uit Filed Against v.- general Electric on harte I Maintenance I....UINGTON, Jim. A" .!- r?."..i .nil clitirHi inn iii :'"nV Willi Mll0ll1liH"'K iipn". ,,i,.i uuriiuiiiunli lr Souncr.1 tocluy by Iho n"Mrv..u.k. N. J.. Uic il' i-a mi i ... , '.;, mini, il"' ii'-li jOTAKE PART 5NYEARLYB0Y SCOUT COUNCIL ,n-fi. MOW ., ...--.Ilia and In i """ ; ,. i. nninf .e'c"'!1.,":; ii- .m council. ""J " ." oL btinuay in "lu lird hold when most of the . ?wero reelected fur 1043. I Kiihn wuii returned to I troililency with I'aul " I'aI Altnnn as vleu prml ,L Lwler OffleUI will ii:iln ...i lrcu.urcr with Hev. It. Prtiitlce of Urnd as council ,t mmmlulencr. A. U. Hood Il be national council rcprc fcil'n.'ur executive bonrd will imber 33 men, anionii whom 1 the following Kliiiniith L men: Orcer Drew, ,1. V. &ns. Lloyd I'rock. H. C, i,..hiwk Dr. F. C. Adumii. K, I Moore, Arnold Grnliipp, John Liton. Chorion Wolse. huddle ilnui, Rt-v. T. P. Casey. C. S. Slot. Charles H. Stnrk ami jv, Howard lltitclilns. u cimn development program ii approved by members of f council ! camping aim c fitiei committee. Coverlnit u In of venr. the program will ovlde an Idial cuinp liiyoul tlJO scouts per week over a or seven-week period euch trimer. W. L. Uullnrd, recent. 1 aoDolnlcd as Klmunth din. let' representative on thin Jnmlltec, will work on future km with the aruu group, U budiet of $10.1 13. UU was opted for 1045. Thla amount 11 provide the scouting, club i( and senior scouting pro im for boys In more thnn tlx intlcs, $3000 of which will set aside for future enmp dc lopmenL Plans were mado at 1 Sunday gathering to enroll 12 boys by December 31, 5. There are now 1300 en led.. The major growth In mi'in nhlp In the council during I past year was In Klamath my, according to the annual rt presented to tho group nday, Previous camp iitlciul re recorda were broken dur I 1944 and even greater nt. idance is anticipated in 1945. addition to membership jwth and camp development ect ves were set In lender p training prognims. troop ivlty and scout muniigemcut. nancial Sunnnrt pr League Asked PORTLAND, Jnn. IB (P)L. aun, Ul-A rCglOHM III- ' fOlsti.-.. . I. i E.I...7 . uuviiur, unci nil Relation today to ask AFL, ii. a oromernooda finanC Al Uinnnrt fn. for consumers leiiguo In thla flrsanlzatlon of iho Iciiuiie I anproved yesterday by the Mi. i. L "u,'3Uiy committeo. lit 1? e houswlvc write (hi i.. "'"V' prices on cards bo forwarded to tho Ol'A. as Lh hoaTrcl,,'.",?j w Pro- fc OfA chief. " Brown' ft comm ttce tabled . pro- Ice .,1",.'"' , "'c0 WenT.. ' l,on orders II I util, uccitseri General Electric and Its Intiirnatlonnl uhtildlary uf conspiring with flrma In Ger many, France, Uriluln, Jnpun, lleluluni and (inly to oxi'Jihuko tiiituiitN und dlvidu tho world in to exclusive marketing urem for the purpoM of eliminating com pi'titlon in virtually oil tynaa of eliiotrli'Bt U(iihimont, with the exception of electric lamps and radio appliances, ' ' AmlMnnt Attorney Ocnvrut Wendell Uergc suld n suit now? la pending ugiilnst U. E. concern lug electric lamps.' He added the depuilmenl la lnvestlgutlnK the riKiio uppiiiiuco angles. Uui'go tuld reporters that In lila opinion Amerlca'i cnpai'lty In produce uluctrical tquipment would have been greater when the war began had tho alleged ujtieciiimiis uoi uetn in eiluct w ii mo a tu co-conapirntofs niigt-nioine .ioKiricitnets Cits. eiinciiuti (A.B.o.) of Germany! Compugiilo Krancolio Pour L'Ex plullatlon Doa I'rorsdva Thonv aou-iiouston (u.r .T.ll.lof rruncc Ajiaocliitud Klectrlciil Industries minuted tA.B l.) of Hrltaln; Tok yo Shlbnuru Denkl Kabuahl Kal aha (Tokyo Shlbaura) of Japan Hoclete D'Electrlclte Ael De Me chtinlciuc (S.E.M.) of Belgium and Compugnlu General Ul tieruricitn ti;.u.E.) of Itnly, iho complaint charged that inc companies nuocntcd tho United Mutes to G. E, and I. G. E. aa exclusive terrltorv: f.er. miiny, Austria, Dnnilg. md Meirv. ci io a. r.. u.; r runcc nnd Greece to U. r . T. II.: Great llrltnln and Northern Ireland, the Irish Kree Mate, and lalo of Man, Malta Gibraltar and Cyprus to A, E. I. Japan, to Tokyo Shlbaura; -Bel glum and Luxembourg to SI E. M., and Italy and Albania to C. G. K. 1 ; j Ilt-rgo snld tlial although aoifje puusea oi ino alleged 'agree menw werq Inoperative ni a re. sun or mo war,, some auchi as wuii fcnginnd, atlll are in'oper alkiii. Ho added Unit the government la -anxious ' to act now because, he eold, G. E. la planning to en ter into similar agreements with other nations.'1 ' " i..i The complaint asked Uiat tho contracts of I, G. E. be declared Illegal nnd that G. E. and I. G. E. bo perpetually enjoined from maintaining or carrying out any oi ino ancgen agreements -or understandings. Youth Held For Draft Evasion MEDFOP.D, Jnn. 18 (p) Po lice holding--AHon Dale :Man nlng, 16. McMlnhvllle: in Jacfc son county jail nid Willis Wond. Medford KBI agent, reported tho youin wanted in connection witn draft evasion. Manning, who Hold police' he wus a divinity student, was or. rested yesterday on a warrant Issued In Portland. .- j; Classified Ads Bring Results. UNCLE SAM TO HAND OUT 32,000,000 EXTRA RED POINTS Tin greatest windfall of extra red polnti erer la going una monUi, and eaeh nionlh (ollow liia, to American houaawlres Uiroughout the counttr. S3 million extra red points, ap proximately, will bo banded out by meat dealer to eustomera who turn In used fata In a great Victory drive for una euential of mediclnea, gunpowder, lynthetlo rubber, aoepe, painu and a hun dred other neoeatltlea on the batlleneld and home front. For each pound of fata turned In. every liotuowUo la entitled to a .red points. The need for used fats Is stUI Urgent Women are urged to save every drop, every spoonful of grease powlble and keep sarins until final. Victory over boUl Germany and Japan. T1 i . . 1 tlarline Henderson Beauty Stylist from Portland,-. Has Accepted a Position Assisting Bo Halncs ot Vanity Beauty Sliop Phone 7161-I w.- BIO BOTTLE 150 PIUS 0EP0$T. Cheerful Earful ! Drinks mixed with Canada Dry' Water oven sound" belter. "PIN- " Point Cardonation" gives , thorn a tparkio you can hear . . . a liveliness Uiat lasts. SI The Road to Uttrlln By The Associated Press ., Russian front; 200 miles (from Cicstorliowa.) 2 AVealurn front; 301 miles (.from near Duren.) 3 Hungnrliin front; 304 miles (from Hron river.) eIliillon front; 544 miles (from Reno river.) PftEPAHEDNESs" OKLAHOMA CITY, Jnn, 18 lf') tilnto Sufcty Cominlsaloner J. M. Gentry was-scnitclilng Ills licad over Ihls hiiukuiiI rc(ui'st: ' A letter bearing 9(1 cenla from l.t. Col. Rosa II. Houlh. fighting with the Infantry In Itnlv, nuk ing that his Oklahoma drivers license be renuwed and sent lo him as soon as possible. Mojor B. P. Cody, for the past five months commanding officer of tho women's army corps Ore gon recruiting headquarters In J'ortlnnd, has assumed command of the WAC recruiting branch for tho entire ninth service com mund with hcudquortera in Fort Douglas, Utuh, it was announced today. Replacing Major Cody In com mand of the Oregon WAC re crultlng lieadduurtcrs is Capt. R. L. Gantcnbein, ft Portlund resident and formerly connected with tho internal revenue de partment bnforo entering the army air corps. Capt, Ganten boln hue been associated with WAC recruiting In Washington and Oregon for the lut is months. Ho will arrive In Klam utli Fulls tonight to spend four days Inspecting the activities of the Kliimath Pulls army recruit Ing station, und also bring with him tho latest information about the women's army corps. Capl, Gantenbcln's new as signment came on tho heels of an uuuouncernenl by tho war de partment that recruiting for Iho women's army corps will contin ue throughout 1048, especially for medical and surgical techni cians for the medical depart ment. Tho urgent need for ad ditional mcdicul personnel in COLDS Relieve misery, as most mothers do, Rub tho throat, chest ana uaea wivn w 4 nnn Umo-toatod V VAPOKUB army hospitals was emphsalzed by the proposal of President Roorovclt to draft nurses for military service. Complcto Information about the women's army corps is avail able at tho army recruiting sta tion, 210 postoffice building, phono 8401. i.-m.i. NICKS n Rock Wool INSULATION Blown In Baves Your Fuel Free Estimates SUBURBAN Lumber Company Phone 7709 1A VflT'SII'. iiatauassssisJ Thursday. Jan. JS, 145 HERALD AND NEWS NIKS Wise choice Schilling :ll VACUUM PACKED COFFEE I 4 , I Mm : mm fwzflb ni. v'-WMWmH sjtxaiHi i g i tssitct-sii !. mwammmmTatnmwmwmmm Steaks . LISKEY BEEF . '; GRADE A T-Bone . . lb. 48c , , (1 Pt.)-. : Rib . . .-. Ib. 32c (8 pt.) , .. Sirloin . . lb. 40c (11 pis.) ' Round ... lb. 38c (13 pts.) Flank . . . lb. 38c (6 ptS.) . , : , HERE Roasti LISKEY BEEF GRADE A Standing Rib lb. 32c (7 pts.) , Rump . . . lb. 26c (6 pis.) Pot Roast, lb. 27c . i (3 pis.) , Blade and Arm Cuts Stews and Lower Priced Cuts LISKEY BEEF . - GRADE A Short Ribs lb. 20c (i Pt.) . . Boiling Beef lb. 26c (i pt.) . Ground Beef lb. 28c (4 pts.) . ' ' Miscellaneous Items : LISKEY BEEF Beef Hearts lb. 22c Point Free Beef Tongues lb. 36c Point Free Pork Liver lb. 24c Point Free For your selection The mesr delicious beef that money can buy. Butter-tender steer beef steaks and mouth-watering juicy roasts. Yes, the very cream selected from Liskey Bros. Famous White Face Herefords Additional meat value has been added to these fancy steer beefs through Liskey Bros, up-to-the-minute scientific methods of feeding. All grades of beef now require the same number ol points fancy, good, commercial and utility, so when you spend those valued ration points, get the best at SAFEWAY. Satisfy the family appetites tonight. Take home a roast or steak cut from these grain fed Grade "A" Liskey steer beef. Lard Fresh Rendered . 2 " 35c sf I 4 Made from afl pa Sauerkraut 15c Yeiners '-2 35c Eggs Grade A Lge. 57c Doz. Smelt Fresh Caught Lb. 19c Nob Hill Whole Roast .. Airway Whole Roast .i-lb. bag' Canterbury Orange Pekoe ........ Snow-white Iodised and plain . ,23c .........:.....l-lb. bag 20C .......... H -lb. plc.' 22c 7c gB-oi. pkg. 31c Coffee Coffee Tea Salt Blue Rase fancy Flapjack Flour! Alb.r.. . .. Pancake Flour 1 8unn, ; FlOUr Kitchen Craft. Mb. sack 25 Syrup Karo, Blu, tjb.i' SyrUp Sleepy Hollow 16-os. glass 21 C Kraft American Cheese (12 Potali) ,.,. pkB.40c ?SUPRed Hill (30 pts.) 14-os. bottle 13C Tomato Juice 3unny Dlwn (40 p.j .........0s. can21c Grapefruit Juice n30c Wheat Germ , 31b. pkg. ' ...2M-lb. bsg22C 40-oi. pkg. 15c 10-lb. sack 43c S-lb. glass 39c garine sunny Bank (2H) ....... Shortening Boyai san .' - ... Mayonnaise NuMllde Salad Dressing Duehe Cudahy'sTang 3n) Oats 14b. pkg, ..3-lb. glass 18c 59c 32-os. jar "" .. 32-os. jar 35c 12 oi. can 32c Morning Glory, Reg. and Quick 48-os. oka. Ot Peets Granulated Soap LM.ot. pka.26c Preserves Kerr's Assorted 2-lb. gl. . . . 49c Peanut Butter Real Roast 2-lb. jar . . . 39c Peanut Butter Beverly & Howdy Coarse Grind 2-lb. jar ... 45c Fisher's IK -lb. bag 25c i Quaker. Oats Reg. and Quick.... 3-lb. pkg. ,..15. -lb. pkg. 28c Ralston Cereal ,,,,.. Dlca.21c Wheaties ! Post Toasties Bleach White King Toilet Soap Toilet Soap Lux B.;. Linit Starch - 8-os. pkg. lie '.ll.os. oka. 8c White Magle .'...1 gsl. bottle 32c 3 ,or14c bars for ' Hi 12-01. pkg. for 20C 10c Carrots Cabbage Parsnips Rutabagas Celery Tender Crisp and Sweet Firm For shredding for salads- Lb. i' 1 Snow while Smooth ; ' Delicious for Boiled Dinners , Crisp Utah Green type .... Lb. 7c 7V2C .....Lb. 9c Lb. 6c Lb. 12c Grapefruit Texas Pink Meated Pound 11c Potatoes U. S. No. 1 Klamath Gems 4.59 U. S. No. 2 Klamalh Gems 1.75 100-Lb. Sack ... 30-Lb. Sack . 3 RY WATER