34 Automotive. 34 Automotive 14 Automatic AuUM.tiT 14 Autoamattv Tnurtejaf, Jan. II, 1S4S HERALD AND NEWS ELEVEN 94 Automotive 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded iELLMOTORCO. Whero mi' "ru' ,.u, radiator" REPAIRING fvc Ate Woll L.iuippcd To Give I'rompi Service Troclor Truck Bus b. SMITH c mh St. rno ie o.i.n Pre-War fcouble Undcrscat f Heaters I Ccl voiim l"'ly while 3v 'i..t. fit ni-iiHy " Rurness Motors 1th & Walnut Phono no fOK SALE RADIATORS OF ALU TYPES ,Vil Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works I So 6th I'nont Motor Rebuilding SUrlor ml Goncrulor Rri'nnilltlonlni! MOTOR TUNE-UP J5 Yuan' Experience Elmer Tnpp 'Home Garage 2IS Old Fnrl Road none 7034 before R:00 or al rr S'.IU I . M. 1 I tin MKi. nrNHV iii Lombard's r.rd , 1.1 Ml b ftlh ftl Top OPA mil n.irr ! ,.. Im siiur ir All vl Slid moileu tfr Al 3-lenl Does Your. Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It O PAca- Engineered Port Used KJllly niySIQl and Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For ' Appointment Burness Motors DcSoto S. 6th & Walnut 31 Mlscallaneoui ror Suit I enrj. (11142 lira Fuel Hooting RICHFIELD Stove nnd Dlriml Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 83U7 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor , I Him Auction Sunday. Jutiiiiiry 21, Unc o Cluck. Located lit 1 7-10 Crescent Ave. (Duck of Union High Scluml) We lire Iciivliig Kliuiwilli l'ulli nnd will sell the IuIIuwIiik mil clcs ill public liuellon. Snlr will bo held Inside II nlormy. 1011 Culdnpot ii-rrlm-i'iilur, ti lt ; Montgomery Wind electric I burner range: Wcsilnglioue washing machine; 2 diivciipui !.. matching chairs; .'I beds, Inner spring mattresses; dressem; 2 client ol druwors, 0x12 blue Axniliuler rut! with pud. lixO linoleum run: hardwood buffet; dining set with ! leather bot tom cliulrti; brcakfaM net, niitu rl (lulsli; Sonorn 7-liilw radio; (drawer wrltlnt! Ue.sk; clrcnlat inij lu-iilor; rocking i:lmlr; -I ex tra kitchen chairs; child's doll buggy, kIcpI runner sled: other toys nnd many other itrliilcs HELEN HARLOW nnd JUNK DODSON. Owners Col. SWIGAHT. Auctioneer Wed. ti Tlmis. MUcollanteut For Sal mention Farmers For talo Box and Sock Loaders, Mo Sorters, Tractor Cabs, Deere Lindoman Track pe Iroctors, Havmastar risers and Manure Scoops, ck Moun ed L me and Sulphur Spreaders See rown Equipment Company 3041) So 6th St. Phone 8247 Tucs.-Thurs.-Snl. SA.LI. I0O Iron Mleil Rev. Ill fill iv u nenn nee , .ire Crosslin " W Clll Doui Puckell. Tulelake fciU'?,','- ',,llvi-i". Plate win. a.,..' - " turn n ra loni. nil f"1."' ol,M lap. J7 imul. Phnm win. JJm trhel, ."n,V. r,",'r d.venporl mir. ui.i to. mil. r-h. ii.vin. i-ao RA I. IF n. . ' I Iclita iT.. "",lu "i"!' norKlile ribli h.H m,pn"". u ni. ' i'K'"i bjiki or .n.i.iln.. "M toilal. It mJ,"'"" All avallabla p.rll loni sin. ,J0 Klamalh. i-iiini ,K nan... i furl, I't-vw. iimain uo nSSI: Sf5 0o,ey' ?.S fVo,nf,iMJrh!? KIU11KN a-ism 'lion if -Bin Rllk . r- wi m T.;m' l0-'"ch 0v"r " for ih . . . ' conni 0t ,h "' of lUft, Ph. 4121). 1-10 11" nr.' " - - wrcnnrtl. '''of bl;nu,v"',"'r",l1cll,,'t "vor- 1 II... " "I "lltCII lnr.,1 I.. n... t1- "In. IrnvTll'.' i1"""'" " Al ,"1I.K ,h'!l,n si'l ft. Pim I'M ch r "i,,,lnry. J"-" "avail. f llln V."01?. HMO rorrt n.i,. First and Second Cutting Alfalfa Hay Delivered In Ton Lois Mallory's Market Phone 4020 1-18 FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 204Rir mil SAI.K .l.ai- wimnrn bnrrelft. In nulra al Kluliier i nuliory. I7.UU rm.i.rn nniinlirs. nn. n. V. Moninv .1J Ho. niverlilt. fhnim .1310. 3-llm ron RALK-Pnrlalilc rnillo. vhpv B"il ronrtlllon. alter p. m. l;M Crr.irnl a..,, . rraiii 40 To Exchango wit.i. tu a nr. pan !! nf .l-muiM mndrri houi noitr itr ltai fur tiuiue clotrr In. Phftn n;i. . . I -l" 42 MUctlUnaoui Wftntod WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases. ctothhiK, shoes, lools. suns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. GWo us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 021 So. 8th Ph. 71(10 76111 WANT TO nuY-Ontlionril mnlor. ' O, Bon S. ',0 WANTED TO BENT- Mnilrrn. Iiirnl.h'il hmnio or apnrlmenl. ono clillil. riioi'r B479. alla" WANT TO nilY nplrlnirntiir. Ii-rl')1' rme, electric lull walor lii-ntcr. Ph. nmix 1 0 WANT TO IIKNT-Piilaln awanr. I'n.v rnfill nr lilinro crop. Wrllo V. O. nov 1143. Merrill. 111 WANTED TO DllV.I'iilr nl lliliililim theari, Pleoo plwna 4BBB allcr ;;:i" WILL PAY CAHII iron YOUIl PIANO l.oilla a. Mann. lilO N. 7lh. Phona 45l or 717.1. '2Jm WANTED TO ntlV-Ule niralel plrhlip Irura. Pholia 7S7I. IH2l 8reot. HPH Plymouth Phone 6669 1-10 We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal on Your Car Just Call 4i 03t.and . Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower ,"7lH t Klmth Thura.-St Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley-- TOP PRICE FOR YOUR. ' car ' II reasonably clean we make no deductions. Yol need not sacrifice when you s II to Ashlev Chevrolet Go. 110 So. Bth St. Phen 41 IS 42 MUcellanaoua Wanted Wanted Furnished House or Apartment by Mnrlne Officer and Wife. Permanent Duty. No Pets or Children, rhonc 8121, Extension 5. 2401-tf FURNITURE and misccllnncoui of all kinds. BoiiRht For Cash. Get Host Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3420 1-31 WANTED DRY nnd GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First Kor Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phono 35U3 2301 So. Uth 216 VANTK.-Unfurnl!ihprt S or 8-ronm MHiilcrti hmmn In Hot SprlnRn Atl'lt Hon. by prl niAnncer of PnlilKer Motor Co Pernimirnl rentnl. Call Tom my Thiinnnon, :U'JI, IlalBlaer Motor Co. t-lll LOfAI. Innitly ol n artultl wmiti to renl (urnlslioil apurlnirnl or liousc. KKcet Irnl rrrrrt-nrcs. I'linnn Win between a n. ni. nnd 8 p. ni. Auk lyr Mr. Mafee. I-IB WANT elrflile MnBO anil oil circulator. po nox ai7. i-aa WANTKD TO llllY lniierirlii mal livt. r'mler tleimty llent or Seeley. MunI tie roaionntily prk-cil. Phone 4!0 tielwcen S nnil t p. m. TBII WILL PAY CASH 'or lued mm. Brln llieni In I or nnprakal. BELL'S H AKO WAnn. naa Mmn si l-3lm CASU paid lor nouiahold goodi, Pnpna 7BIO. 434011 WANTKn -WrllhiB Hek. Will Py ran Aonnlile prlre. C'fll ;1N1.T 1-V0 42 Mtaetllanaom Wmd R. It SIGNALMAN wtnU a lUH a houia far yaar or mora, Ka chlldran. Prafarably walklnf dlttanfa t 8. P. ritpot. Addraii Jamei R. Rowa, dtn. D.I., Klamalh Fallt, Or.. WANTED.By clvUlan man and viia qulat hauatkaaplni raom or aaartmant. Permanent renldanu. Wrlta Box 34AT, cara ef Herald and Nawa. lia 44 ' LirMtoek and Poultry Farmers Attention! Let Us Spread Your SULPHUR or PHOSPHATE Big or Little Jobs 2 Power Equipment Sets Do the Work We Go Anywhere Thone Your Orders Krizo Bros. Phone 8311 - Klamath Falls Phone 74 Merrill NOTICE! Farmers and cattlemen. We are now permanently located t 3601 EBERLEIN ST. . We deal in nil kinds of live stock. Your business Will be appreciated. ,-' D. M. Dougherty and Son Inquire at S. P. Stockyards or .3601 Ebcrleln St. MO Sell Your Car N Q W OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Used Cars See Our Choice Selection , . 1941 DeSoto Sedan Fluid Drive ' Overdrive 1939 Studebaker Commander Overdrive Heater Radio 1940 Olds Eight Touring Sedan . Fluid Drive Radio Heater i- And ' Many Other Late Models - Burness Motors S. 6th and Walnut SEE ROSE WE LEAD in giving you O QUICK O PROMPT O PROFITABLE DEAL ON YOUR CAR ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC nhoneK8lT CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Phone 6130 Fhone 6669 1-19 Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING ' FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 414 S. 6th St; Phone 31S6 Thiirs -Sat. We Have Just Purchased 3-1940 Dodge l'2 Ton Army Cargo Trucks Front Wheel Drive Excellent Condition ' 940 Dodge Command Army V2 Ton Car A 4-Wheel Drive No Top and Windshield Excellent Condition Otherwise. Balsiger Motor Co: YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade 1-18 II MlteeUuueus For Saia 3E Miicellanaaus For 8U ' SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED. PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls 1 2SMtf 41 Financial WANTED Poultry. Ilveilock. turk.ys and rabbiu. TKULOvr.s markrt. 14 tail Main. Phona M3. 3-3m fARMTRSI TRUCKERS - Ward'a .prlns Drum Lot Sal. at oil and urease ba dni Mondayl lineet Penn. oil 60c sal. ait Mld-Conllnent oil 40o sal. In S3 fal. drumt. Plui red. tax. 100 lb. cup or H. P. iraaia 10.00. Hurry: Montfomary Ward. 1-1B WAJfTTB - Llva poultry ol all kind. Alia ana. Martin Produce Co. Phone .1373. l-31m See limnrsT prices paid tar boo. vaal. Inmhn and cattle, Johmon Paekint Co. Phona 333.1. nla-hti 3903. l-31m CHICKS, rineal and bait trade tH chirks, free delivery to Klamath rails, send lor (roe catalo(ua, Talent Hatchery. Talent. Oreaon. - WANTED-Dead ana worthiest animals. Ph,one 4JB collect. l-3lm PAYINO VP TO M lh for rabbit aVlnt. Mllllans nanled. Ruth ihlamanta U day. Valeauda Pur Co., Senile,, '. ' - ,, ? FOR SAL -One Duroe Jersey bear. Ear Inlormatloa Inquire at t3i Kane. K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y? FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 13 Months to Pay No Co signers . . Quick Service Locally Owned , ('. Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-2TS S-241 J 14 N. 7th Phone 3325 l-3im 41 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P." A.' (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 1.07 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on . Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uais unanced and O. P. A. Requirements ; Completed Come 'in v Phone in or Write, in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks We Need Late Models . COMPARE -Our High Bid Before You Sell -- See Selby Last Phone 6934 2379U 4X MUeellantoui Wantad 42 Micllneu Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot -- Large or Small T . U.S.. ONE'S ; U. Si TWO'S ' PEEWEE SIZE ' . 'i; Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Fall! 2SB7tf 44 LWaxteck and Poultry 44 Livestock and ioultry ANNOUNCEMENT' A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be In operation about Feb. 1, 1945 th better to icrve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave jour order for our tine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE," across from Tower Theater;-' If you can't come In, write us, for information and prices. , . i FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERV 2720 SO 6th. Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS ' ' ' r . i j 9931!