10 i . .. r .. f, -rrrrTium" '",ln; wlio 'WM' HI) N Hl'l.. .3 Vninalil. MllW. Kimnath Falls Aerie T"'" i d t halt. l" wiliT.il. Vial I "I ,(l..i.art .ioii r liivll.il " fcARPeNTERS' LOCAL WO. . .nd l.il Wadnadair v. HP "!i"V ijou w.. H UKor I al !".,"" ii u Ev.rr .on;";1,1 H I flm I . ..iillrl li'rima l "' " B0""nnv wiijmw 1, IJ. pra'i ' Or.. ( (j Sr Maflr Llfalli". P'i; " X,k rt'lptd. Ilr.l Pl.i." 1 Oman. MoUcai " "' - "... ui'v iiltriir.HI'IIA. lull, al i - - ,ii PLUMBING SERVICE Inblm & HrallDK Equipment ImUllcd and Hcpalrcd DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wa Hurry Phone 70:1.1 2-lumc REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE nd y, Smoll Appliance ..Repair DAVE COX, Servlcn Mon . Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 -000 South Sixth St. OIL BUHNErtS pURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cicincd nd Repaired WOOD . COAL . OIL FURNACES villible for Replacements hCompare Our Prlcei TUFfs II EATING SERVICE Phone 8040 BRBtf INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping R0lln A. Canlrnll Room 4, Ilopkn Dldg. HO N. 8lh St. Evenings and Snlurdayi uono 2-lOm W0VING STORACE and Long DUtance HAULINti 'Kla.lL P-ii- "'uriiuiii rails ni ond STORACE 1 S u 'T. Ul,llct Van Line, "HI.U1 p,one oB72 1-23 -Al 1 ROBINSON'S DELIVERY '-none 7423 'ie - Parcel!. . Regular DCllvrrln !llr-10:00 a. m.0;00 p, m; - i-m ED F. KING 7 I'll hi ifi '""l "n Paint aior.! . mon, ,3M ,.,4m feST"V, liernooni. 4oeo gha.ia Slr'' r.,.,.: - '". a-im l'.Hrl, i T, 'l.MNlin nnrl In- )ja. "ncern, Phon. W. fc'fST n-1 hand. lhp. aniimr Saw anil nanalr fcr- -ia In KriJrr- IVnVnT- "al collar mull"! way, j.iom BtrTlon IIKMblTri.'IIINU linrnrlMAKIHd llulluna and Hiulil.a inv.r.il. All.i.l'.'ria oil naw .nil i.l.l rlullilna Mia. II M Alknuii. 'Ill Mini. Iluoi.i 110. Ph. TMil. .;llm Wll.l. t'Alir. ron Cllll.nilKN In mv tliiinr.: flUn Iw.iil .nil tu.im I'lillilrnii lnijiili. I JTK'm. HI 14 H.lp Want.d K.malu Wanted Corsetierro PxpcrlrniTd pri-Oned, but will give Kuod triiliiliiK to llin riiihl pt'iaon who IccU llmt the inn niuiingn thla ilrpiiiiiiicnl uiul Inuke a mil Jul) for hnrncir. t'rucllial nuralug cxjiurlvmx helpful. SEARS, ROEBUCK and COMPANY IIS WANTED. WUr... mt dlaiiwhi Wo men ir rri. Apply iitun'i enf- WANTfcD -Hotel rink. Pfrmantfit Hot, WMitj in hulel, iniitf WRI li KMTAMLlHIIKIJ II(M iit -i-11 U. UPVlilMg (til- tIM'4,1 Wuiumo ilunli lug tuirniiihu.t pinillon Mux tii Vr .K), Witt. A tiikrntii)i nf o((l''f .rrlfilirc (.mn fttmlliiK aliy Willi Kipl0 0tHft tltfllly nf elllVNIH'riliritt f'tr rriiir ptlMHi. C 'all Mr l'imi wt rOttntjt Lu, t fU rail Itiisltfy. a -ft HI WANTKl). tUttiiiy nml'ir. roll limr iiitlu maul. Uw'l Muat Atil lt llcMiity Hhup, uu N, 7th I I Hi WANTKIJ Wiiliwi. Wnlgirvii IIimk Jll-.if II Help Wanted, Mala Wanted PLUMBING' Department Manager Get act now, In n bunlm-nt thnt I expert clulin will he Imiu'ii. 1 dona In the nnir fiiturv. 'I'hla h ; a real opporlunlty fur uiiin who 1 1 n knowludiji! of pltinihiiifj mid lirullng mfrcliiindiM1. MniiiiKr lul exprilcnte In not iihsiiliili'ly ncccuuiry. W'c will puy good ttiirtlng xiilnry to tin- rlcht num. pi II lllicnil i'Oinini.Hii,m5 on total ilrpiirtinont milej. Wc offr r a prrinuncnl curcr, with mlili d opportunities for progrrM In our poM-wur expansion pin grain. Why not coino In. or write im? Tell u about youiM.'ll Vou may be lhi very man wc iirrd, Aik for Mr. r"llnr. SEARS, ROEBUCK and COMPANY ' 115 ! WANTtO nmlyman or Helper mid Mechanic t . ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 632 Walnut V . Phone 51-H . - . 210011 WANTED Nral youtie limit lu hnn-ll llfhl dallv.rlca nrt work ai"n. lor Appll In p.ron M.irMpr'. Klamalh H,r Shop. 1311 M 31 rail WANTKO - Aillimiolille m.t'ltatili'i I"! Ch.vrul.l anil oilier ,'ala. P.tmaiK-lit work. 90','r at 12 M fUl rat. Caiimiii Chavmlal Co . Yresa, l.lll WANTrO-r.r Mllla ai'ltiMil. pn lirail Jaitllar. urt. matt iiltttnt anrt r.liit woman atMilant. Apply Prlttciiinl. Mllla Kelt. II Htlp Wanttd. MaU WANTtO- Kfwr.rTHtHl rmlmif rrit.iir mn. Old (ttUhiUhMl. IhoruitRlilv qtilppcft hnp. Mir moitfv (or mitt nun. Aiidenon Auto Strvlrf. U.VJ W-lnt.l H"UW WOULD VOU Ilk lo ram mmiry ndrr trhiwl ilftllveMng irroli1Nrwt pi.r ron nt Mr. Millar at iti llpftlif oi(ir linr 3 p. m, MiU WANTCD-Mtn ind ht 1ft iM piiw. I.llht work, food py Apply Hwlin Allv, flm Main p. m, or any vnin. ftaturday or Sunday. UMI Slirrp hffrr wanted tn In WO ahcfp. Wa hava gond shearing Blifd hut tin electricity. Call th l.Ukey Itonrh. 7814. DM flit WANTF.n-SpnHer or priwr. Uptown Cieanert. ltT So. 7th. , lZt WANTED Night watchman (or local mill, nelertneea required. Phon 4'iia or SJf j in jauVAAWVVVV'VVaiar-1riiii "a 18 Situation! Wanted KXPKnlKNCED hnuakpcr rloalte. po anion noil rnnk. aatlafaCllnil liinntlt- lawl. Writ. Box ami, cio lleralil unrt Nrwa. I I" 20 Room and Board ROOM. nOAHD-afiilkmrn. HOT rrnl ' 22 Rooma For Rani ROOM rOH BENT-luaa J.II.raon. nri.it Con HKNT - Hmsle lirrtroom tor men. nil inn i" inni. .in.ni ."." 28 Houiei Fot Rant mUCKS ron nf.N r -You drive; rtuivo yoiiraaU, aavo Sulfa nrnrnn S.rv lr.. Ill ral Main Phono J " aayaaSaTataaBlaaaarrtaaOW 28 MitcelUneou' For Ront TimKiv nANcn ron hent-iwi nn- hee. Phon. 70.14. ' 111 TOR t.KAKK 73t rr. ranch, rqtllpivrd wllh marhlnny. pl.nly ri;i wnlrr lor Irrliallnn. Iv.y C. Clark. Unx.. Mil apr.au. niv.r. POn nENT-rioor aantl.ra. rilaora mitl wallpaper rpmnvlna machine. J. I'.. Patlfiinn Paint Sloro. Phone .km. 1930 tail M.lrh ciirxiTriic rtoon BANnr.ns nrt .iierr r.nl. il. Tin your own work. Inqtilrp Paint Dept. MONTUOMKnV WArtl) A, CO. TOR RrNT- Pr.nt lor.llon or raahlnn Cleanorl. fa Main, modern Ironl, liv 70 loot. Inqull. nuily'a Mi-n a Shop, 000 Main. "' avui. in .nn., Inml rtol. In. Part olrf nlrnUa Di'mitl'l. 007 lllsll. . 30 .. Real Eitate For Sale APAHTMF.NT IIOIISR mnl rurnlahlnm tor aalc. Now orniplprt aim rull. C-rtt-lor nl rlly. Will. Box BiHIU, Mrj Itat-Alil mil UfWn. I-'7 ana uaik a.rn..... furiiUhoH house. rludlni electric rni!c, linlrnont nml llvlna room Mlll.l. !. clo. Iinpilrp 9l!ln Arthur St. ." TOR SAt.R. Now V.CIU. nllrnctive Rn IUI. rnitatfo. ts:ro CallfotnlR. IMin'ie 4:tt4. . ron RAI.R-Kqnlly In small, mml.rn. a-hetlrnnm house anrl wriir, wllh nr without lurnlltire, a.13tl Crosh.v,.oir Al- IB Help Want.d, Male WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week - $1.62.5 per hour ntermountain 732 So. Illli SI Wanted Experienced Car Painter or Helper Apply BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main 30 ne.l 1 Halt for Sal ' st7 f'r ang park- Our of llio nutMiiiKlint; homes in lliis ill.'.lriii. This Httruclive (j room Iiiiiih- hps brick con nli'iii'lioii. i-omri-li- basi'iniMit, liipli' i:;ini,';c. coiil tnitninntir fiiiliiicf. CiijI'lK lui' 58iO0.0H. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH IUaltorn 111 N. 1Mb Ph. 4.'.C4 1-1U AVAILABLE NOW Very neat 5 i;ooiii modern house. CloM! lo bu.liiess ili&trlet. Snuill house in rem'. A very ((ood value nt ?;i7.i(). J. E. HOSKING 517 Main Phone :i21i Krl Mon. SPECIALIZIK'G in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS,' REALTOR 121 N. 81h Phone 0I!)1 .... 1-15111 FOR'SALE 6-Room Modern House In Hot Springs 120 N. lOlh St. 2302U HOMES FOR SALE .JOHN MuKKK, KKALTOR U H N. 7th Phono 4.121 25 FOW SAM: 4-ronm hmiMt. 3 lot, double (Mi-Hue. .artje tr.wl-n mot, Alw IMS I'hituiuth redan. Iqulro Mr. I. I.. Ciolin. (.'Itetora mldltlon. 1 block front llnkcr't office. FOIt SAI-B-!l-rinm h'-iue. moUt-rn. vilh tifti7ienl. partly furnUhcd; clop tn. Phone :i4(Ui. i;::i3ii KOn kSAl.E-M'lcrn. rlcnn .1-leitiotitn home, on paved hired, t-nrge lot and tree", doublr giirauc I4OO0. Will Mill (tirnultetl a-tnr.d, Kurnllure Include rcrrltfriafur, lint Point range, electric utomntlr hnl water hratrr. vacuum cleaner. 1204 Cahlornla Ave. 1-13 FOR KAt.K- -Equity " a bedroom mo dern home. ' acre ground, chicken ' hotite. amalt harn, excellent oil. Ulibec. FOR SAl.K -4-room homt In Hot Spr Intra, tncludlng full hncuunt with laundry room, iurnncrt and :t-rooin furnlihed apurtmput. alwayi mnted. Will Fell with or willmut (urnlture, nuch an rp frlaerntor. wnhhig nmchlne. electric rnttvp. hot wter heater, oic. Phone owner. VMM. MS KOH KAI.K IIoiup in Hot Spring Addi tion, cost Maeo.oo. win eii for It 200 On FtirnKhrd homo on St. Fran cU, 23.M1(H cnth- HeU buy In city, nodeiihanier. 'Ml K. Main. 1-10 A CHOIt'B COHNFirt ACItK on Home dale road. Irrigated, a-room home, gnrage, root houve. rhlchen homo, brooder home and barn, good fence nnd croM fcnrei, loll ol nhnde and ahruha. Tcrma if denlred. A hlff clh roiinl for rnli. See II at 3073 llomr tUiln or cnll HOOT. 115 KOH SAI-R 4ronrn modern hoiino with both, dnuhto KArntio and root cellar on l acre urouml. .1110 Wl,ml. Phono tl!H7. FOIt SA1.F- BO nvrc W mile cint of Mn. tin. jiood potato land. Modern 2 bed room home. Inrgft barn, aptul cellar on coiM-rele (niiniliitlnn. 2 g.intfiett. shop, hunk hnuM-. lot of aluule. liccp. nanriy oil, sin 000.00, Coll HodRcn. 01. Tule liike Hnti'i. l-irt 34 Atuomolivo MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Rcboring, And Olher Mcchnnicnl Work GIBS MOTOR SHOP 1:j:i Kast Mb in 1-22 FOU SALE RADIATORS " OK ALL TYPES Wi.11 IMiiltl Any Type RmliHtor Vou Need Klamath Radiator Works Rn (ilh Phono G042 3-tm t. n m.a n u.nn. hmiifi nftHtv fur nished. Furnncr. double garage, corner lot. i:in?e in. Temm. It. II. Dunbar. 1W R tih HI. VhcrnP 7211. 110 W A NT K U - 'Prnde M!) Special nulck 4-door neilnii. very Rouo iriroiiRimui, n- - t'OUPC. Willi ai"U on mi i;umi . iim.-.. Will sell If coupe lim't nv.iilabie. fihnsln View Trailer Cotirl, No. IS after II, j l-1 Help Want.d, Mall Plumbing Co. Phone 847S 1BB5U J-I5 34 AutomotlT A MOTOR OVERHAUL Here will cost you less because Wc know ports ond save those .thot will synchron ize with new ports. Lei us rcpower your motor better for less. LEO'S GARAGE Ilth ii nd Main St. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wcd. Used Cars Bought Sold Traded 0DELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klnmath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 1-1 3m RADIATOR REPAIRING ; We Arc Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2S4S S. 6th St. ' Phone 8331 1498-tt Exchange Motors Fords 1828 to 1842 Chcvrolcts 1935 to 1941 Plymouth 1934 to 1942 , Dodges 1934 to 1942 or Wo Will rtcbuild Your Old Motor RrRround Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phono 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-31 -in RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service " " Station B. K. Teed ' 301 So 6th Phone 7071 . 1-7 ron sai.f. imi H.n.y nvi a-wriM-ifr Biter 7:30 p. m., Mri. Robtnion. 433 WO, IUIII. ........ TRACTOR OWNERS -01 flnMt aUalltS' tractor tln-a. Let ll hl you apply ror thftrn. All aires available, llx.lfl-ri.nri- . . . s.-.n.n.i. Plul Tax. MONT- nriMERV WAHD. ath 8lr.t. corner Pin.. MO 34 Autom live Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS i Main and Esplanade Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell -Used Cars end Trucks Low First National Bank Finance We Need Late Models COMPARE Our High Bid Before You Sell See Selby Last- Phone 6934 34 Automotive SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED 500 SEAT COVERS For All Popular Makes Reasonably Priced First wme First Served Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th Phone 4113 1-15 Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. M5m Src MSb lir.NHY t Lombard'. Picil Car Lot. Ml S. 6lh St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at one. (or your car. All mak.a .nd modcla ror sal.. l-15m 35 Fust Heating RICHFIELD itovc and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phono 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOn RAl-E K-14 Fnrmnll with mower, cultivator and John Deere le-tm-h a-WAy plow. Ivan Trnpp. nt. 1, Box una, mile west ot Spring Lake chool. l-l? FOR. SALE-Wood clrculnttnR healer tor 9 or 6 rooms. 1123 Division. 1-lft FOR SALE-100 tons baled nay. 1st cut , alfalfa, oats and ro. at Kcno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. TulcLilce 7104. 33Mtr FOR SALE Dry Wbou. Ray Ulixrlh. 1314 Dayton. 211 FDI.I.ER BRUSHES - Clem Joyce. l-KW Martin. Phono 0877, I -Mm FOR SAl.E-Trailer ium-e. at ft. '4 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped, Klamalh Autn Court BUI FOR R At. F. -Oil circulnllnR healer. SlP.pn. Leo's Garage. 11th and Mnln. 1-13 FOR RALE -100 value, fishing Ini'kle. No reasonable offer refused. 732 N. lOlh. evenings. 1-13 FOR SALE-New fur coat. Call 4210 MS FOR SALE-.l bedroom art nnd fnmt room furniture. Call at 1232 Division. OLANS-Mirrors, resllvcrlhR. plate win dow and nulo glass, furniture lops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop, 337 Walnut. Phone 7376. 3-3iu FOR SALE -Piano, blond mahogany, splntt type, excellent condition, 4fVi2 Summers Lane. 113 FOR SALE -C0-ft. house trailer, eastern built, sleeps 4. Duethurm heater with blower. Inquire Klamath View Auto Court. 1-10 FOR SALE -Two itprlyhl pianos. Good condition, 50 each. Hnwl Oolcy, 2?37 .Akarrt Si,, Redding, Calit. 1-10 34 Automotive 237f)tf 38 Misceilanatoui For Sal First and Second Hay Delivered In Ton Lots Mallory's Market Phone 4620 1-18 FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKER BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf FOtt SALE Remington automatic shot gun nnd nhells. Sneed boat with GO h.p. motor. Fixit Shop. 744 Klamath. 1G75U HOOKS -BOOKS-BOOKS Don't-discord yours booka or magatines. Call 5392. 2-3 STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone StiVl. I-3Im AI.t.KN Adding Machine d FRIDEN Calculators, 124 S. 9th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. l-lSm FOR SAI.E-Larse wooden barrels. In quire nt Fluhrcr's Bakery. 1733lf FOR SALE - One pnir lady's ftRiire skates, siie 6. One h.p. stationary Rns engine. One. Chester Model 83 calibre 21RR. Fix it Shop. 744 Klamath. Mtr FOR SflE-CIns range, Deluxe model. 6-hurner. 3 ovens. Ilka new: also too lb. capacity Coolerator. Phone. P!eo. 1-13 FOR SALE 2-horse power air mm nrr ssnrN . atttnnmtic. with tanks. Cas. cade Laundry. 1-13 SPENCER COPUTIKE Mrs. Enid nurch. 621 Oak. Phone T316 for appointment. 2-8in FULLER nni'SHES -Ren. R. V. Morgan, 5M So. Rftcrstde. Phone a-am FOR SALE -.Curved wedding set. Plati num setting. Can be seen at 3349 S. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7510. 434011 SOLDIER AND WIFE in dire need ot small furnished apartment or house. Phone 74111 or 7370. 2142U WANT TO RENT- Potato acreage. Pay cash or share crop. Write P. O. Box 042. Morrill. 1-23 WANTED TO lUIY-Palr of thinning shenra. Please phone 4868 after 3:30 p. m. amnf nrsPONsiltLE local civilian couple are looking for a small, comfortably fur nished, home to rent. Mult have ade quate heating facilities. Will treat your furnishings as we Would our own. Phone 638T from 1 to 3 p. m. , MB WIlil. PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Iroula R, Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone - 4310 or 7173. l-22m WANTED TO BUY-I.ale model pickup truck, Phone. 7&TI. 1321 BargeiM. BP" Monday, Jn. 15, 1945 34 Automotive Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Go. 410 So. 6th St. 44 Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will bo in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come in, write us for information and prices. . - FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon ' OREGON BRED CHICKS ' 993tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY,... TOP CASH PRICES f We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. . Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 71C0 ' 761tf WANTED Small furnished house or apartment In Falrvtcw school ditrict for mother ana child. Write Box 20S3. care Herald and News. - - 1-17 WANTED TO BUY-Innersprlng mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest or Seelcy. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4690 between 5 and 7 p. m. TBtf WILL PAY- CASH for used guns. Bring them in f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 323 Main St. l-Mm WANTED Furnished apartment or house by permanent couple. Phone Dispatcher's office, S. P. Co., after 4 p. m. 1-113 WANTED 2-whecl trailer with good rubber. Irving Capck, Tulclake. Calif. Box 447. I -10 WANTED Fireplace screen: also rental nt sewing machine for one month. Phone 4411 days. 1-lti WANT TO BUY-Out board, motor. P O. Box 247. 1-18 WANTED Small furnished house or apartment Needed very badly. Write Box 2116. care Herald and News. 1-16 WANTED TO RENT Modern, furnished house or apartment, one child. Phone 8473. 211 Tit! WANTED TO BUY -Up to 40 acres of potato land. Write -187. care Hero Id and News, 1-13 WANTED TO RENT- House with 3 or more bedroom by February 1. Phone 48311. 1-18 44 Livestock and Poultry Farmers Attention! Let Us Spread Your SULPHUR or PHOSPHATE BiR or Little Jobs 2 Power Equipment Sets . Do the Work Wc Go Anywhere Phono Your Orders Krizo Bros. Phone 0311 Klamalh Fulls Phono 74 Merrill 1-19 WANTED - Live poultry of nil kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. . l-31m HIGHEST PRICES pi Id for hns. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packlut Co. Phone 3323, nights ;W3; i-3im CHtCKS. Finest and best grade ot chicks. Free delivery to Kl.imnth fc'.ills. Sond for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent. Orcnon. 2-B FOR SALE- 1100-900 bend fcerfef hugi, 4h veal calves at public auction by Hit Farm Bureau at Anderson, Cnlif:rni. Wednesday, Janunry 17th. Calf sale at t0;0O a. in. Hog s.ile nt 1:0 p. in. Hogs eroded ajul sojd in truck lol.i. Calves sold Individually by the pound. ! Mf FOR SALE-Bred. regMerrd HercrrrH gilts. Rice Bros.. Dtllard. Ore. 1-17 WANTED Dead and worthless, animnli. Phone 4630 collect. 1-airh PAYING IIP TO $2 It) for rahbll shins. Millions wanted. Rush shlprm-nls l t day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle, Wn. 1-31 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN 94 Automotive P.hone 4113 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Live lock end Poultry WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVE S MARKET, 919 Eat Main. Phone 4282. 2-5m 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. .(Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. : 107 N. 9th Sr. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock - Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed ond 0. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-231 l-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO ttSr" FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit HecuirqmcriU Complete Privacy 13 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quirk Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest .M-273 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3;i2S l-31m 48 Business Opportunities For S.Tlc f?HOK flUOPv-Dolns good mis., per -I.' Rivri fiiot'k, rfcht V.3.00. 3-yeai , a-e. living qunrters No competition W)iv.lov nnd Taylor, Box 471, Tula Jake, Csllf. v Ml