Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 23, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ct Klamath
" i l.ir.icd l
Wll.on Mineral
11)1 r..l.lu,. ..IK S !""
ire.". Junction li""--"-
Midland mfH4e Alewd
Taylor returned scv-
1"'. Itun.wook
trum ';;., i
"'li... June on ii"'-". , .
C Pcllun I. myr tod
in'.f!! .siill lnMl-
i.l?.'"..,u n accident in
om".. r .... i ....hi noil II
tt tita "l",t,r.'1,t
I'll N; '? Klnmnth,
r... or n . ..".i o-iii
. Ul . , . ....
utVCil- ri'SlMH'UViMjr.
.... . Vri llrnwn
LI Mr. on""""
l iv ullhoiiKl' " l
..i ch.. wiiH iiir ii
I , from a Severn n -!
r" lufnod to her lu.n
3 J' , ,ibiiiHi, uny
'" " ;, ....inn her grocery
lllUUi -
I, rendition t Leaver
' Illness
ma ifiuuvriMH
Sit t" w,','l"' Mr' .
!'. :.,. fn well-known for-
ni ticir iiuiux "
Lecvcr h eon confined
ec clmlr since n I"';
...rrvred hero several
l . i Hocnt visitors ut the
for homo In Klumiiin rnus
I".. ...i Mr. r:..x Pane
Oonc; Mr,. Henry Orlh
Mr anu iwrn. .
'.lid son. Ullllc nil roliitlvca
lc Lecvcrs, living in run
I'nc Leon Hlshop, U. S.
formerly suiiumeu in -"
i'uh.. nl Hie nnvnl nlr base,
irnnslcrred to blioti-
br, Calif., according to word
Ivedhcrcuy ins piirem.i, .
Mrs. Fred Bishop.
E, L. M. uruumi. id hiiii'k
naslcr In the local postofflcc
.i the vacation of Mrs. Fred
ibrun, postmaster.
lliaal Z u m o r ii n una iv
d from a short vncutlon
In Los Angeles, Cullf.. vis
relatives. nd Mrs. P.. S. Dixon were
Id back to Fort Klnmnth re
ly Irom Son F r n n c I a c 0.
. where they wero vncu-
li, by reports that their new
i man aim nts wuc, leu ui
Dixon much in caretaker
tho winter, had looted tho
m home o several articles,
idlnn mini, a typewriter nnd
era, and also a trunk nnd
ins' belonging to Ralph
i. Dixon employe. The pnlr
ledly used tho Dixon Studo-
r coupe to set to Kiiimntn
where it win found ubnn-
id, but so far no trace of the
foscd thieves has been dls-
red. llalph Cupp wan forced
it short his vnciitlon ut an-
Ore., and return hero to the
n ranch, where ho will re
aa caretaker durlntt tho au
ot Mr. and Mrs. Dixon for
remainder of tho winter.
fch (or the abscondlnK couple
filer way uy the police.
angell Valley
and Mrs. Johnnie Cam:)
mmainea wnn a (tinner ni
noma on .Sunday. Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Cloud.. M.ir.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ran.
MrS. Florime.t Mnlklna nnrt
Jna Camnbell.
and Mr. Wesley Dearborn
hltdrcn snent R.i.irli.v with
Mary Dearborn.
ana mrj. Bill Burnett nnd
Visited on Snlnrrinv tullli
id Mrs. I. B. Morris.
. and Mr. Priml. nAr..A
Pfb of Klamath Falls, wero
f ii vauey visitors on Satur-
blhy Jones, WAC, is homo
vls'"nK her pnronts,
ind Mr, fa .
.... , u.iiiuo nnu o.b
jxiainc. Dorothv InnW imp
tralninc at vt 'nr.. ti.,.,
lias been slnli.m,.,! . nin.
ft,,. . V"1' "
I'.", Vtll .. In imiApn
1. v.w...
.trui bodscy returned
la.St WOPlt fr,.l I).l .
she VlJlVn,, ' " '
ftlh.. ... . . " nroincr
I ,J . , "nn frlonrla.
But. bill Miiuoon. USMC. ar
rived this week from ovurneui,
for n visit with Ills fiither, Fred
KrlKljeo unit family,
Knrl CrulknluiiiK returned
from Seaalde, Urn., where ho at
tended the lojiKlnu coiiKreas with
L. U. Htiipheiis and Kriink Tarr.
AiiHinK old loKKlnU friends aeon
theru was Lloyd Crosby, camp
nil. miner of old cuimi 2. Crosby
now bus a loKiftiiK outfit of his
own near inc coast.
Mr. and Mrs, Aiitloo are ant
Unit settled hi their new. store,
unit lliu community wlanrs tnom
Art Cooper la up niter his Ill
ness, nnd expects to return to
win k soon.
Mrs. Chut Wilcox has returned
from Chvhii lis. Wash.
Tho homo extension unit mot
Thursday with Mrs. Karl Fred
releli ut 1 p. in. Mrs. Wlnnlfred
Cllllen spoko on forcstiilllnK !'
'1 he Traveling Card club meets
Friday Willi Mrs. Archie west,
New Pine Creek
There will be a regular mnct
inu of tho Kast Side KranKc this
balurcliiy ovcnlnu, A politick
supper will follow tho business
mcellnu and social hour of dune
CieorKO Suliiunel who was
Inken lo Tho Dalles, Ore.,
week nuo last Saturday by
Frank Addlnitton, ao ho could
bo attended by his old fain ly
doctor. Is showInK considerable
improvement, mid expects to be
fomo this week, it was learned
throiiKh his wife. Schamel had
liven nllliiu for several months
nnd was iinnblo to do any work,
liavlnu ti.Ken several serious
relapses, Ho was accompanied
by his mother, Mrs. Kathryn
Schumel, who Is assisting with
ins care al The Dalles. Al
t h o u u h It is not deflnlloly
known what his ailment is, it
Is believed that stomach trouble
which hus been more or less
chronic is at the seat of tho dls
An appreciable) drop in the
teniiR-raturc was noted hero last
Monday nlulit following a snow
storm which left a Unlit sklft
on Ilia ground. The thermometer
readmit ut around noon had
climbed back up to SR.
Tho belated Christmas party
of tho Needle club was held at
llo homo of Mrs. Myro Rob
nett last Saturday afternoon.
Tlio dominant feature of the
ineellnu was tho exchange of
many lovely Klfts. The ladles
drew names for their secret pals
lor the coining year to whom
Ihey give birthday and Christ
mas Kills. Jello-salad sherbet
ice cream, angel food cake,
candy and coffee were served
for refreshments.
Mrs. Grace Bernard left last
Tuesday morning for Slml,
Calif., where she planned to
visit with" nor sister, and her
mother. She expected to be
back tho middle of tho week
Mrs. Fairy Hammcrsley is
working at this end of Lake
county, assisting with tho tak
lug of the farm census.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith
arrived last Tuesday from Yrcka,
where Mrs. Smith underwent
successful npcrntlon for double
goiter, snc is getting along
lino, she says. They are stop.
ping a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Smith, to rest and
l-orrnlno Hammcrsley left last
Saturday for Portland to have
Ills fool, which no uroKo tome
months ago and is not healing
properly, examined. A surgica
operation might be necessary
to put in shape ao It win ncai
no thought.
The Happy Hour club met
Inst Tuesday with Mrs. Harvey
Porter. Practically nil members
wero present and two guests
Mrs. Louise Miller, who join.
ed ut the meeting, and Mrs.
Mary Cannon. Collco and cako
with lemon sauce wero served
for refreshments.
ami Mf. n".
. -' "(."-III. 1 UI-HIIllV 111
Iin halls wllh her n..rm,i
Tuesday in
nd Mrs hhV "Y ,. P""?
!:") Mrs. b H i :v i
tl 1. S,ml ho
5S.iI;.C: w- Dearborn
his uncle and
Mrs. E. E. Kllpatrlck this week
received word of the death of a
nephew, who died January 7 In
rniiaaeipnia Hospital, fo ow
ing a Drier attncK of spinal men
ingitis. Tho young man. H 1c U.
S. navy Russell Hickman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hickman, Sa
lem, Ore,, took ill at sea Decern.
her 21 and was returned to the
mainland. Ho was 10 years old
Funeral services wero hold Janu
ary 18 In Salem.
A sister. Bertha, who made
her home here during ono school
term while sho attended tho Mer
rill high school, is In hospital
training wnn the WAVES in
Maryland. ,
Women of the Moose. Merrill
chapter. No. 18. In regular sea
slon January 16, with all officers
present, were entertained at a
chapter night program by tho
f riendship committee with Mrs.
Esther bevey chairman.
Clara Edwards nnd Evelyn Ed'
gerton wore Initiated. Twenty
five members were present.
i no group voted to servo mo
dinner for the meeting of the Le
gion of the Moose, White Pelican
post, .to he held In Merrill Fcbru
ary 4. Delegates are expected to
be present from weed. Bend.
Medford, Klamath Falls and the
host lodge. The meeting opens at
i p. in.
The next public dance to be
sponsored by tho Women of the
Moose In the community hall, is
planned for February 3 with the
TulclaKn Guardsmen to play.
Mrs, R. L. Dalton who. with
Dalton, left beforo Christmas for
Los Angeles to spend the winter
with daughter. Mrs. Tom Willis
and family, is reported to have
oecn in most of tne time since
she left. Dalton faces an opera
tinn and tneir small grandson
Bob, has been ordered to the
desert for his health. Their son
in-law, Tom, who ontered tho
navy some time ago, is now at
Boy Joms Can on Baby's Head
psj- 1 ! 's
3 fi : "K
rv. r i
i W3f I
,Mrs. Lester Sen r' e I n er was
hostess January 16 to members
of the Happy Hour Bridgo club
with two tables in play. High
score went to Ethel Hamilton,
second high to -Marion Wilson
and the traveling prize to Noll
Wood, Refreshments were served
to Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Wood, Mrs.
Hamilton, Mrs. Leah Street, Mrs.
Doris Smith, Mrs. Arlle Mac
Johnson and Mrs. Schreincr.
A large attendance was re
corded at the public card party
sponsored by the auxiliary of the
Malin post, American Legion, on
January 18. High honors in
bridge went to Mr. and Mrs. P.
G. Wilson, second high to Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Street and the tra
veling to Mrs. Street.
In pinochle high score went to
Mrs. Margaret Jacob and Frank
Brickncr, second high to Mrs.
Martha Brothanek and Joe La
hoda and the traveling to Mrs.
i Tuisdsy, Jan. 23, 194S
Margaret King. The door prize
was taken by Hoy Drees.
The sub district public speak
ing and parliamentary contest
for Future Farmers, of America
will be held at Grants Pass
March 2-3. Original plans called
for it being held here. Boys from
the local chapter will enter the
different divisions and contests.
Tax Change In State,
Federal Property
Eyed by Lawmakers
SALEM, Jan. 23 m State
and federal property used for
commercial purposes would lose
their tax exemptions under a
bill introduced by the house as
sessment and taxation committee
The application to federal
property, however, would de
pend on passage of a similar .
measure now in congress. The1
bill would affect such stale
owned property as tho Minoi
building in Eugene.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Quickly Rsllttt
0 A Dlitrm of i
It's so easy to get
Dromnt.effective v v
relief from dls. "
tress of head colds with Va-tro-noll
Works right where trouble Is to reduce
congestion soothe Irritation make
breathing easier. Also helps prevent
many colds from developing If used In
time. Try Itl Follow directions In folder,
fay More
While Policeman Eddie Venous and Jack Rosa used tin
shaars and can opener to remove a syrup can jammod over the
head of crying 6-months-old Patricia Ann Kroupa, in Omaha, Neb.,
the baby's 4-year-old brother, Joseph, gravoly explaining: "It
wouldn't fit me so I gave it to her." The baby was NOT hurt.
(AP Wirephoto). .
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slack of
Stewart Lenox addition. Klam
ath Falls, were guests of the
L. E. Lummus family over
the New Year weekend. Mr.
and Mrs. Slack were former.
ly residents of Keno. For two or
three years they lived in the mid
dle west, and have only returned
to Oregon within the past few
Charles Hood Is again living In
Keno, after several weeks spent
at his, former home in the north
ern part of the state. Hood is liv
ing at tne l. a. smith home.
George M. Agcr made a busi
ness trip to Red Bluff during the
Chrlstmas-New Year holidays.
Murray Pinncy. who was
home from overseas duty on fur
lough in uccemocr, visited one
day with friends in Keno. Mur
ray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Pinney, now of Klamath Falls,
lived In Keno several years.
L. t. Lummus and son from
Ashland visited one day during
the holidays at the Charles
Snowgooso home. Pratt Is a cou
sin by marriage ot Mrs. Snow-
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Banue-
los had as dinner guest one day
recently the section timekeeper
from near Cougar, Calif, Banuc-
los Is section foreman at this
same point. i , ri
Mrs. Charles Huskinson burn-1 81 SrS-
ed her arm rather seriously last
week when hot grease splashed
on It while she was turning a
roast. The burn has required the
attention of a physician, but is
getting better gradually now.
Sprague River
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Godclard
and family were guests of Mr.
and, Mrs. Peter Street over the
Christmas holidays and visited
other friends while here.
Mrs. Arthur Hill underwent a
tonsillectomy on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baldwin
moved this week to Weed, Calif.
Baldwin, who has been ill for
some time, has not improved
while here. The lower altitude
at Weed is expected to improve
his health.
Mrs. Grace Reynolds and Jan
ice were in Bend the first of last
week looking for un apartment.
She will leave soon for her new
locution. She has employment
there as bookkeeper for a lum
ber company.
Attending the Boy Scout coun
cil meeting in Klamath Falls
Sunday from here were Byron
Welch, Pete Cowbrough and
Pat Kendall.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hess and
Jimmy, were In Klnmnth Falls
Sunday on business.
Mrs. ' Don Giles has returned
from Klnmnth Fulls where sho
has been employed tho past two
J. J. SpHzor underwent a ma
jor operation on Thursday of last
week. Ho has not been moved
home yet. Mrs. Spitzcr went to
Klnmnth Falls Saturday to be
with him.
Scy Shepherd has recovered
from a minor nose operation and
Is able to be back to work.
Mrs Scy Shepherd has been
suffering from the flu and has
not been able to work lor sever-
If it's a "frozen' article
need, advertise for a used
n the classified.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Arant
moved to Klamath Falls Monday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alton Leek have
closed a deal for the Otis Kridor
DroDcrtv and moved there Wed
ncsday from tho Gicnger house
near town.
Mr. und Mrs. Lcndle Story
have as their house Guest.
niece of Story, Mrs. Eva Mae
Alexander and small daughter,
Shara May. Alexander is serv
ing in the armed service over- !
seas. Mrs. Alexander has been f
making her hflme in Eugene with ;.
her parents. J
Mrs. Bryan Thurman and in- '
fant son, Kenneth, were returned f.
to their home here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. BTed Young : .
were in Klamath Falls Wednes-, r
day. Young, who has been suf- i ,
fcring from pine poisoning, was
there for medical care.
Izola J. Parker, executive sec
retary of the Klamath County
Tuberculosis association was
here Monday in the interest of
the chest X-ray survey unit.
Ted Ream and son were here
Sunday from Klamath Falls
calling on friends.
Mrs. J. H. Hamilton took Mrs.
Giles to Klamath Falls Thursday
to consult a doctor. Mrs. Giles
makes her home here with . her
son. Don Giles.
Marion and Jack Pugh wero
here from Lakcview Monday
visiting their sister, Mrs. Lendle
Story and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Parks
have moved from the Kelley .
house to the property known as
the.Hcnry Slump cabins.
than you'd expect in
hi... "'.":.
hiar ,0" ThiiiwlBy
Wins. "". O'
Kite ?' M. Le.
ill Val ni V. eiiicriuin "10
Cylcr hnLW",m;n " 1:11,0 nt
-one i. Te, on Jununry 28.
MiSN lo ntlend.
IWanrt .' M"' Frnnk
f It K MS- lrnnk Pop-
I fwi' 11,0 llo) of Mrs,
fc'M'-'nng and t,-..
id to MrC""!1,i"lly "roox
'Nobln.?.ml M. Luther
N. M .,w.cro recently
T"iesdatS.- P! "rlczlscso
' re& mi.!h Fnlls
"""I MrV Mii V:,Cnt"s'
H Mr ?:.. 'Jie Denrborn
Jh Friday.
Poe Valley
Victor Brown made a trip to
the Ashlnnd'vlclnlly this week..
Glen Kcstcr is getting some of
his winter wood,
Congratulations are being ex
tended bv tho community to Mr
nnd Mrs. Buddy Holzhouser on
tho birth of a baby girl. This
is their first child.
Charles Hess was taking a
farm census around Poo Valley
tills week.
Wilbur Anderson and Mr.
Lynus wore sorting potatoes at
tho George Stevenson farm for
a few days.
Mrs. F. I. Rodgcrs was a caller
nt Olcno on Tuesday. f
Clusslficd Ads Bring Results, '
Rock Wool
Blown In
Bares Your Fuel
Free Eitlmaiea
Lumber Company
Phone 7709
9ih and Klamath
Phone 3443
ItllSK II' iPLtlf
- It :
1 rTl rW
' . Wz-rn vilh
...with quolnt
en shoulder ond sleeve
ing for pixie preltlnessl
bow ties In front , , , makes
Afrlcana Rayon Crept
Sky Blue, Green Frost, .
quilled flowers
. , . and soft shirr
. The self-fabric belt
your .waiit a wisp
In Ice Pink, Summer
lilac. Sizes 9 lo 15.
1 4',..'4svNS'.ss;ii4i
Check these items that
are hard to get . . Then
Hurry to Our Catalog
Sales Dept. for Things
You Need at Extra
Timely offerings at unusual tavinns . , . mer.
chandise from our general catalog at reduced prices
. . . clearance items barnaln priced. Yea, you'll
find many more big values than you'd expect In
our "Midwinter Book of Bargains." So check the
index for things you need,., then hurry to our
Catalog Sales Department. It's a very popular
place these days, ' '.
Purchases totalina $10 or '
more may be made on Sears Easy Payment Plan.
5 Wool Single Blanket....!. 89
Morning Glow Bath Towels. ...47c
46-inch Oilcloth, printed. .....31c
Sheerweave Lace Panels 1.98
Wide Organdy
Priscilla Curtain 3.98
Metal Curtain Rods........ 15c
Venetian Blinds, sq. ft .45c
Elgin Night Latch 1.49
Heavy Duty Padlocks.... 79c
Sealed Beam Fog Lamps 3.49
Steel Tire Pump 1-89
Swing Spout Sink Faucet.. ..4.95
10-gal. Galvanized
Garbage Cans.. 1-49
Boys' Corduroy Bib Pants.. ..1.64
Boys' Flannel Sleepers- 1.14
Boys' Buckshot Corduroys. ...2.99
Girls' 10 Wool
Union Suits 79e
Laundry Mailina Case 2.30
Pinlcsi Curtain Stretcher 3.49
These items available
from Sears Sale Circular
at- the Catalog Sales
Shopping Store