r ... Dick Syrlng. in 1 1 f.. u,,T. long financial n,o Oregon Journal, ', Ji coast iii'iiiHuur for ,c0,SiX ,. Klamath, ho ll'if" :" visit Willi old I), him. , "Urd i'1"1 hl" "lhcr' 1 M I ru has Piuwri liw,,y Piflein nlfh .ii.iKl. Calif. , years prior lo iiiovIiik rill or. la '.d has many 9. 1,, this city- Mr. i"wl M"- 'V morning lo at- the funeral rrvlcc. r'. .'..'. liunilnutnn Toy- PrKUMhlumhcrmnn, s . .. ' . .mi ;r7c ll"n.i nl Hr-rke. )liy n; -'... .1.1,,. Mm. l-lorwlll P-icl remainder , W. ler with her at Derke- GUILTY TO CHARGE iL i tf nuwni chimed with Xderlycomluct Irrcii nn - " '"V, -" j f, f i..n,...l heftim Put rc Le Harold r rimry and will rcpresriuc" uj ....... ..w -- ,h C O'Neill. Dale of trlnl ..i hi-rn .ict. Owens la i. ....... i.,.l.r slot) bond. fti.k niKiitrrimhln. arrested .by pollco when hn Is aald to run nil cr o" t mn .ir.ii.. Thnriinnv af- inoon. posted I0 ball end waa appear oc.nre umi" ruimv i m irririnv. Ifhrro pedestriana were ar- r n- 08TA MeatlnS The Klnmuth county OreKon Stulo Teuclicrs aaaoclatlon will meot Saturday, January iiO, in tho cafeteria of Klamath Union hiiilt auhool at 12 lli.un, A hut lunch will ho nerved to tho momhera, iind tho pro grain will consist of a ahorl busl noaa meeting, followed by throe luiniuroiia sklla, CWO Choalnr Davla, Murine llarracka, will speak on tho Philippines, At Ban Diego Mr. and Mra. K. Klii.ti aaou of thin city have re eclvrd word from their aon, Jcr ry, now ttutlonrd at Bun Diego whero ho la In hoot e.iinp with tho United Slatea navv. Jerrv would like to hour from his frlrnda and ninv be nddrrnaed ai followa: AS Gerulrl Klnnraaon, 7B4-00-H4, Co. 4B-5, USNTC, Son DIoko, S3, Clillf. Horn On Ltavt Robert John Schwelunr. S 2c. U. 8 navy, la home for five diiya irom rnrruuui, im., viaiung hl imrenla, Mr. and Mra. Conrad Hchwnlncr, fliid Lytton. Mo ro porta buck to Kurrusut on Jami my 24. Si'liwclK'T tins Just com pleted hoot camp. Tranifarrtd Cpl. Kllinlicth Sander, attached lo tho WAC ro crultlnii pcrtonnel In Klumuth Kulla, la beinii transferred to I'ortlund iind will leave Salur day evening. 8ho will bo re- pluced by WAC Sat. Blllyo Soe. tianrd, who was formerly ata Honed In Portland. Jumps "Pond" I.ca Avrlt, fornu'i' KU1IS foothiill couch, is nuw In the European theatre, having "Jumped Ilia pond" a tew floya iuo. Avrlt la In chnriie of a group of aviation mechanics. Transfarrad Word woa re ceived by Mr. and Mra. G, C. lUohm that their son, AS Phil lip Dloliiu has been trnnxferred from DoukIus. Ariz., to a busc in Amnrlllo, Tex. .r.. Miiln Mtrrpt . All postfrt l oau. in po court Friday morning were drunks. One ovortlmo park ticket was paid. M THIEF STEALS FIVE-1 li cir thief waa out for blc tiic last nlsht, no puny aednna plcK-upa lor mm, lie stoic a c-ton roll bed type truck, own by Big Basin Lumber com iy, from Main and SprlnK. Die truck Is one nosy to Iden- f, iccordlras to BlK Buslu offl- s. 11 is painted wmiu, l.aa fenders, with the namo of firm on both aides. Keya ire In the iunition. tha tank J full of gas, but there waa iwiter in tha machine. It was fortcd to stato police. A ser if station had been working me truck and us It wns after irs had parked the blit motor tho street nerru frntii the IJibcr company, it win ro Pvtcd missing this morning. lary Increases lr Baker County ncen Proposed 1 Q A3i A Ullt I. e Baker ennn.v nttinm .ai.... of ubout 20 per cent "ii mmiiion oi ine war and monlh nriv...n . fd In the house toduy by Rep. .ibuic gnti aon. w, h. pMf. both of Baker. I J new snlarlcB would be: udec. S?min n J " '"ii illinium "t, 10 a tiny; Irnnanrer, ..j ',l,r' cerK, iuu; slier- pool superlntoiulent, $2000 r IB to A f suit of Todd Study tAND. Or., Jan. 10 fP) War nhnr h,.rj'. -1.I..U...U ... . , "VMH.O niiiiiijiiuii- Mn now 1,1 owlon hln . 1 10 "nIIIIIKtOI1 fllce Hel l . BIIU WIU nn lmdocsliis from there. up. ";Tr i"PC wotclera1 fi.se In tl?a'a Cu,U Wac '" ftiffe sh?J hol,r Rt Totltl irdveVii:. .. ' HCniii wore ilr.n . i ,"Llwren mo com- iiiinspinniivpn Knlohls Tamplar Maat Cat vary t'ommundi-ry No. 10, K. T.. win comer tho order ol ttie Tern- ..If C rlnu . 1 l-.w unmi v. .. v.v.,1.111. IIUIJ 20, at 7:80 p. m. All Sir Knights coraiuuy invuea. Connragatlonal Church At the Sunday murniiiK. Junuary 21. aervico In the Community Con lirpgiitinniil rl.urcl. on Garden, Mra. Jack Nixon will review Harry Emerson Fosdlck'a book "On Being a rtcal Person." Tlio service Is at 11 a. m. Visiting S2c James Richard Porter, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porter, 823 Lincoln, la ncro viauing unin January when ho rcturna to Farrnaut, Ida,, to report buck to the United Suites navy. Fry This lew Amivin-r . - ..... aifAl mi Mixture &.da.-MelnU.5.A f'lSh n, r,"JL','!.,!r!, -1lelin """I from ETry' l"l'lln "1 Is n,,M.l?,.ll ""I" wintry nl"Mfv MMr.k,n' 'lpl aal- . fll V,l,l.. " ".".eRiy 0O. ."rl'srl .."l?m lo'laorl In tli "nr.i n or )wo alna i.'anailtsn soninina: siit V.' K a hottln to.. To Chlloquln Mra. Wlnnlfred K. Glllcn, county home dem onstration agent, Is In Chlloqnin and Fort Klamath today, Friday, conducting homo extension worK. Progress Made On Housing Project Yr, ' m lI . mm m m bi.h , ty s j wm i i sjh.-XI'; " : "ill i in mm i This plctura Indlcatas tha prograss baing mada on construction of an 80-unlt housing projaet on Washburn way, on land previously held by tha county school district. This row houaing is peing duiii lor tn usa ot (aminos ol military parsonnal. GAS C0W1PAN y L STS REVENUE FOR YEAR HER E EARNERS WARN ED 10 GET S TOQRN Soldiers in Italy Bitter Over Long Combat Service Wage earners and salaried ; persona filing 1044 fcdcrul in-; come lux returns must huvc a statement of parnlnKS on form : W-2 from each employer fur ; whom they navo worked during the year, It is stated by Paul If. Wright, deputy collector in charge of tho Klamath Falls in ternal revenue office. Many taxpayers who are ap- f. earing dally at tile tax office n the post office building re questing uslMance In the pre paration of their annual Income tax returns have not obtained tho required forma and find they are unable to file until so doing, Wright aald. Tho W-2 statements aro furn ished by all cmployora who have deducted withholding tax from tho earnings of employees and show tho correct amount of an nual earnings and withholding tax credits. Tho forma as re vised are furnished in duplicate to tho employee, tho original of which must be attached to the 1040 tax return filed by the tax payer. All persons are advised to ob tain theso statement before calling at the tax office for filing assistance. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 (Pj . Reporting thut many soldiers arc bitter because tlicy are kept too long at battle, Hep. Clare Boothc Luce (UConn.) called Thursday for a fixed llini(,on the lime a man la required to serve under fire without relief, In a statement prepiired for the house on her recent lour of war zones, the blond congress womnn declared that, for exam ple, the 34th division in Italy has had over 400 actual combat days. She continued: "There is no overall or fixed policy which will got the indi vidual soldier out of battle when he ahall have reached the limit HOUSE TO DEBATE In Hnanllal Mra R.n D nlU. op, 4H10 Shasta Way, la a patient j at Klamath Valley hospltnl wncro alio la receiving treatmont for pneumonia. Falrvlsw Sal Fairvlcw school's war bond and stamp aalo on Thursday totaled $122.13. according to a report from the PTA. To Los Angalas Lt. and Mrs. Bnnham left Friday for Loa An geles for a short visit. Lt. Bon ham la stationed at the Klamath naval air station. Saturday Night Party The Loyal Order of Moose will hold Its regular Saturday night party in the Mnoao hall, beginning at 8:30 p. m. OBITUARY Thomas JOfcrii Tinvrv Thomtt Joicph Towe. tor the Ut 19 ye.ru a rcildeiu ol Klimaih rails. Ore aon, named away In thla city on Thurt tlay. January 10, 10 at 11:15 p. m., lo). Inwini tt Illness of hut a tow days. Ha was a native of St. Paul. Minnsot4 and al the time of his death was aad .VI wars, 10 monthi and 10 days. Sur- vlvlnv are his wife, Mri. Adeline C, Towev and Ihrre sons. Tlinmn William J o-r nli Chrlilopher and timothy Wllllsni Towfy, ell of this my; one st'ftcr. Mm, Mary Kllen Black nf Hoatll. Wash. Mr. Towey wat R member of Klamelh KfltU t.mle No. 1347 ill'OE, neames Golf and Counlrv club and Tehran I.odan No, U7.I of lha Iriternallonal Asorlatlon of Machinists, Tha remalne rest In tho r.nrl Whltlork Funaral homo. Pine at .Sixth, where friends may rail. Nottre of funeral in bo announced In this lima of tha paper. FUNERAL Thomas JosKrn towt.v KrltndN urn rr npff clfiilly Invllerl to R (flld .ho iuncriil mrvlce. (nr Iho lute Tlinmi. Jnm-nh Towry lo b hrlfl Sat urday mnrnlna. January 30. Ifl.S at ancrril ilcarl I'llltrrli, ItlKh Rt Rlshth, whrra a rcnulfnl lilsli man. will lie rain liratftl (or lite rrptmo n. lilt mill com mrnclna at ID o'rloi-k Willi lha nv. T. P. Ca.i-y orflrlnlhia. nri'llnlton of tha moil tlolv rnnary will lie conilnctcd Fri day avrnlna at n o'rlorh In the chapel ot Hie Karl Whlllnck runaral hom. Pine at Sixth. Willi lha Bcv. T. P. Caiay of llrlallna. rrlenda are Invited. Con eltldlna aarvleta will he held In Seatllo, Wa.h.. Tundiy. January M1 lS. lu tennen. will follow In Calvary Mifl elorv In arallle. The remain, will be forwardrd via Rmilhern Paeltle enmpsny on Saturday. January an l .2:10 p. m. AFL Longshoremen Charged vVith Trying To Disrupt Lendlease SEATTLE, Jan. 19 Wl The AFL International Longshore men's association was charged with attempting to disrupt lend lease and war supply shipments to Ruaaia through tho port of Olympla In a telegram sent by Rosco C. Gruycralt, vice presi dent of the International LonR ahorcnicn'a anri Warehousemen's association (CIO) to Adm. Emory S. Land, head of the war ship ping administration. Graycraft charged the AFL union with threatening to "atrike Pugct Sound porta" by ordering cargo checkers and supercargoes off ahlps unless they are allowed to replace ILWU longshoremen and checkers who have been per forming that worV for yeare." In reply Papo Crummer, sec retary of the ILA checkers as sociation local, asserted the union had stood fast by a no strike pledge and the CIO union waa attempting to win govern ment support for "raiding of the rival union." RECORD BUSINESS ASTORIA, Jan. 10 (F) A $.V 000,000 business in 1044 was re ported today by C. W. Latighlln, malinger of the lower Columbia Dairy association. Tho total, highest In the cooperative's 21 year history, was nearly a mil lion dollars above 1043. SALEM, Jan. 19 (IV) A me morial, by Rep. Warren Erwin, Portland democrat, asking con gress to approve President Roosevelt's request for a nation al service act will be the subject of a public hearing to be held soon by the house resolutions committee, the committee said today. f Representatives of the AFL and CIO opposed the resolution, wniie nop. Merman unincigron, Molnlln. chairman of the com mittee, said farm groups also want to be hoard in opposition to It. James Mnrr, state AFL secre tary, said national service is not needed in Oregon, while Rep. Manlcy J. Wilson, St. Helens democrat, member ot the CIO, said national service "Is tha first step toward totalitarianism." Erwin termed the opposition to his memorial as "brazen ef frontery." SPIRITED SANTA FE, N. M., Jan. 19 W) State Representative Joe A. Mon toya says his constituents ore not satisfied with the brand of liquor they've been gcttine, late ly. Ho introduced a bill to re quire that all whisky sold in New Mexico be at least 00 proof, but said the bill "prob ably will die a natural death." California-Pacific Utilities com pany's Klamath Falls division, which operates the local gas sys tem, had total operating reve nues of $32,332.07 in 1943, ac cording to a statistical report on tias companies just released by the state public utilities com missioner. The company's revenue from sale of gas was 152,228.97, and miscellaneous revenues brought $104. Net operating revenue for the year was $0211.07. a substantial increase over the $4008 report ed for 1042. While the total revenues for the two years were about the same, savings were ef fected in 1043 in customer ac counting and collecting, sales promotion, and general admin istrative expense.. The company's taxes for 1943 totaled $6055.48 on the Klam ath alls operation. E. Mullia la California-Pacific manager here. E friday, January II, 114a HERALD AND HEWS TIVH New Manager Elton H. Thompson, above, haa baan named managar of tha Klamath Falla branch of tha U. S. National bank, succooding C. C. Blohm, who resigned to go into farming in Klamath county. of his human endurance which ia almost the limit of his individual efficiency." The combat soldier, she aald. "loo oflcn" comes to feel that he con t w n. that f h a d v sion fiyhls on a front which will be, bitterly contested for months nis only future is to be "replaced which generally means killed or wounded." A member of the nouse mili tary committee that visited the European war zones in Decem ber, Mrs. Luce reported "we dis covered bottle lacks and short ages, and she blamed the home front for "tho battlefront short age of whole blood blood from O, or 'universal type' donors." Mrs. Luce devoted much of her speech to a description of the valor of the American fifth army In Italy, which she described as "the, bitterest as well as the proudest army in Europe." Men of the fifth are bitter, she said, because many people at home "cither have forgotten or underestimated the task they have performed, and that still remains before them." She praised the performance of the British eighth army fight ing with the American fifth in Italy. , . Butter Racket Isn't Working In Portland PORTLAND. Jan. 19 fP) The butter racket isn t working any more. Grocery clerks said today they'd tumbled to a system by which women have been making off with double tljeir butter buy. Tho housewife pays money and points, takes the butter, then returns in a minute empty-handed. "Remember me?" she in quiries. "I just bought a riound of butter. You took my money and ration points, but forgot to give me tne butler. For a couple of weeks, said a trade spokesman, clerks be lieved the story. REPORTS SALES DENVER, Jan. 19 fH) Tho treasury's office of surplus prop erty announced today that its December sates ot consumers goods aggregated $689,101 In re. clon 11. which includes Idaho, Oregon and waamngion. ine goods were mainly surpluses turned over to the treasury by the army ana navy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larson of 146 Octavia, were thrilled Thurs day to receive the second word in more than three years from their 23-year-old son, FMlc Ernest . T. "Ted" Larson Jr., USMC, who has been a prisoner of the Japanese since December 7, 1041. A letter, written in Ted's handwriting on paper which car ried Japanese characters, was sent August 3, 1944. Larson was stationed with the marines at Tientsin, China, at the outbreak of the war and on the day the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, his marine outfit was taken as pri soners. Ted gave his POW ad dress as Asaka, Nippon. Here is the letter: "Dear Folks: I take this oppor tunity to write to you again and 1 hope you get this one. All is well with me and I am looking forward to the time when we will all be together again. Don t worry about me at all. "It will soon be my birthday again and it will make the third under these circumstances. May be I'll be home before the next one. Has Dot added any to her family? And has Pat got a beau yet? It seems funny to think about theso things. Tell every one hello for me and the best of luck to you all.- Your loving son Ted.'' HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE T. B. WAITERS Genera) Insurance Agency FIRE ... AUTOMOBILE 615 Main Si. Phone 4193 THOMPSON TO MANAGE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Elton H. Thompson, newly appointed manager of the Klam ath Falls branch of the United States National Bank of Port land, arrived Friday to assume his new duties and expressed enthusiasm over the prospecta of residence and business activi ty in Klamath Falls. Thompson succeeds G. C. Blohm, who resigned his bank ing position to go actively into farming in Klamath county. The new manager is formerly assistant manager of Ladd and Bush, Salem branch of the U. S. National. He has been active In the affairs of the Salem insti tution and those of the Ameri can Institute of Banking, Ha holds a certificate of merit In the American Institute. Thompson said that Mrs. Thompson and their two sons will move here after the close of school in the spring. Both boys are in high school and ona plays on the Salem high foot ball team. Classified Ads Bring Results. ? BEST INVESTMENT - . Change r&$r V3 5 "y But VS"" Glasses . A Don't ,.,"';.. Have YOU Had An Eye Cheek-Up Recently? No Charge for Eye Examination COLUrJlBlAM Ph. 7121 OPTICAL ' UNCI t0 .tXClWSJVUY OMICAl rnoariANo 411 tw.tik two TOn kimth au, ) Ii'IH fQla 1ia MAIN ITMII IELIKS e. Informal Dance . . I - Saturday, Jan. 20 t Muile by Marine Barracks Orchestra Just Received! MEN'S SKI BOOTS "IUiud" model, heavy arch, oil tan. Sizes 7 to 12. $16.50 v DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Any Photograph I Copied, One Print $1.00 Films developed and printed for any S or 8 exposures Holt 35c Raprinti 4c each Prompt Service MUD'S 1031 Main Phona 7167 0j3 uSMm midnight f? DANCELAND S15 Klamath Ave. DANCE , ' Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES' SATURDAY NITE Auspices V.F.W. 1 f f NNIf t M 0 WEEK-END FEATURES MEN'S BIB OVERALLS 1.88 SanforUad blue dtnlm. Pay Day quality. Due to a limited quantity, it la necessary to limit on pair to a customar. Siiea 30 to 44. MAW FLOOR LADIES' HANKIES 6 for 39c i Ladiea' cotton hankies In attractive colora. Blue, green, tan, mils and peach. Regular alte. Daintily hemmed. Ex cellent to launder. MAW FLOOR RAYON SPORTING FLANNEL 98c yd. Time to saw for your new spring wardrobe, with thia eaay-to-sew sporting flannel. All now aorina ahadas, dark or light. 42 inches wide. BALCONT VIM LADIES' RAYON PRINT GOWNS 2.98 In salmon pink and light blu. Shirred bodice with attraetiva V . neckline. Bias cut skirt. Regular lengina. siaaa az to u. main rLooa Hi H CHILDREN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS 1.8. Ot good quality euting. Pretty plaida and plain colora. All cun ningly trimmed with small pockets on coat, Sltta 8 to IS. second r-Looa Snack at liOO a. m. . -aVa