TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS Thurtday, Jan. 18. 1943 AFL COUNCIL TO HOLD MEET FOR DISTRICT Klamath Basin District Coun nil A ITT. will snnnsnr a meet ing for representatives of south ern uregon ana nurimiin niMillnit WPnWeild. SC juima, .,. ti o , cording to K. A. Gordon, coun cil president. Representatives from - all councils in southern and central n.A iii ll, nrlhrri, spc- tion o California are expected here, as won as nom au nm in Klamath Falls and as far north as Puget sound, to dis cuss the procedure of the union and outline programs for the coming year. There will bo a dance Satur day at 9 p. m. at the Willard with membership as admission. A banquet is slated for Sunday afternoon at the Willard. These two affairs are being arranged by Conifer, Kalpine and Big Lakes locals in conjunction with the district council. Gordon urged all members to take part in the meetings and entertainment. : OBSERVE BIRTHDAY i Members of the Kiwanis club of Klamath Falls will observe the 30th anniversary of Kiwanis International during the week of January 21 to 27, with a pro gram based on - the service or ganization's 1945 administrative theme, "Win the War Build for Peace." , Joe Hicks, recently elected president of the Klamath Falls club, said today that plans for the anniversary meeting, to be held at noon, Thursday, January 25, at the Willard hotel, had been virtually completed. Out standing features will include the reading of a message from Ben Dean, Grand Bapids, presi dent of Kiwanis International, and announcement of this year's objectives. Recalling that Kiwanis. was Jborn in Detroit on.the eve, of World war I, Joe Hicks said 'the organization since Pearl jHarbor has supplemented1 its community service activities with projects which contribute ;directly to the conduct of the iUmted Nations war program Marine Sergeant Kills 90 Japs In 45-Minute Attack PORTLAND. Ore., Jan 18 (V) One marine sergeant killed 90 Japanese in 45 minutes on Tin ian, in the Mariana islands, the public relations section of the marine corps disclosed today. The sergeant, Duanc W. Frost, of Portland, has been awarded the Silver Star medal for the feat. The marine corps' an nouncement gave no details, oth er than that the onc-mnn army attack occurred during a -Japanese counterattack. Frost was a member of a fourth marine division tank unit, and was decorated at an ad vanced Pacific base. Put. Reverlv W. Thomas, re ported wounded November 5 in the European area while serving with Patch's army, has written his parents, Mr. and Mrs. unanes W. Thomas. 2105 Wantland, that two Klamath Falls men are serving in the hospital where he is under treatment in France. One nf the medics is Dr. Hugh Currin of this city, and the other is Dr. Norval Hamilton who had made his home in Portland at the time .war was declared. Both attended school with Beverly here. Thomas had been in a rest camp after 50 days of combat and had iust returned to the line- when he suffered severe wounds in the knee, the bullet penetrat ing through the knee bones and into the lee. He- has been in four different hospitals since his injury. He was serving wun the. 179th infantry at the time. Thomas' wife. Starla. is with her parents in Spokane, Wash. One bushel of potato "eyes." used' as seed, will produce be tween 10 and 15 bushels of pota toes.- . CITRUS JUICE ADDED TOM RATION LIST WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (tV) Two popular citrus juices went back under rationing today amid indications other commodi ties may be added soon to the lengthening point charts. As housewives began paying out blue stamps again fur grape fruit juice and blended grape fruit and orange juice, the OPA, it was learned, was trying to decide whether to put lard and other shortening and salad and cooking oils back on the list. The situation was described by one source as "touch and go," with the decision dependent on supply surveys now being made. Reduced pork production has cut output of these items and contributed to spotty distribution. The two citrus juices were re turned to rationing when the war food administration "froze" canners' output last night to meet the needs of the armed forces. This means that until these requirements are satisfied civil ians will have to get along on supplies "distributors and ro- Just Received! FILSON Wool Cruisers Navy, Red Plaid TIN COATS & PANTS' AU Sizes DREW'S MANSTORE . 733 Main The War At a Glance By The Asiocittted Pren The Western front: British Invaded Germnny from llol land, eight miles from Roer river: Americans attacked loss than four miles from St. Villi; Germans widened Rhine bridgehead north of Stras bourg. The Ruitian front: Two mil lion Russians surged forward in Poland; German Silesia al ready may be invaded: Radio Lublin reported Krakow's full. Nazis reel back along 250-mile front. The Italian front: Germans threw a small bridgehead across the Scnio river, which was counterattacked by the allies. The Pacific front: MacAr thur's forces gained right and left of the expanded Lingayen gulf beachhead; mam spear heads neared Tarlac on road to Manila: beachhead extend ed to about 60 miles. tailors now have in their stores and warehouses," OPA said. Ration values set for the two juices are 10 points for No. 2 cans, 20 points for 46-ouncc cans, and 40 points for No. 10 cans. Orange juice remains ration-free. MAN CHARGED WITH COFFEE IT GUP TACK City police arrested John M. Owens, electrician employed on the Marine Barracus, mid cnau cd him with disorderly conduct following a cull which brought them to the Klamath Billiards Wednesday night, where Owens allegedly attacked Charles L. Moore, Big Lakes Box company employe, with a coffee cup. According to police, Owens was eating at the counter when Mooro sat down beside him, They became involved in an altercation and Owens is said to have picked up a coffco cup and struck Mooro on the cur. Others became involved in the scrap, police said. They arrest ed Moore on n drunk charge and lodged him in jail. . Owens posted $100 bail and was to appear before -Police Judge Harold Francy at 4 p. m. Thursday. Fred W. Cantrall, Tulelake, was charged by city police with no operator's license and driv ing with four in the front scat. Youth Rally -. Fri. Night ' For Young People of All Denominations. Service Men are invited to take part and get acquainted. Service Men's Chapel 325 MAIN ST. Sponiored by Klamath Falls Churches and Christian Business Men ( TO fluids subscribed to the Hvs- lop memorial in Klamath county have now passed the $7500 mark, according to Harry Jack man, chairman of the Klamath county Hyslop memorial com mittee. ' . Hyslop was the former head of the department of farm crops at Oregon State college and died in July of 1943 while conducting re search work in Klamath county. He did much field work in this county and was a recognized au thority on farm croDs: This memorial is to be in the form of scholarships and loan funds to help worthy students enrolled in farm crops at Oregon oiaie cpnege in need of finan- wuu assistance. Classified Ads Bring Results; A NEW SHIPMENT OP I'S ONE- PIECE WORK SUITS strongly sewn, "V A Sanforizedden- Imt, extra full cut for comfort. M AT J fa rg) Watch i r Out! ' p ' This is a Samurai sword (Sb"" J the kind carried in battle by ffec Jap officers. It makes a good Fwi souvenir and that's why re- urn V V V v ' llj Me 7 ''I ' W mi ' This is a Samurai sword the kind carried in battle by Jap officers. It makes a good souvenir and that's why re treating Japs of ten make them into BoobyTraps byattaching . an explosive charge to them. But our troops, trained in the detection of Booby. Traps, know better and disarm the sword before they pick it up ! J ""' This hidden part of your car 5 PLAY SAFE ... Get a Safety Shellubrication Today! This hidden part of your car is the steering knuckle, the means by which you steer it Neglected, it can become a Booby Trap throw your car out of control. When your car ' is Shellubricated, Shell experts examine your steering knuckle see that it is properly lubri cated for your safety! Wartime Stop-an'd-Go driving becomes even harder on your car as it gets older! ' Unseen parts your steering knuckle, braking system, battery cables, gears and many others need constant care for your safety's sake! Shellubrication is a special system of car maintenance, de veloped by Shell engineers provided by. Shell Dealers and . Shell Service Stations. Far from being a mere "grease job," Shellubrication not only protects a score of important chassis points, but reports on the condition of many hidden parts where destructive wear can be gin . . . possible booby traps. And you geta rccciptshowingcxactly what's been done. t CHANGE TO GOLDEN SHELL MOTOR OIL! These are no times to take a chance with grimy, sludgy oil. Give your faithful car all the protection it deserves. Give it Golden Shell winter-grade motor oil. SHELL OIL COMPANY, Incorporated. WW Car for your car for your Country He posted $10 ball. Six drunks, ...... ,.l,,,.ri will, lIlMII'lll'I'ly conduct, olio vug anil two traf fic violations. enrcd In polite court Thursday morning. Worker Breaks Leg At Kirk Lumber Camp Jess Gore, iibuul :IR. suffered a broken leg early Wednesday morning when struck by a lK at the Pollen n nay i.uiihjci rim,,i,,,v riiimi lit Kil'k. The man was moved lo Hill side hospital by Winds iniiiiit lance. Ills condition Is reported good. Ashland Motorists Warned to Uso Chains ASHLAND, Jim. Ill (VI Mo torists in this area were warned today not to travel on slippery roads without chains, as Hie weather bureau predicted con tinued snow. While snow was low on the hills, it melted here as it fell. The Siskiyou weather station reported two Inches of snow and denso fog on the mountains jesterday. MS $100 a Month for Life 1. Definite monthlv income for life when you wish to retire 2. Protection for family now. 3. Pays double for ncculcntut death before retirement age. 4. Builds up large cash reserves 5. Pays steady income if you re permanently disabled OregonMutualLife I N N II II A IS' : K COMPANY LYNN ROYCROFT EVA LONG 118 N. 7th Slroet. Klamath Falls, Orogon Enlisted Men'i Dance Slatod For Barracks An enllslcd men's dunco will bo held at the Murine nurmcki gym Krldnv night, with the post or chestni playing. "f, w, 1 be (inm II until midnight, with no tugging allowed. Mill-lues may mvim town, but wrltiin i .Igned by 1st Hg T.S, liuuwtiiiy for 1 1 ... ", H K will r'i, K ) bring gurt out ."J W ;u nillfet un-l'il be .erved during (i.'S prUo will b, given "ft couple In a wall, . M ,i H iff 'IVL y letowe Ih non-wH, lu. !,: litf CIRDl WAIST with I'vfil lilt ' ; Z"'9Wny""ht .U-'Ul; J l Btout II It a dofc,(1 ' Yl J at 1 womwllhatolloftiblin,J, lH 1 HP 1 omceefqcocklollMowtfri, j-B - 1 special otcailon. tin I W R Becoui't Hi clevtr tmA MM l i3 doting can b eBtclivily J 7fl tl I f r ' ' a 'ront w 1 'iStl I j' 1 . j Btout IllimodtofdmlyJ r4T'. fJTV '. wf'nkt proof SYl), ' ; I'M CREPE . lv; 'J Bocauiolhcolonlmportlln VI air of Coiforno. J 1 I Site 24-32 a, .J.... 5495 Hud In MHMIKUI, I -" iUHOVI ond Vit - 1 FOULGER'S 825 MAIN 1 MONTGOMERY WAE Long-Wearing Riverside QUALITY TIRE 4 vf! ? y V-m' n timmM n Til l f ll'9 T h Wi&if k BUY ON VJ lliirV! S on Waid. con- I . HVVVmO yonlont Monlhlr " 1 . Wardt Firtt Quality RIVERSIDE TIRES pui Mtnl Excm Tax .14 85 1.00.11 Mono flntrl Klvonldti' foaturoi moko Ihmi loftr; : ; long-marlngl Frond U) by Hn amailng mlloagoilhay"rollup"IProydN' bocaui thty give 12 mora carton itrongrh thon pre-war Rlvonldoil SIZE TUBE TIRE 4.755.00-19 .... J.45 10.15 5.2S5.50-17 . . . . 2.75 .7 6.256.50-16 . . . . 3.55 17.75 7.00-15 3.45 19.15 7.00-18 ....... 8.65 18.95 rdtrl Excli Tex Extri Wards Spring WARDS "MOTOR GUARD" 100 Pure Paraffin Base h 53-aal, Jrvmt. Plut Fid, lax, drvm tUpull 45 One of the FEW California oils thal'i made from 100 puro paraffin bate credos! Nono flnor for can, Irucki, trac loril Order NOWI TOO PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL m h 55-flof. dtumt. Pui tax, drvm depoti? 56 c aal. "Supreme Quality" ... no finer oil al ANY prlcol Made from cosllioit crudol , . triple filtered! Cul your oil cosli , . , rder NOW and lavol ORIASI I ALII 3-lb. 3S-lb. H. Prenure Great S9c 3.75 Cup Oroaie 59c . 3.45 Tranimlitlon Oreai 39e .... Ex. Preiture Oroaie 79e .3.95 Tractor Track Grease ... Great Gun .... 2.58 ,r" i if1 ontgomery ryWard 'Mah a cate for SHEUU8RtCirOM ' 75c6y f ontgome ard .