f 'dford Swamps K-Men, 44-28, YJitWi iwuyii i i vii u woo VI rray ...,,-a mf iniinv of tlionn fouls in linlli i rnnni-una lh. fin. I -.,- . in"'10 ',, , 1U j'clU-ntiH , . f the I'cllcunit M" ,. . . l.nl. unci ! J tumble I" ih wl; nViv on mo 11. i li.ul thu fl,e Z i ' v. Willi l,W ' ' ' w"" Wh,"fM.i game lir 'with both olub; run iS.wWU. Mcdord , clubs wiiii i'kuiu PAUL HAINKS no ron football I win football ques- wt dlicuiieo yo.ior wlih to toildr Ihil -r-.nt. Hunk Maiur. iWlit Point hollbsck i recently occupied nine noil piano In pom theater, ink, "i'outbnll nnd llio ir teamwork of our Hlr 01 closely related lis eiit. t-uolbiill lays '"if 1 i thrao Vwa. lunula k it Jit- f hnv f i i Diiy- f. v 11 easily pracll- wan- I cuck- ball in let mo HAINES built something more urns. fcinj to the percontagt bout hell ol the more) ke colloqo proxies the game. . Among l tuch line loadori as L, Bevit, Ohio Stnloi iGuilavion. Colorado! In A. Hannah. Mlchl- Mnynnrd Htilchlns. mc Is synonymous with !.ir ns louthnll Is con. H who was responsible inn inn grid gnme mil nivcrdity of Chicago, footbnlt "Is not 11 sub. Ii I inn competent In tea, oroinor, lie really shot on tlmt one null kctlon bnnnlnii footbuli :o put one of tho out liutitution.t nf learning miry on .skid row. f the qreateit thinga lii country, howovor. P'ryone may say what -mi minx wnai ne We respect the opln. thOSe nryin. uI.a fisre football dio a flh, but wo don't be f y 11 lire to aee HI ETBALL 40, Lin. nf many of llionn foil I a a buth Kliiimilii unci Medford cugors ru lii'iilcilly made wild lunge for u tiic bull, Uiio In Dm strong Medford tie fi'iimi lliu l'lilicun worn forcud lo ahonl from fur out and lie I'ountud for only 10 fluid goula duriMK tho uiitiit till, Nurenn wn high point man for the Kliiinnlli club Willi 1 1 vii murker mill Fiiwcclt of Mcdford livid scoring lioiiora for Ilia livening with IU tallica. Tho I'ellcniia fulled to pot a field goal until 13 m limli'H of the lilt hud elapsed unci 11. u fracas win III till) aticiind cmito. Hub Puiklns fluully brokv loose to ring up llio Iiilllnl two-polntur for tnu K-mon, Khimiilh drew flrat blood aft er III) seconds of pluy when Jim 1'opu ciroTippd in n cnurlty toaa. I'll line r Immi'dliitidy fouled Wut nun mid tho Mvdford buckcourl Minn knotted tho count at one nil. Tin ee mlnutea hud uoiui by bo foro Ilium, lull Mudlord pivot. mini, purled tho cords for the Hint field lliinl of tho content. Wiilsou villi k iniothnr gift heuvo und lliiyea followed with n tlp ln hol to put tlio Tornado In front it lo 1. Lurry Whlto accounlcd for a free throw and Palmer added iniothur counter to miiko the ful ly U to 3, Wnlaon then luid In a runter from tho keyhole and No reeu lidded tho fourth i'ellcun chuiily allot, which wus dupli cated by I'uwcolt tcconda Inter to put the Tornudo In tho lend, U to un tho flrat hcul ended. To open tho accond (rum o, Wuuioii wua evicted from the Hiiine on on la and l'erklnt unk the fifth I'ellcun froo throw, but Whlllock looped oua In to make It 11 to a. l'erklna mid Blehn then hit the buakct for u field Hoi'l upleee and tho half ended with Medford aettlnti thu puce, 1H lo IU. In the third atnnzn the Med ford five ropentedly ahook men Ioohc on their funt break and completely dnmluutcd tho buck bourd piny. The Tornudo racked up 10 murkcrt In this period with counters by Kawcett, Huyca und Hoaa. while the K-men were held to nine. Blehn potted a Iny In shot Ha the ciuurUr ended 34 to 10 on tho Medford aide of the lei liter. With tho 'formula rumilna In setsaelffliBassji!! roaerves, the final frama waa ciose, as tno Kiumatli five gur- n era a nine lames against 10 scored by Medford to bring the flnul count to 44-20. This triumph runs th Med ford victory string to II straight und lightens Ita grip on tho top rung of the Southern Oregon contcrenco ladder. The Pelicans face the Black Tornado again tonight on tho Klamuth court und, unleaa the K-men show far more atuii tnun they did last night. It's going to ha "Just too bad for th horn team." In tho two preliminary tua alea, Coach I'nul Angslead'a Wildcats bounced the Mulln var ally, it to 10, and In tin curtain rulscr the Klamath freshmen, tutored by I'aul Deller, tramp led th Malln green hats by the lon-sldcd count of 22 to 3. Tonight at 0 o'clock the Klam uth freshmen will tungle with the Tuleluko freshmen five and ul 7 p, m. the Wildcat will take on the Tulelake varsity. Med ford and Klamath will take tho floor for the final game of tho aarlcR at 0:18 p, m. Summary: Klam. Falls (21) FO FT PF TP Pope, f 1113 Zaroslnakl, f 10 12 Palmer, t 12 3 4 Alexander, f 0 0 0 u lluuman, c 10 12 Muson, c 10 12 Noreen, g 1 3 S S Olehn, g 2 0 14 Noel, g , 0 0 0 0 White, g 112 3 l'erklna, g 113 3 Itedkey, g 0 0 0 0 10 8 18 28 Medford (44) FO FT PF TP Morlne Cage Schedule Jan. 20 Fairflald-Sulsun, hare, Jan. 22 Redmond, Ore. Out laws, hare. Jan. 23 Redmond army air base, there. An open Invitation has been extended by Col. Oaorge Van Orden, commanding of ficer at the Marine Barracks, to people wishing to attend the Skymaster Leatherneck fracas tonight at the post gym. The game will begin at I p. m. and additional busses will run both to and from the Barracks. Itoss. f Brocdlow, t 1 lliiyea, f 3 Stclle, f 3 niggs, c 1 Whlllock. o 2 Watson, g 1 Cave, g 0 Slnglcr, g 0 Kawcett, g 4 Reich, g 0 17 10 17 44 Officials: Lowell Prior, Gene Copeland. Timekeeper: Dr. George I. Wright. Coaches: Klamath FeNn, Marblo Cook; Medford, Al Simpson. Hnlftlmc score: Klamath Fall 10, Med ford 18. Mr. Stoneface Flops Riser In Wild, Bloody Encounter Lett night at the Klamath bl eep bin, Mr. Stnnefiico kept his perfect record here Indict by llopiiiim Jnck Klxcr, Pacific const liiiht-henvy king, in two out of three fnlla. Tint "Moak" left the ring un der heuvy polico protection as the funs, were in n mood to tear liim limb from limb for tho foul tactics luted by tho hooded heel in itiiinlnK hia victory. The mnaked mcmice grnbbcd the fiial tumble with u reverse toe-hold ufler ho had uaed hia dreaded hend butts to good ad viiiitiigo. Kiacr wos Mrouity and rubber Icgxad n,u' l'10 "Mask" wan quick to seize hia opportun ity nncl tiiko tho fall. Amid the wild cheers of the crowd, Joltln' Jnck came back to throw the hooded hoodlum and even the count nl n full apiece wlih a ittnndlntt shoulder press after ho hud softened the veiled villain up with a scries of pow erful drop kicks. The final canto was as savage and bloody nn exchange as has been witnessed In Gladiator's gully in muny moons. Both musclemen wont all out with no hold barred and the roaring multitude thought Kiser on his way to n win wlien he raised the "Grey Mask" high above his henrt and whirled him around in the fumous alrplnno spin. Joltin' Jack threw the hooded hoodlum on the ropes and it was evident that the Mask's concrete dome wus bleeding through his hood as Klscr tried vainly to tip the mask from the veiled varmint's hciid to the wild acclaim of tho funs. , . The "Mask" weathered the storm, however, and by again re sorting to vicious head butta took tho final fall and match with a body press. In the semi-wlndup tussle, Pole Bclcaatro and Gloomy Gust Johnson crunched cranium to a draw in a match that was second only to the main event. Pete took the first tumble In the third frnmo with body slam, fol lowed by a body pres,. but Gust evened matters up in the final ntanza with "Johnson's leg strangle," a hold originated by Gloomy Gust. Tough Tony Ross took the curtain-raiser from clever Milt 01 sen by using his usual dirty methods. When in Medford Star at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Ana Carter Proprietor iRECnN nnr-n P Asioclsl.d Preia P ii, Klnmnth 5H jP'on (Portland) R lPnrilm..lt Do I "l il). r.nd)a8-n' I) (Portland) ,10, ii'ortland) 34, Snbln Citv.a.4 ci n-i "' "eiens 111. ,'""itr 33, La fa ', West Linn 17. ,w""-'i nonia zfi '22", Hill Military k 32, Forest Grovo h 3n tn,,.. ' ,'., "'""Porn 30. B. Mllwauklo 2(1. allvcrton 30 . The "Dalle., --. opringiioki Jiuielion City COLI.Pf.p 51, BrlRhnm Young 111 3d TJ.L. k 11 '""no 3Z. f Mines M, Gore Field l7p"i""!' Slnlo 35.' J-ei" "(linn 2. 0 (r'9eration H'Pwent Co. ,rt "rqul,t mlli Phon. rjii For ionimorcli. e''leoroHn SERVICE FIREMAN'S DANCE 1 Sunday ; January 27 MALIN -- Benefii MALIN FIREMEN Music By Pappy Gordon and His Oregon Hillbillies Dancing--9 P. M. Til 2 A. M. Admission Genu $1.20 Ladloi .SO Sorvlcomen .40 Price Includes Tax SneadWill Play Nelson Challenge Go By FRANK PITMAN TUCSON, Ariz.. Jan. 20 (!') A 72-hole challenge golf battle will match Byron Nelson, top pro shotmakcr ; of 1044, und Sammy Sncad, current louder, on a New York City links this spring, Fred Corcoran, Profes sional Golf associutlon tourna ment director, announced at the Tucson Open here today. He anticipates the match might raise 100,000 for the PGA rehabilitation program for wounded soldiers. Slated after the close of the winter tour at Atlanta, ,Ga., early In April, it will consist of 36 holes medal play and 30 holes match play on a course yet to be selected, Corcoran said. Meanwhile, 24 of the 44 trav eling pros fired pur 70 or bet ter in yesterday's first round of the $8000 Tucson Open, but Corcoran declared the fine scores, including Leader Joe Zarhardl's 68, won't go into PGA records because tho El Rio courso doos not meet PGA yard age standings for 72 holes. Several of the visiting golfers questioned accuracy of tho U402 yards listed as the El Rio length. Five of the club swingers were bunched a stroke back of Zaxhardt, Norristown, Pa., hold er of the Philadelphia Open championship, at the start of to day's 18-holo second round. They were Leonard Dodnon, Kansas City. Mo Claude Har mon. Lochmoor, Mich.. Bruce Coltart. Atlontic City, N. J., Le- Innd Gibson Randolph Held, Tex., and Jlmm Gauntt, Ard more, Okla. Sam Snead, Hot Springs, Va., and Byron Nelson, Toledo, Ohio, the co-favorites, were sharing a four-way third place tie at 67 with Harold McSpndcn, San ford. Maine, and Jack Gage, Long Beach, Calif. ZAGS OUTLAST MONTANA MISSOULA, Mont., Jan. 20 (Pi Gonzaga outlasted Montana university last night to post a 63-30 basketball victory after the score hnd been deadlocked at 14 all at the end of IS minutes. The winners led by 28-18 at half time. Ed McGarry scored nearly all Montana's points and took in dividual honors with his total of 23. Cougars Bounce Back To Rap Vebf oots, 54-43 Victory Puts WSC Cagers In Third Slot Alongside Oregon State Five I Saturday. Jan. 20, 1(48 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN EUGENE, Jan. 20 (P) A Wuahiiigton Stale college team which hud absorbed two trounc Ings from Oregon Sliite curlier In the week bounced f nek vig orously last night lo hang a 54 to 43 basketball defent pn the University of Orcnon Wclifoots. second-place team in the norttM ern aivision, raciuc toftsi con ference scramble. Meanwhile tho chief benefi ciary of this uprising by the, WSC Cougars the front-running University of Washington Huskies were loaing a non conference gumo In Seattle and Idaho waa dropping another at Moscow. Unbeaten in the divi sion, Washington lost a 42-41 overtime decision to the inde pendent Alpine Dairy five and Whitman spunked Idaho, 30-32. Sky-scruping Vinco Hansen, the WSC center, showed the way for the Cougars by dunk ing 10 points, most of them pivot tosses from the keyhole. His rampage put him just one point behind Dick Wilkins of Oregon, who collected 14 last night, in the race for individual conference honors. Wilkins still leads with 60 points. Del Smith, third in the circuit with 56 points, led Oregon with 16. The teams were even at the half, 21-all, after the clubs had played toctcr-toltnr with the scoreboard through the er-viing stanza. Oregon moved in font at the start of the second half on Smith's goal, but Hansen converted a free effort and Adrian Jorrison tallied after a lloor-lcngth dribble lo give WSC 1 lead it never relinquished. Tho decision put the winners hack into third place alongside Oregon State and a victory to night, in addition to making the Oregon hold on second very in secure, would leave the Cougars :ilonc in third. No other club Nibs managed to beat Oregon which, however, has not yet collided with the pace-setting Huskies. "' Washington State G F PF TP IRONMEN WHIP EAGLES PORTLAND. Jan. 20 (P) The Seattle Ironmcn took over top spot in the northern sector of the Pacific coast hockey league last night by defeating their chief rivals, the Portland Eagles, 3 to 2. GilDodds Runs Last Race Today BOSTON, Jan. 20 (P) Indoor mile record-holder, Gil Dodds, who is retiring from competi tive track in his prime, today will run his farewell race on the same tiny balcony where, us an unknown, ho Ruined his first triumph a half-dozen years ago. His theological studies com pleted, Dodds. famed as the Fly ing Parson, plans to set out for Los Angeles tomorrow to join a gospel group. Nevermore, he predicts, vlll he thrill packed thousands at the major eastern Indoor meets. Unassuming and modest as ever, Dodds has selected the an nual Boston YMCA meet, which actually is a schoolboy affair, as the stage for his valedictory performance a two-mile handi cap event that has attracted a very mediocre field. In perfect physical trim, Dodds is rated as "faster than ever" by Jack Ryder, his veter an coach. "I'm certain that Gil would cut at least two seconds off his 4:06.4 indoor world mile mark if he would compete this season," Ryder said sadly. TRUCKS FOR RENT You DtIto More Yourself Save M Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main CASH AWARD WON BY LOCAL TRAPPER Skillful Handling of Muskrat Pet Earns Award for Fred H. Fiek in Sears 16th National Fur Show Read How You, Too, May Win an Award a High as $1,000.00 Cash Provlnr ajaln that "better pelt handling fiays," this local trapper got an extra$6. 00 n cash one of tho Daily Awnrda in Sears 16th National Fur Show and, bealdrs, achanco toahareln tho bigmajor awards! What this trapper did, you too can do whether or not you soli your furs through Sears Raw Fur Marketing Serv ice. For Soars Fur Show offers, this season, a total of 942 different cash awards, Including tho Firat Award of 11,000.00 for tho boat handled pelt of all. 942 AwarcU-$7,590 Cash Tea, a total of 942 cash awarda for fur ahlnpera 042 opportunities to share in $7,690.00 in cash. 1 MAJOR CASH AWARDS! There are tan major cash awards, ranging from $60.00 to $1,000.00. . SECTIONAL CASH AWARDS: There are sectional awarda, too for complete shipments of Ave or more pelts one award of $250.00; eleven of $50.00 each. DAlLYCASHAWARDSiFinally, there are 918 daily cash awarda of $5.00 each, for pelt received during the Fur Show. Pay You 3 Way First, every award is in nMition to the cash Sears got you for your pelts. Second, Soars can be depended on to obtain for you top ):rlcea, .Third, even If you don't win an award, earolul handling $nhnen tho value of your furs. This third feature la the real reason for Seara 16th National Raw Fur Show with 942 Cash awarda, totaling $7,690.00. By encouraging careful pelt handling, gears believe the annual value of Ameri ca's raw furs can be increased by mil lions of dollars. And that the income of very trapper can bt given a big booat, i NATIONAL I J I MIm ISIh National, durlnr tha judgini of lut tMfon'e Pur Show, Get In-It'a Easy Every fur you ahlp to Soars, during the torm of the Fur Show, is auto matically considered for awarda, Only the handlingof pita counts! not the kind of fur, not itsvalue. This season. why not try for some Kp erlro motiei' Remember, every body has an equal chance. You have everything to gain nothing to loae. When your turn are ready, ship them to Seara, Roobuckand Co., Raw Fur MarketingScrvicc at the nurt.if of these points: Chicago, Philadel phia, Memphis, Dallaa, Kansas City or Seattle. Thousands of Itrappers have earned awards. YOU CAN too I Gregg, f Jorrison, f .... Notcboom, I .. Gchrett, f .... Hansen, c Waller, c G. Hamilton, Rennick, g .... Johnson, g .... Kcllingcr, g .. ...1 ...2 .. 0 ...0 ...7 .. 1 .. 5 .. 4 .. 0 ...0 Totals 20 Oregon G Smith, f 6 Wilkins, I 6 Elder, f 0 14 16 54 Stamper, f Hays, c B. Hamilton, Bartlct, g .... Berg, g Hoffine, g .. .0 .3 . 1 . 1 .0 ...0 PF TP 5 16 SURPRISE, SURPRISE! ENID, Okla.. Jan. 20 HP) Phillips university's basket ball learn plastered Tonkawa Junior college 60-5 Thursday. Tonkawa didn't score a field goal. No one waa more surpriaed than the Phillips players. It was the first game they had won this season. 14 0 0 6 5 i 2 i 0 0 County Cage Bee Set for February MERRILL, Jan. 17 (SpecioD Probably eight squads will par ticipate in the 1045 Klamath county B league basketball tour nament scheduled for the Alta mont Junior high school. Febru ary 23-24, it was announced this week by George Elliot, principal of the Merrill high school. Six Klamath county high schools, Merrill, Malin, Henley, Bly, Chlloquin and Gilchrist will en ter with invitations being ex tended also to Paisley and Sa cred Heart academy. WARRIORS TOP ROCKETS BREMERTON, Jan. 20 1P) The Bremerton Rockets were quenched last night by the Fort Lewis Warriors, 63-51, in a bas ketball game that saw Gail Bishop of the winners score 36 points. Baker Bulldogs Drop Pendleton Buckaroos, 49-42 BAKER, Ore., Jan. 20 (VP) The Baker high school Bulldogs blasted their way to the top of the Blue Mountain Basketball league when they dropped tho Pendleton Buckaroos into sec ond place 4U to 42, climaxing a fast sharpshootlng game here last night before a crowd of 1200. The ball was showered through the basket 49 times in 32 minutes for 01 points. Summary: Baker 49 42 Pendleton Borgan (2) F (8) Cox Carpenter (6) ....F (13) Cook Wcndt C (5) Alford Ballantyne (15) G .... (10) Kelly Peterson (18) ....G .... (2) Keown Subs: Baker, Gerry 4, John son 4. Pendleton: Henriks 4, Bu-tenshon. DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. Totals 17' 9 18 43 Half time score: Washington State 21, Oregon 21. Missed free throws: Washington State Jorrison, Hansen, Wal ler, Rennick. Oregon Smith 3, Wilkins 4, Hays 2, B. Hamilton 2. Officials Paul Warren and Emii Piluso. With MADELINE MAHONEY and PAUL SWIGART Wmow RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7522 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 9th Notice DANCE AT THE BIG WHITE BARN Every SATURDAY Night Corner of Homedale and Airway Mutic by King Cowboys and Queen Fun for Everybody! Help Build the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS (THE BIG NEW BOEING BOMBER) Boeing Representative Will Interview in Klamath Falls January 22 Thru 27 ' ' ' .' Free transportation to Seattle, Washington. Men especially needed. Physically qualified women also eligible. Var Good pay Excellent working conditions. You will be paid while training. Help build America's most needed bis bomber. & DON'T DELAY! APPLY AT THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE OF THE WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, 242 MAIN STREET These engaged in essential war work need not apply. Hftr 8uio rot viaour