TEN HERALD AND NEWS Thunday, Jan. 18, 194S itivadbv rnMDT.rrpn PORTLAND, Jan. 18 rP) The death ol Frank E. Spencer, 54, city jail prisoner, was attrib uted to heart attack today by the coroner's office, which has finished one ot inree autopsies on prisoners. Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing Board, 430 Main street. Office hour daily, 10 to a p. in. Phone 8101 for all lnforma- 11 "ah appllcationi mint be MAILED In to the War Price and Rationing Board at 430 Main atreet, and NOT preaented "siJGAK Ration book 4 Sugar atainp No. 3t valid Indefinitely. PROCESSED FOODS BLUE STAMPS Ration boo 4 C I, T5.2 E-2 K-2 and G-2 valid for consumer Cse Stamp. X-5. Y-5. A-2 and B-3. which wcro validated December 1, rc- SfeyutTTER. CHEESE- , ,, , RED STAMPS Rltlon book 4 T-i. U-5 VS. W-5 and X-i valid for conjum ir use. Stomps Q-V R-5 and g-J, which were validated Uccembcr 3. remain ViTak used fall to your meat dealer and he will pay 4 cents and two polnu per pound. SHOES Ration book 3 Airplane shoe alamos 1. 2 and 3 good indefinitely. GASOLINE-""-" stamp good until March 21, 1943. All sas rationing ap plication. 'mint be accompanied by mile age rationing slip which was recetvd ' FUEL OILPe'riodl and 2 valid until August 31. 19. Other periods will be SjssVasaVasrV'lsis,s I1 LEGAL NOTICES Cases of Cream Stylo Corn were arrested and laKen into wie imw...,.. now are in the possession of the United States Marshal for the District tan. pursuant to a warrant and process duly Issued by the Clerk of the nited Stales District Court for the District of Oregon. In a suit for condemnation and forfeiture entitled United states of America; Libelant, v. 13 Cases, more or "s. each containing 24 Cans Cream Style Corn, brought under the provisions of Section 334. Title 21. U.S.C A., where in it is Bouain w rrv. ?o7f"rdafor".h,e ZvPTTM ihn filh day of August. 19ttn the said Cream Style Corn was shipped In Interstate commerce from sterling. Illinois, to Klamatn r aus, wits. ... the said Cream Style Corn Is adulterated SUM Code'scctlon 342',.. 131.' In that it consists wholly or In part of a decompose! suwure. .. , claiming anj i,s". -"v-and to the said Cream Style Corn are hereby notified to appear on or before the 3th day ot tenruary. iw. hi Federal Louri a. ruruoim. show cause. If any there be. why the same shou d not oe nraai.ua-u forfeited to the United States as adulter atrd food. JACK R. CAI'KIELO. United Stales Marshal: CAUL C. DONAUGH. 'US'xi'ntVTA'SD.! jint United States Attorney. 16-17-1B ro. i. JVVXrX'i-AJ'irir'si'.! 'l m 'WStsWV CLASSIFIED RATES ring 4-Uv Dr word c o h.c m -per word 8c 3 day run P ft? 4 ay run - - - : :SX? " Per worS 1 Mouth run . - """J?? 20 Discount lor rami,.-.,, iu ""'"J " 3X UlSCOUnS lor rwuieu. j Ads receivea oy i:w p. , "... ... same afternoon In "New TodaV column. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT O? OREGON. UNITED STATES OF AMER1C4. v. 13 Cases, more or less, each coKlM t cans Cream Style Corn. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that on the 8th day of January. 1945. 13 New Today FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. for working woman, i-uno . a-a FOR SALE Oil stove. 5071 Harlan Drive. Phone 3uoo. AUTO BODY and TINDER WORK. In- nii.Hina niMtal work, weldlne and soray painting-Look Into Itl-one of the most profitable branches ot tremen dous auto Industry offering chancea for good jod or wr ""; Train in epara time. Wrllo for FREE facts. Utilities Inst., Box 8403, rare Herald and News. 1-1" FOR RENT Couple only, unfurnished duplex; lights, hot water, heat and water furnished, S3J.00. Phong 3463 or 3836. Jf-lJJSJ, 0Lb IIMVUMl Silvss aswuaavs woodshed and garage combined, SLthW ram. (iiu avaw .- ...... - Caah Stora on Keno hUhway and turn left to 4th houw. 1-1M FOR SALK-4-room furnUhed house, in cluding electric range, acre good land, berries, chicken house, garage. $2000. Broklyn St., off BUbeo. Phone 6936 after 4:30 p. m. Uen Sheppard. 1-34 FOR SALE 1936 Ford fordor sedan. Perfect condition - throughout. Call 6759. FOR SALE 1940 Hudson 2-door sedan, radio, heater. 700 Mitchell. Phone 7372. 1-18 WANTED Experienced truck driver. over 21. Steady worn, top wages. Fred H. Heilbronner, 621 Spring. 1-19 FOR SALE One 6 ft. road matntatner in excellent condition. An ideal fin ishing tool lor land leveling. Phono 6729. turn REFRIGERATION and AIR COK- DlTlONINCJ. A real opportunity for govKl earnings awuua amuiuous, m chanlcally-inindcd men who prepare NOW. Train In spare time. Write for detail ami FREE "Qualification Chart Test." Utilities luU Uux 3400, care Herald and News. 119 W11L LEASE for one year, four-apartment unit to reliable couple, financial ly responsible. Very nice unfurnished apartment, close In, to live lit. Write Box 24ta. 1-3 PRKWITT'S TRADING POST 3244 South 0th St. WILL BE CLOSED FOR REMODELING FROM JAN. IS TO JAN. 32 WILL REOPEN JAN. S3 'rewltt'a Trading Pe 2244 South UUi 81. WILL MRS. RAMSICY, that stayed at Wilson's, plcaso call 8920 after 7 p. m. 1-19 ONE 193(t STANDARD CHEV. COtch for ate, $300, 444a So. 6th. 1-20 FOR SALE 5 fryer rabbits. Last house m city limns, uia xori roaa. rnont 830S. 1-1B FOR SALE-Practieally new Windsor trumpet: also beginner s snare arum. 1109 Pine St., rear apartment. S4B3tf WANTED Two riders to Tulsa, Okla. Share expenses. 201 Martin. i-ia WANTED By civilian man and wife. quiet housekeeping room or aparimem. Permanent residents. Write Box 3437. care of Herald and News. 1-20 LOST Mule Irish setter, wart under left eye, answers to name of "Brownie." License No, 2214, Reward, Phone Ml 5. 1-30 WHOLE CARTON5 OF CIGARETTES for first furnished apartment or house for rent. Call daytime, U. Smith. Bioa, Ext. 108. . - 1'34 FOR SA1IW head dairy cows. Fresh . and springers, S0 Eberleln. i tnqutre S. P. Stock Yards, "Dm" Daugherty. FOR SALE -1940 Dodge pickup. Inquire Lien s Cash Store. 119 FOR SALE -IBM V8 Ford 4-dOOr. 0U Boardman. 1W FOR SALE-Two i h p. air compressor, automatla with tanks. Cascade Laun dry. 1-31 FOR SALE -Gas stove. Deluxe model, burners, 3 ovens, like new. Phone aM. 1-31 Mtetino Notice Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F, A. M. will hold ape ! clal meeting Friday, Jan uary 19, at 7:30 p. m. Work In 8. C. Degree. All brethren Invited by NOEL TURNER. Worshipful Master. Ml WANTED Won tan to take care of in1 valid, daytimes, no children, May go homo nights, t'lione oiui. MARINE CAPTAIN and wife desire fur nished apartment or house. No smok ing or arm Kin, no cnuaren or pen. Will Day ill) to $100 a month. Call 3422. 1-30 FOR STUART'S DANCE ORCHESTRA lnaulre 824 UaK St.. or pnone 3-17 Red Ryder By Fred Harmon fYE fcEE!$ ID PUT CF TS0511 NVAwVs TO ILL win vsm m&nk rar toi Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner t: BY MORNIN6 FIRES AT KOHOBE WILL "" ' t ' TJ ' ,1 HAVE FINISHED SPREADING.. .DIED DOWNJr isilTzfV' lL lJ rM?S 1 ' i '.X ENOUGH FOR PHOTOS TO TELL US"" i l . f ilMnT' ir . . giS,1 . TNO NEED TO Ni r.h.f& i,' VHAT WE n,J5SEO&0O0LUCK,EASY THANKS... 'jrViT'. ff- f i f TAKE CHANCES M S V "V-''WBE SEEING YOU, 'HL-at O' BEING TRACED H J ? '3' f!&iJvi0l0NEL-'X . -r i 3 BY RADAR ACROSS f 5 1 EASY IS SET fert W S I HW I Sfe OFF1WT eASIIV V? ' WW&'Sj ' I Big Lakes Locnl Nq, 2511 Meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Sunday at 422 Main St. F. C. Wlllonborg, Financial' See. K. A. Gordon, Pres. 2-17M 10 8 :ylos FORMERLY Ray's Shoo Shop At 240 E. Muiii IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS undor new management. WILL GIVE QUICK SERVICE 1-23 BPO ELKS Esquire's night, Thurs day, January in, B p. nv Speclal entertainment fea tures with Esquire Homer Ellis In charts. All Elks and vlsttlns brothers urged to attend. JACK UNMAN. 1-1B E. R. Oh Klamath Falls Aertt ...ft No. 30a Regular , meeting every -rues day night, 7:45 p.m.. r.O.C, Tiall. th and Walnut. Vial ting members cordially tnvlled. tf CARPENTERS' LOCAL . No. 190 UaaUnn 1st and 3rd Wdnalda7 ara ntnts ol aach month, 7:30 p. u., at Labor Tempi, 433 Main. C a LONG. Bsc. and B. A. Otflca Opan 7:00 to 0:00 p. M. Evarr Wadnasdar. Phono M37 3-Sm Lost and Found LOST Very llaht golden Cocker, male, almost whtte underneath and blonde back. - Lost In vicinity of St. Francis Park. Answers tn name of Sklppy. Re ward. Phone 3001 1-10 LOST Sheaffer Lifetime pen. green and black striped. Reward. Phone 7231. LOST Fur-llned black driving glova for left hand. Ph. 7447. Reward. 1-18 LOST Basketball In vicinity of Lincoln and'Bth streets. Phone 3333, evenings. ... 344tf General' Motieos Boots end Her Buddies By Martin WO.COOA WPA SOU TO WSET I i tuotuco t 9 a.cicnvj H tnivt US o7-N.Jf I I oor.ee. fs-w:v"Cr AO OivnriWSfVrriKS ' r asaaw ak, i 1 t ' .-. JM l-rt. 1 VCA VrV I li 1 XSfJ JTI yM XT tjl ,J --I. V K M it mo. a. . tn. tn. Freckles and His Friends By Blasser You're a pretty i LITTLE MEATBALL, JUNIOR, BUT I BET 7CU CANT UU MY BET- 'MO HERE'S1 MY . BUFFALO! 3 AM FVEW MONEY BET.' 4EP OKAY. HERE'S MV UEfFERSON' 1 J I NOW LEMME Sfcb HOW BUT WHAT IF V0UR. TEACHERS GET WISE THAT 1 DID YOUR HOMEWORK FOR. YOU ? FOR. TWO BITS MORE, I BET X CAW MOUTH ) V Okay- hereS 1 And YOU THE DOUGH J WERE THE" . -"w-M-rOwop who ('d-i. Tf WOMDERED r.P. IMS BVtiTilVICc! INC M W T. it. RE0 U S PAT. Off. 1 Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin 1. 1 KNOW-YOU WAS I YEZZIR.THEV MADE MEl I AFTER GIVIN' WUH ( JUST THOUGHT I'D STICK NTH' WORK5 . V 5 AT ABOUWD FOR A SPETLI ''KNCWJ DOWN HERE T'nEST YKNOW THIS BEIN' A IH MtXI 1HIWQ, i KING IS A PRETTY EW, IHfcY WUi . CALLIN VOL) n 1-none &ncks for B HIS HIGHNESS... Y'KNOW V "INS'Jr?H,BtlN X. VKNEW, THEY WUi V GOOD RACKET! I H-! W6UL,I CAM SEE THAT OH.THEV AINT MY IDEA. ..THEY WERE BEIN TK RULER OF LEM HAS JUST HERE LIKE THE FURNITURE . ITS P0IMTS...6UT I NEVER J BUT THEY DO SORTA BRIGHTEN UP KNEW BEFORE THAT YOU VK. TH' PLACE, LXWTCHA THINK? OTlElk tastfarfi A-r-ui. twi r Hk -tivifr inc. T. m f. u. ,t. f.Tr , j Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray 1 " l.'-.V..Jr.rWt f OH, JUDGE HEDGE! V$?f ! J OUaH WONDftHFUL! HOW EVAM DID J'-.'-.Ve jTou DO IT?y1 8-45 tlli-rtl ' fi I BJ I HO-Ho! NOTHING TO IT ftrr.B i lr.vl it i.ac Akiiy i w., I II HtfvnLi ft BOYISH PRANK. AS I TOLD THE POLICE- MELVIN IS A GOOO LAD ;?'Rft3 X v i ISiltl' f IT'S ALL THE. FAULT A BUT, "ONE ROTTEN AU, PoW OF THAT MORRIBLE APPLE IN THE BASKET") TRUE! ( ORPHANAND AFTAU AS I ALWAYS SAY- or MOW TRUE ! I h ALL I'VE DONE J J OK FURNITURE ; STORE-: will be open for business " February 1st at Its. new . location 2401 South 6th Formerly PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Will Give Same Service as Before, 1-31 TWO SISTERS INN Weed-Ashland Junction ' 3 Miles West Hwy. 97 ' . Southern Fried Chicken - - and Steaks ROTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays 2-17 METAPHYSICAL Rental Library, 319 Main, itoom v. win oe open to puoue Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.. Wednesday and Thurs day from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. 1-23 Transportation FIVE women working at dehydrating planta nights to 3:30 a. m. would like a ride out Shasta Way as far as Home- aaie. xacn win pay fi.og a week. Fit 7890 before 3 p. m. 1-18 10 Earrlca REFRIGERATION '. SERVICE We Service All Makes V ..Household or Commercial' Don't wait for a complete breakdown. Have your refriger ator completely overhauled now during . cold weather. Belts,' Seals, Controls,- Switches, .'. valves in Stock. - Bert-Eastman,. 'Serviceman- ' Merit Washing Machine Service - 611. So. ,6th'' ' ." . Phone 5669 131 . APPLIANCE . ': REPAIRS . . . . . -, , ,'-' Wo repair and service all' makes of .radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appll ances. We may have the type ot radio tliba . you. need. Reason able prices. Phono 5188. .SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs.-Thurs.-Sat-tt MOVING STORAGE . Local and Long Distance . HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE ; AKcnts for United Van Line 101 Klamath 1 Phone 5672 1-23 PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing & Heating Equipment Iiistullcd ami Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry rhono 7(135 2-lOmc REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phono 7038 2000 South Sixth St. OIL BURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cleaned and Rcpnlrcd WOOD . COAL OIL FURNACES Available for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phono 8040 888tf INCOME TAX .. SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A. Cnntrnll Room 4, Hopka Bldg. 110 N. 8th St. Open EvcnlnRs and Saturdays Phono 3240 2-10m INQUIRE about Plastl-Kote wear-resist ant finisn. Also Kemtonlng, painting. Phone 308T. a-la MATTRESS rebuilt, one day service. avuiioiiiv - aiaiires ana upnoisierv. Cell 83ltfl. 1-30 ELECTROLUX Cleaner, complete serv ice, mono no ju.il main. a-ia DENTISTRY, afternoon,. . 4000 Shasta vay. i-2fl KALSOMININCI, KomlonlnK, Palnllnn- n. u. iirown. 1'iiona 26. a-im SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and in- aiaueu. v. iocaj concern, fnona w. Baiter, 9033. 4 BRING me your work. No Job too .Mn,,. ouDinnsmcr saw ana itepair hnn... j.J NOW IS THE TIME lo reunholstrr ynur furniture. We carry a complete line of mnterlnls In slock. Economy Mnt tress & Upholstery, 3.11 J So. Ulh. I'll. eooo. l-au SEWlNO MACHINE RERV1CE. all makes. Phone 0771. 33m Shusta Way. 3-10m ron KEMTONING Phone 4270. J-7 CURTAINS LAUNDERED and stretched. Phone 3717. 3-31 10 Services REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL All Makes Parts, Controls and Equipment in Slock Oregon Equipment Co, 18 Help Wanted. Male , U Halp Wanttd, WANTED PLUMBERS ON Phone 6817 127 So. 6th St. 2-10 Phone 3330 ED F. KING Sunt It? Tnnkrt Cleaned, Tnnpfictlon free, Modern equip tnant. Content hauled away. HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING. Button! nnd Buckle covered. Alterations on new and old cloth In. Mrs. II. M. Allcndcr. 7:il Main, nootn 210. Ph. 7203. l-31m PAPER AND PAPEHHANGEH avaltnhle. J. E. Patter non and San Paint Store, 1220 East Main. Phono XVH, 2 -Urn THEODORE DICKSON. Furniture Shop, reunholiterlnff, repairing, reflnUhlntf. Sprlniiti reconditioned. 3941 Shaila Wnv. Phnne 4.M7. 2-15 14 Help Wanted Ferns! WANTED-Wattre..!. and dlihwnnhcr. Wo man preferred. Apply at Itltter'i Cof fee Shop. 2500 If WANTED-Wat treiies. Walgreen Drug. 2u Mi WANTED-Chambermalds, Korn hold, 25101 f 18 Help Wanted. Mel Southern Pacific Has vacancy for 2 baggage ond mail handlers, 4 merch . andise handlers. Aid us In the war effort and share in many fine benefits. APPLY AGENT Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week -- $ 1 .62 per hour ntermountain Plumbing Co, 732 So. 611) St -10 WANTED Nent youna mnn lo handle nam uruvpries ami worK nrounrl store. Apply In person. Mueller's Klamath Flower Shop, 1211 Main SI WANTED-Experienced cur painter or neipor, nppiy uiiick linrage. .2I) WANTED Bxpcrlenccd radiator repnlr iimu. ui esiaiiusnca, tnoroilRhly equipped shop. Bla money for rlultt man. Anderson Auto Service, 1139 Walnut. hohk WOULD YOU Ilka to oiirn money nller scnooi aeiivering a llorald.News paper route? See Mr. Miller ot the Herald office after 3 p. m. 07ntf WANTED- -Men and hoys lo set pins. w.n, kuuu py, isppiy iiowiing Alley, AI0 Main p. m. or any avenlnii, ftsturdsy'or fliinrtav tiaitf It Halp Wanttd. Ml .30 Hoal Eilal. For Ssi. WANTED Doilyninn or Hclpci nnil Meclinnic ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 032 Walnut Phono 0-m ziuutt W A NTKD Spoiler or presser. Cleaners, 1IT no. un. Uptown IMUlf WANTKD Automobile mechelilre for Chevrolet ana om.r cars. riu,"n, work, oor.:, of no fist rata, Cennon Chovrol.t Co.. Yteks. Cellf. .iijiji.qririi'ii'ir.-i- ----- 1 18 Situation! Wantad IIOtl.lKKItKI'KIt wants work for sjsnlle- man on ranrn or in lown. i-nune i- 20 .Room and Board HOOM, UOAHU-aenllemsn. 107 Cres. i-in 22 Roorr.i For Ram nOOMS-Men. IU3 lllah. roit HENT-stnale tssdroom for men. P33 uraiit. I'none 00.10, NICK HOOM for rent. Oenltemsn pre ferred. Inquire linns s usroer snnp. Iia Main. .nj'i.n rii'i'i.i'i i'i nrn' ' 26 Houses For Rent Wlt-Ia ItrNT 3-room hotua to pereon lwt will buy furniture. 010 Auama. iia THUCKS FOft BENT You drive; mova fuureir, hvi Biuet cron pcrv ce, 1301 Kl Main, l'hone fctM. 3 -7m ron JIENT- 3-room unfurnUhad hnuM with t.tnvra. Ph 1103 33371 f l)js1Xs-U')'V-sarsIarVVsJll "lll s ss. ss. ss. sssm 28 Mtacelltneou- For Rent FOR HENT- IJirie olflct room In Un derwood uid. inquira ait unacrwona nidit. l-VW THHKEY ItANCir rOR I1ENT 4031 HI. iwe. l'hnn ium. i iw KOIl LEASE -730-arra ranrh, rntilppail IrrlKoilon, Ivey C. Clark, llox till 8pruiiie Jltvor. 11 foil RENT Floor andn. edftr and wallpaper removing mac nine. j. Va I lenon Pa liU Star. I'hun 334. 123U Etui Main. t3Im ELECTRIC TLOOR SANDER") and ?dr rrnlrd. ua your own wnrK. mquira Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD At CO. .-31m FOR KENT-Proenl location of rhton V ranrra, fH)3 Main, modern front. 13' by 70 fool. Inquira Itudy'a Mn'a unop. oou main. iaiw 30 Real titate For 8ole Allrarllvt onc-bctlroom home In lthat la Dlitrlct, nar bus, half acr, vpkndld jnrden toll. Priced to Mil at tsfisoou. lteniionabla down payment. Prompt poa cation, Two-lmdroom homa on paved itreL waiMlng fimtnnrif. auoo.w down buys it. l ull price 93WW 00. Neat tlttl one-badroom home, ntar btii, wiih nnc-thlrd acre lood ttoll, A bo ruin at 1100,(X), One-lhlid down. Sea Joe Perry wlih F. I.. WEAVER (teal Eitale and Inturinra 330 S. Main rtione 07M l-in CITY HOMES Couplo of three bedroom homes. Can nlve Immediate possession, Both In nlco nhnpe, E. GRAY REALTY 200 N. 7th Phone 3065 1-18 FOR SALE 6-Room Modern Hous In Hot Springs 120 N. 10th St. 2302tf HOMES FOR SALE . JOHN McfEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phono 4321 2-B SPECIALIZING In HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 3th Phono 8401 3-ISm KOH HA1.E -4-room furnished house. In eluding; electric rnna, bedroom and llvliia room sillies, !4 aero. Inquire 312(1 Arthur St. Foil HAI.K.-NOW vncanl. attractive Kna. Ilsh collate, 1030 California, rimno 4.IS4, j.jo rOlt SAI.R It, ncro, some used lum SII". I'.'"" 3 rooms, nnoin. 101 Alva, off Bliasla Way and Ivory. 1-20 rti5.i?Al'J? "07I, '":''- "nd H from ooiiiii. i-nona tus, Mann. l-lll FOII SAI.R-l hedronm housn rnmplately flirnlal.AH I'Umm mi ma. nia.. ' T-"""..., u.t OlIICIIOII. I'n. IHI3.1 oiler 0 p, m. FOIt HAI.K -a-hri!riinin lirlolt house, dmi- i- h,7m iVaV l , ' "aiview and rullon. MiS Lukevlew, i-aj "J!. "'--Two-rnnm furnished Imine, 5.ii Krrey B.:"""n"a- 1 nc0 '""H r?l.SA,'l''''ro",m n0""". modern, with K.!LSAI'K ,""i'.S.,n "ol sP'lniis Addl- moo"FurnY.hedhom;Ho .TrriS. els, WHOM cash. Dest buy In city. Bodonhomor, .1.11 B. Main. l-lti MILLS ADDITiQ IN A DKSIHAULt rrsldvntnl district, n,. . room fiLlrnt'tii'H li t. ' wood floors, circulmina J U,.lrlr, I.. - , ' '"I ...a. .,..-r motlintn posi-sun . 3500.00. TEHM.S. ' AND 8-room modern liomt ii MITCHELL, equipped i automiillc (iirmit-r, electric witter hciiter. Corner lot closo to srlmul, Jiiimedi,!,. sfsslnn. Goliiij for ill. TKKMS. CHILCOTE & SMI KEALTOHS 1 UN. 0th Ph,d SUBURBAN HOiV Allrilfllvfl 2.lnrlrfnm I. prcsaurc, nyslcm nnd olhwl 1 1 1 ! r.(risl tVrrllllll IrstiJ as............. tasim irriKutlon in nHalfu ant pjj nlno lurtfo alruwbi'rry a A....U..I.I V..i r $0830. J. E. H OS KING 817 Mo In Phosi! Thun! "J?.,B,A,'t','0,i "rB. Hiiki.oo. soon ixin feel lumber, fjlewarl Addlllnn. at: noma. HOT SPRINGS HC WILL TRADE 3 bctlroom home on Pi: Tcrraco. Cnn give Imrod posaculon. r Irat clajj i!i will take in sinnllcr hoei mitiht consider incoino pro ty. E. GRAY RE ALT 200 N, 7th rhoM TM FOIt BALK-BO acres mils Milt In. loon uolalo isno. Mnoiis I room house, lane bsrn. ipedo ronrrela foundation, 3 ssiira bunk house, lots of shs,. Pmt soil, aai.noo.oo, Call iiodi,(i lake Hotel. FOR ALna-bedroom. irntm deroraled house, a new iinti M ed In nr re. s:iVX) CO. Sims) halanre 9.10.00 a imotlh. VYlll fe-4j lata model ear as part down ft mi Acsocmy ni. FOK RAI.C on M lllahwtr-K't 3 houses, rlty walrr. Ifltpraei trlrlty. Irrlaated. T. Z wslsff sat. Its. 1, Dox JO". AiklsiU.cn 34 Automotlv Exchange Motora Fords 1020 to 19(1 Chevrolet! lO.'iS to HI' riymonths 1034 to W Dodges 104 to Wi or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor lioKround Crnnkshilli With BeorliiKs to ' I. C. "Ike" Heat Phono 3214 037 Colli. Winter Driving is Hazardous Driviri Is YOUR Car Insif For Complete Aiitom(4 Coveriiiie? I Phono 5105 John Sandmcycf, C. S. ROBERTSON ACf; First Federal Savings RECAPPING i Him TIRE REPAIRING! BATTERIES . NEW TIRES All Slues Monarch Service Station .: B. K. Teed 301 So. 8th PI""" MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Rcb" And Other Mechanical ,f GIBS MOTOR SHOP 1033 East Mnl" NOTICF .., (It lirao.in.1ll Ford nnd chnvroijjt your moinr rompiee. .-.-a ron SALE-IDS' rord rnijlo .iua uarrow. rnuoq ron SA1.F.-A. is. Tt