Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    I j, :,.wm w I1' ' ' 'w .... .r.r.-m.. f11 .r t t H
I -'- niiir.MmrMUHww 'i mn.n.iii "
Towel Hook 12c Tliiuo Holdor 35e Shower Curtain S5.9J
Towol Rack, 18"....53e Glaii Sholf 77c Window Curtain $3.9."
Made of beautiful WW u. 10 ol,a lov,ly 10 l00k " No trick at u t0 butalll
mm u
J.f S
Oilier SKIS
Boloctoa matohod grain
hickory with ttoel edges,
matched In wolglit. Oak
mined aldoa and topi, i
natural bottom.
nog. b.bs
With Binding!
Hog, 1S.4S
With Binding!
Dry Cleaner
6il. ; tee
Tor clothe, furniture and
cat apholntery. llarmleu
to til Until fabrics.
I'unt'h and C'UInpI
I Li. Ml
Flro 0
KxdnitolNlier SJ
H Only
rtiio quality tool etoel. In
clude! 2 cblsola, 3 iuncliei.
MmmGwvQ hags
; 7.77
Made of braaa. Oompletoly
Ailed nd with bracket for
mounting. Quart alio.
Every. One A Money-Snvcr !
Doiigncd for Xmoi Ideal for Birthdays!
, Rog. Now
Irlpoloy 98 .79
Children'! Picnic Tabloi 8.45 6.99
Children1! Picnic Tabloi 6.45 4.29
,Gcncral Leo Toy Tanki 2.19 1.49
' Cookie Jan, Novelty . 1.95 " 1.69
Stuffed Animals 1.09 .59
Wolt Disney Pull Toyi 2.19 .98
Doll Houso 5.45 4.69
Rido 'Em Locomotivo 6.45 4.85
4-Whool Hone Bike 3.19 2.65
!Child'$ Wheelbarrow 1.19 .89
Car Owners Who Do Nol
Hood Thll OPA Warning
Run tho Rlik of Nol Colling
Rag. 5.93
Command the road with
thin deep-tone, twin blaat
horn. Roman gold motalus
tro flniah. Built-in rolay.
Oompletoly wired . . , Easy
to lnatall It youreolfl
Don't Delay ... Oat
Why tako chancoa7 Drivo in today get tin famous Hioitont
Oear-Orlp troad donign on your smooth tlrom Prompt sorvlco.
Ma. l.Bt
Iloor Mirror
Fonr-tnohi bovoled glaai,
non-glare mirror. Adjustable
to any position.
, Extra Mileage
Kolpa to keep
rubber tough
and flexible.
Brush It on. On
pint troats ten
5000)0 OToee
jjyect Store, 527 Main St. Pli. 3234
!-'ton to the Vole of Fireitone every Monday evonlng, over N. B. C.
Kuthurliio Irene Kns, for many
yours u resident of the Keno
riiucl (llxlrlel, died nl Klumuth
Vnllcy hospllul Tunsdiiy nlKht
fiillowliiti ii lenxlhy Illness, Miss
Kns whs '1(1 yeurs of nuc nt the
limn of her pussiiiK.
Miss Kkh wns horn Miirch 30,
lllilH, in Uellu, Colo., dnuKhter
of Mr. mid Mrs. II. V. Kss of tho
Ashhind route, She attended lo
ciil schools, wus u tirudunte of
the old Khiiniith county hlh
school In 1M17, und Humboldt
Ntntu Teiichcrs colleKe, Arentu,
C'lillf. Miss Ess tmiKht in the
Orlnduln und Keno schools for
six yeurs but ill henlth kept her
from followhiK thnt profession,
Kevcrul yeurs no, Miss Ess
took nn uctivc purt in Prosperity
Iteheltuh Indue of Klamnth Fulls.
She wus n past noble itrund "ltd
district deputy president of the
loriHc, us well us u member of
the drill tenm. More thnn one
und onc-hiilf yenrs uo, Miss Ess
underwent nn operation from
which she hud never fully re
covered. She wus moved to
Klumuth Valley hospital last
In ncldltion to her parents,
Miss Ess is survived by one sis
ter, Mrs. Robert McGhehey,' and
two nephews, Donald of this city
und Slunley who Is In the South
Puclflc with the United Slates
army. Final rites will he an
nounced by the Earl Whltlock
Funeral home,
Much Interest Is being shown
In the nnnuiil Doernbeehcr bene
fit bridKo tea which will be given
Saturday at 1:30 p. m., nt the
Wlllurd under the sponsorship of
the Klamath Fulls Woman's Li
brary club.
Cards will stnrt at 1:30 with
ten served from 4 to 5 o'clock.
Those not wishing to play cards
ore urged to come for tea.- AH
proceeds will so to Doernbeehcr
hospital for children In Portland.
Those on the calling committee
arc Mrs. Loren Polmerton, 0624;
Mrs. J. C. Hunt, 7428; Mrs. R. E.
Onkcs, 4334; Mrs. Effie Rldcout,
5800; Mrs. Leo N. Huls, 6243.
Mrs. Stephen Kasper, 3518, is
handling the calling for navy
und marine wives. Reservations
moy be made with any member
of the calling committee. .
FORT LEWIS, Jan. 24 (P)
Headed for homo after three
years and more in the jungles of
New Guinea and other south
west Pacific islands, a group of
over 40 Jop-flghting veterans,
Including many members of the
famed "northwest's own-" 41st
division,, arrived at war depart
ment, personnel center, Fort
Lewis today.
For a large number of the
group, It will be 10 days of GI
Curadlsc in a swank Santa uar
lira hotel. Rates $32 a day in
civilian days. On the rotation
program these men will be re
assigned to duty in the United
States at the completion of their
furloughs at home and their stay
at the California redistribution
center. Others, will return to
their overseas units after about
a month.
The stop at Fort Lewis was a
matter of hours. During that
time they received Items of
clothing, a physical examination,
and buck pay. Some of the sol
diers had not been paid since
last August due lo lrenuent
changes of location. - No Klam
ath Falls men were included on
the list.
.Wallgren's Address
May Be Delayed
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 24 UP)
Gov. Mon C. Wallgren's antici
pated address on the "State of
tho State" may not be delivered
before tho Washington ' legisla
ture this week.
The governor sn d yesterday
his special, committee, which
was to examine , tho budget of
former Gov. Arthur B. Langlie,
may not complete its work in
time for tho preparation of the
address before the week ends.
Subject mutter of the talk, was
to bo derived from the commit
tee's report. . . .
District Attorneys
May Hire Agents
SALEM. Jan. 24 tP) District
attorneys of Multnomah, Clack
amas, Lane and Marion coun
ties cacn would be allowed to
hire a special agent under a
bill introduced today by tho
Clackamas county house delega
tion. The district attorneys thus
could enforce laws themselves
when sheriffs refuse to cooperate.
Bill Abbey, former vice presi
dent of lll-Y, became president
when Hurry Tlndull graduated
mid-term. To replucu . Dill u.i
vice president
ll, ..I,. I r
cd Keith Cook.
The Chess
club, in continu
ing w 1 1 h Its
plan of showing
noon movies lo
the atudont
body, showed
the first episode
of a 15 chapter
serial yesterday.
The serial. '
Treasure Islunu
ft a a, ir at m
The Secret of
' is a Columbia
production, and it will be shown
twice a week if nlans orocccd
as scheduled.
The Winema hotel banquet
room will be the scene of the
Chess club formal banquet on
January 26. Dr. Dean Osborn,
Klamnth Falls physician, will
be toastmaster for the occasion.
. .
At the student council meet
ing yesterday, Bob McLean, stu
dent body president, called for
a straw vote regarding the year
book this year. It was the opin
ion of the council that more
space should be devoted to the
seniors, their class prophecy and
VIll, and other articles pertain
ing to their cluss. Therefore,
this year, as in the past two
years, a senior yearbook will be
published rather than a KUHS
yearbook, which would contain
group pictures of the other three
classes. .
' .
Tomorrow will be the second
and last day of the three shows
now playing in the Little The
atre. Those cast in the plays
Include the following group of
high school actors: "Johnny Goes
Haywire" Billy Baer, Joan
O'Neill, Helen Knowles, Ruth
Merrill, Jack Ankor, George
Bell, and Chuck Perry.
"Three's a Crowd" Bud Sel
by, Lola Whisenant, Pat Richard
son, John Ogle, and Gary Cruik
shank. "Ten Dollar Kiss" Helen
Knowles, Dave Williams, Chuck
Blackstone, Moniette Calmes,
Naomi Klmsey, and Glen Roufs.
The Pep Peppers are handling
a concession during the running
of the plays. Various girls sell
in the Little Theatre each period
during their study hall hour.
Lumber Firm Told
To Provide Workers
With Transportation .
The 1 Warm - Springs Lumber
company, . Warm Springs, was
ordered today by the west coast
lumber commission to continue
providing employe transporta
tion. The decision also upheld the
AFL Lumber and Sawmill
Workers' rights to require
working permits from new em
ployes at the Warm Springs
PORTLAND, Jan. 24 (T)
Reuben H. Baxley,- 37-yearold
merchant seaman from Los An
geles, fell overboard his ship to
his death yesterday, rne naroor
patrol recovered his body a
short distance from where the
ship was docked.
Nellie Louise . Langcr, 60, pi
oneer resident of Klamath Falls,
died Monday night in Vallcjo,
Calif., where she had gone two
Urnil,. l(, rt fi mnlrn lin. UnmM
with u daughter, Mrs. Beatrice
icmpiar. Mrs. hunger nan been
in ill health for some time and
suffered a heart attack a short
time before her passing.
Mrs. Lunger was born Decem
ber 10, 1873, in Dodge Center,
Minn., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Humphrey. The family
came to Oregon 07 years ago,
and moved to Klamath Falls in
September, 1884. Mrs. Langer
was married to Sam Summers,
well-known Klamath resident,
who died April 27, 1024. She
married Albert Langer a num
ber of years later. Mr. Langer's
death occurred April 28, 1044.
A short time before leaving
Klamath Falls, Mrs. Langer dis
posed of her property interesui
here to a brother, Will Humph
rey, of this city. The property
Included a quarter of a block on
the corner of 7th and High,
across from Fremont school.
Mrs. Langer had resided at that
place for many years.
In addition to two daughters,
Mrs. Hazel Alford - of Gerber,
t!.nlif nrt4 Mrs Hai4-UA T
plar of Vallejo, Mrs. Langer is
survived by three sisters, Mrs.
Mabel Loomis of Ashland, Mrs.
Ida Howard and Mrs. Edith Cox
of Portola. Calif., and two broth
ers, Will Humuhrcy of this citv
and Charles Humphrey of Red
ding. Mrs. Langer was active in
affairs of Prosperity Rebekah
lodge. No. 104, Aloha chapter,
No. 61, Order of the Eastern
Star, and ladies ouxiliary to Can
ton Crater, No. 7.
Final rites for the Beloved
mnlrnn nrlll Via UnU 41
....... w., n... uiv- iiciu UUIH MIC
chapel of the Earl Whitlock Fu
neral nome, xnursaay at 3 p. m.,
with the Rev. Victor Phillies of
the First Methodist church of
ficiating. Interment will take
place in the fam'.ly plot at Llnk
ville cemetery. The remains
were to arrive at noon today
from the south.
Hani Norland Auto Insurance.
Phone 6060.
Proves Wonderful
For Itching Skin
Tosoothe itching, burning skin, apply
medicated liquid ZEMO a Doctor'!
lormula backed by 86 years contlnu
oub success! For ringworm symptoms,
ecicma, athlete'! foot Or blemishes
due to external cause, apply ZEMO
freely. ZEMO promptly relieves and
also aids healing. Over 26,000,000
Snckagos Bold. One trial convinces.
different le. '
The Nation's
1 i
i and his ORCHESTRA
jHI ' r
I I jjj III - For just about any auto supply . .
lj.i II ' Item, your nearby Helpful Anoci.
L"MlrellrlSS 1 ated Dealer lithe man to ee. You'll
Y--kTt ll be surprised it his !tock of top
fci ,.ii'ltf tJl quality products: batteries, tires,
iffiwEj" I'rV ' w'Pfr blades, oil niters, polishes .
p--"- V 11 jj -. to name a few. You'll be pleased to "
' S"is.jSl " deal with him, -for eonvttiieiicti -
Vl , one-stop service right in youi
. KMriO , neighborhood; for salisfdclfottl hi
5 3?M622i3b"" stocks only top quality brands you
jfS?i5SZ0P$9J0b nave known for years such ai
Fisk, Champion, Purolator, War I
Sf'',ii?S'$n(vr 1 ner, Schradcr, Rainmaster.
nSiar 1 M" i AuxifW tohiMr ncn
1 't " " 4r . . M a n mb Mwi ii at v ' 4 I
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1945
Former War Prisoners
Returned to States
The war department today an
nounced the arrival nere yester
day by plane of 19 army officers
and soldiers who were former
prisoners of war in Germany
I he men, all wounded or sick,
have been placed in Walter
Reed hospital for treatment, Tho
group was declared eligible for
repatriation by tho mixed med
ical commission and evacuated
from Germany by way of Swit
zerland. The war department said tho
next of kin of each has been
Now! Prices Go Right Back To
Rock-Bottom, Pre-War Levels
In This Important Event!
. ' . ; . p . .
.... " r
, v
11 1' '" P'ui 201 f Ecii Tei .
Easy PaymenH
Will Coll Service)
Cosh, if you wish
Aoiezrafl FUR BONO,
guarantee for style,
quality i worlcmanshfp
coats, now down to b price within reach of
every budget I Success styles, with tuxedo
fronts and cuffed sleeves. Moke your selec
tion early) Use Sears 3 Easy Ways to Buy I