PIPIPB elf L. m. . I I a. .- XT I . iL MaOI 111" r'm,M l.o Moose will hold Ul ."J. .Ion Tuesday. J-'; KV.7- In the 'Moo.e fcy L(' .j.i.m co mm I tie Com i iter emb "d'hlPhU nr ln. A das. .ilcnd this iniiiBi-ri Lrmsn. Bell i" f .. j ail member! oi iim iimUea re urged '"Td." I to be Initiated . c o r t and ,''c .airmen are to wear WK ,fflrallv commit- '"Hi meet it 7:3? promptly. -; (he meeting o (ctcllnl t. furlough - Seaman i lc rn.rki. former "''?; ' B'rt.: for the paat 16 f been stationed In he H.V. arc" hs been vl.tlng Lutin r- " ... . ,lln. Pm A Bowman and family t'-.";.ii " Seaman Barks, on a ?" ( rloutll. Visited I SO E,k Calif. H r"du,t,5 ,ih;poU back" . the and of to Camp Parki. Calif.. further ororn. , Wsihlnpt , Marklr ton Mr. and Mra. Mark ry left Mnnduy oahlngton D. C... tulon "im the WHA office r ... ii.. wba at Newe II. hli El Ion now filled by Ralph O, Cn, who accompanied Mark- to Mamam i In Wnsmniiion, nrnnw , a at the two evacuee II j -II. Art. Attn at rosion Liurni Mayor Ed Oaton- i.i Sunday aftomoun Im Corvallla where he (pent ... I ... .i.ia.I e( l.li ,.ht.r Jean, student at Ore- k State college. Ostendorf re sted an excenrni amcnuaui-c fathers and lain an morougn .ninvorl the dance to which Ihera eicorted their dauilhtert lowing mo DsiKciuau in. JMssllnj Hold A meeting of t dairy transportation coin. lti was held Monday after Ion it 1;JU ociock at we imtv aient'i office. E. E 'II 01 Wit Oir.cn oi anicnao nnwrtallon In Portland dls- aiea tne inonaac oi iriiui' ilea fie t ei with the mem. hi of the dairy committee. fcarrsetlon In the lint of men tutted Into the armed aervlcea fc which inneared January 12, The Heraia ana isowa, me fouof Victor Slsaon waa listed i lit ves report that Slsson haa lunUr y en Isted In the Sea m and leaves Mamam fans Euary 30 for duty. Ultlna-WO Russell Simon and Mrs. s monsen are visit- at the home of hia aunt. Mra. rn Peunh, and his uncle, Don- i uriice. They are en route Seattle where Slmonsen will port for further duty with tho navy. Will Hold M.etlno A meet i of the Falrhaven home ex- fcllon unit will be held Wd. fday. January 17, at 10 a.' m. mo noma of Mrs. O. B. Thur. in. 'Torestalllng Dellnquen ' will be the sublect dli. Witd. IXalghts Tamplar Meat Cal- fry Commanderv mimhrp 111. Ill confer the order of the fnpo Tuesday evening. Janu- in. ai cau n. m. All Sir igMi are cordially Invited. Enlist In Navy Lyman N Patrick, Roger A. Wilkinson, Myrua E. Cicslvnng, James A. Williams and William W. Smith, all of Klamath Falls, were aworn Into tho navy Inat week (or ganerni service at 1'orlland. William i;. uaiyrmplc and Uen. nla A. Dcpuy of Klumath Kails, wcro also sworn In aa aircrew men. Wayne C. Uarry and Wll. Ilaiu II. Rogers of Lakcvlcw, wero aworn In at the same time lor general service, Tho boys enlisted for general service will rirocecd to ban Dlcgo for boot raining and tho other two will take their preliminary Instruc tion at Memphis, Tcnn. Scottish Ritas The regular meeting of Scottish Rite lodgo will bo held tonight, Monday, at 8 o'clock, in the Masonic tcmplo at which time Itcv. Fred erick C. Wlsscnbach of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be tho speaker. Andrew Loney Jr., of tho Klamath Falls music department, will present a group of music atudenta. Committee to Meat The post war planning committee of the chamber of commerce will hold Its January meeting Tuesday, January 2.1, at the Pelican cafe. Lumbermen of the Klamath basin will bo invited to attend tho meeting, and Dean Paul M. Dunn of the school of forestry nt Oregon Stato college will be tho principal speaker. Extension Unit The Henley homo extension unit will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. Earl Mack on the Spring Lake road at 10:30 a, m. The demon stration on oven meals will be led by Project Lenders Mrs. Karl Muck and Mrs, Fred Crapo, All women of the community aro Invited to attend. Three persons wero arrested by city police Sunday night, charged with violation of the basic rule within tho city limits. Arthur W. Donnelley was picked up at E. Main and Oak; Harold Mllo Adams, Crescent and Portland, and Richard Cluu son at East Main and Reclama tion. Frank L. Roberts was charged with running a red light at KuU Main and Mulu. and tho sumo charge was filed against Pctu C'haver when office suid he: ran a light at East Main and Reclamation. James L. Hlank enshlp, driver for Klamath Bus company, was charged with full ura to signal at Btli and Main. All were to appear Monday before Police Judge Harold Kruncy. Two drunka and two charged with being drunk and disorderly, wero picked up over the weekend. FIO DUO TO OPEN Applications Sought Applica tions for tho position of produc tion service specialist on lumber for the war production board aro being aoughi by tho civil service commission. Tho salary for this position Is $4428 a year. Com- Elete Information and forma may e obtained from Helen Splker at the pnatofflce building in Klamath Falls. Ted Flo Rlto will open the 1043 name band session at the armory on January 31. Flo Rlto'a rennun a mn nrfhmtra leader Is easily matched by his success as a song writer, and among the 100 hit tunes that he has composed Includo "King For A Day," "Laugh, Clown, .augn, -inrce un A Match. I Ni-ver Know" "Hnll AUnM Prairie Moon." Flo mto la rnmlntf frnm m alv months' engagement ot the Rosclund ballroom In New York City, and at present, Is filling a months' en0auemf.nl at tim Trianon In Los Angeles. Featured with the orchestra aro Kay Swingle, and her broth er Ward, vocalists, and tho Solldalrea. which la a nunc tette consisting of Kay and her uruuicr, co, vvara ana Mai. The outstanding feature Is the piano work of Ted himself, who does all of his directing from mo xeyuoara 01 his piano. Maatlno Members of tho re tiring and new armory com mittee met at noon Monday at the Pelican cafe to discuss plans for the coming year. Mayor Ed Ostendort was also present. No chairman had been named for the group prior to tho Monday session. To an experienced Railroad Carman in this area Vour experience li something r men have ... and some- n Southern Pacific needs. t Ot able to renaii- nr rak.illrl filroid of greater Importance than . Because S. P. must -keep ! wir tralna mill. tu. II... J .. ,B "a muit bring the jeepa ,no S"na and troops " cat L.naur vtnrta , .M rkttlon. At S. p. there is I" opening far you ... vital ? f,?od-P"yln Job. .You'll "iiung wn folkt you'll . .and win. iH.. 1 ulpmont Railroad nasi privl- r v ". services, A fine I , ' Joln M Southern -lunoing wnore your (III and experience are really L "'"wai age limit. F Or Wrlra T..I a . .. lamingiiar, r Btallen. VU..U ' Your n.ara.t S. P. Aoant ItnMfcra. ' - WiS'SSK.'Wir. TOO . . mt'iy rti Z TT' """id - r -""". a.ia Flrst Aid Class A standard first aid class will be held at Klamath county Red Cross headamrters, 418 Main, begin ning Monday, January 22. Class will be held Monday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Any one Interested is Invited to reg ister now by phoning 7184. Lenlon to Meat The Ameri can Legion and auxiliary will meet lueaaay, January ie, at p. m., at Legion hall. There will be a chill supper after the meet ing and all Legionnaires and women of the auxiliary . are urged to attend. Conejer PTA Membera of Conger PTA will meet Wednes day at 2:30 p. m. at the school. Music will be presented by the filth and sixth grades and re freshments will be served. Girl Scouts will caro for young chil dren during tho meeting. ' To Corvallls Lee Holliday, nresldent of the Oregon Dairy. men's association, left Sunday for Corvallls to attend the an nual meeting of the association One of the major subjects to be discussed will be the Bang's disease situation in Oregon. Raturns Howard Spragg of tho Klamath Falls navy recruit Ing personnel returned- from Portland Monday morning where he spent the weekend on official business. ' Meeting Slated A meeting of the Oregon chamber of com merce executives will be held in Eugene January 28 and 27. There will be an election of of. ficera. To Hospital Perry Wilson well known Klamath Falls resi. dent, left Sunday morning for veterana hospital in roriiana for medical treatment. In Valley Thomas J. Towey 133 S. Riverside. Great North em 'employe, la a patient at Klamath Valley hospital. Trulove's Cutting and Curing Plant We eul and wrap meat for your lockers and smoke your hams and bacons Phone 4282 919 E. Main Both DAY and EVENING Classes a I in f r ll K.!a UWW(Mai Bth Gregg ad that SPEEDY THOMAS Tvo, NATURAL SHORTHAND 'W"9. Offieej Machine, and Kindred Subjects . A Business Office Training School ; JUMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE " riita Strait Phone 4780 Plenty of Snow For New Yorkers to Buck 1' 1 r ' 1 u , 1 W.a ( !' 4?" i4i ' '' , ' , '' , Jj-i 4 f; -1 . . I , ' ..; ' 7 V -' ' i t - 4 1 ' X - t i; -. m 1 1 1 l' s i ll 1 i New Yorkers buck a strong headwind and snow at Radio City as a snowstorm swept the city. These hardy souls are strolling at 5th avanua and 50th street. AP wirephoto, FOR BLOOD IIS Arrangements can be mndc with Lnnc county chapter, Amer ican Red Cross, Eugene, for blood donors to give blood at their center. Tho mobile unit from Portland cornea to Eugene once a month, and February 12 is the next dntc. The unit is there from 7:45 a. m., to 10 a. m. Thirty-seven people can be ac commodated at 0 a. m. on that date. A bus can be chartered at a cost of about $4.25 per person tn lenvn here nt 'A n. m.. mid re turn late In the afternoon. Many land in our sleep we do not for- Inqulries have been made con- gut it corning this service. Tho project was initiated by George Duff of 640 Prescott. Appointments may bo made by cnllinc Red Cross headquar ters at 7184. Russia to Deal With War Criminals Alone LONDON, Jan. 15 (A') Ilya Ehicnburg, Moscow's b c s t known newspaperman, declared in Pravda today that Russia in tends to deal with German war criminals in her own way. "Wo ourselves will judge our torturers and this -wc will en trust to nobody,'' Ehrcnburg said in tho article which was broad cast by the Moscow radio. ltusia is :?"t a member of the allied war crimes commission in London. "Wo wake with the thought of Berlin and with tho same thought wc lie down to sleep," Ehrcnburg said. "When we aro silent wc aro thinking of Berlin IB TIP LEADS Tl T Monday. Jan. 15. 194S HERALD AND NEWS FIVE T TAKEN BK DEATH WASHINGTON. Jan. 15 (IP) Rep. James Francis O'Connor, 66, (D) of Livingston, Mont., died last night in his apartment in the Roosevelt hotel. His was the first death of the 70th congress. The cauao of his death was not Immediately determined. Mem bers of his office staff said he had been in apparent good heal'h during recent weeks. His death was discovered when his office telephoned him in con nection with an early engage ment. When O'Connor did not answer, the hotel management was notified and his body was found. Mrs. O'Connor was in Living ston. A son, Lt. Miles J. O'Con nor was reported en route to navy duty in Seattle. Born near California Junction, Iowa, O'Connor served in the Montana state legislature and on the federal trade commission pri or to his election to congress in 1036. Buick Sedan Reported Stolen From Street G. B. Leach, 2355 Orchard, reported to city police the theft of his car from S. 6th and Klam ath at 10:24 p. m. Sunday. Leach told officers that keys were in the ignition but that all doors to the 1941 maroon Buick sedan were locked when he parked the car. A second report on stolen machine was later cleared when the owner found the vehicle, po- , lice said. Travelling Passenger Agent Arrives Here Albert Kusler. who was re cently appointed travelling pas senger agent for the Klamath division of the Southern Pacific railroad here, arrived Sundav from Oakland to take over his new position. Kusler was former city nas. scngcr agent tor southern pa cific In Oakland and will re place K. B. .Currie who was as signed here from Porllnnd on October 1S43 to handle the in creased military traffic in this area. Currie was transferred to Portlasd as city passengor agent, effective January 15. Chiloquin Man Faces Drunk Driving Charge Otborn Lee Ball. Chlloouln. was arrested by state police on highway 97 near Chlloouln Sun day evening, charged with oper ating a motor vcnicic while un der the Influence of liquor. Ban waa odged In the Chilo quin Jail and slated to appear before Justico of the Peace Lloyd Peters early Monday. From Oakland Mrs. Bert No- klcby of Oakland, Calif., former ly of this city, is here for two weeks visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Henry N. Moe of Pacific Terrace. Ostendorf to Name Committee Members Mayor Ed Ostendorf will name three members of the veterans' mcmoriul committee at the regular meeting of the city council tonight. Appointed by tho moyor to serve as repre sentatives of tho city will be Rose Poole, William Canton and Rev. Victor Phillips. County Judge U. E. Rceder announced his appointments Monday morning. They are Coleman O'Loughlin, J. P. Lin man and Lee S. McMullen. The six will meet and name their own chairman, it was an nounced. Principal duty of this committee Is to keep records on service men and especially those who have lost their lives in line of duty. A shaft on the court house lawn carries these names, as placed by the memorial com mittee. Tax Rates Increased In 90 Oregon Cities EUGENE, Jan. 15 (IP) Prop erty taxes totaling $10,655,861 1 have been levied by Oregon's I 184 incorporated cities, the bu-! reau of municipal research and ! service at the University of Ore-1 gon said today, j Tax rates were increased by 90 cities, reduced by 91 and re-; maincd level in 13. The bureau j said city property valuations are up 22 per cent over 1940. I Fathers Pack Hearing In Diaper Shortage WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 (&) There was standing room only as fathers packed the opening hear ings on the diaper shortage, la beled by Representative Mary Norton (D-N. J.) as a matter "fully appreciated only by wom en." Congrcsswomen Emily Toft Douglas (D-Ill.), Helen' G. Doug las (D-Calif.), and Margaret Cha-e Smith (R-Me.) heard testi mony on the shortage from rep resentatives of diaper services, WPB, OPA and mothers them selves at a hearing called by Mrs. Norton. A. C. Hill of WPB. the father of one, said that, according to stntlstics there was no shortage, The 27 per cent increase in birth rate since the war began should have been covered by a 96 per cent increase in diaper production, run said. To Moot The Altamont home extension unit will meet Tues day, January 16, at 10 a. m.. at the homo of Mrs. C. C. Craw ford, 46D0 Boardman. The topic will be "Forestalling Delinquen cy." Classified Ads Brine Results. State police, roused from bed at 3 a. m. Sunday on a hot tip that officers thought might give them a lead on the John Rathiel Ewing murder, wound up by ar resting two men charged with illegal possession of deer meat. In the county ' jail Monday were Gene Ericks, Pelican City, and Harold Willis, 512 N. 0th. They were to appear before Jus- lice ot tne fcace J. A. Manoney this afternoon. City officers snotted a car at S. 6th near the Union Oil plant and, checking the machine, found a bullet hole in the left door and blood on the rear floor boards. The cushions had been removed. State officers were called and on investigation found the car had been sold to Ericks. Deer hair was found in the car and when both men were arrested Sunday afternoon, state police said they admitted ' spot lighting deer on the Green springs the night of January 10. Charles Fenimore Dies In Tuleloke TULELAKE Charles Elmer Fenimore, 52, died suddenly from a heart attack as he com pleted his work and was enter ing a truck shortly after 3 p. m. here Thursday. Fenimore had been a long-time employe of the Siskiyou county highway department and for the past two years has made his home here. Artificial respiration e m -ployed by two companions who were in the truck at the time failed to bring results. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. N.. A. D r o n n, Tacoma, Wash. Comforts As It Relieves Miseries of COLDS Here's the modem treatment most young mothers now use to help relieve muscular soreness, congestion and ir ritation in upper bronchial tubes, and coughing from colds: You just rub Viclts VapoRub on throat, chest and hack at bedtime, and right away, VapoRub . . . to upper bronchial tubes with its special manorial vapors. 79 surfaces like a warming poultice. For hours VapoRub keeps on working and invites restful sleep. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone. Remember this, Mother . . . ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this special penetrating-stimulating action. 1 1 is time-tested, home-proved, the best known home rent- m Mm aaa, a aa, edy for relieving Jf ICKS miseries of colds. vaporuo A NEW SHIPMENT OF SHIRTS AND SHORTS Cool, rlb-knlt cotton shirt i j turdy broad cloth shorti, full cut. M ontgomery 5krd Marline Henderson Beauty Stylist from Portland Has. Accepted a Position , . " - Assisting Be Hoines at Vanity Beauty Sk 109 N. 7th Phone 7161 DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. LPDDQfo CRtamnli Sfhmik OHsanaasmHE: g'wrrwnypffiirBffffiwik .. HHP OH I-(Wry MOntANO MORS WAX SONDSf National Distillers Products Corp.. N. Y. TUended Whiskey. R6.B Proof. 49 Grain Neutral Spirits. BUILT FOR ACTIVE 5ERVI ft CE MELTON CLOTH COSSACK STYLE JACKETS Warm and practical. Button front. Navy blue. A real value at this re duced price. Sizes 36 to 48. MAIN FLOOR C " ffifi? y If 'J? 3 .98 MEN'S PLAID Cossack Style JACKETS .9? Mixed wool material, with extra reinforce ments. T a lo n zipper front! Two slash poc kets. Sizes 36 to 46. MAIN FLOOR MEN'S PLAID CRUISER JACKETS fc.90 art IIS let 'H 1 ir Double thickness shoul der and sleeves. Single breasted, all wool. Large cruiser back poc ket. Storm collar but ton cuff. MAtu rtooa LADIES' SNOW JACKETS I Ladies' Leather JACKETS Fully lined snow jackets. Water repellent! Button style. Wrap around belt with buckle. Navy blue only. Sizes 12 to 20. SECOND FLOOSt 7 .90 Button style, two slash pockets. Wrap-around belt. Fully lined. Sizes 12 t 18. SECOND FLOOR 14 .75