ARGES FILED GUIS! 11 IISlSHf 1 . n.llrv 3808 lly"' ibrt Bj "'ft, frtMni drlv- IAirga W'",..V. llrmlSo ",u" at 8 p. m. Satur- Henry ry lXi Lne. Murine Bar l'rtd A:,.'n running Mri.J.i. 'V,' in. Y' 0. Humbert's sedan, fa 12 tade tied chi J. U. jioinwwi" n from oi m - N. 2nd, was (truck by a n slick uavemunt lute er?5?!!- in. Martin j ...I.I. . trnttlf ulAlB. when no , "7 a - rH Dili fit E.. iVIIIIII MUM , , , Wall. union, aui u"-'m . I . ... i.. ii ..- t. tuna ar. I .'at,..'n.. t in vIa. t . CiinrlnU it . hi t-uni New Assistant Naval Secretary Named by FDR WASHINGTON. Jun, 22 (API II. Struvo I IoijkuI nl New Jer liny wan nontlnuted lodny by President Hooscvult to bo as sistant sverotury of the nuvy. . Honsel, who hui boen serving the navy department In a legal cupiiclly on contractu (or some three ycara, win movo into tiio Bouillon vacutud ' when Kulph nrd bocumo undersecretary, Other nomlnatlona submitted to the sonata Included: Aubrey W. Wllllums or Ala bama, former head of t It o national youth administration; to bo rum I electrification ad mlnliitratnr. Mo would succeed Hurry Slnttory, who resigned rocently under protest. . Edward Jncknon Kyle of Texas to bo embassador to Gua temala. Joseph P. McGurk to be em bassador to the Dominican re public, R." Henry Norwcb of Ohio, now ambassador to Portugal, to bo ambassador to Panama, i NAZI TROOPS FLEEING TO LI MAULED (Continued From Pnao One) sink's two mobile reaervo armies. Allied olr power Intervened as tho American third army fought Into the atrecta of Wiltz, southern anchor of German dc- ft-nai'S in Luxembourg, and aa thu U, S. first army stormed In to the open from tho forest belt protecting St. Vlth, 2i miles away. Prisoner BY. On Leave J, A. "At" Dollar hlde, chief petty offlcor. US navy, la on leave for several daya vlaltlnghls porenta, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Dollnrhlde, and his slator, Mrs, F. J. Smith, 4435 Board man. Dollurhldc returned from overseas duty In 1044 and for the fiant nine months hoa been att ached to the floet air command at Seattle, Wash. He has served aa chief yeoman to Rear Admiral J. J. Ballcnlinc. OF Wounded Pvt. George G, Huntley, husband of Esther L. Huntley of Lakcvlew, Is re ported wounded in action In the Southwest Pacific theater, nc- cordlmi to Information, from the war. department which has ad vised next of kin as to any chango In status. mtlnued From Pago One) te whether their report d be filed before tho legls c adjourns. 1 ilher did they give any In ition whether they would co jale with a ilmllnr commit oi mo wnsniimion tegisia- The Washlnmon and Ore liquor commissions entered ,!! Jointly. ... own Denies sot Spoilage , BRTLAND. Or., Jan. 22 (P) Binnell Brown, district OPA linlilrslor here. Inrlnv flntW Jed charges that meat la ling In Portland shops be- oi uinienca ration values. OPA survey of mnr than llorei here Inst week disT Id neither stxillcd meat nor f meat that seemed In dan of spoiling." ho declared. K dealeni rilH rrirt "an fupply of hind quarter" rver. Brawn ulrl t cry change in ration values U In. light buying until !:wivra nave umlllarlzed wives with stretching I as far ni Ihnv ulli fjld,, explaining that this u .vtouni lor somewhat ' cr meat sales. tfwor Planning pup Slates Meeting dinner meeting of tho post- aiming committee ; has IlltCd far Tlioirln.. :30 at the Pel Iron ThI P. concerns postwar plan- Plry, and Denn Pnul M. f .of the school of forestry at ton Statu I. l. il. flpal speaker, ft meeting will Include tho miu uuitit.1 oi ui- ln.'u?cn "mbcrmen and Cfc.' Inlerostcd In tho r.",;",u""n, providing they ifi,, "" "UEr 01 com fe'dS1 o""? at bo iAdsBrlng Resulta, 0 an n'.:'..'..j Railroad Carman Sout, pncf(c m iL ? rcpnlr 0r rcbulld lBo,a,;'c,mor,anc.o'han Inr tr:.' ; muM io We, "llf""' nd .troop. atlon . r J , 1 Pr ' cm penin f S Pl ,hcro '' a liW.vv-vital rorklna r,lV Jb. You'l O'Mnt I win , folki you,n Imen ' ,7" Urst-class I Mcdi, I?"." P.P-lvl- io fn-ii. 1110 southern ..r. . . sot bacW and . "f w"'"' 'your delate i Tn1CC aro rcB"y """' P. Aflent Rates Committee Thore will be a 'meeting of tho cham ber of commerce board of di rectors and tho rates committee on tho matter of establishing traffic rates bureau in Klamath Falls. , . ' . - - :. Have Mumps Ruth and Vir ginia Roenlcke, young daughters of m. ana Mrs. a. u. ttocnicKe, of Portland street, are confined to their homo with mumps. Their young brother Frederick has now recovered. : , ' , ' Beturns From SaUm Clar ence A. ' Humble returned to Klamath Falls after an official business trip to Snlem during the latter part of last week. . Dance Hall Fire , Costs $45,000 FAIR VIEW. Jan." 22 (Jp) Fail ure to Investigate smoke slowly filtering ' Into the Blue Lake Chateau dance hall late last night resulted two hours later In 143,000 fire damage. . Charles S. Taylor, operator, told firemen' ha believed the smoke was from cigarettes in the crowd of Vancouver ship yard machinists and friends. Ho later discovered a second floor bedroom in flames.' Gresham and Troutdale fire men were handicapped by dif ficulty in reaching water sup ply. VITAL STATISTICS DKCKARD Born t lllllild holplul, KUmalh rll. On., January 31, 1949, to Mr. and Mn. Thnmas E. Dcekard. Kano, Or-, a boy, wnihl: a pounds alt nunrai. Nam: William Marvin. JKNriKNnorn l lllllildi noiniiai, RUmath ralli. Ore.. January 21. 1P4V tu r. and Mn. Oaorst Jenian, 3i9s rat tanon, a flrl, Vtlslu: T pounds .9 ouncai. BAHTIAN Born at Klamath Vallay hospital, Klamath rails, Or.. January 11, 1049. to Mr. and Mrs. T. VV. Dastaln, 1331 Adams, a ilrl. Welsht: t pounds ei ounces, ' . fcUUIS Horn at Klamath Valley hos pital, Klamath rails. Or.. January, 30, 1049. to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ellis, 324 J ii While, flrl. Welsm: S pounds 8 ounces. ' M'NEAtV-norn . at Klamalh . Vallty hospital, Klamath rails, Ore., January IB. 11)49, lo Mr. and Mrs. rrsncl McNeai, 8940 Hop, a boy, Welsht: . S pounds 10U ounces.. j, imitltv Born at Klamalh Valley hos. pltal. Klamalh rails, Ore., January 10, 1049, lo Mr. and Mrs. Vrn Brry, Ml Mlicnall, a boy. .Welsht: a pounds 1 ounces. COOK Born at Klamalh Valley hos pltal, Klamalh Falls. Ore., -January .11, 1049. to Mr. and Mrs... John L. Cook, Box USA. city, a slrl. Weliht: a pounds iniLMlHi:--Born at Klamsth, Vart in hospital. Klamalh Tails. Or,, January Id, 1049, to Mrs. Carrie Shulmlro and (he lata Charles fthulmlre, 1991 Blsbee, a slrl. Welsht! (pounds 7 ounces. RANCAltnow-rtorn' at.Klamath Val ley hospital. Klamalh raUi,.pra., ..Jan; uary 11. 1049. lo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nancarrow. 1013 Main, a boy, Wolshli 7 pounds Hi ounces. , (Continued From Pago One) had' presented for '. their ap proval, Vol of Confidence Walter Hnllannn, West Vir ginia committeeman, said ' the committee's action In effect constituted voto of confidence for Drowncll, Nelson was greeted with sll enco when ho told tho commit tee that because Browncll's law firm In New York represents largo corporations, the reten tion of the present chairman might allenato labor votes. Should Decide - "Tho chairman should deter mine now whether his personal Interests aro more important than the republican party's in terests In tho United Stales," Nelson declared. Almost without comment on this one-man revolt, tho com mittee swiftly aproved Brown cll's program, , Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York took hand Indirectly today In the republican national committee's midwinter meeting by sending word to some mem bers that Herbert Browncll Jr. is doing "a grand Job" as chair man. , . wmki n rarer, : 111 Mi IS GEORGE BURNS FRAMED AGAIN? What's Oracle , Allen got up hor sleeve this time? Re modelling the Burns' house pt Just remodelling George? Ypu novtr can Jell. Tune In George Burns ft Graclo Allen on your radio tonight for a rlb-tlekllng half-hour . . . KSL . . . 6i30 . . . MBO on your dial. .- 1 . . (Continued from Page' One) ploye has held steadfast in his denial that he killed Ewing who was found shortly after noon Friday. January 12. near, the Kolplne . plant southwest . of ruumuui rails, twing died a lew nours later at Kinmnlli val ley hosnltal. Davis had nrevl ously admitted seeing Ewing the aiiernoon and evening oi Janu nry 10, and said he had loaned mm nia car at mat time. Turned In Gun Davlg had brought a .32 Smith and Wesson pistol to Sheriff Lloyd L. Low on Wednesday of last wcck and tne gun was im mediately forwarded, to Dr. Jos eph Bccman. criminoloeist. who advised tho sheriff early Thurs day afternoon that bullets found In twine s body came from the gun which Davlg had said was In tna car uio nignt Ewing bor rowed tne machine. At a late hour Monday, Davlg nan not retained an attorney. Man-Injured in Car Accident Saturday . Gu Nelson, SO, for many years Janitor at the First Feder al Savings and Loan, and at Max Coffee shop, is In Klamath Val ley hospital suffering from leg and shoulder injuries received at 10:25 p, m. Saturday when 'he wns struck by a car operated by Raymond H. Hanson, route 1, box 063, city. - . Nelson is thought to have a fractured leg and X-raya were taken Monday. According to the police report,. Hanson had stop ped at 4th and' Main, and was turning right as Nelson left the curb at the California. Oregon Power company and Jaywalked across the strebt. Nelson lives at 540 Blehn. ... Hans Norland Fire Insurance. Phono 6060. -: I i . i J,' vv. X! SSat. Charles Kujawski. United States army Infantry, is now a prisoner of war of Ger many, according to word re ceived by his wife, Patricia, 924 Martin. Sgt . Kujawski Held Prisoner SSul. Charles Kujawski. United States army infantry, who has twice been reported missing in action in the . European theater, is now a prisoner of war in Germany, according to word received by his wife, tho former Patricia Ghcllcr, an employe of tho Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company. Word como to the soldier's wlf and three-year- old son. "Corky." Saturday night, KuJawskl was first reported missing October 4, in Ucrmany, He rejoined his outfit on Octob er 20. At that time he was pro moted from private first class to staff sergeant because of his com bat service, becond report thai Kujawski was missing, came to his family November 17, in a letter written by him from Sta lag ll-B. They had not been informed by the war department, Mrs. Kujawski said. Her hus band went overseas in June, 1944. took nurt in the liberation of Paris and then went into Bel gium with tho army. Swift-Moving Yanks Capture Luzon Town - (Continued From vPage One) Tarloc brought to five the Amer ican bases on Luzon for further air blows at Japanese troops and supplies. The Urgtst is at Lingayen. Yank .airmen have dominated the Luzon skies since invasion day. . U, S. doughboys, pressing eastward toward another good highway to Manila this one fol lowing a circuitous foothill route steering clear of rivers and swampland captured Victoria La Paz east of Tarlac. . Flashes of Life INTERPRETER," PLEASE . FT. OGLETHORPE. Ga Jan. 22 04') The first- contingent of Hawaiian WACs 58 of them have arrived here for basic train ing. Of Chinese, Chinese-Hawaiian. Filipino, Japanese-Hawaiian and Jrisn-Hawaiian ancestry, they collectively speak 15 -different languages. . - . - BUSMAN'S HOLIDAY ' ' ATLANTA. Jan. 22 (Pl-Mal. William E. Spence, chief of the Georgia bureau of Investigation, gave tnis account o( it: Charlie Hill. 40, picked the lock of the Wilkes- county, con vict camp at night, burglarized homes and stores and then re entered the orison and stored his loot In his locker and under his bunk. He apparently waa selling the goods to, other convicts. Hill is serving a 15-year term for burglary: , . . -. e. e : k 'DOUBLE OR, NOTHING i DENVER, Jan. 22 W) Walter Schoonover of Walden, Colo., and A. M. Tennant 'of Denver couldn t agree on the price for G. I. Joe, palomino stallion own ed by Tennant. ' Tennant wanted $3000 Schoonover offered, $2300. Final ly they agreed to flip a coin double or nothing. Schoonover ' lost and' paid 6000 for the stallion.-- - SYNTHETIC DIET CHICAGO. Jan:' 22 (PI Last week a chilly robin turned up its beak st crumbs proffered by Mr. and Mrs. Irv Bullard and began pecking forlornly at the snow in search of a worm. The Bullards, afraid the bird would starve, rolled pieces- of -meat loaf into worm shapes and tossed them In to the yard - ' The robin - ate - the ersatz worms flew away, returned with his mate and later four other robins showed .up for worms and got them. "Keeping robins in the winter Isn't so hard." said Bullard, "all you have to do is understand them." .. .. 18 Monday, Jan. 22, 194S Classified Ads Brine; Results. (Continued From Page One) t-rul cities and towns were badly damuged, 1 . Such enemy reports frequent ly precede official announce ment from this headquarters of fleet operations. Adm. William F. Halscy s third fleet carrier planes last hit Formosa Janu ary. 14 and IS after raids along the Indo-China and China-coast. Start fires ' (Gen. Douglas MacArthur's communique, issued at Luzon, said long-range bombers of his command started fires at Heito and Okayama air bases on For mosa.) The navy communique also reported army Liberators of the strategic air force again struck at Iwo Jima, in. the Volcanic islands, 750 miles south of Tokyo January 18. It was the 14th raid this month and42nd since. December 1. on this Jap anese base, from, which air blows have been made against America's B-29 base on Saipan. Senate Opposes ; New Wallace Post . (Continued from Page One). nance corporation and Its sub sidiary agencies to the Jurisdic tion of the commerce depart ment, The-order was issued -when Jones , was both commerce sec retary and loan . administrator. -The bill calls for the appoint ment by the president of a $12,-000.-administrator to head the reestablished agency, BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 22 (P) The most severe drought in several years is causing wide spread damage to -crops and pastures, in Argentina. . -i ."; . Acid Indigestion RtfitTijaj ta i niMtM r JeA mii bads .fTtxn iirw Koaich Mtdxtuw pitnfal. roa7tt taf f ai. qut itonmrh u4 bttrtbciTn. docteri wntBj anvwcriDsj m itfiaiiKun( BlaiCIBsf HERALD AND NEWS THREE r Hixon Leaves for Army Induction Marvin Hlxon of Klamath Falls Is leaving tonight for Port land for Induction into the arm ed forces. Hlxon was director of publicity for the Junior cham ber of commerce here, winning a keyman award for outstanding civic service for the preceding year, and was rent director of the OPA In Klamath Falls. Hixon was the youngest di rector In this region which in-, eludes Oregon, Washington, Cal-J Ifornia, and the major part of Nevada. Mrs. Hixon and their three-year-old son, Ronald, will remain In Klamath Falls. Building Materials Composition and Cedar SHINGLES Insulating Wall Panel : by Armttrang Cork Company CERTAINTEED ROOFING ACME PAINTS, LIN-X Suburban Lumber Co, Phono 7709 COMING! America's Famous Conductor-Composer Ted Fio Rito His Piano And Hit Orchestra ARMORY WED., JAN. 31 G. P. Matthews and J. L Dean ACCOUNTANTS - wish to announce change of their . . address from First National Bank , building to - 123 North 6th St. (Formerly Bealty Logging Co. Office) , . . Telephone 6710 UNSPENT HOLIDAY DECATUR, 111., Jan. 22 UP) Lt. Wayne Hatfield, a naval fly er, wrote his parents thot he didn't get to spend Christmas anywhere; He explained ' he crossed the international date line in the Pacific about 20 min utes before midnight, December 24. When he crossed the line he lost a day, and then It was De cember 26. . I rout FOR M0VIHG PACKING, CRATING STORAGE lm CARTAGE UWIBUTIOH PHONE 4151 MS Broad St., Klamath " Fella WEATHER Bandar, Janmiry 2), iftJS Max. Mln. Eugene 37 KUmath Fall! .... -37 12 Sacramento . 27 North Bend . - . 37 Portland aa Med ford .. , 22 Reno 11 San Franclieo 33 Seattle so . .03 .03 , Northern California Clear today and .onlfht: tome hlch cloudlneu Tuesday. Not quite ao cold but froat tonight. Washington and Oregon Mostly cloudy today, tonight and Tuesday with light rain probably tonight or Tuesday morn ing In west portion. Slightly warmer east portion tonight. 3i A NIW SHIPMINT Of WARDS WHITE FLANNEL In wonderful ly toll, - long wearing cot tonl Full 27" wldal . 14' M. ontgomery War A A ' ' v. ' Fluffy lingerie on a dark dress is the magic Wand that turns winter into Spring. Makes snow scenes as cheery as daisy fields. In black and navy-, v. one and two-piece styles. . - 12.95 to 45.00