Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 18, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    r" ' " "' " '"T.i-1-a...r. -- rr.ir.iri i iwmtnTfi.ini.1 riBTtriiiiiinTiiniiti!iijiiT;;w'Hi'iiniii'iitii'iiiiituiiHiiii;inTiiiinTnT;r'!i7PiniTnmii:iii fwirrms mnifninnii t imrmi
SZlauU and BltOU ' i '
yn&sr - H
M I willlt
I, IW...H"" " i... ,.f
I , ic-rci in"
F'dc"lardcd M belief
I" "ly..W k.rt done o turn-
S'T oul.lii" win cov-
'J, ' "ow
Thcr,0',1 will enjoy
'XffcSi. wl1" ",y
'"iw l im Illustrated re-
S -jHlo h,h;s n-
. It (,,r re ease. In the
IfW" 'V .,l,.r... III. Did-
loo ""' :.' ". ,rl tho
;r.UvVl iy temper
'u'lil .ftrr tho war . . .
SEtrbJ! r for juvenile.
iln" ci....l.' u.n new
I .", ":!,.! i,! . . .
T.M "The Horse Who
Li I New Vork mid win.
',' llln.lrnleH
I children mm " -roujh
in '"' "'
u-ivnii unit
weitlng to elvlllmin. and.
told by a loim-ume j
I i. ii.. .liUlmi-rs. loo . . .
Ill Ihe nnvy traditions and
IHW, nnvy cimTuiu ii.
..- -lir.iu.tiii f.te.. in a
liovlni!! easy-to-rcad style.
avy Wile mi wriiicn y
,ll officers who unu mi
nftieer's wife . . . And li
C u I I e v I n g the
I uw a copy in u"
t " Never Left Home"
hid lo skim through II
. , . Really. I m going to
lo buy Hint book . . . I've
throuKh It several limes,
........ llm 1 flnrl mnmrllllnif
lo enjoy III Hie story of the
L mni'lt, mtmefliiiu's
Zcncklng trek from Kng-
throusn Ainca wnen im
tntortslnlng snrvlccmen on
ilite of the world . . It'
..An n tnu mm tt.nV.
oracbody will give It lo
law Stationery is it 720
Ipii lit going to be more
lu thin v.r in Spring
im, I htr . . . Striped
im wtre good tellers latt
and the trend It towird
of thm , . . Particularly
ttilpti on padel back-
l F YOU wero in Your Store
y.'ulcnlny or todny, you imint
I...... ....... il.H ....... ri..t-
I ton milk glui.il Unit J tint cumo
m. in Ttiencluy . . . A n o t h o r
of thoiiu nhlpmentn which
nhoulii hnvo arrived before
Chr iBtmiiH.
Chiirletiin milk glunii, c-ryntal
nnd wrnil-pnrcolniii chlnii lire
well iKIvertlKed liullnnuliy, and
Hold hy tho better atom lu big
cllleii, no mnybo you know all
about them.
In en no you don't, they're
hniiri (li'cunilrd nncl frilly (mniil
of the piece) and durllngly old
fashioned looking.
Your Store hna adorable hur
ricane lump for candlri, col
ogne bottles, bonbon dishes.
vui.es, dresser sets, trinket
boxes, powder Jura, nsh trays
and clgnrcttn boxes . , , Things
that arc perfect for prizes and
Tho Churl. 'ton line isn't inex
pensive . . , Tho pieces range In
iirico from $2.00 to $20 . . . lint
there's no Uix on them.
And, as you probably know,
Your Store Is at V Muln
Hold Masting Purvnts Of the
Simula school students met lusl
night, Wednesday, to consider
Ilia organization of a Uoy Scout
Cub puck. Jim Putterson, chulr
man of the orgunizlng commit
tee, unci 1st, Lt. Kenneth Hleh
aids, USMC, were. In charge of
tho meeting. Lt, Hlchards spoke
on the purpose unci organization
of u Cub puck. The Shasta
scliool I'TA plans to
thu group.
Kid Party Tho Bugles auxili
ary will meet in regular session
on Friday, Junuury ID, lit 7:30
p. in. After lodge, thcro will be
a school party, with Funnlo May
Thompson as "teacher," and
everyone is uskeil to come
dressed us u school kid. Bring
your own suck lunch, and coffee
will be furnished by the auxili
ary. Prizes will be awarded for
the best costumes.
Bponior U80 Tho Odd Fel
lows and Itebckah lodge arc span
soring tho USO get-together
Sunday, January 21. Homemade
pies, cukes, and cookies will be
served and members arc usked
to leuve these foods at tho USO
Saturday ufternoon or Sunday
Appendectomy Mrs. Carl E
Daupcrt, whose husband is a
torgeunt stationed at the Ma
rine Barracks, underwent an op
eration for the removal of hor
appendix at Klumntli Valley
hospital this week. Mrs. Duu
pert resides at the Arcade.
Visiting Here Mrs. Mux A.
Saunders nnd duughtur Carole
arrived hero this week from
Alvadoro, Ore,, whera they have
been ' visiting Cpl. Saunders
parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I'.
Suundei's. Thev arc here for a
slay with Mrs. Saunders' moth
er, Mrs. llurry Thrusner, in
Hi. Francis. Mrs. Saunders is
the former Kvllo Thrasher. Cpl.
Mux Saunders Is now In Eng
land in uu artillery survey unit.
Home From bouth William
B. Durnes, pioneer resident of
Klamath Fulls, has returned to
his home on S. 8th, after spend
ing the holiday season In San
Jose, Calif., with his son-in-law
and duughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Webb Kcnnett, and his son, Ma
jor Zed Bnrnes, Sun Francisco,
all formerly of this city.
Stamp Sals Students at Riv
erside school purchased $93.30
lit the Tuesday stamp sale con
ducted by the PTA this week.
This Included one smnll bond
nnd the remainder was In de
fense stamps, according to Prin
cipal Carry Robertson.
Surgery Mrs. Kenneth Rob
erts of Chlloquin underwent
minor surgery at Klnmath Val
ley hospital this week and is re
ported improving. Roberts oper
ates tho Gem theatre In Chlloquin.
To San Francisco F. L, Wea
ver loft bv train Wednesday
night for San Fronclsco to Join
Ait & Qiji ' Stop.
IvEOPLE who collect mlnla
I turc perfume bottles or
" animals will love the big
shipment that was just un
. pneked this week at The
Art nnd Gift Shop.
Tho miniature perfume bot
tles, in blown glass, are hand
decorated in an unusual way
. . . And cost only 73c and
$1.00, depending on sire.
The bizarre animnls are of
colored and clear glass , . -. Fam
ilies of dogs, horses, cats, zebras
nnd cows (purple onesl) . . . And
oilier glass animals and fowl in
exotic shapes and colors . . . Alt
priced from 40c to $2.05 ench.
Tho miniature blown glass
ships, I think, nro In a clnss by
themselves In their exquisite
delicacy . , . It's Impossible to
describe them, so 1 hope you
drop In to sco them.
At The Art and Gift Shop , . ,
810 Main Street.
IE NEW suits for 1049 are
neiinneiy different from
, year . . . And 1110 Ciller
Chantfe in thn nnu rnnllifnn
neckline, which is higher
""ucr n,0 cmn nnd much
icminmo In appearance, I
I KNOW whero you, con get a
shower cup , , . At Currin's
, . , But they're certainly
not for swimming becauso
they don't hug tho head so
tightly as tlia old rubber ones
did . . , And nro made of water
repellent mntcrlnl that doesn't
look as if It would withstand
an hour-at-a-tlmc submersion,
Tho caps arc very efficient
In a ' shower, however, nnd arc
only 80c , . . And come In all
pastel shades.
Yob can got the cap In a set,
too, with o powder mitt filled
with- fragrant dusting powder
. . . The set costs $1.00, plus
10c tax on the powder mitt . . ,
Or the milt can bo bought alone,
at 80c plus. tax.
Navy blua Is bslng promoted
in New York stores tha way
black used to ba . . . And that
Is a pretty good Indication that
we are going to a lot of
navy dreisot bafora long.
Whvlnl'. 11,1. ,..!. i .....
"?! now stilts wllh tho
neckline . . . Hut thcro nro
particular Hint 1 simply
is' if 8 f0!"ln('k-lype suit,
hui u iTi , . ' "nn 'rim
with block brnld . , , Grey,
mclnn nr...,. I
' KIO percent virgin
fiT ' ' ' ,onlly dorllrg.
U,h","?:!0. ! tunning
!l iL . , c,,n g"
'Ingcr-llp Icnmi, topper
si.1.: ' 001,1 Jncket and
i.. .7 s'urrco nt tho
'? K'ycn softer, more
&''S? ,ha'' ' usual In
or cont.
0r rc 'hr-rry. grey nnd
can .1.. K "onoos Hint
a.j w-lng right J',.
int r. "V wnrm 100 UGLCeitHH
lon.""' wom tho ull V ' r
from ii, )lcnty I""01""
'al ,e wcnlhor mn.
'he wenlhcr
r "w suns nt Whvlnl's
fe:? lol more "than
t ni.tTa'n W0.9B to MS
fglnnlm ? bl0U8C" Br0
whvt!i. 1 cvory dny
THERE nro some lovely col
ored etchings and water
colors nt Gurcolon's , . .
(Real ones, not prints) . . .
Framed nnd rendy to go up
on your wall- ns' soon as you
take thorn homo.
You'll nlso find flornls (n
numbor of bedroom pairs, too)
nnd scenic prints . . . Ana. col
ored photographs . . . Even
Crater Lnkel j
Prices range from $1.25 for
smnll New England colored
photos, to $15 ... At Garcc
lon's. 407 Mnln Street.
' - , .
Bamambar . . . This la tha
last weak of tha half-price aala
of Tussy Wind and Weather
Lotion . . . I'va bought anough
to last until naxt year's aala,
Mrs. W e a v t r who has been
south since tho holidays visiting
tier son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Weaver and daugh
ter. They are expected home
this weekend.
Improving Ruth Howe.
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Howe of Malln, Is re
ported Improving at Klamath
Valley hospital where she hud
surgery on her foot following
an accident Sunday night when
a horse sho was riding was
struck by a car.
From Portland Roderick
Finney, executive secretary for
tho state salvage committee
from Portland, is In Klamath
Fulls In connection with the
stute salvage program,
From Sacramento M. J. Mo
ran and F. G. Murphy of the
personnel division of the Sacra
mento office of the bureau of
reclnmution, are in Klamath
Fulls on an Inspection tour.
Condition Same Thomas
T o w e y of S. Riverside, well
Known Ureal Northern employe,
hus been a patient at Klumuth
Valley hospital and his condi
tion remains unchanged. Towey
is quite ill, according to attendants.
Tau Chapter Members of Tau
chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will
meet tonight, Thursday, at 7:30
o'clock with Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
18H2 Lclloy.
Return Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Bertram have returned to
their home, 1072 Portland, from
a brief stay in Portland.
Vasa Order The Vasa Order :
of America will have Its regular j
meeting on Saturday, January
20. in the IOOF hall at 8 o'clock.
There will be initiation and in-,
stallatlon of officers. Refresh
ments will bo served, and dune-
ing will be held until 1 o clock.
To B.rk.ley Mrs. Ethel Mil
lar, nurse at the Klamath coun
ty Isolation hospital, is visiting
Estclle Davis, formerly of Klam
aih Falls, in Berkeley, Calif.
She will return here this week
J u nt Heeeivedl
'Ruud" model, heavy arch,
oil tan. Sizes 7 to 12.
733 Main
Thursday. Jan. 11 1945
Passes $10,000 Mark Gifts to
the Klamath experiment station
by Klamath county farmers and
businessmen have now passed
the $10,000 mark, said A. E.
Gross, experiment station super
intendent. This money will be
used for enlargement of the sta
tion and Its facilities.
Revivals Held Revivals are
now being held at Jesus Noma
tabernacle, 1442 Oregon, each
evening at 7:45 p. m., and Sun
day school is held weekly at 10
a. m. Services are being con
ducted by two converted lumber
jacks, Fred F. Dugas and Harry
E. Johnson.
turn on me sun ivi
"II mv
1 '
K X a"A n
at US
oorben Wblikcy A Blend Ri.R Proof
i Cir!n Neutral Spirit!
llf '
on, S
. . . The Store With the Glass Door
lightweight topcoats
of finest all wool
Sport Coats
Smari-looking comfort la
yours In one of thai per
fectly tailored coats.
$11.95 to $17.95
Tu newest styles In Jhe
most popular shadas . .
tha fln.it felts for tha
$2.95 to $10
' .ft -
Fin tailoring and tfC QC 1a tlfl QC
.xp.rt styling mak ih.s slacks ,w,la
all-yaar favorites. '
With or Without Gauntlet
$1.29 up
Famqus Hlrsch-Wlsa '
. Watr-RpUnt
$4.95 Each
Friedman Shlby-Wno.'
8-Inch with boot hl,.
$6.95 to $15.50
Grttn, Blua, R.d Plaids.
All Wool.
$13.95 ;
Ch.cks and Plaids In
Wool and Part-Wool
$5.95 to $8.95
$1.47 Up
Coiton Flannel In -Plaids
and Plain Colors
' WaterRepellent
Now $16.95
Part Wool. Ideal for
Rough Tratmnt
With or Without Caulks
L.sth.r Soles
$9.85 to $17.95
Wool and Part-Wool
Shoe and Boot Socks
39c to $1
Pra-Shrunk O 10
Can't Bust 'Em
Tans and Blues
Fra-Shrunk. Full Cut '
$1.46 to $2.99
I f ' ftl I T Bekbotit of your Spring wordrobe
I - V - a a lovtly drtssmaktr or man-tailored uit!
I I afmU YJ2& t " A""W00' ,ab,e, ,B ,Pirttel ncw eolori.
"' I ':: . Coiorrul new prinr .; ; . "N I1C ; ' f mff t'
I I ' Smart print eombtnations . i jj rvw J
I PaiteU you'll rave about . . 1 1 i f 8 00
. ' ,-: ek-o fjj aUr,0y,