Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 19, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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,,cd From Po One)
, micliiiio parked
r iriiillu frnm wm"'u m
IS rafter. Til? ''!'
.,. I rluw I IUWI1
1,11 r; rwiim "l lld ""1
I . bva were
ur K ,1,1. .unt on
plKM " ,' , -i,t h,
boor muJ' V 7r, m ,
i?Crv 10 until li W
S,, l,o inn, tlmt "'
,d borrowed li la car he
Z"r( ho had ;? I'1"'"1
cor pocket hu ,w."?
. .. i ji i... 'n un nil to
M 7, iffli-la i.h
nV... if il.ln week mid
KFovcr to him nnd Den-
IShcrllf Jik V ." :
to tlio timce m i
M'hii uuii won ii .J
I anil We.w".
"w Wf hi (1 ii. in.
Idjy lor Salem with two
nrra Maunnii m-iivi-n-ii in-
I nr .LiKiMlll Ileemaii of
frlmc liiiwrntuiy, University
eion ncliroil hi iiicuitiiie.
3 p. in. Thursday, Dr. Bee-
callcil aiK'riu ww nim
iki. alnli.tm.nt.
Kit bulloli token from tho
ol Ewlny wore llrod iroin
L identified the gun ra
il to by ur. in ciiuiii us uie
Smith nnd wesson turnon
to him. nnd the hulk'U im
rnmnvi.rl hv fr. CeorUf- 11.
r, Klniniith county coroner,
Kwingt io(iy during iin au-cmrliirtl-d
tho dllV lifter
le u dentil.
Nitife ol Nebraska
liters continued throuKhoiit
ly their questioning of
if, a unlive of Alliance,
curao to Klnnuitli Kails In
imbcr, 1037. from Mnv,
In l.minrv I O J I lt
lyed at viirloun times by
lieu Mimocr compuny, i-ei-
.lnl,.,. f limit. 1 ;..,,l,..r
tinw n.il '.r..riin n.t.l W..I..I.
kmc to the Greot Northern
m, jot i, as carpenter ittiip-
Iri trattmA In trial,.
fcvembor, 11)42. Ho has been
uji'u on ii uriiKcniiui since
plft Is mnrrled nnd ban four
Vln nunnrAlnti In -....A..I
Icrn records, lie has lived
u iruiiua rwininnin rails lor
ii ii yciirs.
A Freezes Sale
Fats, Oils
hlllNGTON, Jan. II) (At
l.urlirii l..l.. i , i...
, ,,j,M ,u niroicn
rnuon iwlnts over n fusl-
!" ".i oi coininooities re
iK stamps hnd tho added
y of budKctlng for fatt
7 have three days to do
h ll. rrt ... ...
until Monday all retail
01 hrd nil,,,. ui. i i....
f'N and cooking oils. When
n s lifted t tlmt time
. 1 i'iviui:in will DC
rl ot two red points a
f ma, h"" wn" ordered,
smnll l'rVVI-"1 ri"ls 011
"'CPs to put ratlonlnii In
"laughter Charge
a Againsf Man
itiawii . . .
o w,Tn-,l,FoUlMl "'lor
Ion l,lvoLvol In an al-
jl;'""ry i, poiico salt).
To a
in this area!
oi !V'A? whcro t'cr'!'
utfli you ro wll n
,I'S... working on
'or M,nk,;epin 'em 111
C l,0,lvy work
'"lies , "'iiroatlom.
Into" " And the
like iff, .5 w? think
UKOh3 "!.
Ms ip nu,lri"d pans
nd T P.enslon Pln.
L hlh,,lnl services.
l"lg,so ,i A renl J0J
fnr" l Wnr future. 'Iinnfc
or W.ti. .
s,tlon vi "nmo,for
K noki a?h Fi.
-. Agnt
Draft of Nurses
Needed. Says Kirfc
WASHINGTON, Jan, 10 (!)
Tho uiiuy's kih'kihiii uiiiiurul said
today Inadequacy n( niiinlnti
care, ill lliu faco of a 271) per
cent Increase In battle ciixuiilty
pnlli'iilH, milk ii II Impel ntlve
that nurses Im drnlteil,
. Hlneii May, said MiiJ. On.
Not niiiii T, Kirk, "our pnllenu
have Inereased from 2110,00(1 to
ino.UDIl," while the iitiinber of
army nurses bus risen only 2000.
Anpearlnu before tho bouse
military committee, tho surxuon
Kiinenil kiivc all-out supnort to
the nurso druft proposul inude
by President Itoosevelt two
week ii ano In bis "state ot the
union" messuKo to conKiess,
(Continued From Puna One)
plans Iin inlnht have for the re
llrlim vice president, Henry A.
Wallace. Ho remarked, however,
bn didn't think Wallace would
I, Hiild there was no news on
the (pieHllon of whether On.
Charles Do Gaulle would sit In
on tho next "111k Three" meet
iiiK. Disturbed
0. Memiirkcd that he was still
disturbed by the Italian econom
ic situation but said there wns
no news on II.
Tito president told reporters,
with a urln, Unit they all would
try. to Interpret bis observation
that Ibo flint 12 years are the
hardest and suld they all would
Kiiess wroim,
Rugs Rolltd
Meanwhile runs caine out of
the White House, more Roose
velt moved In, and the presi
dent who has served lonKcst
tolled over what may be his
tory's shortest InuuKural nddress.
In an uniiiirnlshed, abbreviat
ed ceremony at noon tomorrow,
President Roosevelt will take the
oath of office for an epochal
fourth time, then deliver the
speech. Hu is iilminif at 500
Thus be may lower the record
of the last wartime chief execu
tive, Abraham Lincoln, whose
second InouRiiral address ap
proximated 000 words.
A fleet of Salpan-bnsed Super
fortresses today smashed at the
bit: Kawusakl aircraft plant In
Akn.ihl on tho Japanese homo is
land of Honshu. Kxploslons and
fires were observed.
A sizable force of B-20s, per
haps upwards of 100 bombers,
plastered tho tartlet In dayllKht
with what n war department
communique described us "good
80 Planes Strike .
Tokyo broadcasts sold 80 ot
the Kinnt planes bombed the
Osako-Kobe Industrial nren for
an hour al noon and acknow
ledged "some damiiKo." Tho en
emy account added that three
forays of H-20s preceded the
main attack.
It wns the first striko by the
bill bombers iiKninst Akoshl, n
few miles out of Kobe, Japan's
blKdost port, Only n few enemy
fllihters took the nlr to oppose
the raiders. Anti-aircraft fire
was described as moderate and
Inaccurate. All ot the B-20S re
turned to their bases.
(Continued Krom Pago One) j
mans hold, In the flattened Ar1.
demies sulleiit.
First Gains !
Tho first division gained up
to 2S00 yurds und entered Schop
pen, eight miles northeust of St.
villi. Other troons entered
Khertange, three miles further
south, Near Heebl, the first
iirniy wns tour miles from the
road center,
Palton's new nssnult had sur
rounded and won n third of
Dleklrch, IB miles north of Lux
embourg city. It ulso won the
border villages of Rosport und
(Continued from Page One)
determined to carry through
whatever plans II has in mind.:
Since we can't stop what Rus
slu proposes to do there, wc
might as well hold the hope that
ii may turn oui lo no lor tho
best in the long run.
- of the new Polish provisional
government Just established at
I.ublln with Russian aid, culled
In the correspondents at a dinner
the other nlghl and told them
some Interesting things ubput
Before the war, ho said, more
than 70 PKR CKNT of the Polish
population consisted of peasants
"who existed, but scarcely lived,
on the land of 10,500 persons
owning all the money-making
farms in Poland."
These "marginal and sub
marglnul peasants," he con
tinued, were unable lo pay for
and consume enough of the nro-
ducts of Polish Industry to
uuibu up n volume that could
employ n lnrge number of In
dustrial workers. Heneo Polish
THAT Is anything but n sound
picture. Yet It Is a picture ot
tlio Poland or bclore the war
the Poland thai Is represented by
the Polish government in exile
in Loudon which the Russians
upset uic aristocratic, more or
less feudal Poland with which
wc arc vnguely familiar through
history, song and story. A Po
land made up of glittering nobles
nnd starving peasants.
DEFOItK kicking up too loud a
- disturbance about what the
Russians arc planning in Poland,
maybe we'd bolter read up a
little more fully on the Poland
of the past so that wc may bet
ter understand Its almost con
stant turmoil.
Maybe there has been a screw
loom there. Mnybc what Russia
is planning for the Poles will
be even better than what they
hnve hnd. So for ns ALL THE
POLES (not Just ihe great
nobles) arc concerned, almost
nnytbing could be as good ns
what they've known for centuries.
EUGENE, Jan. 19 (Pi The
State Federation of Women's
clubs has established a $150
scholarship for pre-nurslng stu
dents, the University ot Oregon
announced today.
Ham Norland Auto Insurance.
Phone 6060.
Youth Rally... Fri. Night
For Young Pooplo of All Denomination!
Service Men
aro invited to take part and gat acquainted.
Service Men's Chapel
325 MAIN ST.
Sponsored by Klamath Falls Churches and Christian
Business Men
Mcrrill-Lakoviow Jet. U Tolcphone 4620
Beef & Pork Liver 2 l, 1 5c
Spare Ribs n,.25c
Steak, Veal Lb28c
Sausage Pure Pork .... ..2 Lbs. 35c
Ground Beef 2Lb..35c
Beef Short Ribs Lb 1 5c
I Fancy Winter Bananas AQ
AppieS and Jonathans Box AI7
Eggs, large ranch, doz. 53c
Alfalfa Hay ' i;nd
22 Planes Lost
In China Raids
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Jan.
II) (I'l Fleet Adm, Chester W.
Nlinltz announced today that
American third fleet . currier
forces lost 22 planes. In their
three-day assault on the China
coast In which more than 104,
000 tons of J n panose shipping
were destroyed und docks and
oil Installations ashore heavily
The brief announcement gave
no details of the raids other than
the remarkably light plnno
losses In Adm. William F. Hul
sey's currier smashes at Hong
kong, Canton, Swatow and
Amoy lust Saturday, Sunday
and Monduy. , .
(Continued Xrom Page One)
tee, both republicans, arc Angus
Gibson, Junction City, and Paul
Pottorson, Hlllsboroi
Tho lack of dciiatc on the Is
sue was in sharp contrast to the
senate, which had approved the
resolution 21 to 6 alter demo
cratic charges that the heavily
republican majority wanted to
"whitewash" the liquor com
mission. But the house democrats kept
mum, not even raising the issue
of whether the Oregon commit
tee should cooperate with- the
similar investigating committee
in the Washington legislature.
Washington and Oregon entered
tho liquor deal Jointly.
, Republican leaders of both
houses said they do not think
the committee will cooperate
with the Washington group.
They feel cooperation Is unneces
sary, and that, since the Wash
ington committee contains seven
democrats and three republicans,
it might already have its mind
made up to find that the liquor
purchases, made, during the re
publican administration of Gov.
Arthur B. Langltc, were illegal.
Hoover Soundi
Alert for Spies
WASHINGTON,. Jan. 19 fP)
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
today sounded an alert for three
niizl espionage agents who, he
said, arc under orders to enter
the United States.
Hoover sold tho three men
have been trained in espionage
and snbolaKo and were associat
ed during their training overseas
with Erich Glmpcl and William
C. Colepf.ugh who were arrested
by the FBI In New York last
month after allegedly landing oh
the Maine coast from a submar
ine In November.
Hoover asked the nation to be
on tho lookout for the men and
to report any suspicious persons
to tho nearest FBI office.
Bill to Extend
Licenses Passed
, SALEM, Jan. 19 fP) A bill
lo extend the state motor ve
hicle driver's -licenses to June
30, 1947,. was passed by the
house Thursday and sent to the
The licenses would expire next
Juno 30, but the stale depart
ment asked the extension on
grounds the revenue from them
is not needed, arid the depart
ment cannot get sufficient help
lo mail new licenses. -
'(Continued From Pago One) !
the duy announced the fall of
Krakow, (population 200,000),
ancient Polish capital In south
western Poland, the former seat
of the German government-general
in Poland. It is 47 miles
from German Silesia.
, 5. A third order of the day
announced the opening of a
fifth offensive in East Prussia.
6. The second White Russian
army, Stalin announced in his
fourth order of the day, cap
tured Mlnwn, 61 miles north of
Warsaw and other points only
three miles short of the south
border of East Prussia. This
army also took Plonsk, 33 miles
northwest of Warsaw and 28
miles northeast of Plock on the
In the East Prussian opera
tion, Stalin said, Gen. Ivan
Chcrniakhovsky's third White
Russian army broke through on
a 36-mlle front and advanced
27 miles. The Soviets crossed
the Mcmrl river, on the north
side .of East Prussia, and cap
tured the fortified town of Rag
nit, five miles southeast of the
city of Tilsit, a city of 57,000.
Eight other fortified towns
were captured, Including Krau
plschkcn, 30 miles inside East
Prussia and 15 miles northeast
of Insterburg in the center of
the one-time Junkers kingdom.
Goose Lake Box
Company Sued For
Overcharges On Sales
PORTLAND, Jan. 19 (P)
The Goose Lake Box company,
Lakeview, ' was accused today
of overcharging $1707.24 on
lumber sales from January to
November, 1944. 'i .
The OPA filed a treble dam
age suit for $5121.72, charging
the company with collecting
payment from Blanchard Lum
ber company, Seattle and Port
land, for more lumber than was
actually delivered.
Fort Klamath Roads
Slippery, Report
Roads leading in and out of
Ft. Klamath are in a slippery
condition with , hard packed,
snow, according to Robert Leav
engood, forester for the Lake o'
the Woods district. . ..
Tho .recent snowfall resulted
In 10 Inches of new snow di
rectly north of Ft. Klamath at
about 5000 feet elevation, which
is far below normal for this time
of year, Leavengood said.'
Service Mdri
and Women
. i . ,j ,!
Home on Leave
82e James R. Porter from
Farrngut, Ida, Here-until.-January
23, t . ,.
S2c Robert J., Schweloer
from Farragut, Id.' Here'; until
January 24. : . . - '!'
The above se.'vice people'')r
entitled to free passes to the lo
cal theatres and free fountain
service at Lo't River dairy- by
courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the
theatres and R C Woodruff ol
the dairy. Please call , at ( The
Herald and News office Xask foi
Paul Haines) for your, courtesy
tickets . . -ii ... '
(Continued From Page One),
said, was "not f ii 11 y satisfied
with the existing machinery for
international . cooperation On , a
political plane, and had been
"rather troubled" , for some, time
about the setup.' ' - ,- - .
Earlier in the two-day-war de
bate Laborite Aneurin B-e v a n
had charged that Prime, Minister
Churchill had distorted facta and
had "the worst record of Inter
vention in other people's affairs
of any. statesman.'' "
Non-Members' Invited
To Walton Meeting "
Non-members; of r 'the Klam
ath-Modoc chapter ot the-Izaak
waiton league, wno are lnterestr
ed in conservation, are especial
ly invited to attend the meet:
ing of the chapter Friday, at 8
o'clock in the banquet room-of
the Winema hotel,' - -; v
Election of officer for- this
year will be. held and the "nom
inating committee has selected
a fine group from which to se
lect its officers. -It. is .urged that
every member-attend this; meet
ing. A buffet lunch . Will be
served at 'a- cost .of 50 'cents: per
person. . '. " ' .''''".', ; -.
Friday January II, 1145
(Continued from Page One)
fantry force approached Tarlac
obliquely down another road
from Camiling.
. AR advances were supported
directly by American warplanes
operating off the Lingayen air
drome; Formosa and even parts
of the China coast now are With
in reach of long-range fighters.
Raids Intensify
, (The Formosa domestic radio
warned today that large scale
enemy raids ."will be intensified
henceforth," In a broadcast
picked' up by the federal com
munications commission the For
mosa announcer said "The feroc
ity, of the war now raging is un
precedented in war annals of
the world, and the Japanese em
pire is really facing a crisis.")
At : Urdaneta, 27 road miles
southeast of Lingayen gulf, the
Luzon Japanese made their first
determined effort to stand- and
fight. The tank-led American
column encountered Japanese
artillery and camouflaged armor
ed,, vehicles hidden amongst
trees . and shrubbery on the
town's outskirts.,
Urdaneta was ablaze as both
sides' were pinned down for
hours at a time by mortar fire.
' SPOKANE, Jan. 19 W) Mil
dred Hotzet was treated at Emergency-
hospital for ankle injur
ies.., . . v ..
: As he was' walking beneath
a traffic light, it toppled over on
her. ,-, , . " - -
Classified Ads Bring Results. ;
Sfetfinius to
Attend Meeting
WASHINGTON, Jan, 19 (P) .
Secretary of Stato Stcttinlus said '
today that ho would accompany
President Roosevelt to the ap
proaching meeting with Prime
Minister Churchill and Marshal
Stalin, , . .
Stcttinlus told his news con
ference he would also attend tho
meeting of the American repub
lics (with the exception of Ar
gentina), In Mexico City sched
uled for February 15 but which
may be dolayed to February 21.
The secretary declined to go
Into any further detail on the
timing of his trips, since the
president's security Is involved,
SALEM, Jmi. la iry Sans.
Irving Rand, Portland, and
Ernest R. Fatland, Condon, were
added today to the senate labor .
and industries committee, whose
membership was increased from
five to seven members.
4i ,
590 atlier MOMARCH Foodi-ll hit n Peed 1
Both DAY and EVENING Classes
A . Thorough Course in APPLIED BOOKKEEPING
Hoth Gregg and that SPEEDY THOMAS
; ' Typing, Office Machines, and Kindred Subjects
A Business Office Training School
733 Pine Street
Phone 4760
a, UL. BBK
Spoils Sleep Tonight,
You'll like the way'
Vs-tro-nol works right
where troublo Is to
open up noso-relieve
study transient con
. gpjtlon. ( Also grand for
relieving sntffly, sneesy,
stuffy distress ot
head colds.) Follow
directions In folder. .
Drees Mate
Date Drop Cookies
A moist luscious date drop
cookie that will simply melt
in, your mouth.. They are
made with lots of dates and
nuts., These cookies are a
favorite with both young
and old. So be sure to order
several dozen and give
them an extra treat.
Carmel Nut Rolls
A rich coffee cake made .
.' with cinnamon and raisins.
; Baked as an upside down
Coffee Cqke in arich CGr
mel syrup. Topped with
. nuts. These are ideal for
your breakfast 'menu: t ;
... i , ' ''-'.!' ; '-, ' ' ' ' .'
I 1 ' I
'--I -
For Winter Fun
And. Comfort!
. For .protection against the :
. coldest weather ... . you'll
streamlined design, and.
functional fabrics . . . at
.(Left) -i . ... - ... , :;.
Snow Tunic . . . The action
. free ski acket with zipper
' front,, in. natural and ice blue.
;. Sizes 12 to 20. . .
Others1 to $12.95
Removable -Hood
to - match- S25
Downhill Ski Trousers . . .
Functionally tailqred, in fine
60-65 .wool gabardine. Navy,
guhrnetal arid 'potfol. . Jlft'S
Sizes 12 to i0 - ,w
. , ' : and' l
1 1 A
(Above) v .' . .
Ski Cap i
for men' and women.
Waterproofed poplin in
natural, sond, navy,
aspen, 5carlet,'--greern
..... . -f- - -it'
- - ..- : 'i :'.,'.'('. ". ;
... . . i,
I ktliM. ' -l-
kong miiT. .... f . : 1-
'.Waterproofed :.. poplin' with .
leather palrn,,.and j thumb.
'. . Natural," sanq, navy,
scarlet, green; : ; ' '.$195
asperf. , . ' .
Ail-Wool l4itt Pllleri, 69e"
Main at Fifth
F Ig ht lf aittlle Paroryiis Join The MARCH OF DIMES