12, M HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE NINE Ifriccration ie anil S(iall APP'iance It COX, Scrvico Man Klamath fcefrigeratjon 7ii:in pOII South Slf'l" st 11 line frigeration Service Alvinator X. Alllhorlfll SlTVlCC and Commercial n,ne titi 1 V EQUIPMENT LO. fLUMBlNG SERVICE t & llcnllnj K'liilpmrnl ailed and Kc?pircd DAVIS nMBING CO. Hurry Phone 7M Hlmc ml. nUIlNKIIS NACES, ailMNEVS. Jjned and Hcnlml 0D COAL OH. FURNACES iile (or Replacement mpare Our Triers TUFTS ITING SERVICE Phone 8540 num( WCOME TAX SERVICE ncrclal Dookkccplns Rollln A. Contrail gum 4. llnpka HMg. HO N, uih oi. Oiwn iilncj niul Saturdays Phono aw 2-10m WING STORAGE I and l.otie Distance HAULING Klamath Falls llSFER and STORAGE (or United Vim Llnra Jtmath Phono .1072 1-23 IIOOI. ailll. Kill ran lor rlll rmnff. Phone 7WP. 1 -in nr. roo cini.nnr.M of work. ihcn by day. Call OI.lt. 043 I 1.1 MACHINE SrnVK Ii. (II make.. 'II .uis Mia.ta Way. 2-IOm oRt roit nui.imr.N m mv Ulut board and loom children tan nana si. t 17 fl'Aln SHOP leui, Crr.r.nl ucnmiil work dmta and all Fiona 4MI. l.3 is LAUNUr.ar.ri and alr.tch.d 2-21 lit VOUH H'OIIK-No Job Ion Mwnnamcr naw and Rtpatl 1-13 NO PAPr.lltlANIir.n avallalila. lltrr.no mil nn r... , ... HI Mam I'hon. 3.124. 1-Hm WIMfl tr . ... . nrmmiima. ang rami- IV, atlcinoona. 4IM0 Shasta l-aii iNlNn i- ' ' """""""a. i-auuma-'"". I'hnne 4JJII. a-lm TANKS CI.KANKU aTid In. KNOW thu iiin.n clrrlrlral M.O. Can-aile Elerlrlr. 1.1,1 Phone ;i2;iu ED F. KING MM hauiM .way. ' P 'HlN'fi, llnllnr, n,.L... A',Mpiw (Hi new Mild old Will tlllilH . . "'" """"" iciliuuri ail. I rain r Wanted orsetierre HCOrl r,r.,r .. . . ... ill I"","8 10 11,0 rlKhl , ,., l she enn " ncpiirtmciil and real ini. r..- , , "r nrrseir, nursing experience S( ; ROEBUCK COMPANY n .'. ."''"mil homakaan.. I"1 tinth J;','"""1' Privnlo b'cnnn',t;l.,.,"Jw-M.""1 I iM..,r"'"l"' . llfrlnr "w ""I ho armianir. 1 '-13 MirMirr . Lw. uiv. 1!" ,n "re Inm nlv. Or will lN .1111, s"" ,or n- I 14 Help Wanted Female 34 Aiitomnlive wnii r.niAM,iH)ii;i mum h iMti- (lint uiiriilMK (or lutal wunutn ilcilr Intf M iiiriitiaiiciit fuillloii, Mini be iiver JO. with a hm hunmiHl Mf ullln HKmrlni'P (Jonil lnHlnti mmImi v wilh anitil DiMHirlillilly of w 1 v rt r l .' r 1 1 1 n ri 1 (til Ciopar ori'ii. Call Mi I'ibii.m l urvni Cu. It ymi run fitullly, muhi WAN'I'tll lintel rlfih I'riin.iiriil ititil VVI-iip imn ItMlrl. WANTKII Offl.p Kill Invol.a rhr-'ktni nil mnwurlnn ihuni I'ei inanaitt Kltlun, tual lllvvr i'ilry, -i:i WANir.tJ I.H'ly tn iln Mien's hmh.ii wnrk. KlBiMatllt L'lraiitia, ill Muin I-),l WANTri-IUMlv OMCinlMi, full Mint tniilii. mniil. (IihxI -iiaiuli1i'. Vnn Mr in li Mln.p I (ii N 7lh Ml 1 Id If llvlp Wantod, Mai Wanted PLUMBING Department Manager Cirt rl now, In ii bu.iliiCM tlint rxperln clulm will be (ii-iiicn-(luua In the ni'iii' future. Thin la a I ml oppurtuiilly (or mini who lin.i knowlciltio of pluiiililuu ii i id hrntliill mticliaiidlM', Mummer liil c.irrlriKC la nut nliMiluti-ly nrccaaury. Wo will puy iti'l atnrllnu anlnry to llio right mini, plua lllirrnl coiniulaalmia on lotiil (li'piiitment anlra. Wo offer n iiri'iiiiiiiciit ciuecr, with milled opportunities fur prnurcs In our pontwiir cxpiiiialoii pro urnm. Why not come In, or wrllo ua? Toll ua iilioul yoiiiM'lf You limy li th very man wi nced. Auk (or Mr. Kl.ihcr. SEARS, ROEBUCK and COMPANY WANTrn .r.Kirlinr'(t rnnr An ply Mllr llrian I'lmnt Misj. imn: WANTt.l) Nl young lnn tu lin1U lltht drllvtrlM and work urourwl lor Apply In iwrtim Morltfr K Urn-tli riuwrr '"! Ill " 3iimf WANTrn - AtttoMMttillv nicrtmnu (r (ht tolel ml itlhrr rit, I'ciinninMil wofti. VKJ. 4r -M IIaI rate. Cannon Chnvtflt-t . VfcVr t'ahf 16 Hvlp Wanted. Mat WANTRI) r.perief.rii1 rlllrr r-iir Hull. Olit tthtlthrl. Ihnroui-hly riii.p(1 hop bl( iTiunrv fnr r(Mt man. Andiron Aulu tt evict ni2 Walniit I'Mif WOt fl.l I VOtt tlha to aitt in-ne aflat rhHt dhvaring a MtiaIit-NMt paprr rmiieT fiaa Mr. Millvr 1 th llrratd ornra rtr Jam. nun WANU)-M(n nO Ikii tu iil pin l-ittht work, fixx) p4y Applv linwlmi Alley. 019 Mam p nt, Or any avenlni Halurday ot Sunday milt H)llrKI ihrarrr wantnl in li (aiW nhcrp Wa luiva gomt ahoariiiK hil hut no lir!i telly. Call tlte i.UKey Kauri, 7D14. lOlOH WANTK1-Hiiltrr or piatr. Uptown i'lraneri. 117 Hn lilt U'nif 22 Boom For Rom ROOM rOn IICNT 103a Jall.r.on 1 24 Aparlmanli For Hem fOll ItfNT rurnlilii-il apaltmriil, KIM par niunlh HiHUble fur riMHl .lulrr Apl.. una blora hijuttl rollcaii Cllv 26 Houaaa Por Rent ron IHST -o and Inrmni liirnl.h ad raliltu. Allatnunt Aulu Camp. H aih. I 1:1 THUCKS run MKNT Vu drive, mnvi )ourrir. uv '1. Htllct ltrm'1111 Setv tft. 1 3i I rl Moin, I'liono UHM 3-7n 28 MltcellAneoui For Ronl roit HtNT-73 rri urtmr apud Rround. 3l in ll i eal o( TUlclakc. Cultf. n nr. I Hi FOM r.i:NT-rltmr mlir. rdKer oiul vIIppr lamuvlnf ntarhlitA. J II. lUltortop Plaint Btor. Phone .V.21. 1 Ban r.i Main. t aim Or r ICE NPACK ron HKNT In nko nr. fic. uvll locmttl. Write Box 1A!7 Nawi-Hnrald. 134 Kl.r.CTtllC riaOOlt KANIlMt.H and rdfrr rented. Iht 'nir own worh. inquire Paint Dept. MO.NTGOMKHY WAMI) At CO. l-.ilm KOU nENT- Prernl luratlnn or Kiuhlon Cleaner. w'i Mtn. in ud pi 11 frnnl. U'i hv 7d font, tnquirn Hnd) ' Mm' AVAILABLE NOW Ve.ry nent 5-room modem house. Close to business district. Small house In rear. A very good vnlue tit $;17,')0. J; E. HOSKING 517 Main Plume H2II f'rl-Mon. FOR SALE, ; 6-Room Modem House In Hot Springs 120 N. lOlh St. 2;ioztf HOMES FOR SALE JOHN McKEE, IiHALTOH 118 N. 7th . Phono 4,121 ... . , . 2-3 r"OH RALH- -a-rnonl llintlrril hnile. fclnr vatlon, pi'ff-war urlrr. cn.y Irnu. Miul .fll. Hri nny ftl Prpsl-Coln llnl Ulna Co, Plrane (In nut telephone 1-IU FOll HAI..K New, innricril a-lil-drooin homr. Wrlla llnx Judo, t-nro llcnild and Nmva. I l-ll ron RAI.K -n.roiiin modern luni.o wllji lionh, wnnilrrldl incanon. ,j.iii,i,-,i from Falrvlaw achool. 7uU.oil down, balance aas.oo par monlh. I.i:i,1 ?r- ll . rOR 8Al,F,-a-rooin iioimo. modorn, Willi liaarnioiil. parlly nirni.ncdi oiorr 10, 1, mm i imno .null. FOB, SAI.H-Moilem, olenn IMimlroom homo on pnved alraol. I.arao lot nnd Irora. iloiililo Burner., aiooo. Will 10II fnrnlahrd 4n:ill. riirnlliire Ini-lmli'i rolrlaoralor, llol Polnl ranao, oloclrlo flulomalli- hot walrr henlrr,, vacuum rlonnor. 1501 California Ave. l-l rOB SAt.K -Equity In a lipclroom mo Harn home. Ii acre around, ehU'iten home, amall barn, exiallonl aoll. . pi; ni.hea. MOI1EIIN DUPI.F.X, well flirnlnhed. electric hot water henler. furnnve, wnah traya. tlouhln anraan. Term". On Keno hlahway, .1 mllea from Inwn. Ilrat homo on rlaht efler pain Junction, -I'l Sell Your Car N O W OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co.. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Wanted Experienced Car Painter or Helper Apply BUICK GARAGE 1330 30 Maul t atnlo For Salo FOR SALE Dairy and Stock Ranch 1000 nercs.'liill nerrs lrrlntrcl Kimii mid poliitn hind. I'lilly equipped, in.-icl ' n-ry. Inietor. etc, AO hciitl pnidiirlnK (liiiry cow, nboiit 80 head yoiuiR slock mid horses. Slluiiti-d I 111 i'c-s eiisl of Don 1111ii 011 I.orclhi roiid. $10,000 eio,h will handle. DR. L. L. TRUAX Ownrr. 4u;, Pmn St. SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR I2l N. Dth Phone 8101 M5m roll HAI.H l-Tui-ni tuMiw. 2 lulu, doulile EitrtKr. Inrnr Kdrdrn iiot. Al.o r.'.ll Phiuruth N,lnn Itniute Mr. I. I., flu. tin. Chehru adulllun. 1 block (mm lUker'a olfHV l-l.l 34 Automotive Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Atiloinolllu CovrfiiRc? Phone 011)5 John Sahclnicycr, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Snvlngs HltlK. l-:tl-m 1-Olt SALE RADIATORS OK ALL TYPES Will lliiild Any Typo Hadialor You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. Gill Phono Ofl-12 aim RECAPPING nnd TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES ' . All Sjzes Monarch Service Station M. K. Teed 1)01 So (llh Phono 7071 1-7 MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Rcboring And Olhcr lUecluitilenl Work GIBS MOTOR SHOP KKlll Enst Main 1-22 FOll HAt.l'- lllll.l Oldsmnlillo -l-door se dan,' Boon runner, ooiiiio .vin i-nii .17.1(1 rriiin n lo 4::t(l ii. m. ' 1-1.1 FOn SAI.K-IM'! llodae ardan. flood rondltlon. asa.l. aj.'l Mnllln hi. 1-1J WANTCD-Trnrio ';'n Hiierlol Pillck 4-door acunii. vfiy h"" ,..,,.,,"..., .... -rouoc. Must nlM he In Bond condition. Will Mill If roinio Isn't nvnllnhle. Slinsln View Trailer Court, No, IS. aller J. I"1-1 AUtomo1tT Main 1-1S 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends l-12m RADIATOR REPAIRING 'Ve Are Well Equipped To Give Prorhpt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 251!) S. Gth St. Phone 8331 1499-tl Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. MSm Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1842 Chevrolet 1935 lo 1B41 Plvmotiths 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 lo 1942 Wu Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Rcground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phono 3214 937 Calif. Ave. . 1-25 WANTED Ml or '42 model tr with low miiraRp for very rsenlll ust. Call lt:.37 rlnyii. ROM ovrnlnts. 1-12 SKR MR1. HENRY M Lombard' Hud car laot. (v.! i s, oin ai. top ui-a cash prick at once for your car. All mnkea nnd model for 1-lSm 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 83D7 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m FOH SALE -Fir body wood, limited top ply. Ill or 111 Inch, aiB.OO cord. 1J10 Lincoln. '-IS 36 Mtecolianeoua For Sale VVWtrVMVVt'MVVVifViWrrVVfA'l rOTt HAM. -TM CutlTplllnr. Muat Iffll ImniPdirtlcLv. 32;i7 Wnntlnnd. 1-12 FOH RAI.fi -F-M Fnriiinll wilh mower. iMilllvnlnr nnd John Decru 16-inch 8-wny plow, lvnn Trnpp. nt. 1, Box una, mile west of Sprlm Lkr .H'hnol. FOll SALE Wood clrculntor, ffood c on ll t Ion, 9M. Lookout. 1-13 FOM SAI.E-Prewnr truck chtn. 33x8; also prewar bicycle. 6th and KlamMh. nirhflflri Stnlton. 1-13 FOR HALK- Wood clrrnlnllnit heater for A or 6 room it . 1133 DIvlMon. 1-1A 34 34 Autom .five) Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St 36 Miicl)anou For Sals AUCTION Sunday, January 14th; One p'Clock, at 715 Jefferson St. i I am leaving Klamath Falls and will sell all my furniture and miscellaneous articles listed: Frigidairc, 1941, 6 ft., excel lent condition: Wcslinuhousc electric range, like new; two studio couches; twin beds, J bed room suites, box and spring mat tresses, one blonde color; one chest of drawers; writing desk; coffee table; 5 end tables: din ing room table, 6 chairs: chrome kitchen set; 2 swing rockers; oc casional chair: pictures, 3 Ax minster rugs, 9x12, with pads; several throw rugs, floor lamps: 2 ironing boards; lawnmower, shovels, -garden tools; hose, tri cycle; dishes, some clothing and many other articles. If stormy, sale will be held inside. Terms-Cash Mrs. P. M. Noel (At the Dr. P. M. Noel Home. Take North 8th St. to Jeffer son.) Col. Swigart, Auctioneer 1-13 SEE US FOR SHEETROCK and FIRTEX WALLBOARD Also Firtex Tiling and Wall Planking . We carry a complete' line of doors, sash, combination storm doors, plastic moulding, ironing boards and full lino of roofings and composition shingles. No Priorities Needed a J. W. Copeland Yards 66 Main St. Phone 3197 1-12 spencer ropsr.TirnE Mra. Enid Burch. 631 pak. Phone 71ta for appointment. 3-ani FOR SALE-xS pack camera. Plenty ; of film available for this camera 334 Micmaan. i-- Gl.ASS-Mlrron. reRllverln. plate win dow and auto rIaw. furniture tops, hoi vim. Kimball'-. Glass Shop. Walnut. Phone 7.17fl. 2-5ni FOrt SALIC One pnir lady's flcure kales, tlte ft, One hp. atationary ffaa ensme. One Choiter Model K5 C libra 81BB. rixit Shop, 1U Klamnlh. natitf TOR SALE-100 tons haled nay. 1st rut alfalfa, oats and rye, at Keno. See Guy Moora at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake 7104. " 33Mtf FOH SAl.B-Dry wood. Ray Bllxscth. 1314 Day ton. 2-2 FULLER DRUSHKS - Clem Joyer. J4;tR Martin, Phono Rti77. l-;ilni STOVES REPAIRED. All nvnltabla pnrts stocked, Used furniture, ntnven ..ought. OK fiocond Hand Store, Bill) Klamnlh. Phone Btvn. l-;ilm FOR RALE-Trailer nouse. a fl. '43 model Plymouth. Excellent con til Hon. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. Qltf FOR DRIVEWAY CINDERS call 40M. Roy Schmeck. 310 FOR SALt -Oll ctrciilatlnB henler, J40.1H) Leo's Garae, Uth and Main. 1-13 FOR SALE - Extra fancy ntffcnns. On Keno highway, first house on rlht after passing Junction. 1-12 34 Automotive Phone 4113 36 Miscellaneoua Por Sale Those HARD-TO-GET Items We Have New Tire Pumps Grade No. 3 Tires (No' certificate required) Tire Rcliners Inner Tubes' Radio Aerials Floor Mats Cylinder Heads Clutch Plates . Gas Locking Caps Carburetors Door Handles Tire Chains Clearance Lights Mufflers Switches Fog Lights Driving Lights. Also Used Parts for All Popular Makes of Cars Roy Call Auto Company 727 Commercial Phone 6763 1-12 First and Second Cutting Alfalfa Hay Daliverod In Ton Lots Mallory's Market Phone 4620 1-18 FOR SALE . IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf FOR KAl.E-.nrmlncton automatic ahot. son and ahclls. Soced boat with R0 h.p. motor. Flxlt Shop, 714 Klamath. 167.MI POOKS- ROOKS -BOOKS Don't discard vour. books or maaazinca. Call AM!. a-5 FOR SALE Dalmatian puppy, S mos,. female. SrI. Frank N. Takey, 109 Broad. Phone 7203. 1-13 FOR SALE -11141 Hnrley Davis 3-wheeler motnrcvcle. 1044 panel truck. Call af ter 7:30 p. m., Mrs. Robinson, 433 No. 10th. 2307lf FOH SALE- 20 ft. house trailer, eastern built, sleeps four: Duethurm heater with blower. Inquire Klamath Auto Cnmp. 1-13 11 AMY HUCiOlKS. priced from a6.i3 to 541.30; cribs from 7.50 to $27.50; hlRhchnlrs. $7.f)3 to $11.05 (including pnd at $11.95). Lucas Furniture, 103 ' E. Main. 1-13 FOR SALE- Estate Heatrola circulator healer. Reasonable. 823 Dolores, 113 FOR SALE -Ob raiiRe, Deluxe model. 0-burner. 2 ovens, like new; also 100 lb. capacity Coolcrator. Phone 6960. 1-13 FOR SALE 2-horse power air com pressors, automatic, with tanks. Cas cade Laundry, 1-13 34 A tomotive Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South .We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Low First National Bank Finance We Need Late Models COMPARE Our High Bid Before You Sell See Selby Last- Phone 6934 BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO. 4th at Klamath 44 Livestock and P 44 Liveatosk and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1645 the belter to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks-at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come In, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY . 2720 So. 6th Box 328 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Large wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrer ' Bakery. 17Mtf ALLEN Addlnr Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. 124 S. ath SU Pioneer . .PrinUna & SUUonery. Co. l-15m REGISTERED While Collie Pupoles. also bitch- Fred Fisher, Rt. 2. Roseburg. Orcaon 1-13 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761 tf WAN'TED Small furnished house or apartment In Falrvicw school district for mother and child. Write Box 2003. care Herald and News. 1-17 WANTED TO BUY. now or in the next 30 days, late cabinet model electric . sewing machine, also home mangle. Phone 3537. 1-13 NAVY COITpr.E In dtrc need of a small furnished house or apartment. Phone 6.T37. 1-13 WANTED- Furnished houc by marine couple and wife. Preferably 3 or 4 rooms. No children. Call 3304. 1-17 TWO GENTLEMEN desire slceoinc room in vicinity of Consolidated Freifiht ways Terminal. Phone 4151. 1-1- CASH paid for Household goods. 7510. WILL PAY CASH for used nuns. Bring them in f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 528 Main St. .'-31m WANTED TO BUY-Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1521 Sargent. RPtf WANTED Case sixteen and eighteen pickup baler. F. D. Coon. Dillard. Ore. 1-12 SOLDIER AND WIFE tn dire need of small furnished apartment or house. Phone 7401 or 7378. 2142tf WANTED TO BUY-Inncrsprlnir mat tress, Prefer Beauty Rest or Sccley. Must be reasonably priced. Phrme' 4690 between 5 and 7 p. m. TBtf WANTED-Small can heater. Phone 7151 days or H26Z evenings.. 1-12 WANT TO RF.NT- Potato acrcace. Pay .,ca.h or share crop. Write P. O. Box 942. Merrill. 1-23 QUIET FAMILY of three deMre 2-bed-room furnished houso, rent to SliO.00. Call Commercial Maintenance Co.. 7164. 1-12 WANTED Furnished apartment or house by pcrmnncnt couple. Phnne Dispatcher's office, S. P. Co.. after 4 p. m. 1-lti WANTED TO BUY-Pair of thinninp shears. Please phone after r:r.O p. m. 2161U RESPONSIBLE local civilian counle nre looktna. for a small, comfortably fur nished home to rent. Mint have ade quate heatlnn facilities. Will treat your furntshinits as we would our own. Phone twi.'7 from 1 to 3 p. m-1-16 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PI A NO -Louis R. Mann. 120 N. 7th. Phone 4510 or 7t7.V l-23m 44 Live tock nnd Poultry FOR SALS -.800 -900 head feeder hogs. 40 veal calves at public auction by tne Farm Bureau nt Anderson, California. Wednesday. January 17th. Calf sale at 10:00 a. m. Hog sale at 1:00 p. in Hors uraded and sold in truck lead lots. Calves sold Individually by the pound. 1-13 FOR SAt.E-Rred, retlHIerpd Hereford ants. Rlre Bros.. Dillard. Ore. 1-17 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turko.vs and rablilts. TIWLOVKS MARKFP, 910 East Mnln, Phone 2.5m GRADE A DAIRY with llrrniod retail milk route. Nets Siiooo.oo per c:u Price $4.1,000.00. Prime property io every way. Wpltcr Jones, Realtor box 947. Medford. Oreaon. 1-12 WANTED - Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4U1D collect. I-Jlm WANTED - Live ponllry ot nil kinds. Also esai, Martin Produca Co. Phone 3372. ' l-:ilm HIGHEST PRICES paid for hoas. veil, lambs and rattle. Johnson Packinl Co. Phone 5323, niahts l-3tm CHICKS. Finest nnd best snide of chicks. Free delivery lo Klmnalh Fall.. Send for free ralaloaue. Talent Hatchery. Taltnt, Oreaun, . - i-9 A4(qmqtlTu 2.178H Phone S164 Klamath Falls. Oreson 34 OREGON BRED CHICKS B93U 46 Financial When You Want a pASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N.; 9th St." Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furaiturt Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed a ri d O. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 1-3 Ira See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Your FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months lo Pay " No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally. Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 . S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 332S l-3lm Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt Service It will pay you lo investigate , the 1 EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1009 111 N. Oth Phone 4584 Tucs.-Frl.-tf 4B Business Opportunities For 8I-SH0E SHOP -Dolna taod bust- ne... aood stock, rent asa.oo. a-yaai lease. Ilvlna quartern. No competition Winslow nnd Taylor.- Box 471, Tula. Inke, Calif. . . . , l-ll It It's a "frozen" article yol need, advertise (or a used one in the classified. V 4 i