Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 13, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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Saturday' Jn- 13' IM8
Delta Kappa Gamma
Society Enjoys Meet
Members of the Delta Kappa Gamma society met at the
home of Mrs. Fred Peterson on Summers lane on January 6,
at 2:30 p. m. Following the regular business meeting, a talk
was given by Augusta Parker on the history of the society,
with brief sketches of the lives of the twelve founders.
This club was organized in jszs ai Ausiin, iexas, oy ur.
Annie Webb Blanton, who later became the first president of
the society. The purpose oi wis organitauuo i m umu mgcmci
outstanding women teacners to
improve education, ana 10 uei-
ler lht condition of teachers.
Dr. Blanton. first as president
and then as executive secretary,
has been the guiding personality
of the club, and has organized
societies in every state of the
In Ihc past 15 years, Delta
Karma Gamma has made steady
progress, now having 601 chap
ters witn a loiai oi zu.ooo mem
bers, and is proud of the fact
that most of the women presi
dents of the National Education
association have been members
of the society. Among these are
Dr. Karl Williams of Washing
ton, Jessie Gray of Pennsyl
vania, Amy Hinrichs of Louis
iana, Mrs. Myrtle Hooper Dahl
of Minnesota and Mrs. Edith B.
Jovnes of Virginia.
Mrs. Jack Wright, formerly
Dea Jean Hardy, who was mar
ried during the holidays, cut
an attractively decorated wed
ding cake, and was presented
with a gift of glassware from
the society. Mrs. Wright is
teacher of home economics at
Altamont Junior high school.
Refreshments were served
later by the hostesses. Mrs. Fred
Peterson and Mrs. J. F. Penrod.
A "six point celebration" was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Bodenhamer on 4104 Bis
bee, when they entertained on
January 1 to honor several rela
tives and friends, as well as the
arrival of the New Year.
Sgt. and Mrs. Stephen P.
Green were the guests at a wed
ding dinner which was giyen for
the young couple, who were mar
ried on December 28.
The occasion also honored Lt.
and Mrs. Paul Bodenhamer, the
latter having recently won his
wings as the pilot of a Flying
Mrs. Pearl Nason, wife of Lt.
Stephen G. Nason, who is a
prisoner of war in Germany, was
feted at the party since it was
her birthday.
New Year's was also cele
brated with Mr. and Mrs. War
ren W. Woodard who recently
became the proud parents of a
nine and one-half pound baby
The day. was complete after
Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence Hoie
joined the group to celebrate
their wedding anniversary. All
the guests enjoyed a wonderful
day of events, and those present
were Sgt. and Mrs. Stephen
ureen, L.I. ana Mrs. raul n.
Bodenhamer, Mrs. Stephen G.
Nason and son, Mj. and Mrs.
Warren Woodard and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoie and
family, Mrs. Lillian Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Ellis and fam.
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ellis and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Bodenhamer and daughter, Mr.
ana Mrs. U. L. Burnett and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chatman. Mrs.
Rose Wages and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Bodenhamer.
Wednesday Club
Members of the Wednesday
club met in St. Paul's pariah
house on Wednesday evening for
a short business meeting, dessert
party, and bridge and pinochle.
The room and fireplace were ap-
Fiupuuieiy aecoraiea wun win
ter greens and holiday scenes,
and each table was gay with a
jolly snowman candle and snow
man tallies. Hieh Driza in hrirfuo
went to Mrs. Frank Bogatay, and
iow io mrs. wmiam Patterson.
Mrs. E. B. Goeckner won high
award in pinochle. Hostesses for
the evening were Mrs. J. F.
Clark, Mrs. P. B. Webb and Mrs.
Lon Hunt.
The next meeting, which was
originally scheduled for January
17, has been changed to the 18th
of January, rather than conflict
with the concert on Wednesday
night. Hostesses for this meeting
will be Mrs. John Hawkins, Mrs.
Charles Wright, Mrs. A. L.
Moore and Mrs. William Patter
son. S
Fairhaven PI A
Friday, January 12 at 3 p. m. in
tna school gymnasium. A pro
gram was presented by Mrs.
Azita Kennedy's fourth grade
pupils, and the mothers of chil
dren in the second grade served
refreshments, with Mrs. Wesley
cross, room representative, as
,T I? , executive committee,
which includes all chairman and
room representatives, met ni 1 -an
p. m. in the homemaking room. I
Church Circles
The four circles of the First
Methodist church met Thursday,
January 11, for dessert at 1:30
p. m. with the business meet
ings following.
Circle 1 met with Mrs.
George Gilcrist, 315 Grant, and
Mrs. Jaquette assisted her. Ten
members were present as well
as one visitor. Mrs. Kantz, a
new-comer to Klamath Falls,
who became a member of the
circle at this time. Group sing
ing ' opened the meeting, Mrs.
Noble conducted the devotions,
and Mrs. Walter Herndon, as
sisted by Mrs. Jaquette, gave
the day's lesson, taken from the
book "West of the Date Line."
Mrs. George Casper. 611
Cross, was hostess to 22 mem
bers of Circle 2 and was as
sisted by Miss Hogan in the
absence of the president, Mrs.
John Riach, who was ill. The
vice president, Mrs. Victor Phil
lips, conducted the business
meeting, Mrs. Casper the devo
tional service, taken from "Wo
men of the Bible." The new
general president of the Wo
mans' Society of Christian Serv
ice, Mrs. Earl Redman, was in
charge of the lesson, taking
from "West of the Date Line,"
the subject of the religions of
the isles of the Pacific as com
pared to ours. Plans were made
for the potluck fellowship din
ner to be held in the church
the 19th of January. Mrs. Fred
Cofer will be the next hostess
and Mrs. Steve Moss will assist
Mrs. Bruce Binkley, schedul
ed hostess for Circle 3, was
ill, and the meeting was held
at the home of the co-hostess,
Mrs. L. K. Phelps, 1957 Auburn.
Eighteen were present, and Mrs.
Wesley McNce assisted in serv
ing. Mrs. Wahlquist conducted
the devotions and Mrs. Paul
Edwards, assisted by Mrs. John
y acton, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Hag-
man and Mrs. Chilcote, gave the
lesson, while Mrs. Snell, the
new chairman, conducted the
business meeting. The next
meeting of this circle will be
at the home of Mrs. E. H. Bal-siger.
Circle 4 met at the home of
Mrs. D. R. Stebbins on Lake-
view road, and her mother, Mrs.
Urbs, was co-hostess. The chair
man, Mrs. W. A. Carlton, was
absent and Mrs. C. A. Poole,
vice chairman, presided. Mrs. L.
J. Brink led the devotions and
Mrs. White gave the lesson.
As Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Poole
both observed their birthdays
this month, the dessert was a
birthday cake, with candles, and
18 members were Dresent to
enjoy it.
Sewing Club
Mrs. F. A. Beard was hostess
to the Happy Day Sewine club
on Wednesday evening, Janu
ary s, ana entertained them at
the home of Mrs. Douglas Fre
borg, 225 East Main. Those at
tending were Mrs. Howard
Cramblet, Mrs. Harry Wiard.
Mrs. Ernest Zerble, Mrs. Lloyd
Alien ana Mrs. rreborg. The
special award went to Mrs. Fre
borg. . .
The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Howard Cramblet on
2117 Owens.
Lucky Pinochle
Maude Phillies. 2250 Garden.
entertained the Lucky Pinochle
club on Saturday, January 6, and
served a delicious fresh oyster
luncheon to Florence Young,
Ruth Sehorn. Brownie Bram
well, Nettie Good, Rita Fuller,
Mry Martin and Zella Bl anion.
rinochle followed and Zella
Blankenship held high score,
Brownie Bramwell, second,
Mary Martin, lnw. nnrl jrim-on
Young, pinochle. Ruth Sehorn
will be hostess Saturday, Janu
ary 20.
...mimm n II i'T" "" '""'"1
' " v . i. V i ,
Little Elizabeth Susan Feeback, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Feeback, will be celebrating her second birthday on Janu
ary 22. Elizabeth's father is a petty officer 1c, USNR, now in
the South Pacific.
Officers Elected
Election of new officers for
the Happy Hour club was held
at the first meeting of the year
wnen Mrs. Oeorge Humphrey en
tertained members at the home
of Mrs. George Biehn on Tues
day afternoon, January 9.
Mrs. Sydney fcvans will head
the organization as president for
the coming year, Mrs. H. E.
Jones, vice president, and Mrs.
C. C. Heidrich, secretary.
Mrs. M. K. Lucas was a euest
at Tuesday's meeting, and mem
bers present included Mrs. W. J.
Steinmetz, Mrs. R. G. Motschcn
bacher, Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, Mrs.
Harry Richardson, Mrs. C. C.
Heidrich, Mrs. Anna Funk, Mrs.
Frank Evans, Mrs. Sydney
Evans, Mrs. Maud Hosley, Mrs.
H. E. Jones, Mrs. Carl Sandell,
Mrs. J. J. Keller, Mrs. E. H.
Lawrence, Mrs. George Biehn
and the hostess.
Social Club
The Rebckah social club met
on Wednesday, January 10, in
the IOOF hall for a potluck
luncheon, followed by a regular
business meeting, and the host
esses for the afternoon were
Mary Curtis and Alma Cofer.
Election of officers took place at
this time, and there was an un
usually good attendance of reg
ular members and one guest,
Mrs. NeWDort of Lebanon, mntli.
er of Mrs. Dennison and a past
noble grand.
Officers elected wpre Dra
Sweet, president; Ruby Kenyon,
vice president; Mary Curtis, secretary-treasurer.
Tho social club will hn in
charge of refreshments at tho
next meeting of Prosperity Re
bekall lodge on Jnmiarv 1H nnrl
for the next session of the social
club, the hostesses will be Kate
Hogue and Lucille Heifer. ,
BLY Mr. and Mrs Tr.L.
Smith are the Darents of a hahv
girl, born at Portland on Satur
day, January 6. The baby
weighed six pounds and five
ounces at birth.
Junior Matrons
Junior Matrons of the First
Methodist church were enter
tained on Tuesday evening, Jan
uary 2, at the parsonage on
1005 High, with Mrs. E. W.
Tomlin and Mrs. W. L. Tcr
willigcr as the hostesses.
Mrs. M. H. Mclchcrt presided
over the business meeting upon
the report of the nominating
committee including Mrs. Bruce
Binkley, Mrs. Tomlin and Mrs.
J. R. McLellan. All of the for
mer officers were elected, and
they arc Mrs. M. H. Melchcrt.
president; Mrs. Don Potter, vice
president; Mrs. Wendell Smith,
It was decided that members
of the club would assist at the
USO center on Wednesday of
each week when needed. Later
in the evening, refreshments
were served to Mrs. Walter
Herndon, Mrs. Mclchcrt,- Mrs.
Ray Garrison; Mrs. Binkley,
Mrs. Wendell Smith, Mrs. Christ
Huck, Mrs. Victor Phillips and
Christine Ncubert.
Contract Club
The Thursday Contract club
met January 11 with Pearl
Yorkeland, 519 North 11th, for
dessert, followed by cards. At
tending were Alice Lawrence,
Willa Bark, Idolino Schupp,
Bertha Hewitt, Fannie Thomp
son, Stella Drydcn and Clara
High score went to Alice
Lawrence, second to Willa Bark
and the travelling award to
Clara McPherrcn. Stella Dry
den, 610 North lltli will be
the next hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw and
their two daughters, Betty and
Susan, left on Tuesday for Port
land, where Mr. Shaw was called
on business. Mrs. Shaw is plan
ning to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cunnincham. while there.
and is expecting lo return to
Klamath Falls the first of next
YPW Auxiliary
The auxiliary to the Veterans
of Foreign Wins met In the li
braiv clubroom on Thursday
evening, January 4, and an at
tendance of 30 members was re
ported, with nil officers except
two present.
. A letter of thanks for the pom
srttiii plant, which was sent to
the dispensary of the Marino
Barracks, was rend to the group,
as well as a note from G. Foley,
USO director, thanking the
auixiliary for'the largo baked
turkey which was given to tho
center on Thanksgiving, i
It was decided to rent the
large club at the library for fu
ture meetings, and tho attend
ance is growing steadily. Two
now members to bo Initiated in
to the lodge were Mrs. Lowell
Grimm and Mrs. Olllo Ayres.
The auxiliary is to sorvo at
the USO center on Sunday, Jan
uary 14, and homemade pies,
always appreciated by the serv
ice men and women, will again
bo served.
Inspection of lodgo was made
by district president, Ella Mul
liii8, who gave a very interest
ing account of lodge and drill
work, and complimented the of
ficers and members of the drill
upon their knowledge and abil
ity in this branch of work. The
special award of tho evening
vent to Mrs. Margarot Casey.
The next meeting will be held
on Thursday evening, January
18, at the new location, the large
tlub room at the library. Later
tho auxiliary is to provide supper
for members of the post.
Ladies' Auxiliary
The ladies auxiliary and chev
aliers met on Thursday evening
in the IOOF hall to install offi
cers of the auxiliary canton cra
ter number 7, with Lady Corde
lia Cantrall as instulllng officer,
and Chevalier H, M. Munsell, as
aide, escorted by Chevaliers Carl
Sandell, A. L. Coan,- R. H. Ander
son and A. B. Lund,
The officers to be Installed in
to their respective chairs were
Ladies Alice Lawrence, junior
past president' Iva Propst, presi
dent: Frances Munsell, vice pres
ident; Jennie Hum, secretary;
Alfreda Steinmetz, treasurer;
Lucille Heifer, chaplain; Kate
Hoguc, officer of the day; Har
riett Estes, officer of the guards;
Sadie Mae Rand, sentinel; Mar
garet Biden, musician; Murtha
Baker, right aide to the presi
dent; Addle Sandell, left aide to
tho-president; Cordelia Cantrall,
right aide to the vico president;
Sylvia Tilton, left aide to the
vice president.
Members of the finance com
mittee include Ladies Lina Mots
chenbacher, Harriett Estes and
Sylvia Tilton.
Gifts were presented to Ladies
Lawrence and Propst by Lady
Charlotte Martin, past president
of the association of ladies aux
iliaries. Refreshments were served to
the members of the organization
at the close of the evening.
f' N" .two hi
i U ,1T - "
P i-
K 4 f
T if
'i ' f . J
Fifteen Invmlln rl th
Neighbors of Woodcraft attend
ed the meeting on Wednesday
afternoon, January 10, at the
home of the senior guardian,
to- C- O. Dryden, 610 North
11th. During the business meet
ing, Donna Cone was elected
magician, in place of Pat Ni
dorf who resigned from that of
fice to become musician. Games
and refreshments were enjoyed
later in the afternoon and Mrs.
Dryden was assisted by Alta
Earline Hend
Bcauiy Stylist from Portland
Hos Accepted a Position
Assisting Be Haines
Vanity Beauty Shop
mo w tit. . -L
108 N. 7th
Phone 7161
Jimmy Oslrom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. B. A. Ostrom of 2134
Stukel, was three. years old on
Thursday. He has two uncles
in the South Pacific, Cpl. Ed
ward W. Ostrom and Pvt. Hel
mer C. Ostrom, both of the
U. S. army. Comart
737 Main Phone 7240
Across th street from United Utstoi National Bunk
Studios alio in Medford, Bend, Albany and Portland
Your Photogrop)
il the
PERFECT Valentine
No Appointment Neiiary
Opan 10 A. M. lo 7:30 P. M,
- i. M I V F I
6 v
- --
A coiacn wedding anniversary was celebrated ny Mr. and
Mrs J "i NcUon o 1051 South till., on January 1, New Year .
Day M. my c I r relatives and friends culled on tho couple
during I duv. although some members of the family wro un
able to be here to honor them on their 50 years of married lite.
Couple Wed
KENO On Saturday evening.
December 30. Donna Luyton, eld
est duughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Waller Luyton of Keno. became
tho brido of Howard Keith
Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Brown, also of Keno. The cere
mony was performed at Ihc
homo of Reverend Daniel B. An
derson, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Glusspoolc, sister and brother-in-law
of the bride, wero the only
Guests at the wedding includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Layton
and daughter, Mary, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Ramsey and
daughter, Kathryn, Mary Mc
Keen and Robert Glusspoolc, Jr.
Following the ceremony, the
bride and groom returned to the
home of Mrs. Brown's parents,
where a combined reception ond
charivuri was given for the
young couple.
- Mr. and Mrs. Brown are tem
porary guests at the home of Mr.
and rars.' r. J. Brown, aim arc
Dinner Given
KKNOA Christinas Day din
ner was given lit the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. l.umimia for
it number of (fiends ami rela
tives. Ucsirirs the host and host
Vs.i. the guests included Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Parkers unci (iiintly,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ilusklnaon
and duiiglitcr. Murjorle, Mrs. C.
R. Morgan ud Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Slak o( Iho Stewurt-Lcnox
Thn dinner also celebrated the
wedding anniversaries of Mr.
and Mrs. Ltimnuis and Mr. and
Mrs. Iluskinson. December 24
was the 5th anniversary of tho
Liunmus' marrluue, and Decem
ber 28 was the llusklusuus' 25th
wedding anniversary.
The next regular meeting of
Sojourners will be on Wednes
day. Januury 24 lit 1:45 in the
Willurd hotel. It is the purpose
of this club lo greet and wel
come those who have recently
Merrill Club
Merrill l.lluarv clni" ft
Pelmrr. Mrs.
son, Mrs. Kennot i. V?
Mis. Hcntl M,k"
Illl 'I'lll.l-., .. tW J
homo of Mr,. l)"up'M.l
. 'l'hn club ,, . 1
Il 'k ui.pPr ami C'W
Mlvrn for . uu,Zm
tho latter pllt-t , T'S
Mm. H. W sii,.u J.'S
expecting to make their home in I arrived In Klamath Falls, and
Keno this winter.
Pinochle Club
Ye Olde Pinochle club met
with Nona Hall, 915 East Main,
on Thursday, January 11, for
luncheon and cards.
Attending were Mclva Dan
iclson, Vioict Vance, Agnacc
Lowo, Esther Adklsson, Fannie
Goddard, Kathryn Billings and
Grace Bock.
Mclva Daniclson held high
score, Kathryn Billings, second,;
Violet Vance, low, and Grace
Bock, pinochle. Grace Bock will
be hostess for the meeting on
January 25.
Hazel Morrison left early this
week for Pendleton to attend
the anniversary celebration of
Bishop William P. Remington.
Later Miss Morrison continued
to Tacomu to visit for several
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Morrison, formerly of
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schreiber
have left Klamath Falls for In
dependence, Ore., near Salem,
where Mr. Schreiber will take
over his former position as mana
ger of the J, C. Penney company
there. Mr. Schreiber formerly
was stolioncd in Klamath Kails
as recruiting officer.
Captain and Mrs. E. L. Mead
are now located at Geigcr field,
Spokane, Washington, friends
here are interested lo learn, Mrs.
Mead Is the furmor M,r i
Eyerlv. Cantuin MonH i i th
medical division, airborne engl-
there is a stunding Invitation for
them to attend the meetings anil
to become members If they wish
to do so. Members ot long
standing are also asked to come
and help the "newtlmcrs" to feel
like "oldtlmcrs."
and Mrs. JolHi s'loli !
pointed by lh."rp' A
I'uimor. In hn i I'V'toti
Mrs. Uiilh-y, M," EM
Collum eoni,ii,0 'M
lliont loiuiniltcL., 11
hervlng u tln ,
Iro fin- ii w(,
bmruiii; Mi A jUH
CJus llagliind. Mr,' SH
and Mrs. Oi n,. m"'. w- 1
. .Mm. Wllllun, iu
mo and Mr,. Ilmvr,u?l
welcomed as uw
Hostesses f(lr ,
meollnu wnn
Melvln A. U..w,TO
VII, Mil 1111(1 Il(1 l
netto. In Muni, ";i
will be Mrs. J. I'trry Vu
NelU. " m
Dollgl.lful rrf,M,m,.
served ul ll.u ,)l)M1 7 J
noon In Mrs. William
". J- i.i'iaiu w u
dall Pmir. Mrs. n.n n.!h
A J. King M. H. J. ff
Mis. W, C. luilev 5
"nll MrJ, J"- SloM
Mr' .Ab1r' !"le. M
S S 1
Circles Assht
Since NovcinhiT ua,
First Mclliotllst rl,,,,..
served at the USO ctti
Wednesdays. Thuin vbi
worked regularly ire it
K. Phelps, chairman; Ms
uunlup, Mrs. W. Wlthro
jonii Yudon. Mr,, VTi
Mrs. Earl Redman. Mn
Phillip,, Mr,. Mocabn
Mrs. Proctor,
Others who u.-uisied in
moss, uuny Kenyan, Un
Ulnkluy, Mrs. Selby, Mn
man, Mrs. E. M. Chile
K. II. Balslm-r Mm
Mrlhnso and Lillian Hid
Home-made rake,
foaturo on Wcdncjdlii i
week at the center, iniJ
ine tour circle, will
fit ' rl i ' 0 ',
&a(uf Ne&di Sevan!
$!.2S SIZE 81 IS
(4.00 SIZE 2r
Now-save hl on this
luxuriomly lubricating night
cream for flahydry skin.
Helps make skin supple and
aoft , . , an arch -enemy of
rough spot, and tiny lines
due to dryness. Get your sup.
ply now as the time is limited.
Mdlcl-Dnlal Bldg. Ph. 6712
And there's a free cake of
Swan for every baby born in
1945. If you're "expecting,"
get a Swan coupon the next
time you're at Carter's.
Headquarters for
all Baby Foods!
Soventh and Pine Sti.