cavemen nave uecn dumped by both Ashland and Medford and will face the Peli cans on the maple for the first time this year Friday night. Jerry Thome, lanky Klamath pivotman, will not be able to pa trol the keyhole slot for the K men in this series, but will be ready to start practice next week. With the loss of Bob Per kins, Cook has worked out a combination of Jim Palmer and Jim Pope at forwards, Buz Buss man at the center position, and Jim Noreen and Larry White at the guard slots. Bud Biehn and Don Noel showed up well Tuesday with Noel hawking the onion consist ently and Biehn looped in some nice counters from outside the keyhole. Ringstead worked his way loose for a couple of nice lay-ins and, all in all, the Peli cans looked like a different ball club than the one that took the floor against the rough Medford Black Tornado. I The K-men are virtually out of , the running as far as the confer- i ence is concerned, but Cook has j his eye on the district tourna ment coming up at Ashland and is grooming his boys with it in mind. The Pelicans could still finish second in the loop by dumping the Cavemen and then bouncing the Grizzlies when they play a return series here soon. Medford seems destined to cop the bunt ing, but the K-men will be in there scrambling, you can bet on that.. kIi - , n 1 L ' .ii - I I & l. - X v i x x v ;k Nxvx f t vx i John Warstler , , small and fast, like a bunnv. Marines Wallop Redmond Cagers By 55-43 Count Tuesday night at the Prine- vuie nign scnool gym, tne L,ea therneck cagers from the Marine Barracks downed the Redmond army air base quintet 55 to 43. It was a rough ball game with a total of 39 personal fouls called and the marines could not gath er full steam because of the smallness of the floor. Mills led the Leatherneck at tack, accounting for 13 points and Nyra and Lewis collected 15 each for the army five. MILWAUKIE WINS, 43-9 MILWAUKIE. Jan. 24 (JP) One of basketball's rarities oc curred last night as MUwaukie defeated Molalla, 43 to 9, in their district 12 hoop contest and held tne losers scoreless in the entire second half. IT MAY BE ALTITUDE, BUT CLASS TELLS MEXICO CITY Perhaps there is something in the claim of the management of the Hip- odrome de las Americas, which points to the track's elevation of 7500 feet and says it makes horses run like 2-year-olds. Gen eral Manager Bruno Paglial could point to Annapolis Blue, 7-year-old spn of tilue Larxspur Speed Boat by Man o' War, taken from yearling sales for $13,000. Annapolis Blue didn't stand training, spent four sea sons at stud. Bred to some mares in Mexico last year, An napolis Blue was then put in training. Making his first trip to the post he defeated a field of maidens by five lengths in 59 seconds flat. Perhaps, how ever, the altitude hadn't as much to do with his victory as the weak caliber of his opposition and the fact that class will tell. HAVANA Big Bubble, $12.40, won Pan American con gress handicap at Oriental park as favored Red Mantilla ran out of money. Another Angl e-r NEWS lT5Vs . i 5000 Fge-vvsv? y JSOLF BALLS , HCW V .fzeccNEizED ficlour S Si " AS LAKE ON fej HERE J ( . Jftw I a S, sack ) Washington Governor Sets Aside Plans for Ousting Four Game Commissioners . By DAVE JAMES OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 24 (JP) State game commissioners will not be asked for immediate res ignations, Governor Wallgren said Tuesday morning. - Indicating the meeting he held with 30 representatives of the Washington State Sports council here late yesterday produced agreement on game problems, the governor said he has shelved Bomberette ' i' f i - ' "! fit ' t ' r"f 1 f i - Alline Banks Pate . . . basket ball's pin-up girl. . plans for ousting the four com missioners still on the board. Terms of two other members ex pired last week. "I have invited the commis sioners and the state sports council's directors to meet with me here Sunday afternoon to further explore where we are going," Wallgren said. "I explained to the sportsmen yesterday that if the present commission accepts my view point on our mutual responsibili ties, and if it is agreed that the appointment of a director re sponsible to me as governor shall be made by me, then I will have no particular objection to retain ing the present commission set up. , "The thing is I don't know these men. I have no doubt they are fine men trying to do a good job. But I want to feel assured they see things the way I do." The governor said he has a federal wildlife official in mind for appointment as director. "I know he'd go day and night building our game resources," he said. . The governor's meeting with sportsmen yesterday had the ef fect of stopping letters he Had dictated requesting resignations of game commission members, he added. BADGERS ELECT SHAFER FOOTBALL CAPTAIN MADISON, Wis. Allan Shaf- er, Badger quarterback who died of injuries sustained in the Iowa game here last season, was elected captain of the Wisconsin football team by his fellow play ers. Vote of the winners of cov- etcd Badger W was cast unan imously in favor ot their late teammate. . FOX RIVER GROVE, 111. Eugene Wilson, ' C o 1 c r a i n c, Minn., leaped 190 and 191 feet to win Norgc club's ski-jumping tourney. Beavers Top Husky Five, 57-43 "Red" Rocha Rack! Up 27 Markers to Lead OSC Fivo In Handing Huskios Defeat CORVALI.IS, Ore., Jim. 24 ll'l Ephrum Rocha, the rod-thntchcd flash from Hawaii, saturated the basket with 17 points lust night to conduct Oregon State's Heav ers to their most satisfying vic tory to dalr iu the Northern Di vision, Pacific Coast conference hoop season a 57 to 43 triumph over the University of Washing ton's defending titlists. It was the first conference loss for thu Huskies in five stmts and failed to dislodge them from the pace position, but weakened their hold on the top spot to u point where another loss to Ore gon Slate tonight would, skid them into second, a hulf-gamc back of Oregon's Webfoots. The Beavers, with three wins and three losses, remained In third spot ttnd will stay there re gardless of the oulcomc tonight, but another victory would put them just one full game away from the leaders. Remembering their double loss to the 1944 champions at the start of the current season In Se attle, the Staters plunked home the ice-breaking basket right aft er the opening tipoff and ran the count to 16-4 belorc tho Huskies could catch their breath. With the count nt 25-11 Rocha todk a breather on the bench and Washington carved down the ad vantage to nine points ut half time, 30-27. OSC switched from man-to-man to zone defense in the second half, slowing the ac tion, upsetting the Washington comeback intentions and retain ing a comfortable lead. ' Bob Jorgcnsen pitched 16 points to lead the Husky scoring and Whitey King seconded him with 13. Bcrnio McGrath collect ed 13 for OSC. Washington was up against a manpower problem, with high scorino Don McMillan and several other aces left at home because of navy regula tions preventing V-12 trainees from making the road jaunts. After toniuht's fracas Wash' ington rests a day, then switches to Eugene for a double session Friday and Saturday nights with Oregon. Idaho and Washington State, current tail-cnders. also clash at tho week's end. Summary: Oregon State G F PF TP Puddy, f 1 Labhai t, f 2 Henningson, f .... 2 Rocha, c 13 McGrath, g 6 West, g 1 Moore, g 0 The Lineup .. ip, I A" !! -i i & 7.m ft 7 1 .oSn'' Satro' Cald""' Behind if",,, .rr. Arnold r-rrl... left, of UtTand I.y S "mSer o Rri. nT B,.kly!.oy. win. 31.-30. tvenlnn cort Willi i Sill Lake iqimd which bent them (or chain. pionjlup latl tpiing. Benny Leonard to Receive Memorial Plaque Tonight NEW YORK, Jan. 24 (Pi Boxing's 400 will put on their best bib and tucker tonight and honor Lt. Commander Benny Leonard at the annual dinner of tho New York boxing writers at Ruppcrt's brewery. Leonard, stationed at the Shecpsheod Bay training station of the merchant marine where he teaches seamen tho tricks that brought him fame as light weight champion 20 years ago, will recelvo the Edward J. Nell BASKETBALL Totals 25 1 Washington, Li Camovale, f 3 Creveling, f 2 Mosich, f 0 Blowers, f 0 Brooks, c 1 Bittman, c 1 King, g 'B Jorgcnsen, g ...... 8 Anderson, g 0 7 57 PF TP By The Associated Preti OREGON PREP Clatskanlo 20, St. Helens 23 Eugono 43, Junction City 23 Milwaukie 43, Moiona u. Gresham 33, Hill Military (Portland) 18. McMinnvllle 51, Forest Grovo 23. University (Eugene) 44, Rose burg 40, Milton-Freewatcr 41, Prcscott 26. Lebonoh 32, Springfield 25. Columbia Prep (Portland) 40, Sandy 28. ' MIDDLEBURY,, Vt. Univer sity of Vermont captured skiing honors at Middlcbury college winter carnival. NEWARK, N. J. William Meyer again named manager of Newark International league baseball club. memorlul plaque. The plaque Is awarded annually to tho box er whose work reflected thu most credit to tho sport. Former Mayor Jnines J. Walk er, one of the chief speakers, will present the plaque to Leonard who thus Joins the select group honored In previous years, Jack Dcmpscy, Joe Louis, Hilly Conn, Barney Hoss and Henry Arm strong, Pvt. Beau Jack, former light weight champion (New York Penna version) mid Cien. John J. Pheluii, former chairman of tho state athletic coinmlsi.iioii will receive two other awards. Jack will receive u medal of merit as the fighter of tho year pre sented by Publisher Nat Fle ischer of the King magazine. Gen. Phclim will receive a gold pen and pencil set for long and meritorious service to boxing. Ross RaU With Milto In Opening B0 The opciilng , crunch ,,,. Kr,," .'li (. ndlalr, null"' !l pise,, 4iuliisl t'Jb. in a ru-iniileh, 0. ran on,,,.. ... V"n fori,. Mack Lllln.-,! I L" M his fine hi.. oils bums ,,nHI M'im,r-ii a limit lu.ii, Oust Jhl,M, ,. 'd TRUCKS FOR RENT Vou Drive Move Yoursell 8ivt )4 Long end Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 6304 1201 East Main This rnu, ill, .. '"tore, a bout .?.- Gust JnhiiM.n ,. Z HI has been Imllerl,,: 4 . ....I.,, wim iini.h t, !) h oI.IIkM tint snol c.,.i i... i Imwiiver, h 'he dufeuted l,,.rn '".'. Ilnrd grappler. U U ' In the MMiil-winiin. i wl l tangle will, X II 0 funs I., ii,..i. , anylhliiK hut Knm J'"! X 1,1 (ur" The first Iji-hwI will . way at .;io Moss will ngali bl'"',i,,:.k"- .TS!fS; capacUyhnu".";, TUCSON, Arlj,-s,. nnnounceil hi. woud gun circuii heciiuM,, Kl ment and rest up (0r 11 challenge match wlihflSj mn In M, v...,. .. . '"I DEVELOPING ENLARCINC PRINTm PHOTO SERVIC! 211 Underwood I'J Allon Adding Machinos Frlden Calculators Royal Typewriters Deiki Chain File For those hard-to-got Items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Foils Merrick's Ball W Medford. On T,urs., Jon. 2i IN PERSON with a Greet Combined SHOW and DAI FclurU Sim DUCT AMERICASI I COWBOY COMUUf And lUn from Hi! wood llirn Dim Grand Ole Opto" Nitlnntl Bam Dun Totals 21 1 10 43 Half time score: Oregon State 36, Washington 27. Missed free throws: Oregon State, Labhart, Rocha, McGrath 2; . Washington, Carnovalo 2, King 2, Jorgcnsen 2. Referee Emil Piluso, Um pire Phil Warren. AGUA CALIENTE, Mcx. Co rona Corona, $5.60, beat With Regards in photo finish to win Acapulco handicap at Tia Junna. BOSTON Gil Dodds said farewell to track by easily win ning two-mile run in 0:58.4 in YMCA indoor meet. Draft Plans to Be Presented To Major League Moguls Soon By JIMMY JORDAN ' - CHICAGO, Jan. 24 (P) The question of conditions . under which, baseball will enter a fourth wartime, season 12 weeks hence may be bound up in a atraight-from-the-shpuldcr report on plans of selective service to be presented major league mo guls at New York on February 3.. . Ford Frickl National ' league president, has the report. He obtained it. Monday during dis cussions with Lewis B. Hershey, director of selective service, at a conference m Washington. Frick sought to determine just how far-reaching a recent war department directive may be in regard to review of all professional athletes now classi fied 4-F, or with medical dis charges, before they are reject ed for military service. Frick has given no intimation of the contents of the report, but he said in New York: "I asked Gen." Hershey just what information we desired HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE L B. MATTERS General Insurance Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE 615 Main St Phone 4183 and ho responded frankly and honestly. He , didn't pull any punches.. He told us exactly what we could expect under the current rulings.- That was all we wanted to know." . . . Frick said the joint meeting of major league club owners February 3 would be given a full report on the discussions. Leslie M. O'Connor, secretary to ' the late Kcncsaw Mountain Landis, baseball commissioner, and now a member of the advis ory board administering the commissioner's office, said he had not- heard from- Frick re garding the discussions with Hershey. Will Harridgc, American league president, also said he had no report on the conference Any Photograph I Copied, I One Print I $1.00 Films developed and printed for any 8 or 8 exposures Roll 35c Reprints 4c each Prompt Service BUD'S 1031 Main Phone 7167 but, as was O'Connor, he was interested in having the details presented to club owners, Harridgc and Frick are the other two members of tho ad: visory board. i . All three have said repeated ly they did not intend to .seek continuance of baseball if it Vwould postpone V-Day by even nn hour." Clubowncrs have echoed that sentiment. With MADELINE MAHONEY I and j PAUL SWIGART HnamlnVHnlH Help Build the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS (THE BIG NEW BOEING BOMBER) Boeing Representative Now Interviewing In Klamath Falls Free transportation to Seattle, Washington. Men especially needed. V Physically qualified women also eligible. Good pay Excellent working conditions. You will be paid while training. Help build America's most needed big , i DON'T DELAY! APPLY AT THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE OF THE WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, 342 MAIN STREET Those engaged In esionlial war work need not apply. nor iuio rb wcrojtr