10 Barvlco 34 Automntlva 34 Automotive Automotive 34 Automotive Tuiiday. Jan. 29, 194S HEflALD AND NEWS NIH! jC Pelican Appliance Co. K)U, TK tlllX Von YOUH NKUDS" J 9 So. 5th St. Phone 6232 OPEN FOR BUSINESS 1 1 a. m. to 6 p. m. RADIO SERVICE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIK For Sale AND HilP Wiitttd. Mil H Hilp WiitUd, Milt WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Woek -- $1.62.5 per hour !ntermountain Plumbing Co. 1942 Ponl iac 6 Touring Sedan Radio and heater. (I'riorily Ccrtifkalo l(ciiiln'di 1942 DcSolo Touring Sedan Radio and heater. (I'llnp'lty Ci'illflciilp l(i'fiilri'(l) 1940Buick Super Touring Sedan Radio and healer, 1940 Studcbakcr President Sedan Radio and overdrive. 1940 Pont iac Stat ion Wagon. 1939 Ford Convertible Coupe Radio and healer. 1939 Olds Touring Sedan Auto, trans mission, radio and heater. 1938 Buick Coupe Radio and heater. 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor. 1938 Dodge Deluxe Touring Sedan Radio 'I'hMR curs curry r c K (1 1 n r O. P. A. itiiiiriiiiU'u mid ur u priced accoicllnjjly, , Lombard Motors Sell' Your Car O W- OUR CHECK BOOK IS 424 S. 6lli Si. PHONE 3136. 521 5. 6th St. Tllff. Tlllll':i. I'l'i. READY and WILLING ' TOP OPA .PRICE . Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Miotn and EsplanGuc 36 MinccMuneous r'or Sale 36 Miscellaneous For Sala Id. Olh SI. Phone B-m lIMlSIf ijMllclllinaoul Fo nnl fPt!iT- TiilrlK. Pml I, Ml.lOf. " ,,. A. t Krk. WJ riowar Kl Ani. Calif. ' iVT. I. Coqdltmah l Palllma In Ajii-.'riiTi.. ....... Ami littt For Silt Jo-bedroom homo. 4-wnll ruction. liijulnlert, lot 32 ' 10, chicken yarn rum iiouto. fee mid wood house. Price lie-room h o u e close In. die lot ond nice Inwn. deled nrnl better limn new, $0000. Icrc of ground ami n four- noust on nnditon trcci. "jood soli and berries grow iTricc $3000. ;ood house on Pine with mi dowmtnlrs nnd a nice Bment uptlnlrs tint rent III). Lot is worth the sell irlcc. $6500. . Sanders, Realtor Main St. Dial 7S2I 1-23 FOR SALE homo with finished ramn tic In St. Krnncls Pnrk. Ivood floors thruushout, ln blindj, rock wool In on, service porch, double ry trnyi, double iinrago, en nousc, nico lawn unci n pot, trees nnd berries. 53250.00. Terms. See FRED COFEM BARNHISEL AGENCY 8ln Phone 4 ItlS 1-23 i... i vi jric PUN McFEK, RKALTOR " Phone 4521 liom on North nth Rlranl. ton. i? "i."!".''nt, 8 wrM In All trA .. ', ..rn. nrt ehlrltwn 1H It. ' v"" " I" ,, "".rrtit enter rnone unit Al.r " 1 1 1 Brit r., I. , ,i. "" machln I un . !'""' """ll. h.i:--a-iH.,i,,,m nnll.. u Dl" ma. iASiV fciJr.f,w moifcrn S-rnnm hr,i.. Ia I .ri - -1 . rtnl n.MiT mi"lrn. with Slit y '""'I'I'odi clu.o in. """n nilclllloil, 200(1 Jll.lfl l-IM ti!rton,.'1'r,,,"h''' l""'"' In-b.'rl..'t.r"''.'- oon "M Bnik J. . u,!l K"""" I. BlS ..?"'l. SI., oil Bl.hlT. tnn. ' 4:'10 'P. m. Urn I, i,,,n,T'J n'JY Mr.-3-room ,, ". clou in. iia.1 Wolmit I XI li ; ,."".(nd 3.r,.... k lArrrr - t""! Fill, ,,"P""nnl hom. In XMHinf ,,ml-- nicely Mr 1b'l'"niT. r.,"'-! " Ml?" 13 nre, llll.nilO. hle-ii 1-24 ,r'''k tn'rV- , r"n lioime. II I line. mer" L"" "a. ti bloek 187 I ,""lnn'',r?i '"" ,ln'. 'mme- 30 noul Eitlto Tot Bali NOW VAC ANT T Inexponslve one-bedroom house nnd ittiMKe in flivervieiv ri'i. , tiii't, on piivvmi-nl. H 1 1 lot. Modern, with howcr Imth. ood lielKhljurhiiod. lioinK lit 1 $133U, with J.IIIO ilowi mid $.1U per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Iteiillors Suite lllllll 111 N, Utii Plume 451)4 1 2J . Public Used Car Lot 7lli ami U:ik Ael-oss from Post Of ice- -.South' We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks We Need Late Models v ; COMPARE "Our HIcjh'Bid Before You. Sell "-- See. Selby Last ' ' ' ; '' Plume aria i SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED i PHONE 7300 OP. 3207 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed -& Produce Co. 34 Automutlva 34 Automotive 'We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal on Your Car , Just Call 4103 a no1 Get Our Fiqure ' - Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. P. O. Pox lol). Klamath Falls 23S8K 3G Miscellaneous For Si.io ! 4?. Miscellaneous Wanted 34 Aulorr. ,ttvo , SPECIALIZING In HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N, 8th Phono H-Ilil , 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought " Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR LO. 714 Kliipinlh Ave. Where Hlh Street Ends ' It-lSlin RADIATOR REPAIRING - Wc Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH ' 2340 S. 6th St. Phone 0331 14l)l)-lf i Special Notice! i Received Supply of ! .. . mo Bumper Jacks Will fit oil models. Reasonably pi iced. See IhciO loday. Ashley CHEVROLET CO. 410 South (Ith St. Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It Wc Con Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Used Ex per icuced M cchn n les Phone or Call In For Appointment Burn ess Motors 34 Automotive I Ti-t" l.ri. r't ft f,l!i Top . r.Viii fitnrt; .tuf i tr r-(r am ir.-.i 3G Miccelianocui Fee Sulo Attention Farmers AUCTION Kuiid'.iy, Jmuitiry 2". one o'clnck, i ;.')'-j miles noi'lh::a:t of Mnlin on j the Winner Ranch, ! . , HORSES Ilay nuire, II years old. l:inir : lbs.; ' sorrel (.'llin;!, i'.l' ycnr.:t old, 13511 lbs.; buy fielding, 8 years old, 1000 lbs. ' ', Polcilo Box ond Sack Loaders, ! Potato Sutlers, Tractor Cabs, WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES Wc wuni furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools. ' aims, clocks, watches. In tact John Deere Lind jman T rock i -uiy th::-r; of value. Give us a Type Tfocloro, 'Wuvmoslcr ;rinR . Slackers and Manure Scccps. ! WE IJUY EVERYTHING! Truck Mourned Lime end; 6th St. Exchange . Sulphur Spreaders j521So. Olh- Ph. 7160 761 tl See RECAPPING nnd TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES ' NEW TIRES All Slics Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed' 301 So. (Jill Phono 7071 1-7 Exchange Motors Fords 11)20 lo 1 1148 Chovrolels 11)35 to 11)41 Plymouth 11134 ;lo 142 Dodges 1034, lo 1042 .... or . Wo Will Rebuild Your Old Motor neKiound Crnnkshiifls With Uearinss to Kil ' I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 037 Cnlif. Ave. 1 -23 FOR SALE . . ' RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Uullcl Any Type ' , Rndlnlor You Need -Klamath Radiator Works Phono (1042 a-7m 2221 So. Dili DeSoto S, (Ith .t Walnut Plymoulh Phone (ililirt 23701 t CATTLE i 3 cows, inllkin;'.; 3 dry emvj. 13 Fat IIos Cliickfiii; I MACHINERY i Oliver cultivator; 14-inch sulky . ' plow; 2-seelion steel barrow; jone wajion aiul ruck; one wnr.;ou I rtiiutintt cnr; -6.fi. horse disc: bay rake; Uiu Six inower;,2 sets harness; DeLaval creafn separa tor, No. 4: milk cans, stock sad dle, blanket anil bridle:. Maytas Ras oiiKlne. Fairbanks Morse en .e,ine 4 h.p.: 1041 Silvertone cab inet battery radio: larite vanity kitchen rauKc; round oak tublc; Edison phonoi'nph w i t li rec ords: some tools and other ar ticles. Terms Cash Lunch Available L. L. Renn, Owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer. , . Snt., Tiics., Tliurs. Brovn Equipment Company 30-tfl So tb St.- Plionc.S247 Toes. Tblll-s.-Si-.t FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds." Bousbt For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is. YOUR Car Insured For 'Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone' 3103 John Sandmeycr, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savlnris Hide,. . . 1-31-in Motor Rebuilding Slarter nnd Clenernlor Keeondilloniuu MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer 1 1 ipp ' Home Garage , 210 Old Fort Itond Plume 7034 before 6:00 or .. ntler 5;3ll P. M. 2 I5ni 1-31 FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 77011 2048lf rui.i.Kn nmisiiFs - cwm Jo.vor. i-m Mitriin. I'htino (1H77. - l-:in ron fiAlrT-.Tiiillor mnic. Ut ft, -W iiHidrl Pl.vnuHith. Kxccllpnl cnmlllion. 1 Catnplolclv rqtilppctl, Klamntli AiHo C11111I, llf SPKNCEl! -COIlr-TlFriK Mr. Fnl'l Iturcli. ti'Jt Oak, IMiono 7:11(1 for jippoininu'tit. a-8m KOlIt RAIX -Twn a h.p. nlr tMitiipiri-fciiiH. iiiittinmlio will) (mik. Cusriidc l.min iUy. i-;h KOH SAI.RGin stove. Prluxe modrl. tl hiirnors, 2 nvctii, like nrw. I'liont iit'ifu. l-'OH SAI.K l.Jtrce wooden bands. ijulrc nt Fltihrrr'8 UiiUny. I7;ui PlM.t.KU imtlSIIKS Hrp. It. V. Murrjiin. XV2 So. Itlver.tUle. I'lionc W-IH. il-tlin If ti n n "rriwi-n" nrllrii- vnu nrrrt nii RICHFIELD Slovn nut! Oit'st'l Oils ' . Ucsl Qtinhly '.prompl Dnlivoi-y , , . IMkmig UH7 : JACK .EICHriNDOKF ' -hlttlril)iilor MHm HKfilSTKltKH WIIITH rol.MK ITP HIKS timl htUll. Frutl FlslUT, Hi. 'J. ttojicliuvjl, Ort Fdlt SAI..K- l.ntcsl iiiutli'l !1 ft. lilhtiim fu-onir ."heir iffihimaliM' ;ind Diiviini aiul chiiir, 17.U) W.ifhliuni Wit , C.tll after Ti :io p, m. nfU?r Moinlnj'. l :M MlMKItM -YottV rhrtU'P of b.ir oi lunb Uv.kI trurtor Uvv. tt.vMH-H.OH only '..'ill Da pint lax. I, ft i lu-lp .Mill jUviI. I''i Wurd's "fruit niiMit pU'ii. MnniKumt'i-y Wdi ii, til It St., Lih ium r'nic. , i-2:t Jt'S'P HMfl'IVKO ulalntrts st.'i-l fl:tlV;itp. knlvi'i. fork.t diul Mpuiuvt for iohuihm -rial 110. Uncoil K iilpinrnl i'o. i- So. tillt. FOH SAI-U- 'J-whrcl trailer, 1W3 Kan- FOH SAI.K Hi 3 -tallon mii hmipy. f pep can. HIiKk north oT SMMI Sta M.'lTltl. ' 1 - LM FOH SAI.K All prewnr 1'cit tt;tvi;iioH; davoupnri!!, not up vth tn.itcliln; rlniiK nnd pl.itriotu vorkfi-.s: l-ilno;n Kiiilrs nnd ininM-sprin nirttti ,-': dinhntroi in niol Mli'lu-n "viMh. I'UK- WlTt'S TllADtK'O 1'fST, J:'II R. lii't cash Frm vtiim FintrjiTip; ntAiu: IN WHAT YOU DU.V'l WANT. 1-24 If it's n "Irtwrjiv' ni-ticu? yo i nct'tl, tulvri'tiso lor n used one In the elnsslfiod. hooks nooKK-nooKS Don't disraid yoms tool;j or mHRaxlnp. C.iH .W.'i. 2-3 STOTS nFPAlHKl). All avail nhifc parts jtt(oliI -INi-'i fiii!,ifinc,.!.i.vM hou;;ht. OK Krrntui Hand Store, Klamath Phone 51171. l-;itm FOR SALE I'D ton), hnlert nav. 1st rtil nlfnlf.i. oats nnd rye. nt Kcno Sec Cuv Moore at tnncli h;(oro crwtnc river or call t3oitR Puckclt. Tillclrtkf 7ioi. :trc:m AI.LKN AitrliitT MnchMiP and F'tlDF.N CaU-ulatnt.s. S. (ith St. Pioneer Printing A: Stationery Co. 2-15m FOR SALE-Dry wtmil. Ray niisseth. I'M A Uaytrn. . 2-J t-iLAK-Mlrmrs. reiliverlni!. plate win dow aiut fnilo class, furniture tops, (helves. Kimball's IHhss Shop, 327 Walnul. Flionr 7.1711. '2 Ctn FOH ,SAt,K-Atm Arhor pickup hater. sltKVIIv used. 2-3 of new price. L. S. Ounlap. Tulelnt e. Phuiie IMJ2. 1-2U 30 For sale or Trado FOH SAI.F. O It THADK For ilnnrt sadille hov e one tu.ick cch'im 7- rai -i-old. li.ua lb..:., hivku lo work. J. E. -'art-sun . TlnnaozLi. "li To Kxchanqo 40 THAPK - :tO fnleipllii-r traetor. Kood slripr. for lar,c v)r"l ttaeior tut nihher. 1. F., liiolham:;. Matin, Oiv. 42 MisceliOncous Wanted WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES nnd PELT-S GREASE Son Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-16 A CAREER AS A PRACTICAL NURSE May mean Rood money, travel, intcr estinfl occupation. Help to bring health and happiness to the home. Learn how to care for sick, help the injured. Take eare of halites. Easy Instruction previ ous experience not needed for enroll ment. Attractive earning possibilities. Free detail. Write Wayne School of Practical Nursing. Dox 2202. care ot Her ald and News. 1-23 Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley. . TOP PRICE FOR YOUR CAR If reasonably clean we make no deductions. -.You need not sacrifice when you sell to-.-, j Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 42 Miscclianeaui Wantad 42 Miscellaneous WartUd Potatoes Wanted Any Lot Large or Small . U. S. ONE'S U. S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE . . Culls Will Soon Be Saleable -Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening .. McKaig Feed & Produce Go. P. O. Box 130, Klamalh Falls 2567tf 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Livestock end Poultry WILL PAY CASH for used Runs. Bring them in f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WAKE. fl2U Muin St. l-31nt CASH paid for household goods. 7j10. Phone 454UU WANTED TO RENT Modern, furnished house or apartment, one child. Phone 1147a. 2113tf WANT TO RENT-Potato acreage. Pay ca-ih or oliaro crop. Write P. O. Box 1142. Merrill. 1-33 WANTED TO UUY-Pnir cf thinning shears. PIcaoe phone 4BUB after 5:3H p. in. 21Gltf HAH. ROAD man and wife would like either furnished or unfurnished apart ment or house. Permanent renters. Ph. (i.-.!H. 1-24 ANNOUNCEMENT . A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD-FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't ..come in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 093tf 44 Live tock and Poultry CHICKS. Finest and best grade of chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Tnlent, Oregon. 2-3 WANTED- Dead and worthless animal. Phone 40:t0 collect. l-:ilm 44 Livestock and Poultry WILL PAY f SI1 If OK YOl'lt PIANO-l.-uila li Mann, 12u N. 7th. Phone 4ruii or "17.".. 1 l-":im WANTEP TO IM'Y -Lnlf m.tuVI plokttn liuek. IMumo7U7l. ir.il SaiT-imt.- KPtt WHOLK t'AKTt)N OF ClfJAHFJ'TES for first fniitiiiluil ijpat'iinont or house for rent, full daytime-., Lt. Smith. HUH!. I't. 1011. V. . 1-21 N AVAL Ol't'lf Tit AMI W I F F. de-lro -Miiall rui nl 'tutl ar.ii lu'rnl or home. mv to SHui. Phuuo Mrs, Athefton. Wlltard Hdiel. t-2.1 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. AImi ckrs. Marlm Produce Co. Phone :W72. l-31m ItFtJ 1STERKD nERKStllRES-Two sows, bred for March farrow. 75 each; March boar, Sao; young stock. Mem ber of Cnlirornia Herkshlre Breeders' Astn. Merle Uoode, Macdoel. Calif. 1-20 FOR SALE--Onn (juentiiey cow. 4020 Summers Lane. 1-24 HKlllKST PHK:eS paid for hogs. veal, lambs nml callle. Johnson Packing Co. Phono li.vn, nights 330,1. l-31m WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbi's, THULOVF.S MARKET. IHU Haul M.tin. Phone 42H2. 2-5m TWO NAVY eotioUvt de-.he two bedroom furnlali'-d home or :o) Hltncnf. Mo cliil dicn, n.i pi-lv. No traClB. Will nay up Itt M(Hnn pitr month. r:io;.:; HIOI. Fst. 10H. Vlnkvt. between tl an.l It) a. in. 1-21 C'OIMM V. want to lent fniitished npart nifpt ur sum II hotiLt. Poriiinnent. f.'H tl.".. Apt. ;i.fil. 1-24 MAitlNL f AT;T.MM ai-.d wife tit'-ire fr nir.!ied nu.n-tment or Imp!, Nti mu ik iO' or ih Inlr.tiv. No rhtbiivn or vH. Will pav up to it it a m.Hilli. Call ;tt.vj. WAN'tT.I tA ftivm t-r rent for one or tr-ire vcjtis, .)'. W, t'aveiutcr, llcttmoiul. Ore. ' 1-27 WANTr'.j). S'tipll rurnlnhed ' im.'t ltnenl. No r;tiit!.,iv'. No W'M IvinW1, Will pay it'Hiit rales (x)r rjn'il p'aro. Pt KkI. t.', "11, MbwctV,' rwMO,'1 1'luuic 'M'.'A V'.tt. LI. 1-2 46 Financial Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt 'Service It will pny you to investigate - the . EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1000 All N. fllh . . Phone 4564 Tues.-Fri.-tf PAYING UP TO 8 lb for rnbbit skins. Million wanted. Kllsh ahipinrnls to day. Valcnuda Fur Co., Seattle. Wn. l-:tl 46 financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL ' CASH LOANS AUTO .-FURNITURE.. Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Rc(iiirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers . , Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275' S-241 114 N. 7ltl Phone 3S23 1-alni 46 ' When You Want 'a CASH LOAN. For Any Worthy' Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th Si: Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in . Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-281 ' ' l-:tlnr