a e.eeeaeeaai aeaaaaeaaeaeeaeaeBeeaeBaeaaeeea.e..aeaaanai r HI 'TY.'. ii. .i nurimla. V MB Dc w . n .u Iff 1 lef. I"'1 ' il.. hfiln of 'lli to mrcl Chrlatma.. Sii made louf mlMlonii .MM territory. "Sonny 5. ,t rt camp pr 1" Sn the IMo or Capri and not "expMt to be "or long time. 'n"!!f7h Marine Barracks KSi Vl 5.5 meeting of tha IH . Klamath ISTrturch Monday. J-n- , iceri of Oil club Will Do M,l ot the meeting. They B E EeU. prenldeiil; Ru. Toycen. vlco prendcnt; C. lurdocK. .ccrelarytrea.urer. Lnt, will be Krvod by , urdock and b. M. Top Officer will be elected ', program of ct!vlly out 1. i Applicant Robert D. oler nd Bobby C'ebler of ,nd hvo uDplled for gcii rvlc in the nuvy llirouiih Klimith recruiting office, urd M. Quem Jr- 01 Klein- ... i ...nll4 mm an Mil. Lm.n. All three boy kit irtdty 10 laKn miui ijuwiii Himlnilloni. ilohbon to Meet Neighbor! 'owfcnft will hold regular tins Mond.y evening, Jan ll, In the KC hall. Thlt be a birthday parly for a mmber whoe birthday a fallen In me pail tnree jth. hrw Auxiliary The auxlt to the Veterana of Foreign j will be In charge at the center Sunday, January 1. ben are reminded to wear ctpt and to bring or rend o Portland wri. ucorge rk of h amatn frail.' em ltd by the Klamath county lire commission, left Thura ! (or Portland on a bujlnejj Tort Klamath Mr. Win ti K, Glllen, county home Ionization agent, 1 In Fort mm today, trlclay, on mm. I. She will alio atop at Chll eidliwork Club Mrs. D. V. rkendill of 048 California be hottest! to the member Jie Art Needlework club on Innday afternoon, January i ociock in we afternoon e Mtdford Mrs. S. W li, 333 N. tlth, will leave Jrdiy mornlnB for Medford Mend an annual meeting of uiugmeri oi tne Nile. iturdly Night Party The ! Order of Mooio will hold r uitnl Saturday night party ne Moojo hall, beginning at i p. m. 'ilrrlaw Stamp Sal Fair w Khool's war itamp and o we on Thurnrlay amount to S180.IS, according to a irom me pta. wm, 'ranclicoMr. and WIIHam Baughn; 911 Oak, Thurtday night for San "ujco io vun relative!. lorantine Rules, 'ate Controls For mti Recommended ORVALLIS. Jan. 1J fp) t patholoRists and weatern .i .rl.cu""re department loglsta will recommend nntlno regulation and new ? "eac control meaiurea r committee dlicuisiona to- ? ? Mllbrath, California old0e.?,Vtmcnt1 o' agriculture "log ft. presided at an all &Rc5;c?tcrf,"y "Ponsorcd Jton Slate colicgo. J Office Business turn ro Normal luSS Vht .Uni"th pst . th returned to normal tho g onct Chrlslma. k! E. Haw ,?Jy nc.c"-"n to ii TiunZ i " Postmaster. ' supervisor! are now buv e "Kular flrat-oMhc-Sea? rmm!nt' w'lhholdlni y"x u, lor Psl office, cm- superintendent of th To Matt All narenti of bov of Cub ago, who reside In the Itlvonldo and Fremont echool areai and are Intoroatod In hav ing their son belong to till piirt of the Uoy Bcout orgnnlia lion, will attend a Hireling Mon day, January IB, ut 7:30 p. m., In tho auditorium of Fremont school. Fathori ara especially urged to attond thli meeting. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIVE TO RALPH TAYLOR Award of the Silver Star for ?alluntry In action on the Italian ront, was made to Lt, Ralph P, Taylor, 42 Pine, It was an nounced Friday by the war de partment. Taylor was credited with destroying a machlnegun and killing four enemy soldier with a hand grenade, the citation read. Lt. Taylor moved forward dur ing the action with an enlisted man and. while subjected to en emy machlnegun fire, rose to hll knee and threw tho grenade. He relumed to his own 1 1 n e i with information that made It fiosaible to ninko a successful at nek agninut the outpost, the war department said. The incident occurred May 25, 11)44. Since that time, Lt. Taylor re ceived severe wound in the right arm. He returned to hi homo here Christmas Day and with hbi wife, the former F.llta both Burton and their daughter. Sarah Elizabeth, left January 2 for Vancouver. Waali., where Lt. Taylor reported to Barnes Gen eral hospital for lurgery. The Taylori have taken an apartment In Vancouver. Assistant Named to Fremont Forest Staff Randal McCain arrived In Lnkevlew last week to assume hui position as game manage mcnt assistant on the staff of the Fremont national forest McCain was formerly a district ranger and junior forester on national forests in northern call' fornla. McCain will work closely with sportsmen and conservation groups and will tie hi work In with that of the Oregon state game commission and tne U. a. fish and wildlife service. He will also study closely the condition of tno forest ranges, particularly the effects of wild' Ufa ami domestic stock on range planta and shrubs. . , The McCains have rented a house In Lakovlew and Mrs. Mc Cain and daughter will come hero from California ai soon as their furniture arrives. Organization of Cub Pack Near Completion Final organization of the Cub pack to be sponsored by tlie Aiiamoni community j'resoyte rlan church will bo carried out at a mnsn meeting of all fami ne of interested boy on Mon day, January 21), at the Alta mont Junior high school gym nasium. Pack officers have arranged to enroll all Cuba at this meet ing, providing their parents are present. Dens will be formed and all den meetings will begin the following week. Selection of pack officers was completed at a meeting held, at Altamont Junior high school Thurdny night and more than 80 boys are expected to enroll In the new pack. j Justice Man Opens! Hearings At WRA j NEWELL John L. Burling, representative of tho deportment of Justice, today opened the sec ond !crlc of hearings at the War relocation authority's Tulclake segregation center here ! for Japanese-Americans who have signified their desire to renounce their United States citizenship. Tho hearings aro being held under recent legislation which allows citizens during wartime to npply to tho United Slntos at torney general for permission to renounce citizenship whllo! on United Slates soil. 1 Burling Is accompanied by a considerable itafi. Clcmcnce Dime, English novel ist and playwright, was born Wlnfrod Ashton and took . her pseudonym from the famous church of St. Clements Dane in London. i Classified Ads Bring Result!. SLICE e E Market Quotations WHEAT The following I a list of men who huvo recoived their indue- lion call irom the Klamath coun ty local board number 1 and aro to report at JO p. m. on January Job A. Phillips, Rt. 1, Box 848, Klamath Fulls. Sidney M. Pylc, co South western Lbr. Co., Grants Pesi. Floyd T. Stout, 3328 Crosby, Klumath Fall. James J. Thomason, Rt. 1, Box 281, Patterson, Callt. Marvin D. lllxon, 828 Lin coln, Klamath Falls, Lloyd F. McFarlund, 1401 Dl vision, Klamath Fails. Jesse B. Matthews, Box 1106, Merrill. Bert E. Wellington, 700 York, Hawthorne, Callt. Gene DeBaels, Hot Springs hotel, Klamath Falls. Andrew E. Sloan, Jr., 813 Wal nut, Klamath Fall!. Lawrcnca C. Caddlck, 831 Main, mamain rails. Henry J. Crutchftcld, 339 Broad, Klamath Falls. Jess L. Smith, 411) Pacific Ter race, Klamuth Falls. Ralph O. Bilycu, 710 Mt. Whitney, Klamatn Falls. Transfers In Lloyd R. Lnmb, 1033 Lowell, Klumuth Falls. Jesse C. Hash, 3010 Boardman, Klamath Fulls. The following men have re ceived their call from the local board number 2 and are to leave January 30: Victor K. Slsson, Klamath Agency. v'ulcntlne F. Stearns, 800 Academy. Everett, Wah. Claude H. Brown, Rt. 1, Bo nanza. Jack W. Woods, Rt. 4, Box 44, Everett, Wash. Timothy a. White, 3636 W. lOoth, Inglcwood, Calif. William P. Urcitnuupt, Rt. 2, Box 747, Klmuuth Fulls. rruncis M. Kolkow, Malln, Edwin F. Close, 231U Union, Klamatn FalU. Everett J. Kllnkhammcr, 3729 Hoinedale, Klamatn Falls. Verno R. Taylor, box 696, Malln. Louis E. Randall, Bonanza. ; Vincent J. Zunir, Box 3, Malm. Amos R. Burnett, Rt. 1, Box 101IJ, Klumath Fulls; Charles E. McCullcy, Box 96, Malln. Charles H. Collmsn, Olene. Waller Smith, Jr., boimnza. Robert H. Perkins, 4720 Bis bee. Klamath Falls. William D. Meeker, Rt. 1, Box 892, Klamath Falls. Howard W, Manning, Rt. 1, Box SOD, Klamath Falls. Joseph L. Keller. Jr., Rt. 2, Box 82B, Klamath Falls. Lyman H. Randell, Rt. 3, Box 818, Klanath Falls. Jack J. Wisscnback, Rt. 3, Box 1130. Klamath Falls. Clyde W. Peck, Box 732, Malln. . Jerry T. Tllton. Rt. 1, Box 412B. Klamuth Falls. John P. McCullcy, Malm. Harold B. Warner, l2740 Boardman, Klamath Falls. Howard E. Bell, General De livery, Merrill. 1 Dalo E. Godown, 4644 Denver, Klamuth Falls. James E. Wampler, Box 120, Fort Klamath. Transfer In Donald O. Johnson, co WRA, Newell, Calif. Louis L. Hill, 261 Shasta Way, Klamath Falls. John D. Blgclow, Newell, Calif. Jack W. Fltzlohn, General De livery, Klamath Falls. Pumping Plant Bids To Be Opened Here Sealed bids for construction of pumping plants E and F In the Lower Klamath lake area will bo opened at 10 a. m. Tues day, January is, in tne luanv a tli offices of the bureau of rec lamation. The project will Include ap proximately 40,000 cubic yards of excavation and tne placing of 16S0 cubic yards of concrete. The work will also inolude the installation of motors, pumps and pipes. Nr.W YOltK. J,o. 11 (API nl prl.lllf ihowiil llr.nglh In lody' lwk ralla n't mrt Indiii'rlal Irralirl rirtlrmi to a point C'lftaln liiifttitloni: Arn.rlrNii run , Am Tir . r.lv Am Tl i Tl Aimronij. , CHI Jiarklng f.'al Trarlor r'nmomnwaalth St Sou Curiu-Wrlfhl nrncral KltrlrlQ nanaral Molnrt lit Nor Hv ptrl Illlnm. c.nlnl Inl Itarvaslai ..J. Kniina.'Olt .,.,., l.orah.rt Ina-nell "A" Mnniaomary Ward .. Naah-Kalv N V Ctnlral Norlhtrn Pacific Pac Gat Ai El Parhard Motor Panna R K napuhllr Jllaal Rlrhllald Oil ftafawav Klorai Saara Itoaburk rViillharn Pacific , Standard rtranda Sunahlna Mlnln Union Oil Calif Union Pacific , u a ataai Warnar Plcturea ..... -A handful ln'Japiidcii' inarknt ai laadara r' cr io. an-a 9 r 't '. no-. , at',, SI IV i nu :is' , - I','. a: ..... Va ..... M'a .... sv, ......m-vi .V't in io1. ai'a no BJ". 13'i rilirAOO Jan. IS APi Oram fiiluraa markaia ralllad In lata tiadlnt; today after having hald to tha off-llua moM oi ma aaiiinn. vaja :q ma upturn, gaining almost a trill al tlrnaa. Strength of tha oata markat wai attrlnutad lo eomrnlailon houia buying prnmpiad by tha htavy damar.d for rath oata In tha local markat tvharc prlraa ara naar calllnga. Whaat turned firm with atbar gralna hut tha Irada waa light and without faalura. At tha flniah wheat waa v,r higher to ll'ar lower than veatorday't doi. Mny SI nei,a. Com waa Vac lower to t,c higher. May Sl.ll,. Oata were 1', lo 1,c higher, Mav lO'i-hic. Hye waa unchanged to off He, May M.IS'V PAOO PAGO OPENED PORTLAND. Jan. 12 (f) The Pago Pago night club, closed by tho state liquor control com mission last June after 18 cases of liquor were seized on an up per floor of the same building was granted a license again to day by the commission. Farmers to Need More Volunteer Workers CORVALL1S, Jan. 12 OPi Oregon farmers will need even more volunteer women and chil dren workers thii summer than last, county farm labor assistants agreed today. J. R. Beck, state farm labor nupcrvipor, warned of an impend, ing decline in farm manpower through stricter draft regulations ond a possible cut In the number of Mexican imporfcci. Farm labor assistants from 16 I Ing teen-age boys on a specified counties urged expansion of last j farm to work throughout the year' "live-in" program plao ' summer. SHOE OIL SHOE GREASE OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main at tth Earline Henderson Beauty Stylist from Portland Has Accepted a Position Assisting Be Haines at Vanity Beauty Shop 109 N. 7th Phone 7161 Potatoes Pr-Shrunk Black Jeans ORFfinN WOOLEN STORE lVeaM 800 Main oorn DAY and EVENING Classes i "torough Court in APPLIED BOOKKEEPING h Gregg and that SPEEDY THOMAS w natural shorthand ''P'"9. Offie. Machine!, ond Kindred Subject!' n Bw'ness Office Training School j UMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE l!1"'""! i . Phone 4780 fSaSAAtMsAi All Wool Cruiser Coats OREGON WOOLEN STORE 100 Miln CHICAGO. Jen. 13 fAP-WFAi PoU- hipmenti 1(KM; old ttrck. ofirirt very llfhl. damend enfreeds eveltable eupply. met firm el eillnf; new etocV upply vry Hfhi, fltmanrl inod. market lirm at celltnf: fdeho ntipt Hurbenks tJ. 8. ho. i, NtirrKai huh Tnumpm. V. 8. No. 1. 13 40; Miitntioi jind North Dflkote flltia TrulmphP. U. A. No. 1. a,(W; commercial $1 00; Chlppewai, u. n, No, i. 12 m; ri or i He aa-iii Bill Triumphs. V. H. No, 1, 12 M-3 7fl. LIVESTOCK HOI TU BAN rnANCIRCO. Jan. 12 AP-WrAl Cltl IM: Atittdv to lrons. one load medium to good II W 1 300 lb. Idaho itrerk 113. M; Rood range cow quoted 112 50.12. 7S, few loadi medium Hll ."O 13 00; wa'chly dalr' kinds 10.r0- ii. w, aiaf.w. cimeri n.in.w; can nrrs i7.oo-W; medium atisace bull rrtioied io oo-io so (or wrk receipts lizo. uaivrt none, grwi a no cnoKfi vralrrs quoted 114.001 4 W; for week receipt TO Ifngs 123. active, fully steady ; few Rerkaffc 20D-370 lb. good and choice arrow and elite 115 73; medium 114.21. 14 50; good inwi alfady odd head IH.25. for werk receipts vooo. Sharp 100; good and choice fullwooled Quoted 113 W. one package medium to good No. 2 pelt offered: g tod hilt wooled iwei quoted $6.00; for week receipt 3700. POnTLANn. Ore. Jan, 12 'AP-WKAi Sal a It !e rattle 100, total 150; salable ralvct 10. total SO: market Blow. td.v to weak: two load medium grade. ItR'it wclfhl alter 113 3014 00; cenncr-cutttr cow SW-7S0: common -medium cow M 25.11.00; tncdium-good bulla RIO.OO 11 W; good-choice vcaleri alabl S13.30 14.50 or abOve. ' i l".ilablv Imra 100. total 1100: market active. t cadi: fnix. choice 1 Wi-no lb. Mfl.7: MB Iba. S14 80: few light llihU 14.50; medium -irofMl' t.7 Ih. feeder o' 4 35; choice feeders qtioteblft to 514 7. Salable theep nne. tntal SO; market nominal; cood-choice wooled lamb sat able 14 23-7.1 or above: work's extrema top ItS 23, good ewea talkble I0.OO-S0. CHICAGO. Jan. 12 IA-WFA Sal able hogs 12.000; total 18.000; early trade alow, steady to mostly 10 conn lower than Thursday'! averago on barrow and gilts: Inter trade ond most sale 13-23 cent lower: weight over 250 Ibi, rahnwlng futt decline and in tmUncc fullv 23 cent or morei lower on lew loads big weight, Sows steady, fnod and choice barrows and g'lu ltrQ.:00 lb. tU 4.30-14 70: top H4.75 paid early; dhc Ural ton latn t4 60; few good and clviice liW-IWO lb. gl4.00-14.30: few loada heavy over .100 lt. S14 30-14 30; owa at J14.O0. celling that claw: fair clearance. Salable cattle 2030: total 2300; salable calve 300: total 300: fed steers and yearlings moatly slow, steady with weak 23-30 rents down turn: top today 1G.13 on weirhty steers; best yearlings S1323; bulk all grades 513.00-13.73: heifers Meady to weak: best around 114 30; good beef cows steady al 513.00-14 00; other 10-13 cents lower; bulls steady: weighty ua offerings at 113.30; vealers firm at sis Vl down. Salable sheep aoOO: total 8000; slaughter lamb and yearling motly steady; pood nnd choice frd wooled wetem lamb 513 30 and I3.0 Including two car Colorado at latter price: Ibree loatis good to low choice lambs Tnari med'um and good 114.90: odd lots (vd and choice natlvei . 513.23 and 513 30: pari deck gcod and choice f-d yearling wether S13.A0; kinB 34 cent higher on apied ewoa with 1bre trads g-nrt and choice westerns held above 15.00. 0 aWi wi 2 Good Reasons for Traveling Via Pacific Trailways O Seats ARE Available for eiiantlal traveltri O Convenient Schedules te. Portland, The Dallti, Spokane Whan you muil traral north, rldt eomtortabla Trallwaya buaaa through icanle Central Oration, and be asiured a iafe and enjoyable trip, Plan your trip in advaneephone your friendly Trallwaya agent for Information. Greyhound Bui Depot' Phone SJ21 J, Raltton, Agent . O. af NKCr IM, All the Inalel ON THE NEWEST SHOE FASHIONS i ofev lai-iiiin in.nTTni 1 1 )iinniiH 1 1 r inanV rui (iii i.iiiiimi le .viiii im h ilVviilitii..) 3 Easy te Look of Delightful to Wear The season's newest and best styles . . . step-in pumps, sling back styles, D'Qrsays, dress ties and tailored spectators, designed by Cynthia for your walking pleasure! In smooth leathers and rich suedes. Non-rationed gabar dine styles, tod, at the same low price! CYNTHIA ARCH SHOES Walk in comfort wear a ioft black kid oxford that is firm fitting, yet gives gently with every step you take. Sanitized linings, promote foot health. 49 BOYS' AND GIRLS' OXFORDS Oood fitting, long - wearing sport and dress styles in rug ged leather. Composition or leather soles that will WEAR! 12-3. la aliee. ! la llli m ! ' STYLES FOR GROWING GIRL3 Moccasin : oxfords and slack ehoes that are tops for school. The dark antique finish is just right with sweaters, skirts and blaiers. Sizes 12 to 3. ' BOYS' JIM PENNEY OXFORDS W-irt r-Jci-irVia mnffi-i!n frta efulaic that will take plenty of pun- OQ IJI (I I It?) II, mi v.i IVvl wi Ml f and give foot comfort all sea son long. Sizes from 1 to 6, Men Inreii In Style and Comforti TOWNCRAFT DELUXE SHOES A49 Mr Moccasin toe Stylet Stitched Wing Tip Models 4.79 Styles for every taste, 'for every occasion. Sport and dress models in fine leathers, with long-wearing, flexible soles to assure you seasons of service plus good looks. In your choice of black and dark antiqued brown leathers. Re. U. S. Pat. Olf. s a 1 .,iilwivTOUaUincteKfa.ii.aiiial gyBjaa