fGSETS JTENSIFIED OUSING PLAN i on J"""y.., .,IUu(.i. :.H Tr.. T, ., , Vim lr- Hiw"."?" o cllroo il, he ii-rvli-o of the 15 ...... included 8 pro- II.'""1"". " n, maximum ijflype to '''"; wlll umucru' which ! nrt tain rented ho it iimo, mm H ulon o( properly. glso miiiiestert that an jhoula oo 'i"'"". ,u " ,1,0 relation" between r(j and tomtits, purlieu .etween civilian lundlorda 1 bo .V inieKV.il -pnrt of f . . ........ rmrl Hlfl 11 be maxlimim mmibor ol llltli. dor J. V. Owens pro- door-to-tloor canvass to reiiisiniuuii ui mi. using, mid " w 'KKel it a sroup of murines he n gpcclnl Inilninsi to fit lor mbkwk v " " Las thm moved and sec ihl. beciuno of the lirenl lit bortnKC In Klumnlli a rtioiuuon on huuiiiuu vitrei thai tho chamber imerce undcrtuko tho es imtnt of n honiea resist ;viilon, followliiK tho lines niMjcutloiis which wero I by VundorSyx, together lie propojois iiroiiuiu oui tlii) commmoo uucus- Flashes of Life ' MOHILK, All., Jui). IB (It U. 8. District Juriiie John Mc Duffle pliiiin to pleud guilty In his own court next Moiiduy. Kb was nrrt'Kled by a fvdernl gumo wurdon for hn vlnu two more (loves tniin tno iiiw iiiiowh. "I'll enter n plcn of itullty," ho mild, "unit Imposu tha penalty upon myself for violating the federal gaino luws, ' CHANCE PORTLAND. Ore.. Jon, 18 (!') Clients In GenrKo Plrlo'a enfa for a folding money donation to Ihn mnrch or dimes cun draw a slip entitling them to a free menl, nn oniniio, an extra lies sert, or request for another doniitlon. Kliiimilli county law enforce ment officers continued their questioning of persons known to hiivo been with John liulhlel Ewlng u short tlmo before his denlh lust Krlduy, but no now developments were reported by police toduy. Kwlnu was found unconscious onrly tho nftcrnoon of Jununry 12, on an embankment near tha Kulplna plant threo miles south west of Kliimulh Fulls, Ho was moved to Klumiith Valley hos pital and until cxumlnntlon was Hindu, Kwlng was thought to hiivo been a victim of hit and run, Ho died nt 4:04 p. m. that day. Two bullets removed from Ewlng's body by Dr. George 11, Acllcr, KlumatH county cor onor, havo been forwarded lo Dr. Joseph Bcemun, University of Oregon school of medicine, There they will be weighed to datermlno whether they came from a small cullbre 'rifle, or a pistol. Sheriff Lloyd L. Low said to day ho expected somo word from Or, IJccmun's examination Friday. Mori Held In Death Of Beating Victim PORTLAND, Jan. 18 (P) Harold Koldesl, 20, was held for tho district attorney today after David Bowe, 46, died ut a hospital lust night of Injuries Inflicted January 7. Police, who reported an al tercation between the two In a downtown restaurant, said Foldesl was given a 30-day Jail sentence January 8 for disor derly conduct. Igi i gii ii Allsmont Extension Mem. bcrs of tha Altumont home ex tension unit met Tuesday with Mrs. C. C. Crawford. 401)0 liourdman, with Mrs. Wlnnlfrcd K. Glllun leuding tho discussion, "Forestalling Juvenile Delin quency." Potluck luncheon was served to 10. Tho guest award went to Mrs. Crawford. The group will meet February 20 with Mrs. Hans Frol, 2S07 Get tic. Project leaders, Mrs. 11. Ucaslny and Mrs. W. Harscy.1 will demonstrate, "Better Use of Storage Space." Condition Unchanged Tho condition o f Francis Silvers, Klamath Indian, was reported unchanged at Hillside hospital late Thursday, Silvers is being treated for multiple knife wounds received in an alterca tion at Chlloquin this weekend. Special Indian Officer John Arkell, Investigating the Silvers stabbing, said no arrests had been made lato today, . ; , Leave MaJ. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, who have spent his fur lough here with her mother, Mrs. Frances Olds, Riverside, left Monday for Brookings, Ore., where they have a 'home. If It's a "frozen" article you need, advertise for; a used one in the classified. Thursday, Jan. II, 1945 HERALD AND MEWS THRES Both DAY and EVENING Closes A Thorough Course in APPLIED BOOKKEEPING ' Both Gregg and that SPEEDY THOMAS NATURAL SHORTHAND Typing, Office Machinal, and Kindred Subject! ' A Business Office Training School KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Street Phone 4760 iliEVES SHORTAGE lf seed Is bcliur shinned Argentina Inlo Ihe United at tho prwiiMit llmo due shorliigc of tho national ul ccd crop and llio conse hliih prices, nccordlna to Henderson, county agent. Irrjon slates Hint farmers insi this seed should koeo fit thai It Is not adapted to n county conditions and not bo mixed with thn quality seed now being n llsnl n fnr.if, 1Ia1. i(l. Ihe nnulllv n'r h. i. piior, yields nro light, and I run out rapidly, Amerl lw requires that tho seed ll' 0(1. Im (ntrl na In It. A-l fil also that 10 per cent of iiiusi oo stained nn n n color. , WltOllQ!ll nnl-A 11.1 1 " Argentina Is low, he con- uwiiK noom ho to- 101 Iter nnnni ...1.1.1. " vm. .he" fflh, duly; nSe, mill uio present !ra ce nn hi ll, n ithj . 542.00 per hundred allows a hnndsomo profit. 'ok Bear Hana I . , h! ""npanionway I town n em'?n" C mon In,, , " n'oigs over en;,,r;: ",uai paw. to nm V.; "e'lmcn from tioi,;;; ,,, "? ",cy p"ss y. SelI"T.ofm. i enrnfi.T .. ,MO "oar aid h "1 lnsl'eetlon of tho atn' lff :''? feroc- ikes thn ir?TK uelow." 0 Velcrn,, 7i" W" s im """." ''uu Alaska n,con Shiiibulldlng cor- "inn becani. Holly (Ood 'w'COIliaj : R LOZENGES I"" UW P A U t 'throilLte.T'to !t" all H ."""t'limt Hint ' ''-Uox-only 10?.,. UNCLE SAM IS CALLING FOR WO Klomoth MIV The proposed draft of nurses is signifi cant of the need for more medical tech nicians in army hospitals. Wounded sol diers need your help NOW . . . Don't let them down! Heed the call! Serve with the WAC in the IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 20 AND 49, PHYSICALLY FIT AND WITHOUT DEPENDANTS UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE, MAIL THE COUPON TODAY! IF YOU CAN QUALIFY THE ARMY WILL TRAIN YOU WAC RECRUITING STATION Post Office Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Name Address , .'. Cltf ..L,...i State...; ...... Please send me complete data about Wacs in the ., ARMY MEDICAL DEPT. SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF VICTORY BY: Complete Selections, V Wide Assortments CHILDREN'S COAT SETS Smartly tailored two-piece sets in sturdy, warm fabrics. Just the thing 1 for dress or play outdoor wear. . feKI.OW Wool fleeci, with fmbrolilf red trtm. ftuftpendcr Irxflnfi. ( tel ahidei. Sizes O 4Q UlVH $545 to $ii89 UyW X- : , ' 1 1 AHOVK Pr( wool llttctt llnod and lolr lined. Zipper stid lox- it&S&l 5- I la '1 melton cloth ssllor cost. f"' lr i 3. ' 9 Vk 1 ' l'3 Vl Bl 'lnnel ltnlnr nd .WiAVa i' I IJk Iff i military trim C AO . '' V ' I ' 11 ' ' ' T Bl"a 1 ' 3'"" ifNlll " 1 . iij ABOVE Part wool. "Tisflk i "-"K mB .. . herringbone cloth. vl- Zi'U ' '4 ' TTr 1 reteen trim and rayon -. , - lining. .Flannel - Inter- V I ABOVE All wool flan- Hnlnr- Sla I I OQ n 11 I ael. far trim collar. i . i ; , B '1 I " 4 Xayon lined, warm ln- LA 1 I - terlinlsr. Zipper ler- ST.J!"." - 8.39 FOR BABY trrPTf w-;V "f-5jr; nursery m. es& ; trjilSsEi-aitti'ttva. - eaamsaiMaabaBl PADS VJ& ' The Best Soles a fcXll , X Obtainable Are OnXl 7?c SearsBiltwells - IT ' FOR BOYS AND -GIRLS JS?" . ' . VaVj . ged wear. Correct ' i m ANKLETS . BOOTEES I foot form for boys w M : girls- - 25c 49c. U Baaw . . . . . Soft, mercerized Warm wool 1lV i-fSSV ' : m anklets In pastel n Jim. ' . tm ttwim Sl-a ,. blue or wnlte. KT' ..Vm: Xk. fsi olor or whlte Fancr knit and tsamayeaS N- 'Sf. f.js Infant! Sizes.: - trimmed. '" ' ' 1 -4 . JUNE O'DAY ' U ll Sweaters 1 1 ' mk iV-fi 3" fl? WW 100 -virgin wool cardir . -J , 0" gan in "Sloppy Joe" styles. - !f V 1112-, , inaiiai limn ' ' Bright colors in sizes 8 !.J i j 35" WTJK. 2.9E 'L rfil CribBla,,ket A1- fi " Softly napped blanket In June O'" Day Jr. slipover j7? m nursery patterns. Bound ed sweaters in-all-wool. Crew. , . i ..' j AV - W ges in pink or blue. 1 AA neck and long sleeve "Sloppy. . 1 1 K'i. Large size- I 17 T-e" styles. Sizes 8 to 1; ' : , ' ' " ' ;5i'" " Snow fv Suits I ' -im WS" Ik39 1 mm - -nXVi'T- okimastcr"' one piece j,' .s-.wjjf 'Vf-vA styles in.- water, repellent T A If f " I materials. Warm flannel k jJTS f lining. Sizes .1 to 3. Com- ffW' . . pletc with cap. 5 . Sweaters Little tots' button front sweaters in novelty trims and weaves. Of coarse CQ all-wool 1.37 PHONE 51B8 ' 133 S. 8TH ST.