BIX HERALD ANDNEWB Tildiy, Januery 1. Rangy Tornado Quintet Favored Over Klamath Cook Confident K-Men Will Upset Medford In First Fracas Tonight The Pelican starting lineup for Friday night's clash with the fierce Black Tornado from Medford is still indefinite. Coach Marble Cook has been working all week to find a suit able combination to throw at the Medford five, but has not yet made up his mind which it will be, In an effort to replace Jerry Thome, Pelican pivotman, Cook has been grooming Bus Buss man to take over the key-hole PgiiSEiP By PAUL HAINES HAINES . PHEXIES SAY NO College presidents, who bear all the responsibility for intercol legiate athletics, are not very strong lor loot ball, ; according to a sports poll conducted by Esquire maga zine. The Esquire poll surveyed campus heads throughout the country and found that 52.39 per cent of them do not hope to see football pome back after the war on the same scale that it enjoyed before Pearl Harbor. In virtually all the questions in the poll in which the value of foot ball was the issue, the college bluenoses varied with the popu lar views of the public, and on the negative side. Wa assume the reason for this attitude on the part of the col leas heads - is essentially jeal ousy. For instance, football coaches are usually paid higher salaries than other faculty mem bers. -- On the question, "Do you be lieve that there is any lustiuca- tion for the salaries of football coaches being higher than the pay of other faculty members," the presidents voted 78.26 per cent no." The vote of the public was 67.69 per cent "yes." It is natural to assume that the prexies have no desire to cut their own throats, so to speak, and thus their vote was over whelmingly "nay." But to our way of thinking, a good grid mentor is a mighty scarce article, while chemistry professors, and the like, grow on trees and may be had for the picking. For example, it is not every day you run across a Knute Rockne or a "Pop" Warner, while you may run into Profes sor Higglebottom almost every day. We mean to cast no asper sions on the good prexies, but are merely trying to make our point clear.: So, if we were forced to make a choice between a good college prof and a good football coach, we are afraid the prof would be out in the cold, cold rain. Good football coaches are too hard to find! Pelican Deadeye Oklahoma Buckaroo Takes First Money In National Rodeo DENVER, Jan. 19 UP) Vic Schwarz, a husky buckaroo from Lawton, Okla., rode off with : first money last night in the Na tional Western Livestock show rodeo after he polished off a bundle of twisting horseflesh named T-Joe in the saddle bronc riding event. An added sparkle' was given the night performances of the bronc busters since several were rated high up in the National Rodeo Association of America tabulations tonight. Night results included: Raddle bronc riding Schwarr, Bill Linderman, Red Lodge, Mont., and Jack Wade, Halkirk, Alberta, Canada. 1M Tim wrtrlr of TV-an Mason has been so outstanding of late, however, that it has settled down to a dogfight between the two lads for the starting assign ment. rim Pnnn nnH Jim Palmer will definitely get the nod from Cook for the forward berths, but the backcourt positions are in doubt with a race developing among Jim Noreen, Larry white and bob ferKins ior me two guard slots. Whichever combination starts Ilia hall nnmo will have to ulBV the best basketball of its life to bounce the Medford quint, as the Tornado has picked up ve locity with every fray and now perches securely on the lop rnnit nf the Southern Oregon conference ladder. The Klamath cage squaa nas looked the best it has all year this past week, however, and iimII IiD cfninf nil nut to DOlir a few buckets down some Med ford throats. Cook gave tne squad a well earned rest Thurs- Aa nftprnnnn to nut them in top physical trim for this cru cial series wun iueaiora. T,n nlhai- nn ffo tills will tire- cede the opening of hostilities with tne BiacK lornaao. ti o fho Klnmath frfshmpn five, coached by Paul Deller, will tangle with a similar team f-nm lYJalln A f 11- that tllRSlP. Paul Angstead's rippin', snortin' Wildcats are s 1 a t e a to ciasn with the Malin high school quint at 7 p. m., and the big battle between Klamath and Medford will get underway at 8:10 p. m. Cook is contiaeni nis Kias can dump the Medford outfit if they can once catch fire. Whether they will or not remains to be seen at 8:15 tonignt. Keglers Will Batter Maples In Chicago Bv JIMMY JORDAN CHICAGO. Jan. 19 (PI Two thousand bowlers, lured from 24 states and Canada by a total of $82,400 in cash prizes, will gath er in cnicago next weeKena 10 make this city tne world s dowi ing capitol. For 16 days most of the na tion's top keglers, the majority of them competing in all three tournaments, will batter the maples in one of bowling's rich est get-togetners. Chief prize will be $5100 cash and the diamond-studded gold medal offered the winner of the Louis P. Petersen individual tournament. The Petersen clas sic has- attracted 1728 competi tors, and will run from January 27 to February 11. All entrants have to qualify with an average of 185 or better 111 a recognized league. A total of $43,200 will be divided among the too finishers in the event. Each competitor will bowl eight games across 16 alleys. Petersen also is staging a "2- in-1" tournament along with the individual classic, two-man teams to compete for a total of $12,000 in prizes, with $2000 go ing to the winner. In addition, Dom De Vito, who won the Petersen classic three times and scored a record high of 1924 for eight games in 1927, is staging an individual meet car rying a total of $27,200 in prizes. Dean Mason, who may get the green light from Coach Marble Cook tonight to start the Med-ford-Klamath cago tussle in the pivot slot. Mason is a fine shot and has looked exceptionally good in practice lately. The Pelicans will take the hardwood against the Tornado at 8:15 p.m. WARRIORS RAP MEDICS FORT LEWIS, Jan. 19 (fP) The Fort Lewis Warriors, with Gail Bishop filling the hoop with 20 points, defeated the Fort Lew is Medics last night 47 -to 20 in a northwest servicemen's basket ball league game. WINS BRONC EVENT DENVER, Jan. 19 (Shir ley Hussey of Moses Lake, Wash., took third day money yes terday in the saddle bronc event of the National Western Live stock show rodeo. No Runs, No Hits Two Painful Errors PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19 (IP) - Charley Robinson of Penns-Grove, N. J., set some kind of a record last night losing two fights in two rings in two slates within an hour. The 190-pound lad dropped a six-rounder to Louis Long of Chicago in Camden, N. J dressed and took a bus to Philadelphia, Pa., in time to get K.O.'d by Johnny -Allen in three heats. an.ce; Saturday Night K. C. HALL Sponsored by Townsend Club Modorn and Old Time Dancing 9:00 'Til 1:00 Men 50c Ladies 50c Revolta Fires 65 to Lead Tucson Open By FRANK PITMAN TUCSON. Ariz.. Jan. 19 (P) The red hot putter of Johnny Revolta waved a danger signal for favorites Byron Nelson, To ledo. O.; and Sam Snead, Hot Springs, Va., at the start today of the $5000 Tucson golf Open. The curly-haired Evanslon, 111., pro veteran whipped over the 18-hole El Rio (The River) County club course yesterday with a 65 five under par to share in the pro-amateur prize. Johnny's putter, which be comes a magic wand on occa sion, worked to perfection as he sank seven putts of more than 10 feet. ' , He was closely pressed for top honors by a trio of play- lor-pay goners wno snot Hb. iney were Denny Shute, Akron, O., veteran, and two Detroiters Sam Byrd and Claude Harmon. Snead, leading money winner ot tne current winter tour, post ed a 67 as did Chick Rutan. Birmingham, Mich., and Gene rmnes, nouywooa: 1 Marines To Battle Skpasters Fairfield-Suisun Quintet Boasts Impressive Record; Leathernecks Set For Fray Saturday night nt 8 o'clock, tho Leatherneck cagcrs will swap buckets with n strong Fairfield-Suisun armv air sta tion five nt the post gymnasium. The Skyniasters are expected to arrive tonight from Vnllcjo, Calif., and boast nn impressive record. They have won 14 tilts and dropped five to date, with nil games being plnvcd In the classy San Francisco league. The five frays the Skvinasters lost were by less than five points and they will be out to revenge themselves for the 14- 12 defeat they suffered nt the hands of the marine grid eleven last fall at Vallejo. Oakie rates as high-scorer for the Skymnsters and had previ ous cage experience nt St. -Ambrose college at Iowa. Running him a close second is Harmon, former star for Bcloit college, Wisconsin. Coach Les Israel has been drilling the Leathernecks stren uously in preparation for this tilt and will probably start Burkland'and Mills at the for ward berths, "Red" Gilbert in the keyhole slot; and Meath and Domitrovitch at the guard positions. People from Klamath Falls invited by marines may attend the game unescorted and addi tional buses will leave from town at 7:15 p. m. and will also run from the Marine Barracks from 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Klamath Kegling Tourney Slated The Klamath Falls City Bowl ing association's annual tourna ment is slated for January 23-26 inclusive. All entries must be made and entry fees paid by Sat urday, January 20, and service men with established league averages are especially invited to smash the maples in this tourney. Keglers may sign up now at the Recreational alleys for this bowling bee, with the team event being rolled Tuesday night, doubles Wednesday night, and singles on Friday night. There will be no league games scheduled during the tourney and many prizes will be awarded. . ALWAYS ONE UP STATE COLLEGE In nearly 20 years of basketball coaching, Penn State's John Lawther has maintained an average of two victories for every loss. Mr. Stoneface Meets Kiser In Headline Event Tonight Mr. Stoneface is in town! The dreaded masked menace is all set to crunch craniums with Pacific Coast Champ Jack Kiser in the headline event tonight at the Klamath bicep bin. The boys of Bashed-beak boulevard will really lay it on the line in Gladiator's gully to night, with three, count 'cm, three, red-hot crunch classics on tap. Promoter Mack Lillard, tho great white father of Cauli flower row, has secured the services of the six top light heavy musclers in the Pacific northwest for tonight's clam bake, featured by the tussle be tween the "Grey Mask", and Joltin' Jack. Pete Belcastro, the popular Weed assassin, is booked to slug it out with Gloomy Gust Johnson, junior heavyweight king of the Pacific coast, in the semi-windup battle in a match that will be second only to the main event for thrills and spills. In the opening scuffle, Tough Tony Ross takes on clever Milt Olsen in another bout that should ring the bell. So to night's performance will be a four-star show for Klamath rassllng fans with every fracas a sure crowd-pleaser. Kiser is bound and deter mined to flop the hooded hood lum in the main set-to and thus reveal the true identity of the veiled villain. Mr. Stoneface is noncommittal, as usual, but will do doubt rely on his wicked head butts to subdue tho ail American boy. When it comes to rassling, however, Jack knows all the answers' without reading the book and will give the "Mask" as, much, and perhaps more, than he bargains for. Referee Wally Moss will call the first two gladiators together In the Klamath arena at 8:30 p. m. and from then on it's every man for himself when the bicep boys start mixing it up before a jam-packed house. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourselt Save H Long and . Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main When in Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe and Anno Earley Proprietors 8 fan mm ?lmtmvttfi0ti- BLENDED WHISKEV HO 1'IIOOF ... THE t.ANHIIOWNF. niRTII.I.ERY Mi I1 0-.1 1t7. rum mm liHi GRAIN NEUTRAL- SPIRITS HAVRE Dl! ORACH, MARYLAND Feller Pleads for BasebaU Major Loop Ball Clubs Select Training Sites Indiana Again Favorite Camp Ground. Cleveland, TYHsmnyiuu mi rrcpare(j Bv JACK HAND NEW VOHK, Jan. 1U 1'lentv run happen l, lw, months' time but hk of tiidiiv till major longi'" binehnll clubs, with the exception of tho Uostnn Urnves, hnvo selected spring training sites and set tcntiitlvo dates (or start (if di'lllH. lmllnmi 11KI1I11 will bn the fn vorlto camp ground, with alx teams training there, throe in Now Jersey, two In Mnrylniul nnd one each in new mrn, ueui ware, Missouri imtl Illinois, Onlv two Dig lettuui! (irgiiiuii tloiis. the Hoslmi Red Sox and dm Chlrnuo White Sox, hnvo picked new bases nnd Hob Q11I1111, presidciu 01 inn iirnvrn, nn ni announced whether his temn will return to Chonlo school tit Wiilllngford, Conn. Joe Cronlii s uosion nmcricnn Emphatic in his assertion that America's servlco mtn on nil ilgluli (ronti want major league baseball continued, Chief Specialist Robert Feller, lire ballitcher for the Cleveland Indians before Joining Navy, Is met by nu attractive wtte when ho landed In Seattle, Wash., alter la months see v duly. They're pictured here phoning Bob's Van Metor, la., home. Husky Squad Said to Be In Bad Basketball Slump; Web foots Meet Cougars By The Associated Press Gloom oozed today from the University of Washington, but news that tho unbeaten, pennant-holding Huskies were in a basketball slump was accepted with an infinitismnl grain of salt by the rest of the northern division, Pacific Coast confer ence teams. This sadness dripped from word out of tho Washington pa vilion that the Huskies were off form in practice. But Washington has no con ference engagements this week and wily Coach Hoc Edmundson Mrs. Fritzie Will Promote Boxing Bouts PITTSBURGH, Jan. 19 (P) The Fightin' Zivics of Pittsburgh contributed another bit .of box ing news today and Pennsyl vania's first lady fight promoter. Dark-haired,' attrae 1 1 v e Mrs. Fritzie Zivic, wife of the ox-welterweight champion, has been is sued a license to promote fights. She expects to hold ' her first bout February 5. In addition, 30-ycar-old Helen Zlvic will take over management of Fritzic's "stable" of fighters, now numbering five. This Mrs. Zivie says, won't give her too much trouble as she already manages three exuber ant Zivic heirs and an 11-room house without help. "I don't know much about pro moting," she admits, "and I won't do any of the matchmak ing. I guess I'll just be treasurer of tho outfit." "Sure, sure," chimes in the voluble Cpl. Fritzie, homo on furlough from his San Antonio, Tex., base. "Helen will-be the promoter and handle the money and me, too." too often has turned today's slump Into tomorrow's rompago to get the rest of tho leaguo ex cited now. Down In Oregon the traveling Washington State Cougars and the Wcbfoots of Oregon U. kept their eyes and minds strictly on the two-game series opening to night at Eugene. WSC Is the only team to trip Oregon so far In tho league chase. A victory for the Cougars tonight would put them back on even terms with Oregon State, which trimmed thorn twice earlier In tho week. Each would havo two victories and threo defeats and share third place. But a double Oregon victory would strengthen the Wcbfoot cause to the point that a loss for the unbeaten Huskies In one of their Tuesday-Wednesday tussles with OSC at Corvollls would shove Oregon into first place. The seriousness of that Wash ington slump will get a test to night in a Seattle gama against the independent Alptno Dairy five and tomorrow night at Bel linghom against Western Wash ington College of Education. Chicago Grammar Five Pours It On CHICAGO, Jan. 19 (II A point-a-minuto basketball team is slow stuff to a Chicago grammar school quintet which yeslorday poured in baskets at tho rate ol better than our points a minute and hold its opponents scoreleasl The team was the Junior Military academy ol the Pri vate School league, which in 24 minutes of play, icorod 105 points and shut out Chi cago Latin. Half time score was 54-0. Zurita Must Fight Soon; Or Else Br FRANK FRAWLEK LOS ANGELES. Jan. 10 1T) Juan Zurlln Is a well-behiivcd, peace-loving native ol Mexico City, but he'd like to fight some body before or on February 27. If Juan, who is the NBA's lightweight boxing champion, does not defend Ills crown by that date, he's out In the cold, and he doesn't envision that sit uation with any relish. Zurita was to have boxed n Los Angeles negro, John Tho mas, on February 27. Tho bout was all set (or Los Angeles nt $U top. Thomas used to have quite a following here. He won 31 straight fights and then bumped into Willie Joyce and Sluggor While, tho one-eyed hu man dynamo. That marked the end of his ascendancy. Last week the army called up Tho mas. Tho promoters of the bout be gan to look around fur a replace ment for Thomas. They thought of Bob Montgomery, recognized In New York as the tllleholdcr. But Montgomery, who Is In an Arizona army camp, has been In active for five months and could not get into shapa by next month. Manuel Ortiz, they reasoned, would be n good attraction. Mnulln' Manual holds tho NBA bantam title, but ha could make 126 to 13HJ by Zurita. The catch there is that the NBA wouldn't sanction a match between Its lightweight and bantam kings. Joyce, Gary, Ind., negro, seems to be the answer. He was going great guns here a year or so ago until Henry Armstrong broke his Jaw. It seems, however, that an other promoter, Joe Lynch, holds an exclusive contract hero for Zurlta's services. Tho state ath letic commission has ruled Hint rival promoters must antlsly Lynch's contract brforo they held tho Zurltn-Thomns fight. Now, Lynch Intends to talk Zu rlta's manager, George Parnas sus, Into meeting Joyce, who Is accorded a pretty good ennnco to beat the tllleholdcr. Anyhow, Zurita would bo glad to meet anybody over the ID round dlstnnco by February 27. Anybody want to fight? leaguers have 1. A mil villi', N. J ,,;! f? JU uuiu 111 l-IIKIIg n , . '1 ...,.1 :'.. ,." "' .... V. . 1 m ""lllniutt 1 Tim WMlU'KoxhiivedM I en,l their spring JJ Cubs nt French ,,., , . .... .. .mica tail J It M ft Vlf i I I ujiI II.. .1... H1 1 limit,:, imi: ""wn Burliest starting .h.te t, v 7 when tho liiiltervmcn J Wnslilnul,!,, R.. I." start imllmlirihiK .,7' li,...L R.I. I 11 H. . I'J reporting Mnnii M. MlllTl) III Is till- l)H.,.r(, Cubs tit French l.l'k i.' the Cincinnati H,.,is Inn, In,!., while nlt, n Ynnki'fs nt Atlantic ci0 nnd tho New York (iii Lukewood, N. J., will foil..' Miireh 11, 11 dny alter Ihi'i Sox start. " American Uiugiio'ii rcn, totalling av.l released K venls Cleveland and Wiuk-, each with Mil mm m imifld. Detroit and VMnt, hnvo III!. St. Louis ;n, K 3:1 nnd Huston and I'hllij.' each till. Of tlui 27S. in himornhly dlsclim-geil V,J 22 over iige, six umivr III lltll! lliwl I'itillt 1hi;Ui'1 enns with Washington. W iniiiiiiitT nro in tin? lrlh, The Nnlliiiml Ifunue hj,l under res,Mvi rimniiij, .J high of -til for New Yon L iiicngo to a low o( 29 u worm i,nami)ion st. Louiiil Innls. Ilrooklvn mwl f'iJ eiii'll has ail, I'lillwlelplu uosion an, unci nttJiiurgliSI Portland Promotei May Stage Boxing Card In Manila PORTLAND. Jan. U : There will be n boxinia Mnnlln to celebrate the! o( July If the Yanks rtfi city ami Joo Waterman ti hind will be the promc said yesterday. Eddlo Tale, Los Antclti motor who got out n! M a just nhend of the NIppoKd lercd waterman tne Job. Ortiz May Get Inh Biggest Fight Of A EL CENTRO. Calif., (I') Manuel Ortiz, wotWi tnmwelght boxing chnmph been clnsslded I -A by hit In uirc I mid will be InduclH Tuc.idny unless given is rury deferment I" maker mollis for carrying on hlii inl vnllcy (iirnilnil enltrpr. Just Itecelvtl FILSON Wool Cruiser) Nnvy, Red I'lild TIN COATS & PAN1 All SIzcj DREW'S MftNSII 733 Msln RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7522 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 9th Notice DANCE AT THE BIG WHITE BARN Every SATURDAY Night Corner of Homedale and Airway , Muilc by King Cowboys and Queen Fun for Everybody! ,1 $ Annual FIREMAN'S DANCE Sunday, January 21 - MALIN Benefit MALIN FIREMEN Music By 1 Pappy Gordon and His Oregon Hillbillies P. M. Til 2 A. M. ' Admitiion GonU .......$1.20 Ladici , .50 . Servicemen ............ .60 Price Includei Tax