hi; EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS Our Boarding House Red Ryder Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies Freckles and His Friends '(OKirNeeAO.PiKE.' 1 1 Crvn help it, 118& A U&L.WFACE swower of bricks $ ! Wf fiW A ? FK0NTHe) THE DIZZV DOPE vJ ; fflAft a -1 V TOP OF '-4 DRIVING (JAILS WlTM S WlWM tCy ' THIS TVA 6RlCK- TWEV I & ,:Vi - V TAe Hue didn't use f '''7V-5Tl Sp-crl1 ACoveR.MftM.'k his mead J AMD ME DESERVED IT- ,.?SSKrrsmir-..J 'I J "irr I tNl WANT TO S&E'WNO WHITE fN? I-WHI CEREr0WrJ flPOril SCARET OFf1 f COE Q3.THQDER , V w &Vc! 1017 A SACRED FOR IKiOl fmujm ( THVT E-5T WHEW (SO' JU?T m ArtE AfD WW TO FlfD LITTLE" OLV- tDU NOT fJMFM - " V I'TUE EEWEfClS WE I TH5 S ONE TiE 1 1 1 f EVERY Y HMM.' SURE COULD USE , TS FIUED TAKING OFF W.TH NEARLY ) "" , I TO THE y 1T " IC ' JJ.-.J,, Mt . I BRIM. i . .-mi i aptaim; J J&& ji - " 3 A tw 3 RELIGHTED SSBn. 18 S?!1 i1 y OFF ON HIS IS", t FB1!f-JI" f SrS."V I LONG FLIGHT ' i v wet es Kent's w I ?oo,yovis. eaiWife.B f Junior, wsel sure Lard,come IPM WY HAIR UP HERE SOMg DAV I'M GONNA )- PLEASE DKtAI. Hlb L1TTLC NECK ' Alley Oop -"i r ' o . rznjysuBE.oop.rLL XdMOM itsfJTnrMi Ahold iT.euz.' it A fEH. chisel im- I VWFM tc it aiu'tN I TO BUSINESS I 7K ZN, WAS TO SET THESE ImVOe'Si CHUMMY CAMETOlEM N'lP JEWEL? THAT I If toim .icTkl ,?ozy' STUFF WHEN 7 T&ET THEM V WANTA CAME OVER HERE BuiA -jiff nwi ; - VOLm uBjD WUKU-hHft MAVfc NU UUblNfett A CITIZENS' PROPERTY j- Little Orphan Annie s r; T7 . 1 By Harold Gray ' ' Saturday. Jan. 10, 194S cpHE HEAVllY LADEN Stuoemts. I TMINK IT ISO.MLV FAIRTMAT WHERE PRAISE IS DL'EM 1 M With Major Hoople OF FURROWS IN fcSffi THE ADJOINING H FIELD AND IS AIRBORNE .' xw -Wfr And when a LiseiWG- STUDENT SUDDfMLY RE VERSES HIMSELF AWO TURNS IM A PERFECT PAPER, L THINK HE AMD B-S FIELD AND IS UVjJ M airborne; e.'gw W ,rx This is lard smith speaking .' Plea?? TAKE JUNIOR THE PAPER SHOULD BE ID HAPPEN TO UIM ' . EXHIBITED.' ciTizbN.vou srT i-m 98 LEGAL NOTICES notice to rni:niTOHS ...!,.. it ii,Mhv ulvou that the under' s'suod h;.s hi'cti iHiiuiliitril n it in In I sir it tor of the estate- ot liiwol Amanda Honey (UveilMMt. I)V tl.e Lircuu vuui ui ma stale of Oregon for Klamath County. All persons having claims aualnst said estate are hereby required to present same, pioperly verified, in mo at the oifioe of l-'ieti O. Small. Su to 1. Mel luive Building. Klamath frail". Oreiiou, within six months irom the first publl- tion ru'ieol. I no IHl uuumnuuii u'iii VANKOON. Administrator. J. 20. 37: F. 3. 10. No. 14. NOIU'K TO rKKIHTOKS Notice is hereby given thru the un (teiMKurd bus been appointed adminis tratrix of the ct.tte of James V. Jack deceased, and tins qualified. AU ntv.nn h.i vini I'laims attains! said utc are notified to profit t tho same with proper voucher attached at the of flee of t. Orth Slirmorc, 213 Stewart Drew Building. Klamath Fall. Oregon, within six mourns iron, inc qhiv nerrm. D.tl-d ibis ;!0lh ilnv of January. 1945. lit KM-: JACKSON. AdininUtratrtx. J 20-37; F 3-10-17. No. 31. Vdlll t: TO lttllltKKS Notice i hereby given that sealed hlds will Im? recclvett by the County Court of Klnmntli County. Oregon, until id, mi nvinok A. m. on Februnry lti. liU.t. imd then publh'ly opened and i-eiid at the County Court 11 o o m at rOutn.uh Falls, Oieilon. for Hoarding PiiMment at the County Jail; the hid to hr in forre from March 1, lii-15, to Mnrch 1. Utf. The micceisful bidder will be re nuirrd to furnish all provisions and equipment, prepare all meals in the Cctmtv Jail and serve same within the Jail mess room: and furnish a good and sutiieie:u uohci lor whiuui iivriurm a:ve of his duties. All bids mu t be filed With the Coun ty Clerk prior to 10:00 o'clock A. M.: -ecurely alcd and marked "Bids for Hoard of Prisoners ami will De opened -.1 to -on nVlot'k A. M. February 19. 1043. The Court reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 19111 a ay oi January, iiho, CHARLES F. DeLAP. J 30; F 14. No. 30. County Clerk. By Fred Harmon By Leslie Turner BC6.V. By Martin w wkv "o W VAOli .OT-tM sr-.a'v-,'.-: By Blosser GOOD CARE CF ; 1 DON T fr. off, y By V. T. Hamlin -(EH. BUT LOOK--JUSTICE f SI III IN ON MATTERS O IS JUSTICE! IF KINGS DON'T STATE. THAS WHATA WANT PRIVATE CITIZENS I AS A. PRIVATE N ThGiR BUSINESS, THEVT) piwrr better not be steaun1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO IIII111KR8 , NotU-e is hereby given that sealed bids will lo rccaived by the County tourt J L'i......ii. ti...i..ii- nMu.in until 10:(Kl o'clock A. M. on February 19. 1U. and then publicly optMied ami tend at the County Court room at Klamath raiu, Oiogon. for aervlrea on the typewriters of Klamnlh County, for Ihe niiilng year, irom niarcn 1. HUH; a list of typewriter may b ob tained from the County Clerk. Htds must be securely JcR'ort r of Klamath County, (or the year IMS" and filed with Ihe County Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, btfora the Hour or opening. t , L1 , . , The Court rescrvea the right to reject any and all bid. ... Dated at Kiamatn ram, urvioii IBth day of January. 1045, ciiahi.es r. di.ap. J 0: F 14. No. 10. County Clerk. NOTICE TO HIOUKHS Notlcd ucreoy u.vcn mat seated bids will be received by tha County court oi ivlamath County. Oregon, until lOuo o'clock A. M. on FeUiuaiy 19, 1U4S, ami then publicly opened and ruati at the County Court room at Klamath Fail. Oregon, (or Number a Ciuuu Oil. lot iviumuth County, Oregon, iitlirmary in tank truck lots for the ensuing year from March 1, 1943. to March 1. li4t. tlld must be securely sealed and marked "Utds fur Number 5 Crude Oil and filed with the County Cierk or i la mitt u County, Oregon. lefor the hour ol opening. . . , The Court rocrve th rlgM tu reject any and all bids. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, lltU 10th day of January. 1043. . mn CHAIIUKS F. DeLAP. J 30; F 14. No. lb County Clerk. NOTK t TO HUHtUKS Notice is ncreov it i veil tnai scaled bids will be received uy the County Court oi Klamath County. Oregon, until 10;0o o'clock A. M. on February 10, 1945. and then publicly opened and read at the County Court room at Klamath all. Oregon, lor Olesel OU lor tha ensuing Jefildi must be securely alad and marked "Bids for Diesel OH" and filed with ine county ciern oi ivianiaui -uiw ty. Oregon, beloro the hour of opening. Thn I'iMirt lYMrwi the riahl to reject any and all bids; said bid to be In force from March l. i45. to Maren i. Dated at Ktamath Falls, Oregon, this 10th day of January. 1043. C11A1LLKS r. DeLAP. J 20; F 14. No. 17. County Clerk. NOTICE TO BIHOr.KS Mnll i. n.rAiiv iiivnn lliat i-sIikI bids will be received by the County Court of Klamath County. Oregon, until 10.UU o'clock A. M. on February 10. 1043. and then publicly opened and read ai the County Court room at Klamath Falls. Oregon, lor gasoline lor im cnum year. UIOS mum oe ICCWTiy wairu nini marked "Bids for Gasoline" and filed uitii ihr t-mmtv uirk of Klamath County. Oregon, before Ihe hour of any and all bids; said bid tu be In force irom ftiorcn i. ia. to aiurcn i. Dated this 10th day of January, 1043, at Klamath Falls. Oregon. CI1AHL.ES F. DeLAP. J 30: F 14. No. 10, County Clerk. NOT1CK TO BIUOEKS Notice is hcreoy given that sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Klnmntli CminlV. Oretfoll. U lilt I 10:00 o'clock A. M. on February 19, 1043, and then publicly opened and read at the County Court Room at Klamath Falls, Oregon, for Con! for the Court House of Klamath County for the ensuing year from March l. io. to iuarcn i. mie. Bids must be securely scaled and marked "Jilds for Coal" ond hied with the County Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, befora the hour of the opening- The Court rejerves tha right to re ject any and all bids. Dated at Klathath Falls, Oregon, this 10th day of January, 1f43. CHARLES T. DeLAP. J 20; F14. No. 13. County Clerk. Now Today LOST Pair of glasses In case, down town, or in Klamath Billiards. Reward. Phone 3322. 1-20 FOH SALE 3 -bed room house near Main; also piano. Dial 0713. 3504 tf I'OR SALE New modern 5-rootn house, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, floor furnace, insulated, s.wou.uw. Terms, or $4700.00 cash. Ph. 3070. 1-23 fOR SALF. Plnno. Ladfes1 17 Jewel wristwntch. diamond engagement ring. 4022 Summers Lane. 1-22 JITST RECEIVED stainless steel flatware, knives, fork and spoons for commer rlal use. Oregon Equipment Co., 137 So. Bth. INVESTMENT On oavement. 3 units. Income SOS. 30 a month. Owner leaving town, will sell for $4330.00, terms. Call John McFee, Real tor, 4331; or call at 118 N. 7th. 1-20 FOn SALE 4-room modern house with fruit room, 3 large buildings, one 30x34, one 16x36. Garage and wood shed. 6 large . lot. All buildings wired for electricity and piped for water. All for 83750.00 or $2300.00 cash. Ph. 0030 for information. 1-20 FOR SALE OR TR A D E 3-room unfur nished house and lot. Stewart and Lenox Add. I acre, north of town on old hlfthway. Phone .1401 or 2213 Or chard. 1-30 Hereford cattle, enws and heifer A mlica from town on the Ashland High way, on the Ess Ranch. 1-22 FOR SALE Prewar collapsible baby buggy. Good condition. 1123 Walnut Si. 1-30 FOR SALE All prewar Iwd daveno; davenports, some with matching chair and platform rockers; bedroom suites with Inner-spring mattresses; dlnlngroom and kitchen sets. PRE- WITT'S TRADING POST. 3234 S. 6th. CASH FOR YOUR Fl'RNITlI RE TRADE IN WHAT VOU DON'T WANT. 1.2.1 FOR SALE Factory built. 30-ft. house trailer, good condition, new tires, 7ft Cash. 330 Broad St, 1-22 FOR SALE Reed baby buggy, 334 Mesa St. Ph. 0034. 1.20 FOR SALE Upright piano and bench, $230,00. Phone 4010, 1-22 FOR SALE Ann Arbor pickup baler, slightly used, 2-3 of new prict. L. 8. Dunlap, Tulelaka. Phone 8122. 1-26 WANTED Unencumbered middle aged woman for position as housekeeper companion for elderly lady living alone. Good wages, nice home, ample time off but must stay nights. Prefer C. S. and someone who can drive car. Hefcrcnce required. Ph. 6060 morn ings or evening until 8;30. 1-33 RAILROAD man and wlfa would like either furnished or unfurnished apart ment or house. Permanent renters. Ph. ft.V)4, 1.34 WANTEDUnfurnlheri 3 or 3-bedroom house by pArl manager of Balslger Motor Co. Permanent resident. Phone Tommy Thompson, 3121, 1-22 FOR SALE One Guernsey oow, 4028 Summers Lane, 1-24 WANTED Woman for light housekeep ing and care for semi-Invalid days. Phone 6300. 1-23 FIRST CLASS mechanic. Good guaran tee and percentage. Anderson Auto Service, 632 Walnut. FOR RENT Large apartment furnished, Close In. No children or pets. Prefer business couple. Write 3302, care of Jlerald and New. 1-23 FOR SALE 3-room mnrirrn tin mi. Itnl unUr hentar. douhle constructed. Mills Addi tion, on improvea street, aasoo.oo. Terms. FOR SALE fl-ftrre farm Iinr1t Irriffatlnn i.rnnM modern homr, sunporeh, service porch, douhle constructed, concrete foundation, electric hot water healer, large garage, large frost-proof fruit room, electric water pressure system. Small barn and rhloken house, on Improved highway, Henley school. H4730.no, Terms. run hai..b ft ncrcs InCAted nt Lnkiwlnur .TiinMlAn modern 4-room house and other out buildings, $3030.00. Terms. . . wee Henry Newhouse at T. B. WATTERS nealtor (5043 Evenings) ' Ph. 4013 FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. In- iuna ,.-u.i iinynra, 1-33 COTTAGE FOR RENT Furnished, 3 """. nouns, lout manwiniia. 1-20 P'0j.J?KpfTIl?5nlor Prlment. 723 Ic. inm-ll. I.uiuiry. smii..- llic fMlKMU. T.iin.. s ..-r.. on s''"''','f."..'r1T,,,!; 1A,.rTK5d.-5Vfi ;ro..ic. .., prk. .ml J rd ci..rrv tivmer .lie I wlrlr ' "'),.! ji Imi oiiiiu-. n;io w'i'i ', ' ,.V i j llor I'll p. 111. Moniw. ' ' WNtlCIKMrWANTIturrii W anncl.l Mill. 0 lor )tl. Willi I'"'1" .ul IV.v Vul If 't rrro rinliilli)n. rMM T1 mir... Ml N. WIU. Mil. i- 1 sfoijiiAVjj v'jJ."'!;"' loo lb... lirok. to work. 4. on. llontiu.. . - roil s"AijtW 1 !''' c"",, I'lj MnU.r.l, Tulliik. t-L FAlfMKiTa! THUl-KltHSI "'"'K'" prli'.. on oil ml r. In ,' f"!.1.'.,,,,. all. mill., l.lmli.d llmo onl)l Mi'iiir lloiii.ry Wurd. Itiid Imcltir tlrri. 1 1 k:iiI- i"'-"i i")1 J.VU 1 III. I rx. I.n vi.l.oli. .v.;i I'fl ll.o Ward', "Crop 1'ayinolil plan. Mnnlswwry Warif. mil U Cornrr Pino. ' 1 " Meatlnq Nolle. Big Lnkos Local No. 2S11 ' Meets every 2nd 'I'lnirstlny nd 4lli Sunday l 422 Mnln St. F. C. Wlllonboru. FIihimcIhI Sec. K. A. Gordon, Pres. 2-17M Kl.malh rail. A.rlt No WW). Ile.ulal iiiolln ov.ry Tua. day nlilil, 1 P '"v rot hall. Did and Walnul. Vl.llliil m.mb.r. cordially Invllad. " CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meotlnn 1" ,ml. "S, .7 .1 Labor nlnfa ol each month. 7i30 p. r.l.. .1 Labor Toinpir oiam. . CD. l.ONO. Sc. and n. A Olllc. Open M0 to 0 00 P. M. EV.rJ Wodne.day. Prion. SJf Lo.t and Found LOST-SlwIl.r Lllrllm. pen. i.n and black .trlpod. Howard. Phona 73JI. LOST Male Irl.h .otlor. wart undar Iclt , an.wora to nam. ol llrimnla, Llconae No. an. Howard. Plioiia 58IS. lM LOST Lady', brown puck.lliook. 3 wrl.t wnlchc rHllon book, nt So. mil and Arthur. l!o.vard. J. a. tot Her. Malln, Cln. Del. Gon.ral Nolle, OK FURNITURE STORE will be open (or businejs Februnry 1st nt Its new location 2401 South 6th Formerly PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Will Give Some Service as Before, 1-3 1 TWO SISTERS INN -Wccd AsblnncI Junction 3 Miles West Uwy. 07 Southern Fried Chicken and Steaks RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Phono 91)00 2 17 METAPHVB1CA1, Rental Library. 3U Main, noorn 7. will be open to public lueaaay. inunnay and Halurday. It a. m. to . p. m. weaneaday and Thura day from 7 p. m, to 0 p. m. 123 TOR STUART'S DANCE ORCHESTRA Inquire 02. oak St., or phone OMS. 07 Traniportatlon SOLDIER WANTS HIDE to Kuuene Sun. day mornltiK. Will .hare expense.. call 2x nadciirrc si. 1.20 10 Sarvicai REFRIGERATION SERVICE . Wo Service All Makes Household or Commercial Don't wait for a complete breakdown. Have your rcfrlgcr a tor completely overhauled now during cold weather. Belts, Seals, Controls, Switches, Valves In Stock. Bert Eastman, Serviceman Merit Washing Machine Service 811 So. 6th Phono 5060 1-31 INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A. Cnntrnll Room 4, Hopka Bldg 110 N. 8th St. Open Evenings and Saturdays Phone 3249 2-10m MOVING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE ,A.gc,n.ls ,or Unlted Vnr" Lines 101 Klamath rhono 15072 1-23 INQUIRE about Pla.ll.Kole wear-re.lal-P,on'.nio7.A,"' K'ml0"'"' - MATTRESS rebuilt, one day aervlce Economy Mattreaa and Unholit.,5 tan 0300, jljo KI.ECTROI.tJX Cleaner, cnmplel. aerv lce, I'lmne 7107 10.11 Mnln. 5-la DENTlSTnV, .flernoona. 4000 Shaaln l-'ill KALSOMIN1NO, Kemlonln., Palntlnil- ... ,4U. a.1In SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and atalled. A local concern. Prion. Dakcr, 7833. . BRINO mi your work. No loh loo email. nliinh.n a t .. '." flhnn na 'tepalr "fMir'IrT11?? Pholal.r your re.. . uThoUl.ryT J313X .ih,Mp",V SctIom FORMERLY Ray's Shoe Shopt At 240 E. Main IS NOW OPEN IT 0 R BUSINESS under new nianaoomont. WILL GIVE QUICK SERVICE 1-2:1 PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Equipment Installed and Rvpulred DAVIS PLUMBING CO. V Hurry Phono 7031V 2-lOmc REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Sorvlco Man Klamath Refrigeration Phono 703B 2000 South Sixth St. REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL All Mitkvs Parts, Controls and Equipment In Stock Oregon Equipment Co. Phono 0817 127 So. Olh St. 21 (I appLnTe REPAIRS We repair and service all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and ninny other electrical appll anccs. We may have tho type ol radio tube you need Reason able prices. Phono 5 IBD. SEARS ROEBUCK Tuns Thurs.-Sat.-tl OIL BURNERS FURNACES. CHIMNEYS, Cleaned and Repaired WOOD COAL OIL -FURNACES Avallablo for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8040 888tf Phone 3330 ED F. KING . . Septic Tanks Cleaned, inspection free, Modern equip, me nt. Contents hauled away. a 7 PAPER AND PAPKIIIIANCiKH available. J. K, Patterson nd Hon Paint Hlore. 133Q East Main, Phone 3.134. 2-I4ra FOR KRMTONINU Phone 4270. CURTAINS lAUNDERED and stratch.d Phona 3717. . 2-2J IIEM8TITCHINO Dltr.SSMAKINC). Buttons and Duckies covered. Alterations on new and old clothing.. Mrs. 11. M. Allender, 731 Main. Room 219. Ph. 7363. l-31m THEODORE DICKflON. Furniture Shop, rrunholsterlng, repairing, reflnlihlng. Springs rernndlllnned, 3041 Shasta Way. Phone 4517. 3-1S SEWINO MACHINE nF.UVlCE, all makes. Phone (1771. ;i2IH Shasta Wav. 2-l0in VlVitVVliVIA 14 Help Want.d rmal WANTED-Waltrea. and dl.hwa.her. Wo. man preferred. Apply at nill.r'a Cof fee Shop. asmiif WANTED-W.llreaaea. WaHreen Drm. J17tf WANTED-Chambermalda, Kern hotel. 190011 WANTED Woman 10 lake care of In valid, flayllmaa, no children. May Mo home nl.hla. Phon. MM. WANTED Slrnolrapher and offlro worker for recular afternoon work aehedul., Phon. 70 for appoint ment. j.Zn - -- -- -- - - -ini-nn.n.njj n.ip wantaa, Mala WANTED-Snoller or praaaer. Uptown Cleanera, 117 So, Till. 1240H WANTED . Atllorhnbll. m.chanlca for Chevrolet and other car,. P.rman.nl work, soo of .so flat rale. Cannon Chevrolet Co,, Yreka, Calif. 'l-tf1"1 'lln mn lo handle ll.ht dellverle. and work around !J?' ,AEPly ln P"on. Mnell.r'a Klam.lh riow.r Shop. 1211 Main St, 213011 WANTED-Kuperlenred car painter or helper. Apply Uulck Cj.rnseT 1-20 WANTED-Experlenced radiator repair man. Old eatatill.h1. lhorouhly equipped .hup. di money for rlalil man. Anderion Auto Servlc, Walnut. ,,,,, achool riellverlna . Ilerald-Nowa paper rmil.7 Be. Mr. Miller .1 Ih. Herald olflce .fior 3 p. m. 079tf iffi omV;""1 V"- A'""' Bowllns AI ey, (110 Mnln p. m. or any .venlnf. M wit; 18 Situations Wanttd aSSISInnl. I'Sn llm.l, n a m ...... Vidl.nn. ' ,.i Rooms Pot Rent nnoMS hen, nil mh. BOOM ryn nBNT I02S J.riar.on. N'tlr. 2",M '?r r""- "entlnm.n pr.-uai'M-li?11"" B"," D,rb' 10 " "00B1rJ lor w.nk...- '',lnr ;:. ;wui"n. foh iiKNT .... . : . "him 1 ."vj !i..pr,,"nti "11,1, I.RANK , mem mm , ";, 7q 26 TI!,.!.VKN. ''nTN"r J"r.cil. v. 1. ,,"J lea. I'jol at, Ilia, J 21 MtumiZCTi : . " i ."wood,,,,,,.!,,, roil RENT rir."7-v wallp.p,r leinu,"') 'oi'it ass- lour I(tl b.V 70 l,a , f..'.! Hli,,,,, IkH, M.m 1 lil r)H RENT IKl"r- onlnna, polai,,, J Nam. An. r.,Tf' 1 . r 1 1 ii -" 30 HOT SPRINHT WILLTRa. 3 bt'driKim i.A.. ,,, Hvriie ,, leriiicf. C'nn : v P ul ,..r,r". might cosllcr"ft E. GRAY m FOR uii 0-rooin home with In attic in St. Fit Hardwood (luon fr vciutuiiii iiiindi, rod Slllutlnn rt.l ... " " pas lmiiirlpv It-ii.'a j..,. chicken htm.n niu , gnrdun spiil, trr, fc I i nc J.I..IU.IIU. jtna See KURD COlJ BARNHISEI AGENCY 112 S. Bth AparimA 8-unlt apartment, riJ pavement. Inreme month. Niitural hold Will show a Unity 15 'on Ihe InvtiteJ apartments are m largo rooms, a) In d Would be nice plitt ond Income. E. GRAY REAJ 200 N. 7th IN HOT SPRi Modern 2-ledroorn H wood doors, nln ;l well. J5300. 0. E. BEAR REALTOR Phone 6323 FOR SALE 6-Room Modern In Hot SN 120 N. I Olh HOMES FORM JOHN McFEE, W 118 N. 7th SPECIALIZING In EVERETT DENNIS, 121 N. 8th I rem AIJt-Owner lliraj Hl.karf n.rnnni nORll. "1 traya, ba.ement. eW! leclrlo raiue. wlntti'a .. a M.,in inoL HI hot water dlairlelW! t:t3A0 half ca,n. Immediate po..."! ment phone owner, aW Hah coltase. 1 "" 4.1S4, lier, aom. wood. IJ .703 Alva, nil L .' .. . . , . M ron BAi-r.-i n"""i,7i furnlahed I.10O0.00, 00.13 alter o p, roil Al.E-2 lie'l" ?ul i.i. ...,. rnrner ol w rulton. MO Ukevl roil BALE-Two-roeiJ iMI sara.e and woodi '1 Oils 'iorrey m. roil flAI.E-3-room limamant. narlly fUt""l Phono ainn. ron SALr-ui."''J foot lumber. Slew.n T Horn., ron BAMS -.'! 3 wood.hed and 1 J."A dK4 uasn morn "'V"lU- turn Hfi to n n m " " - . . . n. iutn' ron au--st'""' r''!-'"S.?'"lr,e.h?M SSSi. T700"i.roklr"(,' Phnn. nn6 alter Bheppard. - rmmi 8AVK MONEY y, mndorn. fiirnlalwo H.uiiu flai-nraleil, "".J .,,'. saua or IM"" Bli 9A AutoiriO'"' MOTOR REBU") ' Alin Rnrlna " And Other MecW'1 mr 11 1033 East tn ron sale-One Pli' model, aood cowm