General Ifotlo 10 BtrvleM 10 BtrvlcM 34 AulomotlT 34 Automotive Monday, January 22, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN Announcement A. L. Vincze ! Has NCqu,cu r of the . O.K. Transfer Go. Call Us For . Household Moving and Storage Long Distance Heavy Hauling Distributors for Industrial Air Products 0yger Acetylene Carbide - Welding Supplies 536 Spring St. . phone -1455 Night Phona 736? 1-25 StrrlcM .ESond btKviv-c DOMESTIC unit COMMERCIAL .it t.i... Control! and Equipment in oiu.i Equipment Co. ,,17 J 27 SO. Btl SI. 2-10 InN'ACES. CHIMNEYS, :inned nd nepmreei ;0OD COAL OIL .' rURNACES liable 'or Replacement lompare Our Prices ti irr; Uting service rnon oui sastr Pkent 1130 ED F. KING ...!5 ...... r B,piiiui. - r CwunU biul.a awe. . KjfltttNO, Kamtoninc. Falntlna- Brown. rrtorte ' fc TANKS CLMNtD anr In. id. A led concern. Phone W, r. Taw. in your work. No lob too . Boelnn.m.r Haw and Itenelr 3-13 AMD PAPEKKANGCR available, .atleraan and Bon Palnl Stort. III! Main. Pltoni MM. -l4m ZUTONINQ Phoni 4270. kni UUNDCKID and .trelehed i, nil. Ill HIHaTITCIIIrlO pAKINO. Button, and Bucklta fti. Altar.tlon. on n.w and old I Mn. ll. M All.nd.r. '31 loom lie. Pn. 13U. I-jim BOM DICKSON, rurnlture llhop. rdllerlnf. repairing-. rellnlahlne Bp rrconimion.d, 301 Shaala mono ion, IC, MACHINE StnVICT. all makai. I mi. 3311 Shaila Way. 2. lorn H.lp Wanted f D-Unancumturerl middle afed fn for iMwItlon aa liou.ekecpcr pnjon (or elderly lady llvlm r- ww nun mime, amnio oil bul muit Hay nulila. Preler hwil required. Ph. 00011 morn' ID-Woman lor Hint hmurkeeri. for. arml'lnvalld daa. " l-u t IMVaHraaa and mahwaeher. Wo r.larr.1 Apply at nitlar'a Cof. "oa. uu, pD-n'.llreM... Walireen lJru. zi7oir f D-ChamlKrmalda, Kern hotel. .IIHIlf 'J-'1" lo lakr. rare nl In. I., At mr. May to Htlp Winl.d. Mil .Uptown n - ...... .. ' Eol.T ..a .. " nieeheii c. fm ill ?ih.,r ' ''nnanant I Aftftit . worK around talk f'' ln ,Praon. Moallar'l r" riower Shun. 1211 M.i a, 313011 .""'""d ear nalnter J?" Ciaran. 5?iBIJ!..rnH.'S' !! jl, ....... cicivite. n.f-j E1 "ilv.r in! i,r"rrV "'on.y after ; tt Mr 1, "'"'-Nw Paper I W'k'loo"dn''r,.h"". 10 "in.. Lilian. W.rit.d L ''ri-oininn KSLm N. intiV 17.. . ' "t" For Rm ,0" m .SiTTS?.- 1-37 91ll t. '"lulrt ',',r,',i ."""mirt pr.. Cri Bliop. floomi p.. . nan! nmwii rot n., !? N' eflldr?:1"""' lurnlahad. S Nvi, " a'1h. r. of 1-33 at Houim For Rnt ron MINT-a-rnoni (Mrnlahad lioiiaa. In nulm 390.1 llllyard, 1-3. THIICKIl ron RENT -You drlvai mova youraalf, aava 'a. Stllaa Baacon Barv If. 1701 Kaal Main. Phnna rlMa. 3-7m 21 MUcIUn0U' For Rant fun nENT-rioor aano.ra. adfera and wallpaper removing machine. J. C Palleraon Palnl Blor. Phona 3)34 133 Ea.l Main. l-lm Il.rLTItlC rl.oon lANOUH and edcer rented. Do our own ivnrk Innulre Paint DepL MONTUOMEItY WAnO CO. I-Olm rOR ntNT-Preaent lorallon of raahton Cleaner.. B03 Main, modern front, la ia by 70 fool. Inquire Rudy'a Man'a shop, aoo Main. mill ron RENT M acre.. Tulelake. Pari nnlona, potalnea and train. Caah Write A. C. K.rk, UU fl, riower Bl . Rama Ana. rail! 12.1 30 . nl tBtata for Sal Two-bedroom houte. 4-wnll construction, iniulitcd, lot S2',i by 200, chicken ynrd and house. Oorse and wood house. Price $4000. Nine-room h o u a e clone in, Hood site lot and nice lawn. Remodeled and better than new. Price S6000. 1 acre of ground and a four room houne on Madlaon street. Has food (oil and berries grow ing. Price, S3000., ' A good house on Pine with 6 rooms downstairs' nnd a nice apartment upstairs that rents for $40. Lot Is worth the sell ing price. $6500, . , J. W: Sdhdeirs Realtor 1213 Main St. Dial 7521 . ,". 1-23 FOR SALE 5 -room home with finished room In attic in St. francls Park. Hardwood doors throughout. Venetian blinds, rock wool In sulation, service porch, double laundry trays, double garage, chicken, house, nice lawn and garden spot, trees and berries. Price $5250.00. Terms. See FRED COFER . BARNHISEL ; .. AGENCY r ' U2 s. eth Phone 4 ins ' 1-23 RIVERVIEW . Wc have an unusunl value in nn up-to-date two-bedroom well located home with fine view. Has concrete foundation, good slicd rooms, nice garage, wood circulating heater ' and electric hot water heater, very large lot nnd close lo store. Only $3,500.00. . CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors , 111 N. Oth St. Phone 4504 Since 1000 SUBURBAN HOME Attractive 2-bedroom home, pressure, system and other feat ures, gnragc, woodshed, etc. 11.19 ncres excellent land under Irrigation in alfalfa and pasture, nlso large strawberry' patch. Available $6850. how. , Full price J. E. HOSKING 317 Main Phone 3211 Thurs-Mon ron RAt.E-a-nodrnom tiouaa near Main: alao piano. Dial 070 3" rOR SALE New modern .room houae. hardwood floora. Venetian bllndi. floor fumare. Inaulaled. snnOO.00, Terma. or B4T0O.O0 raah. PI... S0TI1. KOIt SAIX-I harlroom houae furnl.hed S3O0O.O0, 031, Ph. nq.w after 0 p. m, , ron BAI.Ka-bedroom brlrk houae, dou ble (arair corner of Lakevlaw and rulton. 1440 takavlaw, ! ron SAl.K-.l.ronm houae. modern, wllb haaemanl. partly (urnl.hed; clo.1!l.,; Phono iHBS. UJ"" ron IAI.K-l.ol, larase. Mno.00, JimO feet lumbar. Stewart Addition, an; Home. ron BAI.s; - S room modern houae, . wond.hed and Baraie combined, SlndO raah. Jnd road weal from Lien J Caah more on Keno highway and turn left lo 4lh houae, 1-34 POn SALE- 4-room furhl.hed houae, ln cludlna eleclrlc range. '1 acre good land, berrla., chicken houae. gara.e. SJOOO. :I70H Broklyn St.. off Bl.bee. Phone BOSS afler 4130 p. m. Ben Shoppard. I'3 SAVE MONEY ANI1 BUY ME-J-room modern, furnl.hed houne, oloaa In, newly decorated. Oarage. IJOJ es.h. Phona 1309 or Inquire 11SS Walnut Rl. 4 ' If H'a n "froren" arlloie you need ad. varilie for uaad on In the clamfiad. The Pejican Appliance Co. "WE FILL THIS DILL FOR YOUR NEEDS" 19 So. 5th St. Phone 6232 OPEN FOR BUSINESS I I a. m. to 6 p. m. RADIO SERVICE AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIR '' a,aa.. - - ---- - l-y-,-y,-aJ r-a-,-a--ir- nj-jri rLnjVi'lAJJlruj'ajB 1 H.lp Wantad. Mai It Help Wantad, Mai .WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week -- $1 .62.5'per hour Intermountain Plumbing Co. 732 So. 6th St. Phone 8475 lOOStf 30 Real Estatt For Sal ' HOMES FOR SALE JOHN McFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 2-5 i 34 Autom tiva SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 ron SAt.r S-room home on North luh Street. Sen. Ire porrh. laundry, garage In haacmenl Price fcHOO.Ou. Termk ... S acre, on Rummer. I.anc. S arrea In alfalfa, two barn and chicken houae. All good laud. Call al office for price and terma. He. rred Cofer BAItNlllSKL AliKUCY 113 B Bth - a , -Rhorie 4IS I J' 34 Automotive Used Cars ; Bought ' ..Sold . Traded ODELL MOTOR CO.; 744 Klamath' Ave. Where Bth Street Ends RADIATOR ; REPAIRING : We Are Well Equipped ' To Give Prompt Scrvico ; Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH ' 2540 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 RECAPPING . TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES , NEW TIRES , - , All Sizes , Monarch Service . Station ' B. K Teed 301 So 6th , Phone 7071. 1-7 .'Exchange Motors , Fords 1928 to 1942 Chcvrolcts 1935 lo 19-11 rtymouths 11134 lo 1U Doclgcs 1934 tu 1942 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor . Rewound Crankshnfls With Bearings to Kit . I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Cnlir. Avr. 1-23 MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Rcboring And Other Mechanical Work GIBS MOTOR SHOP 1033 East Main 1-22 ron SALE-One Pl.vmnUth pirkvip, I MO model, good condition, cnll Maiin ISO. 1" BEE MEL HENRY i Lombard'" l'ed Car Lot. Ml S. Bill SI. Ton OPA CASH PRICE al once for vnur car. All make, and model, for .ale. a-lSm WE CAN: ' MAKE . ' ;' . ' Your auto -lights push the dark back So that you can see to drive safely Even against the strongest light. May wo in time to save ; - your car and life? ; LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sis. ' Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed ' Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR. Car Insured For Complete Automobile , Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg 1-31-m Does, Your Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler . Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For Appointment Burness Motors DcSoto S. Oth & Walnut Plymouth Phone 6669 2576tf , Motor Rebuilding i Stnrler and Generator Reconditioning ' MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Exporicnct Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. a.l.lm FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 Sim 35 Fuel HeRtino RICHFIELD .Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery . Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor . 1.31m Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK READY and WILLING , TOP OPA . PRICE Balsiger Motor Co, YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade 36 Ml.collsnooii. For Salo 36 Miscollaneous For Sale , SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS ' CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SED ' PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls 2568U 35 Fual Heating 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Dry. Fir Body Wood Place , Your Orders . NOW! Phone 3229 1-22 3t Mi.ctllantou. For Sala ' FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 . 2048tf BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Don't dlacard yntiri books or mazarine. Call 5392. . 3-3 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts locked. Used furniture, sloven bottRhl. OK Second Hand Store. 620 Klamath. Phona 9671. 1-aim rUT.t.F.R BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. Martin. Phona 9677, l-.llm FOR SAl-ETraiter house. 24 ft. ' model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Comntately equipped. Klamath Auto Court. our AUE1V Adeline Machine and FRIDKN Calculators, 124 S. 9th Z.. Pioneer Printing it Stationery Co. 2-1 A in FOR SALE Dry wood. 1314 Dayton. Ray Blixftclh. 3-2 SPENCER CORSKTIERE Mrs. Enid Birch. 621 Oak. Phone 7.116 for appoiiitment. 3-8m FOR SALE Two 2 h.p. air compressors, automatic with tanks. Cascade Laun dry. 1-31 FOR SALK-Oos stove.- Deluxe model. H burners. 2 ovens, like new. Phone ' 6066. 1-31 FOR SALE-Practtrally new Windsor trumpet; also bcelnnrr'a snare drum. 1109 Pine St., rear apartment. 248Mf FOR SALE-Lane wooden barrels. In . quire at Fluhrer't Bakery. 1733tf FULLER BRUSHES- Rep. It. V. Morjinn. 932 So. Riverside. Phone 3346. 3-0m FOR SALE Vacuum sweeper, men's site i roller skates, prewar bed and springs, 2-wheel stork trnilcr. acwtnc machine. Call after 5 p. m.( 1(115 Oregon Ave. 1-22 REGISTERED WHITE COLLIE PUP PIES and bitch. Frod Fisher. Rl. 2. Roseburi, Ore. 1-23 rOR SALE Latest model 0-ft. Gibson shelf refrlserator and Dave no and chair. 1730 Washburn Way, Call after 9-30 p. m. after Monday. 1-23 FARMERS Your choice of hnr or knob tread tractor tires. Ux3tt 0.00-3(t only f-ifl.flS plus tax. Let us help you apply. Us Ward's "Crop Payment" pinn. Montgomery Ward, Bth St., Corner Pine. 1-23 FOR SALE Piano. Ladles 17 Jewel wrtstwatch. diamond engagement rlnu. 4022 Summers Lane,- - :l-22 JUST RECEIVED stainless steel flntwnre. knives, forks and spoons for commer cial use. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th. FOR SALE Factory built. 80 ft. house trailer, good condition, new tires. $873 Cash, uao Broad St. 1-22 FOR SALE Upright piano and bench, $290.00. Phone 401i). . 1-22 FOR SALE 100 tons baled amy. 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rye. at Keno. Set ' Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or rail Doug Puck at t. Tulelake 710-1. 3553U GLASS Mirrors, resiivcrinu, plate win dow and auto class, furniture tops, helve". Kimball's Claw Shop. .S27 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-3m FOR SALE Ann Arbor pickup baler. sMjihtly ured. 2-3 of new price. L. S. Ditnlap. Tuleliikr. Phone 11122. 1-26 38 For sale or Trada FOR SALE OR TRADE -For good saddle nnnc one omen geiaing -year-oia I GOO Ibt.. broke to work. J. JZ. Jack son. Bonanza. 1-26 40 To Exchange ' TltADE - 30 Caterpillar tractor, food harc. for larse wheel tractor ton rubber. 1. E. Brothanck. Malln. Ore. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted "'. Wanted Furnished House or Apartment . ' by Marine Officer and Wife. Permanent Duly. No Pets or Children. Phone 5121, Extension 5. . 2401-tf FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN ; HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING PJionc 3583 . 2501 So. 6th 2-16 WILL PAY CASH for u.etl mins. Brlns Ihcm In f or onoralsal. BELL'S HARD- WAI1E. MB Main SI. l-3lm CASH paid lor Household goods. Phone 7310. 40ll WANTKI1 TO RENT Modern, furnished house or apartment, one child. Phone 8475. 3I13K WANT TO nENT-Potalo acreage. Pay c:,h nr luro crmi. Write P. O. Box 1112. Morrill. 1-W 34 Kuloniotlv 34 Automotive Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office Soulh We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks We Need Late Models COMPARE . Our High Bid Before You Sell --See Selby Last- Phone 6034 237Btl Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley TOP PRICE FOR YOUR CAR If reasonably clean we make no deductions. You need not sacrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Co. WANTED TO BUY--Piiir of thiimin HheniR, PI rose phone 48118 after 6:3fl p. m. aieitr WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis n. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 13 Id or 7l7r. l-aum WANTED TO MUY-Latr model pickup truck. Phono 7271. IMI SaiRcnt. RPtr WHOLE CARTON OF CIGARETTES for ftrsl furnished apartment or house for rent, unit daytime. snmn. flIOS, ExL 108. 1-24 NAVAL OFFICER AND WIFE desire mn!l furnished npnrtment or huuse. nay to sum. Phone Mrs. Alhcrton Willard Hotel. 1-23 WANTED Furnished apartment or house by marine officer nnd wife. Call or wr to Cant. Corutti. 5121, Ext. 16 Marine lift r racks. 1-22 WANTED ... Furnished npnrtment or house by marine officer and wife. Call or wrile LI. Edwards. Compan: L, B-13. Marine Barracks. 1-22 WANTED TO BtlY - Innerjtprlng mat tress. Prefer Ucntily Rest or Sfleley Must he reasonably priced. Phone 4boo neiwoen o and t p. m. . rwu WANT electric ranee and oil circulator PO Box 217. . 1-22 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 42 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot -- Large or Small . ". U. S. ONE'S ; ' U. S. TWO'S rg PEEWEE SIZE '" ' Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls 2567U 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Livestock and Poultry .' ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest moaens Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come In, write us for information and prices. ' FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 993U 42 Miscellaneous v anted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring - WE BUY EVERYTHING!" 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761 tf RAILROAD "man and wife would like either furnished or unfurnished apart ment or house. Permanent renters. Ph. 6594. 1-24 WANTED Unfurnished 2 or 3-bedroom house by parts manager of Balsiner Motor Co. Permanent resident. Phone Tommy Thompson. 3121. L-- 44 Live tock and Poultry mttCKS Finest and beat crude of chicks. 'Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent. Oregon. 2-3 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Eight head of Registered Hereford catttc. cows and .heifers, B mites from town on the Ashland High way, on the Ess Ranch. 1-22 FOR SALE 20 good dairy cows. Sam Molgard, Tulelake. 1-22 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. 1-CUm REGISTERED BERKSHIRES Two sow, bred for March farrow. $75 each: March boar. S50: young stock. Mem ber Of California Berkshire Breeder' Assn. Merle Goode. Macdoct, Calif. 1-2S HIGHEST PKICFS paid for hoRs. veil. Iambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3305. 1-3 Ira WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 010 East Main. Phone 4282. 2-5m 46 Financial WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. l-31m PAYING UP TO S2 lb for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle. Wn. i -.ii 46 clnancial On Your See K. A. (Dinry) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned ; , Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest- 1 ' M-275 ' S-241 114 N. 7tt . rhone 3323 . , , l-3lm When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salpry Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 771 1 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-2S1 l-31m