Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 12, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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. n I in.
wriKCO, Jan. J '
"nnt ln( ' 'ri 10 l"rn
,rnmciii , ..Hun)
W. "I " h wr rel
i rector
V .-Il
Irt yesterday.
, .rlciins during
l ' 1.. mid OIICOII1'-
o.Mhle to move
L ri (or oilier frderii
P"", ' I...., uildllloillil
Kvo cun,lfl" pli.il
i ire piuv-vvM"-
l i, bulk of Hi" move
mailed between Murch
.nirnibrr 1
the llj
..wimululy 75,
! wast will In- clitilule
. hntlilllU.
...III mil bo encuur.
Iconic to llio congested
Eduction centcn si '
Jo. Loi Anifoles, Seattle
to ine iivww
li will recommend to
! . T: ... I..
c k. l service umiiiiiin'
I JnpancsC' American be
n (he " ciilejory m
else 10 for o loyulty
employment in public
ijenclci are concerned.
.inrie. American who
,iir rhareen the naecl
Wind, etc. Will. SO fr
tie, be returned 10 jimcs
iliei where iney lurmer
residence and will bo a
LAKE-Prlorlty In the
allon of the cimen i(
nl mm emnu In mo
Jmed forcei will be lilven
lallon. whether II l tor
tote of returning to the
exciuacu urea oil U'
1st or relocating In other
of the U. S., It wui mi
here this week by liny
director of the Japanese
ion camp at Newell,
consideration will be
- the army authortttoa In
fiing clearance for pur
loldicn and by the WHA
ling assistance available.
lulancc will Include
or travel and the ship-
penonnl pronerty.
JVRA will do all Unit la
Best Hated, tu assist
It of the compound to
round relocation olans.
act that a resident haa
lor repatriation, or hai
nlcd leave cleurimce or
inaitop list by the WHA
prevent the Individual
fcivlnj a center il hla
in not been placed on a
oy uic war ucpurtnicnt.
Snita Contracts
ted by Board
'LAND, Jan. 12 (P) Iri
contract! enutihno mil.
fmployos to remain with-
iu ciccuons have been
oy uic ichool board
city ichool tuner nlnn.
p deputy and assistants,
ft district cmployoa will
fed threeyenr contracts.
no ciapse.i lliey can
until cither thov or tlio
ves a ycar'a notice.
To a
this area!
ml a ioh wiiim Hi..'.
' work ahead . . . whore
wki appreciated and
ou 11 (eel vni,'r ,.,111. .
'"--you miRht llko this
foulhern Pacific. If In
; '""Pa . . . working on
VM . . . knniil,,,. ... I..
or the i.,
' men are "regular"
"K lncero rnllrondcrs.
looting. Onco you Rct
III,. 7, ol wc "link
K being a railroader.
a limit. nniir.j
kH Fine V"""""
hoaplta, E
! benrf itt a i ,.
bio ivm jod
P'g, sound company with
,7" luluro. Look
'"on, Klamalh r.n.
u, :' """mil
ur neareit 8.P,
Beachhead Where MacArfhur
s Forces Landed
.. ......
l, . .,
1 'WJr.. ' ' l"iAa-
vw; .it. 'i
. i- r""
illil i ill in iii linn ii ia 1 1 ill , j.., latjv.
r- iji, i , i . , ... .,,.r
.! HitMll II .If till) , K
(NEA TthpUoto)
11iU aerial reconimUanco photo ahowa the I.lnaayen Qulf ahorellne near Ban rnblan, tint town named In
Initial report aj captured when Oenrrul MncArlhur'a Invasion anny awept Inland after euay landing on Lu
aa Uland. Ilia town aa lake a with practically no realatouca.
Midland Zmpite fiewd
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Putton
have moved out of Camp 6. They
have purchased homo near
Wcycrliaouier Junction. Their
daughter, Helen Louisa Wright
and daughter, whn ore making
their homo with Mr. and Mrs.
Patton while her husband la in
the army, have left camp alio.
Mr mid Mrs. Leo Lehto have
moved Into the Walter Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Haymond How
ard und children visited the J.
W, O'Hnnlon family and the Wal
ter ration recently. Mr. nd
Mr. Howard are lormer real
dent of Camp 6.
Mr. and Mrs. At Waldo and
sons, Donald and Stanley Vorl,
Hiient the Christmas holiday with
their daughters, Clurlce Jane
and Alberta. In McMlnnvllle.
While north Mrs. Waldo also
visited Salem and went through
the atato capltol and other state
Mr. and Mr. Leon Brown and
son spent Christmas with
Drown' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Urown In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lnul Bcckman
spunt Christmas with hi mother
In K amain halls.
Mr. and Mrs. A Hart erode lf,m,y wcre guests at the home
and sou spent their Chrlstmasiof MrJ, Wnrdr sister, Mrs. Walt
vacation In Medford, where theycr Wakomon, of Klamoth Falls,
Christmas. Louise Warflcld came
homo from Portland and was
homo t week. Mr. and Mrs. Al
Cooper and Jo Ann were only
able to stay Christmas Day. The
Coopers mako their home at
Trail, Ore.
George Nelhcrlund Is now in
Hawaii on the island of Oaliu.
iiccordlno to a letter received
by his mother, Mrs. Albert liar
tlerodc, January 4. Nctlu-rlund,
who 1 a private in the Infantry,
was Inducted July 0. He re
ceived his training at Camp
Roberts. Ho was Home on a it),
day furlough the lost of Novniv
bcr and spent the 10 days visit
lug with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hartlcrodo and his son Jimmy.
He reported back at Camp Hob
ert December 1.
E. C. Schcrcr of the Klamath
Kalls-Kcno highway was host on
Christmas Day to a group of
about 12 people Earl Schcrcr
and Dun Schcrcr, soiui of the
host, and their families, com
posed ten of the group who a to
Christinas dinner with the elder
Scherer. Mr. and Mrs. E. N.
Large, parents of Mrs. Earl
Schcrcr, completed the number.
Mr. and Mrs. w. E. Ward and
TULELAKE i No Immediate
prospects for a new building In
the Carr school district ire In
view, It was reported following
meeting of voter of the dis
trict held last weekend it which
lime Charles D. Bunch, Sacra
mento, chief of the division of
school house planning met here
to consider such a move.
While school rooms are over
crowded, the buildings old,
drinking fountain inadequate
and sanitary facilities not up to
standard, many of the voters are
in favor of remodel Ini the pres
ent building until such time
after the war a material will
be available for a new set up.
Future meeting of the voters
and patron will determine the
course of action.
License Eater Now
In City Doghouse
(A'l Springfield' canine auto
mobile license-cater wss in the
city's doghouse today, hi num
bers game apparently ended.
The pup wa the object of a
search after several motorists
complained their license plate
made of soybean products-
had been eaten by a dog. Yes
terday the dog was caught in
the act of chewing off the plate
of a parked car.
visited with Hnrtlcrodc's mother,
Mrs. Joule Johnson, and Mrs.
Hurllerodc's folks, 'Mr. and Mrs.
B. W, Meadows. Also visiting
at the Meadow home was her
brother. L. Meadows, home from
Alaska for first time in eight i way.
ycurs. H. E. Brookfleld, father of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth HustadMrs. George M. Ager, is visiting
played cards with tho Albert at the home of his daughter.
Ilnrtlcrodes New Year's Eve. I The Dnn Scherer family ale
Erve lluvmun and Mr. and Now Year's dinner with the
for New Year' Day dinner.
Mr. und Mr. George M. Ager
and children were Christmus
Day guests at the home of Ager's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George W.
Ager, on tho Klamath-Kcno high-
Mrs. Wain Knrjuln of Sprague
Rlvor visited the Leo Lento tarn
lly Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lehto had
a dinner guests New Year'a Day,
Mr, and Mrs. Truman Wing of
Camp 0 and Mr. and Mrs. G. O.
Guernsey of Chiloquln.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoimback
and son had Christmas dlnnor
with W. E. Phlljpson at Beatty.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Borstlng
had os guiwl fur a few days at
Christina time, Mr. and Mr.
Paul Layman and Sheila of
Weyerhaeuser. They also had as
dinner guest Chrlstma Day.
Jack Wolfe and Llndy Lockwood
of Camp 6.
Evolyn Polndexter spent her
Christmas vacation with hor par
ents, Mr. and Mr. Al Polndex
ter of Camp 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Polndexter
and Evolyn spent New Year' at
Merrill with Mr. Polndexter'
daughter, Mrs. Slolt,
Earl Smith received new of
his father' death New Year's
Day. Mr. and Mr. Smith left
at onco for Cottage Grove. Earl
Smith ha Iho doopcat sympathy
of hi many friend In hi recont
Mr. and Mr. Hustoad, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank and family,
Homer Huslcad and daughter,
and Mr. Nocla Towle and on
and daughter spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mr. Konneth Hus
atead and family.
Robert , Walter of Idaho I
ponding a few day with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hustoad. Rob
ert I Mrs. Hustead'i nephew.
Mrs. Truman Wing enjoyed a
visit from both her daughters at
Main al 8ih
1 . I
ft r ,. k..u-i.i.h
- il ilium ii
For Mi Make ef Radio
ki ,. Qulcli Guaranteed Servle
An - " 7522
"on From Monlenm.r. Ward on North 9th
Earl Schcrcr' at the latter'
Sgt. Ray Scherer of Camp
Chaffee, Ark., visited friends
and relatives In Keno lust week.
Sgt. Schcrcr is a brother of Earl
and Dan Scherer and is E. C.
Scherer' son. Ray was on fur
lough here from tho south. He
expects to go overseas before
long, ho state.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calmes and
family entertained with a Christ
mas Eve dinner at their home on
tho Worrion-Dorrls road. Mr. and
Mr. McAullffo of Klamath Falls
and their children, Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Polln of Klamath Fall,
Mr. and Mr. Rice and Mrs.
Webb of Chiloquln, Mr. and Mrs.
C. R. Morgan and Bob Jacobson
of Keno were guests of the eve
ning. Mrs. Dean Augustus and little
son visited at the home of Mrs.
Augustus' mother, Mrs. W. L.
Cochran, a portion of the Christ
mas Day, later visiting at the
home of her husband's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Lester Augustus.
Mr. Augustus husband, Dean
Augustus, I In tho Seabec and
I In the Hawaiian Islands at
Mrs. E. H. Frost hag been 111
with the flu for about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jameson
and family spent Christmas Day
with Jameson' parent. Mr. and
Mrs. William Jameson, of the
Klamath Falls-Kcno highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erlel of
the Klnmath-Keno highway vis
ited friends on the coast during
the holidays.
HAVILAND, Kn.i., Jan. 12
(VP) Don Machcsney, on a
hunting trip, cracked down on
a jnckrabblt.
But instead of one rabbit, ho
got two both shot through the
head. He still doesn't know
where the second bunny came
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Accident and Indemnity Comp.ny
General Insurance Agency
IS Main 8f, "hon 4193
Mrs. Roy Huff has returned to
her home after a visit with her
son and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Vcrlin Huff, and infant son, Leo
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pinelli
left Friday morning for San
Francisco for a two weeks' va
cation. Mrs. Pearl Burnett, Mrs. Joe
Milan! and Mrs. Ernest Milani
were hoslcsscs at a shower given
for Ucrnico Pinelli at the Mid
land Grunge hall. Miss Pinelli re
ceived many beautiful gifts from
the many guests. Games were
played and delicious refresh
ments were served,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sutton re
turned Tuosdny from Los Ange
les where they visited a few
days. On their return trip they
stopped at Vallcjo. Mrs. Sutton's
daughter Fay and granddaughter
accompanied them homo from
Mr. and mrs. Jake Hauck have
moved to a ranch near Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Wcndal Wa n
wrlght ond family have moved
mio ine June miiuck Home. They
bought the ranch from Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Hiiuck.
Arthur Milani has returned
from Sun Francisco where he
spent several days in Stanford
PFC. and Mrs. Larry Fisher
have moved Into the Ttnherl
lascoccr home. Fisher. USMC.
has been enjoying a leave from
ine houln Pacific theatre of war.
Mrs. Edna Travcrs will leave
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A.
m. l nomas, who are going to
Washington. Mrs. Travers will
go to Fortune to visit with her
Drower and sister-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Maloni. She expect to
or gone aoout iwo months.
Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy Hauck
and son Leland have returned
from Woiser, Ida., where they
spent the holiday season with
relative. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
Buxton accompanied them
home. Mr. and Mrs. Buxton ex
pect to make their home in Mid
land. Mrs. Buxton is Mrs. Roy
Hauck' sister.
There will be a card party Sat
urday, January 13, In the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huff of
Ernest Strong just finished
loading out his potatoes.
dive olcpnerson loaded a car
load of grain for Zukerman'
this week.
LcRoy Hauck will so to Port
land Thursday to bring back a
new truck which he bought last
Tuesday, January 23, .the ex
tension unit will meet at the
home of Mrs. Joe Milani. It will
be an all-day meeting.
The home economics unit of
the Midland Grange met at the
home of Mr. Orville Heavlin.
The members present were Mrs.
Katie Phipps, Mrs. Pearl Bur
nette, Mrs. Roy Huff, Mr. Joe
Milani, Mr. John Walker, Mrs.
Fred Crapo, Mrs. George An
drleu, Mr. Lewi Andrieu, Mrs.
Leo Andrieu, Mr. Phil Motsch
cnbacker and the hostess, Mrs.
Orville Heavlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milani en
tertained Lyman Patrick at a
farewell party January 4 in their
home In Midland. Lyman has en
listed in the navy and left Wed
nesday, January 10. Those pres
ent were Arthur Milani, Lyman
Patrick, Carroll Mistier, Law
rence Grey, Fred Milani. Loi
Miligan, Euphama S w i t z 1 e r,
Eunice Grey, Mrs. Edward
Burke and Mrs. Fred Milani.
Carroll Mistier has enlisted in
the navy and will leave Wed
nesday, January 10, for Portland.
25 -50 Wool
900 Main
Building Materials
Composition one) Cedar
Insulating Wall Panel
Armstrong Cork Company
Suburban .
Lumber Co.
Phone 7709
It's a New Year .
time Ii passing
so remember
Eyes Change
Glasses Don't
Barter vision in '48 CM be
yourt, and to Milly, tool
Make this your first Now
Year's resolution: To have t
complete,, dependable y
examination by one of
Columbian's traintd staff.
Columbian has been irv.
Ing families In Oregon for
over 39 yean , . It il
our most 'ncre with to
acquaint even more people
with "that dependable
Columbian service,"
nr. ai O, Norn
Dr. Sid O. Nli, Jr.
Dr. O. J. Nol.t
(tt. V. . Armj)
Df. D. . BTlr
Dr. B. r. AliMnlar
Dr. T. a. MnlhtlUnl
Dr. Q. Hsiitlal
Ph. 7121
rOStlANO, 11 W. lK . tWO ITOMI K1AMATM Mill. ! MAIN
Coats - Suits - Dresses
- Reduced for Quick Clearance --
One Lot of
28 Only
tj.i n
Veils, to
REDFERNS and other nationally famous
coats of finest 100 woolen fabrics. Fitted
and boxy styles in sizes from 12 to 46.
Fur Trimmed
-15 Only -
13 Off
Fashioned of exquisite 1
Topped with high grade
12 to 20.
10 wool fabric,
select furs. Sixei
S9.50 to 139.50 Le.6 'j
Plu 20 tox
One Lot
23 Only
Vols, to
All wool and wool mixed, stylish pin stripe and plain
colon in casual and dressy model. Sixes 12 to 20.
$1 -0 $2S
One Lot - 75
Vols, to $29.50
Doris Dodson, L'Aiglon and Reich famous frocks In
late seasonable styles. Prints and solid tones in one
and two-piece modes.
Sixes 9 to 17 and 12 to 44.
(Plu Tax)
$1 and $2 TABLES
See the
throughout the store. Doxens of assorted Items reduced
- for quick clearance.
il U lll AT 6 P. M.
it i