HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SEVEN "it 1 1 ? HKIN m ERROR OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE 1 feb 1 4.. I hrnlllill. Wlt "',,lr- f . :,. nnd never l.wi js&f..r.yHi'pr!;; 1,1a A""' " 1 a.. .Mil f", dl.pnl.l' """l 1 "heir nationality. JMsny Klll.d lbt of rlvlliaw , Kill"'.'' " I"1' London N Cliroiili'le we ll i .llKl" consolation ibod Ihrir own troops jn tfi smith l Mnlmrdy lame time. n i i!,. Ly .tlack "unr of those ,7, Incidents c,f ulrw.;r In I. M (he dangers mid I. n.oi .llend close sup- tombing by strategic nil' Similar accidents occur- St. u 111 , wcr several report o Ihe bombing, all nppnr- unoillclnl. II"1' 1,1,1 tll-r' rniiiured Miilimdy. mi Purls believed It hud and Hint tlie nrmy news Slsrs and Stripes printed o tint effect. Htld By AIIUs trae hcad(iinrlcrs, In IIS alque Issued oi; ine auy first air attack, wild ..Jul- Ltnulned In allied huntl. wn w not mumionco oi- thi next two clays, ve to and December 23, sti December 2(1 the. com tut repeitcd that It (till liied htld. Ilioujh shelled by His Gcr- 8 American commit en ilubbornly stuck to the lodu they had built cant jilmedy," wrote Doyle. lived the village lor we iintll strong rclnlorccmcnts ihtlr peril. rlnl the confined battles 4tmber23 force of Amcr jncdium bombers dropped iorobi on Alnlmrdy. fires were itarlcd In Ihe city i burned fur four eln vs. on the afternoon of IJe r 24 the day before mil a larger formation libers came over." eVr malm were broken and lean engineer had to blow linings in a ring around limine, area to check -the tfican army trucka evacu t leat 1000 of the town's ill, Boyle raid. CHMSTMAS IN FRANCE Unci" .Sum linik lime nut to nun fur wmiiMlrd v e t e r n n a Christinas, ncconllng to S8gt. Alfred Ciii'lsnn, unci (if the in llrnls on n hnr.pltiil train which i i - , J.' , 1 I I J ; h i 1 V eT y If. AL STATISTICS imnn r.u,. r,r. J.nu.rv B, Mr. ind Mr. Kl-I,v killy. . ml. W.iihl: T Hum, n Klllmlh fIU. tllr . J.nu.rx IS Ur. mi W if ii. i. i boy. Vlcli'l. o pound! 71 curried raaimltlra from the front In Cirrnmiiy to Frunce. Cnrlaon wu lilt December 20, whllt In coin lin t In Gcriiiiiny. Miidi'lelun Ciirrnll. mnvle atar, tipriil t'hi lutinaa Kve and Chrmt ilny IJuy on the train, according to a li-ltor received by Carltion'a ht'r, Mra. Kred Gocller, Jr., 408 Itlver.ilile. Koch car had Christ inaa tree, a Smitn Clinm appeared nnd riialributed lilfta to the iiifii. Nnre nnd wiirdmen tana enrols and Mliut Cnrroll went throiiifh the train dlatributlnx cook Irs and cinidy, Later, a bountiful turkey dinner waj served. Cnrlaon advised his alster that ho received a ahrapnel wound In iho thlKh while ho and his lieu tennnt were out acotillnK for n pomtlon. lie In now In I hospital In Krimcn nnd recovering aulia fnctorllv, WATT8 GETS SPY Semnnn Harold Wntta, Iowa, Kansnj. Brondaon of Mra. S. E. Itupe, lil.1 Klnn, Imi captured a Jnn py In the South Pacific. Walla nnd two olhera wart wiilklnK tieur their post when they nw the spy. Watta had a lummy fun Willi him, and ahot Iho Jnn off tho motorcycle he wna riding-. The Iown boy wa given a ape clnl recnKiiitlon for hia quick ac tion and nlo waa permitted to keep Ihe motorcycle. Me hna via lied here twice with hl grand mnthrr und hoa a number of friends here. VEATCH PHOMOTED Word hn been received re cently by Mr. nnd Mrs. Elbert Vcnlch, IPSO Knrl, Hint their son, Robert K. Venlch, has been nromoted from first lieutenant to enptnin. Captain Ventch It wltli the. nrmy transport com mnnd In Franco and has been overseas 10 months and he has received the Air Medal for his part In the Normandy Invasion. Ho enlisted in the army In 1042, and took his pre-fllght training at Kelly field in San Antonio, Tex., nnd received his wines nl l.ubbock field, Tex. Ho Is a crndtintft of Klamath Union high school and was em ployed by the Southern Pacific rniliond before his enlistment in tho service. IMPROVE ON CHRISTMAS 16T1I AAF IN ITALY Even Christmas hus bean Improved upon, by the nrmy nlr force, In tlireo yeurs of war, MSgt. Wil liam C. Canton, 727 N. Uth, nnd Cpl. Harold E. Hrlggs, 1133 Kuno, Klamuth Falls, Ore., vet eran ground men of one of the oldest AAF 1117 Flying Fort ress groups In the European or Mediterranean theaters, will vouch for that. Part of tho organization, the air echelon, was at a place called Ulskru, in Algeria, on December 25, back in 1IH2. The remuluder, the ground crews, were atntloned In the desert out side of Ormi, at a spot they named "Mud hill" because of Its topography and climate. Although the famed "Garden of Allah could be found at lllskro, the Chrlstmus dinner of billy goat stew and ten served at the Hotel Transatlnntlque, was hardly what you would ex pect to find in "paradise." At "Mud hill" there was also Utile outward Indication that this was the day of all Christiun diiys, even for those who could find tho whin for a private cele bration. II the billy gout slew lasted like shoelcather to the men at Blskrn, then the monot onous "C" rations served as Christmas dinner to the boys (it "Mud hill" were even more un savory. The added rations of one candy bar, one package of gum ii nd onc-holf can of grupefrult Juice per marl, could hardly be called a Christmas fenst. That was the situation on De cember 28, 1042. This year, the unit, which has since moved to southern Italy, had another Christmas dinner. The menu undoubtedly rivaled anything that the point-restricted hotels and clubs back home were able lo Include on their bill of fare Or that "Mom," with her limit ed number of blue nnd red stomps, was able to cook up. In addition to more turkey than even a hungry Gl Joe could eat In one sitting, the unit rooks filled the mess kits with dressing,' corn, peas, potatoes, pie, cake, pudding, nuts and fruit. It goes without saying OIL TREATY CALLED BACK BY PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, Jan, 10 IIP) President Itooscvelt asked the senate to send back to him an Anglo - American petroleum treaty so that revisions may be made to remove misunderstand ing. Mr. Roosevelt sent tha oil agreement to the senate last August 24, requesting its rati fication. But It ran into diffi culties, not only in the senate but also In the domestic oil In dustry, In the message asking its re turn, Mr. Roosevelt salcfhe had not changed his view that "the agreement constituted an Im portant step forward in remov ing possible causes of friction in International trad In pe troleum and promoting coopera tion among the nations in the development of that trade." He said he was Informed, however, of fears expressed as to Ita scone and effect as now worried. He said there was some concern lest It authorize acts by the petroleum industry In consistent with existing law, as well as fears thut It might "hold potentialities harmful to the In dustry." The president regards these fears as unfounded, he said, and certainly no such possibilities were Intended. Since there is general agree ment that nn understanding on international petroleum trade between this country and Brit ain Is desirable, Mr. Roosevelt went on, It would be unfortu nate should it be delayed or even prevented through a mis understanding as to the purpose and scope of a particular document." that an ample supply of vino bottles decorated the tables. HEALTH TO YOUI Corr.f ftcff, Coon Allmtntt RsmorrhttlrU fPfltt). Fit. urn, riBtuia. Harntu (uv lo Mm-abllltf l o(ef lf. Oar nalbod M troatmonl I wtlboul hostpllal epilation I uerMfullr employed lor jtxjii. .iDitai ctoan lom. Call tot ianlnalioa H hm lor IrlXC booUol. Opon tvfiigi. Mo., Wfd, hi, 7 to 0 JO Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PJtyiicfaa mmd torf oo If. I. Car. t. tlurnaldo snH Of and Avo, TolophonoTAit 3911, Ptirtland U. Otrjan Any Photograph I Copied, I One Print I $1.00 Films developed and printed for any 6 or 8 exposures RoU 35e Reprints 4c each Prompt Service ikud9s 1031 Mala Phone 7167 Both DAY and EVENING Classes A Thorough Course In APPLIED BOOKKEEPING Both Gregg and that SPEEDY THOMAS NATURAL SHORTHAND Typing, Office Machines, and Kindred Subject A Business Office Training School KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGb 731 Pine Street Phone 4760 iQue gran vida, anrigos! . . . Have a Coke (WHAT A LIFE. PAIS I) . or being ambassadors of good will in 'Panama Your American sailor gets around. In Panama, Pearl Harbor, Port Moresby Or Providence, vou'll find him attvatr tielno- himself. a friendly, eood.natured Amci "can. Have a Coke is his easv-onlne invitation to share soma fun or a sona nd refreshment with all comers. It's bis way of saying, Relax, let's ttk it easy, no that's just whnt It menns when you offer ice-cold Coca-Cola in your own l cs, m many lands, Coca-Cola and the pause that rejresbet stand lot .. .. "codiiness with . J u !. . 0ruiD UMDtl AUTHOSITY Of THI COCA-COIA COArANV IV en. i C,OCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS y Cokes Coca-Cola It'a natural for popular names to acquire friendly abbrevls Hons, That's why you hear Coca-Cola called Colch MEXS JANUARY. o Join Our Thrifty LAY-AWAY BLANKET CLUB Only 10 Down on Any Purchase. Balance in Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. Pendleton 100 Virgin High Altitude Wool "The blanket that mode Oregon famous." Hos long beaver pelage for xtro warmth. Comes in cedar, rosewood, blue and green. Full 72x84 size. Wide satin border. $i650fili Wool o the West 100 Virgin Wool 6 1 O BLANKETS ?u Woven of finest 100 virgin Western wool. Comas in plain colors of peach, rose, green and blue. Full 72x84 inches. Fieldcrest 10 Wool 65 Rayon and 25 Cotton J BLANKETS A heavy long nap blanket with exceptional warmth and long wear. Beau tiful jacquord colored border. Four colors to choose from. 72x84 size. o CRIB BLANKETS 34x50 Size ' Old Homestead Brand. 50 wool, 50 rayon. Pink and blue colors. $498 $595 Mattress Pads New extra soft type no bulge or hard spoti. 2.49 2.98 Sof Callaway Bath Sets Extra heavy chenille thickly matted rugs with lovely medallion florals in contrasting colors. 4.95 and 6.95 Seat covers to match, $1.19. Pill ows Comfort and color for the home at low cost! Coverings of damask, crash, satin and novelty fabrics. Contrasting fringe and piped bor ders. Dark and pastel colors. 1.00 to 2.98 THE WCMAN'S STOBE jnc Store Hours 9:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily Phone S832 0 145 n C-C Co- ri.: