Friday. January 19, 1(49 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN 8 CLE i) OPEM CEWTER lull- u 'in- 0411, n (if ociil ''-III)- II Hi! II' 111 , Tim lWiinel H' LLf i llie wi- 'l,uc" club ol ' ,L ,rn. V.Jrlll IICW- . . od i ";;,i..r, i i lip 2-!; uri'i'w ,,,, Irliiu W "I ,i- ..ill i CIW" '....,i.... .,1 ffSimi uo nri'ii. It I"1 llllliw". - -. .,,,1l,, du0 ,,,.. .... ned "' Lr clubhouse w I I I I" ''"". """.-inn... iIih nriiitnim II""" "... I lir..v llV lint MnrniiiBU ' l orcho-'tin. Czern Zevely Reported Milling MALIN J. H. natllff. Mlln. mid Mm. JnnicR C. Klovonson Sr., Miicuuni, nuve received word IhHt llmlr nephew, Sgt. Ciern Zovely. 3(1, wall-known In th la community, who Iim been mlsa- Inn lnco a-my in Normandy, la n prisoner of th Oermens. They worn inioriiino. m mi capture through h Irllor written by .evil ly to Mia. Hliivenaon last Aug uat nnd received only recently. HIM mother, mra. m. a. jeiisun liven In Mluml, Kla., and hli lath' or In Blcbor. Merrill UVallev lllSll win hrlpmg Hi" 1; company f" "v t'ts niursniiy. Jaunty ronrt crew was (i tno roan in."- - . P.'..,,,- Il.l.ina ri-tiiriii-H irtlsnd where she apenl wctKs rccupcruunH nitration. jiirus "i'w " ........ cutting woon una wtr. In Rooeris ooiikih rmu nil)'. Nork helped John Nork In Moocris wan a tiiuvi John flora nomc uii r 1 1 llolmes family has al liiihfd movini!. The Buck 7 i.... !.. il sio inuviua imu iiiv home. tnedlct was a caller at cNork home on Friday. Tt . i . ,1 lorn rcuirnea irom ino hospital alter hla opcr- Oltncdlcl Is spending n i visiting in luamain e DavU wai a Christmas lueit at the Archie Hub Be. Ho Is the aim o Mra and Uvea In Ashland Roberts was a culler at hlo Roberts home one week. aid Mrs. Ben Nork nnd ny were visitor here evening from Klamath ulllnex had the mlifor. damage hli car quite when he cot stuck In Idy road near hla home I Til Mn llnrrv r.lthnrl , 'no airs. jncK lioiz and son, Glen, were ffUestl nl Ihn fMnmnrM home on Rlinrliii-. Id Mrs. Webster are now I at the Hnrrtf r. IIKrl f'ebater la quite 111. rcsier spent n few the homo of hi mini .c, Mr. and Mrs. John Henlpv ohn Short and two chll re visitors nt the home wr ana brolher-ln-liiw, Mrs, Iluby Keslcr, re- V ihnnnnrB I., vi n. la ,u rviiiiiilllll fm hero on Saturday niiu mra. Arciuc Rob We a Kobcrls and Mr. Warren Moore and fw'n W." CBllcr ' ii nomc one day IK1; Joo Nork wore iuhiii tans on They culled at the Clara McCnwer. Mr. Ken Doak nnd Mr. and HP. V""T on nloiidnv. rtslcr'a sisler .i i, . vlillors ,cre ,,., Tn. riulv . ' ' ' " '""Way ilierVii ' " """ Mn- iion; ""u"1 vaiiey lor .Otlisft 19. .11. ...... . ie .iTi,.i i " na 'viy" taking sewing lea- w3 ...L "L""ii 1,1 )o ill lcIrri!"m,"ld R"berU UthoV", w9 0 via- S.n,," 'p"ce Webber for IS P'nin nu f, ft,?" 'IP? emp l" cci ' ",s wiro nnd fo. 1 ,0 "Mompany Iilm niay nftcr- llusbaiula of the Morrill LI brarv club mombrra will ba an tertaiiieti nl a iiiiiiuck auppar uih card party in tna gym illinium of the grade achool on the evening of Friday, January 211, It waa announced this week bv Mra. Don Palmar, president. Dinner will be anrved al 8:30 with bridge and pmocnia to to low. Mr. and Mra. Don Palmer hnva had na recent house guesla, Mrs. Sen Davidson and Mra, llnrnco llutcn. both of Redmond The Lost River Garden club will moot Tuesday, January 23, at the home of Mra. Luther Has. klna for a potluck luncheon and "lacking" porty. Member! will tie a unlit for tho Veterans' home at Koseburg while Mra. 0. T. McKendrce discusses "Around the Year Wllh Shrubs." Each member la asked to bring a th mble and darning needle. Lunchoon will be aerved at 1 o clock. George Of f Iclrt Is reported to be Improved following recent critical Illness. Offleld la a pi oneer of the Merrill commun Ity and for many years prior to lila retirement was In business hero. E. E. Kllpatrlck shipped a car or onions Wednesday to ina lien try Dehydrating company at Gllroy. The onions were part of the crop Hint wero caught by the parly snow storms and freezes. beveral thousand sacks sill! re main In fields In the Tulelake dlatrlct and a fow In the Merrill, Malln area. .J- VULUS) r .0J,,,o''and.nin. K,;herbTZ:,H" r " re evo .,r.k .uflh old ,, m 'PERTUSSINS Bly CI Wto rail..? SB Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dahms returned home Friday, January 13, after a month vacation which waa spent visiting rels. Uvea ut St. Louis and St. James, Mlmouri. Mrs. Axel Anderson under went u tonallectomy at tho Mill' sldo hospital on Wednesday, Jan. uary 1U. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Obenchaln nro receiving congratulations on tho birth of a baby girl. This is their first child, and she has been nn mod coralyn Jean. Mrs. Martin Cavan left Mon day to upend tho week visiting in Portland, Oregon. Mickey Moll of Klamath Falls spent tho weekend visiting mends hero. TSgt. Kobert Smith, who has snenl tho nasi three years with the signal corps In Australia, Is visiting at tho ivory rino com puny with hla mother, Mrs. Alice J ones. Ho has been delayed en routo to rorl bam Houston Texas. Smith enllstod in the army In 1930, and prior to that lima was employed by the Ivory 1'ino company. Milk Testing Bill Passed by Council PORTLAND. Jan. IB fD Family cows and goats will be ic.iieu once year for uang a ah onso, umlulunt fever source, and tuberculosis, through an ordin ance pusacd by mo city council. Tho measure, to take effect in 30 days, also requires testa every 111) days for mastitis, from which numans gel acpuc sore throat. MODEST SPOKANE. Jan. IS (P Con fronting a burglary suspect with a long prison record report. Dep uty Prosecutor Clarence Smith asked tho prisoner why he pre viously had denied serving time. "Pcoplo would have' thought i waa Dragging," the suspect ex plained. "Now the record can apeak for Itself." ITS TO PRESENT PLAY MALIN "Moonlight for Her. bert," three-act comedy to be presented by the Malln high achool on January 24, wag writ ten by Dana Thomas and la one of the beat school presentations to oe piayea nere. Ann uoietoi Is directing and the leads will be played by Robert Vlctorlne as Herbert with Mary Ruth Bay playing jean Bressart. comedy narta will be clayed bv Paul Mc- Culley as Vincent Farnaworth ' jr., and Margie Griffith as Mlsa nepniewnne. isiiiRr nicmunni oi in caai in clude Richard Donaldson as Sid ney Raines; Lincoln Eltner, Vin cent Farnaworth Sr.! Mary Elmer, Mrs. Raines; Dorothy Loosley, Beverly Raines; Mary Jane Hornbeak, Mra. Ellington Lewis; Atha Griffiths, Julia Arnold; Jack Lindsay, Felix Heldler; Beaale Hanel, Mra, Tracy, and John Loosley, Mr. Tlerney. The high school girls' glee club, under the direction of Mrs. Jean Blake, will assist. Mi Laki Mrs. Fanny Chevne waa re turned to her home laat week irom a local hospital, where ahe received treatment for bruises and shock aa a reault of a fall at her home. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLaD Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson visited their grandfath er, C. R. DeLap In a Portland nosnitai lest week, T. D. Pealrs, who suffered paralytic stroke on Monday at his home, was removed to a local hosptal. TSgt. Martin (Teddy) Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Green, who ia home on a fur lough from the Aleutians, was honored at a buffet dinner given at the Pelican cafe ono day laat week. About 25 friends and rel atives were present. Young Green will leave January 20 for a station In Texas, where he will receive further orders. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brelt haupt and son Jlmmle, are visit ing at Roseville, Calif., with Mrs. Brelthaupt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Griffith. Mrs. Hana Hansen is conval escing at her home, after receiv ing treatment at a local hospi tal Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Falrclo have received word that their son Paul, is now stationed In Missis sippi with the army air corps. Oregon Man Spends 72 Days Inside Reich Wjth Deserter THE DALLES, Jn. 18 (PI LL Lester Carllle, now home on furlough here, related that he apent 72 days Inside the relch, wllh a German army deserter aa his companion, after his Thun derbolt fighter plana was shot down. A German family shcltored the pair while nail troops search ed the area, he said. The lieuten ant and the German finally learned that American troops were approaching the village where they hid, whereupon they started tor me battle area. As they neared advance allied lines, both spoke English and walked down the middle of the road to avoid being shot as nail soldiers. Carllle reported. His an swer when n American sentry at a bridge asked for the pass word waa, "How the hell would I knowr Arrests Skis Tartar ITCHING A SI Hmm TrMtaMf, (1) Acte auleltlr to )m Ttehl nrt Irritation of n5imRMh, Itchln FMt and moat common Kternallr efcUMd akin troublta. (I) rromolM Healthy Heal Inf. (S) Kconomloa) only ft (aw arpa raqutrad at art application. (4) rUTWACTtON i?UAHANTI!1CO or moniy enaerfully rorunU& flftt a arriaM orlslna! hMtl of MOONR'A KMHRALD OH, today a.nd apply aa directed. Any rood drug afore will ba clad to auppif 7u. MM MIDNIGHT mom at) ISA Schilling "Vanilla Delicate flavor that won't bake out (T! FORMERLY BOITO'S MARKET , - 4534 SOUTH SIXTH STREET As a successor to Mr. Boito, it is our aim to please you by giving prompt, courteous service, together with the best quality merchandise at reasonable prices. It will be a pleasure to meet you and help you with food problems. Scotty Lolcama. ' nU w mm ( wh fMaa mm Lb q Grade A LINX 24 Points 5i : 1 1 k mm 19 'i IT A We Feature the Best Grade and Finest Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Lowest Prices . ORANGES Blu Goose Jumbo Six DOZ. 69c Sweet Southern Navels, Juice Size Do. 29 J. JL Large Solid LetTUCe Heads. 2 for Bunch. 2 for OPA Ration Points Collected on All Rationed Itams Grapefruit Juice r Orchard Garden 46-Os. 3 JC Orange Juice MBDon"J' .o..52c Blended Juice s,". .o..47c Tomato Juice .0,.23c 15clCarrots A DDI EC Fancy Washington . AQ a rrLC3 Delicious 5 LBS.f y Q, POTATOES ?-trm: Bag98c New Peas p Potatoes 1Qr 2 LBS -OOC New Red 2 LBS- I w Pink Graoefruit, ... , ,25c . pi ums Hunt's No. 2H Can 2lc Peas Rosadale ... No. 2 Can Flapjack Albers .... 2K-Lb. 13c 23c fl- h- o- Qulck Br 97 UQU Regular Large Pkg. mi W PeP Kellogg's Larga Pkg. 2 for Rice Krispies K.ll0fl9 .... 2 , 25c Post Toasties Gi.nt 8iI, 12c Shredded Wheat 0 N. B. C Pkgs. e Empreaa, Packed In Reg. Qt. Jara VsOTT 66 Full Flavor, Mountain Grown Deviled Meat Morrell' 3H-Os, bsQ I Weark if m Texas. Large FANCY FRESH TOMATOES 25c lb. 3 FOR' SWEET SPUDS OR t YAMS I 2 lbs. 19c Pancake Flourspe,ry.NOB1.g69c CnnEric Supeiior sndwich 35c UUURIS) Varieties Lb. Pkg.WW Snowflake.. Staley'a Cube Gloss 2 Lb, 29c Crackers Starch C-l- Kl iL , C L i eis iauiua Jvou u for CI eanser OJd Dulch 3 fot25c Ivory Soap Medium b 4ior23c 3RPk9gl7c bars YOUR CHOICE Oxydol - Rinso h.3. Super Suds Pkg. 23c 33c F"rrv's SOAP 4 r 25c -Lb. af Cans 25c We Feature th Finest Quality Meat at or Below Celling Prices. Also as a Special Fatur Point Free Varieties of Meat When Ayailabl. - HAMBURGER Freah Ground Beef. (4 Polnta) Lb. 25c All Roosts Ar Good "Grade B" Beef, . ' BEEF STEW, Boneless, 1 pt Lb. 20c BEEF ROAST, Bonoless Rump, 10 pt. Lb. 35c RUMP ROAST, B Grade, 6 pt Lb. 49e RIB ROAST, Boneless, 8 pts. Lb. 40c T-BONE STEAKS (12 Poin's) (All Steaks B or A Grade) Lb. 39c SIRLOIN STEAKS, 13 pt Lb. 35c BEEF LIVER, 4 pti Lb. 38e ROUND STEAK FuIl ct - Ib. 37c RIB STEAK 10 Inch, (7 Points) Lb. Jwu LEG Of PORK oven Ready, (6 Points) Lb. 33C FRESH SIDE PORK 8Het(1 or chunk, ,3 POin) Lb. 29c PORK ROAST Shoulder Cut, (4 Points! Lb. 33C LIVER Frtih PorIt, (No points) Lb. 25c PORK CHOPS Center Loin Cuts, (10 Points) Lb. 38c COTTAGE CHEESE Fresh Dallv .." M Pi. 13e .23c ; foe J$ a fr t& OPA RATION POINTS WILL BE COLLECTED ON ALL RATIONED ITEMS ST FRANCIS MARKET 4534 South Sixth Street PUDIJC R9Cft CD TP ntt IVCDY WE WILl CONTINUE THE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE STORE HOURS 7:30 A. M. TO P. M. rnwnE aoo thee MChiicm formerly offered by boitcs market everyday ' ' - 'r v ';'! 'i i fit