HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN huR MEN AND WOMEN fefc tek ".'.i Till'. Wl' " -.. . MB7on of Mi- K-'P1"' HIP'0"1 iiyCrliiieiier "! "!"". I.'rnil. l"'c" K" JW.iriMi In l(Hlin en- '". A 1 ICIlllHT of the l- ri'sorve '! i ac Ive l'".v' Splni. 111 llll'IIVIK'l . overscan P,r'.M.Srml. Di'lrl' .. al ...... , i, Bnri Gulnea. BRADSHAW TRAINS L Of Doiimv hit coni""- ll now,""" v In bade en- fc. menus , (ft,vMi Sort, MI.f?,VL bete"!" brow-aKf.v? 9 nvf InmPKiii'-.-..- riiico " look part In the Invasion of Minium ami j.,-.... MAXWELL AWARDED k. rnmbat Infantryman j he for superior performance Inly in comum , In Kraiicr and Germany hn awarded I'KC Clurcnrc Maxwell, 21, " f Mrs. Ab. f Alice Mixwell, 3187 Lodl. cvwell hl been In the irrvlce one year inrl was lam em- Ijt1 by W. D. Miller Con Eciion company. WAGGONER GETS WINGS Hurry Robertson "Bub" Wiik- Boner, 21, nun of Mr. mid Mia. Walter R. Wutauncr, 020 Grunt, Mr. Machinist, put your calipers on this job It It doein't measure up to elhlng better than most John, mtin thli Machinist'! Job h Southern Pacific , , . In thopi or roundhouaei. Here, work on locomotive! . . , Ih jood equipment , , . and th men who can (It 'em loth and close. Thin la rail Idlni on the ground floor . . ping 'em rolling for the enor- In wir load which S. P. will carrying for a long tlms, ti wsges regular R. R. Idird. Good work epprecl- Good working condition!. p. pau prlvllrgei. Fine pen- pun. Medical and hospital ilcei. A good Job for a good hlnlit no railroad experl- h required. Many other good open, l er write Trainmaster, P. Station, Klamath Falls, f reur niirnt fl. p. Agant MATCHED WORK OUTFITS 3 "MrhMd sanferlxd cm. f Mil. 18 Pant! and "hlrt ntgomerv lip BALDOCK BATTLES Classifying; himself aa (ha ninth cook nf an clght-mun kitch en crew, TB Murihull D, 13n. dock, wlioio wife li now a rcil ilant of Klamath Falli, fouglit hit way throiiKh Normandy, north orn Kriinco and Into Germany behind tho whuol of a kitchen truck, it can now be officially dltcloaod, While hli preinnt whereabout! cannot be revealed (or reaiona of irilllliiry lecurlty, TS Ba. dock arrived In France. June 11, wiin me innui neiu artillery bat talion, when t h e American beucliliead win itill uncomfort ably email. Ho participated In the breakthrough In the St. Lo area, which renultcd In the rat raco acron Fruncc. entered Del gliim, September ;l, and on the iutii of Ilia mine month, drovo hli truck through a blown out cctlon of tho di iigon'a teeth lank block! which mark the Gorman frontier. MARCHESE AWARDED Pvt. Reno A. Marchcie, ion of Atllilo Murchrae, Pelican City, li a member of tho Slit "Wild cat" iiifnntry division and hm been awarded a combat Infantry man budge for exemplary con duct and kill in action against the enemy. The "Wldcut'r divi sion recently invaded the louth em Isluudi of the Japanese-held I'ii la u group. BOO milea east of the Philippine.. M oe's Final Clearance SaL hna been awarded his silver pi lot' wings and appointed an of ficer In the army air forces upon completion of hli twin-engine ad vanced training at this "Top o' Texas" unit of the AAF central flying training command. Bob is now flying li-'H i at Liberal, Kus. SURPRENANT ASSIGNED 1BT1I AAF IN ITALY Cpl. Paul D, Surprennnt, 22, waist gunner, 2235 Orchurd, Klumulh Falls, has been assigned recent ly to an AAF B-17 Flying Fort rcu unit of the lBth nlr force commanded by Malof General Nathan F, Twining. Cpl. Surprenanl Joined the army on Juno IB, 194 J, and rc cclved his gunner'i wings in Jan unry, 1044, at Klngmnn, Ariz Me li also a graduate of arma ment school at Lowry Field Colo. After advanced flight training he came overseas In November. He li a graduuta of Klamath union high school and was cm ployed by Lockheed-Vega. Air craft In Los Angeles. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sur prenanl, live at the Klamath Falls addreM. AIR MEDAL GIVEN HEADQUARTERS 10TH AIR FORCE IN BURMA Award of the Air Medal to 2nd Lt. Law rrnce J. Schmiti, 21. son of Wil liam Schmlti, 317 Lincoln, Klamath Falls, has been an nounced by MaJ. Gen. Howard C. Davidson, commanding gen eral, 10th air force, EAC. A pilot for the second troop carrier squadron of Uin 10th air forca that operates against the Japs In the Indin-llurmn theater, LI. Schmiti hna been In- tho armed forces 20 months, having spent tho past four months In tills theater of operations. He has to hii credit 180 combat fly ing hours. I ..SSJB&k 6f?A err UiiJU ttrra uy fftr do An New Cream Deodorant StjcljMpi Stop Perspiration 1. Dott not Irriurt tkio. Don not rot dmtn or mm' ihim. 2. Previ-nu undtrtrm odor. Help nop pmpimion nfrlf. ' 3. Armte.wniic.intiKptic.iuin Itii Tinithjnji anal. 4( No wilting to dry. Cia be uwd riftht ifter ihivinn. 8. Awarded Artproral SeI of Amticn Innttute of LtunHrr inji hirmlfu to fabric Vit Affid KnuJitlr. 39 4 kfJ ARRID TMt LAiatST MAIN MOBOtANT DISTINCTIVE APPAREL Phon 8222 901 Moln FINAL $210 Fur Trimmed Coat NOW $150it 175 FurTrimmad Coat NOW 85ii 125 o 145 Fur Trimmed Cooti NOW 65ni u 85 to 1 10 Fur Trimmed Ceofi NOW 55 mm t $35 to 39.50 Suits & Coati, NOW $25.00 $25 to 29.95 Suits & Coats, NOW 15.00 A Group of DRESSIS, Regularly to 29.95, NOW $13.00 spJS--- . ---" ROBES........ Reg. 19.95 Quilts, Now Priced at $11.00 ROBES Reg. 22.50 to 27.50. values at... 13.00 All Salts Final Bargain Tables Dresiei . . . Sweater! . . . Jumper! ... etel Every garment l real alual. ! To PO tlCblBIM r wtrtiNpi FINAL CLEARAWAY NATURAL GREY SQUIRREL t90A AC Regular I44B.00. NOW - 47.W BLACK PERSIAN PAW tllO Regular 1179.00. NOW 1 1 BLACK PER8IAN LAMB PAW 01 CO 9 Regularl239.00. NOW - I ) SKUNK DYED OPOSSUM it7 Regular 1110.00. NOW 11 Hollander dyed squirrel back muskrat C1AA IWJ Regular $249.00 ,w,w' SABLE DYED SQUIRREL BACK MUSKRAT S1AA 00 Regular 1249.00 ,- - ""w,wv SABLE BLENDED 8QUIRREL BACK MUSKRAT $188 17 Regular 1282.50 H1I BLACK DYED SKUNK $132 00 Regular 9198.00. NOW ,'''vy DYED CONEY $46.34 Regular $89.80. NOW NEW ZEALAND BEAVER DYED CONEY 00 17 Regular $149.80 - - BAUM MARTEN DYED SKUNK C743 33 Regular $388.00. NOW -- '' SABLE DYED SQUIRREL BACK MU8KRAT $1AA 00 Regular $249.00 - - - ,M FOREST MINK BLENDED No. Bl. MUSKRAT $2l0-A7 Reoular $328.00 -.. . DOWNSTAIRS STORE Clearance of Boys' & Girls' Wear Boys' Leather Trimmed 4 n m et -aa o : i I Reg. $7.95 e-SfTl Hearr melton rrP Jaeketi with waira . 4P-' !.a. ltI 1 ID t. 1 N.. only. Joys' All Leather Jackets 7 Reg. $10.95 Made from finest top grade leather. Warmly lined. S to 16 years. Limited stock only. Girls' Winter COATS Values to $14.95 Ages to 12 ye an. Popular seasonable ilylel and fabrlci. $4V995 Boys' OVERCOATS Reg. $10.95 to $16.95 Values Tvir Tweedi, eamels end wnthir-proef fabric! In neweit itylei. Ajti 3 to 12 years. Boys' and Girls' Legging Sets Reg. $10.95 t $14.95 Values $195 $"31 to I 95 Heavy wool and part-wool fabrics. Popular eolort to choose from. Ages 1 lo 4 yean. Fa 'INFANTILE SMlTl Ik ' paralysis Mmml U All Fall and Winter Coats -Suits- Dresses REDUCED All Fur-Trimmed COATS NOW Finest 100 wool fabrics and trimmed with high grade furs. $59.80 to $139.50 Tallies less 13. Plus 20 tax. . Untrlmmed Winter COATS N0W Seaien'e asiorted easual and dressy stylei. Sties 12 to 48. VaOff FAMOUS REDFERM STYLES INCLUDED All Fall and Winter DRESSES Including many holiday styles in Doris Dodion and L'Aiglon modes. About 70 dresses In this group. Sises 9 to 17 and 12 to 44. One Lot of 22 SUITS MOW WE CLOSE DAILY AT 6 P, M. TiTt WOMAN'S STODE.iNcY - , . . r VsOffl 1 3 Off 1 3 Off All-wool and wool-mixed fabrics In manniih stripes, casuals and dress. aaaker modes, flood site range to cheese from. Valuei io $44.00, less 13. r4 as n i i M n