Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 16, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    r ,
i - ,
r . Hrownlo
r'f Wednesday mi(i:s
I room" ",,,. to nlloiicl
E. "4 Vim A L.. Brandt
I iTtitlt Howe, 16;
I,.Mii dol,ir Vm,.ii,v win
f,rtnd, l u. "ddont Sunday
oot 111 ".", r,.iinK easily
,11. r'Por v,,ll-y "oi.pltl.
'Vmo cr b olhcr, John.
hV. 10 be "iVR1 ,, '!''
" ,L hli brokon In tho
!1L biSllier. Billy.
tii,i- K.
H' '"nohc" J. Hcddi.rd,
fT Paul Newman, and Ar-
W p! i ier, nil of Klamath
vice In ,rv ln
fl,CeHtl lor V licrvico.
L 'Skint I Hi"" qunllfylng ex
Enilloni. I.. . . j... Mimlrl of
,coil enure. - v
I Hie regular """". ...
p...,2,',inH h
iroMl'c conv.-Vl Wednesday.
ITHiwklH. M. ncWrlRl,t.
fc Arthur Mooro and Mr.
ice Patterson os iioiciis.
tiira and Bud Chandler of it
s'. vnMD a, DnMkilfil
i nation jwim . .."" n
I business visitors In Klamath
ill this week. They are here
' .-n.... ...III. iirollmlmirv
CGIinciuuii ".. l"''"',vr '
ins (or Installation of 1 he Her-
Jl inu news stimuli ictvmi
i-.J U.. 11.. ...J...-,. I pnll.t
tJnmunlcitloni commission.
in. n n . -. .
0 igrTaill liy nrwirj,
. X ' n I n I 1 -. .
itfmberi of the Klamath court-
tji committee, and Ted Dun
Sodle. mlitanl secretary, will
F.ll I .1 ' I I - AAA ...
I UC1 III MIC AllllC Ifn lUllllTI-
K.ner ill John J, Ko lor.
president nl tha city t'uuniil unit
valcran iiiciniier in nun sii uii,
was uuublu to ullcnd Monthly
night' session bucnunu ol illnuu.
Ncilur in in ma iitiuui on jciiur-
on, 1'. u. unidry, councilman
from wind ), win also iih.icni tin
ha la out ol town on busmen
for one week.
Matt frldav Fart Kliinnilh
hrtnia extennlini null nwniihi.rk
will meet Friday, Jiinuury 111, Hi
tha l-IVIc improvement I'llll).
ran, v ii in ii i -i i. iiiui'ii, coun
ty hoina di-iuoiiKtrutlon iiui-nt,
will land tliti miHilmu on ' 1'niii.
atulling Ucllii(ui.-iH'y.
Ul.ltnr -ri. ...rt...l....-u ..I
ll.i. II S flMlt mirl lAillilllf.. ,ni .
Ico who stoppt'd In Icily In Kluin-
uin ruua on incir wuy io roll-
IlllUi for U I'UlilOllIll COIlll'I'CIICC
ure I'mil T. Crcimer, Stunlcy
Jowult and II. U. Willis.
From Modlord President A.
C. Cuiiiinlnn nnd Vice i'ri'.nldcnl
John lloylu of IIir Ciilllnrnlii
Orvuon Power eonipuny, with
ofllcca lit Mcdford, were K linn
ath fulla iHialnc-ivs vlsitura Tuci
lourt to Maet Friendship
art number 11, Order of the
Mrinlh will hnM m tnlH
Hlin0 WiilnitHiiv kuamIlh nt
si clock in the Musonlc temple.
iiaiion ana a sprciiu eiccuon
flll hi. I.f-lil All mi-mhi-fA nrn
a&cd to attend.
Ion furlouorf TCnl. Rich-
B F. Mayp Is visiting In
Kjnmiith Falls ndor spciullnu
vr two years ill uic South Pn-
ic. He is planning to return
his home in Portlnnd at llii
id of the week.
IfA MaaI A 1 it..
tH T . " iiirT-iinK ui inc
Miilfy homo extension unit will
JJiil Thursday, January 18, at
ftl Mack.;. "Oven Meals" will
mi tuoject demonstrated.
SVIllllnHt. ...j .....
IS..; . "II"
iln v"1"'' f Lark. N. D.. are in
l! ,hi Will, LtR"- 62
Iwtll. Thev will .-,! n.-i.
Sfli wedding annlveriary here.
Pnilnnn.J t
XI f"!1'n fell"whlp dinner
XT ,np l Methodist
2fcSh "1 ? h" been post
ted until Friday, January 26.
ff,.1;, School Barbara
4 TonXay 10 ,he Unlvcr:
lffKfflunV,untlcrwent surgery
Tabl '0 receive visitor,. w"
K nlghf mnth Fnil'' on
.ln Javmmm II..
4rSaMd'ordTMr. and Mr..
KC.rW .M.dfrd are
''. Bit.. . ?" lor aeveral
1 fef. ,u,,1, at 'he Wl-Ne-M.
555 wooiiir
S Wool Union,
kLI . r.my hi, Ilii V,
t h il Mnnli. i.'' I '''lllt tllftblcioil.
riSipf,,"'M f ri,cl,i' fhaumnlln
;?,l'o,," ""j"lln sni) Imrnlni
.UMrf y.mt ii,,,..!.! , r. ,.
To Bptak Phil Hltt-hcot-k
former district Kovcrnor "f Kl-
wauls Intcrniillminl nnd ii Minn
ath Fulls buslne.is mini, will
spcnK bemre the Tulclnke Uo
tury club Wednosdny.
Townsond Club Members; o
Tnu.nMi.nrt fliil. u.111 l.r.l.l .. I.....
nesa niectliiK, Wednesday ut 8
p. in. i at nit: noun? in ii. u.
Myers, 3U0 N. Oth. Refreshments:
will be acrved. ,
AddIv for Lieflnt MurrliiL-e
llconse nppllriitlons In I'nrllnml
included Keith I.. Hire of Klnm
ntli Fulls and Wilinu Jones of
A nerilllt to rnnMlriift n tin .
not) ciiuicli ut Home uud Mui tlii,
wiis Kiniiicci irio uiurvii of Jesus
l lin:a, Liillcr Duy buinU, at
Monduy iilglit'a council mucllng.
Tills is llio luiucht permit grant
ed since declination of war.
rums tor the church building
wert ilruwii nn ku tl. l...r..i.
clillecl in Hull Lake City, nnd
i-ii 1 1 ior a onc-siory slruclut'o
witli a lurgc chupel lluuked by a
ic-cieullon hull which will In
cliido chits rooms, kitchen and
other fucllltlcs.
Members of the locol church
iibtiilned lumber for the pro-
poscii ouiKiing when they pur
chnscd ii drying shed from Al
Koiiiu Lumber company, din
iiiuiitlcd the shed and moved the
lumber to the grounds.
Priority for construction wb
obtained through WPI1 because
the lumber, totaling some 200.
UUO board feet, was on the
ground nt the time the permit
wus sought, and also because
much of the labor has been do
nated. Under the provision, the
church must break ground by
reuruiiry l. members said they
hoped to bo in the new building
by eurly summer. E. E. Burrows
Is chairman of the building com
mittee, and G. W. Hanson Is
chairman of tho finance commit
tee, Mn. Walkar Wantad An ur
gent message Is being held at tho
Kliuniith police deportment for
Mrs. Winnie Walker, formerly of
Iteglnii, N. M., and now believed
to be in Kliinnilh Falls. Anyone
knowing of her wherenbouts is
asked to notify the police depart
ment Immediately.
New President
if' (, i j r
akrV"... '
Dr. Harry K. Nawburn. abova,
will taka office as prasidant ol
tha University ol Oregon July
1. it was announced by tha stat-i
board of higher education.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 15 (Pt
Dr. Hurry K. Ncwburn, 30.year
old dean of the University of
Iowa coIIcbc of liberal arts, will
tnke office as president of the
University ol Oregon juty i.
Ncwburn's election was an
nounccd by the Oregon state
board of higher education after
a year's canvassing of American
educators. The university has
been under the acting presi
dency of Dr. Orlando J. IIollls,
acting law school dean, since
the death of President Donald
M. Erb In December, 1043.
Dr. Ncwburn, a nntive of
Illinois, holds a PhD from the
university of Iowa, and has
been dean of the college of lib-
Twelve enumerators for the
bureau of census agricultural
survey have been named for this
area and arc now engaged in
their house-to-house canvas, ac
cording to R. L. Ackcrman, dis
trict supervisor.
Other enumerators will be
named soon, he said. Here is the
list of territories allotted the
Birnam C. Dewey, Wood
River, Klamath lake; Mrs. Doro
ihea Buck. Pelican Bay, Algoma;
T. L. Chllwood, Stewart, Lenox;
A. R. Rentier, Merrill, Mt. Laki,
East Merrill: Paul K. Buck, Chll
oquln, Yamsay, West Chlloquin,
Modoc, East Chlloquin; Charles
K. Caldwell, Malln, West Malln,
East Malln: Mrs. Jollcne W.
Staigcr, Klamath Falls, West
Shasta, North Shasta: Charles J.
Hess, Poc valley. Pine Grove:
John N. Mistier, Worden, Mid
land; Clarence A. ParKer, Hllde
brand. Dairy; Thomas B. Bicler.
Snraguc River; John B. Lemire,
west ivicrrill.
crnl arts there since 1041. In
1038 he headed a study of Eng
lish secondary schools for the
Carnegie foundation. He is mar
rlcd and has three children.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Camp Blankets
800 Main
'On to Bastognc!'
Over Held microphone, Lt.-Col.
Creighton (Abe) Abrams, of
Jacksonville, Fla., gives the or
der that started the Third Army
drive that relieved the heroic
101st Airborne Division garrison
In Bastogne. Col. Abrams com
mands the 4th Armored Divi
sion's rescue spearhead.
lUMaay, Jan. 16, 1945
Recognizing the fact that chil
dren will coa.4 on city streets re
gardless of areas planned on
nearby hills, E. E. Hambrick,
newly-appointed city recreation
officer, has gone to work making
plans for safeguarding certain
sections where boys and girls
will be permitted to coast.
"Coasting on any public street
Is potentially dangerous." Ham
brick stated Tuesday, "but the
city administration recognizes
the fact that when it is good
coasting weather the children
will coast."
"In trying to minimize acci
dents, the recreation department
will place traffic signs at certain
intersections whoro there will bo
sonic effort to protect tho coast
ers. The public is urged to
watch for these signs and also
for the Boy Scouts who will be
empowered as traffic offlcora,"
Hambrick concluded.
Signs will be placed for coast
ing on Wilford street west of
the cemetery from Delta to Ful
ton; Washington from First to
Third; at Second and Lincoln,
and in the Hot Springs area at
LcRoy street with atop signs at
Sii.s 14 to 17.
800 Main
Just Received!
Shipment of
Undershirts to match
733 Main
lead Colds
Head colds can causa much suffering.
Don't tuflcr needlessly. Just put a lit
tle Va-lro-nol up each nostril. Relieves
sneezy, stuny dis
tress. Also helps
prevent many
colds from devel-
rig It used In
el Try It. Pol
low directions in
folder. Works fine 1
iriwoiiopfr !
I quickly rl'va I '
distess J
Informal Dance
Saturday, Jan. 20
Muaie by
Marine Barracks Orchestra
Brunch at 1:00 a. m.
fallllllllll, TnMMianTniilila.1 T flfe ' ' , . , , 'A 'i '"fmvmmTMmm'"!" ' 1 aMoiajjejjjjjjjaiijjjjjjjjj aMHj
t "i i e ,
1 or 3 1 . . Wa are pleased to announce that we have teeurad tha COAST-TO- I V7lfiffl,f ' ' Taaa,
f ' fl IlTT En 1 MUa 1 COAST STfRE'S fnnchlaa for your territory. I ' P6?JO "'Snia ' I
J? p 1 cnalele (( By joining with other COAST-TO-COAST STORES, all Incli- bOjIn 5 P&GlCll
M.-MtS&ZS&fi 1 a. a at.O II 1 vidually owned, we are in position to buy and sell merchan- H "5 alKEQ
f3 '"itL -41 1 final II dise at tha lowest possible price. We personally own and fl Ta J5V '
IS-SSSn 41 11 I control this business. Wa expect to mako our living in f ilair """J i5 Bp Arm a-
SlE5S3 1 Jrfl Wa extend to every one of you a cordial Invlta- I Exlla It f MlXftt9m i
W?X2k. 1 ffll MuHlW M tion to visit our store on our Grand Opei9 I ' Vr'V'.T' W EXTE? flf t I
teal&mmg I jffl , ..K.; 1 Elton Forncrook I blSPi "" I
1 ,, , M I D ACCESSORIES SH I aod l't,al j Y ' 1
I V'iT.ntOow ""'S'"" 1 R.plec. those old bulbaledery all 1 fTillMvf Mm I ItpwJ O O M A . I
1 ...69c 1 - - - J , Mic m v r I iPI S r I
I -t t. I 0 H C I 1 l'-li Compl.t.with ""1 I i l ijj V Plnt M C I
1 -.ar TlUlVER 1 WAn fi r A2)CI ,1 1 .r'"n" !"'r ll"1"Trr universal bracket. - I jVT " ' " W V ' ' I
1 SCREW I MounlBanYwher,. . f ZOSl BlflJQg SffPBltt
I "!! 1 . , u .. l wbaPean ad Jr, SjC dfl
I c ip JOINT 1 5Vi Inch by 8 Ineh buli.r. AA229. SO"! ffW i(Wl(f B
I 5Uf . Plle I X-V Buy them by th. down IfitP I M.,!"J I I
1 CSSS" 1 rORNCROOK V.WTs70ilESF S li'l
. y uTTERBACK Tj Wi-N-Mo HoUl Bldg. - n , in J