EIGHT HERALD AND HEWS Friday. January 19, 1945 With Mojor Hoopla RAnrdinn House H STUDIO X &0T HIT BY AM I REACCIPEKK- W AUTO, AMD THE DRlMER. MyVy ' "NRV i ASKED ME tD SEEK f li'Y6RGAT CSARTI -IV DANAASES - X TOUD HIM t i V S, PIKE .' LOOK . 1 -MO, HE ALREADV IU 7 0UT DUCK f ; SS&J, T L001 Lll& bricks v Out Our Woy By J. R. Willlami ' J DB JEKYLL AMP MR. HYPE f X THAT'S HOW HE SOUARES HIM- . NOW Hfct. W. I . ----- " ,-.., INii THE LITTLE BIRDS, AM FIVE MiWUTES AGO HE WAS MP. HNPE, MAkLlls) MY HIPE i. CFF FOR. SFOILIM' a job; . . arl-' IN THE onCJr. M SflLL muni , IF- WE THINK HE S ATOUoH GUY, BUT HE HA-3 TO LIVt 1 1 WITH HIS BETTER Mm in w hi i r y rniTT ii nil., i . ,LJ '.! V?lVr't' JUMKt 'If !B 'iX I . VM- ?a mm THE DOUBLE DEALER mill li s tv err. mm. l( uu (-11 lo ' . P1-?";; Cm- WIH UIB l'i ilni i oil i I .ml declaring I l J''"''1 ! '.' ' ,i In nwiicc i.t nil liniliv Metl ,24 "I"V ,u ' common In mill lit Ibal '' '"'?."' !, pcily Iwalctt hi Klainatl n. mill 'I"""'"1 1,1 kw. .ml NEi.'o SW'. ;.f S'IUm " Kit'. I( Scclloll Hi and S , ill . ( NKI, .nil HKI. ill V 4 mill N 1 of 8w ut HMtimi an. i" " 0 " IVid ' if.rlo'i.m" i.r..p.ry 'V',, .j! bullilliiK.1 ml !" ' ''" ,.' I1", ol Ills V. 8. fon.l 8"Vl'0 1 rjl :ri;;;;!ij,m,srum,,;..ri..ms , milllliil lo liuvo hi. I""""' ",' ir.nwrly iwrtliunifil , "'," olliir oiviifr.: lhl utlil rif,i '.r l.iliil nhy.lrally lnrlUlonml. mill ""'""."f . le liior.ol! mnioliillnil 'J ' ' I ho iireuain llnll ol ! ''7l'. iirt In. iiionoiiiinwi. .j'' " ' f Imiifiiwiila ."""f " ,-V, i. :,1,Whx.,i.siS ol inc nr.i oiiiinmiii.M w Ii January llMh. I'1"-... v,,.r. ,. rAlliir.no .-- ,VW1 Main Slrcol Klamalh rail.. Orr.;m A,,..P.,,vk fur Pan If, j. m-a: r. a--No. u. Red Ryder By Fred Harmon GO WHITtt rW4 SCHOOL Jl HEl-F ' 1 M sEMCCHIN JOK LliAAKE TALK v-I LITTLE LEAVER -HE PIJTEAKED 1kO HAUPREEC5 KOpg Wis i'Cknm.Wi WUH TMEV ArhED TO FIND CMEE NE WHFi;e ' IV 1E6.' 10 1HE 1EI-6KHI i'HEKE w'E WE GOINa SOW.' CUTTOU. WHITE rAA, CANNOT SEE 1EI-CI-CHI f in r- . i i w ' r f Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner rSASV NEARS TOE SPOT WEST OF HAN6CHOW WHERE . ...., EXTIH0UI5H FLARES 1 f THE GENERAL SAID Y YES, CAPTAIN! NOT 13 CHINESE ARE TO REFUEL HIS THUNDER 8CIT ' . ' i WHILE PLANE IS BEING YOU FELLAS WOULD BE J SAFE TO TARRY LONG Hiraal I I I . I REFUELLED, CHEN6JAFA- READY.. LOOKS LIKE HERE.. ENEMY LINES tf 6ENERAI HLEF - A ' - - A NESE FLYERS MIGHT SEE HE WAS RIGHT.' A. CL05E. . PATROLS if TUK SAID I'D SEE V THEM AND STRAFE , VERY ACTIVE.' V THEIR FLARES JUST - X", : CAPTAIN EASY'S SHIP1 riv 'Kl ' R lASTO-THISTOWER-f - V . , NTAIN EASY S 5mP. HB 5T7" ' AH, THERE THEY ' H 4 T - . ft 1 . Boots and Her Buddies By Martin fly j ja' iv i i i x r jkmw -s cu . ' -S.-; y.-iiK j gay ..if) r(Z. 'VSBL " " T ' cp.tiaitmia.ie. ' ..'"3" .'J A TA6t "SA AO -m'L oOtsi OV A Freckles and His Friends By Blosser Miya. . 1 Jusr ) f Its im In that case, to you J "icu ( so just go amwo TiT -.f SUSAr'. OROPPEO THE, SUPPOSE SVE COULD AREN'T ANO NKIi.AND PRETEND iSSii? till VEa, .V,;.,- WHAT IN TO SEE BAG' HAVE A LITTLE V K50UMO I'M NJT HERE .' -t5Sj ,) o W ; IV, if ' BRINGS HOWVOU .fi P-R-l-V-A-C-Y? f ' A BT. -1 , ,, iYWI,! 17 w3- Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin WHO SAID ANYTHING? flBOur Uu Y ? IT'i ALLEY OOP, KING- OOP, NO LESS !! f , - WHUZZ AT ?? t I . . ' f , Id 1 V-HIM I -- AJrilAT ALL ls A.GUV TO KINO of) guz havin' I ' GUZ HAS PAL AC6.. ) UOL' WUR I! S5!- been Gorvef he cones r-r. lj-ftmxX 1 an'nou.guz.ol: lAL... AbUUI IMI5 WtLL.iLL ItLL MATTER THAT YUH. OOP, FINDIN' BROUGHT VOUV0LI HERESTEODA COMPLICATES .v t kws M""" JWpr I itA ITS GOT MY GRAIN IN WELL, UIRITHIING THROES. rvAJ.T, BU ILL nUK II WHATCHA1RIGHT IN T'FIND OF IT? . . '.4. fr P-. A ff- .. 1 u-1' r, Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray WELL, MAMA'S Ppcnnl iq LITTLE LAMB! HOME AGAIN, VSrS fLEYl HZmLD1 f ANNIE! T0Ulf WAVENt YOU DONE lJ y CL.T I! I "MAMAS I ROBBPR I I OU GET To THE II I nN0U(3M HAWM ? WW$$ 1UJ II PRECIOUS SI? I KITCHEN WUFAU li I TiEiwTWAS SUCH EHVfl rj M I LITTLE LC.MR ..f.. I rs YniiRCinufil WQP BOYTLL f ;S gC $3,500,000 Paid to Oregon Farmers For Water, Soil Practices CORVALLIS, Jnn. 1 lV) Immediate results In increased lood production were shown as a result of $3,500,000 paid Oregon fanners last year for soil and water conservation oracticcs, the state AAA committee chairman renorted here. ' The payments will slve agri culture longtime oenents, n. a. Taylor, Adams, told ISO county committeemen at the opening session of the state AAA confer ence yesterday. N. CJ. Donaldson, AAA execu tive assistant, and L. B. Broit liaupt, extension agricultural economist, said it would be as important to meet food produc tion goals in 1045 as it was Inst year. Permanent improvements to urcgon farming as a result of AAA programs were reviewed by W. L. Teutsch, assistant cx- Ration Calendar War Price and Rntlonlnir Bonrd, 4.10 Main street. Office hour dally, to ii. in. u i.ju p. m.; aaiurany. iu a. m to 2 p. m. Phono 6161 for all tnforma tlon. All applications must be MAILED In to the War Price rnd Ration In a Board i main iireoi, ana nui preieiuen In Derson. SUGAR Ration book 4 Sugar itoinp ii o. .it vena inuciiniioiy. PKOCESSED FOODS BLUE STAMPS Ration book 4 C D-2, E-2. F-2 and G-2 valid for consumer use. stamps x-s. Y-3. A -a nnii u-2, which were validated December 1, re nin In valid. MP. AT, UHTTKR, C1IRK8E RED STAMPS Ration bonk 4T-5, U-3. V-5. yf-H and X-fl vjilid for conium- or nc. Stnmps Q-fl. R-! atid S-9. which were validated December 3, romnln valid. Tnkc tiKed fall to your meat dralur and he wilt pay 4 cents and iwo points per pound. SHOES Ration hook 3 Airplane ihoe tamps i. i ana J Rooa inaeimueiy. RASOL.1HE "A"l4 ttamD coo (I until March 21, 4943. All gas ratronlng ap plications must be accompanied by mila age rationing slip which was . received with new "A" book. FUEL OIL Period 1 and 3 valid until August 31. 1945. . Other periods will be announcea as iney oecoma vana. Period number 3. valid January 8. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that 1 have filed my final account and report of my administration of the estate of Fred August Janssen. also known as Fred Jnnssen, deceased, and the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed 10:00 a. m. of January 26, 1045, an the time and the court Room of said court the place when and where any person may present objections or exceptions to said final account, and at said time and place the court will settle said ac count, C. L. JANSSEN. Administrator. L. Orth Sisemore, Attorney. D29.J5-12-19-26. No. 296 tad - 80 CatsrpilUr tractor, food nrv ..- i.r,... wheal tractor mi WANTKl""V..rk ! rh r office altani. - - .. Mitoii. .i;,-u WANT TO ilttY mot..rcvc. side car l Oak HI.. 'Klamath rH-. 1-iMi WANT" .1 or "4 er ilrt ilte lrlyrlj I'ltone oi.iu. furch t'r. 50; young stock. Mem; tier of fsllfomU Hrkihlr ""'r.1 Assn. Merle Uoo.lt. Macdoel. Ca ir NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given that 1 have filed my final account and report of my guardianship of Jack Lewis Long and George Martin Long, minors, and the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed 10:00 a. m. of January 26, 104S, as the time and the Court Room of said court as the place when and where any person may present objec tions to said final account, and at said time and place said court will settle said account. ELIZABETH M. - LONG, Guardian L. Orth Sisemore, Attorney. D2Q;J5-12-10-20, No. 237 SUMMONS , . - Emity No. 7in W.T5E CIKCtIT COURT or THE ??AoIMatNFO,IThScoun FRED VORNBERQ, Plaintiff, ANNA C. FOEOED1NO, a widow, HER MAN DELDHUEaOE and JANE DOE SEk55UEGGI!' h" Wl'i HENRY DEL BRUEGGE and JANE DOE DEL BHUEGGE, hla.-wlfa, PETER DEL BRUEGGE and JAE DOE PEL- Bn,!?SSE'J" w""j louise weiks and JOHN DOE WEKB, licr hil.lland. WILLIAM VORNBEIIG and JANE POE VORNBERO, hl wile, ERVIN DIES HACK and JANE DOE DIESBACK. hill XL'S' 2AS5X 8TIENMAN and JANE DOE HTIENMAN, hi, wlfo, KHED STIENMAN and JANE DOE HTIEN MAN, nil wife, WILLIAM STIENMAN gnd JANB DO STIENMAN. hli wife, r.KD OELBRIIEGOE, JR. and JANlii UOF, DELBRIJEGGE, JR., hi. wlfo, i?J."iJ?fil'B'i'Eaa'i "nd JANE DOE DELBRUEGGE, hi. wife, ROSE PEI, 11IUIEOGE and JOHN DOE PK.L BlUIEar.E. her hu.hnnd. ELIZABETH KRUEGER and JOHN DOE KRIJEGER, her husband, ANNA PROEHL and iP.l!..J0.J'n0E'"'i hr huibanil, MINNIE DIEIII, and JOHN DOg DIEHL, her huahnnd, and the un known helra of the above named de fendant,, If any be decea.ed, and all other unknown pertona claiming any - Hunt, title or Intereat In or to the roal eatala described herein. Defendants. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED AND DESIG NATED DEFENDANTS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are re quired lo appear and answer the com- ri acciFirn RATES im. h.. it ta y , da run P: .Tr J 5" " --S, word 1.1c 1 daJ run ""d Mr Month run TKuf.rS 0 ui.oouni tor 9 Dl.counl lor l-armanl w IWJ Ana recaiveu aj t.w f. tame allernoon in r"w " : . . Now Today "Feed, and Seeds for all your needs Packale Iota a .peclslty PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE l-H i,OST rur-llned black drlvltif (love lor . .. . II ... Mawar.1 I. IB Iflt nPIIU. P ..... - LOST - Latly'a brown imckelbook. t wrl.t watrhe.. ration hook., at So lllh and Arthur. Heward. J. U. Her, Malm. Gen. Del. FOR RENT Slnlle bedroom for men 923 Grant. Phone M.TII. l- FAHMEItS: , . Gel tho.e baa repaired anil cleaned while work Is slack. PEOPIJES WAREHOUSE l l FOR SALE-Owner leaving city. Fur nished a-rooin home. bath. Laundry trays, basement, eleclrtc relrllerator. electric ranie. wlnler'a fuel, large lot. fenced garden spot. This place In hot water dl.trlct. Walking distance. $3250 half ca.h. balance like rent. Immediate po..e..lon. For appoint ment phono owner. BUM. i -30 LARGE SIZE PISH TOWELS while they I. ! IK. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ' 1-10 NAVAL OFFICER AND WIFE lie. Ire small furnished aparlmenl or hmi.e. pny lo $100. Plume Mrs. Alherlon. Wlllnnl Hold. I U SULPHUR: Gel yours now. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE lie WANTFP. -Furnished apartment or house by marine olllcer and wile. Call or write Cant. Certlltl, 5121, Ext. la. Marine Uarracka. 1-22 SHEEPMEN: Try Ilodgen Brewaler Sheep Pellela and save on hay. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 1-10 WANTED Furnished apartment or house by marine orilcer and who, Cull or write LI. Edward., Cumuany L. U-U, Marine Uarrack.. 1-22 SOl.PIKIt WANTS HUE to Eugene Sun day mnrtiliia. Will aharo exoenaes. Coll 2I.VI Klidrllffc SI. 1-20 POTATO riROWIiHM: We have a giwifl .iipply of sack twine on liaiul. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 110 WANTED Slenographer and olflca worker for regular afternoon work schedule. Phone 7fltu for appoint ment. 1-20 Feed Security" Coif Food PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 1-10 CALENDARS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES Western Made for Western Trade. Sell our Great Northwest Scenic Calendar. Dally Record. Budget. Memorandum. etc. Full or part time. Experience unnecessary. . commissions weekly. F. B. WINES COMPANY, Tacoma, Wash ington. 1-10 FOR RENT 50 acres. Tulelake, Part onlnna, potatoes and grain. Cash, Write A. C. Keck, 205 S. Flower St.. Santa Ana, Calif. 1.25 Cedar Shaving, for lltler PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE l-lfl Muting Nolle. Ills Ltiki Locul Nu, 2S11 Meets every 2nd Thursday mid 4th Sunday ul 1 422 Mill" St, K, C. Wlllonhoi'K, I'Miuinclnl Sec. K. A. Cordon, Pros. 2-17M r Klamalh Falls Aerl. Y ft ' No tioo, Heaular tllJ. itin.llng every Tuea. i"' i day lllghl, 7; p.m.. F O E. hall, Olh anil Walnill. V I . I I I ii a nt.mb.r, cordially tnvlled. If CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 l;V.oVe.":.m.lh.'T:J0p""M.:VlUb;r Temple iu b";. m . ... . . Offtc Opn t oo to b.ou P M Every Wednesday. Phone 6327 I.Sm 2 Lost and r ouna LO.MT -Sheaffir Llfrtinie pen. gievn end black striped. Reward. Phone Tail. FOR SALE -it. Ford DeLuxe coupe. Radio, healer. Can be seen at Weyer haeuser Junction, Junction Service Station. 1-20 FOfl SALE-One Plymouth pickup, 1R30 model, good condition. Call Malln 160. 1-23 1 Bed Springs t7.V) 1 Large Heater (needs worlo...$3.00 PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 1-10 FOR SALE Vacuum sweeper, men's sire 0 roller skates, prewar bed and springs. 2-whiel stock trailer, sewing machine. Call after A p. m., lini Oregon Ave. 1-22 1 14-Foot Outboard Boat and Trailer 163A-1 condition. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE 1-10 Monday, January 22 ' 200 Cattle at Auction ISO yearling feeder steers, 00 mixed cattle and carload of White face stock cows, Also hogs, horses and sheep, LAKEVIEW LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. .. . Lake view, Oregon - . t 1 H. t. Rhodes, Auctioneer ;( 1 , For Farm Sale Dates ' Phono Lakevlew 2284 .Clarinet-!) Flat Ebonite and Cane PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE ' Mo REGISTERED WHITE COLLIE PUP PIES and bitch. Fred Fisher, Rt. 2, nnseburg. Ore, l-aa SAVE MONEY AND BUY ME-3-room modern, furnished house, close In, ., nnwly dcrornted. On rage, $1200 cash. Phone a:02 or Inquire 1125 Walnut St. 1-23 USE "AinCO" Welding Equipment ' And Supplies , Gauges Torches Cutting Attachments 1 Hose Tips Helmets' Goggles Rods In Slork PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE t-lR ' Blut Denim Prt-Shrunk Ladies' WORK SLACKS Ladies' WORK GLOVES . Gauntlet and Short Cuff. All-Ltathor Only' OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main LOST na.kelball In vicinity of Lincoln and nirt street.. Phone .1111, veiling.. 2ttltf LOST- Male Irl.tl seller, wart under lelt ee. answer, to name ol 'llrownle " I.lcena. No. 22U. Heward. Phone IJ. '0 Juui.i nr. i Gtniral JNoIicm OK FURNITURE STORE will be opon for buslncu February 1st at its new location 2401 South 6th Formerly PALMKIt S BAKGA1N HOUHK Will Give Sumo Service us llvforc. Phone 001)0 TWO SISTERS INN . Wccd-Anhlaiitl .Function 2 Mile Wont Hwy. 07 Southern Fried Chicken and Stcaka RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays 2-17 METAPHYSICAL Rental Library. 123 Main. Room 7. will be open lo public Tuesday, Thtlraday and Saturday, II a. hi. to In, in. Wedne.day and Thurs. day from 1 p. m. lo 0 p. in, 1-23 FOR STUART'S DANCE ORCHESTRA inquire R24 Oak SI., or plton 0331. J 17 Pergonal. WILL MRS. RAMSEY, that slaved at Wilson's, ptraic call IU2fl after 7 p. m. 119 10 ' Strrlctt REFRIGERATION SERVICE We Service All Mnke Household or Commercial Don't wait for a complete breakdown. Have your refrlgor a t o r completely overhauled now during cold weather. Belts, Seals, Controls, Swltchcg, Valves in Stock. Bert Eastman, Serviceman . Merit Washing' Machine Service 611 So. 8th Phone S860 1-31 INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A, Canlrall Room 4, Hopka Bldg. 110 N. Bth St. Open' Evenings and Saturday! Phono 3249 2-10m MOVING STORAGE Local and Long Distance HAULING " Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORACE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 8872 1-23 INQUIRE about Plaall-Kol. wear-realst-. ant finish. Also K.mtonlng, painting. Phon. 3DH7, a-ffl MATTRESS rebuilt, one day service. Ec?,n'i5!l Maltrea, and Upllolaterv. Call aMlA i.jQ ll.ECTR01.UX Cleaner, complete aerv Ice. Phono 71117 I0.H Main. 2-12 DENTISTRY, afternaons. 0M Shasta Way. i.2 KALSOMININU, Kemlnnlng, Palnllnj, L. Brown. Piiono 422H, a-im SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and In stalled, A local concern, Phon W, Baker, 711.13. . 4.4 10 SrTlew FORMERLY' Ray's Shoe &. At 241) V. 1.., niiig IS NOW opij FOB in irh1 under ne managemen WILL GIVE QU BRING ma your work. No lob loo amall. Bodenhamer Saw and Repair Shop. a.j N?. S.I"1t-T,M,! "Pholt" Four it'll1.' rp'. ,Wo, c'"'. 'ompleta line ?.. .m"ifr,T'l ". ,,nck- Branomy Mai tren fc Upholslery. 2313 So. Olh, Ph. 03IIH. ... ,-n SEWING MACHINE SF.nviCE, all make, Phone 0771. 32laBha.la Way. a-IOm FOR.KEMTON1NO Phone 4270. a- CURTAINS LAUNDERED and atr.teheri I'hona 3717. a-21 J HEMSTITCHING URESSMAKINO. Bullon, and Buckles S?-.?!"1, A"'"''lon. on new and old clothing. Mr. II. M, All.nder, 731 M""- Room an. Ph. 7283. i-3im p.,.-!. , f Furniture Shop. SnH."."",r"",'J,r?l"lrl"p.' '"nlahlng. Sprlnga reconditioned, 3041 Shasta PLUMBINd SERVICE riuinuiiiu in Ilcutlii, . Installed iiiK DAVIS PLUMBING d no inirrypho, REFRIGCRATim WASHING Mach and C, 1 1 A . 1 -"nun rppnQr Repair DAVE COX, Service Klamath Refrigerate Phono 7031 2000 South Siilei REFRIGERAT! SALES and SER' , DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL All Make. Parts, Controls nd . in block Oregon EquiprtJ Phone 11(117 121 OIL nunNrm FURNACES, CHIMS1 Cleaned and Rf4 WOOD . COAL . 1 FURNACES Available for Replu Compare Our Pn TUFTS HEATING SERi Phone 8940 Phon, an W F. KING Net-tir Tsnki t:tatitd Iniperttnti free krj menu uonienis uuito iin PAPIER ANI1 PAIT.RHAMUl J K Pattennn ana 13311 Eit Main Phoiw US 14 H-lp Winied fd WANTED. Waitress sn4 H man preferred. Applj U 4 fee ihop. WANTKD-Waltrtwe. WiiH WANTKO-Chainbermsl. M A taJI'tr I VJ.xmmn ta till valid, tTaytln.es. no (WW home nights. . " 19 Help WtnUdM Souther Pacific Has vacancy baggage ond ' handlers, 4 w ondisc hondli'i Aid us in the' effort and shon many fine bff1 APPLY AGENT WANTED Bodyman or Hi nuu Mcclnnlc ANDERSON AUTO 832 Walnut 1 w,u.pn annller or Cleaners, 117, no. "J WANTED - Atllnlii'll)ll; Ch.vrnUt Co.. YrJ WANTED Neat ouP;H light dellvorlrs nj " .lore. Apply I" X l Klamalh Mower HP. lielner. Apply mil WANTED-F.kperlenf'i'.'l man. Old '"'"'SI Walnut, WOULD YOU like ,J1' achool deliver ng HJJgi roill.7 Be. Mr. Ml""" offlca allar 3 P- . - IU.PI WANTED Men , ji iilgni work, a""" 'Zl m Alley, ! Main p. Halurday or ohm; WANTED - r.KP'rl.n'rf over al, Stenny " Fred 11. Hellbronnn-J an Boomi f "l ennuaU.n. 2 W'h ROOM FOR RENTlM-l . o,.urn tun n r, i. i - ,,ii n.i n..nt Phon. H0- NICE ROOM for ren rerreu. inqu." - 1132 Main. way. I'none 417. a.is