LEGAL NOTld EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS Tueiday. Jan. IB. 1945 With Mojor Hooplo Out Our Way By J. R. William. wot ce la ni,v ; ill,, la-ii.d ha, !,.. ,f(!'v11,' In? jf the E.tnl. ,,( m;,!T'S by the I'lreull v'nu, tlregoli fur Klnmai h V" . sunt Mann, claim, ,i"ii Our Boarding House I'M AFRAID THAT'S tfTr-kv, -cMc-lvinn UntlLnMT f MEM. HE'LL IOOKTVJICET ACT TH' WORM TURNS WHLIT MAV HAPPEN! TO VOU YOUR AN' SUCCESS TURNf BUT !OU CAN'T TAKE A LESSON FROM THESE" FER OFTEN iilflc. of hi. an,;., ,2. '"h kin.. Ill the Sl, ", lit,: Main sllecl. In 1 ,.!? 1 Falls, tlreauu. , , r,.ll from th, ,f,i, ",, ) , Dated llcceiir"lJ f. BODYGUARD MUST EMPLOV MORE AM' LrXOGU- PURSUIT OF SUCCESS BRAIDS ENOUGH TO DECIDE IN SUCH A HURRY MIGHT END UP IM 7 IMftN IWtw: OMwivi 11.. PIKE AN" WIS 30KES TH' MOUSE THAT'S PM)L BLSMVAM COMUIUte to PLM2.ELN PSVCHOLOGICM--" THE MM TMRETEMlriG SUMPIN JIST JUST LOAFIN" BUMPS , SOTTA 6 SCRATCHED OUT ABOUT LIKE INTO A CARTON Eslale f !,,,; : J a n mil d,;, ,;. 'H Ox TH RACE IS PLENTY ,7 SHARP-"- IF X VJAS. VOU THAT.' OF CHEESE.' :V0ILL LOOK.TNIC& Nolle. I.",,'"' , lit Ihe r.l.l, (,' for Klaiiwlh l',,,,; T.."'al. , TKVlNGTOHfcRM I'D INiMENTT PORTABLE r clan, 1. awnln.l . preaent same, pi, Mill -. '.. ,: luni.y llcni), r. I',,ah;'t" ' lliew llullillni:. in if.' lh Clly o! Klam.ll, r.n,' ' no'llc'.0' 1 " 2, Dated Dc,l,l. .. . Mll.llllKli Kitli. ' nl Oil, ,' " A'i . "' " N tu nonon Lolond THIS CURIOUS WORLD y """" Frfl"" WHOOM.' i ( DID YOU J SEE HOW Y I QUICK THAT J viV CA6BIT. .AV TURrJEPf ) StSJkWB RlifW BROWN IN SUMMBR, TURNS V sVjtl i SMS) WMr IN WINT ER, AND IS B& AADE TO (...;. "' (C J a. 6ROW WHITE FUR " fJjV' V 1 I '. r ll M X. . v. k H 8EF0R& rv hV.i. IT-TV. - - ll.kl I fen . 1 3 ft Ijj ir I r . i him H.1." .Vrr;:.. mns :"TM., 5AKt MO CATCH P5VCH0L0&V . l-lf tTF?WILLMM HEROES ARE MADE -NOT BORN) "s;;" . Red Ryder By Fred Harmon 1 HOLD EVERYTHING! TWO DM5 CM TH' "KAIL- BUI STILL NO SISWTj Of TH' INDIANr , r 1 1 j53n " Wash Tubbs - By Leslie Turner tSs' Boots and Her Buddies By Martin j m th 9oo? l SggfS? KCI I . ... I ' TWt. TME., A ?Bn qoovv'. RODNEY TOP .TWt CM2 1 rr Freckles and His Friends By Blosser Listen. squirt lets understand bach other riqht now i'm try ins to make up fay studies so l CAN PLAY HOCKEY J And 1 won't be eligible to play un less i get this geometry through my HEAP TMAT theorem is a CINCH.'the square! I Junior, I think I'm OF THE HYPOTENUSE OF A RIGHT TRI- (50NNA LEARN TO J ANGLE IS EQUAL TO THE SUM OF THE , tIKE YOU.' r ' SC1UARES OP THE OPPOSITE TWO SIDES to-j- 'T 'l ' j i1 cp. A"ey0 By V.T.Hamlin r rpliinap hiiti'm ..u .. AND I DON'T WANT ANV P,-WELCOMP TOTHF pnv11 V Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray arrr ! l yi 1, 'SORpTSh'bUT TOrTLip0 V D,rur i MK 7 HELL! WMATS) OH. JUDGE bmujsew or0, srv' I'VelSHSrv KAft"L! f TCLj 1 ' Iwj. " "-''"""' J 1 1 1iiiiiMiIiiiii1 liiii imj "Sorry, but the Navy isn't in terested ' in your submarine with a basement- recreation CARD OF THANKS We wlih 10 expres our deep grill tude to the many friend for the kind ne, sympathy end the beautiful floral offerings tendered ut during our recent Kiravcmcni. MR. AND MRS FRANK FKRRARI MR. AND MRS EM1E PASTECA AND FAMILY. OBITUARY JOHN" RATIIIEL EWINQ John Hathiel Ewmg. a resident ot thli cuy, iiassca away in jutimatn l-alm, j any; January u, 1U45 at nth y, m, t'ne acceaied was a native of blnoville, Iowa and was aed &a yenra, one montn nnu lx days wnen called. He U kurvlvcu by hia wife. Mary Kwlng of Ediiemonl. South Dakota; tnree aoni, Everett ot viianuic, fansai; joe 01 ine U. a. army, Etauonea at (.imp Alderi. Texai; anu Vyrl Ewlng of EdKcmont. Houtn Dakota; three daugntcn, fcrcicl Drake ana Mane Creo of McCook, Nebraska, and Uowana Holsinger of Edgemont, South Dakota. He U also survived by two sisters, Ola H (chords of Emmett, ' Ark., and Olive Hlce of Hemming ford. Nebraska; anil five brothers. Fen Ewtng of Nebraska. uiiu v-ccii, ncuoen, Jim. ana ram twing, all of California. The remains rest in Ward's Klamath funeral home, D'23 High. Funeral arrangement will be an nounced later. Courthouse Records Marrlagei MOROSKY-OUICIA1. rinrt.v r... Morosky, '(, USMC, native oi Pennsyi- ,?. "J tMsmain rails, urcgun. Elizabeth Catherine guigley, 2J. cierK, native of Pennsylvania, resioent 01 Klamath Falls, Oregon. Complaints Filed Nadlne M. Gum ore versus David V. GUmore. Suit for divorce, charge cruel and Inhuman treatment. Coupie mar rled January 12. 1943 at Reno. Nevada, w.imar lownsend attorney for platn- Jusllce Court John Cnrl Males, permitting four peo ple to ride in front seat of an automo bile. Fined 95.30. Ottls Hazen Usburn, no 1045 license ticker. Fined $5.90. Donald Franklin McKee, falling to obey highway Intersection stop sign. Fined $5.50. Herbert Donald Young, reckless driv ing. Fined 123. Nels C. Nelson, no 1943 license sticker. Fined $5.30. Lawrence Joseph Campbell, being drunk In a public place. Fined $10. Gene Edwin Erlcks, illegal posaession of venison durinar closed iMian. rineri $130. Jake Buster Rente, being drunk In public place. Fined $10. Robert Henry Smith, operating motor vehicle without clearance limm rinnrt $10. El wood Lee Canady. falling to obey highway Intersection stop sign. Fined $3.30, FUNERAL CHARLES ELMER FENIMORC Fllnfml aorvlroa tnr Ih Int. r'v...!.. Elmer Fen I more who nniifri mw v nap Tulelake, California, Wedneiday. January iv, mw, luiiuwiiiK a unci illness Will be held In the Assembly of God church at Tulelake.. California, nn Wcrfncarint January 17, 1045 at a p. m. with the nev. George M. Kaspatian, pastor, of ficiating, Commitment services and In terment Llnkvllle cemetery. Friends are Invited. A rrnn cements an iindnr tt, direction of 1he Earl Whitlock funeral iiuiiiB oi i mm cny OP CANADA'S POPULATION! LIVES FARTHER SOUTH THAN THE MOST NORTHERN POINT OF AUNNES0TA. 1-16 r I ANSWER: In Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. from the date or the first publication of this summons, and If yuu fail so t ap pear and attkwer, the plaintiff, fur waul thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the Complaint in Condemnation filed herein, to uil; 'Unit the Court take jurisdiction of ttio aLniVd causa and nuke and have entered all such orders. Judgments and decrees .i may be necessary to determine the ownership of the hervlnaflvr ii-crllwil lands and fix the value of said land and the amount of compensation to he Kn Id by the plaintiff to wluocvcr may e adjudged to be entitled thereto, and make and have entered such further or ders. Judgments and decrees n may ho necessary to vest the title to Iho herein' after described lauds in the United States of America, said lands twlng situate In the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, and more particularly de scribed as follows: PAItCKI. NO. 7: N'iNW'. Section 13, Township UH South Range 0 East, W.M.. suHJcct. however, to existing easements fur public ulllllie and to the rights of the public to uo the boundary roads of the area. This summons is served upon you pursuant to order of the Honorable J timet Alger Fee. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered herein on the 3rd day of January HM3, by publication thereof for four successive weeks In the Herald & News, a daily newpaper of general circulation published In the County of Klamath. City of Klamath Foils. State of Oregon, first publication hereof being made on the ISth day of January. PHY flernard H. Ramsey. Spec fa I Assistant to the Attorney General, and Krnet Falk, Special Attorney, Department of Justice. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Addrcrs: 333 Corbet t Budding, Portland 4 Oregon. J. 10XJ-30: F. 6-No. 3. NOTICE TO C-REI.ITOKH Notice Is hereby given that the undsr signed has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Karl Hold, deceased, and has qualified. All person having claims ngnlnst said estate are notified to present the same to me at the office of L. Orth Slsernore, 3U Stewart-Drew tluilding, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six monins irom me sum uay oi uo camber, ii44 FREDERIC A, OIILEMEYER, Administrator. D. 36: J. 2-O-10-30 No, 333. LEGAL NOTICES HI miONK IN Tltr Cllll I'll' COl'MT OF THE NT A IT. OF tiKKUON FUtl Till. COUN TY OF KLAMATH, GLADYS G, CULLXTT, Plaintiff, WILllt'n J, COLLKTT, Defendant. TO: Wll.HUlt J. COLLET!', DetomUllt IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OIIK (i()N. GMKE'IINU: Y"U henby le quired u appear and answer the com plaint filed agalml oti In the above-n. tilled still and court on or It fore Janu ary W, lULt, and if you fail to so appfr and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for Itn re lief prayed for In her complAlut, lo-wir A diviirra from you upon l he ground of Desertion (or a period of more Dun one iear. This summons Is served Uiiim you by publication pursuant lo an irdur of tlm Honorable David It. Vandviiberg. Jilflgo of the alMive-enlllled Court, said Order being doted Dwcotntier 30, lw4t. and by publication thereof-' once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks. The date of the first publication ! January 3. 1U43. and the date of Hit last publication is January ). 1IM3. W. LAMAR TOWNSKND, Attorney (or Plaintiff. 4.t3 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon. ' No 3 NOTICE TO CRKDITOIlh Notice Is hereby itlveu Hint the on de signed has been appointed admlrtuirn lor of the' estate of Nlnn Mae Gentry, also known as Sadie May Gentry, i!o Mti nr. onuie may miner, aeceasefl, and has qualified. All persons havlno claims aaalnst said citato nniifi..,! to present the some lo me with proper Drew Building. Klamath Ftlls. nrrn w'thln six months the 10th day 'L. ORTH SISEMURE, Administrator. D. 18-33; J. 3-0-10 No. 330. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS. riVII. Nrv onin tu tuv DISTRICT COURT or TltK ttwrrirn STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Plaintiff, vs. FRANK nifTwrtrin JANF DOF vlHIFvUVhranSlv'p t0 cxlsiing ctwment for public ir.rrJ3: .""LYANKXv.Jl'" wife. If utii t es nnd to the r ahin of thr nuhiio SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. 20.T1I. IN THE DISTRICT COHHT nif tup i.m.-t-I-,. CjON. ItNITKn TT.-B iif a widow-; ZETA E. ROBIN and JOHN ROE u i t'i . . u,u'nl1, " maTiea; MARY SALLY WILLIAMS MANNING ami A ?:..MA.NNINc; w,fe nd husband: FERD WILLIAMS and EUSIE WILLIAMS, hus band and wife; WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS and ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, husband and wife: MARY Z. WILLIAMS CASK JMU"l:u.'iu"f' u- -ab, wire and hiii . f;K WILLIAMS and sjiusnanti ana w 4: GEORGE L. WILLIAMS and EMMA WIlJ h,A?ii?; .n,UBbnd nd wife; DOROTHY M. WILLIAMS PERELLI-MINETTI and JOE E. PERELLI-MINETTI. wife nnd husband: KLAMATH COUNTY, a munic ipal corporation and political sub division of the State of Oregon; The un- E. R. C, Wllllnms, d d, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming nr who may claim any right, title, tnlerent or lien In and to the premises described in the Complaint on file herein, De fendants. TO: Zetn E. Robin and John Roe Robin, her husband. If married; Ferd William and Elsie Williams. hu:i- nnna ami wiie; ucorge 1... Williams and Emma Williams, husband and wife; Dorothv M. WHIiomn Por-flll.Mli.ftll And Joe E. Perelll-Mlnnttl. wife and himlmrt'l- the unknown heirs at law and devisors a 1 c. n. 1.. wiuiams. aeceasm. ano an oiner persons or parties unxnown claim ing or wno may claim any right, t i e, Interest or Hen In or to the nretnUcs described In the Complaint on fila here in: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each nf you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint In Condemnation filed against you in the above entitled action within four weeks from the date or me ursi puoucauon of this sum mom, and If you fall so to appear nnd answer, the nlnintlff, for want thereof, will nnnlv to the Court fnr the relief prayed for in mc v-nmpinini in onaemnaiion illea herein, to-wlt: the Conn ini Jurisdiction of the nhove cau-ie and mako and hnvo entered nil such order.. Judgments and decrees ns may 1 necessary to determine the ownership oi tun ncrrinnner nccrincn lanqs anu fix the value of snld lands and the amount of compensation lo be paid lv the plaintiff to whosoever may be ad judged to he entitled thereto, and mnko nnd hnvo entered such further orders, judgments and decrees as mnv he necessary to vest the title to tlin 'here inafter described lands In thn United States of Amerlcn, said lands being situate In the County of Klnmnlh, Stale of Oregon, and more particularly rln scribed as followsi PARCEL No, f); SF,'4 8WV4 Recllon 13. Township an South, Range f East, W.M.. PARCEL NO. 10: NW' RWV, SriMlon 13. Township :ifl nouin, luinge ir r.nsi, w.m,, suinect, v married: klamath coitntv muni.. fpal corporation and political subdivision of the Stnte of Oregon: and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing or who may claim any right, title, microti or uen in ana to the premises described In the Complaint on file here in, Defendants. TO: Silas Mulvaney and Jane Doe Mulvaney. his wife. If married; and also all other persons or parties un known claiming or who may claim any right, title. Interest, or lien In and to the nremlsea detrrlhxrl In th rnmKiin. on file herein: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint In Condemnation filed against you In the above entitled action within four weeki This summons is served upon vou pur suant to order of the Honnrahle Jnmps Alger Fee. Judge of the nhove enliilrd Court, made nnd entered herein nn llin rtrd dav of January. 1043. bv publication thereof for four successive weeks in the Herald St News, a dnllv newspaper of general rirculntlnn published In the County of Klamath. City of Klnmnlh Falls. Siate of Oregon, first nubllrntlon hereof being made on the 10th day nf January, IMS. Bernard H. Ramnev, Special Assistant to th Attorney t itin era! , nnd F.rncU Fnlk. Sperlal Attorney Department of Justice. Atlornev for Plnlntiff, P. O. Address: 323 Cornell nulldlng. Portland 4 Oregon. J. 10-2.1-M: F. fl Nn.a. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTIf.K 1HAT BCIIOOt. niATRICT WARRANTS Wil l, FIE CANCEM.KII l,hr!t? '""n- ln "mpllanre with Rec, 11.I0H2 O. C. I,. A . u Ind Kl.mi!hco!;:r7i.0,r7,?n. ,L?wi imi- ,n ih wrrnt, 1?; K"'11 County School putrlct of Klamath County. Oregon, at fo lo": y Number Date laiued Payee Amn.,. 9027 .m.m Amnunl JO I-35 The Electric Shop S 13-TO-M Mr. J. B. Brown JJ 5-a-M Drake Lumber Co. !39 11-4-311 crater Lake Lbr. Co, l'1' 11-4-36 Klamath riifnlhir. n 07.nn n.20 0.7B 13.1111 n.mi 0.10 J2-l; Ffi-M-Wr'." Signed, ... H. R. ASHLEY, Clerk, Klamath County School District. SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. 36.TT, IN THC DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIVf.U STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Plaintlfr. vs. D. D. LISKEY ami MAHEl. 1.ISKKV. husltand and wife; DAVK LIS KEY and MAUDE LISKEY. husband and wile; EWAUNA BOX COMPANY, an Oregon, corporation; KLAMATH COUN 1Y, a municipal co rim rati on and polltlral subdivision of the State ot Orgon. The unknown heirs at law and devisees ol W. C. Bennett, deceased; and alto all other parlies or persons unknown, claim ing or who may claim any nglij. title, Interest or Hen In and to the pTmises described in the Complaint on file here in, Defendants. TO; The Unknown heirs at law and devisees of W. C. Bennett, deceased, and also all other persons or parlies unknown claiming or who may claim any right, lllle. Interest or Hen In or to the premises described In th Complaint on file herein: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint in Condemnation filed against you in the above entitled action within four weeks from the data of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply 10 the Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint in Condemnation filed herein, to-wlt: Thai the Court lake Jurisdiction of the above cause and make and have entered all such orders, judgments and decrees as may be necessary to determine the ownership of the hereinafter described lands and fix the value of said lands and the amount of compensation to be paid by the plain tiff to whosoever, may be adjudged to be entitled thereto, and make and have entered such further orders. Judgments and decrees as may be necessary to vest the title to the heretnafler de scribed lands In the United States of Amerlra, said lands being situate tn the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, and more particularly desert ld as fi lows: PARCEL NO. : SE'. NW'., SW,, Section 14. Tnwnshlp 38 South. Range 0 East, W.M., subject, however, to exist ing easements for public utilities and Id the rights of the public to use the bound ary roads of the area. This summons is served upon you pursuant to order uf the Honorable James Alger Foe. Judge of the above entitled Court, mada and entered herein on the 3rd day of Jan uary. 1043, by publication thereof for four successive weeks In the Herald tk News, a dally newspaper of general cir culation published In Ihe County nf Klamnth, City of Klamath Falls, Stnte of Oregon, first publication hereof teing made on the ID in day of January, 1043, Ilernard H. Ramsey, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, and Erne it Folk. Special Attorney, Department nf Justice, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P O. Address: 323 Corbet t Building, Portland 4 Oregon. J. 10-23-50: F. 0 No. 4, " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. 13 Cases, more or less, each containing 34 cans Cream Style Corn. I'lJIILIt WUIIL.T. IS IIF.ltr.IIY uivcn thnt on the nth dav of January. 1043. 13 Cases of Cream Style Corn were arretted nnd taken Into the possession of and now are In the possession nf the Untied Slntcs Marshal for the District of Ore gon, pursuant to a warrant and process duly issued by the Clerk of the United Stales District Court for the District nf Oregon, In a suit for condemnation and forfeiture entitled United Slates of Amerlra, Libelant, v. LI Cases, more or loss, each containing 34 Cans C resin Style Corn, brought under the provisions of Section 534. Title 31, U.H.C A., whera In It Is sought tn have the nhnvn described article of food condemned and forfeited for the following reasons: That on or about the Rlh day of August, 11)41. iho sold Cream Style Com was shipped In Interstate commerce from SlerlnW. Illinois, to Klamnth Falls, Oregon; Hint Iho said Cream Style Corn Is adulterated within the purview of Title 31, Unllrd Slates Code, Section .143 ini Hi, In that 11 consists wnouy or in pari m a dernmnnsed substance: that all nersotia claiming any right, title or Interest In nnd to the said Cream Style Corn are nnrcn.v nonnau to appear on or nernre the ,1th dnv nf Fehrunrv. 1043. In Iho Fetleral Court at Portland, Oregon, to Rhow cntise. If any there he, why the same should not be described ngalnst and forfeited (o the Unlled fttnles nn adulter. aird food. JACK R. CAUFIEI.n. United Slntrs Marsha : CARL C. DONAUfllt. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon: J. MASON DIM, AMD, Assist, nut Unlled Rtntei Attorney. ir-i fin nn, 1. Logger Boots 8-inch with boot OREGON WOOLEN STORE BOO Main Asfhmailucus LoojenedFlrjIDay ,,r Th,0""d of SutUf' ?PotffissS iwireXmv?ilW a. 111. lo 4i3(l p. 11, . a. ul" 1 I", a P, .... P.,,,,,.1 aiff'' AH am-llratlnui mi( to ihe War Pn.e 1 nt tZ X' at iM Main stieei. , fc In norsun, nu'i SlMi A It Ration Imnk 4 . No, 34 valid Indrftiuuiy iKot Eanro roiins D-J. F-'J and ; 3 valid 1 ute nuiMiis X i v t1,d.' which era valldalrd IW,. main vallil ""N MFAT. Mtrrr-tt. t-M:tkc. RED MI'AMI'U it ni... II-3. V.MV J and X 3 v,, r U.. Slampa ) ' " nntiKit -iiaiioti iMMitt 11. 1 stamp I. 3 and .1 Ko0l UAKUI.INE - A '14 tusu j Mars-It 11. laty All ... ? H plications must Ihj art iimn.. axe rallontng slip wlika , with new "A" Ik. ok FUEL OIL- l'stlo.1 I M ,, n,.B..-. .... ""r ptftQ) CLASSIFIED riATtf One day ,, , , , 1 da run w 3 day run lv 4 day run 3 day run Ul Week run ui Month run , - , r Iti Discount mr I'srmsst t Dlicount for I'ai-mni Ads reteived o an., tame afternoon in "N New Tod METAPHYSICAL ltrlsl L Main. RiMint 7. Will t vf,. Tuesday, Thurtda sn4 b a. in, to 4 p. 111, WrdncttU) c day from 7 p. m, to p. F1VR women working it tJ plants nights in 3 w a. at . a ride nut Shotta Way si k dale. Each will pay OS 1 1 7ittM) before 3 p. ni. INQUIRE about Plaitl-Kot J am rtnisn. Alio Ksmteaut Phone 30B7. WANTED ComiMtont bouMl4 waeks. Ph. ou. WILL RENT 3-room hoots will buy furnllure. Aoul FOR BALt -Hook of knetltta1 4331, WANTED-Unfurnlihod I a modern house in n'ol it lion, by parts manster tl Motor Co. Perinanetil isnlu my Thompson, 3131, lUULpr SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO- nf nlshed home or apartnuatn reatdrnla. Ph. 3111 Ct, u LOCAL family of 3 adulU furnUhed aparlmstil or n" lenl rerarencas. rrnme 1-1 I a. m. and 9 p. nt. Aik fori WANTED Ry civilian nut quiol housekeeping rtmM Permanent resldenii wrtH car of Herald and Nsws. FOR SALE 1 Colt. 4V shells $23.00. Phono X. dale. FOR BALE Largo M, HP. nf Arthur. FOR RALE Small rati Ir gallon not wnior ions am gallon oil drum. Phono 3W ro. FOR ftALF.-.Outloard nwtei traps, 11.14 Grant, rnn hait. nntrot Klnit' electric oe.vlng marhint. -j Double bed, springs ana rw 733 N. 10th. FOR SALE 8 -bed mom bfkH hie garage, corner 01 " Fulton. 1443 iJikeview. WANT electric range and oil PO Rox 347, WANTED Experienced rsr w helper. Apply liuira FOR SALE -1034 Ford radk f 3303 Darrow. Phone oim- THEODORE DICKSON. rwJ-J reupholslerlng. repalrlflll Hnrtnga recnnninonru. - way, rnone mil vnn OA I w t I.A.Irnniii hoUtf furnished $,TO00w. o S033 after 0 n, m. LOST -Very light "Idfn,fe3 almost wniie ll.."" hack. losi in vicinity 0 Park. Answers to n"int ' ward, I'hone 3noL mm i'. acre, son her. inmi wood . ' "v, . 4733 Alva, off Shasla w run nni.r- m " yr ii Maim, uon umiin. "" FOR RALK Good Jersey rnl Whltlntch. Mann, -, ,. . . 1 1 . J tmtrninicRrPi'.R wanli wnrs man on ranch or in "" . . nni frrred. Inquire HlN 11,13 Main : :r " .ni tLLEN Adding M"r"'S tt Calculalon. 134 8. Pth Printing Ik BtnimiiP' SEr. MEL HENRY . Car Lot. 031 - CASH PRICK at "'Vull makes ana manci PAPER AND PArEn',v'J: pt,i J. E. Palteraon am. "" m lion r..t M.ln Phnilf Matting WolWi CARPENTERS' 1 n Meetings Temple, Office' No. 190 son mom 423 Main. D. L Open open 7:i" iff Wednesday, mm"' AT FIRST JI0H OF A tl &1d Pttrationi:oM