TWO HERALD AND HEWS BOOSTING OF PENSION EYED Bv ARCHIE WELLS oACRAMENTO, Jan. 15 (Pi Legislation permanently boost ing the state's old age assistance payments to $50 n e a r e d the final stage today as the measure reached the senate calendar with an OK from the social urlfnr committee. An attempt will be made to amend it on the floor. Senator Jesse Mayo (R), Angels tamp, disclosed. The bill comes to the last barrier, however, with the already voted approval of the assembly and the recommenda tion of Governor warren. Althoueh. the democratic mi' nority in the lower house indi cated support would bo given to a further increase as a dura tion measure to offset wartime living costs, this, it appeared likely, would not develop until after the constitutional recess. The so-called pension for the needy aged, as distinguished from pensions under the social security act to which workers contribute tlirough paycheck deductions, was raised from $40 to $50 by the last legislature. Passage of the bill making the scale $50 indefinitely at this session was urged by proponents as necessary to allay apprehen sions of the elderly who feared their check would be cut July 1 next, the end of the period for which the boost was given at the last session. Senator George Hatfield's bill to keep the anti-hot cargo law in effect permanently not just during the war emergency as voted by the people at a refer endum of a 1942 act was offi cially the property of the sen ate today. The Merced county senator has not revealed how actively he will press for en actment but he has introduced the measure, although Governor Warren .urged in his biennial message that the status quo be tween labor and management be maintained while the war is on. The legislative investigation of the Preston boys' industrial school bowed out when the O'Day. committee voted 5 to 3, with the chairman dissenting, to report to the house no puni , tive action other than favoring the filing of charges before the personnel board against two of the boy group supervisors. Otherwise, the report will ex press confidence in Director Karl Holton's administration of the California youth authority and state that while conditions at PrestorKwere not quite up to snuff, progress is being made in improving them and that the practice oi pumsmng coys ay confinement in silent cells has been discontinued. Flashes of Life RUGGED INDIVIDUALIST BROADALBIN. N. Y.. Jan. 19 (IP) New York's tough winter has failed to rout a robin which three persons reported seeing nere. . Furthermore, the witnesses said, the robin scorned feeding stations ana was dining on ber ries of the wild mountain ash. HINT PITTSBURGH, Jan. 19 (IP) Mrs. Evelyn R. Portas, 23, testi fied she found an application to marry another woman in her husband's pocket. She's suing for divorce. HELP! ABOARD A U. S. HOSPITAL SAMARITAN, SOMEWHERE IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC (IP) Cherry O'Hara of Butler, Pa,, a navy nurse, said the great est crime the navy commits is keeping its women, the navy nurses, away from shonnlns windows for a year or more at a time, "My greatest longing right oaiw ojeuuei, attractive Miss O'Hara, "is to have a date for one whole evening with one man." CLIENT PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 19 (IP) Charles Hollopeter, an at torney, was bitten by a pig in his downtown office. The Junior chamber of com merce brought some pigs to town to add fun to a member ship drive. One got loose and made a dash for the office build ing and the attorney's office. Hollopeter made a quick grab for the nig, the pig look a quick nip of his hand, and Pasadena emergency hosnitnl treated its urst pig-Dlte victim. REPEAT PERFORMANCE CHICAGO, Jan. 19 (IP) Ten months ago Mrs. Iris Peterson, war plant worker, penned a iiiemuranuum on one ot the lags accompanying a tropical helmet; "Good luck and kill a Jap for mi'. She has received a letter from Boatswain R. H. Fredericks, serving on the U. S. S. Severn saying: "In accordance with your I'miuesi it is my piensuro to In fo"" you (hat on October 28, j ut, hi p. m. one Japanese Dilot flying a dive bomber at tacked this ship. He was shot down and killed by the heavy anti-aircraft battery under my direction. ,'!P,1,case consider your request fulfilled maiiy times qver since tnnt day.". ') .... GALIFDHNIA rr!dr. Jinuwr ' Foiir-H News Xmbltlout Sewing Club The "Ambitious Sewing club" met in the fifth grade room of the Henley grade school Jan uary 10,- 1945. During the ab sence of our leader, Mrs. Kelly, Beverly Mack was our icaacr There were nine members pres' ent. A Valentine party was planned. JEAN TUCKER, News Reporter, Shatta -H Camp Cookery Club The Shasta 4-H camp cooRery club was organized Friday, Jan uary 5, with Mrs. Lunsford as leader. In the future the meet ings will be held every trioay from 2:15 until 3:15 p. m. at the schooL Officers elected for the year were: Gloria Lowman, president; Leonard Fitzsimmons, secretary; Harold Berry, vice president; Wayne Buck, news reporter. WAYNE BUCK, News Reporter. Firemen Extinguish Two Small Fires Two calls were answered by the city fire department Thurs day. The first came at 3:21 p. m. from Priest's Paint shop, 626 Pine, where fire in the back caused slight damage. At 7:29 p. m. the truck rolled to 235 N. 5th, residence of Ver non Karnes, where a flue fire was extinguished. There was no damage. Kiln Planned For Milwaukie Area OREGON CITY. Jan. 19 (IP) The glow of kiln fires will re turn to night skies south of Mil waukie soon. An old brick kiln is being re built by Jacob Gorsek. a Jugo slavian who plans to use blue clays in the Molalla vicinity for manufacture of pottery. - Gor sek's kilns at Spokane were de stroyed by fire last year. LEGAL NOTICES EXPENDITURES OF KLAMATH COUNTY June 30. 19M to December 31, 1M4 (Statutory Salarlei not Included! CUBEENT EXPENSK IUMD . COUNTY COURT u. z. Reeder. Travel out of County. l 23.00; Travel In County. W.30; Joly R. Fred L. Pane. Travel out at County! 105. 00; Travel In County, Standard On Company of California, $28.13; Pott Motor company, jn.iu; saisiger motor Comapny 91.00; Earl's Shell Station 110.90; Salaries, Clerks, Coral J. Sabo, S990.00; Leota Clarldge 172-30: Supplies, Chamber of Commerce 919,50; Burt E. . Hawkins, Postage. 910.00;. Shaw Sta tionary Co. 94.70; Pioneer Printinf and Stationery Co. 96.30; Don's Lock and Key Service 92.00; A. Z. Simmons Car bon & Ribbon Co. 92.00; Publications Herald and News Publishing Company 9407.43; National Association of County wmciaia, nttfrmififr, Auuroy A. Perry 930.00; Hell Rent Veterans. Her bert Applevate Camp 930.00; K. C. Halt 970.00; Purchase of Land, Mrs, Clara Moore. 92000.00; Alice M. Gustation, Court House Cleaning 924.15; Elva R. Oliver $11.69. 1 DEFENSE COUNCIL Judith W. Brown. Salary. 9870.00; Pacific- Telephone and Telegraph Company 9103.60; Supplies, Shaw Stationery Co. 93.15; F. P. Hauler 97.02; Vit-3-min-fo 912.50; Robert G- Grftman 914.90: T. Hendrickson 926.03; Garcelon $2.14; The Landry Company 95.00. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Salaries Dale Matton. 11320.00: M. E. Franey. $1320.00: Claude P. Chastain, $1469.32; Ladia Waters, $939.61; Jrma Dixon, 9939.60: Marie Obenchaln. 9930.60: Min nie Robinson 9930.00; Jean Ward 9660.30; June O'Brien 9334-50: Dora Goddam 9834.60; L. L- Brownell 91170.00; George McDonald 9960.00; Dorothy Johnston 9810.00; Dorothy Post 9360.00; June Ter- nu W(-w; isie Siemens auz.a; Moine Frain 9330.44; Marguerite Borges 9170.00. SHERIFF S orriCC. Soppllei. Tax C'el teeter's Office L. L, Low 946.00; Smith-Bates Print ing Co. 9226.02: Burroughs Adding Ma chine Co. 937.95: Shaw Stationary Co. 9180.30: Schwa r ache r-Frev Co. 91024.50; Klamath Printing Co. 937.50; Geo. J. Kunzman 99.00: Pioneer Printing and Stationery to. flB.; national cash Reg ister Co. 353.79; Klamath Military Service Bureau 9168.75. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, SopplltS, sheriff's Office Shaw Stationery Co. 910.80: Klamath Shopping Guide 958.35. BtiLmri a urriLL. auppuci, raii E. E. Casebeer 91.75: W. C. Pankev 91.50; Superior Troy Laundry $180.19; Shaw Stationery Co. 910.80; Chas. S. Rehaal $36.00: Klamath Shopping Guide 926.75; Klamath Tent and Awning Co. 87.50. BHF.Rirrg OFFICE. Etra Peaee Of. ricers, snppiits tvrescsnt,. aij, jans, etc. Dale Mattoon 924.37: T. W. Abbey 9240.00: E. E. Casebeer 9200.00: Thomas Reed 990.00; Crescent Llfht and Power Co. $8.00; Pioneer Printing and Sta tionery Co. 911.25. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Travel Expense L. L. Low 941.43: Date Mattoon 9313.80: J. Z. Franey $11.60; E. E. Cassbeer 97.35; Ben Faus 92.40: Thomas Reed M.9fl Mark- LI Hard S14A.M: A. C. Burk 93.63; Syd I. Brown 96.55: Walter Zim merman 917.70: h. A. oussauit; I. E. Crowe 91.60; O. T. Carter $3.00; Martin T. Pratt 810.25: Cuss Paee 92.40; Fred Hall 13.40: Fred Raaitiecker 82.65: Monarch Service Station A158.13; Rice Oil Co. 9470.93; Lombard Motors $131.76; Balslger Motor Co. 939.70; Smith-Bates Printing Co. 956.20; Specialised Service S62.07; Rose Motor Co. 9.73; Klamath County Road Dept. 93.00; Dick B. Miller V.O. ..).. BOARD OF PRISONERS It. It. LOW 118(13.81. SPrrlAI, INVERTlftATIOV James Conroy $84.00: Raymond Swit- zer ezt.uo; a. m. weaineriora jmoo.zv. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. SslarlsS C. C. Heldrich $1240.00; R. K. Harmon $1200.00; Florence Anderson $737.20: wti helmlna Brooks $161.34; Evelyn Fierce 9924.02; Lucie J. Panning 9840.39; Delia Schroeder 9900.00: Virginia L. Morln 9876.00; Allen Sloan $220.00; Donna Hicka P4ZU.VU, COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Soppllfs mis anon; j no naioia -oiti- Kny $328.24: Klamath Shopping Guide r.OS; Schubert's Repair Service 93.50; Smith-Bates Printing Co. 944.38; Shaw stationery co. 9224.40; Burt c. iiswKins. Poitaie 974.70: West Coast Printing and Binding Co. $22.25. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Extra HMp Donna Hicks 933.84; Jane Bllckenstsff 923.00, COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Central Election Help ana Exbsqsfs Mse K. Short $2.88; C. C. Heldrlrh 918.00; R. K. Harmon $18.00; Florence Anderson $34.25: Evelyn Pierce 934.2-V Luele J. Panning $20 00; Delia Sehrneder 946.00; Vlrslnla L. Morln 95S.OO; Donne Hicks 9124.25; Jane Bllckenstsff 9105.00; Frances Collins 820.00; Louhe Hsnnon 98.00: Raymond E. McLaln 97.00: Klam ath Shopping Guide 9332.39; AI Croup 910.00; Burt E. Hawkins, postage 900.70; west Coast Printing and Binding Co. 901.30; Jann Taylor 94.00; B. V. Wright 91.70; Hans Zimmerman $8.30: H. O. Hamaeher 91.10; M. Cartwrlght 91.40; Alice Jones 91.10; Nlta Pedfio 13.00; Dottle E. Freemyer 951.00; C. A. Water house 92.00; Dorothy Burke 10.00: Wm. Branntn $7.00: Jack Franey 91.05; Grant w. Damon w.sq: j. d, Upton 879.50; Bfit Faus 910.80: Klamath County Election Boards 92793.28: T. J, Towry 810.00; J. P. Wells, Clerk School Board 840,00; A. B. Moore 910.00; Howard Hanville 910.00; Valley Hotel 910.00; Presbyterian Church 810.00: Mrs, F. W. Abbey 9130.00; Klam ath Falls City Library 910.00: Arcade Hotel 910.00: Lake Hotel 910.00; Bulrk Garage $10.00; Covenant Church 810,00; Lombard Motors $10.00; Viola Klefer 810.00: Mrs. W. O. Lnhrtv SlflfM? Pari! E. Wilbur 910.00; Mrs, Fred Duke 910.00; Shepherd Music Co. 910.00: C. L. Cats 910.00; Bslslger Garage 910.00; Ylsrla Hunt $10.00: Helen listen line 915.00: Lurson $10.00: P. H. Rorendal 910.00: Klamath Conntv f.thr.i-v einnn- Jack Miller 810.00; Peter Relnero 910.00; First Church of God 810.00; Mrs. W, Rut tedge IO.oo; park's Cabinet Shop gin.ofl; J?'rM,rth" A J00' ! Mrs. Don sld Oilman 810.00; S, O. Wells 810.00; Marearet TVrfrir-ir amnn. ...... t. ' Chi rrh $10.00; Mrs. M. W. McVay $10.00 Pelican Bar Lumber Co. 9I0,60: Tom Lovelfldy $10.00: I. L. Davis 810.00: Midi land Oram $10.00; Charles Hathaway 10.00: The. Bracken 910.00; C, A. Paga 16.00: Wm. Campbell $3.00: Klemalh County Fair Board $10 00; Mainie warn mImI ainnn MIIa rhamharlaln 83.00: Lloyd Peters ivoo: Walter Klmmerman f 10.00; Lou senroeaer aio.w: wiimii: Sin (VI? Jnhn UnWf 810.00: Mar. jorle Wirlh $3.50, Garcelons $107.61; Klamath County Road Dept. $336.00; Louise Hathaway 910.00: Verna Albert 93.50: Hacel Gruberman 83.50: Ethey Malhls 93.50; Esther Brewer 93.90; Esther B. Johnston 93.50; Chiloquin Lumber Co. $10.00: Zella Hifh WOO; Jo Upton $3.73; California Oregon Power Co. $3.00; Home Lumwr and supply (jo. mi.vH: mg Basin Lumber Co. $.48: Vert Reeves $10.00; Eva D. Campbell 910.00; American ircion ro no. u aiu.w. COUNTY l l.LRK S OII1LK, Travel Mar K Short 873.00. ASSKSSOR'S OFFICt, Salarlei Fred Laneell 8104T.60: Gertrude Mo $930.00: Ruth Carr 91017.16; Harry Baum 9 iiwi.ou: ueone eurton siih.m; Loyce C. Carver 984.40; Jud- Clevelana AH8k-8SOR'S OFFICE, Supplies Burrouilu Adding Mncnuie Company $81.70: Standard Oil Comoanv at Calf. forma 91.47: Shaw Stationery Company iui.w; Aiimain onupping vjuiae Klamath County Abstract Comoanv 80.25. Consolidated Fretf hlways, Inc. 8.89; Uurl E, Hawkins Postmaster, pastose $73.00: AQarcMOrpn oaica Agency Smith-Bates Printing Company MS.43; ocnn-roriiana ituck service S1.4B. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE.' Trvl Kihim, Fred Lansell 97.50: Harry Baum 914.93; n. v. ocuon .bu; aianaara uu to, nninny ; Lorn-; ificnneia uu corn. bard Motors $15.33: Odell Motors $16.42; aiACK ana umie serice station 816.98. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, Suppllss Shaw Stationery Company 97.43, DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, Sal aries Clarence Humhlt lUifl no-. vr T. Chase 9990.00; Helen Anderson 9840.00, uioiKitt AiiuKHsrs urnct;, sup . pllss Burt E. Hawktni. natUn lift on- Shw Stationery Company ,: Smith-Bates PrinUng Company $.93;' Klamath Shop, pint Guide $22.20: Law Outlines Co. 910.00: Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co. 91.80; Arthur D. Benson 94.50; Mason Ehrman Co. $2.24. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, 8p rial invcaiiniion Mack Ltllarrf 87ffO.M1- Ma V Shnri 92.00; J. E. Franey $15.00; L. Orth Siie more 95.00; Catholic Charities, Ino, $40.40; Joseph Beeman, M. D. 910.00. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, Travel Expense Clarence Humble 960.00. TREASURER'S OFFICE, SslarfSS Annabelle A. Newton 9870.00. TREASURER'S OFFICE. Sapplles Shaw Stationery Company $$3.33; Klamath Shopping Guide $6.10. Bvauuit sun a uititti iDSiliair James Miller 315.35. STATE SEALER Service 9116.84. CATTLE INDEMNITY Vic C. Brown 934.83; Dr. M. Daugherty $16.00; William Walker 927.14. CIRCUIT COURT, Salaries . 1. D. Burner. Bailiff 9930.00; Bcrnlce Mueller. Lady Bailiff 985.00. CIRCUIT COURT. Supplies and Ceiss Lawyer's Co-operative Association $5.00; Klamath Shopping Guide 919.50. CIRCUIT COURT. Jsror'a Fees and Mils- axc, ncaia Juror's Fees. Mileaee and Meals $1620.90. CIRCUIT COURT. WIIbcss Fees ajii .nutate Wltnstu Fees and MUease $462.40. CIRCUIT COURT. Coort ksporter A. Ik Brandt 8223.00: Dora lioddard ' 95.00. circuit court, Atterstey'a Fees F. O. Small H0. 00: A. C. Yadon 160.00: J. C. O'Neill 920.00. CIRCUIT COURT, Insanity Fees i J. G. Patterson, M. D. 5M.U0; Harry E. Mackey. M. D. 93 W; J. W. Thorn. $2.00: Samuel D. Earhart $10.50; George f. wincneiier ao.w; una uouniy .lerx 92.00; Thomas A. McKenxle 99.0U; H. F. White 83.00: Robert B. Evani. M. D. 95.00; Roy Agee, County Clerk, Douglas County 912.00. JUSTICE COURT, Clerk Liosvllle Olf- irics Jean Mahonev 878.00: William J. Krueger 9875.00. JUSTICE COURT, Supplies nutrougns Aaaing m acnine company I.4S: Shaw Stationery Comoanv 3.0u: Burt Hawkins, ooatase 110.oo JUSTICE COURf, Extra Help rnc uruune wu.uu. JUSTICE COURT, Llnkvllle District Gary B. Cozad $414.15; Jury. Witness and Mileage fees 358.80. JUSTICE COURT. Odcll District E. W. Dunn $3-20; Thomas Reed $1.73. JUSTICE COURT, Sprsiae Rrtr Dli- E. E. Casebeer SS.SO: O. W. RHttnn $59.56: Lloyd Peters $60.80; H. J. Johns ton 927.00; Havens Cafe 916.40; Bly Water Company $18.00. jusriut. uoukt, Tuieiake District Thomas W. Chatburn $108.25, i JUSTICE COURT. Wood River District Henry - Johnston $63 55; Canton Cafe 913.00; Crosscut Cafe 91.15. ADVERTISING. County Court Smid Lunch S4..1.1: Ptllfin Paf 74 v- National Association of County Officials! Y,r ft. "yyoK. nni jviv. Janitor William P. Grav SS60.O0. COURT . HOUSE AND JAIL. Jinltor Assistants Sam Walland S7M.nO: Tmm UTii.n(i $183.86; Henry Henline $448.33; H. Boat tcher 9162.28; Marshall Dexter 9178.83; Cory Ellis 920.80; Wayne Flllpot 942.85: Walter Dexter 8187.38; John Tindeli (v.40; bui tjeaoetter U7.oo; Loran Blackmer 852.50: Elmr- rhrlillnn 848.27; Harry French $13.50: Elva R. Oliver $18.04: Alice M. Gustafson 918.04:. lC. SulMvan $32.00; Don T. Mayfleld COURT BOUSE AND J ACL, Feel, Lights, Klamath Hpatinr Cnmninv 1 17 ft fin Fred H. Hellbronner 98.05; California Oregon Power Company 91220.80; West ern Union Telegraph Co. 985.71: Donis Telephone Co. $9.00; Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company $1387.83; M. J. Barnes $18.96. COURT HOUSE AND JAIL, Repairs and William F. Grav I5.M- Hnt-v Hmttn 912.00: Klamath Machine and Locomotive "orni ms even snop; our- roughs Adding Machine Co. S20.30: Bureau of Labor S.VOO: Klamath fniu Garbage Company S75.O0; r. R. Hauger $58.84: The Waters Company 9645.63; uarccion a 9.i; itefai nootmg (-Onv Dtny 9508.00: The Fulton Paint Com. pany 841.90: J. R. Roper $198.00; Carl Schubert 84.75: Revolving Trust Fund 8238.46; Klamath Furniture Company 94.04: Commercial Maintenance Cnmnanv nvnci acu company uo.uj; Roberts Hardware 912.38; Superior Troy Laundry 81B.71; Southern Pacific Com pany 925.33: Murnhey's Seed Store 820.55; Bell's Hardware Co. $43.20; Big Basin Lumber Co. 921.98; Howard Van- am oa.o; ifcvinairr uisinieciam 9J47.7o; D. D. Van Fleets Electric Shon 98.30: Goeller's 93.60; J. W. Kerns 94.50; Wad- (ma et v,o. .tu, jena-roruana Truck oervicc :.UU. INFIRMARY', Bslsry, Manager A. C. Morrison 91330.00. INFIRMARY, Leber Ed Croker 9800.00: Violet Croker 9540.00: James Ellis 81)00.00: Cnv T.Ui 9540.00; Myrtle Wsrfield $256.67; Arthur oruwn ioo.utj; nazei inciienry VHB.04. INFIRMARY', County Jarenllt Matron Gladys Morrison $600.00. INFIRMARY Llfht, Power, Fttel and mono California Oregon Power Co. $488.40; Tred II. Hellbronner $430.83. INFIRMARY. Materials and Snnnlles Mason Ehrman Company 9567.37; D. H. Mtllmnf MO "tn- Xfe1luB Vf m w tun . Fluhrer's Bakery 370.11: Gllmore Olf i-o. aiv.M; rfonn wyem h Brother, inc. 96.10; Patek and Co. 820.00; Murphey's Seed Store $150.80; Klamath Refrigera tion Service 833.20; Refrigeration Equip uciicrwr rnnii vorp. u.oi. W irrf Rabrr 877.40: n1iV Mt. v-ornpany sw.iia; a. w. Mortensen $37.20, Klamath Count v Tax Collvrtne tioi na CARE OF POOR, NOT AT FARM, Old Age Anmiance Leslie, M. Scntt. fitat TrMiuur CARE OF POOR, NOT AT FARM, Db nenaeni uniierco Leslie M. Sentt. State Tiaiirr $2,123.60; Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 860.00; Children's Farm Home .130.00; ollc CharlllM Inc 9n74.32. CARE OF POOR, NOT AT FARM, Cnun- IT rttnr neuef, nrneral Aanlilsnre Snlvallftn Armv 1344 10- Karl WhKlnflr 9200.73; J. O. Patterson 83.00: Agnes Bennington $300.00; Ward's Ambulance Service $22.23: Klamath County Road Dent. -147.03; Mrs. Elsie Roblda 9139.00: Date Mattoon 80.23: John R rnwllf 99 20: Faye Lucas 911.75; Klamath Valley Hospital 933.50; Oregon Women's Am bulance Corps 840.00. CARE OF POOH, NOT AT FARM, Sal Tiuon rtrmy Salvation Armv 83nn.nn CARE OF rOOB. NOT AT FARM, Blind Ttlind Aialalnnra SIROin AliRICUMUKG Home Demonstration-Oregon Slate Col lege Extension Service 93720.00; College Extenslon-Oregon State College Ex tension Service 8770.00. PKST CONTROL. Grsaibnpper O K. Blarksmlth Shop 93.36: Wem dfll Olniher $103.00: O. K. Transfer $6.18; Peoples Warehouse 86.50; Hmlth-Bsten Printing Co. 917.00; Swan Lake Mould ing Co. 957.20. PEST CONTROL, Hart Icellnre Cenlret Rmi Anhraw HI la a PEST CONTROL, Weed and Rodent Cen trel. Salaries and Sapplles H. B. Schlefersteln 81200 00; C. W. Glelm 9101. 23: Elmer A. Rowden S3S0.00; P. J. SIHes 9328,23: W. W. Limbeck .so Cahrley W. Baker $331.50; Richard Mahoney 97.50; Jonns Barrett 991.00; M.l.!r!1? : L 9,- "ds WMi Hardle Brown V 'efi C "'18: C""'" A, $117.00; Don Smllh $103.00; Specialized larvlce 834. ST: Union Oil Co. $92.96: Q A. Copeland $5 00; Ashlev Chevrolet company $.ti; ovsn lsks Mourning lo, fiuf'Pii; J. r. vrtia ftwi ,ieiiii,v n Canine 88.1)3. PEST CONTROL. MIUaa II. B ftohleferttein 6148.10: C niettn 810.23: Klmar A. Rowden SI13.43: P. E. Sttles $37.03; Charles A. Brown. Jr. z .w: tvenaeu uininar ww.ia. TEST CONIKOLi rredaierjr Animal Cea ttel Oregon State Game Commission www secretary or state aiwu.w. PEST CONTROL, Eprriinant fetation swan Lake Moulding Coninanv 9337.78; J. W. KerilS $38.69: A. G. Urou Ji.tur; iamoiie i-nenmai company 933.00; Vern R. Petigh 942.52; W. 0. Miner lousisucuon company eitw.To; Snmson Garrison lmnlement Pnmnnnv 923M.39: Shaw Stationery Company 92.30; KLAMATH FOkUt PROTECTIVE AS soi'iATins'. l rir (-nir.i Klamath Forest Protective Association KLAMATH FOREST PROTECTIVE AS SOLIATION. Cnunlv Flra Cnlr.! American Foreatry Association 9.10,00: Shorty a Welding and Boiler wrks nrram ana news i'UDl shine M.AMATH FOREST PROTECTIVE AS SiKIATION. Salaries and Assistant, Kural District M B. Barnes 8(197.30. Jt VIMI.C COI'RT, Salary. Officer II. J. llenririekaon liannitn. JUVENILE COURT. Salarlei, Clerks Fave Lucas $900.00; Cecelia Ci Carty JUVENILE COURT. Sannll H. J. Hendrickson 9I3.O0: Fave Lucas 940.00; Shaw Stationery Co. 133.03: Smith- nairi rnniini io. nitmiin Sohp- uuiuv uid. j, rvunsmaii Klamath Shonnlne Ruin iann JUVENILE COURT. Mltaaaa H, J. Hendrickson $234.3u; Faye Lucas $48.37; Ethel Carroll $19,68. INSURANCE . ln(lualrial Accident Commliilon INSURANCE, Balt4lns end Equipment Jttmes H. DrUcoll $41.56: T B. Wat ters 86.84: J. L. Murrav 441 .1ft- M I. Johnson 973.04: Redmon Insurance Agency M-4; The Landry Company 9847.53; M. A. Bowman .73; Thomas ni.Duril 12-.'.,i.U0Jiu,J v1 9117.01; Si -P,tJ)un!,,p S11-JP' R. Lindley $6.48; Ida Momytr Odell $1.48; Lawreiu-e Slater $3.66: Klamath County Abstract Co. $2.88; George J. Walton $4.32; C. S. RoberUon $8.64; Chllcote and Smith "ww, u. n. Siemens aa.ou j. t. Hosking $290.0; F. L, Weaver $290.4U; J. W. Sandera 14.Q.V Sfnuiarri Afnhi.i $3.76. INSURANCE, Offletr's Bens James H. Driseoll T it ui. ten $4.48; M. L. Johnaon $30.00; The k.n!J.ry..CoinPny W-W Ida Momycr Odell 923.00: Lawrence Slater $23.0u. ASSISTANCE U. 8. TROOPS Klamath Military Service Committee $1300.00; Maury 5c h wart $63.00. WHITE SHIELD HOME WOO. 00. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Sllaries Peter H. Rozendal. M. D. $2700.00: Roberta Tucker $730.00; Myrtle Caldwell iW'Wi ujaia iiowara aiwu.uu: Patricia lackett 9413.00; Virginia Howells 9330.00: iijiiia uuny 9uw.w; Mlllcent West 990.00: Llovd Seetv 190.00: A lie Stniu 9193.33: Annis Struthers 9419.90: A. L, Van Meter 900.00; Dola N. Simpson 9483.00: Mrs. Z. M. Houghtallng 9243.69; , e, una, run 1 1 ouu.uu, HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Mllsage Patar H Rnrnrial lllnM. Ilt,.-,1- Caldwell 9113.70; Ljdla Howard 9209.UU; Virginia Howells 920.35; Millrcnt West 32 3 1. 53; Alice Stout $2.1.80; Eileen Ann Cummings $101.65; AnnU Struthers $30.33: Lloyd Secty $293.50. NbALTH DcrAKTMENT Office SUpBllaa Shaw Stationery Co. MM- fim.ih. Bates Printing Co. $33.70. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Office Eqsip- Shaw Stationery Comnanv St7 m HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Scientific Sap- Currln's for Dnm Mi 7R- Rrmn. Knecht-Hetnunn Co. $43.31; A. S. Aloe Co. $3.00; Waggoner Drug Company $33.13; Dlfco Laboratories 913.91; Shaw Surgical Co. $8.97; Physicians and lios- tfUl Supply Co. 914.26; Blsele Ac Co. 17.78; Lederte laboratories. Inc. 98.07; Cutter Laboratories. Inc. $40 25. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Communica tions Pacific Talenhone and T1irranh rn $134.43: Burt E. Hawkins, Postmaster, postage 349.38. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Light, Heat ana naicr California Oreenn Paw rnmmnv 8310.74; Peyton and Co. 911.93. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Rent Airs. Amelia Hanks 8230.10. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Maintenance ana. aiiji-tutji Mrs. Amelia Hank S 11. 1.60: Snnrtnr Troy laundry 800.38; Mrs. Julia Pom roy 938.23; J. A. Tufts 98.80; Klamath Falls G.irha Cn. 8.1 on- Ci V Tranaiw Co. $38.71; Packer Scott Company $15.10. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Operating ex- A- M. MarVit M ) Mntmdln Dairy $2.40; Bell's Hardware $9.40; West ern Auto Supply Co. $11.80; Trulove's Market 927.46: Waggoner Drug Com- any 88 40; Peter H. Rozendal 82.20; lason Ehrman Co. 884.97. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Vital Statistics Mellta F. Hall 93.00: T. M. Trout, M. D. 9.75. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Heal I h Unit ana oeisntten Heme Lester C. Wlaharrl aOAA.On? Wrrn Farl Godding 9605.00; Da r re II German 9136.80; Max Prentice 941.80; Joe Meads 957.95; Henry Edward Asher $117.00: Sheldon Brumbaugh. Architect $1,560.00; G. C. Mot lev $2.002. IS- V. t. Parka .UK Oft- W. B. Hunt $368.40; E. A. Frleberg $1,174.93; Elmer A. Smllh 9274.58; Uhllg a Electric Company 9176.50: Klamath County Abstract Co. 912.00; Elmer Smith 3362.00; Paul Jones 988.00: Angus W. Newton 83.466.44: Frank Wm Rtrnnt 9162.23: J. R. Stevenson 960.00: Swan Uake Mould In Co. 8878.64: Lnranz Cn. 85.11: Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. 3i.wu.uu: ine uiass nouse; w. B. Hunt 987,90; Klamath Furniture Co. 91.154.92; Brosterhous Construction Co. 916.427.00; Herbert Williams 931.00; First Federal Savings and Loan Association 916.400.00. ISOLATION HOSPITAL, Salaries Ethel Miller 9720.00; Ida Grimes 9800.00. ISOLATION HOSPITAL, Operating Ex penses Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. $47.42; Idella's Saving Center 8 18 1.31 r Packer Scott Co. $3.41: Mrs. Fred Pet erson 920.00; Carter's Fine Foods 9161.40; Waggoner Drug Co. 93.42; Wlllard Baker f3.wi; uae water Association um uo. 340.23: riuhrer's Bakery 922.44; Quality Delicatessen and Fish Manet Bears-HoemicK Vt Co. a 100.73; Shorty's Welding and Boiler Works 95.73; Superior Troy Laundry 917.10: Sterling Brothers 946.26; Garcelon'a 9.30; Currln's for urugs iti.oi; t . 1 1 more bj.uu; uiga Riley $89.73; Claude H. Davis $56.73. UNPAID BILLS. 84,833.16. . EMERGENCY" ! Lester C. Wishard 942.00; Warren Earl Coding 930.00; Darrell German 922.80: Max Prentice 922.80: Klamath Heating Co. 936.00; Klamath Valley Hospital $105.70, COUNTT ROAD FUND ENOINEER'S SALARY Wally M. Hector $1,200.00. SUPERINTENDENT'S SALARY Fd Pronsl $1,380,00. OFFICE CLERK'S SALARY Helen Michel -1000.00. CHAINMEV a John A. Ashton $36.00; Eugene L Myers $78.00. SHOP EMPLOYEES Ernest Allman $103.00: Arlet A. Ander- son $600.00; Milton Bradahaw 996.80; Jas, V. Brewbaker 81.360.00: Alhrt L. Rrn. ley $3.58; Harve Depuy 91.200.00; Homer uepuy win.uu; ueorgn tj. riscner 7.W); Chas. W. Hesse $7.80: Pete C. Hplzhou ser 910.39; Albert C. Keady 920.00; H. D. Land rum 821.80: Hvurott t l.inuiii. 933.81; Wayne A, Marls 9100.00; George T. Mst $224.00: Lylt D. McCormlek 91.140.00; Arnol C. Oherg 81.200.00; Christian S. Pool $1,200.00: Frank O. Pool 81.200.00: Jesie O. nimer 94.78; Vic tor A, Vasak 97.00; William Walker 93.18; Guv R. Walla 81.1.20: rhlr n Wil. 917.36. BOfln Eflri.OYEKB Erneit Allman 11 no? Martnn Barnes 807.80; Harry Baum $12.00; Harold P. or (on 91.208.P2; Milton Brad haw $331.63; Archie O. Brown 837.00; Albert L. Rrtilev 9446.00: Charle- H. Conroy 9831.96; Le L. Conn 9343.70; Homer O. Denuv 8020 10- Matilda rinU 9334.77; Geo. C. Fischer 9346.34; Samuel V. Goddard $1,300.00; Vivian L. Hale J 409.02; Jack H. Hawkins $121.60; Dale . Heath $668.30; Wally M. Hector $100.00: Chas. W. Hesse $403.05; Jim HnUteln $387.32: Pet C l(nhnu..r 400,73: Leonard Humphrey 9108.71; Stanley R. Humphrey 9210.22; Albert C. Keady 9660.20; II. D. Land rum 9332.44: Everett J. Llnvlll HfVtfi tn- i.nval a i..... : 8200.16: I-ee A. Atkln $7.60: Wavne A. i Marts SI.443.M: neorge T. Mast 930.88: I, va n. MeCnrmlek ? tft- n.lm, r Mvnatt 9332.02: Jesse O. Rimer 9370.68: Margaret E. Rusk 9338.33: Flnvd Ship man 8683 30: r. E. Langston 97.90: Ed win E. Snider 806,00; George W. Stan. ley am 49: Homer 1. SUngley 8300.24: Victor A. Vasak 8336.80; Wlltlam Walker 8302.7.1: Earl L. Webber $02.86; Guv R. Wells 81,324.2.1: Chester R. Wilson l)33.03; John H, Voimgllng 8480.08; Bernard Tollman $12.00; Russell II. Chapman $64.60: Axel R, Johnson $148,20: fi. C. Kendall $7.00: Howard King 9466.00: L. R. Wade 887.4ft! Frank- II Mirlln tin in. C E, MOSS 9146.07: Jinn Phllllna ti.t'nn' Jfarold P. Sorenon 921.38: Romeo Mc Veigh 9306.70; Wallace Mllllgan 8103.70; Wj''" Mlligan 8103.46: Jack Mynalf Delink T&W' WeM ,M'10 C",rnC BRIDflE EMPLOVEEK Milton Bradahaw 813.20; Howard r. Dunn $7,80: Pete C. HnUhouser 9233.10; "p. Landrum 80.12.02; Loyal A, Lust M5.88J Lee A. Atkln 94fl.fM) George T. Mast 9193.2.1! Jesse O. nimer 8flfll.4flj I? M, O'Rulllvan 9103.74: Homer T, Stingloy $8.00; William Walker 9320.23; Guy R. Wells $108 08: Alex R. Johnson $.163.00; l. R. Wade $16.63; Clarence Debrlck $13 20. t COl'NTV ROAD, Rspalrs and Paris. Bend-Porllaml-KlMmmath Truck Serv ice $33.36: J. W. Ketns 9ttiJ,40; Klreslone Stores $1,311.51: Aildeison Auto Soivloe S72.93; Ktmbsll's ilnt Shnp 972. til; Consolidated Frelqliways 916.fU; Hlack and White Service Station 9102 J'.). American Brush Cu. 9I03K4: Iteed Trac tor and Equipment Co. S"7.Ui!: M Prllchard 90.53; Chas. S. Schawl $07.2); Goodyear Service $2.00: ItiHtenuanicr Saw Filing ami Cyclcrly $14 tW: lltt Set Ice S41HI.2A: Spccintlieil Service $33 H7; UaUlger Motor Co. 82.332.32: The t'ou whit Co. 9IU31; ILillou and Wilthl Loggers & Con tine toil Machinery t.Vl.3i'; 8400.13; Col car Motor Sale Co. $XH.(1. Home Lumler nnd Supply Co. Mtltvi. Charles lira tun 43.19: Moty ami Van Dyke $7fl.7; Lorvus Co. :IX! Ut, Khun ath Machine and Locomotive Work $136.66; Howard Cooper Corp, 9I.T43..VI. V. B. Smith 921.00: Dick B. Miller Co. ?;i.90; Clayton MaimfmMnrlng Co. $7.21; I. E. Junes 94.30; Hallway t:xpim Co. 916.116: Roy Call Auto Co. $'.4U7; Motor Machine Service 9223.4K; Don Kcnyon 86.35; Dick Herder's 94 96: Venco $24 .w. Dons Lock end Key Service S2.23: Furl Klnmalh Garage $H J9: PortUnd Mmi'Iiih ery Co. 99 20; I. C. Hcnlh 4;i7.4tt; 11 L. Co. SU.Uti; Cramci-'a Itutiiu Service $11 tk. Verl Hrcwhaker 8161. COUNTY ROAD, Labor, Matarlels and Rentals Oregon State Highway CominUilon 974.76; Klamellt (.oiicrele Vii Co. 91.I6J.53: Firestone Stores SXOTUH; I). S. GalhrigiU & A. ti. ttaeil Ui(U.iHi. Monl gomcr -Waul Co. SMI; It. -. SIku I 9831. ;c; J. C. Penney Co. $2l0; Hans Zimmerman $4.iW; Clifford A. Dunn J 4,701. 12: Reed Tractor and Equipment o. 913.832.73; California-Power .Co. , 8447.24; H. L. Prltchard Slllt.tH: Chat. s. scnaal 870.23, unoiiycar service; Baker Flrntheia 83411.08: F. It. lliiliiier $43.93; Home Lumber and Supply futu.uf; Southern Pacific Co. $; Charles Heaton 7.30; Moty nnd van u.vue ?aif.i. Lorcnc Co. sooti.tiU: Klamiitn Mmi-IUiic and Uicomotivc Works MUlti; llukoninn's wcitiinii v.o. si.u.iu; ncison r.iiviipioviii 8273.60: Et w n E. Snli rr Si.lit ill: Kl.tmath Valllcv Lumhcr Co. 9IH.02. Swim Lake Moulding Co, $;UYiU; U;ir colon's $37.o:i; Five C. Itcflnlnii Co. 8.:i24.77: Viking Slocl Corp. 9411. lu; Hlake Moffitl ami Towne $1.36; K. Sugnrmau $4.70: W. D. Miller Confirm' tlon Co. SI Mill; G. C. Mollcy Si .02. Cascade Powder Co. $7114.1)4: Utinietj. Motor Co. M!U'01: Lee Holiday 2t).0u; Burt Hawkins. Poalm.iittrr SHvoJ; Don Lock and Key Service 912.25: llakrr ,uid Graves $10.1173.78: Fred II. llellbrnnnri- 993.58; Castteberry'a Drug Co. 923. llurncRS Motors Sj73.nti; Hoherl 3, For rell. Secretary of SUte $43.0$. county road, Materials lor nriutri and Cutverla D. S. Galhrluht and A. G. Baert SI. U6. 44: Home Lumber and Supply Co. 9303.87; Swan Lake Moulding Co. 431.1111: Surburban Lumber Co. SI. 378. 70: Hlg Hasln Lumter Co. 947.32; William M. Urav 9133.63: Burt Hawkins. Poilnntslcr 9.H. I Ol'NTY ROAH, New r i)Ulpinent Col.vear Motor Sales 8774.2U: Muty and Van Dyke. Inc. 8274.40. WI STV HUAU. KIbtS el nsy Homo Owner's Loan Corporation 925.00. t'Ut'NTY ROAD, Gas and (111. Rit-hflctd Oil Cornoratlon $2114 03. I'nlon OH Company $1,133.80: till mure Oil Co. 99.23822: Shell Oil Co. $173.44: Tide Water Associated Oil Co. sxt:i 13; Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 9263.68; Fred Hellbronner 801.40: The Texas Lu. 933.00. county ROAn, insurance State Induatrlal Accident Commission 9570.01. itii'MV ru.mi. utrire nuppues Burt R. Hawkins. Poitmasmr $12.00: A. E. Slmmnm CarlMin and lllbbon Co. 916 .00: Shaw SUtioncrv Co. 934 00: smtin-Bntcs frinting K'o. $10.90; rviamnin 1 Shopping Guide $32.80; Shannon and Co. 30.63: Klamalh County Abstract Co. I 91.43. I MARKET HtlAD ri'nu ENGINEER'S SALARY Wully M. Hector 8430.00. ' 81' PER IN TEN DENT'S SALARY Ed Promt 9430.00. f MARKET ROAD, Labor and Sbep Em- pinjKT I Krneat Mailman 8432.78: Marlon Barnes I 928.00; Harold V. norton 8381.20; Mil- 1 ton Bradnhaw 97.40.73; Archie O. Brown $161.25; Albert L. Bruley $764.26: ' Charles H. Conroy 8424.68: Lou L. Coon . 866.59; Homer O. Depuy 9310.30; Matilda 1 Fink 8753.M: Geo. C. Fischer S104.D8: j Vivian L. Hale 3834 00: Jack It. Hawkins 9212.13; Dale E. Heath 91,400.84; Chas. W. Hesse $500.9:?: Jim Holstein 9614.74; Pete C. Hoi r homer 9203.82; Leonard S. Humnhrev $227,02: Stanley K. liumniircy 324.70; Albert C. Keody 3203.22; Everett J. Llnvllle $664.18; Loyal A. Lust 9112.73: Wayne A. Marts 2706.40; George T. Most 9137.20: Velma E. MynalL 3720.11: Bob Phillips 984.56: John M. O'Sullvan JiniMO; Li, w. neynoin. aqu.i"'; jbfco u, mnirr 9105.60; Margaret C. Ruik $787.31; Floyd Shlpman $463. 12; Edwin E. Snider $10.00, George w. Niamey; rtoinrr 1. Stingley $756.23: Victor A. Vasak $76-1.33; WlHam W. Walker $100.00; Earl U Webber 5243.00: Guy n. Wells 8704.14: Harry H. Will la mi 917.10: Wallace MUM gan 922.80: Chester R. Wilson 8277.37: John H. Younglln $771.73; Leo A. Atkln 930.00: Alexander Smith 88.00; Russel H. Chapman 9-141.04: Francis F. Gotiiarl 387.43: Paul Kasncr 9158.18: A. 3. Tockey $136.80: Howard King 8190 23: Joe r. Frldland 883.03; Frank S. Martin 37.60: C. E. Moss 972.30; Jack Myitatt 946.06; Harold P. Sorenion Floyd W. Owens 946.31; Romeo McVeigh. MARKET ROAD, Bridges and Cul vert Employees Charles H. Ccnroy tl.80: George C. Foicher .147.03: Che W. Hfae 983 .10: Jim Holstein $7.60; Pete C. HoIHioumt $119 TO; Stanley R. Humphrey $8.:i3: H. D. Landrum $271.36: Loyal A. Lut $183.90; George T. Mast 9107.10: Ed Propit $13.18; Jes O. Rimer 9283.43; William W. Walker 8216.00: Earl L. Web ber 13.80: Chester T. Wilson 87 60: John H Ymingllng 824.00; Leo A. Atkln MARKET ROAD. Imoranre SUte Industrial Accident Commission $623.47. MARKET ROAD, Labor and Materials and Rental Klamath Concrete Pipe Company S212O0.O0; Bal:er Brothers $1,201.60. MARKET ROAD, Bridges and Culvert. Klamath Concrete Pipe Company ILiiiUlJl 6f :dk'B aiii.iii.iiiia,wi,i.ii.nH,r,nr,;Mi rot wouunw iui 1411 ci BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:45 P. M. W l"""-"' aJL m j MY ROMANCE! 0 ' '" Ar'"es fi I ibmlfa'&sw 1,183.93: D B. Calhrlht and A Uaerl $376 41. im)U l.ltfcNM. U NO SAl'AnirIN . ., . H. CIhv Howard W24IK1; Harrv Wll aon 930.1HI; Jerrt McCrtrllc 8fll).(K), B. 1. MfKnueiu -mHS , , ANIMALS; I) BY 1MH.N, Halm n!W. Saundcra 86 W: J l- Owen $29 00: Mrs J. E llti fl7 30. Hen Dlllenburg 9;iHW: Mrs. flnreiu'e .Adams S2.I00; lRv Peniiluglon 82 30, Mis. H. J. Moher 86 oft. 801- CITY LICENSE Cilv of Klunialh Fnll 9203 60. IHHi l it i n.m: RKI t'Nlt Me K Siiorl 92 30. TEITPIIONK Prtc'iic Telephone and 'lelcgiaph i". " LAW LIBRARY ITM SALARY Aitnji)clle A- Newton $1W IHV UOlthS . West Puhllfhlng Company S.U 23. ('l)l'M V LlllRARV I I M 8AI Altlt S Marv U MiComU 81.14000 All' M Waldrrn $713 00; Addle Mac Nlao;. 9224 t; GladVN Cov amnion; t.alla Ilk1 8i:iOtKl; Mra. Bert Thomn 517820; Deity WcNllin :i;l40; Marv Cox 8138 ttU: Maf g.ircl Westlln 20; l.c.h A. Steele S14H 27; Eleanor Thoinu S:'4.ttt. I. A. WeMltn $40.00; Allen Malhlaen 8lwt 1.1; Don Yancrv $10 13; Hetty Jane "nil- IllilU 4'J0tHI IIOtlKMrNDIMl Calla Hick $140 30; Havl anil llolman -j;fJ.?A: I'loneei- Llbraiy Dindciy JU.l 00. ; JAMTOR GeniL'c M M'Uer 9140.00. aAliAdi; iii;nt n:r'iiy I'lince wi.w. B,ril.'.Vi.rf.i.i ftVAtifhtu-Avi $o,73: Ed win Alien Co. 9174.H7; It. W Wilson Co.: 870.110; J, K. Utll A Cn. $ll.i.P4. a - 1 McClurg A t o. $4ii 11; omi'ii .',, r"i $1113.07: Dounientiv. n.nnii Inc. 840.KI: D. E. llealh $6.60; Mai'Mii- I Inn Co. 931.22; Nnlional tieograpmr , Society St. 73; American Library Ann- : Hnllim $:UK). 1 (tl'Prl.lES AND postaoe ' Sinllh-ltnloa Printing Cn. 911 Wt: Shaw; RliUl.meiv Co Sllt.tW; Hurt E. Ilawkm. Siio.oo: 0 1 r o n S t r I 1 . 1 1 r i' ; vj.:iii; Klamath Printing Co. 9.J; tlay : Inrti Hrnthers 9:'tl.00. ! (iASOt.INi: AND OIL , , , (luruge $Lt.lHl: .Standard Oil Co. nl California fi;in: Unlmi oil t o of t uf nmln $7.33; Monarch Service llalluii sa.lio Uhllg'a Fteclrip Co S3 38: nhcrl Hardware- Cn $n.i9: Hacker to. 31123: Stir hiirlian l.umbrr I o 'I"0' , ' PIIONE, IILAT AND UAHAIIi: SI-IIV- panl'fle Tetrphone and Te1franh Co. $21.19: California Oregon Power Co. , 23X17: Klamath Falls Gart'age Co. 6 PP. I'Ol'NTV llll.ll KCIIOOt. H 1 N r 1 Klamuttt County Library $7t 00 . Stale of Oregon CTnMVKK,hnnV.hC.erk of Hie County Court of Klamath Cmmtv. Oregon, here by certify that I have prepared the fnreeolrg Hat of rpell"ire from the dtfferrnt fund of matd wiinly r alx monthi ending December 30 h, IIM. .exJ-lutve of lhoie lalarte. 1,'d.h;! ataiutei and that the foregoing Hit I" a true and correct statement of sure jj nendKtirra according to the records , kent In my care and cuitmty. j ...1. 1.. ...1 mit l)if aeat of Vt County Court affixed at KlamMh FalU. Oregon this 30lh dav of December. I844. MAE K SHOUT. Counts Clerk By C. C. Heldrich, Deputy J. 10-No. 9. Box Ollko Opons 6:45 ENDS TONIGHT "CALL JUNGLE" Another Hit "The Girl Who Dared" SATURDAY IT'S A RIDE FOR LIFE . . . IN A FIGHT FOR LIFII ,i , ... ' ' TIM KOU Cliff Edward! SECOND HIT 'Caught in the Act' MIDNIGHT IT'SAlAUGHRIOTll A ISA i, uu rSORtBw 1 HI lafH T2f Conllnuoui Show Dolly OPEN 12:30 TODAY Romance! Music! Action! I linTFRAlt lhe HOOSIfH HOTSMOTS J CUIKH (Bit Son WILLIAMS SLIM SUMMtRVILlE V KING COLE 1RI0 J SECOND HIT s, t?"t aa ERICH VON SIROHCIM wiUUlON M,( ItUII Added KID IN UPPER 4 (Mlnla(ure) LnloJl Wtvj r M. nrv.a i:t,a 'vcbai EMHHTODA Phont 4367 Open 1:30 8:45 .-J. THAT ATI RACILD WUMtfl IU "-rr TuciDnnnMi rx 1 cri Ji?.:'.-"Si itf it IH"'"' ADDED "iKMii D w March of Time (wro.ia) um in ii Rn v .n Mi. . r " NOW- THEY'RE JIVI DIZZY Birhart FImH HALE. LAKE SECOND HIT l THE STORY OF EVERY Fill WHO MAI KNOWN llll ul Of A IOMI '"l n 9 Hi MARY BETH Hl& pi ), ROBEPI LOWtU iW POlilED DID DLUEBEAtiD M "7S5f, JOHN CARRADINE Jean PARKER ji Nils ASTHER a I unuic ii STOSSEL Ynt mi i "I m Safurda ACTION. $1P5I6