HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREP I Manila Harbor Graveyard for Jap Shipping 1ERS mi 'Wmm DF CIS 0 F Signals Off ' Irnnrnc T 11 l M r n i u 11 v m g g g g i i i-i -(r L.r iirrTIIIP Si ISI MtLiinb i i.... I Pi, 10.. ,' ,i iMiinircim Id- 1 fflwortli. M.".l. 1 ilJc lo I Kv.Tutt Ci. Gregg olcc. . WiiIi.. vlcti nreitl. LHi.e IM f''-- Vm. within tli" muiill" al",M , i.v Fred nniiul- ' or liinil, western l"K " :L inliilM i ui.r. , A I pry tie WBBO ntnlJlllWiiim ir urn IL "ndiwiry m hurt pro- I"'11, ... ' j ..... wiuilil utir- h"o("tl " I20O cUlrUU- f.?5. Mn nll i. Ore. tumor. I view b new "ky,ui'k r. .ni,is the need for log- Edovcli.pmoi.t-M Kli.ii C will''" "'1 l011" ." lv w.OT fenco po5t.f-w.is to I . , i j . ...i i 1 1... r one of IhO urtsi today. irrier Puppies Now ith Injured Mother ,miti AND .lull 12 (VI . u.rioollnL' for terrier pup- l orphaned for four duyn, Ire Willi Hicir inumrr iiBiii l. Iiiil licr fcver-gliiml eyed V II L ilt ' ' ... Susie, Hllle "1 '"' won rcucwi oy is-yeiir-uiu Alinn Paul lii Sunday ii. iiinhwiiv where a hit IIIU -- - - .lunr hud left her near felh. Tho eldorly woman, who I nivcd many other Injured L.i. law ih terrier from nnrch q block aim M hull av, whllo tloiens of cars whiz I 't.u Mlmllv. inlnrmil Inlurles. twu Ekcn pelvic hones, n broken im n ruptured eyeniiu may fnlnl In Kiltie. VltterlnlirlllllS kortcd. Since Iho accident, iho ncrs have been feeding tne oorn puppies wiiii nil eye IdHlfled Ads Drlnif Result. tw, i mjnv(Z TRIANGLE WOMEN IN ISERVICE WALLENBURN AWARDED WITH TIIK HKVKNTH AHMV IN KHANCK MSkI. Luiiruiii-K il. Wiilleiihiiiii, mm of Mr. hikI Mm. A. J, Wnlloiilnii'ti, DIIOI liiond, Kluiiiulli KiiIIk, whs ro cniilly it ( Hun ti.(t Uhi l)ruii.o Hlur mtiillil tin' Illr.l,irl,illii ,..,l,.,, l.u lit.-Liiill, Alt'Xiiiuk'r M, I'liteh, 7li iirmy i'oiiiiniiKili.r, ' Hut, WiilliMiliurii In xnnliir cluiK of li ncctlou of liendquiirt sis, 7th uirny, llu linj four yt'iu n niiii four montlm ncrvlco In tho inn. y, mill him burn ovcmcu.i nliu'i. Ot'lobei', IIM2. Ill addition to tin; picHPiil 711. iirmy cum pi.lKU In vunU'in Ki'iinci'i he him piil'llel)iiltid in tho Mnrovenn, HI cllliiu 1. 1 id miulliorn Kruiicu cniii pnimiH, ., , Cinidunled from Diiiiihoii, Mo,, lilKl. m'huol In I:i7, Kill. Wullet). burn h.i threo lirolhcrn in 11 in nervlvu, rtohvrl M.. iirmy cnul iu'itb; Joliepli A,, it i r corpii, mid Ullliert A., nnvy. . . . , , COX COMPLETES BASIC Avliition Ciidcl Jiiiiioh W. Cox hun Jimt fumpli'lcd I In hnsle, fly. lim liiilnlim al tho Merced iirmy ulr field, Culifurnlii. llu will now pruceed to flu urniy ndvnnucd flyinu nuhool, where he will t.iko Iho final KlepK towiiid nttnln mi'iit nf hlii idlver pilot wIi.kh. Hi. In tho nun of Mr. mid Mm. I.eiilor Cox, Clo Khun, Wuh., formerly of Kli.mutli Fulls. YAPLE IN GERMANY M 10 H It I LL Tech , HkI, Jnmeii Yiiplo, lonnerly of Murrlll mill for the liml Iwo yeiim nervine, with n Yniilt biilliillon In tho Itnl Inn thciiler, Is now in Germany, nccordlim lo word received hy IiIh brother. Wiiller of Mnlln mid Cllenii of Klnmnlh KuIIh. Yiiplo, it miichlnlsl, wrllen of tho heiivy bomhnrduienl Unit the nllli'd troops uro underlining nnd of kUllmi in company with kcv eriil olhoiK, n deer from which they hoped to fry "name Rood thick aleak, if tho Germans will null nhellluii Ioiik ciiuiiuh. , GILBERT COOKS WITH THE SUPI'LY FORC ES IN FRANCE: The lltllo tun had milled the nlitht before from a port in the "south ot EiiKlnud," and in Iho storm and fog luid be come separated from Ihc rest of Iho convoy. Tho St 772 had for ils muster SS Robert K. Hunter, of Muskcuon, Mich., who, with his mute. TSt. Gordon P. lllood, of Jamestown, N. Y broimht tho small l.il! throuKh tho (it luck of Gorman artillery wifely to tho shores of Franco. While trying to turn into the French const tho tug had been met by tho withering fire of tho enemy. The master and thcmalc had managed lo steer clear the boat nut of rango until slgnalod In sufely by n ranger captain. Thus the St 772 hod been greet ed on its first sight of the French Invasion const. The cook who Inkcs enre of the rations whllo the small lug Is on Ils convoy and operational trips Is Cpl. Paul Gilbert of Bly, Oro. i i WILSON REPORTS ALTUS ARMY AIR FIELD, ALTUS, Okln Avlnllon Cadet Lester V. Wilson, 24, son of Mrs. Georgia L. Wilson. 323 K. Main, has reported to the AAF training command's advanced flying school hero to begin the final nine weeks' phnso of his pilot training. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO IIOSI'iTAMXATIOIt No l.ail of Tim erminnf Kmllal DR. E. M. MARSHA - Cbtrsrelle ehyiln.in lit N Ilk - r.n.lr. Ttiolra RISs Pbn IMS RILLING CO. I I Green Slabs for Immediate Delivery Como in or phono ui for Immodfoto delivery of H in. Green Fir Slabs Green Pine Slabs ... , OIL TANKS "0 Bl. tank $25.00 , J 9l. tank ; ,. $40.00 "5 Ql. tank $48.80 COAL ORATES FOR FIREPLACES S7.00 $8,25 $11.00 ?EYT0M & CO u "WOOD TO BURN" S Sf. Phnnm 5140 1 i , ' n-rA ' jit i iLeg 1. ft HI' -'4 tkttttt : . (NBA Tultphoio) Drainatla proof of effectiveness of Navy carrier raids on Manila Bay Is provided In this recent photo ot the treat nnchoruge with more than. 60 ships sunk or Immobilized as result of our air raids.. Waterfront Instal lations and allure line fuel and ammunition dumps have also felt weight ot Novy's blows as Tokyo broadcasts reported a second American task force has arrived In "the Llogayeu Gulf combat zone." U, 8. Navy photo. 13. TACOMA, Jun. 12 (Pj Com plicity In the murder, 13 years ago of Felipe Ziii'iizomi, 25-year-old College of Puget Sound Fil ipino student, is churged oguinst Grnclano Hemolotc, 3B-ycar-old Filipino, who wn In the city Jail hero today, Ho was re lumed hero Inst night from Sac ramento, Calif., by Detective George Durgeson-onc of the original invcsllgntors of the murder. Znrnzosu was singled out by a gunman In a car on tho night of November 24, 1031, and mortally wounded. rcicman Hiifanan, Filipino,' was a year afterword convicted; of the actual shooting of Zar aiosn and is now serving a life sentenco In the state ponltontlnry at Wnlln Walla. While Re m'olete's nnmo was well known to police at the time . as the suspected driver of Iho car, it was not' until last November; that police learned his where-' abouta. -Ho was In custody in Sacramento on a rape charge which was dropped 10 day ago for lack of. evidence, according to Detective Captain William E. Fnrror. . . Today On The Western Front By The Associated Press . Canadian 1st Armyi ' No change reported.' . British 2nd Armyi . Pushed tiiroush snow on western tip of Ardennes salient against, withdrawing Germans. U. S. 1st Army: .Beat against Germans on western tip and along northern flank of dwindling Ardennes sal ient. U. S. 3rd Armyi Hacked steadily at southern flank ot Ardennes bulge, and whittled down Harlongc pocket. ' ' J U. S. 7th, Armyi Lost Herr lisholm, 12 miles northeast ot Strasbourg, to German armor attack: halted Germans' at Al thorn, six miles ) south of Bltche in northeast corner of France. ... 1 French 1st Armyi ' Lost Obenhcim, 15 miles south of Strasbourg. . . . ' Effect of Ceilings On Cattle Eyed PORTLAND.- Jnn. 12 OP) Hopo that the now celling order on livo cattle, with its higher subsidies ot meat packers, .will not discourage needed produc tion of beef for the war effort was expressed today by Nathan 13. Swift, manager of Swift nnd company's north Portland plant, i He protested Ihc ruling on the basis that government subsidies should be paid directly "to those whom they arc intended to bene fit." "The cattle producer should receive the subsidy direct from the government, not through tho packer," sold n public state ment. "Tho new order, there fore, will only continue to mag nify the origlnol error In this respect." New Railway Express Terminal Scheduled 1 PORTLAND, Jan.. 12. (IP) Plans for a riow Railway Ex press . Agency terminal here, with enlarged air, express facili ties, proceeded today with ap proval of the company's nation al president. , , . I . L. O. Head, New York, here en route, to San Francisco, said tho terminal probably would bo completed, by. May l. The com pany doubled Its air express volume here in uccember com pared with the same month a year ago, Head reported. ! , Wartime traffic has moved quickly,' Head declared, thanks to women, who hove "saved the day" by pitching in on all Jobs from office work to truck-driv-Ing. ' ; TIN COATS j TIN PANTS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main ., We are featurind a variety' of iced cake donuts for your week-end: menus.: They are ; , , . , delicious cake don.uts iced . . - vanilla, chocolate, orange and caramel. This gives you 'a nice variety to choose ' . "from, so place-your orders ' ? early while our supply. 'is j . complete .'..,'.. ' i Remember !we still have an assortment, of our lus- j cious rich fruit cakes in stock. Fruit cake's; go to- j - wards -making iOnyi menu complete, and .they, a r,e ; i ' . ideal for any speciaf dinner ! ; . you are planning in the j near future. KlamatU'i Qin&U ft? Freight Elevator Weight Kills Youth ' PORTLAND, Jan. 12 P) The second freight elevator fa tallty here within two weeks was marked up today with the deatn ot btaniey riintreo, il Meier and Frank company em ploye. He was peering down at moving elevator with his head over a steel beam yesterday at ternoon when descending coun terweights' struck and killed him, the coroner s office re-ported.. An accident at Lipman, Wolfe and company December 30 claimed the life of 16-year-old Lyle Armstrong. Bucker Killed by Falling Tree DALLAS. Jan. 12 (P) Last rites for James Baxter, 34, Grand Ronde, killed by a falling tree at a logging camp Tuesday, were held at Castle Rock, Wash., today. Baxter, a bucker for the Little John Logging company, is sur vived by his widow and two chil dren, also by parents at Castle Rock. GITY GUESTS DFR0TAR1ANS City offlclols, h o a d c d by Mayor Ed Oslcndorf, were guests of tho Rotary club at its Friday noon luncheon meeting at the Willnrd hotel. ' Oslcndorf, speaking of prob lems which will confront the community with the return of peace, commended Rotary for its numerous members who take an active part as committeemen for city allairs. ........ ...... Police Judge Harold" Franey spoke of administrative work in conducting the affairs of the "nine million dollar .corpora lion," the city of Klamath Falls. )Ie appealed for more interest on the part of the town s citizens and paid high tribute to past and present city .administrations in allowing the police judge to con- auci a clean ponce court. Ruth O. Bathiany, retired city treasurer, thanked the city bond committee, who all are members r tn, ...... r... ... t jiuiai,r, lui wuift in JJUlUllfi Of the city in a sound financial no sition. She said her only regret in leaving office was in. not hp- ing here when the city pays off me lasv ol its nuge- DonOed ln- acmcaness in liw. City Treasurer Ruth O. Borrv and Councilman Harvey Martin also were guests of. the 'club. aui v. Landry, new city coun cilman, was chairman of the day and pledged ' Rotary's help on any city problems to Mayor Ed Oslcndorf. Potatoes have an annual world production of about 6,000,000, 000 bushels: . ;, . . I a Lls Unaware lhat her fiance. MaJ. Richard I. Bong, of Poplar, Wis., famed fighter ace, would have time to come home from the Philippines, . Mar"ge Vattendahl, above, of Superior, Wis., said his unexpected arrival had up set their plans, for marrying some time in February. She said they would "talk It over" before he leaves for an undisclosed assignment. If you want to sell It phone The Herald and News "want ads." 3124. . aged in nes TO MURDER CHARGE FAIRMONT, W. Va., Jan. 12 (IP) Benjamin F. Male, 73-year-old westerner who is coming back voluntarily from Oregon to face a 40-ycar-old murder charge, will have the "run-ot-the-Jail" as a trusty when he ar rives, Sheriff F. Barr reported today. Barr said also that the man who has been twice Indicted for, the .1005, slaying of a school teacher, W. O. Smith, also would be allowed a special jail diet in., view of his age. He is due herei tomorrow. The . man who probably will prescribe that diet will be Dr." L. N. Yost, Marion county jatl" physician who was Male's family ' physician when he lived at Hoult, near Fairmont, back in1 the early 1900's. 1 Smith was bludgeoned . to death, authorities say, in a dis-' pute over the severe disciplining' of one of Male's children. Male had been living quietly at St. Helens, Ore., until he re cently told authorities of the long-ago slaying. Sunspots are cyclones or hum-' canes occurring on the sun, and they often cover billions of ' square miles. n Logger Boots' $6.95 to $15.50 OREGON-W0f FN STORE Main at 8th Sheeplined SLIPPERS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main TruIoveY Cutting and - Curing Plant . We cut and wrap meat for your lockers and smoke ' your hams and bacons Phone 4282 -919 E.'Main Merrill-Lakeview Jet. n n m m m U flALLORY'S 7 MARKET Telephone 4620 Lbs. .. Lb, Lbs. Dnrlj I iwA ' wi f hiici (No Poinl5) Spare Ribs Prk CIlOpS Smau ,ndL.an . .. Sausage PUr.,pork ....:..........,... Eggs Large Ranch .. .. APPLES Fancy Winter, Bananas Jonathans Hay Delivered in Ton Lots Bacon Squares Picnics Do. Box 25c 23c Lb. 33c 35c 55c Bushel. Basket Lb. .. LB. 2.49 2.49 17c 35c '.?;'' - - . ( - '.is- ' it jk. I ft " SEE ARTUR0 DE CORDOVA IN PARAMOUNT'S "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" Can you score over Arturo die Cordova? A native , of South America, Arturp de Cordova knows coffee almost like an expert! So he romped through this M. J. B Coffee Quiz with 8ying colors . as maybe you can, too. Give a try anyway it's fun! Read the quiz questions carefully and pick an answer for each. When you've done this (and not before, please!) check below for correct answers and Arturo de Cordova's score. Q. Q. English coffee houses were once closed by Charles II because such public gathering places ... flouted the health -lawi-- - I I didn't pay taxes I I stimulated free speech Which of the following beverages Is the favorite drink among U. S. aviators? I I pineapple juice EH coffee ll ginger ale Coffees used in M. J. B's rich, full-flavored blend are prepared by.;: 1 special machinery Q hand methods I I consulting astrologers For most people, tests show, the energizing effect provided by a cup of coffee lasts abqut . . . , D 15 minutes Q '2 hours Q 2 houri i Pick.M. J, B for extra pleasure in every cup... we guarantee there is no finer coffee! Here's wonder ful coffee flavor, full and mcllow-rich, brought to you. at peak freshness. You see, the goodness of M. J. B's superb blend is locked in by our vacuum, pack (the highest of any coffee). Try M. J. B next rime. Make your coffee with the same care you've used In the past ... then you'll know ' (Arturo de Cordova tniwirtt out oj 1 questions correctly in the above Cogee Quit. Cor. rect smwers, tn order, are: stimulated free speech; coffee t tpecial matbmerjt 2 hours.) Double your money fcatk If yen dent egret It's the Ihiert coffee yee ever teitodf . 1 3 I ll ;!. ! fa ! 'Ii i 1 1 it. .I1; i t