Buraery Mr. Iloury D. Cox, 141) Hillside, uiidi rwi n t iniijor suigmy nt Kliinuith Vulli'y hos pital weduosduy inuinlng. port to an-outgolng unit for re udblgnlnuiit, servlcpa will bo conducted by thu Iti.'bckulia. Word Received From Man In Jap Prison Mrs. Lloyd F. Popple, 1085 Auburn, has received the first word in three years from her hurhand, who was a construction worker on Wake island when It fell about three years ago. Pep- pie Is now held In the Fukuoka prisoner of war camp on Honshu island. His mother and father live on Summers lane. Part of the card, written in July. 1944 folows: "Dearest Katie and all, "Another chance to write a few words. How are you get ting along? Send three late Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1348 HERALD AND HEWS FIVE To Attatlfi funaral Ulu... Ill at Homa-Slieilff Lloyd L. Low is ton f i n-cl to his homo on Del Moro street with a bud cold. PiMnegraniita meana "apple full of seeds," coming from the Lutlii iiiiinuin for apple and gran ii I tun for full of needs. snapshots. Hope to hear from you soon." Mrs. Pepplo believes that the snapshot reference is a request for pictures of herself and their two sons. Classified Ads Bring Results. MEATLESS MENUS ST. PAUL, Minn.. Jan. 24 W) Hotels have instituted meatless menus on Tuesdays and Fridays, managers announced today, be cause of the difficult meat situa tion. of Prosperity Itebekah lodge uro asked to attend final rites Thurs. Raturna to Idaho James Richard Porter, who hud a fivn duy leave to visit hero with his pin enis, Mr. and Mrs. Hnluh K. Porter, H!t3 Llnciilu, left Tuesday for Farragut, Ulu., wlicro ha re uay at a p. m. at the Eurl Whlt lock Funeral homo for one of their members, Mrs. Nelllo Louise .anger, who died Mon day at Vallejo, Calif. Graveside i ld.r.tA H"i! small " M,"m " SHOPPING CENTER FOR. BOYS AND GDRLS u r. "jrimfii by Matcoini nimv. Ei K ir anil Hi cb cum Wn Oi "nM'"e. "f .lh0 ihcr i n (lr,vl.ra' visions " ."'ft lie "team coming M? tt. wvemc.it. Only reunited, but the , "bidly -n.d. The , "ere luiw In U0 two ...j George Clifton fUSSd TB-ye" " "Th 'Underwood. 370 N. " 5 ioant to arcond lieu- A bStc M1"""y jl, Thli promotion was S fit the Jry formation fwon mend.llon o( Cm . in O'Neal, professor of mill fuctlci n'l science, and ; op. I.J by Col. Jowph A. Mill, X'dent ol HIU MlHt-ry Jnny. J L Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Ihovh ot Ketchikan. Ala. f arrived here Saturday to IT ao days with hla parent. t jhul a. t. iloguc. 174B ."'.'... iinuuit has been P1? ,.. transuort E'lor the Ketchikan Air r 10 Alaska at the end of vacation ncre. V , it. ...H Mn Jimsi Hur. a Sr., of Lakcshore drive, Ibttn promoted trom cnalgn , lieutenant, Junior grade, Jtrd Slates naval reserve, ac sling to word reouived here, (lieu l Inatructlng at the Slier Hill naval air itatlcm, i,Ind. fuels Pimm Parley Peter In, pioneer resident of Med sj, died Sunday at Ills homo jgwln( a brief lllnou. Mr. Al I ws the uncle of Milton t. 444 S. Rlvcrtlde, and Mm. file Pippin of Altamont. W plan to attend final rites In iora inurtuny ni i p. m. itifti For South Mrs. Le. ir Anui and email daugh- Kin, tori me tore port ot week for Aguanca. Calif.. re they will vlait Indefinite with Mrs. Angus' father, A. Payne. Mrs. Angus oeen empioyea ai renney the past sevcrul months. I Clarament Mrs. E. D. town la in Claremont, Calif., wcck visiting tier (laugh Mrs. William Hopper, alu it Pomona college. Mr. risen plana to leave the south fcir. stopping In San Fran t for a brief time, and ar- ft home next Tuesday, Ughtir Born Mr. and Mrs. im ,. awanscn, m N. 8th, Ming congratulated upon hh chi d, born Tuesday itt hath; Valley hospital. Both tier mid infant Bre dolnn ly. The Swnnsrns now havo ffi aim two girls. ha Bar City Dr. and Mra. I. Morr inn r, tin., nit. ,- ferly of Klnmath Foils are !' irorris witn tnelr aon f ft m 1 1 v M- , nn. They plan to jpend week; with relatives and Hi before returning north. llltlnbTG( .-j w l Jr. are visiting his nnr- i it ", " mn- J0 Malllck, JM Mrs. Eugene Werner, Dirrow. TSgt. Matltck is two weeks' furlough, nitiMa. mt. Vh dlnnet nnrl nlHn,l i ffymen for St. Paul's Epljco. Mutch W U be hold Thwiday 5rhuk " ,V P"r,sh houao. tnurch families are urged to limn c. . . Me TnhIT aiisaents at niv. Wr stamps and one $ie!78 E, ", fegtilar PTA snon- j'6Jchool in tho"fanH to f 1!S! ...cJ""-Three drunks It WrrtZ 1",Pcnren in po ice f, Wctet,0 I morning nefore J Judge Hnrold Frnney 1 frk. balled out during le in a S,.r.c. "1" . . thrtr I In Sa p.. '' ?,c "tier . snn f.mn lt."co Wlln their pMwr1,,y Mr' Bnrt Mrs. I win "t m.-. t which time f mints. 0 'nulon nd tq- I hold a . v nl" ' ii, hdT1.? -,.r"Slll meeting IV n.?. .t? P. m. at the ilh. Drew, 638 fust Received I I Lara aut - "iipment of Htl,',mTt, " -uvi:s , 'nroo Tun "gilclo, Chide. Arc Lined , 11.2s i- ... 1 . i,Uo Blngla Breasted Coat, Matching Trousers Jim Penney DELUXE SUITS Buttons Jauntily on the center button. Cout is fully lined. Button plackets! Smooth and soft finishes. Sizes 412. 100 Wool CASUAL COATS All wool tweed sport coals. Three button front. Fully ltned. Sizes 3 to 10. Part Wool Dress Pants Cavalry twills and gabardines. A selection of rich shades of blue and brown. Sizes 6 to 18. 9-w yimmj msem J0mm I 3.98 fmtmm, DOWNSTAIRS g'v .iif' 111 VI tf t0 2J ,!.' I t. All Wool! tin Gaugel GIRLS' SWEATERS 2-98 Smooth classic and boxy types for slipovers and car dlgaru. Bright new colorsl Wardrobe Essentials GIRLS' SKIRTS 38 All wool In wonderful new colors. Suitable from now to summer! All sizes 7 to 14. SECOND FLOOR BOYS' SPORT JACKETS .90 All wool herringbone tweed, well tailored! Three-button front, half lined. Blue and tan. Single or Double Breasted Coata Boys' Trentwood Suits .75 12 BOYS' T SHIRTS White combed cotton, i f At Vilas hound neck. JwV breast pocket. Sizes 6 to 16. DOWNSTAIRS Conservatively notched or jauntily peaked lapels. Rayon lined coat. Quiet or bright novelty weaves. Sizes 8-20. Slipover and Sporty Sweaters. A selection of bright colors in 100 wool! All knits, .7U NEW SLACK SELECTION Gabardines, Covert, Flannels. ,98 Sporty soft weaves fop spring. DOWNSTAIRS BOYS' UNDERSHIRTS Cotton undershirts In a fine 3 TOI knit, Sites 2 to 10. Others at 25e Boys' Broadcloth Shorts Fine quality broadcloth, Snap fastener, string tic on sides. Sanforized shrunk. Slzos 22 to 28. 39c BOYS' MACKINAWS 100 virgin wool, all' around belt, stitched down back, rayon lin ing, buttons to either side,' 4 pockets. 11 .90 BOYS' DRESS HATS All wool felt with gros grain ribbon band. Blue, brown and grey colors, 98c nowKSTAras BOYS' SLACK SUITS Hard finished poplin. Well tatlorod! Self matching belt. Tan color. Sizes 2 to 12. 1 .68 BOYS' BIB OVERALLS .17 Big Mac 8-oz. denim over all. Double stitched, rein forced at pocketa, 1 Girls' ALL-YEAR-ROUND DRESSES 1.98 and Cm .98 Flower print and bright colored cottons, so easy to launder come out of the tub os fresh as the first- day you wore them! And pretty party royons, too, in graceful princess styles. She'll love wearing them!. GIRLS SNOW SUITS 9 Warmly lined wool suits, some with hood attached. v .i .i.Ia. el... 6 to 12. m Others at 7.90 GIRLS' SPORT JACKETS aa, , Wool' tweeds and flannels, lined throughout. Some in the collarless mode. Sizes 3 to 14. Others at S.90 GIRLS' RAYON PANTIES Elastic across the back. Knit JQg leg band. Sizes 4 to 14. Mmt .?3 Colorfuf Princess or Basque Dresses Silky spun rayons, crisp cottons In cay solids, plaids, prints. Pique or rick rack trimmed. Sizes 3 to 6X and 7 to 14. Pleated Suspender Strap Skirts Colorful woolens, hardy mixtures to team with blouses or sweaters aa QQ for Dlavtlme. The very thine 0 for school, too! FLOOR Girls' Cotton Pajamas Pretty red and blue checks, and floral patterns, Rickrack trim. Sizes 6 to 18. 1 .49 Other Pajamas 1.86 GIRLS' BEANIE AND BAG SETS Charming sets for the little 1.96 miss. Pastel colors. R pl"Tax SECOND l-LOOR Beanie 98c Bag 98c Plus Tax BOY SCOUT DEPARTMENT First Aid Kits 85c Sleeping Bags 15.00 Canteen Cups : 50c Pqck Sacks 2.35 plux tax Overseas Caps 1.00 Boy Scout Socks 50c Merit Badge Sash ...60c Boy Scout Hand Book -50c DOWNSTAIRS JDM PHWGW Simons glove leather uppers, cord soles heels. Made for hard, rough wear, to 6. GIRLS' SPORT SHOES .49 2- Army russet glove leather. Antique fin. ish. Rubber soles and heels. Popular styles! Long wearing! Sizes 11 H to 3. Sites 8?i to 11 2.29 DOWNSTAIM GIRL SCOUT DEPARTMENT Girl Scout Axe 1.35 Cooking Kit ...........2.25 Snap Shot Book 1.25 Girl Scout Whistle 15c Girl Scout Beanies . ..........;:......,1.20 Girl Scout Book Ends 1.25 Senior Girl Scout Uniforms 4.95 Senior Girl Scout Dickey 1.25 Mariner Uniforms ..4.75 Mariner Caps ;................65c .' SSCOND IXQO : . 11 '