HEPALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE SEVEN AW. ning Depth Charge Sent ierboard Just In Time , . 1 1 1 i Di... Ul .1 . S 1V.''..D NORTH LWR II (Delavccl) !') JIA. l".! :.?,f a coii.bal camo l.wl III o -" " 1"""..'. )I10 Jt r, ,1,1. vnliry v ew, FORCK DON PRESS SAYS IIS TOWS mook, jm. " " it.. Diiw Exp! ' - a r lite nr" Untf'r. I. ,n v. Ynk" d.pntcli from (rmii currcs- I Ihc Germans c..plrcd Antwerp ' .hI.i Iho UNHSII set""" ".., ,i i ha Ainer InV".?', .Vul..i1i.e. XI t ch wblrd by Allen li"11' .'"ld: . .v i no ii. idcd "Hon moment the Americans - n.iiomic nan l,,r' 'ViJMiH sweeping on to uu" , . ..I, A ill WITH. L2!"B ihli Vlmc. rt. mi somehow. w that full report oro UW . ., .r 1IV III! Ill "I " 'T'..."... i, , itn. compares l Importance El Tlimoln (Un lurnltu ol llio North A(rlcn cam 1 1 U effect. ' U, blKier buttle than we hAiiincrhiiiM one of Hie Lit American ctlorts of the rillberl Sles, Stuunton, III., to Investigate. Sim reported thut depth chiii'iio, purt of thq cargo of uiniiiunlllon, wu "bulling llkn holl." (jo-l'ilol L. w, wanes of Kun. nan City, Kua took tha controls whllo .erho Investigated, Iho pilot ralurnod, white-faced, and milckly culled home biino. ask- lull wnui io do. A Uriel mcssago ' buck mild: I Notlilni! to worry nbout. Depth uhnrur can't no off." In Iho mom llii' bii.lntt grow louder. Tha three men mudn ctilck decision. With Wnilrs Mt 1 1 1 lit the coutroU, Zcrbo mid Sles removed the whlnlnii charge, opened tha transport door linn punned it overboard. There wnn ii loud e.vplomm. They hud Junt taken their sta tlona ii n in when the wound rndlo en lied urgently, All of Ihem lienrd the voice uy: "M Intake inude on nrcvlom ninmiiue. Uriip defective depth charge Immediately. Explosion possible." Groosbeck to Talk To Gilchrist Club ft. C. Groeshcck. Klamath Falls attorney and member of Iho dime bourd of lilKher cclucii Hon, will speak Ht u H o'clock dinner ninctlng of the Men's club ut Gilchrist on Friday eve-nine. Ilia topic will be "plain for llllfhcr Kduenllnn In Oregon." The meeting will be held lit tha community hull. Grocubuck nlnna lo return Hint nlglil .to Klumnth Kails. Ho leaves Sun day for Portland to attend meetings Monday and Tuciday, Jnminry IS und 10. of the board of hlxhcr education. PORTLAND, Ore., Jbii. 11 (T'i Pacific Fruit and Produce com pany, Kelso, Wuh., wu moled seven dnya' auapenalon lodny by tha OPA on u chiirno of deliver Inif auifiir to 1(1 retail outlet without Immedlutc collection of ration stump". The lumpciuilon wn net by J. Mitchell I'lilmer, Sun Frnnclsco OPA heurlnu commlaaloner, af ter a lienrlnu here. He took under advlacment the cajie of Schcurlch grocery, Long view, Wanh,, charged with drnw lull cheek on It KcIbo ration banking account without iu(fl clent coverage. Main cafe, Vancouver, Waah., drew a .'10-day auapcntlon order, atnyed In full, for overdrawing It ration bunking account on incut and fnts and not surren dering ration point within 10 day alter receiving mcaia ano butter tuppllea. Navy Plane Crashes In Isolated Area SEATTLE. Jan. 11 Pi A light navy plane on a routine training flight 'crathed und burned In an liolatcd area north of Duval yesterday, 13th nuvul district hcadquartera announced. Navy officials said state pa trolmen who made their way to the crash icenc reported that both pilot and passenger were Kinea Judy Garland to Marry Director HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 11 (P Judy Garland, the 22-ycar-old tinging aclrcas. and her film di rector. Vinconto Mlnnelll, 32, will be married next fall, they have announced, If It'a a "frozen" need, advertise for in the classified. article a used yon one baby's rn I nc Relieve misery direct -without "tfoifn?." VSCKS VArORUI 4 -RUB0IR Board Asks Approval Of Building Program SALEM, Jan. 11 M'l The state board of higher education asked the legislature toduy to approve a $7,080,000 building program In the next 10 years, with $1,000,000 to be spent in the next, two years. The board rep6rted that 3880 service men have been trained at Oregon state institutions of higher learning in .the two years ended last July 1. All Wool WORK SOX OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Enjoys tiA trff I II II v i i art MM Schilling VACUUM PACKED COFFEE !neor Woman Jurist ires From Post JiNCOUVKR, Jan. 1 1 (CP) Helen liregorjr niuiuiu, 'er woman lurlsl and apo- I In the field of women s tilldrcns risiiis. una rcurco 22 years from her position lito of the juvcimc couri Attorney wnnn . u. ind snnounced In Victoria l1'),,nl",hi-.-.. . ........ rn in imniiucu, wn., yum. ill grndunlccl from irinny JP, Ulllvemuy Ol loronui, ,88, and wn sent lo japnn nvndicnle n( Canadiun news- r siid a United States mag- f lo write of social condl. In the orient, lined Jackets Crty Wool HGON WOOLEN STORE 100 Main PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADDS TO ITS GOODNESS Ml Mi. itfiTii1 'iri'i' ' wtr iMatn ' . . " " ' -'-'i-t-11" SI , Make sure of U vitamin C You need vitamin C every day for health. And authorities say you ahould get It at breakfast. It'a easy to fill your daily quota with a biff glassofCallfornianavclorangejuice. Also gives you valuable amounts of ' A, Bi, B?, calcium and other minerals. i i Enjoy the delicious flavor of golden Sunkist navels other ways, too. ,Thcy're sweet and rcfreshingfor tha lunch box... wonderful for good cat. ing any limit Serve them in cheery saladsanddesserts.too.They'reseed.' less. Easy to peel, slice and section. wl BIKinj P 8HDSI DEST FOR JUICE and vey ode ulT tradcml"'ked Sunkist Oranges, the finest from 1'j0 cooperating Caliiornia-Arlrona citrus growers. CALIFORNIA tUttt ORANCIS lt' riNISH THI JOI-SUV WAR IOMDS Save Money . . Save Poinis on these Good now RED STAMPS Q5 thru X5 10 Points each Good now BLUE STAMPS X5 ..... G2 10 thru Points (ach SUGAR STAMP No. 34 Good for S lbs. aach Hera arc a fw axamplss of 8afaway't low avary-day shelf prlcesl (10 him polllla) Crttm 111 tlui) lit bin Stlnli) , SUGAR BELLE PEAS ; tomatoes o:Jrrr:,,.i,r" COUNTRY HOME CORN DEL MAIZ NIBLETS PRECOOKED BEANS ,.,.,, LIBBY'S DEVILED MEAT sardines ;,-,r.v;.r;.:r." LIBBY'S CUCUMBER PICKLES TUNA T MORNING GLORY OATS FISHER'S ZOOM MOLASSES c h. t cn cea Ke. 1 I6c 15c 14c n-m..... N. 1 Ull em N. 3s Jftr (t r ftlnUI Siinlir n4 Quick Hal Ciml t I -lb. pks- qt. gliBft Jar I4e 14c 10c He 33c 26c 12c 21c 37c Super Suds Concentrated BLUE PKG. box JC 2 for Lb. 25c 12c Oxydol WHITENS WITHOUT BLEACHING 23c 24-os. box MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD Wheat and enriched white. 1 'i-lb. loaf. RAISIN BREAD Julia Loe Wright's it'a grand, loaf 1 ENRICHED FLOUR 50-lb. I QO Kitchen Crnft, 25-lb. $1.00 sack 1 '' CAKE FLOUR 2 lb. Oi Hollo Pmi.lciir'1 Snfliilllf nki. iOC QUALITY SHORTENING 31b. Royal Satin, creams quickly, jar ' VANILLA Ic LEMON 8-oz. I n We.itag flavors won't bake out, bol. ' NU MADE MAYONNAISE 07p Fresh, homemade flavor. .. Pt. jar' SALAD DRESSING QuartOCr TOMATO HOT SAUCE Gardensldc brand. Buffet can, 3 for :59c TOMATO CATSUP Red Hill 30 blue pts. 14-oz. bottle AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP CANNED JELLY r.:.'?,":., GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE . PLUM PRESERVES MARGARINE PEANUT BUTTER "V."1' Iti-lh. pkf. 1 Llbby't Dtlyi Sunny Oinh (4 red pU.) No. 1'i can COARSE GRIND PEANUT BUTTER PARD DOG FOOD Dihrdraled ............,... l oi. pkf. 20-MULt TfcAM BORAX ,,b. Pk. SU-PURB GRANULATED SOAP .. ... WHITE MAGIC BLEACH k... AUNT SUE'S DRY CLEANER 13c 13c 13c 21c 29c 29c 33c 35c 25c 25c 10c 2ic 39c 17c 75c EGGS. GRADE A LARGE D0Z. 57c hi What to do about beans, macaroni, rice, etc. Versatile is the word for these foods because they can be made the basis for a large variety of low cost main dishes. To make real meals from them just look at these ideas: Try serving steamed or boiled rice, spaghetti or noodles in place of potatoes. Serve macaroni or spaghetti topped with home . made or canned chili for a hearty economy dish. Make a rice custard from left-over rice or add it to ground meal dishes, griddle cakes or muffins. AF 4 cups tookd spsQhittl, macaroni, noodle-l or rica 2 tbapt. shortening 3 tbspi. flour 1 Vj cups milk 1 tip. sail 'a lP. PPP. V Up. paprik. 1 cup grated American cheese 3 tbspe. finely chopped pimiento cup finely choppeo green pepper 3 eggs Make white sauce: melt shortening, blend in flour, add milk gradually and cook until thick, nbout 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Add seas onings, cheese, pimiento and green pepper; cook.. 5 minutes; add spaghetti, macaroni, noodles or rice. Add well beaten egga and pour into well greased loaf pan or ring mold. Bake in pan of hot water in moderate oven (350 F.) 45 minutes or until set; unmold. Serves 6. BEAN CHILI 3 medium-slit onions 1 Ibsp. s. 1 bud garlic 3 cups cookee Vi Its. ground beef tomatoes 3 tbsps. oil or shortening 3 cups water '2 lo 3 tbsps. chili powder 2 cups driod pink '3 bay leavea beans a. Chop onions and garlic. Saute slowly with meat in hot oil or shortening in large heavy frying pan until meat separates, stirring con stantly. b. Add seasonings, tomatoes strained through sieve, and water. Cook slowly 2 hours, stirring occasionally. c. Pick over and wash beans. Cook slowly in covered 3 to 4 qt. kettle with water to cover until tender, 2 to 3 hours. Add more water as needed to keep beans covered with liquid. " d. Add meat mixture to beans; let stand several ' hours or overnight. Heat when ready to serve. Serves 9 to 10 generously. , (Note: If beef is not available, other ground meats such as lamb, pork, liver, heart, or com bination of these may be used.) Safeway Homemakers' Bureau JULU LE K RIGHT, Dim lor You save money whan you buy good foods in bulk and you sava thosa precious points, tool Add variety to those winter meals with these wholesoma old-time favorlteil By a means BAKh BEANS Select from Safeway's displays of sparkling, cello-wrapped beans complete stocks, always freshl BABY DMAS 2-lb. pkg. 23c IDAHO REDS 2-lb. bog 21 e St,.:.. 51c NAVY WHITES 2-lb. bos 21 e 5g ....50c C-lb- 9 ha bag 56c GREAT NORTHERN BEANS CRANBERRY BEANS LARGE LIMAS . RICE Bloc Bote Fancy BLACKEYE PEASTr,.. PEARL BARLEY i-n. kt. lb. pkr 2lc 2 'v.'.'" 22c K H. cello I (Vie Stamp SO I Carrots Ttndsr, crisp and twatt Firm, for ihrsddlng for salads ..Lb, 7c 72 Cabbage Parsnips Snow whitt, smooth Lb. B..1.Iim Delicious for boiled Rutabagas dinn,r, Lb Celery crisp Utah gresn iypa Lb. lC JANE StlS TH PAY la 9c 6 c U.Va. I A X Vf -Z" W&2te2d arc mm GREEN SPLIT PEAS YELLOW SPLIT PEAS GREEN unicu rnunu ciiu suonpe SEEDLESS RAISINS ROASTED PEANUTS LARGE WALNUTS x.. a.Mvcn uiitc l&lAbv nviw Ki CANE SUGAR SPAGHETTI , MACARONI MACARONI DINNERS- VAN CAMP'S TENDER0NI PORTER'S MACARONI r CHINESE NOODLES Porter SUNRISE EGG NOODLES nnaTCBie mil I ETC Fine run i tn o rnihbt, i Edwards Coffee, lb. Canterbury Tea Box of 16 Van Houten's Coeoa 'l-lb. pkg. Honey Maid Graham Crackers, . 2-lb. pkg Krispy Seda Crackers. ...j. 2-lb. pkg. UK V ke. .. s-ib. pkr- 'e , 2,bpk""20c, '. . . s-ib. ?ki. 24c ; 2,b,kV."24e 2 'b: 30c FB' 91fi J.lb. pk. -- Frb lb. bs 290 ib.o.r.'tSe ,k 47c 99b s-ib. tir : s ib. pkf. 2oC M 51 lb. pks. 26C , " ' 10c ltd pelol 2 15c nd Spafhcul laC roducti H-ei. pkf. 1 l M-o. pks. I4C 14.ee. kr. 1 86 7it Neodlei -.. lb. pkf. jar 28c; 2-lb. 54c J V4-lb. 22e AQ Grape fruit Taxis pink meattd lie A V. S. GobJ Bett now reqnlrn n more polntt Ihin l-itiiiv tvhrn van t)pnd Tour vlaable rfttlon point, "A" U. S. Good Beef for your i- isMsnii th h&nt. Ruv Cirde Stfcwty feftlurci G ratio STEAKS Potatoes .lb. 48c Klamath 4.59 U. S. No. Gems,' 100-lb. sack U. S. No. 2 Klamath Gems, 1 7R 50-lb. sack 12RT-Bone, Grade "A" 12R Porterhouse, Grade "A" lb. 48e 1 1 R Sirloin Steaks, Grade "A" lb. 40c 13R Round Steak, Grade "A" Ib. 40c Steak, "A" Ib. 38e Point Free Cuts Beef Hearts Ib. 22c Beef Tongues ........ ..lb. 36c Pork Heart , lb. 23c Pork Liver Ib. 24e Halibut, sliced,. frozen '.....lb. 45e Silver Salmon, sliced. Ib. Roasts U. S. Good 7R Standing Rib Ib. 32; 6R Rump Roast, (bone in) ...lb. 26e 3R Chuck Roast (arm and blade cuts).. ..lb. 27c JOHN THINKS Wt HOUl0 1 UV MOCt BONOS IN '45. rr wouio TSKS. A "insxcimJ WIIARO TO DO rr I fwE'R(eWINMOtt1 our Of WHT I SAVe ON FOOD 1 OIU I A BUT JANS, you KNOW HOW JOHN IS ABOUT FOOD. TNI BB3TO NOTHINS- POR HIM I THAT'S HASRV TOO I AB YOUR COAT ANO fa SHOW you WHAT I MEAN 1 Lard Frh R.nd.r.d 2 ibs. 35c By the Tub '. lb' 70 8R Flank Grade ' C.fl 5S!S vousee.AbeNNV s .. Si?S5SS5 SAVBO HUE ANO- WHWe.DO Wrr. fM n'ZSXSg ySAVITSAa I SHOPPIN i ' .aWTBTl I S AASATANO I Stew and Other Cute Gr,d A WUtS u. S. Good 1R Short Ribs lb. 20e 1R Plate lb. 25c lRBriskef lb. 26e 3R Flank lb. 28e It's true, too! MaKeKne tost yourself". Do all your shopping atSnfeway for 30 days. Keep an accurate check on your buying and see how much you save.' Then buy war bonds with the difference.' SAFEWAY I