General Notices 3 Automotive Automotive 34 Automotive 14 Automotive Saturday. Jan. 20, 194S HERALD AND NEWS KIKE O.K. Transfer Co. Call Us For Household Moving and Storage Long Distance Heavy Hauling Distributors for Industrial Air Products Oxvqen Acetylene Corblde Welding floes Your Car v . , md Different Lately? II Chrysler Made It Wc Con Fix It Only Chrysler Injlnccrrd Prl Ul f . wienrrd Mechanics hone or Coll In For Appointment iurness Motors Plymouth k Walnut Phone HBUO Used Cars Bought Sold Traded MLl MOTOR CO. 1 71 Klnmnlh Ave. fvhere Bib Street Ends Announcement A. L.,Vincze Has Acquir red Complete Ownership of the Phone Suppllei 536 Spring St. 4455 Night Phone 7369 1-25 34 Autem dive RADIATOR REPAIRING Wo Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Trqctor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH S. 6th St. Phone 8331 140B-K RECAPPING nd IRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sltei Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed ' 0 6th Phone 7071 1-7 pchange Motors fords 11)2(1 n tjH2 levrolrtis 103.1 to 1041 vmoutlij 1034 to 1042 "U(!C3 1034 to 1042 or v Will nrbullcl Your Old Motor Wound Crankshafts with Bearings lo Fit C "Ike" Heath ! 321 037 Calif.' Ave. 1.20 winter Drivi pzardous Driving OUR Car Insured Compide Automobile t-overagc? phono 3103 John Sandineycr, R0BERT";nM rcki,-u 1 Federal Suvlngs Dldg. . . 4-3l-m on SALE RADIATORS ', 0F ALL typrr tdA Klamntk Motor Works -none bhiz 'j.,S"g! 5!hl,j'"b"'''''" ""it ' and m... r your car. All lor Sale. a.IRm ".men. v" Ford 4-door. noil J- l-ao """cfS'S. I"1-""" "" in. "n- Junction Sorvlre 120 Hard To Obtain Items WE HAVE NEW Tire Pumps Bumper Jocks Tire Chains Cos Lock Caps Fog Lights Driving Lights Tires Grade 3 (No Certificate Required) Tiro Relincrs Inner Tubes Hcator Hose ' Trailer Couplers Door Handles Carburetors Clutch Plates Mulflors And Many Other Popular Items. ROY CALL AUTO WRECKING CO. We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal on Your Car Just Call 4103 and' Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat Sell Your Car N Of OUR CHECK' BOOK ' is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE . Balsiqer Motor Co. 16 M.lp W.nt.d. Mai II H.lp W.nt.d. MU. WANTED PLUMBERS YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week -- $1.62.5 per hour Intermountain Plumbing Keep Your Car Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. Phone 3136 Thnrs -Sat. 31 MIc.ll.n.oui For Saie 36 Miscellaneous For Sal 738 So. 0th St. 727 Commercial Phone 6703 1-20 Co. Phone 847 j ll)93lf j SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS ' CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED . 34 Automotive 34 Automotive SEE ROSE How Much Do You Want? For YOUR Car? We Buy All Makes and Models No Delay -- No Red Tape See Us Today! : ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 61 30 Public Used Car Lot" 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks ' We Need Late Models - ' COMPARE Our High Bid Before You. Sell See Selby Last-- . Phone 6934 2379U Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator lU'rondlUouDii! MOTOR TUNE-UP IS Yean' Experienc. Elmet Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fori Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 6:30 P. M. 3-Um 36 Miscellaneous For Sale NOT1CB !t30.t.3. for. and Chevrolet owners. We new have the pane to recondition your motor comply. , phone mm i 36 Fuel Heatlne Dry Fir Body Wood Place Your Orders .NOW! Phone' 322 AUCTION Sundiiy, Jiinuiiry 28, one o'clock, 3'i mtlrs'nnrthcasl of Mnlin on the Wlzner nnnch. HORSES Bay niore, 8 years old, 1350 lbs.; sorrel gelding, 10 years old, 13S0 lbs.; buy gelding. 8 years old, 1600 lbs. CATTLE 3 cows, milking; ;i dry cows. 3 Fat Hogs Chickens MACHINERY Oliver cultivator; 1-l-incli sulky plow; 2-ecllon steel harrow; one wagon and ruck; one wagon running gear; 6-ft. horse disc; hay rnkc; Nig Six mower: 2 sets harness; DcLavnl cream scparn tor; milk cans; some tools and other articles. Terms Cosh Lunch Available L. L. Renn, Owner Col. Sw,igart, Auctioneer Sat., Tucs., Thurs. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 1-22 RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Dost Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1.31m 38 Miscellaneous For Sale spencer copsetiere Mm, Kill. Bllrch, 1131 Oak, Phon. 71lln for appolntmint. a-sm rort BALE-Ten. waler.ranrllent over coat lor hoy Ml aheep-llned leather coal, naln overcoat, man's ats., All wool. hlu. hny'e awoater, alt. 14. 3010 iinpa, Ph. 400a. aatau rort SAt.E-Twn 3 li. p. lr compraaaora, automatic Willi tanka. Caicailo Laun dry. t-3l ron SAt.H-Oaa alnva. Dallix. modal, a human, 1 oveni, Ilk. now. Phoita eiua. 1-Jl rort IAI,COn. a (t, road malnlalnor , In axorllanl nonunion, An iin lahln. tool for land lavellna. Phono SIM. i-eo ron SAI.B- Praolli-ally naw Wlndaor inimmii i.m liaalntiar'a anara drum. 11011 Tin. SI., raar .parlmeiit. atllMf ron sai.k - on atovo. Drive. Phono M.1. Harlan 1-20 ron NAi.tEiran MnnAn barraU. In nulra at riulirar a Dakary. I'M" rm.i n iimieiirfl. ni,n n. V. Moroan (l:u So. nivrraldc. Phon. KM. 3-flm roll SAI.B - Vnnium awrapor, man a air. roller akalra. prewar bed and aprlnna, J-wheel atork trailer, aewln marlilno. Call alter a p. m.. Ill Oreaon Ave. t-3a RErilRTERBD W1IITR COU.IH PUP, PIKH anrl hltrh. Trad Klahor. lit. 3, rtoaehuiM. Ore. ' 1-33 Attention Farmers For Potato Box ond Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Docre Lindcman Track Type Tractors, Haymastcr Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders Sco Brown Equipment Company 3049 So 0th St. , Phone 8247 Tues.-Tluil's.-Sat. FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN .' COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER , Phono 7708 .; . ' 20-lBtf rnn MAMC-One nrewar dnvniinnrt nrl chair, aillll Hn, (Ilh, t'h. O.lllfl. 1 -B0 BOOKSBOOKH -HOOKR flnnil rtaanaril vniira 1 nnk pi or mil Hi) tin Call i a STOVES HKPA1IIKO, All avbIImIiIo pnrtB Hlnokdtf, U0(i furniiuro. iinvtn novmni, nit LWnntl IfAncI Slnre. HiO Klnmillll. Phono .1071, .;i!m rtititRIt nmiSlira Clem Joycr. HJtfi Marl In. Phono n77. . i-Jinn ron flAI.K- Trntlcr nun. 'M t. Ma mnrfpl Plvmnilll.. Kxt-cllolll mildtKoiV Contplftlely equipped, Klnmnlh Auin Court. f "1" Ai.t.vN Arirtitiff Mnrl.ln. ond PniDKN CAlctilAlnrs. 8. Dlh Kt. Pioneer Prlntlns & Smtlonery Co. a-lSin ; AUCTI6N - Monday, January 22 XV) Cattle at Auction l.V) yearling feeder Keen. M mlxad ralll and car loud of Whttefnrt itoclt towi.- Alio h(i. horsey and aheep. LAKEVIRW MVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. Lake view. Oregon ft. E. nhodrt. Auctioneer ror Farm Sale Datex Phone Lakevtew 2284 1.30 ron SALE 100 lot baled timt. HI cut Mlfalfn. o.ila and rye. at Kono. Set CAi.v Mi ton at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelakt 71 04. 3Mil Cil'AAS-Mlrrurt, resiiverins. plate win iinw and auto kiam. furniture topi, helves. Kimball' Glaaa Shop. .127 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-3m 40 To Exchange TRADE - 30 Caterpillar tractor, good hatc. for large wheel traetor on rubber. 1. E. Broihanek. Maltn. Ore. 1-28 VVaVVMaaaafiaiaaB)aAlaaaaaMilaajnAila 42 Miscellaneous Wanted FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phono 3429 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN ( HIDES and PELTS GREASE Sec Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3383 2301 So. 6th 2-18 WILL PAY CASH fur uaed mina. Bring Ihem In f or apnral'al. BELL'S HARD. WARK. A3H Main SI. l-31m CASH paid for houaehold gooda. 7810. Phon. 431011 wantfii TO nr.NT Modern, furnished limine or apartment, one child. Phon. 0479. ana" WANT TO IIENT-Polato acreage. rnh nr ahnr. crop. Write P. O. 043, Merrill. Pay Box 1-33 WANTED TO rnt)Y-Palr of thlnnlni ahaara. Plenia nhon. 48DS After B:3l p. m. anttf wii.i. pav (iasti iron voun piano- . I fiiila It. Mnnn. 130 N. 7lh. Phon. 4510 or 7175, l-sum WAN'l'KD TO DIIY-I.ale model pickup Iruck, Phono 7371, 1031 Sargent. nPlf WHOLE CARTON OF CIGARETTES for flral furnished apnrlment or holla, for rem, Call daytime. Lt, Smllh. nion. tiKt. ion.. 1-34 WANTED - By civilian- man and wlfa, quirt houaekceplng room or apartment, Permanent realdenta. Writ. Box 34S1. uare of Herald and News. 1-30 WANT TO BUY a ' motorcycle .aide car or aide van. Write 'Wiley Llvesay, 431 Oak St., Klamath Fall.. 1-30 WANT-3 nr Phono B1.HI. 4-yenrold alt. tricycle, i-ao NAVAL OFFICER AND WIFE dealr. email furnished apartment or houa., pay lo Slop, I'none Mra. AUierlon. llolel. . 1-31 ron SAI.E-Dry wood. 1.H4 Dayton. Bllxscth. 3-3 fir nonv wood, si.vrai cord, orcd. 1310 Llnroln.' Del IV I 30 WANTF.D- Furnished .pertinent or houa. by marine officer And wlf. Call or write Cant. Ccnltt I. S131. Ext. It Marine Barracka. 1-33 WANTED Furnished Apartment or tonne by marine officer and wife. Call nr write LI. F.flwarcla. Company L, n-1.1. Marine Barracka. 1-3 PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls Co. 2568U 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Wanted Furnished. House or Apartment by ' Marine Officer , and Wife. Permanent Duty. No Pets or Children. Phone 5121, Extension 3. 2401-ti WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We went furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761U WANTED TO RUY-lnnersprtng mat treas. Prefer Beauty Real or Seoley. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 40OO between 0 .nd T p. m. TBtf WANT .Lctrlc rani, and oil circulator. PO BOX 347. 1-33 44 Live toclc and Poultry NOTICE! Farmers and cattlemen. Wc are now permanently located at 3601 EBERLEIN ST. Wc deal In all kinds of live stock. Your business will be appreciated. D. M. Dougherty and Son Inquire at S. P. Stockyards or 3601 Eberlcin St, 1-20 WAMTirn Live nnultrv nf all kinds. Alan em. Martin Produce Co. Phone ;t-78, Kllm 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Furniture Salary Automobiles , Livestock Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 771 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-231 1-3 lm K. A. Sec (Dinty) For Moore REGISTERED BF.RKSHIRE8 Two eows. bred for March farrow, S70 each; March boar, MO: young atock, Mem , her of California Berkshire Breeders' Assn. Mcrl. Good., M.cdoel, Calif. t-ae HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal. Iambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phon. S:ua. nlghta 33CO. . l-3ltn WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys And rabhlla. TRUt.OVK-s MARKET. 010 Cast Main, Phon. 4383. 3-,1m CHICKS, Finest and grade of ehlcka. Free delivery lo Klnmnth Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery, Talent, Oregon. 8-0 WANTEDDed .nd worthl.ll anlmale. Phon. 403S collect, l-aim PAYING) UP TO 13 lb tor rabbit skin.. Millions wanted, Rush .hlpmenta to day. Valcoud. Fur Co., Seattle, Wn. 1 .11 LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y; FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed .Simple Credit .Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest - ' M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3328 1.31m Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- TOP PRICE FOR YOUR CAR reasonably clean we make no deductions, need not sacrifice when you sell to - You: Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St Phone 4111 SERVICE rfeve'asH."NSS's AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful Complete Prompt Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location ODELL MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. Phone 41,4? Wed. and Sat eae.i.eVe(lNa'eeitVBB 42 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot --Large or Small U. S. ONE'S 1 ; U. S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE.. Culls Will Soon Be Saleable, ,; Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening : McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P, O. Box 130, Klamath Fulls 25fl7tf 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Livestock end poultry , ANNOUNCEMENT , ' A new Klamath Falls - enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb., t. 1848 the better lo serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now lo leave your 'order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STOPS, across from Tower Theater. - If you can't come in, write us for information and prices., . r. ; FRED HUBLER'S OREGON jTATE HATCHERY ' 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS f mm