! - HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACI NIN1 10, W 34 Automotive 34 utoniuUv 34 Autom tw 34 Automotive 34 A tomotlva 34 Automotive 34 Automotive ..me or mooii 101 T.'na li ept'iisorltu Ua7!mmmaT . .lenusry rrrrn i ,.1,.,i,i. lor i'L1,.' - "; 'it; I- rrnxNri oni lir.nTnA. r " ""...tiie. "'' """ ' .nit W!" ,.l, w ,...li- ' !"" , , rrl- I iliuX t i,,n eueloroeie I .skews. , " ,,nii.rlti. '.' E" -- Bring Your lome Appliances to Wards Lr Expert Repair Washing Mochines L. Relrigoraion lonfgomery Ward Ii. .street Cor- Cno ni .Wf.fl .Vrl. PLUMBING SERVICE nblnj & Heating Equipment IruUlled and Repaired DAVIS LUMBING CO. 'i Hurry Phom 7835 INCOME TAX SERVICE ommercl1 Bookkeeping Rollln A. Central! Room 4, HopkR Bldg. no n. em st. Opm zvenlnci and Saturday! i'liono J.iti 1-lOm REFRIGERATION- WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair SAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. Mime Refrigeration Service KELVIN ATOR idory Authorized Service Household and Commercial Phone 0017 EGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So Glh St. l-l:im I0VING STORACE -ocal anil l.oni! Distance MAULING KlnmnlK 1ANSFER ond STORACE " or united Vnn Lines Klamath Phone SB72 1-23 r i .7ri,r. :""s:i fAINS t.AUNOKntfi .,. nil. naw anQ nenair r" ri!!!,.pl;,"."lN"rn ""hi Ian u... . ,n ' a,nl more. " "hone J3J4. l-Urn 10S)JN"! Kcmioni,,. . n. "n an. - - ,,,, ;,ST"V, riemooni. 4O0O Shasta 1-28 MC?' "'onln,. Painting.. TAMIa if a ... . ' r.ANKI) nl1ri i. r. Mi, Mireni. Phone W. no MAcmT... h. m, M-nvicr. all make. L S1I..I, Way. .0, oo7 Can nn-.i "nw o. re. ' Ca.cade Electric. 1-1.1 Rij11 "" .'lrii7r.ll.i, .v.. I1 Call ba, I!'1''7 . D",,''' 'I" w-is. c.acaila Claclrlc. i-iu ,WOl,K "V t.AYrjrn ; l. Phn... ..."r ED p ifiM,- ''n;!i" hmilcd away. ",1"p" 11 P'AKlNn n ,,,"mu "" Mr, .nw "I'd old Phi Mill AUendor, 7:11 i-aim ,,B"o,"i1!Sl",KVm', " in tha olaviifurt n rjt. ' L-NII'l',, ""lalnlng Vu1 m .-uireiirr. Sell Your Car N O OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade AUTOMOBILE Careful SERVICE Complete Prompt' Estimates Gladly Giver Convenient Location 734 Klamoth Ave. ODELL MOTOR CO. BUY THE BEST New GMC Trucks ARE NOW AVAILABLE Let us help you with your application. ROSE MOTOR CO.. 4th at Klamath 10 Service Oil. BURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, Cleaned and Repaired WOOD COAL OIL FURNACES Available for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATINGSERVICE Phone 8040 HRRlf 14 Help Wanted ferrule WANTED SALES PERSON Prefer Someone With Experience In Women's Reody-to-Wcar, Apply LONG'S APPAREL Phone 6431 1700lf MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Reboring GIBS MOTOR SHOP And Other Mechanical Work 1633 East Mnln 1-22 VANTrn-Woman lor limit work, trn eral cleenlna and laundry. Ph. etet. WANTKn -Exptrltnctd homrkeaptt. nn who ran llva In prtftrrtd. Private room and halh In modern noma. Mutt ha willing In conk and atrvt. ncler. anrea rtqulrail. W'anea Jimi per month. Write nox ano. rare of Newa-Merahl. alallne giialKleatlmia. II antllarlnry parional Interview will ha arranged WANTED '- Switchboard operator. Wl nama Hotel. H"' WANTWl-Wallreaa anil rtlahwaaher. Wn. man prelarred. Apply al rtllter'a t-ol-In Shop. W"' WANTT.n-.Capahla woman for honae work. Iiout work nr alK daya e week. Rxcellent waea. Call M1WI. 1-IJ WKl.ti ESTAW.ISMKU FIUM hna aeera larlal npenlnil lor local woman ilealr ln a permanent poalllon. Mnal . he over 30. Willi a hackaround of office eicperlence. (lood alorllna: aalary will! ample opportunity of advancement for proper peraon. Call Mr. Promo al Lorena Co. II you ran, qualify, aanllf WANTED-I.adv for marking and rliei k Im, Standard Cleanera. WANTED tlolel clerk. Permanent prwl- lion, wi nc-ma nnir,. 13 Help Wented, Mala -- " in -Wjajniri'iferi-!'"- WANTED-Experlenced ".rJi,,"r'.A';; ply meiiar erw. i-m.i.w WANTED -Neat yoitnl man to handle llhl dallvarlea and work around alora. Apply In parion. Moellera Klamath flower Shop, tall M"',", Jfff WANTED - Alitomohlle meclmnlca for Chevrolet and other enra. 1'ermnneut work. Itn oi M.nn nnl rate. Lannon rh.vrnlel fTn . Vreka. Talll. REPAIRING Phone 4149 Wed. end Sat Phone 8164 18 Help Wanted. Male WANTED-Exparlenred radiator repair men. Old ealRhllahori. thoroughly equipped ahop. lllg money for rtghl man. Anderaon Auto Service. 0.13 Walnut. 1'UII WOULD YOU Ilka to earn money after aehnnl delivering a Herald-Newa paper ronle? Bee Mr. Miller al the Herald office after 3 p. m. 07Slf WANTED -Men and boya to act pine. Light work, good pay. Apply Bowling Alley. RIO Main p. m. or any evening. Itaturday or Sunday. 172111 have good ehearlng ahed hul no electricity. Call the Llikey nanch. 7014. lolfitf WANTED-Spntler or preaaer. Uptown Cleeuera. 117 So. 7th. latotf 32 Rooms Tor Rent ROOM ron ntNT- Itna Jeffaraon. pit I 24 Apartments Fcr Hent EOR nr.NT - a-room furnlahed apart- ,n.nt. :I410 nnardhiNOj l-ln 28 Miscellaneous For Rent TOR RENT Floor aandera. edgera end wallpaper removing machine. J. E. Pellcraon Patut Store. Phone 3134. Iu Eael Main. l-31m Tl'llKEV RANCH FOR RENT 4631 Btt bee. Phone 70.14. 1 1" OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT In nice of fice, well located. Wrlle Box 1837. Newa-llerAld. 13-B ELECTRIC rLOOII SANDERS and edger rented. Do your own work. Inquire Palnl Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD Ii CO. I-Sltn FOR RENT-Preeenl location ol Faehlon Cleanera, noa Main, modern front. 13. hv 70 fool. Inquire Rudy's Men'a BSsB3aBB3B3srjBea4awil 30 Renl Estate For Sale FOR SALE 9-ronin home, service porch with Iniindry trays. Gnraso In bascmr-nt. On North 0th street. Price $5400. Terms. Newly decorated house In Mills addition with furnished apartment upstairs. C.ns wntcr healer nnd laundry trays. Dou ble Karaite Corner lot. Imme diate possession. See Fred Cofcr BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. Bill Phone 4 IDS HOMES FOK SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 l-10m HOMES FOR SALE .10HN McFEE, REALTOR 110 N. 7th Phono 4521 2-5 FOR SALE Furnlahed Il-rooma wllh hath. F.leo trio refrigerator, electric range, over, atilftad act, basement, laundry treys. Inwn, tree., picket fence. Winter's met aupply. This property In Hot Springs, beautiful view. Move In January ISlh. Phono owner, mine i-io Iron SA1.H a-hcdrooin modern home, full romiMil basement, plpa llrnl'e. Phone saoa. ' l-lu Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley-- WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 8th St DON'S SIGNAL SERVICE TIRES and TUBES Mud, Snow and Regular Tread Motor Tune-Up and Brake Service LUBRICATION OUR SPECIALTY 9th and Pine ' Phone 5567 30 Heel Estate For Sala FOR SALE . Dairy and Stock Ranch 1000 acres 300 acres Irrigated grain and potato land. Fully equipped, machinery, tractor, etc. 90 head producing dairy cows, about 30 head young stock and horses. Situated 4 miles east of Bon anza on Loretla road. $10,000 cash will handle. DR. L. L. TRUAX Owner. 403 Pine St. 1-13 DUPLEX Two apartments with basement, 2 gas furnaces, laundry room, etc. Lot 40x120 feet, north of Main street and close to busi ness district. Price $8500. BOGUEDALE, . Realtor 120 S. fith Tel. 8072 1-10 ron SALE -New and lecond hand itor. all atock and equipment Included. 10,19 Chev. Pickup. Nell $400.00 per mo. Ieai on bldf.. $60.00 per mo. Price 93300.00. ft acree 3 ml from Aih land on paved rd.. fl-room mod. hou, a -car garage, 7 stanchion barn, all trr.. achool bua. milk cream route, prea ittna ay tern. 6 rowi, 1 tow, 1 yearling hull. 34 chlckeni. Price W500.00. Termi. Southern Oregon Land Co,, No. 50 Eait Main atreet, Aihland, Ore. 1-11 FOB SALE 5-room modern houie, itar v alien, pre-war price. eay term. Mint (tell. See Ray at Peptl-Cota Bot tling Co. Pleaie do not telephone, l-lt FOR SALE Now vacant, attractive English cottage. 1N0 California. Phone 4M4. 1-10 FOR SALE -Modern, clean a bedroom home on paved street. Large lot and trees, double garage. 14000. Will sell furnished ?4B30. Furniture Includes refrigerator. Hot Point range, electric automatic hot water heater, vacuum cleaner. 1304 California Ave. 1-19 FOR SALE New. modern I-bedroom home. Write Box 3038, care Herald and News. Ml FOR SALE 8-room modern house with nook. Wonderful location. block from ralrvlrw school. fTOO.OO down, lis 1 nee $34.00 per month. ,M3 Bar gent. M? FOR SALE 3-room house, modern, with hasamant. partly furnished; close In. Phono 3468. 133811 FOR SALE-3-bedroom house near Main: also piano, DIM 67 IX Ml PARTLY FURNISHED B-room modern house, fiarage and woodshed eonv blned. Plenty of wood for winter. 92900. 2nd road west from Lien's Store on Keno highway and turn left to the fourth house on left, 1-11 HOMF.SEEKERS ATTENTION 3 -room modem, furnished stucco house, rinse In, garage. Why par rent when you can own your own home. 91200 cash, Phone 8393. M0 FOR SALE -4room house, a lets, double garage, large garden snot. Also 1038 Plymouth sedan. Inquire Mrs. 1. I.. Oustln, Chelsea addition. 1 black from Baker' office. M8 FOR 8ALE--80 acre farm. Improved, some equipment. 88000 for quick sale. CHRIS HUCK. Phone 6470. 1-10 FOR SALE-4.room modern house with halh, double garag and root cellar nn 1 rr arrnunri. 2110 Wlard. Phone go- l-U Phone 4113 1-10 32 Real EitoU Wanted WANTED TO BUY-2-bedroom house, furnace, garage, basement. Munt have nesiraote location in city or close in Charles Wamstad. V. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Phone 3513 days. Phone 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave, Where 8th Street Ends M2m RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Troctor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 8th St. Phone 8331 1409-ti Winter Driving ' is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 51 91 John Sondmever. C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-3 1-m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. 1.15m FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. th Phone 6942 a-im SIS MM. HKNRY at Uombard'a Used Car Lot. sat 8. lh St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once for sour car. All makes end models for tale. l-lSm ron SAl.l! -laa Plymouth sedan, 4-cyl-Inder. new roda. bcartnga and battery, nood tires, run. good, gaxi. Call atol. r.xl, 73 or 10. Chief H. O'Donnell. 1-10 NEW MOTORS for your CHRYSLER CAR Nearly All Models in Stock Will Fit All Chrysler Engineered Cars and Trucks . $180.00 to $225.00 . Not - Reconditioned or Rebuilt BURNESS MOTORS Cor. S. 6th and Walnut 34 Automotive BEARING WEAR Creates motor pound ond thot Pounds crankshafts out of round. Let us keep car and truck bearings tight and your mile Cost will be less. LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phone 6S03 Mon.,Wed. Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1942 Chcvrolots 1935 to 1941 Plymouths 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor ReRround Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES - All Sizes Monarch Service Station B, K Teed 301 So. 6th' Phone 7071 1-7 GONE TO NAVY, will sell 1935 V-8 coupe, 2 tifw tires and battery, good motor. 9250 cash. 3744 Lav erne Ave. FOR SALE-9 head milch cowa, Guern seys. Holstelns and Durham: 1 milk ing Durham bull. Farm Master milk ing machine, milk cans and 6 h.p. en gine. S. M. Streeter. Maltn. Or 1-11 1934 CHEVROLET COACH-Must sell. Make offer. 610 Spring atreet. 1-10 WANTED 41 or '41 model ear with low mileage for very essential use. Call 8337 days. BOSl evenings. 1-12 35 Fual Haattng RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-Strn 38 Miscellaneous For Sala SEE US FOR SHEETROCK- and FIRTEX WALLBOARD Also Firtex Tiling and. Wall Planking We carry a complete line of doors, sash, combination storm doors, plastic moulding, ironing boards and full line of roofings and composition shingles, e) No Priorities Needed e) J. W. Copeland Yards 66 Main St. Phone 3197 1-12 FOH SAl.K -Bedroom suites complete with Innerapring mattress, living room, dining room and Vltchen seta, also slncle and double beds complete, has seeks, atands. etc. PrewHt's Trading Post. 3344 So. ftth. 1-u FOR SALS - Estate Heatrola circulator heater. Reasonable. US Dolorea. 1-13 ron SALS.-Gas range. Deluxe model 6-burner. 3 ovens, like new: also 100 ltv canneltv Cnnlerator. Phone SSOfl. l-U FOR SALS a-borae flower air com- nreaanra. automatic, with, tanas, cas cade Laundry. , l-lo 44 LlteitMk an j Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon't newest moJr Baby Chick Hatchery will ba in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater, If you can't come la, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY. .. 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS -. 993U 33 Miscellaneous For Sala FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 20etf FOR SALE - One pair lady's figure skates, size 6. One h.p. stationary gas engine. One Chester Model A calibre 318B. Fixit Shop. 744 Klamath. B26tf FOR SALE -100 tons baled nay. 1st cut ; alfalfa, oata and rye. at Keno. Sm Ouy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckett, Tulelake 7104. 3353 tf FOR SALE Ice cream machine and fountain. 712 Main SL 1-10 FOR SALE Dry wood. 1314 Dayton. Ray Blixseth. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES Clem Joyer. 1433 Martin. Phone 3077. l-dim STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked, used furniture, stoves rjougnt. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 3671. l-31m FOR SALE Trailer nouse. 34 ft. 42 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamatb Auto Court. 31ti FOR SALE Remington automatic shot gun ana sneus. bpeea ooat wiin du h.p. motor. Fixit Shop. 744 Klamath. l73tf BOOKSBOOKS BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazines Call 3393. 3-3 FOR SALE Large wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrer's Bakery. 1733tf ALLEN Adding Machines and FRIDEN calculators. 124 s. stn &u noneer Printing ae SUUonery Co. l-13m CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation stock: grown at Macdoel. Calif. Ott & Edwards. Phone 8713 or 1131. Tulelake, Calif. 1-11 rOR SALE Car radio. A-l condition. 417 Lincoln. lS34tf REGISTERED White Collie Puppies, also bitch.- Fred Fisher, RL 3. Roseburg. Oregon 1-13 rOR SALE One 3 h.p. gasoline engine with 3-inch intake diaphragm pump. Phone 3739. 1-10 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf MRS. HERMAN BR A ATE. Glencourt Apartment. Weyerhaeuser, would like to buy late model car. Phone 5084. Apt. 3. 1-11 WANTED -1 gallon Prestone. Will give a carton of cigarettes and price of Prestone. 1334 Gary. WANT TO BUY Electric range, late model. In good condition, ror sale, well bred filly coll. Ph. 3960. l-lt WANT TO BUY 3-bedroom modern house In good condition, preferably In suburbs. Will nay cash. Stanley Hull. Ht. 3. Box 386. l-U WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room fur. nished apartment, preferably near R. P. depot. W. E. rrank, P. O Box 84, Dunsmulr l-U CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7310. 340U WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE, 328 Main St. l-31m WANTED TO BUY Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1321 Sargent. RPlf WANTED Case sixteen and eighteen Slckup baler. F. D. Coon, Dlllard. re. 1-13 WANT TO HEAR from parties having fancy work or articles auitable for gifts. Phone 3sa. 1-10 SOLDIER AND WIFE In dire need of email furnlahed apartment or house. Phone 74B1 or 7378. 3147H 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY-tnneraprlng mat tress. Prefer Beauty Rest or Seeley. Muat he reasonably priced. Phone 4080 between S and 7 p. m. TBU .44 LWwtoclg and poultry 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH fOR YOUR PIANO Lou la R. Mann. 120 N. 7Uu Phone 4310 or 7173. l-Mm 44 Livestock and Poultry GRADE A DAIRY with licensed retail milk route. NeU gtoeo.eft gee year. Price S4S.OM.0O. Prime property la) every way. Walter Janet, Realtor, bos: 47, Mtdford. Oregon. 1-11 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeja and rabbi ta. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 10 East Main. Phone 433 1-em WANTED Dead and worthleaa animals.' Phone 4630 collect 1-Jlm WANTED Poultry of ell kinds. Par highest price. Mallerr'a Y Market. MerrUl-Lakevlew Junction. Ph. 4430. i-ia WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3373. 1-ila HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Pecking Cm. Phone 3333. nights 3403. l-31m CHICKS. Finest end beat' grade ei chicks. Free delivery to KUmath Falls. Send for free ceteloflue. Talent Hatchery, Talent, Oregon. 3-S 46 financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Fa Ms, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Livestock Furnitiir Salary , . Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed' Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 771V Lie. M-223 Lie. S-2S1 1-Slm See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Yur FURNITURE Your NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirement! Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally-Owntxl ' Motor Investment Co. Klamath' Oldest , M-275 ' S-241 114 N. 7th ; , Phone 3321 4 l-3lm .1 i i! 'ii mm -1!-: iHi-.'