10 5IOHT HERALD AND NEWS Our Doaruing rfEGAD lvR PIKE ' I'VE ANrVLNZED -( OH.t'NA VrtlLLIS TO Vf-. fij Jljli!:jj i I ! I'l'l1 ' ' ' ' f ArTrw?.npn TW6 IS A THW CEMlMDS ME. (f ! ' H'1 H jVS GET Red Ryder ; By Fred Hormon cLASblFIED BATES ' ' On day pr word x -vIOHE J 'IfSTRfvEBVs VcSlEnaFF Sf- dSSsSL KUEV6 Itf J 4d.run p.. word 1 &?J?S:7:SVV- TROUBU.y - s 55' VSfe? eek "' ord lc vSfit-?? vaXX K L tf'Sf'i'fc y --ib?$AC -J r.:':i'l?,Ti "": Ducount tor Payment III Advance MWT?SkS& Aid V l''7'lSlCMBrvFmL dfitSl&&&$i V' V s SSkSL--aisSs'i' Oneoun. lor Payment o nnh ylTr ytggjLj .'ygjgy - 4 AIM received u 1:00 p. ,JJ'-Jf,ulj,1l' Wash Tubbs Boots and Her Buddies TViK, tHP TM S SO Freckles and His Friends Its TMe vvomam who aoveetiseo r-v wivicumc io minp HER K!D Alley Oap AWAYZ-sx -r - VS ffJ-JbSii TOitY, bib! its LOOK v -Hsi 'x I rtT CQKrJir I one of those OUT.' 7 l' , tv r A DAM? -?TTc77 AADltuT Mrtl y.r.rN,... .i..., i-- i 11.- m w IV I Li ft l BUT I DOK WADD.- rnn , THINGS IS TOO QUIET ! ', 1 I A TRAP UK SUMPIN Little Orphan Annie T OH. BOY! THIS tlMEjJ I I IT'S GOING TO BE gOOb! HJ I 1 THE BIG JEWELRY 5TORET f, I Saturday. Jan. 13, 1943 VOR "Ht V-NV. CK- Vt . RtKSOW WWV rX 6W- ) And youre just Thb . I BOY WE'RE LOOKIWo - IF VOU WILL COME TO MV fiUMt i WC CAN MAKE ALL MN6 fcUZZU? A I 4 MESSAGE FROM i. Bo HIS ROYAL xV, HIGHNESS, j ne I "ft - 0 A 1 IVE CASED THE (JOINT IT'S A CINCH WATCHES KINljS TUOHKQMtS OF DOLLARS' WORTH I A ,v- . , s OF LEM ii With Moior Hoople Our Our Way St WW. . Si5' Trill. ys 1 Just a minute. LADy... ofcodrse J. LX-'NT tVtN KNOW V W W- WHERE YOU LIVE.' J VOU WERF HERE JUSF WO DAYS. l.-sSV- ' ' 'W AGO ycopu. i94i By nea sehvice. inc. T. m. pre, u. s. pat QUIET, YOU SHEEP UUN I LHA KNOW A WOLFE5S WHEN Y5EE ONE ? TM HER IKftl M ;T.u..,t.u.i.V.T.on. I J IVE 60T ONE OF HER MITTENS, TO DROP IN THE I PLACE-AND l"M WEARING B HER. OVERSHOES. TO J LEAVE TRACKS jTi By Leslie Turner By Martin By Blosscr off. By V. T. Hamlin By Harold Gray cew tm by ttrncr . t h kcu I T on. Domt VOU I'M . REMEArER Iff SUNK! ME? I'M its The? junior JwpRSfP 1 WELL, HOLY JUMPED-UP .JlV BALLS OF FIRE . THIS TIME THEY'LL FIND STUFF HID BACK OF OUR FURNACE. WHERE SHE COULD HAVE HID IT- HA' LET GET OUT OF THIS ONE! By J. R. Williams WANTED llolel clerk, experience tiip.ai.irv. il.ll n. til. lnaulre Uertltn Canby. Hotel Early. WANTED -Warehouse office girl. Apply 42U Jerfenuit. -1-10 CABIN for rant, adults only. Call 4WMI So. Olh. 1-U FOR LEASE 720-acro rancn, equipped with machinery, plenty free waier for Irr.Katlon. Ivoy C. Clark. Uox 11U. Sprngue Htvcr, 1-10 f UK oAUtaoow vnenni, nurnciivc r.nn- llah cut tu uc. 1330 California. Phone 4334. 120 KOR SALE Equity tn imall, modern. 2-bedrooin house and sarage. with or without furniture. 3328 Crosby, off Al- tantont. 1-10 FOR S ALE- 2-bcd room houie partly fur nished. Furnace, double itarntie, corner lot. Close in. Terms. R. 11. Dunbar. I'M S. 3th St. Phone 7211. 1-lti FOR SALE -1029 Ford coupe, HO cash. 332 So. 4lh. t-U FULLER BRUSHKS-Rep. R. V. Morsan, 532 So. Rlveralde. Phone X14U. 2-m FOR SALE-Plano. blond niahuunny splnet type, excellent condition, 4U22 Sum men. Lane. 1-13 FOR SALE-20-ft. house trailer, easlern . built, sleeps 4. Duethunn heater with ' blower. Inquire Klanmth View Autu ; Court. 1-10 FOR SALE Electrte Singer, portable sewing machine. Prewar spring filled bed davenport, oood condition. Ph, 4404. 1-10 FOR SALE-Two u prill hi pianos. Good eondltlon. 9130 each. Hazel Ooley, 2727 Akard St., Redding. Calif. MB WANTED TO BUY-Up to 40 acre of potato land. Write 2187, care Herald and News. 1-16 WANTED TO RENT-Houm with 2 or more bedrooms by February 1. Phone 4B38. 1-1(1 WANTED - Nidht watchman for local mill. References required. Phone 4212 or 3200. 1-10 ELECTROLUX Cleaner, complete sorv Ice. Phone 7107 1031 Main. 2-12 ROOF COATING. Paint. Lubricant Sales man. Sell Industries, institutions, form ers, other large buyeia. National firm. Quality products. Top commissions. Write Box 1341. Dallas. Texas. 1-13 WOULD YOU BRING BRIGHTNESS TO A HOME? Notice DANCE AT T BIG WHITE BARN Every SATURDAY Night . Corner of Homedale and Airway Miiiic by King Cowboys and Queen Fun for Everybody! Nw Today l'HKWITT'8 THADINO W J1U Huulll WILL UE C1.0SKII ron wKMOiitt iNu MIOM JAN. IS T JAN U will imi'i'rN JAN. 3' PttwUI ' Tmdlnf r"l HII pimilli mil I" (; ' VANVr,ll j "lifW linllcr Hli il ! rubber ll'VUm I'm-cK. Tul.l..kc, I .HI ...... jj, i-i KXMKK1ENCE0 holuokeciier ilc.lrc lead. Write n.. SIM. ci II""''' f ' Newi. 11 IIUINU me your iiorK No loli .mall. llMlriiliainer "'' Shop. ; KOH M E NT SlhHlc Wilroom lor lorn. Ui.l (Jrmil. riioua noon. roil HKNT III cic I'M"' el""" '" ,''',r.1, old allalfa ilri.uml. U7 His ' roii sM-r- ' ' """ ,M1 ' lln. Iiood 4olilo laud. Mixlelu J lu ; riM'lll liou.o. i..iir uaiit. ....... concrete roiuulittlon. J '"l' liutik hou.e. lola of liulc Dccu. u'l noil. Mi.wHi.tm. trail Hudac. in. i"ic Like llolel. 1 i'OU SALE llimie lit Ho! Sl'ilna. AlWI Hull, co.t 7.'00l. "HI "II 1,,r alVtXI.IKI, Klirnt.licd lioluc on SI Iran cl. ja.MI.IMI cn.ll Hr-l buy III ell V llodenliaincr. Ml K. Main rill! HALE -i-runul furnlilird hiulie. tn cliullnu electric tanifc. ticilioom and llvlitil l-uoiti .line. arte. Inquur anil Arthur SI. l lu KOH SALE Curved weddlntf cl I'Ull litiiil aoltlntf. Can lie aeen at .Cl'l s Dili. '"' HOLLER SKATES. Neur delude Chlcaeo ahoe akatea upec. dural plale. wood or lllire wheel.', ladle." while leather, j nien'a hlark. Send check WW, de tachable 7.50 ex. and .hoe ilauui Willi order. Moonllehl Hollerway, :HU3 I Colorado, I'o.adena. Calif. I'll THACTOH OWNEHS tie! flue.t qualltr traclur Urea, Irfit ll help you antilv for them. All "Ilea available, II via II.IHi :ill . . . SSIIM. I'llia Tax MONT. I GUMEKY WAIIU. Olh Slrecl. comer IMlte. II" SONC! POKMS WASTKl)' I'll rodMHrt ciwr.al mutc for u, Snl it. any ub)pft. Vrtt rt.imltmllim Kllut Wright. Hox atBOl-L). I'yrtlamt. Otrn WANTEO TO HF.NT -llouw or apart, muni furitlthrd or unfurnuhed. by railroad mnn and wtfn Write Mr. .Inf"e P Hiiwc C.vn IVI 115 1 Moottnq Ncticos Regular, meeting of Srot tlh Kite Mnxm Monday. January 13, at R p. tn Kn terlnlninenl and refrrh ments. Bring at IrrtM oiti exlra inrmiMr of the Itllr with you. LEO N WIA. I'M Venerable Mtcr. Klamath rails Aerte No 3O0O MrgtiUr nice t Inn every rucv tUv night. 7 45 p tit . r 6 K hsll. tih and Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. 'f CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meetings lit and 3rd Wednutdar eve nings of each month. 7:30 p. m., at Labor Temple 422 Main. C. D. LONG. See and O. A Offlca Open 7:00 to 0 0o P M. Every Wednesday. Phone 3327 J-Sin Loit and Found LOST Three yearling hriTers. brand Snail on left hip. Mark Split In enrh ear. one no mark. One row and calf. Snail brand left hip. mark Split carh ear. "ID" brand right olde. One row and calf Snail brand right side. -I) S left side. Mark crop off each ear and under bits; All have horns tipped. If found please notify ROY WILSON Box 13, Spragtie itlver, Ore. 1-13 LOST- Sheafer Lifetime pen. green and hi nr k ttlrlned. Howard. PIiih.k 72:11. General Notices CLOSING Midnight Saturday, Jan. 13th For Repairs and Remodeling. Watch for opening date. BUFFALO LUNCH 113 roit STUART'S DANCE OflCIIKSTIIA Inqulr. at B24 Oak 8L or prion. KM 1-17 So-neat FOR KKMTONING Phono 4270. HIGH SCHOOL OIHL will rare for chil dren evcnlnfta. l'hone 7HI0. l-u CURTAINS LAUNDERED and llrolchod Phon. 3717. a.ai SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, all mnke, Phon. 0771. aala Slwula Way. a-IOm TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drlva Mova Yourull 8ava Si Long and Short Trlpi STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phona 8304 1201 Eait Main HE 10 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE und Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Scrvlco Mnn Klamath Refrigeration I'liono 7IKI8 20UU Sun Hi Sixth St. Ml mo Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Fiictury Aulliorlzcd Scrvlco Houbohold and Commercial Pliona 0017 OkcuON EQUIPMENT lO. U7 So tlth St. m: s in APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wc ri'i'i'lr nnil scrvlco nil niiikon of rniluu. vacuum clcnnurs ond ninny oilier electrical P)II unco. Wo mny have the typo ol rndlo tube you need Reason nlile prices. I'nono S I (III. SEARS ROEBUCK Tm Thum.'Snl.'tl PLUMBING SERVICE IMumblnu & Ik'Utlnii equipment Installed mid Repaired DAVIS . PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phono 703S 2-10inc OIL DUriNEItS FURNACES. CHIMNEYS, Cleaned mid Repaired WOOD COAL OIL FURNACES Avulliiblo (or Replacements Compnro Our Prlcca .TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phono 8040 I 8881' INCOME TAX SERVICE Commcrclnl Bookkeeping Rollin A. Canlrnll Room -1, Ilnpka BUIg.' 110 N. 8th St. Open Evcniniis and Snlurdnyj Phono 3240 210m MOVING STORAGE Locul and Long Dl.itonco HAULING Klamalh Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Aiionl.i for United Von Linen 101 Klumnth Phone 3072 1-23 OI11NG ME YOUR WOIIK-Nr, lob loo .mall, llodenhamar Saw and Rapalr Shop. PAPER AND PAPEIIIIANGER available, J K. Palterton and Bon Paint Slore. liai Eait Main. Phon. Mai. l.Uin KALSOMININU. K.mlonlnf and Paint Inc. Phona ,10R7. 1.14 DENTISTRY, afl.mooni. 40M Bha.la wy. l.ao KAI.BOMININH, K.inlnnlnc. r.lntlna II. L. Ilruwn. Phon. 4ajn. a.jm aTAU,C T?N.KH. CLEANED and In tailed. A local concern, rhon. W tiaker, 7033. , . Phon. XOH ED F. KING , , . Seplle Tank, Cleaned Inspection free. Modern .aula mem. Content, hauled away. ? irirM.,wt,,.m DRESSMAKING, lliiuon, and nucklu C?V.1 . ' Al""'llnn, on naw and old : " ;. "i". 11. m. Aii.nd.r. 7.H ninin. noom aio. Ph. 73li:i. l-3lm E,C..Vie."il:Kf:.I.VtA,"',:M',",r-' ""- nuui win ,,,,1,1 remodel and renafr. 3312 PcrthliiB Way. j.ln WILL TAIir. rnn i. ...... ' 7 i" '!J"lh' ly day. call 01.14. Ml" tnniiii. ia ij " tuuni cnuoren. inquire 1327 Kane SI. .i7 Whan In Madlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modarn Joa and Anna Eartay Proprlatori mi 1 JC? DID YOU KNOWnT I'l'llent,, , ' IIb, palled? Call ft' "H ' '"tit IIAVK YOU hr"Tr---v lent vlm-hed w?,"C it iiowi r. , "J" i,m,r 14 Wanted . CorsGtierr. EXPCI'IPIKCI r,r lllvo uuud truiM,,,,'? poraon whi. (t'eli n,.' ll.III.liUn tl,lu i ii.nk., h. ?i P.ncllc.1 nur.i,, ' hi'lptul. "' SEARS, R0EB. and COMP WANTEI)" E.i'.ile.r,: Will, ran ll.r ill b nmlll and hall V'" l Wlllliu ,,.,. .' I lie.. te,,olir.l (v. '"" ,lu.llll..lC,V iauii.l l.llein,w jh," WANTED -H.,irV,l'rV U". WH,. ,. hal. wantoi" "i "vrr uik. Klamail, ll..SU P.rnv.,.'.i ( JJ UTANIIAIIU ufiux WELL KnTAIll.lMHtTTllV anal uiip.iln.'for In. a k, loan. ui u, over M. will, , ei.rl.ni, u, ,u mule uih,nuuil ol fruiwr ii.i.i.i, call u, Uneiu Co, if , (,(m, WANTED llraui) p7,IC" eitiilo,,u,,i (;., (W lly llvauly hlo.u. luj n WANTED - Wallirurh t Halp WaniM. kj Wanted PLUMBING Department M; Get not now, In a ,u vxperta cliilni will U (lutii In the near (ulun a renl opportunity tn-, tins kninvlcilKi' uf nlur. heiitlnu meriiuiniltjc, 1 lnl oxperU-nrr u not i tiecemniry. e will til slurtlnit aitlury to the r J plua liberal coiumui total (lepurliiR'nl ulti a periiiiincnl career, opportunltle.H (or pnd our piwt-wnr cxiiiia gram, Why nut com write u? Tell u.i olu: You may be the vtrr need. Auk fur Mr. Fub SEARS, R0EE and' COMP WANTED Seal HHiol B Itihl dellvette. aad alnra. Apply In pflaa Klaina.lt loer Hlua). II WANTED - Auloinoliil, Chevntle. and olhrr rin u,k. SO'-,' ol 12 V IW- Chavrulel Co., Vi.ka. i'S WANTED ror Mill. 'la J.nllor. one man ai"'1 woman auiilanL ArtO Mill. Srh.H'l It Halp Wanted. H WANTED- Eeperlenred rii. man (lid clatilUhed. m nM,i .in,,. Ilia rae man. Anderaon Auk) H Walnut. WOULD YOU Ilk. la aetliMil delivering a llr' roulet See Mr. Millar offlca afler 3 P. m- WANTED-Men and W u..h ,.ot nay. ar, Alley, 10 Main p. m. oil-" naturday or aunu.,. SHEEP Bliearer wanted w' W. haie oil """"'J.. eiecir cny. v.a - 1014. WANTED -Spotter or jn Cle.ner,. 117 So !J 20 Hoom ania ROOM, IIOAHD- UenUm eelil, Roomi FoiH 22 hoom ron rent -! " 28 Houiai For ron RENT -.One nii'i ;-r u Oil tablnl. Alia"""!' nu Dill, T. ..U'..-- VnU i' truckh ron i" "' ' H yinineir. aava s"'" ,.M i Mo n. Phal"! MODERN CA1IINM for I 28 MlicallanujF ron rent-7.1 ''x;s;,i 1M, mile, .a.l of Wl 1., uyer -TURKEY IIANCli TUB bea, I'liono ,i'."- r-rrrT.... aM orricE SPACK r llco, well locnled- Newa-llerald. DANCELAND SIS Klamath Art. DANCE Muilc By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILL'E! SATURDAY NITE Auipleat V.F.W. !sau-dtej.'s. aie-i 4i f - - - . 1 . AiJjAtaaJ -3