II Htlp. Wanted, Mil II Hilp Wintd. Mil 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Friday, January 13. 1943 HERALD AND NEWS NINE 34 Automotive WANTED PLUMBERS 34 Automotive Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK ilillfM'.,,,'.' !i2l' ON tex. """-vis nil. equipped i """ ;.:. 11 I'Jtrk. M0 liioii. PW" 1 . Him 1 S oN-rtiHM'-'lV WAIID jj iwi". " 1.IIII1 TuS" Tnn.. "" f?3Vf "'", , i Rl ratal Kor Bale tlHOflPRINGS i j.bcdroom home. " oor, n'11 ' , ifi.tOO. 0. E. BEARD nEAiron 1 052,1 1020 Mnln 1-20 FOR SALE Room Modem House In Hot Springs 120 N. 1 0th St. HOMES FOR SALE ftlN McKEK, REALTOR 7lh rnone noai 2-3 2302tf CIALIZINC in HOMES ETT DENNIS, REALTOR I 8lh Phono 84111 MX .4 rvorn ftirnlahsd hum, hi- !f flffUH' Tllf". naiirotmi nil kvmi itllttl. Is act. Inquire Arthur l. M.K -Nuvf veranl sllrertlve Fog rollaff. 1300 California, Phoni vl.t .. 'i arte, aom uad him uint vtwd. a r'xtmt. 7oo on. Alra. oft Shaita Way and Ivor U.R-l haitroom holla completely Wit Mono 00. Ml Mitchell, prt iliar 0. m. 1-M AI.K..3.baa'nwm hrkk house, dnii- iflirais. renter or L.akvlw anil 1419 lakevlcw 133 ALT-Two-reem furnished hou. ant wooainsa. rnct sboo on. mr si. I -so l.l-J-renm noma. londern, Willi ifM pailly furnished; close In. isas. U3tf ALt-Home In Hut Springs Addl- con nww, will trll for -v. rurnianea noma on m. rren. 1BM rsih Be.t buy In city. c-imcr. wt E. Mnln. 1B Al. IaI ra. MPOOQ, loon lumber, ftlrnart .Addition, 1-33 AI,K ft.romn modern hunts. r.rl and larai combined, SIflOO and road west from Lten's BlorB On knn tilal.u.w ... 'til to itli home. .34 .t.K-4.reom furnished hous. In- fiwirie range, i, acre food orrrxi. chicken houa. gerag. 31iiS Rrnkltn Hi fi m.i. S. 51 W m. Bn III. 1.51 (.M.r-vi arre ', mil can ol Ma I humc, larar ham. mil en.. nn '"," "il. 3 ri., aim,.. l"l lh.lr. t).rp, ,.,(, ,. . -i"'t iiouMoa. ui. in e I. in iM.Kaa.hcilrnoin i.. 'Hart h...- V". p"" down Pni.nl. .... ,.n Im 2!.! """""-H'l . i- ""'rr- ifiPlnioii. l.. ni ii. wir. Phont Aaniana. or. r"" 11-10 Automollv change Motors Fords ID2II In' 1042 . uvrolcls Kl.tr, (o ln4, :''ni'lh IIKM ,,i 1042 ""decs 11134 t0 1U42 or ,c Will Rebuild Your Old Motor iwith Dcnrlii(.3 to Kit 9: ."Ike" Heath 37 Cullf, Avi. 1-2S lA:. "'nrer Driving is 'zarclous Driving Car Insured Coinjilolc. AnUimohiio tovci'imc? , 'liono Sins John Sandnicyer, Kn,Tl0N ACENCY 'cdcral SnvlnS8 Bids - 131.m 0TR REBUILDINr. m Boi Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week -- $1.62.5 per hour Intermountain Plumbing Co. 732 So. Dili St. Plioiin 847ft lU05tf 4 Central Hotictt 4 Qtntril Notlc Announcement A. L. Vincze Has Acquired Complete Ownership of the O. K. Transfer Co. Call Us For Household Moving and Storage Long Distance Heavy Hauling Distributors for Industrial Air Products Oxygen Acetylene Carbide - Wcldinq Supplies 536 Spring St. Phone 4455 Night Phone 7367 Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It rnL ( ir Engineered Ports Used Jniy nrySiei ond Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For Appointment Burness Motors DeSoto S. 6th & Walnut Plymouth Phone 6669 1-18 40 To Exchange Wll.l, 'MtAUK rental of A-room modern hollar ncfir air baa lor houa clnatr tn. Phone 4UUI. 1.10 42 MIcollonou Wanted Wanted Furnished House or Apartment y Murine Officer and Wife. Permanent Duty. No Pels or Children. Phone 5121, Extension S. 2401-U 1-25 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 144 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends Auiomolivo 34 tir.K MKl. IIKMIY at Lmnliarn". Il.rrl j far Ut. 331 K. tlth ht. Top OI'A ! CASH rnlcr. at om- lor your car. All makca and illodela fur ante. l-13itl i WE PAY j TOP CASH PRICES j We want furniture. trunk, ! uultciiscM. clothing, shoes, tools. ' guns, clocks, wntches. In fact 'inythlng of value. Give us a riiiu j WB UUY EVKIIYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 321 So. Olh Ph. 7160 76 HI ron SAI.fc- I04O rHJc pickup. Imiulte Llen'e L'aah ttture. 1-10 roil KALr-IOM .ronl lordor aedon. I I'rrfect I'ondltion 'llirouihuul. Call I t!T5r. i .10 FUnNITUrtE nnd nii.celliincous of all kinds. 33 Fuel Hooting ring Rphnrlnr. 0lh MeehBiileal Work ''to10 SHOP nasi Mnln . 1-22 .... . Nonrt! k, .!""! i:hr-rl.i '"J oirn'lrl" 10 ""nrllllori i-io ,;-'" Va Ford 4-door. .ion t-ao 7 ' Ma u iTTITT RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equippod To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2510 S, 8th St. Phone 0;i31 14.9-lf RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K, Teed iOj. 8th Phone 7071 Only a Few Pre-War Double Underseat Heaters Left . , . Get yours today while they last. Fit nearly all late model cars, ; Burness Motors S. 8th Sc Walnut Thone 8660 1-1" FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Badiator You Need Klamath Radiator Worki, 3221 So. 6th rhone 8D43 l-IITi Motor Rebuilding SUrlcr mud Generator noconditlonlnif, MOTCR TUNE-UP 15 Years' Experience . Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 o. after 8:80. P. M. ' ron SALT! -At II. IW ' Ford Sport RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Dfllveiy Phone 8:107 JACK EICHENDORF Dislributur 1-Dlm 36 Mltctllaneoui For Sale FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 770(1 20-1 (Uf ron SAtr 100 lona halrd n-r. lat cm allalfa. nata and rye. at Keno fire Guy Moor at ranch before i-roaalnit river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake 7104. witr OI.ASS-Mlrrora. trallvcrlns. plule win dow and auto alaas. rurnlliire lona. ahelvea. Kimball' Cllaaa Shop. M7 Walnut. Phone 7370. 3-Sni . nooKs-nooKS-DnoKs Don't dlavard ynnra hooka or mnKazlnr. Call 5:tll2, 1-S arovrs hkpaiih!ij. aii vhiiWo nana atorked. Uaed finnlliire, alovoa bousMt. riK Second Hand Store. (110 Klnmnth. Phone M71. l-.llm rtll.l.r.ll ntlllSllKS -- Clem Joyer. I4:ts Marlin. Phono 01177. l-Ulm fori SAI.K-Traltor nollae. 34 It. Ml model Plymouth. Rxccllent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto , Court. till FOR SAI.E-Two upright pianos. Ciood rondlllon. ll.K) rnch. Ilnrrl Ooloy. 3727 Akard St.. neildlim. Calif. 1 111 AI.t.r.N Adding Machine and FIIIOKN Calrulatora. ISI S. nth. St. Plnnrrr PrlntliiR A Stnllonery Co. 3-l.tin KOR SAI.K-Dry wood, tiny mixsrih. 1.114 Dayton. 1-1 hpknc.kii conr.TIKttr. Mr, mid nunrh. till Oak, Phono 7:ttft for appointment. 3-Hin rOlt SAt.E- 3 hollom. Ill-Inch Oliver plow, good aa now; ono hay atnrker. rope, pulley and rnblra. f3ood condl Uon. All lor Hie sum o( SI7S. Ph. 4IOT. 1-in fort SAI.K Ton. wnler-roprllrnt over rnnt for boy M: aheop-llncd Irnthrr roat. Itiilli nvrri'ont. innn's alc. All wool, htuo hov'a awenlcr, alte 14. 3010 Hone. Ph. 400.1. matt roil SALE -Fnrlory liulll H'li II. Plot trailer house. Hensnnnhle. Inoulro nuh erlaon'a CJrocory Hloro. So. lltb. l-lll Kin noliY WOOD. SIS.W cord. Deliv ered. 1310 Lincoln. 1-30 ron SAI.K -Two 1 h p. nlr rnmpreaaora. automatic Willi tanks. Cascade laundry. ron SALE -Ons stove. Deluxe model. 0 burners. 3 ovens, like new. Phone (men. l-'i' roil SALE- Ono II ft. rood nmlntnlnor In excellent condition. An Ulciil fin lahlm tool lor land lovolllin. Phone 8730, 1 2(1 ron SALE Practically new Wlndaor trumpet! alan henlnncr's snare drum, lltltl Pine St., roar apartment. 3llt.ni IUI71 Harlan 130 FOn SALE -- Oil atovo. Drive,. Phono .1005. ron SAI.E-Larite wooilrn barrels. In nulre at riuhrer's Bakery. I7.iatf riit.i.r.n nnnstiKS Jtep, n. v. Momnn. S;li So, niveralilc, miono .Tllll. 2-Hm BottRht For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone inv 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES nnd PELT& GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-16 WANT electric ranse and oil circulator. PO Uox 147. 1-33 WANTED TO RUY-ltmeraprtns mat tress. Prefer tleauty Rest or Seeley. Muat lie reasonably priced. Phone 4K1 hclwcrn 3 ond 7 o. m. TBtf WILL PAY CASH for used nuns. nrln Ihrul In f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 1U Main SI. l-3lm CASK paid for household goods. Phone 7.1 1 II. 4340U WANTED Writing desk. Will pay rea aomible price. Call 3003. 1-10 II. n. SKiNALMAN wants to leas house (or year or more. No children. Preferably walking distance to S. P. depot. Address James n. nowt. 0n. Del.. Klamath rails. Ore. 1-10 WANTED TO RENT Modern, furnished house or apartment, one child, phone 047.V lllSU WANT TO BUY-- Refrigerator, electric range, electric hot water heater. Ph. nno.i. l- WANT TO RENT Potalo acreage. Pay cash or share crop. Writ P. O. nox 1143. Merrill. 1-33 WANTED TO DUY-Palr of thinning shears. Pleas phon 4688 after 8:30 p. m. aieitr WILL PAY CASH rOR YOUR PIANO Loula R. Mann, 130 N. 7th, Phone 4310 or 7175. I-33m WANTED TO ntlY-Lat model pickup truck. Phone 7371. 1831 Sargent. RPtf WHOLE CARTON or CIGARETTES for first furnished apartment or house (or rent. Call dayllme. Lt, Smith. 8100, Ext. 1011. l-3 Learn REFRIGERATION and AIR CON. DITIONINO. A real opportunity for good earnings awaits ambitious, me-chanlcnlly-nilnded men who prepare NOW. Train In apar time. Write for details nnil FREE "qualification Chart Test." Utilities Inst., Box 3400, car Herald and News. 1-18 AUTO nODY and FENDER WORK. In cluding melal work, welding and spray painting - Look Into HU-one of the most profitable branches of tremen dous auto Industry offering chances for good Joh or your own business. Train In simre time. Write for MEE fads. Utilities Inst., Box 3408, care Herald nnd News. 1-19 WANTED - ny civilian man and wife. quiet housekeeping room or apartment, l'erinnncnt residents. Writ Box 3437. core of Herald and News. I -an 44 Livestock and Poultry IMOIirsr PRICES paid for hogs. veal. Innibs and cnttlc. Johnson Packing Co. I'hono 3313, nights 3308. l-01m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys nnd rnhhlts. TRIII.OVES MARKET, mil Cost Mnln. Phone 4183. a sm CHICKS, Finest and best grade of chicks. Frco delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery, Tolent, Oregon. 3-8 WANTKD-Dcnd and worthless gntmals. Phono 4II3U collect. l-31m PAYING UP TO 3 lb lor rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattle, Wn. 1-31 FOR SALB-Ono Dilroc Jersey boar, ror Information Inquire at 031 Kane. I-10 Used Cars See Our Choice Selection 1941 DeSoto Sedan Fluid Drive Overdrive ' 1939 Studebaker Commander Overdrive Heater Radio 1940 Olds E'ght Touring Sedan Fluid Drive Radio And Heater Many Other Late Models ' Burness Motors S. 6th and Walnut Phone 6660 1-19 IS READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co: YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main ond Esplanade MMaMiSAafanMMAaVaTlMyVllaBf Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- ' TOP PRICE FOR YOUR ' CAR : If reasonably cleon we moke no deductions. You need not sacrifice when you sell to 'j , Ashley Chevrolet Go. 410 So. 6lh St Pbone 4113 38 Miscellaneous For Saie 36 Miscellaneous For-Sale I. SEED POTATOES TO SELL - CERTIFIED GEMS ' ' CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls 2508tf 44 Livestock and Poultry Farmers Attention! Let Us Spread Your SULPHUR or PHOSPHATE Big or Little Jobs 2 Power Equipment Sets Do the Work We Go Anywhere Phone Your Orders Krizo Bros. Phone 8311 Klamath Falls Phone 74 Merrill 1-19 44 Live tock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3373. l-31m FOR SALE-30 head dairy cows. Fresh and springers. 3(301 Eberteln. Inquire S. P. Slock Yards. "Doc" Daugherty. t-io 46 Financial NOTICE! Farmers and cattlemen. We are now permanently located at 3601 EBERLEIN ST. We deal In all kinds of live stock. Your business will be appreciated, D. M. Dougherty .. and Son Inquire at S. P. Stockyards or 3601 Ebcrlcin St. 1-20 48 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH'LOANS , AUTO You'r FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pn.v No Co-Signers Quick Service . ' Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7tl . Phone 3325 l-31ni When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on , P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 1,07 N., 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 771 1 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 l-31m Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS. Much lower interest rales Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you to Investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1 non 111 N. 0th Phone 4504 t Tues.-Frl.-tf Public Used Car Lot v i 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South . We Buy and Sell . ;:0 Used Cars and Trucks ... We Need Late Models COMPARE ' ., . "' Our High Bid Before You Sell -- See Selby Last -- ;.: Phono 6931 237911 BUY THE BEST' New GMC Trucks ARE NOW AVAILABLE . " Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO. 4th at Klamath Phone 8164 42 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted' Any Lot -- Large or Small U. S. ONE'S U. S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening v McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box J30, Klamath Fulls ' 257tf WJJvwvlyW- ''-aAaSa.assaftsssNafa'astasSsl 44. Livestock and. Poultry , 44 Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls- enterprise. Oregon's newest modern baby Cluck .'butchery will he in, operation about Feb. 1,1943 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now, to leave your order' for our line high grade elyclis at STANDARD: FEED STORE, Across, from Tower Theater." It you can't come In, write us for hifurimitiun aiid prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERV ' 2720 So Ulh Box 328 ' : Kluiiialli Falls, 'Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS . . . ;, . '.' K soatf