'"'Co. alU'i'dluil i'";d J. r own ublo service. arrange1'1' wl" bS nir, ' rvto men and Hw;il.rlii tl.olr " ' All are urged to F sr. bu.i To... f?i I concert. Natalie I hut been occomp- rri.r'ini.nd nyc. n " I'M'S. but ''n offering Knc,..ktn for Bt collW. w w" ihi- concert In 1,1 room 'jineluiry. L Mtl0 The Worn- fflrrtMrthodlrt church hold gener al meeting In n0 ' i Thiiral MV. Ti . s: Mr,: (fHwirdi win """- , .5w'i.Twhs,,u: L "of H Grace" by Coslcn L , pencil, end note-books I. "ir.h.nn at noon will circle .1 1:49 and tho Irii ibmihw '," " -;.y- Iihe oroiram pen"" ""' y by circle 1, All women L church md con(treitlloii .u. ura John W. G. Ill vlilted in Klamath Fall, fidiy for i short time en L to the naval training cen- 1 Sin Dirgo. noiiiiio w iiuricnt at the Unl- liy of Idaho and enlisted In b i a hospltol assistant tut dm. Li. rl-U' Memhpra of 3am circle of the First Pros trim church, will meet tally at 2:15 p. m. at the t of Mn. O. u. Miuncwi, u atk with Mn. Dcvo as- lii' hoiteu. Mn. Hal Ogle live the devotional lam onu mil chspten oi "ueyona me n.-li.." ...111 k. t.tlMu'r4 ItlMt Home TSgt. Earl H. kwn, brother or Mrs. w. r. uu. 2433 Orchard, ha ro- fed to the United Stales on fcuih from the Southwcit flic theater of operations he ha has lervcd for 33 lllii with the Infantry. Ii furlough-PFC. Jack Orr. (ofA.j.orr, rtt. i, box sea. nth Falls, Ore., haa arrived he United States on furlough thi AiHtlc-Pacltlc theater tntloni where he terved 21 itlu with the army coast ar. p corpi. ietd Kara PFC Fran- I Otvara. inn nf rtiiartnltmn If!. 1010 Winlllinrf Imi ra. fi to the United Statea tin-' me army i rotation plan lerVlna 32 tnnnth with iIim firmiiter corps in the North Icm theater of oporatloni, li t Meat. Th Klamath itrm r.rti. u ...in Ny It 8n. m. In the rhnri-h In. Mn. Dave Brlds and Simonion will be the hn. .... V ia -r- it r EARL WHITLOCK n nature of mBn to lot vY.M tnat mnn imtmton ( In UllaU I ' hl will then ft- - r. wealth, fl br nc. JillHilor to r i QZJ niani urRo fxcr-1 v.... 't mean tS,ih.,..w.Pln a, 1 "cy poini out Im... 'X " wnnom, in con- Ithou ir""' 'n virtue f in ' 'hlng w,,y ft . .h.lc.h. is enough of i frnowtl.., ?.0'. truth jewel all tk. t In haLLh.9.rB.".o the ilrlv in cloal. on it i: ?my, Mr. wuui.-i. Lumbermin Dlei William Marih, S3, mlitant niiinogcr of I ho Edward Hluea Liiuihiu' com- funy, MIiici, Ore, rtlrrl jiintiin.v 3 In Chlcugn fulluwlnii a major oporatlon, Mr. Murli wn wuil known to Oregon luinbL'imun and prior to Joining tho Hlnm opontlon wai with tho South well Uimbur company l Mc Nary, Arlt. final rltci wore held last Wcdnmday at Burns. Mr. and Mrs. IS. D. Humoulior in tended aervlcei, Mil. llumuclier remaining for a time with Mn. Marsh. Tho two women are expected hero sometime this week and Mra. Marah will visit at tho Huniuchcr homv on Pacific Terrace, On Furlough Spending his furlough In Klamath Fulls Ii Murine Sgt. Swun B. Swanson, '1'ho 33-yenr-old marine la a vet eran of 3d months In tho PhcI fic, ile lost iuw action In tho Salpan-Tlnian campaign with tho second marine division. A gradu ate of Klamath Union high school, Swiinion enlisted in Mny, 1943. The son of Mrs. Cnrl Swanson of Alameda, Cnllf., he hold tho Presidential Unit cita tion. To Hold Conference A farm security administration confer enca will bn hold at Grants Prks tomorrow, Tuesday. Earl Gard ner, superintendent of Klamath and Lake counties, will attend the meeting along with four Klamath county committeemen for the southern Oregon district, Including John Kerns, Wallace Thompson, John Short and E, K. Smith. Improrlng Francis Silvers of Chlloquln, patient at Hillside hospital where he Is being trcnt ed for multiple knlfa wounds re ceived In an altercation a week go, was reported showing im provement Monday. Silvers was given penicillin several days ago when Infection In the wounds developed, according to the attending physician. Leave for Oklahoma Mri. William Wulclur (Julia Dcnault) of 1418 Oregon, left Monday for Oklahoma to join her husband who was formerly stationed at tho Klamath naval air station, and who Is now In Oklahoma for three montlu' special training, To Teach Mrs. R. E. Llounl Ion of Klamath Falls will replaco Clifford A. Rowe as Instructor in English and elementary Jour nalism at Klamnth Union hlith school. Rowo recently accepted a teaching position at Pacific university In Forest Grove, Oro. Takes New Position Suzanne Stewart of Klamath Falls has re signed her position as senior stenographer at the county wel fare office and has accepted a Jab with the Kasterson Lumber company In the personnel department. Parish Dinner Members of St, Paul'a church will attend tho annual parish dinner given at 9:30 p. m. Thursday, January 39, In tho parish house. Tho dinner la being prepared by the Woman's Auxiliary. Annual re ports will be heard and election COlDS'MUSCLEACHES,PMNSi awcuy reiitvtrj ny renttro rtmdm'olHtJiiMi mutton met Itktdtvtloptd byrncxlfrnawionco mioeouniMrr!tni,v(wnmt I PEN ETR &E of vertrymen tako place, ac cording to the Jtcv. F. C. W. n-iibucli, Vliltor Curulma Vaaretll, former principal of Henley school, Is visiting here this week from Portland whora she bus been In buslnesi the past several years. Miss Vaerettl I the guest of Mr. and Mn, Harold Hond rlckion and Lllllo Darby. She will visit friends In Morrill on Monday and In the Henley dis trict Tuiiduy, SOCIETY art to Mail The senior Girls Friendly loclcly of St, Paul's. Eplacopal church will meet nl the parish houso Friday at 4;80 p. m. Tho Junior group will meet at 12 o'clock noun Sat urday for siii'k lunrh followed by u business meeting. Collision E. L, OuUr, 431 N. 4th, and Clifford L. Ambers, route :t, box 1146, city, were Involved In tin automobile col lision near Elm on Market at 1:15 ,p, m, Friday according to a report filed with city police. Smull clamuge was done to both curs. It was stated. Attend Opening Mayor and Mrs. Ed Ojlendorf wore among the guests attending the open ing of the WRA personnel recrea tlon club at Newell, Calif., Sat urday night. Rebekah Team Rchekah offi cers and team and any member! Interested In Joining the team are asked to meet at the IOOF holl on Wednesday evening, Jan uary 24, at 7:30. Applies for Navy Warren L. Anderson, 344ft Anderson, left for Portland Sunday night to tnko final qualifying examina tions for general service In the navy. ' Fly South Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adami, Merrill, flew from Loi Angeles Sunday to Mexico City where they plan to spend the next five or six weeks. To Merrill Mcl Kennedy, re cruiter in charge of the Klamath navy recruiting station will be In Merrill and Malin Tuesday on official business. On Leavo F 1c Oscar S. Parsons Jr., Is home on leave from the South Poclflc, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parsons at Tlonesta, Calif. To Portland Mrs. Frank Gar dlnler and daughter Jean, left Sunday for a 10-day visit with relatives In Portland and Baker, Oro. Visiting Hero Mrs. Walter O'Donoughue and son, Alexan der, are here from Roscvllle, Calif., visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonncy, 427 Alameda. In Portland Fred Hoagland, manager of the Klamath Falls branch of Fluhrer's bakery. Is spending this week In Portland on business. Dorcas Circle The Dorcas circle will meet at the home of Mrs. James Slote at 520 N. 8th on Thursday, January 25 at 2 p. m. Schoolmates The School mates will meet on Friday, Jan uary 26, at 2 p. m, at the home of Mfs. Lynn Royio at 615 California. 1 1 1 Zfil rl Ii In ill 111 rsx r - rr 'i l v m L ite s iiiit ii: j Jim ii-i'm ivii Tsar wl tan ipMiiyaiiwirmmvj -II 1l MAIN ST0IST H Odd Fellows BONANZA Tho members of the Bonunza chapter of thi Odd Followa lodge entertained the members of the Klamath Fulls lodge at tho local hall on Salurclay evening, January 8, The occuslon was the Joint Installation ceremonies of offic er! for both lodge during the onsulng year. The Bonanza lodge treated the v 1 1 1 1 o r to a fried chicken dinner after the Installation, and places were let for 40 guests. Everyone reported a very enjoyable evening. 8 i i Sh ower KENO Th Guy Moor home was tho scene of a miscellaneous shower Riven for the Vernon Puckctt family, whoso homo was ("istroyed by lira lomo time In December. The affair was given aa an open house, and guests called be tween six and nine on tho eve ning of January 9. . Many beau tiful an well as useful gifts were given to the Pucketta, and coffee and cookies were served during tho evening. 5 5 5 St, Barnabas - LANGELL VALLEY The guild of St. Barnabas church met at the homo of Mr. Owen Pcpplo on Wedncsdoy for an all day meeting. A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed at 12:30, followed by a business meeting and election of officers. Mrs. Edith Jones will be the new president for the ensuing year: Mrs. Alma Embrey, vice president; Mrs. Madge Monroe, secretary-treasurer. It woa de cided at this time that a new sidewalk should be built to the chtirch. Following the meeting, the Indies did guild sewing, and en Joyed a soclnl afternoon. Mrs. Lester Leavitt was awarded a guest prize. Those enjoying the day with Mrs. Pcpplc included Mrs. Birdie Burke, Mrs. Herbert Jones and Kenny, Mrs. Mary Dearborn, Mrs. Will Bcchdoldt, Mrs. Frank Pepple, Mrs. Frank Dearborn, Hazel Morrison, Mrs. Florence Botklns, Mrs. Emery Johnson, Mrs. Reginald Thomas and Margaret, Mrs. Claude Mur ray, Mrs. Mlko Dearborn, Mn. Hcoly and Mrs. Leavitt. Members will meet at the home of Mrs. Claude Murray on February 1, In order to tie sev eral quilts. Everyone is cordi ally Invited to attend. Sled Stolen Bobby Doverl, 707 Washington, reported to city police the loss of his sled, a Penguin black and orange model, said stolen from in front of his houso this weekend. CARD OF THANKS Wi wth to axprtu our thank! for 4lw act of ktndntftS, words of fympathy inn txaatlful flonl offtrlnji undarod ui In our roctnt baraitvament. J A MRS H. OWKN AND FAMILY NORA McKENDREE. ATTENTION.' ECZEMA. SUFFERERS Hstc you used soothing, medi cated Raiinol to ralitvo the itching and burning? For 43 yeirs a comfort to maoy such sufferen it jAanrf help yon. Quick and gentle in action, Wltn long-listing vara, i ij iu 4. . rtwua-r' ., tar. FEATURES for WOMEN SI f VTki - .wr HONOLULU PRINTS 79 Beautiful ipun acatat rayon. Excellent material for your now Spring (rocks. Slender ise your figure with' those neat strlpei. Hand washable. 3t inches wide, ALL WOOL FLANNEL MATERIAL 2.98 Three-piece suits ar all tna style. For Junior Miss and Minos. Thes attraotlr flan rials are tho answer to your sawing problems. Either light er dark shad. 63 Inches wide. LADIES' OILED APRON? 98c Solid colored oiled aproni with eoloiad bind ings, Also binding trim down aldoi. Rog. ular also. ALCONT LUNCHEON CLOTHS TO BE EMBROIDERED 89c 8., Unbleiehed muslin lunehoon itli to em broider. Carefully stamped, aasy to follow. Four napkini lneludod. Assorted doilgni. 06x36. Also Embroidery Floss 3 Skoln BALCONT i WOMEN'S COTTON KNIT WORK GLOVES 25c Cotton knit. Gray or whit. Snug knit wrlit let. Small, medium and large. main ri.oo LADIES' WORK SLACKS 1.98 Sanforliod faded blue denim work llcki. Siio It ts 20. Lirga da poekot. 1 afCONn.nOOB KPCA OFFICERS REELECTED AT nlMET All officers war re-elected at the annual meeting of the Klam ath Production Credit associa tion Saturday, at which a four per cent dividend was distribut ed among stockholders. Thes officer include William Klttredf e, president; E. M. Ham mond, vice president; A. R Campbell, Lee Kolllday, and E. A. Gry, directors: Leo 8. Me Mullen, secretary-treasurer; and R. J. Mlchels, assistant secretary treasurer, Hollidsy and Geary wer re-elected to a term of three year at an election of di rectors. Campbell I a hold-over. F. E. McMurphy of Tulelik. president of the Klamath Basin cooperative, wai an afternoon sneaker and A. J. Manning of Henley, a itoekholder in tha a tociatlon, spok from tha floor. Pun Found- City police found a brown pocketbook con taining two wrist watches and personal paper at S. 6th and Arthur, tho purse belonging to Mrs. J. D. Collier of Malin. Mr. Collier ha been notified. In V a 1 1 y Dr. and Mr. George A. Massey spent the weekend at their farm in Rogue River valley and were guests of their son Tom and family, who have been on the ranch for tome time. Handy with tools? This job may ba up your alley Thi is a good Job. And a bit unusual in many ways because it's got Just a bit more excite ment and real he-man's "stuff" to it than most Jobs. The work: Helper in Southern Pacific' big R. R. shops or roundhouses . . . working with skilled craftsmen on locomotives, rolling stock, other R. R. equipment. You don't need to be experienced Just willing. If you wish, you can learn railroading on the ground floor . . . learn a tine craft from men who know their business. You'll ba part of a fine outfit ... a company whose biggest job still lies ahead: carrying the war load for the huge Pacifio offensive. Regu lar railroad wages. Fine pen sion plan. R. R. pass privileges. Medical services. Investigate to day. See or Writ Trainmaitor, S. P. Station, Klamath Falls, or your nearest S. P. Agent. Service Men and Women (Monday, January 21, 194S Home on Leave PFC Glullo A. Ferronl from Santa Maria army air base. Here until January 30. S3e Jam F, PorUr from Farragut, Ida. Her until Jan uary 23. BJc Robert J. Schwaigar from Farraxut. Ida. Hera until January 24. The above service people are entitled to free passei to the lo cal theatre and free fountain rvico at Lo-t River dairy by courteiy of Lloyd Lamb of tho thetri and R C Woodruff ol the dairy. Pleaso call at The Herald and News office (ask tor Paul Hslnei) for your courtesy ticket HERALD AND NEWS FIVK Soldier Held in Shooting of Waitress SAN PEDRO. Calif., Jn. 22 (A' Pvt. Curl Ramsoy was held In city Jail here today In the fatal shooting of Leona C. Kel ley, 29, waitress, whose death he described as "a Joke." Detective O. H. Ledbetter quoted Ramsey aa saying ha put falrulove' Meat Cutting and Curing Plant We cut and wrap mtat for your lockers and smoke your ham and bacon Phono 428 (16 E. Main a revolver Into tha girl' hand as a joke and that tha aikad him, "Do you dara me to do it?" Ltd better aald Ramsay claimed ho could not pravtnt her pulling thntrlggar. Ram.ey told police officer ho haa a wife In St. Helens, Oro, Ha il itationed at Fort MacArthur. Mineral product account for D9 per cent of Bolivian export. Ju$l ttecetvedt Largo Shipment of MEN'S & IOYS' Rubber Footwear Work and Dras Ruheer and Overshoes. All Site. DREW'S MANSTORE 736 Main OTP OH 9UYIM0 MOM MO MOttt WAX OOHttl Tbara's Peaithra Mspe la taa Perfectly Mellow taste of PM de Luxe in a tinkling highball. Seems to say "Let the world go for a few Pleasant Mo menta here'e the finest whiskey a man coold ask for. Richly flavored, but smooth aa cream. Perfect Mixer for every Pleasant Moment." PM ro vu4$Airr uotaim National DlstOIera Products Corp., N. Y. Blended VWskey. . 86.8 Proof. 49 Grain Nentral Spirit. Remember this, the next time you can't get o reservation: Over the Pullman cars are now exclusively in military service! Of very hundred regular Pullman sleeping car, fifty-iix are now exclusively in military service. But even the remaining forty-four, out of every hun dred cars, are not fully available for civilian travel. Much of the space in these cars is reserved for men in uniform, too. Obviously what is left, after the requirements of the armed services are taken care of, can't accom modate all the civilians who want sleeping car reservations. Please remember this the next time you" plan to go somewhere on the train. The problem of Pullman reservations is especial ly difficult on Southern Pacific, because we serve the West Coast ports of embarkation from San Diego to Portland, and more military and naval establishment than any other railroad. Already we are carrying about five times the vol ume of passenger traffic as in 1940. And our mili tary load gets bigger and bigger as America pours the heat on Japan. To save yourself disappointment, please don't plan a train trip on Southern Pacific unless it is imperative. i9 Thi friendly Southern Pacific IIOHT INPANTIll PARAIYSIS-JOIN THI MARCH Of KMU JANUAIY 14 ta II l6nt' BlrThdSy.4" n "Th9 IMA