- m v By Joan Cripb1l ' ....... j .. .... ' . C 1 8 rZirTZ ....... ' Btlurdoy. Jaa. 20. 1S40 HERALD AND NEWS THREE :-'mmm ta H ' v , x jits I c 'fill " C; Am ;a . m t' v Srsr ;ikv -'rte x:vL - Leave . ? ' To Mexico Citv oernbecher Tea ated Saturday' L bcncdl brlilfio Iru, enlhiisluntlciilly imtronlml by women larotlll Fulls n hv milium uomnifi'iirr puny which will ivoi Siiliinliiv nfli'i-iiuiMi, .liiiuitiry 27, ill tho Wlllnrd hotel lit Klrnnntli Kails Womim's Library club. ,ll women of Hie coiiniy lire uiiieu 10 mippon 1110 iiinur, i onnually m n benellt of Docrnliecher bosplliil for children. undj doriveil from (lie party will be Kent, ns In former yearn, J Ihc llltlo palluiiLi, iniiny of whom hnvc como from the ;ilh nrea. to minpnrt I he iiffiilr, St, VuliMillnr' Day theme .itntjlne, inul deeorallons: Mrs. A. CI. Proctor, tallies; Mrs. Guy lli'j'inon, prizes; Mrs. Loren Pill inerton, ciilllnk'. nsslstnl by Mrs. Stephen T. Kusper, Mrs. Cllenn Kent, president of tho Library club, and Mrs. Hollo C. t'troesbeek, state chair man of Doernbecher, will pro- lie stressed in ten table Hons, stuillMK and at the utiles. dj will start promptly at p. m., mid inose. aiiennuiK UiC privilege 01 piuyuiK Kiimc llicy desire. They piny con tract or awe ion 1(1(! (lt, t)ll, u. lllblr .r.Z:r: " Women who nro Interested In n arc nskrd to hrltU! their M.priortlni this very worthy amis. Tallies and tables i r'""fl'. . ?ei 1,0 ot w h 10 ),'ihi mi (,,ier,iu,,,i i,i er, tire Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gardner "and their son Joe, left Klnninth rails this week to make their home in Portland. Mr. Gardner has been trainmaster of the Great Northern rnllway hero un til recently, and is now terminal trainmaster In the northern city. no arrived Mommy, .limitary tt and left the following Tuesday accompanied by his wife and son. Their daughter, Mary, a sopho more at Klamath Union hlRh school, Is to stay with Ihc L. L. Lombards until the close of the school term. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Josephson entertained with a dinner party In honor of the Gardners, prior to their departure, and they were also the kucsIs at a number of oilier luncheons n nil dinners. Al- I thoiiKh the Gardner family has resKieii in this city for n compar atively short lime, they leave many friends here. S be provided Hobert A. lhoinnson Is fnait ot the tea committee. Mrs. Leo N. lluls. is hridiic fimn of this year's party. rnompsan win he ns by Mrs. Thomas II. Wal- il who will iirraiiue the ten Sirs. Ciodfrcy C. Illohm, rviw: Mrs. Laurence Shnw. s; Mrs. Percy Murray, tea. inns committee in Mrs. Iloiaeo E. Get, cordially invited to drop in for a cup of tea from 4 to 3 o'clock. Committee heads met Thurs day at Mrs, Thompson's home to complete arranKcments. They hope to make this year's donn tlon mi exceptionally Kencrous one. Mrs. Lawrence Ray Is spend inc. this weekend In Portland visitinii with friends. 5 Cathryn Dorun, daughter of Mrs. George Dorun, has entered Armstrong collece nt Burkclcy, California, where she Is enrol led In the teacher training course. Durlnj; the first two weeks, 'through several social activities and student advisory programs, she Is beinK intro duced and oriented to college life. S Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Angcrselh and two sons left Monday, Janu ary 14, for Los Angeles, Califor nia, where they plan to visit rel atives for un indefinite time. rT HAS. , t': 1 tr 4 win 5 1 i V ." f V tit ' Jr i ' i, t'HI ii , ? ' v ' ' V v (I 1 V r 1 'S M i f ' i ..rVil V r 3 ' ' in 1 J xl ill j h) vim 51 ,'? if . . V ! J I .. i. to at I Iff - I ' ! f J n 4 .f H I s 1 Mi 1 s 1 1 ! u If'M ; j '(I ' ' I t , . I "I Sii-.,t..l 5 . T r ? f t fth?1ED,MEART CHURCH was tho scone of a lovely wedding, when Lydia Carnini bo- BdinV i 001 J'' Roboi t Milton, USMC. Following tho Sunday afternoon caromony, f ng d,n"or wos given at the Lucca cafe for about 50 friends and relatives. The Mil- tons plan to remain In Klamath Falls tor the present. Guderlnn .rl-i,iiii.irl,.nii- 1,-j, Vim DOERWECHER TEA committee heads gathered at the home of Mrs. Robert A. Thompson on Pacific Terrace to make final plans for the bensfit party to be held Saturday, January 27, at the Willard. Upper left, (left to right), Mrs. A. C. Proctor, Mrs. Leo N. Huls, bridge chairman; Mrs. Loren Palmerton, Mrs. Guy Harmon, Mrs. Horace E. Cetz and Mrs. Stephen T. Kasper. Upper right, (left to right), Mrs. Thompson, tea chair man; Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mrs.. Thomas B. Watters, Mrs. God frey C. Blohm and Mrs. Laurence Shaw. Mrs. Percy Murray, member of the tea committee, is not in the picture. Below, Mrs. Rollo C. Groesbeck, state chairman of , Doernbecher hospital for Oregon. ' Gudcrian Marine Officers and Wive s Active Here a Capt. nnd Mrs. Richard E. Putt were host nnd hostess at a cocktail party at their home in the Gricr .apartments on Satur day, January 13. Those attending wore Copt, and Mrs. Donald V. Anderson, Capt. and Mrs. Ben, L. Hoover, Dr. and Mrs. William Burrell onl Capt. James C Short and Mary Sundby. Later the guests enjoyed din ncr nt the BOQ, and attended the supper dunce. Mrs. Atlee B. Hendricks has accepted a position as child welfare ' worker In Klnninth county. Mrs. Hendricks Is n Krtuluiitc' of the University ot Minnesota, tind before coming lo Klnmnth Falls, was a Bed Cross field director nt the Bnx- ler hospital in Spokane, Wash ington, Col. and Mrs. Georgo O. Von Orden gnve an informal fare well parly In their quarters nt the Marino Barracks on Friday, January 1!), for Col. nnd Mrs. W. H. Fiomhold. Col. From- hold has been assigned to duty on the east coast, and he and his wife will leave Klamath Falls within n short time. Congratulations aro being ex tended lo Lt. Graham Gilmer Jr., Dr. Alloc B, Hendricks nnd Lt. J. M, Bnbcock on their re cent promotions to lieutenant commanders. Dr, and Mrs. R. G. Hcskilt have had as their houseguests, Dr. Heskilt s mother, . Mrs. it. M. Heskltt, and his sister, Mrs. Dnmel F. Fcldt of Minneapolis. A large crowd attended the informal supper dance at the BOQ nt the Marine Barracks on Saturday, January 13. Music was furnished by the post or chestra, and a number of civil ian guests were invited. Chaplain Grahnm Gilmer Jr., Iihs arrived In Klamath Falls to replace Chaplain S. D. Crothers who has left for overseas. M.rs. Gilmer nnd the two children, Tom Walker nnd Graham III, accompanied him to his port of embarkation. Chaplain Gilmer is from Richmond, Virginia, and has had previous service over seas. , .''.-', Three new nurses who have arrived ot the dispensary of the Marine Barracks aro Ensign Margaret Urban of California, Ensign Flora Sullivan of Kansas and Ensign Elizabeth Obricn, also of California. . Mrs. Esther Henderson of Marino, California, is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, WO nnd Mrs. Douglas Hen derson at their home on 3832 Summers Lane. Mrs. R F. Root, and two sons, from Yakima, Washington, have joined her husband in Klamath Falls. WO Root is in charge ot the post laundry nt the Marine Barracks, WO and Mrs. N. B. Harrison gave a surprise birthday party at their homo on 2036 Lcroy on Tuesday evening, honoring Lt. A. G. Castngna. Those on hand to celebrate tho occas ion wore Capt, M. Garrett, Capt. D. Worlhington, Capt. F. Hoxlt and Capt. C. Short. Lt. Cast agnn is an assistant post ex change officer. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Burrell, 879 Del Moro, have as their houseguests, Mrs. Martha Dun bar and Edna Dunbar of North Dakota, mother and sister of Mrs. Burrell, who aro here for an indefinite stay, Miss Dunbar has accepted a position at the Marine Barracks, .. A son whs burn lo' Dr. and Mrs. L. P, Ellel at tho Klam ath Valley hospital on Janu ary 18, and wciMhed 7 pounds 3 ounces nt birth. More than fifty cuests were invited for cocktails and supper to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Adams near Merrill last Saturday evening.- Mas. Adams was assisted by her daughter, Mrs.- Allan Priest, rnd Mrs. Claude Houghton.- Mr; and Mrs. Adams are in Los Angeles-this -weekend and will leave by plane from there lor Mexico City where they will spend the n e xt five or six weeks. They plan numerous trips from Mexico City during ineir siay mere. . Wedding Plans A wedding, of interest here is that of Agnes Vasak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vasak of Klamath Falls, who will be come the bride of . Robert J. Moyle, seaman first class, Unit ed States navy, at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening, January 24, at Sacred Heart church. 1 The groom is attached to thi Klamath naval air station. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah B. Moyle of Fort Madisort, Iowa. Miss Vasak has asked Marv Triiiove to be her maid of hon or, and. attendants wili be Betty L,ee smitn and Madge McL,eI lan. Newell E. Hiss of the air station will be Mr. Moyle's best man. ' Immediately after the cere mony there will be a reception at the Pelican party room. Zalesky and Kimball Exchange Vo ws H ere White chrysanthemums, palms and candelabras were placed on four heights at the altar of the First Methodist church, when Laura Lee Kimball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warner - Kimball of this city, became the bride of PFC Phillip H. Zalesky of the U. S. army on Monday evening, January 8. . Miss Kimball, given in marriage by her father, was lovelyiln a wedding gown of white marquisette trimmed in satin,"' and her fingertip net veil fell from a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible on which a single- ; orchid was caught on streamers of satin. Lucy Ann Kimball, twin sister of the bride was the maid of honor, and chose a dress of white lace and chiffon, with a ruffled chiffon cap trimmed with sequins. Her nosegay was of flowers in pastel shades and multi-colored ribbons. ''I Love. You Truly" and "Al ways" were sung by Mrs. Win nifred Gillen, who was accom panied by Mrs. Elizabeth O'Con nor on the organ. Mrs. O'Con nos. also played the wedding music for the ceremony. Following the wcading, a home of the bride's parents, 4678 Crosby, for a few close friends anr relatives. The bride and groom cut their wedding cake on a table that was beautifully dec orated with pale pink chrysan themums and roses and white candles, - . . .' t For going away, the' bride chose a three-piece suit of navy blue gabardine, with navy arid white accessories, and a single orchid was pinned to her coat. The young couple left -for -a short wedding trip, after which they will return to make their home in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Zalesky was a graduate of Klamath Union high school with the class of 1942, . after which she was a student at' the University of Oregon in Eugene for two years. . The groom is the son of Mr. small reception ras held aLthe Charles Zalesky of Seattle, and prior " to his . enlistment in the army, attended the - Washington State Teacher's college in. Se attle. He is now stationed with the army at Camp Newell in Tulelake. &W I -fvL - t it I'l l Vy m- h '::-wc ' 'i ' ill ' fFY i-5 1 i;UJ" i, M I u t; f -. t j -in - , ! V i 4 LAURA LEE KIMBALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Kimball of this city, became the bride of PFC Phillip H. Zalesky, U. S. army, in a lovely ceremony which took place at the First Methodist church on Monday evening. Lucy Ann Kimball, extreme left, twin sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Cpl Harold Hanson, extreme right, was best man. Followina a brief wedding trip, the Zaleskys are making their home in Klamath Falls. -Gudcrian