1 i EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS Tuesday, Jan. 23, I94S OCEAN BRIDGE The- Golden Gate bridge, which is the only one ever au thorized to be built across the outer mouth of a major ocean harbor, cost approximately 000,000. About 150 different electrical devices are installed in modern aircraft, although not all are placed in any single plane. HOLD EVERYTHING! y 77 hw.-? FIRE PREVENTION ASKED SALEM, Jan. 23 A bill introduced by Rep. John R. Snellstrom, Eugene, would re- ouire county courts to set up for est fire prevention and control zones in all lands outside cities. LEGAL NOTICES Sl'MMONS IK THE CIRCIMT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOK THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH. GLADYS G. COLLETT, Plaintiff, vs. WILBUR J. COLLETT. Defendant. TO: WILBUR J. COLLETT. Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON. GHEETING: You arc hcrrby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint men ajjainsi you in inc a iwvr -entitled Butt and court on or before Janu ary 30. 1945, and if you fail to so apt)t..r .and flimver. for want thereof, the plain tiff win apply to tne uourt tor ina re lief nraved for in her comnlalnt. to-wit A divorce from you upon the grounds oi insertion tor a penoa 01 more man one year. This summons is served upjn you by publication pursuant to an ?nlir of the Honorable David K. Vnndttilerjr. Judge of the above-entitled Court, said Order beins rl.Ketl December , 11144, and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks. The date oi the first publication is January 3, 1945, and the date of the last publication is January SO, 1045. V. LAMAR TOWNS END. Attorney for Plaintiff. 432 Main Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon. "Warm up your coffee';" SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. 2638. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Plaintiff, vs. CLARA M. COLLMAN. a widow: ZETA E. ROUIN and JOHN ROE ROBIN, her husband, if married; MARY H WILLIAMS TOWN SEND, a widow: SALLY WILLIAMS MANNING and A I SAL fJ. WILLIAMS and ELSIE WILLIAMS, hus band and wife; WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS and ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, husband and wife; MAHY JE, WILLIAMS CASE and THEODORE D. CASE, wife and hus band: ROBERT B. WILLIAMS and HERNICE WILLIAMS, husband and wife; LIAMS. husband ;ml wife: DOROTHY M. WILLIAMS PKRELU MINE1TI and JOE E. PERKLLI-MINErXl. wife and husband: KLAMATH COUNTY, a munic iyml corporation and political ul- diviilon of tne state oi urefon. The un known heirs at law and devisee m E. R, C. Williams. deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming or wno may cuiim any riKni. uite, l me rest or lien tn and to the premise described in the Complaint on file herein. De fendants. TO: Zeta E. Robin and John Roe Robin, her husband, if married, Ferd Williams nnd Elsie Williams, hus band and wife; George L. Willuuns and Emma Williams, nusuann and wile, Joe E. Perelli-Minettf. wife and husband: the unknown heirs at law and devisee of E. R. C. WilLams. deceased, and all oincr persons or parties un Known claim' ins or who may claim any right, title, in tr rest or lien In or to the nremthosi described In the Complaint on file here in: IN THE NAME OF THE INITK11 STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and Answer tne vompiami in . ouacniiiation filed against you In the above entitled action within four weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons. flnq ii you iau so 10 appear ami answer (he plaintiff, for waul thereof, will mb to Ihe Court for the relief prayed fur in me wiiipiiuii in v o n ucm nation iuea herein, to-wit: That the Court take Jurisdiction of the above cause and make and have entered all such order, judgment and decrees as may lie neeessarv to determine ttin nwmrshln of the hereinafter described lands and fix the value of said lands nnd the amount of compensation to be paid by the nlaintfff to whosoever inav be ad judged to be entitled thereto, and make and have entered such further orders. judgments and decrees as may be necessary to vest .he title to the here inafter described lands in the United States of America, said lands being situate in the County of Klamath. Stale of Oregon, and more particularly de-, sen oca as follows: paklkl SWl, Section 13. MANNING, wife and husband; FERD Range 9 East. W.M.. PARCEL N Township as South. I.. PARCEL NO. 10: I NV' SW' Section 15, Township 38 South. Range 9 East, W.M., subject, how ever, tu existing easements for public ui ill lies and to the lights of the public in use tlm boundary toads of the urea. This summons is served upon you pur suant lo order of in Honorable James Alger rce. JUtliio ot me auovo c-iiiiueu Court, mude and entered herein on Ihe 3ut day o( January, IQH, by publication thereof for four successive weeks in the Herald & News, a daily newspaper ot rjil .'iivuliitlmt imnliiheti In ttin County of Klamath. City of Klamath Falls, State of Oregon, first publication hereof being made on tne, win day oi January, 1U4.V Honiara it. Raimey Sectal Assistant to the Attorney (Jen er.it. and Ernest Falk. Special Attorney Department of Justice, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. P. O. Address: MS Cor belt Liuildnig. t'oriiand 4 Oregon. J. m-.M-.J0, F. li No.a. SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. StttT. IN THE DISTRICT COi'KT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF O HE- CON ITIYITEIJ S 1ATES UK AMKH1UA Plaintiff, vs. D. D. LtSKEY and MABEL LISKEY. husband and wife: DAVE LIS KEY and MAUDE LISKEY. husband and Wile: EWAUNA UU. LvMI'nnV, 811 Oregon corporation; KLAMATH COUN TY, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of Ihe siato of Oregon; The unknown heirs at law and devisees of V C Bennett, deceased: and also all other parlies or persons unknown, claim ing or who may claim any r.ght title, interest or tten In and to the premises at law and devisees of W. C. Bennett, deceased, and also all other persons or oar i Irs unknown clalminc or who miv claim any right, title, Interest or Hen In or to ihe premises described In the Complaint on file herein: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required tu appear and answer the Comnlalnt In Condemnation filed against you in the above entitled action within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fait so to appear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In the Canmlaint In Candemnntiun filed herein, to-wit: That in Court Ink jurisdiction of the above cause and make nnn nave entered mi suci) oracri, iudsmcnts and decrees as mav h necessary to determine the ownership of Iht hereinafter described lands and fix the vutue m saiu lauus aim tho amount of compensation tu be paid by the plain tiff to whosoever may I adjuuged to be entitled thereto, and makt ami have entered such further unlets, judgments and decrees at may b necessary lo vest the till to the hereinafter de scribed lauds In the United States vt America, said lands being siluale in the County of Klamath, State of Oregon, and more paillculariy descritwd as fol lows: PARCEL NO. 6; bKt4 NW(. SW'. Section 14. Township Jtl South. Range U East, W.M.. subject, however, to exist ing casements for public utilities and to the rights of the public lo use the bounu ry roads of the area, This summons is served upon you pursuant to order of the llonorablo James Alger Fee. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered herein on the 3rd day ul Jan uary, IP4.1, by publication thereof for four successive weeks In the Herald tit News, a daily newspaper of tfeneial cir culation published in the County of Klamath. City or Klamath Falls. State of Oregon, first publication hereof being made on the lUth day of January. , Bernard 11. Hainscy. Special Assistant , lo the Attorney uenerai. ana n.urai Falk. Special Attorney. Department of justice. Attorneys lor rinuuin, .-. v. Address: M5 Curbett Building, Portland urtHon. J. Iti-i-l-JO; r. 8 No. 4. WOMAN wanted for parl tlma Jwu" ......I. ..lul.la Anlllv 9344 8. (it It. LOST - Identification Bracelet, "Holl Is Alltn," 41 Orchard Way. Ph. T.i davllmea. I-Ja LOST- Silver bracelet with " ..... i...., ..,..r nh 1.1(1. 11. ward. " ' .3l rOH 8A1.K-IUVJ IMlIrr hou.r. H n,w. I.piu 4. uinwuod Wnuli IBltrlor, t orlliil irlc It lKn l oncj. A o 1900 olloii ntfl w.i.r ink. Inquii, llouiiiaoti', iraiitr ouri, .uvunu -' r on Ull. ' " ran 8AI.E Ju.t rrlvtl Coco l.Hir kii. si n. u iin. uJS. Luc, Funil lura. 111.1 K. Main. 135 roil 8AI.K - mwly dtorlil room homo, llol Sprllid. V.1H1UI1 blind;. 1U43 Mtlioie. iwloio l. I". I" rOH 8AI.R . N.w whtl nni.l wo.'d rn. HrlctU rlhl. L. J. clior. l S. olh. ' NOTICK TO I-MKHITOHM K'nllca 1. hereby liven thill I le under signed h been duly imooluteri Kxecutor of Ihe cute o Ulio Kium, ueeen.eo, mj, Ihe Clu'Ult Court ot the Stnte ot Oreiloii. rnr Kl.inuth Counlv. All ncrsoll. luvlnM claim, anatnit said talate are notified to present same, properly verified, to the said Executrix at the office of her al- torney, Henry E. Perkins, In the Stewart, Drew Bulldlnc. 131 Main street In the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, witntn six itii months from lha data ot thl. notice. Ilated. neremher ao. in,,. M1LOKEI) Kl.UM. Executrix ot the Estate ol Otto Klum, d ceased. D 36: 3. JD-1. No. 333. SPECIALS 10IKI machlneless psrma-u-.v. iriicl: cold waves 110.00. Swansen's Beauty Shop. Thona 0Otl. tai Main St. I'1' ron SAt.X IM acre dairy ranch, T miles trom Klamalh Falls on Lakevlaw lll.h way, ni. 1 llox 7U. I 1 WANTED- flattery radio. Will bay d price. Writs) L. E. Thomas, Pelican Pay Camp, Bly, Ora. " ron SALE-1013 Atnarcar door sedan. Ixjoks nice and In A-l condition. Equipped with overdrive and hsaler. Priority needed to buy this car. See It I Odell Motor Co., air. and Klamalh, 1-3) Red Ryder By Fred Harmon f'f oUD INDIANS. dun ecMPiw los N THIS NOTICK TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the under- signed nas neen amy appointed (.xecuior of the Estate of Mary E. Fox. deceased. by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamalh County. All per sons having claims against said estate are notified to present same, properly verified, to the said Executor at the ornco of his attorney, Henry E. Per kins. In the Stewart-Drew Building, 731 Main street, in the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six 8) months irom tne nate or this notice. Dated December 26. 1944. FHANK FOX. Executor of the Estate of Mary E. Fox, Deceased. u. w j-u-iu-jj no. .tor TOR SALE New bedroom set. daven port and chair, gas range, etc. Phone 8328. ! rOK SALE -Chtnllle bedspreads, full site, assorted colon, lll.uo. ijucai vur nlture. 103 E. Main. t-U TOR SAtX-Swlng machine, excellent condition, with all aiiacnmente, i n, 7400, L'U Gntrl Ifotlctk , Announcement A. L. Vincze Has Acquired Complete Own of the ersh O.K. Transfer C Call Us For Household Moving and Storage Long Distance Heavy Hauling Products A i. Distributor for Industrial Air Oxygen Acetylone Corbido Supplies 536 Spring St, Phone 4455 Night Phone j(,y WANTTD,-PcAiUrr of all kinds. Pay niftiest price. Mallory a r Maraei Merrill. LakeH.W Junction. Ph. 4IUO. IM NOTK'i: TO CHELITORM Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administrator ui in, uiaie oi nan nolo, aeceasea. FOR SALR- t, acre, some used lumbar, some wood. 2 rooms. S700.UU, ,7N Alva off Shasta Way and Ivury. 1-2T and has Qualified. Claims aenlnst said estate are nntlfl.. to present the same to me at the office All persona havlna lea TOR 8AUE-3 sets double harness. Must sell. LaavlnM town, inn Kane. !. Buildlntf. Klamath Fdlls. Oreenn. with!.. six months from the 36th day of Dtt- FREDERIC A. OHLEMEYER, Arimlnl.lp.lnr D. S: J, 2-0-10-23 No. Ma. FOR SALE..Purnllure complete for room house. 324 Martin, ual! after i noon. - 1 M..ttna Notice Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner GOTTA GET UPSTAIRS SO SPOTTERS CAN' DISTINGUISH THIS P-47 FROM THEIR NEW TWO iN'T WOiJ iT DAYBREAK, EASY IS aiMBIHG ABOVE JAPAN'S INLAND SEA ...45 MINUTES FROM K0H0BE AND IF THt JAPS DOT IDENTIFY ME, I MAY GET PRETTY CLOSE BEFORE STIRRING UP A HORNETS NEST! j y hmn; unidentified, plans try reaching pians? I AT 15.000 FEET, FLYING BY RAOIOf ALSO d -arsisll N.E..' MAY BE FRIENDLY, ORDER REGIONAL lSEASY SINCE AEAIS OUTOF HEADQUARTERS TO I GAINS I RANSE FOR SINGLE INVESTIGATE ... J ALTITUDE, I ENEMY CRAFT -UN- MAKE SEARCH FOR H REPORTS Bv LESS ,T COMS A ENEMY NAVAL. II COME TO I FR0M CARRIER TASK FORCE . Iters that f 1 i ST Boots and Her Buddies By Martin TO 1 -OVJE I anvi I Freckles and His Friends jrH, V- 6000 ooi 'eJJSrB summons rivit. lurt ... DISTIIICT rnitnT nv'fiiv' .,.,,4,!... Plaintiff, vs. FRANK L. CH1TWOOD. s V?SS i?Jn: 51I-AS MULVANEY and JANE DOE MULVANEY. his wife. I( married; KLAMATH COUNTY, a munlc Ipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Oreson: and also all other persons or parties unknown claim- If ZT .vlho .!""". cl,lm n' rlhl. 'I'l. Interest or Hen In and to the premises described In Ihe Complaint on fUe here in. Defendants. TO: Silas Mulvaney and .-.J Jr "."'.-"d. nis wire, ii married; and also all other persons or parties un known Clainilnil or whn mav rl.ln, ...u rlKht. title. Inlerest or lien In and to .r, oescrioeo in ine complaint ?,",Vjhc2ln: ,N THB NAME Or THE UNITED STATF.S nr iurpiri, v and each of you are hereby required to ine complains in Big Lakes Local No. 2311 Meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Sunday at 422 Main St. F. C. Wlllonbori!. Financial Sec. K. A. Gordon, Pres. 2-I7M Klamalh rails Aarla No auoa Heeular meetlni every Tuea- day nifnt. t: p. m. r.o E. hall. 0lh am Walnut. V I s 1 1 1 n f members cordla ly Invited. tt CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 By Blosser Junior, uv off thf books for. KsV A WHILE .' BUILD UP VOUC ftTIDV K$i If-1 AND LEARN THF ARF OF- SELF-OEFtrNSE.'- SCIENCE inn Tuir uurup. wuiN'l Htur YOU, IF SOME EtW3C,b vKit- I Kits to Slv I 9 a. IT LfMn In the frst pl:e. yOU WOULDN'T HAve A CHANCE - UNLESS. OF COURSE, YOU VVERfcT THE MASTER. OF tBitairi Alley Oop M PfT. Vj:QPB By NEASfflVlCC. IHC T. M Ht& U b PT. By V. T. Hamlin ICtlnn urllhln fniiv wulr. from the dato of tho fin I publication of .... uiiiiiiun. ana n you Mil SO lO pr and aniwer. the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the Complaint in Condemnation filed herein, to-wlt: That the Court take jurisdiction of the above cause and make and have entered all such orders. JudEments and decrees as may oe necemary 10 del ermine the ownership of the hereinafter described lands and fix the value of said lands and the amount of compensation to be paid by the plaintiff to whosoever may be adjudged to be entitled thereto, and imiKa ana nave enicrea men luriner or ders. Judgments and decrees as may b necessary to vest the title lo th herein after described lands In (h trnliarl States of America, said lands being situate In the County ot Kin math. Slate ui oreson, ana more particularly de scribed as follows: PAtlCEL NO.. 7: N'.iNW'.ii, Section 19, Township M South Han e 0 East. W.M.. subject, however, to existing easements for public utilities and to the rights of the public to me the boundary roads of the area. This summons Is served upon you pursuant to order of the Honorable James Alger ret. juqro or me aDove enmiea uouri, made ana entered herein on th 3rd Hv of January 1043, by publication thereof for four successive weeks In the Herald & News, a dally newspaper of genernl circulation published In the County of Klamath. City of Klamath Falls. Slate of Oregon, first publication hereof being made on the 16th day of January. 104.1. Bernard If. Ramsey, Special Assistant tn the Attorney General, and Ernest Falk. Special Attorney, Department of Justice. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address: 325 Corbet t Building, Portland 4 urcgon. J. lfl-23-10: T. 8 No. 3. TrftrrmU 423 Main. i;. u. L.UNU. oc. ino b. n. Office Open T:00 to 0:00 P. M. tvsry Wadnasdav. Phone U37 J-3m Loit and Found STRAYED to my olace. on cow. brand ma "as- left h o. owner may nav same by paying feed bill. Joe Vltlra. Hltdebrand. Gvncrat INotlcti OK FURNITURE . STORE will be open for business February 1st at its new, location 2401 South 6th : ' Formerly PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Will Give Same Service as Before. 1-31 sVlBlW. SJSSk ABOUT THAT DEPENOSVaW,GHT,,FVOu'o rMLf7RArJAN'STRUEICH MATTERS( I I R-Jm GRAMO WIZER! JyLJU I K WSALIB yjTS fKSf r--SI "-IABLE TO J K Wt- " -.wV-r rf' VV.KTai 7v71 day run Uttte Ormh ll - '. '. '- " By Harold Gray ' r- CH Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing Board. 430 main street. uince nours amy, id n. m. to :au p. m,: naturaay, io a. m. to 3 p. m. Phone 8181 for alt Informa tion. All applications must be MAILF.D In to the War Price rnd Itatlonlng Board ni 430 Main street, and NOT presented in person. SUGAR Ration book 4 Sugar stamp PROCESSED POODS- BLUE STAMPS Hal I on hnnlt 4 C.2 D-2, E-2, F-2 and G-2 valid for consumer use. stamps x-, y-. A-a and u-a wnicn were vaiiaatea December 1, main valid. MEAT. BUTTER. CHEESE- RED STAMPS Ration book 4 T-C, U-3, V-8. W-.1 and X-3 valid for consum er use. Stamps Q-3, R-fl and S-S, which were validated December 3, remain valid. Take used fats to your meat denier and he will nay 4 cents and two noints tier pouna SHOES Ration hunk 3AlriMnn hn idip i, at ana o gooa inaeiinitety. March 21. lf.4.1. All bar rl nn In n, plications must be accompanied by mile- one rationing sup wnicn was receivei with new "A" book. FUEL OIL Period 1 and 2 valid until August 31. 1049. ether oerloda will be announcea as iney oecome vaiio. I'ertod numner 3. valid January 8. TWO SISTERS INN Wccd-Ashland Junction 3 Miles West Hwy. 97 Southern Fried Chicken and Steaks RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Phone 0080 2-17 METAPHYSICAL Rental Library. 323 Main. Room 7. will be open to public Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. Wednesday and Thurs day from 7 p. m, to D p. m. 1-23 FOR STUART'S DANCE ORCHESTRA Inquire 824 Oak St., or phone 0A3.1. 10 SrTlc PLUMBING SERVICE Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phono 7635 2-10mc 10 btrriCM REFRIGERATION SERVICE We Service All Mukci Hoiuchold or Commercial Don't wnlt (or a complete breakdown. Ilnve your refrluer tor completely overhauled now durlnii cold wcntlier. Belts, Seals, Controls, Switches, Valves In Stock. Bert Eastmnn, Serviceman Merit Washing Machine Service 611 So. 6th Phone 8660 1-31 FORMERLY . Ray's Shoe Shop At 249 E. Main IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS under new manogemont. WILL GIVE QUICK SERVICE 1-23 U Ji!pJntidriJ W ANTED ItnsricuitilZVTr woman fr ,,'" altina. fi..,wl w... Mm. off i,, ,,:., ,r t H. anil .ortin.n. Jk! n.i.F.tH-v. rrtnnr.d -."Jf.L"v"""" iiuiiV Phona 0.-MHI. WANTtl) W.I1,.7J; la. Hnop. " WANTU-W.il,nrtH WANTICD Womnn to ut valid. datimta. no rt.2. REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE . DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL ' All Makes Parts, , Controls and Equipment In Stock Oregon Equipment Co. Phone 6817 , 127 So. 6th St 2-16 OIL BURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, . Cleaned and Repaired WOOD . COAL OIL FURNACES Available for Replacements Compare Our Prices : TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8940 8881 CLASSIFIED RATES -oer word 4a I .per ward Be I per word He per word 13c APPLIANCE REPAIRS We repair and service all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appll anccs. We may have tho type o! radio tube you need. Reason able prices. Phone 5188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs,.Thur..Sat..ti p word 14c per word 10c .-.-par word 49c 30 Dlicount tor Payment in Advance 8 DUcount for Payment oj 10th Ada received by 1:00 n. m. will innn I a me afternoon In "New Today" column. New Today WANTED Olrl for warehouse officfl clerk. Apply 428 Jeffenon, 1-24 1 WANTED netoucher to do finished worK, or person witn other portrait tudlo experience. Write No. 2908. cure of Herald and Newi, 1-29 BOA no and room for men. 820 Jeffemon. 1-201 WANTED kTO TRADE '38 Oldi. hvdra. matlc fi Past, coupe, for a sedan, will give or take difference, Theodore Lund, lit. 3, Box 1005, 1 -20 I roil BALE Modern home. harn. Also exira gooa farm or logging team with iwrnm, vtuu.w. crank uurnee, Dorrli. 1-20 MYRTLE HELM would like to find a sit uation nrovldln hoard anrl rnnm fera room on nound floor and not too 101 Klamath . nufi ''"iiien aiBirici. I'none M Information to Ph. 4111. 1-24 REFRICERATION WASHING MACHINE . and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phono 7038 2000 South Sixth St. i-llmc MOVING STORAGE iocai and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Folk TRANSFER and STORAr.p . Agents for United Van Linen J'none 8672 1-23 BMEROENCY SALE Bargain 20,oool Dr(alnl Own.r Inrliml.rf Famous nedwoods Auto Court on INQUIRE about Plasfl-Kota waar-reslsit ant finish. Also K.mlonln... Phona 30B7. """i?". lhwv near Crescent City- E,1'E.C rJll;"?,S l,,nrj mpl., s.nt. Units Modern - Furnished Store Gas Pumps 8.1 Acres Fine Timber-land Valued at 940,000 See A, E. OALLIN at the . Wl-Ne-M Hotel , or Wire Del Norle Trlpllenle Crescent City. 1.J1 DENTISTRY, way. afternoons. 4Mo Shasta - DRESSMAKINO. Buttons and Burn.. ravereo. Alterations on new and old rlo hln. Mrs. H. M. Allender 7 ii Main. Room 316. Ph. 7J. ,.. " INCOME TAX . SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A, Cantrnll Room 4, Hopka Bids. 110 N. 8th St. Open Evenings and Saturdays Phono 3240 2-10m It Help Wanted. ,j HELP WAN Man or Worn No Experien: Necessary Attractive So! Plus Liberal U Allowanci Excollent Opportojj Anvanctmtfl STANDARI Stations, Inc D. While, 6th iitd H. Skinner, 97 Hi: 3. V. Moe. 1318 OnJ Or Phone 9I!I WANTEi Boy Over . or young mon stock room In!; Full tlm wwt Sears, Roeb. 1 and Co. rlnT CLASS m-lualt W tea and irc.nl.r. Atai fHTVIra. 0.U Walnut WANTED. Better r pnat Cleaners, 117 So. TU WANTCD-Neat rounf lllhl dellv.rl.s sn4 Mom. Annlv III Dn Klamath riower time. 01 WANTrn..V..rMrl.nml w halper. Apply Hulra G" WANTED - Esperl.nre4 nM man. Uld tSl.aiunro- etiulpped shop, all man. Andsrson Al Walnut isrniti.n viti nk. ta Mts school drllvsrlnl s HmuH router ha Mr. Mill"" olflea after a p. n IVAMTVn Man ana bOll Light work, mod psr Alley, am Main p. n, w saiurday or ouno.?. 18 Situation! 1 in -H WANTED-Podllnll SI Ural nume, i.i.i n, 22 Hoorrj for H ROOMS Men, MJ Ills. ROOM TOR IIENT in" " alkaMVaita'VMVV'AM 22 Boomi rot 11 r,,r vfitrklna wo nnn- OR RENT flln.ls W oa.T nrant. 1-nono aL Phona 33M ED F. KING s."'Vnr.n".'lE!."y':rn KAI.SOM1NINO, H. L, Brown. Kemtonlna, Palnllna. Phone 4ua. a im "sfturf TafK, CLIiANED and In. BRINf me amall, Shop. small. Bodenhamer Saw an b..i. .-13 fi.f,.r..".e.r".',n Son Paint Store. -.. main, Phona 3334, a-14m FOR KEMTQNINO Phona 4370. a. CUpRhInA"Na!MUNDt"0 ""tched. ... - . . T?5?..F..P'5R,N. rmltur. Shop. 8orriis J..i.TwlrJn' "llnlehlna. WD.ryr'phon'.C,S1i"0n,d' 3Ml Sh!. ai-ia flKWINO MACIIINr. nrniiir. ... avaaTi, w,, s;.,.-v7,;." I "'P Wantad Pamal WhSMS WANTED M., cffe. MAID WANTED-Anohor Hot.l. 84 Aportmenti FOn IIKNT-I.rel"rj Close In. No fl'll'B.'ifl llereld and Nrw FOR RENT - Furnlshei J Minis and walsr. """"J, field Service SIllon, " -' ' ' s a Wia.lV 26 ' Houa. t 13 quire 3.W.T iiiij"""1 rumw TRUCKS FORnBNT7Va ynurseir, save -phWs Ice, 1301 East Mauvf; to exciianoe-H'"'' rn.r"u,f' '. i nm ! aimunr inmn.. - , Main district prslsrns FOR RENT, -a-rool", "Sj1! Adults. 1(104 88 Mlicallanaoajy mna airMir nor ""'., wallpaper nmJILi A P.lt.r.nn Paint "" I 1330 EastMahv-i ELECTRIC FLOOR pX.yM0 S, CO, FOR RENT-Pr'"'"' niaanara. 803 M"'"' KTW bv. 70 foot. lni"' , Shop, 800 Main, Hi