PACE ELEVEN .utoruotlve 34 Autom .tire 34 Automotive 34 A .'tomotivo 34 Automotive We Will jve You the Highest HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , 1I-- 34 Automotive 34 A""""'"lv SEE ROSE For SPOT CASH For Your Car & ROSE MOTOR CO. Possible Appraisal on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. bids Tower Loll end Found Jrt Wr billl"l'l containing Aa tinci In , uimu-'. It. III u.,11 l'cl,rr prnrl ,.1 pup ,.Kl on M"t!' Wa.h G.n.r.l Hotlcei - i a ntrr tannarv Eli. I will hl be rriiKiniittl fur fonlrMl nv,tJ nur ."- rlf. Paul K. Kmun. I'll IrUAur nANCK oitriiKS'rnA il t Hi Us Hi. or Krwnv BOOK MART will Im wn Jan fin Una" nrw m.u.i....M. 11 i:id ttlntt bought, sold and ared He.ks ,m Hrtr )m r-nnmn- Willing nwm " wtlcoiM. out f tnwt customers thlt your narwriri. rr hexfttd (( am Klamath. Phone S.rvic. APPLIANCE REPAIRS rpalr and service nil innkc Idloj. vacuum ctcuner and other electrical appll Wo may linvo Uio typo ul tubo you need. Reason- prices. Phono S1BB. EARS ROEBUCK Tucj.-Thurj.-Snt..U REFRIGERATION fASHING MACHINE and Imall Appliance Repair f VE COX, Service Mon Klamath Refrigeration Phono 703B '000 South Sixth St. 1-1 line Refrigeration Service KELVIN ATOR lory Authorized Service Household ond Commcrclol Phono dim SON EQUIPMENT CO. oo uin St, l-l.lm INCOME TAX SERVICE 'mmorclnl Bookkeeping Doll!,, A . .. h " t-Hiiiniii r0ir1n,,"".,.ku B'- nin si. Open wlnm nnd Si.iurdnys Phono :I24 2-10m LINj?l!'AUN'-llK""l tlr.loh.rt. I ! a-ai m . Bod. .. WU"K-N l" tl illnin.r Saw nd ll.palr . 1-13 m i r-APcnliANiic,; .v.h.m': m.,. "ri!,,"'.,.!'""" !":r: ' m7K"""""" " ""eiiioons. 4oiiii sh,t i.'jn , TiS.-,. r"' ""icern, ami In 'hone W. on uTr: 1-4 teed'1 "' .""rlacmtlnn aya- rUn Y DAY OlTToTrFh" J,''1" inilM """I handy. nihlni ; w,,,'l,,"l ami repair 7lh lit Klamath Tliurs.-Sul 10 feervtee PLUMBING SERVICE Plumbing Ic Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phono 7H 3-10mc OIL BURNERS FURNACES. C11JMNEYS, Cleaned and Repaired WOOD COAL . OIL FURNACES Available (or Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phono 80-10 omul MOVING STORAGE Local nnd Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agenls (or United Vnn Llin-s 101 Klnmnth Plionc S(i72 1-23 I'lton. 3fM ED F. KING Srnllc Tnlt rl,.nrt lnpriion Irre. Mn.trn .qillp Com. ill. h.ulrtl w. 11 lirMSTITTIIINO DnKAHMAKlNC?, Illlllont .nil nucklrl rnv.r,l. All.r.llnn. on n.w nnd iM rlnllilnr Mr. II M Allcndrr. 7.11 Mulrt nnm 3111 Th 75II.1 t 'llin 14 Help Wanted Female who c.n llv. In pr.f.rr.d. I'riv.lp mom .nd hath in modern nomc m" b. wllllnf to cook .nd .crv. Ilelcr .nr.i r.fiilr.d. W.i.i lln p.r monlh. Writ, nox 3IAO. r.r. or N.wi-llrr.ld, .(.line qti.nrir.tloni. If Mtlif.rtfity p.rwm.1 Intervl.w will u. .rr.nlcd. in WAN'I'Kn- Woni.n duhw.ihr-r lor dav hill. Applr Tlk Tok. So. Olh. 20.H11I WANTKD-llp.uly np.r.lor. rull llmr Good Van ity ll.auly Shop, KW N. 7ih m. I -in WANTItn - Hwllohbo.rd operator. Wl nimi lintel. Iimill WANTED-W.llro.. .nd rtlihwath.r. Wo. man pr.lrr.l. Apply nt nitur'i fnl (.a Simp. WKI.I, KHTAni.lBIIKti rlltM h inrre larlal nponlnl lor loi'.l woman (lclr Inf a pnnltlnn. Mint he over an. with a Uaokurounil of office experience. Onnd alnrtlm aalary wllh ample opportunity of advancement for proper p.r.on. Call Mr. I'renm nl i.orcnt Co. If you can qualify, aadlll WANTED-llol.l clerk Permanent nnji. lion. VJJnJMrri 12111! IB Help Wanted. Male WANTm-Kxnerlencert an.h cutter. Ap ply Millar Dro.. Phon. sa.13. 4nntt WANTKD' -Neat youna" mail to handle Htht dellverlea and work around lor.. Apply In nerion. Mnrllrr Klomalli rlow.r Shop. 1311 ""'.'i WANTKH - Auloinnhllo meclianlct for I'hevrolnl nml nlhcr cnr. Porinniwni work, nor', of .f"l Hat ral.. Cannon rhevrnlol f-n., Vrckii. I'allf. JJtv)AnjR.u"L.'.?or.r.r.c.c. WANTr.n..Man for oniB ianllnr work car cleanlnl .nil aenetal maintenance of t.'ar lul. flood mi" In riant parly. Apply Lomhard'. Ucd C" Lot. ' WANTKI1 Man In help lopplna. anil trhniulnl Ircra. Lakennoio v.n,r, Nllraery. Phon. 40IU. , I " WANTKO- r.sperlenieil raillatnr rcpiilr man. Old oalnhlnhed, Ihnrauahly oulppert .hup. Ilia money lor rlilhl man. Anderon Aillo Service, I' J Walnut. liiimi WOUI.fl VOII Ilk. In earn money aller aehnol dellverlnl a llorld-Nrw papor rnuln? He. Mr. Miller al Ih. Iferiilfl nfflca allur II n. m. llntf in a hi't'v 1 1 m... mvi to act nlna, Mali! work, aogd pay. Apply now Una Alley, mil Main p. m. or any evonini. Ralurdnv nr auiitlay. want uutrri) .i.AnMf .vtiliH In Intf 00(1 nhccn. Wb Mnvii goml ulicurlnfl nlifil rln-trlcliy. Cull the Llnkoy Unnrh. 7014. MM WANTKO-Spttr or prnnnr. Upjown niomra. 117 fin. Till 10401 22 Rooms For Rent HOOM rOR RENT 1028 Jelfefton Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade , Keep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS V2- S (Hli St. 26 Houioi for Rent TIllirKK rOTt ntCNT Ymi rtrtv; innvr ire 121 Y.atl Mln I'lmnt kWI 3-7m 28 Miftcollanoous For Rent fOlt HTNT - crr nrtn ppwl c round. K nrr, ' l ift ftllt HKNT-M'or iu1fti, eduer and unltiuuxT m'KivlriM iiiurluiti. J, K rtirri-n I'jiiiI more. Phone :n2t. Catt Main, 1-aim ri'UKKV nA.N'i ii von hknt wsi n1- OFFICE KI'ACr. FOR 1IF.NT In nlc of (irp. wH located. Writ Box 1MT. Nawi. KctttUI. r.I.F.tTIU; ri.OOH SANOMIS and rtlwr rallied. lo mir nwit work, lnquiro 1'j.uxt Dept. MON1UUMCIIY WAHD V CO. l-3lm FOIt ItF.NT-Prrtrni liK'ntlon of Fnkhlon Clfnrr. fftU Main, imilrn fronl. Itv 70 foot. liKiuiia Hudy Men $ Hhnp. mto Mnln. IT-Mlf 30 Rcnl Cstnto For Sale FOR SALE 3-ronm home, nervice porch with Intindry trays. CiiiniKC in bnscniiMit. On Ninth 0th street. Price J510U, Terms. Itewl y decorated house In Mills addition with furnished apartment upMulrs. Gas water heater nod laundry traya. Dou ble garage. Corner lot. Imme diate possession. See Fred Cofer BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 s; nth Phone 410.1 FOR SALE 6-Room Modern Houso In Hot Springs 120 N. 10th St. 2302U HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 84D1 l-15m HOMES FOR SALE JOHN Mr FEE, REALTOR 110 N. 7th Phono 4521 2-5 ron 8A1K rurnlnhfd n-room" with bnlh. Eloc trie rnfrlKrrfllor, flrrtrir rnnse. ovr Htuffrd nrt, hituptntnl. Iflundry irnys. Inwn. tree, plckrl irnco. Wlntrr'ii fuel mipplv. Thfft propi-rty In Hnt .Springs, IwAtillhil vlnw. Mnve In January l.Hh Phone ownrr, 1WM 1-10 KOH MAl.K H-hrdmotn modnrn home, full .'(mm! hiiitcinont. uIpq (iirnnrc. Phono Hia. 1-1" FOR HALK -fl-ronni niortern hotine, tor vntltin, ptit-wnr prti'c. rny Inrmi. Must nrll. Sec Hn.v nl Prpsl Coln llot llinjt Co. I'lfiiso do nut Irlophoniv 112 FOR HALE Nnw. modrrn a-brdrmnn hnmr. Wrtlc Uox iUitf, cars UernUI nnd Npwb. ' FOR NAl-F: .-,1-noin nmdrrn homo with mink WtnuJrrfnl locution, 'i hln'.'k ir. t'Lirvtru- SitHt.tH) down. bnlnnce per inonlh. IMS Kr; tfrnl. FOR SAI.K-;i-i"m hnn-n. modern, wllh himrmrnl. pnrlly furnlshrrt; closn in. Phono J-ltlil. ia.HR! FOR S.M.P, ,1-hrdrnoin lumsf near Mln: nlnn pinno. nml Mit. I'AllTl.V niRNISllF.O fl-ronm modern hoiisn. flar.iHC nnd woodshed oom hlnrd. Plontv or wViid for wlnlrr. $i!fi(H). 2nd iniul wwl from Ucn'a Hlorn mi Ki'iio hlRhwny nnd turn left In tho fmirlh timmn nil Icll. l-ll KOn RAIF 4-rnoin house, 2 lots. dmiMp KurnKO. Inrfio Kardrn npol. Also UMfl Plymouth irdnn. Inquire Mrs. I. la. lillHIIU. v.nriBVii nun"""" nnltiir'ii offko. FOR SA1-R 4-ronm modern house with Until, IIIMIOIO KHHH ""V.,. . ... . on I (irre urnuntl. 2110 Wlard. Phohe BI7. It Hi n "frmfri" nrtlcle you need ynrtla for unci ons in th claailflfti. Rl Fittu For Sal FOR SALE Dairy and Stock Ranch mnn anre nnn nrri Ifriffatrl Kniln and potato land. Fully equipped, machinery, tractor, etc. so heart producing dairy cuws, about 50 head younK slock and horses. Situated 4 miles east of Bon anza on Lorclla road. $10,000 cash will handle. DR. L. L TRUAX Owner. 403 Pine St. 1-13 FOR SALE Nel littla horn In 9htu dlitrict. onfl block from bi. Ona-half tert) aplendld oil. Priced lo wll at 3OO0. 00o down. Two-bedronm uburbatn home, furnlih ed with rfrisrtor and May tic wathar. modem. Two acres ood olt. Near but and modern achool. for 14900. rule two-room horn tn Altamont, onr block from btlB, 1350. Small down payment will ba eoiiBldarcd. Joa Prrry Wllh F. L. WEAVER Phona T 1-11 FOR SALE -New and saeond hand Here, nil stock and equipment Included. ,10.19 Chev. Pickup. Nets (400.00 par mo. Lease on bldg., 960.00 par mo. Price 9354)0.00. 8 acres 3 ml from Ash land on paved rd.. 5-room mod, house, 3-car farage, 7 stanchion barn, all Irr., school bus. milk cream rout, prat' sure system. 0 cows, 1 sow. 1 yearling bull, 24 chickens, Prlct $3600.00. Terms. Southern Oregon Land Co,, No. 90 East Main street, Ashland, Ore. 1-11 FOR SALS Modern, clean 3-bedroom homo on paved street. Large lot and trees, double garage, 14000. Will sell furnished 94050. Furniture Includes refrigerator. Hot Point range, electric Automatic hot water heater, vacuum rlraner, 1204 California Ave. 1-18 34 Automotive. Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Covcrnge? Phone 8193 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bide. 1-31-m FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type ' Radiator. You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phon 6942 J-Ira MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Reboring And Other Mechanical Work GIBS MOTOR SHOP 1633 East Main 1-22 SEF MEL HENRY at bombard'. Ud Car Lot. .121 . 8lh St. Top OPA CASH PRICE At nnce tor your rar. All mk. and model, for sal, 1-lBm FOn SALE -Model A coach seat covers, new: al.o new electric windshield swipe motor. 1103 Calitornl.. l-ll 30 Vour Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS yyeiyGo $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St 94 AutoraotWft Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends M2m RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Troctor - Truck Bus , V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 6th St. . Phone 8331 1499-tf Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage' 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 ui after 3:30 P. M. M5m Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1942 Chevrolcts 1935 to 1941 Plymouths 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Reground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 ' 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES V NEW TIRES All Sites Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 1-7 FOR SAl.R-9 head milch cows, Guern seys, Hoists Ins and Durham; 1 milk ing Durham bull. Farm Master milk ing machine, milk cans and 6 h.p, en gine. S. M. Strecier, Malin. Ore .1-11 WANTED '41 or '43 model tar with low mileage for very essential use. Call 9M7 days. 90.11 evenings. ' 1-1? 95 Ful Hentlng RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils. Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phono 8367 , . JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-3 lm FOR 8ALB-Flr body wood, limited sup ply. 10 is or inch, 113.00 oord. t.lnroln. 31 Mttcelieneoui For Sale FOR RALE-T20 Caterpillar. Must ell Immediately. 223T WantlanrU Ml Phone 4113 36 Mtscellaaeoua For Sale se us for sheetrock and FIRTEX WALLBOARD Also Firtex Tiling and Wall Planking We carry a complete line of doors, sash, combination storm doors, plastic moulding, ironing boards and full line of roofings and composition shingles. No Priorities Needed J. W. Copeland Yards 66 Main St. Phone 3197 1-12 Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sack Loaders. Potato Sorters, Tractor Cobs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 Tucs.-Thurs.-Sat FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phona 7708 2048tf BABY BUGGIES, priced from 9M.95 to S44.B0: cribs from 97.50 to M7.50: htghchalra. 97,95 to 911.93 ftneludlng pad at 911.05). Lucas Furnltura, lf3 - E. Main. 1-13 FOR SALE-Bedroom suites complete with Innersprlng mattress, living room., dining room and kitchen sets, also single and double beds complete, has socks, stands, etc. Prewttt'a Trading Post, 2344 SO. 6th. 1-U FOR SALB-Kstate Heatrola circulator heater. Reasonable, S25 Dolores. 1-13 FOR SALE-O. r.nfe. Dclux. model, s-burner, a oven.. Ilk. new: also 100 lb, capacity Coolerator. Phon. 6966. 1-U FOR SALE 2-hors. power air com pressors, autom.tle, with tanks. Cas - cade Laundry. lis SPENCER CORSETIERE Mrs. Enid Burch. 621 Oak. Phon. 73U for ftppolntm.nt. i6m FOR SALE 4.S c.m.r.. Plenty nf film avallabl. for this c.m.r.. 224 Michigan. 1-12 OLASS-Mirrors, resllverlng. plate win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, helv.s. Kimball's Olasa Shop, 927 Walnut. Phone 7379. 2-Sm FOR SALE-Nprg. oil he.t.r. , Near Lakevlew Junction. Geo. ahadl. c.ll :30 p. m. J-lt FOR SALE - One pair lidy's figure kates. lt 6. One h p. itatloniry ga. engine. On. Chester Model 69 calibre 21BB. fixii stnop, i siiamain. tuii FOR SALE 100 ton. baled ha., 1st cut alfalfa, oat. and rye, at Keno. See iltiv Mnore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug puekatt, 7104, 33J3tf ron sale Dry wood. RaV Bllxieth, 1314 Dayton. 2-3 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Jeyar, 1439 Marlln. Phone 6677. l-31m stoves REPAIRED. All available parti klocked, used furniture, stove, bought, OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phon. 0671, l-31m FOR SALE-Traller noun. 34 ft. '43 mod.I Plymouth. Eneall.nt condition. Comptataly aqulpped. Klamath Aulo Court. 91tf PONTIAC 4th KLa,mf m Phone 8164 USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum 44 Liyeitock and Poultry W...WWHW..H.W..., ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon'! newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1. 1949 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come In, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCH ERV 2720 So 6th 1 SB Miscellaneous For Saie ron SALE Remlnfton automatic shot fun and shell.. Speed boat with 60 h-p. motor. Fbtit Shop. 744 Klamath. 167SU BOOKS-BOOKS-BOOKS Don't discard your. book, or magazines. Oil 3332. 2-3 FOR SALE-Large wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrer'a Bakery. 1733tt ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN Calculators. 124 S. 9th Su Pioneer PrlnUng c SUUonery Co. 1-lSm CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA. TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation stock: grown at Macdoel. Calif. Ott & Edwards. Phon. 6713 or 1121. Tulelak.. Cllf. 1-11 REOISTERED White Collie Puppies, also bitch. Fred Fisher. RL 2. Roseburg. Oregon 1-13 42 Mitcelleneous anted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICbi We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761U MRS. HERMAN BRAATZ, Clrncourt Apartment. Weyerhaeuser, would like to ouy l.M model car. mono aut.. Apt. 2. 1-11 WANTED-1 gallon Prestone. Will give a carton of cigarettes and price of prestone. 1034 uary. WANT TO BUY Electric range, lata . model. In good condition. For .air. well bred filly coll. Ph. 3969. 1-U WANT TO BUY 2-bedroom modern house In good condition, preferably In suburbs. Will pay cash. Stanley Hull. Rt. 3, Box 386. 1-11 WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room fur nlshed apartment, preferably near S. P. depot. W. E. Frank. P. O Box 84. Dunamuir 1-U CASH paid for household goods. Phon. 7S10. 4tOU WILL PAY CASH for used Buns, tiring them In f or appraisal. BELL S HARD WARE, 328 Main St. l-31m WANTED TO BUY-Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1321 Sargent. RPtf WANTED Case slxtcon and eicMeen pickup baler, F. D. Coon. DiUarri. Ore. t-12 SOLDIER AND WIFE In dire need of small furnished apartment or house. Phone 7491 or 7378. 2142tl WANTED TO BUY-tnnersprlng mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest or Sccley. Must he reasonably priced. Phone 4690 between 9 and 7 p. m. TBtf WANTED-Small gas heater. Phono 7191 day. or 6282 evenings. 1-12 WANT TO RENT Potato acreage. Pay cash or share crop. Writ P. O. Box B42. Merrill. 1-23 QUIET FAMILY of three desire 2-bcd-room furnished house, rent to 583.00. C.ll Commercial Maintenance Co.. 7164. 1-12 WANTED Furnished nnartment or house by permanent couple. Phone Dispatcher's office, S, P. Co., after 4 p. m. - 1-16 WANTED TO BUY-Palr of thinning shears. Pl.aso phon. 4888 .Iter ,v:0 p. m. aiSllf RESPONSIBLE local civilian couple are looking for a small, comfortably fur. nlshed home to rent. Must have ade quate heating facilities. Will treat your furnishings as we would our nwn. Phone 6387 from 1 to 9 n. m. 1-10 WtLL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4MB or 7178. l-23m 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR 8ALE-80O-9O0 head feeder hogs. 40 veal c.lve. at public auction by the Farm Bureau at Anderson, California. Wednesday. January 17th. Calf .ale at 10:00 a. m. Hog sele at 1:00 p. m. Hog. graded and .old in truck load Inls. rjlvu mid Individual!, b Ih. pound. 1-13 CMC Phone 6130 44 Livestock and Poultry ------r Box 328 Klamath Fails, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 993tf 44 Live teck and Poultry WANTED Poultry, livestock, turkey and rabbits. TRULOVE S MARKET, 919 East Main. Phon 4263. 1-Sm GRADE A DAIRY with HeenMd Mall milk route. Net. 99000.00 per yur. Price 845.000.00. Prime property, in every way. Walter Jonea, Realtor, box 847. Medford, Oregon. 1-13 WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collMt , l-31sh WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Marlln Produce Co. Phon 3372. 1-Hm HIGHEST PRICES paid for hog.. TM1, lambs and cattle. Johnson Tacking Ce. Phone 3323. nights 3909. 1-31M CHICKS. Finest and best grad of chicles. Free delivery to Klamath FaUs. Send for free, catalogue.' ' Talent Hatchery, Talent, Oregon. '. 34 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL . FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles - Furniture .Livestock. Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed - Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 Mint See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Your FURNITURE . NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers .1 Quick Service , , Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7lh Phone 3325 l-31m