Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 11, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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u, w
lc USNIl, l In'"'
1. nr. " 11 . ..,u., i. uis
f P"",' ' f, SlMllllWCSl I'll-
3' ciU.li from A.lmln.1
T1?.. im incrllnrUiuM and fill-
T . ...liiilllU'llt.
ev " - .
i.iher Dlti Mm. W. A. Cnrl-
t' SMtl Kll.i i.tl... rv
. . ....,li,v nvull III! III
,.r,I full Ol V.r imn i
rfy . Mr. iiKt MrH.Cnrl.on
lint once fur liriin i;ii. ".
S Mm. full liven in ""'""
lliriur iiu " summer wi
f i'llvil vUltnl l'ro ninny
Llmilon Unit Tho Altii
t," Jlonw Ksl.-ni.lon unit will
f " .. ,lv .1 ill I II II IV 10. lit
f home of Mm. t:. C. Crnvvfurd
l, iimni.. Mm. Wlnnl-
J allien win discuss
,rtlalltiiK Dclinciuency. " the
ollnil U called 10 0 el,,ck
I lu'ch will b served pot-
Navy Applicant) Six recent
navy iiil limits thrmih the
Kliunntli nnvy rccniltluK slutlnii
Include Willi). II. Cillddni, Jiuuca
A. Wlllliunn, Itiilirr A. Wilkinson
unit Myrus K. UrstviiiiK, nil f
Kliiinnlli H ill In, iiiilylnn fur Ken
nil service In llin tmvy. C.'iirrnll
Mistier nl Mldlui.d and I.yinun
N. I'lililik of Kluniiilli Kails iii
ill led fur iilrvi'i'wnii'n. These
buy urn nnw In I'lirtliind tnklnu
f I mil iiiiillfyinu exiiininiitluiui,
Vi.ltlna I.t. (Jk.) Itlchurd
Niii.Ii. USNIt. ucciiuiiiiinlcd bv
Mra. Niii.Ii, In vlaltlnu hero ut
mo nomn ni n m parents, Mr.
mid Mm. W. K. Nash. 2 Mill
Niii.ll Iiiih Just returned from n
yitnr In llni Aleulliins where In;
win stationed with tliu uiivy nlr
corpit. Ilu mid 111" wlfv visited
with her fmnlly In Kurekn,
Ciilir., before fiinililK here, 1,1
Minn r.'porln to bciitllu on Jim
u u ry 27.
clflo rullrond, hug recently ro
turned lo Kliunntli Fulls niter
upendliiK :i(l duyii iiccoinpiinylnii
military train over tho U, l
lino from U m n li u Id Kansas
City, l'nrllund, Lou AnKelos mid
points In between,
To Hocky Point John SnrK
Iiikiiii, district runner for l.nko
0' the Woods, niiide u trip Wed
nesday to Itoeky I'nlnl to inuku
u prellinlnury uxniiilniitlon of
pronpeellvi! timber miles In the
moil. Sin KUiHi.ji reported Unit the
roads In the iiren were passable
wllh llllle ml(iw n c-onrttf lt;rnlle
mud evident.
To Meet TlH! 1'im Valley.
Olnni) home extension unit will
meet Frldiiy, Jiuuinry 12, nt
I0:;i0 li. in. nt lhu hoiiii! of Mm.
Miiry llrellhiiupl. The demon,
atrution will be on "Oven Menlii"
nlveii by Mm. Wilbur HcIIIiik
mid Mr. Hollo Sturmnn.
Thank Public Tho members
of thu nuxllliiry to the Veteran
of Korelun Wnrn wish In Ihnnk
tlm public for tlitj boiikn mid
miiKiilnen doniited for the Mu
rine liiirrwk dlpeiiMiry hint
Roturni Wllllnm Kennedy,
trnvvllntf frelohl nnd piiwenKer
iilient hero for the Union Va-
y5yf SAafU and SAafU
To Moot Tho Liidlen' Aid of
the Klmt Covennnt church will
meet nt tho church Frldny, Junii
ii ry 12, nt 7:43 p. m. Mm. Umrn
lieriiiniinii mid Mi Cirnce Unr
did ur hodleiineii nnd nil mem
ber!, nnd filencln iiro urncd to nt
tend. Impaction Trip Plannad An
hmpecllon trip to the liny Scout
ciuup nt CroHcent hike will be
mndo by u pnrly of uldi-r xcriiitH
on Hiiturdny, Kubruury 24. Tho
uroup will kl from Crescent
Luke Into tho cump.
Morei to DorrU Mm. John
Allen, who operated Allen'i rc
Inurunt on N. Uth for many
yenm, hint moved to Dorrls from
Richmond, Calif. Her liusbnnd
in employed ut the llomcntcud
nt Uorris,
BIG carton wiui Jimt beinu
unpacked whllo I wan ut
Currin' ye.iterdny . . . And
It contained aomclhiiiR now
that looked o prnclical I
couldn't help fnllinit for It
A new kind of comblmilion
vc (ft una mcqucr nun ounni
Hhcll font.
4Jli called Llciir-ijic , , , aiici
ts only 90c, plua tax.
Sot wave iwt, you aprny or
nib It on (lump iinir . . . ur
cr your hnlr la act, nnd dry,
yi can ipray It on lo keep tho
vt in place.
tmitlni!ly. It leave your
tr toll , . And will wuali out
ilf you need a aprny, Currln'i
' gla olomlzera nt $1.00).
Wnd Currln'a I nt 840 Main
jtccl, on tho corner of Ninth.
nmmbr . . , Thora'i a lim
it to th lime that tha famoua
Tuaay Wind and Weather Lo
tion can be bought at hall-price
. . . Bo don't put off getting aev
era) bottle of thla wonderfully
healing 'and protective lotion,
which alao la a fine powder
foundation . . . Available at
Currln'a For Drug.
frLaTERDAY I nnw tho now
H Pottery Hint Gnrrobm'. hni
been expccthiK to nrrlvo
for a long time , . . Chinese-stylo
crncklcware In
White. InrniiMl,, nl s,.v
usc Hint I beautiful nnd
iraiul nnd unusual enotiKli to
uc comment anywhoro.
here arc lovely-ahnped bowl
I vanes, nnd fliiurine of Chi-
C f IHirr. hlr,1B -l.w.l..
". deer ... At price riniK-
'lum si.uu to J8.00 per
fly Hie way . . . Did vnu
?w Hint Clnrcelon' lins n
'(1 StOCK nf rtrlnlnrl nll..n
, , , - - , .-n VI,, lull mill
on table clolh. . . . i.,,,,-!,.
nnd cnrd lnblo i.o . . .
' Wly printed kitchen
C. thn at... .
"iu nro won-
fiircclon's Is nt 407 Mnhi
a SHIPMENT of dlnnerwnre,
I Hint hit been on order for
II a year, at last has nrrlvcd
II at Your Store . , . Tho
l ben nil fill Mayflower doslun
of Vernon Kilns, one of the
finest line of senil-porcclnln . . .
The kind that looks frniiilc but
If you don't know this pat
tern, you really ouKht to see it
, , Even tho h a p c of tho
plate, cup and thiiiK Is somc
tliliitf special, havlnii been de
signed by Koynl Ilickmnn, the
fninou.i ceramic designer of
Swedish ware.
It' a lonK-lnstlnu dinnorwnrc
despite it benuty, with the de
sllin undvrKlnitc to resist fadinx
and wear, nnd tho scmi-porcc-lain
nmuziiiKly sturdy,
A 42-pleco set (for six) coals
only $28.25, a fnct Hint comes as
n pleasant surprise to the ninny
particular people who admire
Your Store also has received
some of tho Vernon Kiln's love
ly Dolores pattern . , , Also
handpnlntcd under tho Klnr.e . . ,
Which is slightly higher in
price. -
Your Store Is nt 721 Mnln
Entertainment Program The
Knglea' 11)45 entertainment pro
gram will start off Saturday,
January 13. There will be danc
ing every Saturday night for
members and their Indies only.
Admission is free.
In United States George A
Pierce of Klumath Foils lins nr.
rived In the United Stules on
furlough from the Asiatic-Pacific
theater of operations where
ho ha served 18 months with
the nrmy Infantry corps.
Moose Lodae Tho Loyal Or
der of Moose will meet In the
Moose hull Thursday bight lit 8
p. in. In regular session. Atten
tion Is culled to the new evening
for meeting, Thursday Instead of
Returns Kuth Henry, cm
ployed at the agricultural ad
justment agency office here, re
turned Wednesday night from
Creston, la., where she had been
visiting relatives for tho past
sold each Saturday from 0 a, m.
to 12 noon and each Wednesday
throughout the day. Applicants
ore asked to appear only on
these days.
From Portland Stanley Jew
ell, Hurry Willis mid I'uul T.
Krenger, officials of the Fish and
Wildlife service from Porlluud,
uro In Klamath Falls on a gen
eral Inspection trip of Kloinuth
Card Party Women of the
Moose will hold a card party Fri
day, January 12, at 2 p. m. In the
Mooso hull. This Is the fourth of
tho series. Tho public is invited
to attend.
Paaaea Eddy Teat John M.
Mull.. ..I 'e..ll..i.,. 1 ,t
u ,,i luiiiiunu hub punned inu
Kddy test and Is now qualified I
iur riiuur training ai inc drool
Lakes naval training center In
Chicago, 111.
Returns Mrs. John Foster re
turned Tuesday morning from
Mason City, In,, where she has
been visiting the past two weeks.
Mrs. Foster i tho former Mary
Uelh Hammond.
1'AltlS, Jun. 11 W) Five
U. S. urmy enlisted men accused
of looting supply trains and sell
ing cigarettes and other goods
were sentenced to 40 lo 45 year
at hard labor by a court martial
The five, all of company C of
the 7 tilth ruilway operating bat
talion, were the second group
to be tried in cases involving
182 enlisted men and two of-1
fleers. i
Sentenced to 40 yeurs were '
Pvt. Fred C. Jones, 11), I'hilippi, I
W. Va.; Pvt. Edwurd N. Wag
ner, 22, o f St. Paul; PFC.
Thomas G. Harper, 26, of Ccn
trnllti, III., and Sgt. Leonard J.
French, 33, of Houston, Tex.
Sgt. Morel A. Young, ,'), of
New York City, was sentenced
to 45 years.
Defense counsel made a spec
ial plea for Jones on account of
his youth.
Wlnema Members of Wlnema
club of Pythian Sisters will hold
a regular meeting Friday at 8
p. in. In the city library club
rooms. Officers will be Installed.
Members ro advised that lunch
will not be served.
From Spring Lake Earl
Mack from tho Spring Lake dis
trict is in Klamath Falls today,
Thursday, on business.
Federal Stamps Not
Needed Until July
Federal tax stamps for auto
mobiles arn.'not rcouircd until
July 1, 1045, It was pointed out
by I'ostmastcr Burt E. Hawkins,
Many have the slate auto
tax, winch Is due the first of I
the year, confused with the fed
eral lax. Hawking stated. The
federul tax docs not expire un
til June 30, and it is not neces
sary to purchase a stamp until
that lime unless in the case of
a car sale or transaction, he
Bike Owners Urged
To Get Licenses
Bicycle owners are urged lo
obtain 11145-48 license plates this
week. Employes in the police
Judge's office, city bull, will start
selling bike licenses Saturday
from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, and
all day Wednesday.
Those applying for licenses
arc asked to bring all necessary
information with them. The
charge is 50 cents for the two
year period. Licenses will be
Bull Charged With
Possessing Stolen
Property by State
Tho state of Oregon has filed
a complaint of felony against
Waller Henry Bull, charged with
being in possession of stolen
On January 3 of this year,
Bull allegedly stole and con
cealed 15 cases of ale, belong
ing to John Stolt, and valued
at $50.
The defendant has waived a
preliminary hearing, and his
bail has been set at $1500 cash,
Downtown New York's Stone
street is said to have been the
first street In tho Now World
paved with stone, hence its
name. It was called Brouwer
straat ( (Brewer street) under
Dutch rule, because it was the
center of the brewery industry
of New Nctherland.
Some people trust to luck)
others buy insurance from Hans
Norland, 118 North 7th.
Come snow, Marine Barracks'
jki fans will have the chance to
see some plain and fancy skiing.
Major Clyde C. Roberts, Bar
racks executive officer, an
nounced Thursday that through
the courtesy of P. C. Carlson,
1290 Patterson, an excellent ski
run has been located on the
town side of camp. Carlson is
owner of considerable property
adjacent to the Barracks.
A ski shack is under construc
tion and should bo ready for use
with the first good snow fall. At
least 170 pairs of skis are avail
able, some of them purchased
through the Barracks, many do
nated from local citizens, resi
dents of Detroit, Mich., and oth
er point. Donations came in as
the result of stories which ap
peared in outside papers in re
gard to the need for winter
SDortg equipment by the ma
rines. Roberts reported the site now
contemplated for use is a "pretty
good natural run" and should
provide excellent sport both for
the old hands at the game and
those Just getting the hang ol '
The dam at ono cud of the ice
skating ring, located at tho pa
rade grounds which centers the ,
post, was Hearing completion
Thursday. Roberts said a little
water was frozen at that point
now and Hint plans called to
flood tho pluco gradually to lnw
sure best possible Ice. More than
75 pairs of skates are available,
at the present time, almost all ,
donated by interested towni
The word, vandalism, so ar";
propriate for the spirit of tin .',
modern nazi, comes from an ear
lier Germanic people the Van
dals, who overran and plundered '
neighboring countriees in th4
i fourth century. iua
The U. S. Coast Guard was the
first service to capture a British.,
man-of-war during the war of i
1812, when its cutter "Jeffer
son" captured the British brig !
Main at 8th
Missionary S o c I t y The
Katliryn Belittle Missionary so
ciety will meet on Friday, Jun
uary 12, at tho home of Mr. A.
D. Til ton on 700 N. 11th.
Friends are cordially invited.
Return Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Mortenson and children luivo
returned to their home in Rose
burg, after brief, visit with
Mrs. Mortenson' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Curtis of 128
Lincoln. j
Vlaltlnfl Mrs. William Buy
less and Infant son of Ashland
are visiting her husband's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bay-less,
Eagles Auxiliary The Eagles
auxlllury will meet on Friday,
January 12, at 8 p. m. In the
upper FOE hall. Lunch and en
tertainment will follow lodge,
Visitor Mrs. Hazel Anderson
of Lakcvicw was a recent visitor
nt the home of her mother, Mrs.
Dora E. Givan, 272D Hope. She
Is also a granddaughter of Mra.
Ray Cooper.
Staff Meeting Held A medi
cal staff mooting was held Wed
nesday afternoon at Hillside hos
pitul for n general discussion of
city medical problems.
Black Jeans
800, Main
11 i
ife: 45n
I o lob. A ld I. m ' vv'""1 AitWi
I "V dram ; '"Bro
New tTfrmfl
.75 Values for
Cream Deodorant
Sajtly helps
Stop Perspiration
1, Docs not irritate skin. Does
noc lot dresws or men's shirts.
2, Prevents undcr-srm odor.
Helps stop perspiration safely.
3, Apurc.whitc.tnmepiic.stsin.
less vantthing cream,
4, No waiting to dry. Can be
used right after shaving.
5, Awarded Approril Seal of
American Institute of Launder
ing harmless to fabric. Use
At rid reguiariy.
Wl Ge4 HatmhMpwf yT
J'lE comic Valentino curd,
M today nr., ,tt.n,
rem hc ,,, cnrlcUiro
fcf '!nl c"ull 00 """l
lor dnv 0,'" I 8"v Iho
ho Inn I nn "'' ift
fiinJ0r.,:,s'n" e renlly
iihe i. ,, M y mnKn "
f ' Day. n,'ll,ly of Vnlc
"' h" Valentine's.
display nl r a1 nrrn''K0
U my "l ln Art and Gift
! of th' I?1 10 "io cards,
tine iSm wn", plncln 11,0
At u nml Plnco enrds
'' and ni.'!""10!. ,n wero
nro . '. " r-" "l n vnientlno
I SwLa":L lov?y Madeira
I wh u f 1 "n '""idkor-
F' reni . ' tllos0 hnndker-
THE new line or prlnica jer
sey dresses that Just camo
In at Whylnl'ii simply were
mndo tn ba talked about
, , , They nro one-plcccrs
wllh slenderizing pcplums,
fluttering square necklines nnd
extended-shoulder sleeves that
can hardly be called sleeves at
Tho colors are something spe
cial, loo . , . Eggshell back
ground wllh a flornl print of
yellow, brown nnd green , .
White, wllh n floral print of
green, fuchsin nnd blnek . . .
Powder blue with n blnck print,
nnd chartreuse villi black.
They're Hie kind you can
start wearing right now, and
keep on wearing right through
tho Summer months ... Al
though they're called Spring
styles , , . You'll love them,
really, when you sec them,
$22,110 nt Whytnl's . . . Ninth
nnd Main streets.
Did Peter and the Apostles
Teach Celibacy?
We have no record In the New Testament of "Peter's
teaching the Idea of celibacy, Ii he did, he taught some
thing which he did not practiae, because he was a married
man. The New Teitnment mentions the .fact that Jeaua
healod Peter's wlfe'a mother.
"Let marriage be had In honor among all, and lot the
bed be undoflledt for fornlcaiora and adulterers God will
Judge." (Heb. 13)4).
"But the Spirit saith xpresaly, that in later tlmea some
shall fall away from the faith, giving hoed to aeductng
aplrlta and doctrlnea of demona, through the hypocrisy of
men that speak Ilea, branded In their own conaciance at with
a hot lroni forbidding to marry, and commanding lo abataln
from meata, which God created lo be received with thanks
giving by them that believe and know the truth. For every
creature of God Is good, and nothing Is to be rejected, if
it be received with lhankaglvlng." (I Tlm. 4:1-5).
"I dtilre therefore that tha younger women marry, bear
children, rule the houaehold, give no occailon to the ad
versary for revillngi" (I Tlm. 5:14).
RAYMOND I. GIBBS, Evangelist. .
' 2205 Wantland Ave.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
4 l ,..:;;. ,...-,$8
I KvA tA r - IB
V Mlv i if''''-'
V y
i c V Villi U -
. MM My
' : ;
4 Use Our
WPtiaMai 'h '
211 Underwood Bldg.
Just lleeeivedl
"Ruud" model, heavy arch,
oil tan. Sizes 7 to 12.
733 Main
Floral Figured Prints
Twills in Superb Pastels
Adorable Winter Whites
Crepes in Black or Colors
Fur Trimmed Velvet and Wool
Costume Suits
Reg. 29.95. Selling Now For
Values that You'll Appreciate!
All-Wool Meltons . . Duv-Bloom Fabrics
Suede Coats that Arouse Admiration
617 MAIN ST.
January Clearance Sale
s00 miii 1
if fV lu
ri 1
I : .