U Help Wanted, Mil 34 Aulnrnnltv 34 iUtomotl 14 Aulom IIt 84 AulometlT Saturday, Jan. 13. 1148 HERALD AND MEWS NINE WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks L Hour Week - $1.62.5 per hour i nl L' r- termouniain numumy ou. Gh sr . 1008tf Wanted Experienced Car Painter or rieiper Apply BUICK GARAGE 1330 Main flmllaneou- for Hn. ST-nw '"!"' K"" 1 miah. I nine I'. ml store. Main, I'hcilie an l.lltii Bit .00" BANUr"' '" win ''fool. Inn'ulr, rtudys Men'' FOR SALE hiry and Stock Ranch tf,300 lures IrrlRiilrd ind poliito Itiml. Hilly 1, machinery. Iruclnr, hcnd nroducini! (liili'y ibout 50 hcnd young stock irsci, I 4 mil's rust o( Don lit oh Lurcliu roucl, (000 cash will luinclle. L L TRUAX fiOMES FOR SALE IN McFEE, REALTOR "II Phono 4S21 2-3 liil titite For Son Owner, 403 Pine SI. 1-13 IALIZINC In HOMES TT DENNIS, REALTOR 8lh Phono 8401 115m FOR SALE torn Modern House In Hot Springs 120 N. 1 0th St. 230211 M'-lraim hnu.e, tnta. double I. Writ garden .pot. Alio lo.tt I'lh wilsii. liwnur- Mr. I 1. u'u" addition, I block from tw.i.u .....a. 'linn'"" 'u"'td; close In. !!5rM"'l""' rle"" .'Ibedroom Imi. . V "i'""ire llicitlilrli tie h "'" '""" lMlrlc l.ni V .7. ' ncair. r, vacuum MM California Ave. MS iln".E".'"ly ln 3-hedronm mo- im.ii i. '""". chicken "Mil liarn, excellent will. 35IS 1.17 DUIM.1CX. wen rn,h.ll. "eater, furnace. ., K' . ,llbl" ""ge. Terms !,uJ "'Wy' ,'' ,''"' torn town. u - i miii nncr pasatng 1-1.1 .v... j '. , ''" .ml .Trnmn luii.k tV.s?'.:; 'Ik's: ....... f. Now SB, '"'nlilillm . .":. Write link -junii no News. ' F "n,.;!,,,1';rn. .nntl fence i'"Vii!,;,v,r, or,":",:..1", v?" r?i.soN ,E;rh '.mho. oih, t-ain it. I'nono n7ii.i i.ii FOR REBUILDING .. I Borinn rji . r - .-vuijiiiiy lncr Mcchnnlc.1 Work riOTOR SHOP Main .it'1"1 nl 4.r(r r'l. K e ,l '",?"!:'' ""Hill,, ' i-i.i 1-15 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 7-M Klui'Mth Ave. Where nth Slrct-t Ends 1 12111 RADIATOR REPAIRING We Ate Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 23io s. nth St. Phone nay I MOOtl Motor Rebuilding Starter mitl Generator Hcronclltlonlnu MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Yedrs' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort nonrl Phunn 7034 hcfnro B 00 or after 8:30 P. M. 113m Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1012 Chovrolcts 103f) to 11)11 Plymouth 1034 In 1042 Dnducs 1031 to 1042 or Wo Will nchulld Your ( Old Motor ( IlcKround Crnnknhnfts Wllh Ucarlngj to Fit I. C. "Ike" Hebth Phone 3214 037 Cnlif. Ave. 1 1-2S . , Winter Drj'ving is .' Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured i For Complete Automobile Coverage? i Phone 8105 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Suvlnss HldR, 1-31-m i-'OIt SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Rndlutor You Need Klamath Rocliator Works 2221 Bo. 0th Phono 6(142 RECAPPING mid ,'TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NbW I IKtS j All SUes ( Monarch Service ' Station H. K. Teed 301 So. 8th Phone 7071 1.7 SUB MM. lir.NnY M Lnmbaril't llwil Cur Lot, Ml 8. (Ml St. Ton OT'A cash PHICB nl onr (or your nr. All make! and morlala for .ale. I.ISm foil SALE 11)41 llnrley llnvln M-wheHrr tnnlorcycle, M0 pnnel truer!. Call ndcr 7m n. m.. Mr. Bnblneon. 4.in 3.107 if Sell Your Car OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS . . We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 34 Automotive aaMMIMSVtSnrMnftAMV 410 So. 6th St. Phent 4113 121 S 0th St. Phone 3136 Thur-Sat i 34 Automotive SPECIAL JUST'RECEIVED 500 SEAT COVERS For AH Popular Makes Reasonably Priced First Come First Served Ashley Chevrolet Co. 110 So. fill) Phone 41 13 115 36 Miicellaneoua For Sal ron S M.K - ttTJ Duller .t-tton. (limit lll.., 1'V! Martin ;;i t-l'l 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove nnd Diesel Oils Best Qunlity Prompt Delivery Phono 8307 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m ron BAI.E -KIr body wimd. limited mip nly. 10 or i Incb. 115 00 cord, lam l.lnrnliv m'l ' 38 Mlicolianeoui For Sal Attention Farmers For Potato Box ond Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Dcoro Lindcman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders Seo Brown Equipment Company 3040 So. fllh St. Phono 8247 Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. r-rtri RAt.R l'.14 Fm-mnll wllh mower. rultlvalnr and John ricore 10-lnrh 9...,B. nlnw Ivnti Trnnn. tit. 1, nox sna. '! mile went or Sprint Lake cbnol. vrn UAI.K .Wimil rlri'illntlnff heater (or a or 0 loom.. 11311 DlvlnUm. 1-19 roll SALE-.loo ton. baton nay, lit cut airalfn. oal. and r.vo. at Kann. See Guy Moore at ranch betoro rro..lnB river or call Bom Puokett, Tulelnke 7104. FOtl SAt.E-Dry wond. 1314 Dnyton. Itay nilx.clh. 3-1 rllM.Kn mitlNIIHS - Clem Jnyor. 14W Martin, Plmne SH77. , t-aini KOIl SA1.F. -IIIUS OtdHtnnhlle 4-door .e dan. aniut rubber. Name your own rir. rnU 474n tinni 0 to 4:110 n. in. ' l-lll ron SAI.K-Tniilor nmiw, 34 rt. 43 iiuulel lilvniiuilli. Kxcollent rnndltlon. Comolttely equipped. Klamath Auto uouri, i..nn ninvrWAV I-tNIKnS poll 401HI, llnv flcbmcck. 3-10 irnn AAl.R..nll rlrrnlatlnfl hrnlcr, $10.00. l.eo' Clarajo, lllh and Main. 1-111 Ktitt c)Al.r5.Slnil vnluo, f Intitutf tneklo. No reasonable nKcr rclu.ed. 753 N. loth, eventmlii. !" AUCTION Sundoy, Jpnuary 14ih, One o'Clock, at 715 Jefferson St. 1 nm lenvinR Klantoth Fslls and will sell till my furniture and mlsccllnnvoiis arliclcs listed: FriKldtiirc, 1041, 0-ft., excel lent condition; Weslinshouse electric range, like new; two studio couches; twin beds, 3 bed room suites, box and sprint! mat. tresses, one blonde color; one chest of drawers; writing desk; colfcc table; 5 end tables; din itiK room table, 0 chairs; chrome kitchen set; 2 swing rockers; oc enslonnl chair; pictures. 3 Ax minster rugs, 0x12, with pads; several throw rugs, floor lamps; 2 Ironing boards; lnwnmowcr, shovels, garden tools; hose, tri cycle; dishes, some clothing and many other arliclcs. If stormy, sale will be held inside. Terms-Cash Mrs. P. M. Noel (At the Dr. P. M. Noel Home. Take North 8th St. to Jeffer son.) Col. Swigart, Auctioneer 1-13 First and Second Cutting Alfalfa Hay Delivered In Ton Lots Mallory's Market rhonc 4620 1-18 VOtt SAI.IC . .l.nmrt wnnrlrn barrel. I IV outre nt Kliil.rer' Bakery. HMtf FOR HALF, - One pMtr lad.v'a (Iftutt nltntpfl. Aire A. Or.c h.o. stationary Kns cnninir. Ono Chptrr Mndel W calibre UlflD. Fixlt Shop, 744 Ktarnnth. oast BAWY BUnntES. priced from 3fl.n.1 to S44,nOl orlbn from S7.S0 to $37.30; hlghchilrit, S7.D3 In tU.M llnrhidlnf nari fit I11.0S). Lucai rurnlturc. 1D3 E. Main. 1-13 FOR SAl.K - Estfite Honlroln circulator hrnter, tlcnitnnnblc,' B2(. Dolores, 1-13 KOIl 8AlE-Now fur coM. Cnlt VilO. 1-1B ron HAI.E-1 lictlronm net and front room furniture. Call at isaa Ulvmiou. nK(JISTEHBt) White Collie Pupplea, also hitch. Frtil rishcr.ini. a, ltoseburB. o it son foil SALE On rnnoe. Dfluxe mortel n-burnar, a ovpn. like new; also 100 lb. ennac t.v coo orator, rnon 1-13 KOR SALE 2-horse power air torn' ntnn.inr!i. nntnmalle. with tankl. Cat' rade Laundry, 118 spender conir.TiF.nr. Mrs, Knlti tiurrh. 881 Oak. Phone 7318 for appointment. a-8m GLASS -Mirror, rcjillverlnit. ptale win Hnw nri an in clan, furniture tons, Mhrlven, Ktmball'a Glass Shop. MS7 Wnlnut. riione 7;i7fi, a-om Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Low First National Bank Finance We Need Late Models COMPARE Our High Bid Before You Sell See Selby Last -- Phone 6034 34 Automotive SEE ROSE For SPOT CASH For your Car ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC 4th KLa1m?th Phone 8164 CMC 2379ti AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful Complete Prompt SERVICE Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location 734 Klamath Ave. ' Phoni 4U9 ODELL MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum ' Phone 6130 We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 7th at Klamath . Tbur..Stt. 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Wed. and Sat 3( Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048U FOR SALE Remington automatic thot irun and shells, Sneed boat with B0 h.p. motor, rtxlt Shop, 744 Klamath. 16731 t BOOKS-BOOKS -BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazines. Call S3f2. 2-3 FOR BALE Dalmatian puppy. .1 moi female. Sft. Frank N. Pakey, ion Broad. Phone 720.1. 1-13 STOVES REPAIRED. All Available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5071. l-3lm FOR SALE 20 ft. house trailer, eastern built, sleeps four; Duetburm heater with btower. Inquire Klamath Auto Cemp. 1-13 ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDF.N Calculators. 124 S, Oth St Pioneer Printing ft Slatlonrrv Co. ' 1-lflm 42 MiictHiiltoiU WanUd CASH paid for household foods. Phone 7010, 454011 SOLDIER AND WIFE In dire need of small furnished apartment or house. Phone 7491 or 7370. 2142tf WANT TO RENT Potato acreage. Tay cash or share crop. Write P. O. Box 42, Merrill. 1-23 WANTED Furnished apartment or home by permanent couple. Phone Dispatcher's office, S. P. Co., after 4 p. m. 1-18 WANTED TO BUY-Pair of thinning shears. Please phone 4888 after A::to : p. m. 2181tf 42 Miicellantoui Wtnted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So, 6th Ph. 7160 761U WANTED Small (urnlihed house or apartment In Fatrvlew school district (or mother and ehtld. Write Box 2065, care Herald and Newt. 1-17 WANTED TO BUY. now or ln the next 30 days, late cabinet model electric sewing machine; alio home mangle. Phone 3557. 1-13 NAVY COUPLE ln dire need o( a smalt furnished house or apartment. Phon, 0.137. 1-13 WANTEDKiirntshed house by marina couple and wife. Preferably 3 or 4 rooms. No children. Call 3304. 1-17 WANTED TO BUY-lnnersprlng mat tress, Pretcr Beauty Rest or Seeley, Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4090 between 3 and 7 p. m, TBtf WILL PAY CASH for uied guns. Bring them In f or appraisal, BELL'S HARD WARE. BUS Main St. l-31m WANTED TO BUY-Late model pickup Irurk, Phone 7271. liBl Sargent, nPlf 44 Livestock and Poultry RESPONSIBLE local civilian couple are looking for a small, comfortably fur nished home to rent. Must have ade quale heating facilities. Will treat your furnishings aa wa would our own. Phone 6687 from 1 to 5 p. m. 1-10 WILL PAY CASH TOR YOUR PIANO Loula R. Mann, 1W N. 1th. Phone 4310 or 7173. 1-32IU WANTED-Flreplaca screen: also rental of sewing machine 'for one month. Phone 4411 days. 1-1S WANT TO BUY-Oulboard motor, P. O, Box 347, 1-IS WANTED Furnished apartment or house, close ln, by S, P. engineer and wife. Phone (137 after 4 p. m. 1-13 WANTED Small furnished house or apartment. Needed very badty, Write Box SllS. care Herald and Newa. 1-16 WANTED TO BENT Modern, furnished house or apartment, one child, phone 0473, aunt! Farmers Attention! Let Us Spread Your SULPHUR or PHOSPHATE Big or Little Jobs 2 Power Equipment Sets Do the Work We Go Anywhere , Phone Your Orders Krizo Bros. Phone 8311 Klamath Falls Phone 74 Merrill : 1-19 WANTED - Live poultry ot all kind,. . Also eaas. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3373. i-Slm IIIOI1EST PRICES paid for hogs, veal lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323, nights 3.103. l-31m C11ICKR, rinest and belt (rade of chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery, Talent, Oregon. a-5 Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't coma in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCH ER'i 2720 So 8th Box 328 Klamath Falls. Oregoi OREGON BRED CHICKS 993M 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE-tOO-OOO head feeder hogs. 40 veal calves at public auction by the Farm Bureau at Anderson. California. Wednesday, January 17th. Calf sate at 10:00 a. m. Hog sale at 1:00 p. rn. Hogs graded and sold In truck load lots. Calves sold Individually by the pound, 1-13 FOR SALE Bred, registered Hereford gilts. Rice Bros.. Dillard. Ore. 1-17 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. II East Main. Phone 4362. 2-5m WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. 1-Olin PAYING UP TO $2 lb for rabbit skins. Million wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattle, Wn. l-3t 4 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL . CASH LOANS AUTO Yrn FURNITURE NOTE ' . Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements' Complete Privacy , 12 Months tp Tay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. , . Klamath's Oldest M-27S " S-241 114 N. 7th ' Phone 3325 l-31ni 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINAN.CE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles i .Furniture Livestock Salnry Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed . Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-2.M 1-3 im 48 Buglnesg opportunities For saie- SHOE SHOP-Dotng good truil nets, good stock, rent SSIOO, S-yeaf lease, living quarters. No aomnetltlon. Wlnalnw and Taylor, Box 471. Tule lake, Calif, l 1-U No. 10th. .