HERALD AND NEW5, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIV lOj. ; ; mSMMMi MEMBERSHIP mgsmmmmm FORUM h. "J'..1a Cecil Cheyne, !' Ti l, a girt by 'Rfflirt Jwkln ol Mall., ."limit MlUnr, noted loc Mnl.t titer for tin , WH ' Int. '.'"L'iiv. Wednetday. at E! i i.iciudliis livestock and ".cono " club.. M.rrll f .h. outstanding beef Hi th. counly for the past ..in nd won ine l it y cub weopstake award Lhosc yurt. If the Mrrl ?.i fm, rciel thl. yer It f ilium, permanent potter of the wid UMr. ...Jd Mr. "ay un.r .. .... ----- ''" "' Mr. I. ( lilt urtutviM ...... mini.' ' . t h . r. Thorn.. To .Myrtle Puln . Mr. Iter dieo ucremuoi ,';., rl iervle wero held III illlt Willi ' "- 1 But Utr.-Lt. William t;for. 20-d.y real Led in India fr 10 moiillm. I. Will II1C """ I'wutdroii. lie wa. wound C tli. Il. of on No- lnr 11. Itvrili.ri ... ...v i. ...h Mrs II. K. Tavenner 03 Norlh 0th. IK Thuridty All mother, unont pupil. are Invited to mceung ulty afternoon, January 11. o'clock In the auditorium, rdtnl to Mr. Ilcnry Oerber dent. Camp Fire Girl, of Lovell J group win ire .i 'to ctre (or any .mall chll- ol motners aetiring io pi th, meeting. omot.d mcnara i. iijtug, !of Mrs. Mabel C. Hydo of Mtrlln. hat recently neen A Ia fhn rank nf eoruoml lie US marine corpt. He wa. cted ociooer J. nnd. ioob training at San Diego and .mnhlblotii motor and Iportatlon operator. Hyde tiietea nit training in uio na il uianat. Iigttln Available The miner I uuine, a mommy ..In ,.,,1,1 i. !,,., h lli wita Y vital Information to con. rn, may now De ooiainea lout coil. Persona Interested i iriirM arsnllratinr. hlanlta at Shorn, demonttratlon agent' lit Husband Mm. Edythe ft hat left for Coinptnn, . where the will vl.lt Mr. Mn. J. G. Letlie. formerly lilt city, and there the will B her husband, Cpl. Lenoy he, who ia stationed at Camp feu, Calif. United Hiatal 9al T.H n.. .On nf tip. anI Mra Sin Greene. Klamath Fall., birrlvari In tha Ifnil,4 Ctala. furlough from the Aalatlc- I iic ineaier wnere he terveel lonths with the army corp. ifincori. kst Petition Wallace W. runt, recently of Fre.no. I. and formerly of Klamath 1. hat rrhlrnitH hra mnA a. rd a potltlon a. clerk with a .math aIIIm . u . I fcclimttion. Jaan Wla. antana tihterof Mr. and Mr.. Walter ndnger, 2033 E.rla, la med to her hom.i with rlilrk. ox. She returned from Cor J, wnere ma la a .tudent at (on Slate college, Friday F.tl Klnmnth V,n.... arc urged by Mra. Wlnnl- I ft. G linn mmWu S" ' o their meat deal. ( ... W1", DC pam rour cent. tWO reri nnl.,1. u l"l turned In. ' " C..Mt! iTt1" ron State iin kVSS v.""on d'.trlct No. I'll hold it, monthly meeting r,T'J,n"ry 11. at 8 p. m. at wH; Dl" Smel- " miitu, fnechl. Club Nona Hall itast Main ,ni u""!. i.!.pJnoSh.le dub on Thur.. Mock ' or lunchen t 'Jne?,!-;S,!''.E' w- Tlch. tllinHi, Wcclllctlny In Med o ft ,mcetN o(.t.te K??.u.!h-Mr.. M. C. C.,.,ol flffi'. ? CilHornl. or an N'lfcM' Kennedy. '""I bus'S "y Bnornoon o friggration Mxlprntnt Co. Karl n 1 Klamaiu m rnont 1461 rot Commorelol Rsl.u . on Born Mr. and Mr.. Ver- land Huff are parent, of a ton, Leo Martin, born December 20, at North Bend. Mra. Huff and child are now at the home of her parent. In r.tiillle. Huff, who It In the UH navy, .pent a few day. the flr.t of the ynnr Willi hi. wife and ton. Thl. I. the flr.t grand- on nom to Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Huff of the Midland district. potluck Dinner flpHiilah American war veleruu. and aux iliary will meet for politick din ner and a aoclul hour In Ihn KC hnll tiiinday, January 14, at 1:M0 D. ni. All meinbera and friend. are invited. SET C OF C A memberihlp forum of the Klamalh counly clmmber of com merce will be held at Ihn Wlllard hotel Februnry 8.' The tetalon will be followed by a buffet upper. Report, from encli of Uii com mittee) chairmen will Inform member, of wliut hat been done, and what i. being done by the chamber, Arrangement for the meeting are In the lunula of the fonun't committee, under the Icadcrthlpl of John A.ihley. Many of the member, have felt that the In.ldo work of thl. organization ahould be thown to the membership. A .linllar meet ing waa held by the board of di rector. In December, and waa to lucceaaful that thorn have been many request, to give the tame type of a act.lon to the member, a. a whole. HIGHER EDUCATION SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 10 lPt A three-day ctiur.e In wentcrn cowboy dancing appear, to be popular. Unlverally of Utah of ficial, .old more than 100 per aon. mini, from a. far away a. .outhern Idaho have enrolled. Clnaalfled Ad. Bring Rc.ult.. ADOLF BERLE WED employe, compen.atlon comml. lon. The Job paya 0000 a year. Mrs. Caraway, who was de feated in the tenatorial primary last year, will aucceed the late John J. Kecgan. Clataiflcd Ad. Brine Result.. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 0P Adolf Berle, Jr., until recently an amittant aecretary of date, : was nominated by President Roosevelt today to be ambassa dor to Brazil. , Berle resigned a. aa.l.tant tec-1 retary when the president and i Secretary of State Stettlnlu. re-1 organized the department a few I week. ago. He will .ucceed Jet-1 ferson Cnffery, who left the Bra-1 ziiian pott to become ambat.aaor to France. Mr. Roosevelt nominated for mer Senator Hattle Caraway to membership on the United State. J 111', Iteeelvedt FILSON Wool Cruisers Navy, Red Plaid TIN COATS & PANTS All Size. DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Grandma Switchet Millions of Mothers To Her Mutton Suet Idea For Chest Colds Tinneer grandma liked to "rub cold." with a "home rub" contain ing mutton uet. 8uch a rub wa. her "old reliable" for relieving chest muscle tightness, soothing bron chial Irritation, loosening- phlegm, checking coughing, easing sting of : chapped lip. and nostrils. Today sclenc has modernized this princi . pie with Penetro, the salve with a base containing thla sam old ash , loned mutton suet, plus 5 active In t (rredlents so now Grandma', old idea ia switching millions to this ! newer relief that 1. being hailed all over America. I You'll like Penetro the first time ! you feel it spread smoothly on : cheat, throat, back Its mutton suet i make. It melt instantly, vanish j quickly. It gets to work 3 ways at I once to make you and your children more comfortable (l)Penetro re lieve, colds' pain as Its mutton suet helps carry medication to nerve ends In the skin. (2) Relieve, muscular tightness and congestion through counter-Irritation (in creased blood flow). (3) Loosen, phlegm, eases coughing through fileasant Inhalation of instantly re eased vapors. You'll feel relief so miickly a painful misery eases, coughing 1 lessened, phlegm loo.nen, cheat rawness .oothed. You'll rest more comfortably, (rive nature a chance to restore vitality through sound deep. That's why so many mother, thank Grandma for her idea praise science for perfecting it and buy Penetro at druggists everywhere. Relieve your chest cold mlserie. aa million, are doing today get your Jar of white, easy-to-use Penetro. On Laava Victor C. Lundy, PhM lc, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Lundy of the Pelican hotel, Is home for a 30-day leave. He hat served In the South Pacific for the past 22 months and ex- riects to be returned to hi. base n New Caledonia. Ill In Hospital Louie "Hap" I Hagrman, employe of the Klam ath Bllllnrda. la Improving at Klamalh Valley hospital where he hat been seriously 111 with pneumonia. i From Malln M. M. Slaalny, ' maun rarmer, is in Kiamatn Fall, today on business. 1 lllil II I il "HUM t I I rnMH.'.at III!' iiilN.I iillMiil mi ,hli"!l.,,!ilHi llfliilllijlliililtil: By BARBARA ROBKAMP Juanlta was lucky enough to have a hnrf vacation In order to go to Portland this week, so I will try lo struggle tlirough to- i day's news, note., comment.. j An assembly was held for the benefit o( sophomores, Juniors, ' and seniors Tuesday morning. Guett speaker waa Irith-borii Dr. ' James Millar, world lecturer and traveler, who tpoko on the part today's youth must take and is taking In a democracy. ' . . . lll-Y I. holding a special elec tion Thursday morning lo elect a new president. Hurry Tindnll, head of the organization at the present time, leaves at the end of this semester to enter Pacific university. This group alto mel Monday night for Ihn purpose ol nominating new members. A nominating committee consisting of Jim Clabby, lver Stride and Bill Abbey was appointed. The bi-weekly meeting of Chess club was held last night. Plans concerning it. formal banquet were discussed and It wa. tentatively decided to hold it January 26, In the Wi-Nc-Ma hotel dining room. This organiza tion is also planning to purchase 1 Chess club pins In the near fu ture. . . Keno wa. defeated by the Wildcats last night in a game on : Pelican court. Final score was 40-20. a Thursday afternoon, the Krater staff will meet sixth per iod with C. P. Rowc, pnst advl. or, who leaves January IB to take over teaching duties at Pa-; clflc university, and II. O. Palm er, the newly appointed advisor. Plans and policies will bo dis cussed at this- time. Bartltship Oregon's Whisrl. In Use PORTLAND. Jan. 10 W) The whittle tlint sounded aboard the old battleship Oregon in the glorious day. of hor run around the Horn for the battle of Santiago I. back on the Job again. Salvaged from the once-proud battlewngon, the whistle 1. mounted on the stemwhccler Jean, of a Willamette-Columbia river fleet. I ejj. l l.m.mk.r thai Constipation .an make all tatkt leek bill Energy at low eblif Chsck contllps"' tlonl Tske Nature's Remedy (Nil Taltlols). Contain, no clicnilrnls, no minerals, no Phitool derivatives. NR. Tablets are different del differcpt. Purely Kutlablch combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated ever CO yesrs ago. Uncosted or candy coated, their action la dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of Nil's have proved. Clet a 2J Con vlneer Hoi today. Alt druggists. Caution: Tako only as dlreolod. NX rOMOHT; TOMOMOW AUIOHt Alt-VIGETABIE LAXATIVE 'ONE WORD SUGGESTION rOR ACID INDIQMTION- DEPEND AH The Time in 45 . . . ON PENNEY'S ! For everything you need and want,at prices you can pay (With ample left for War Bonds to speed a better day)' Depend upon your Penney store! Depend on us to strive To serve you well, as always, during 1945. Th Hout D.terr.t a Lift! New Drapery and Slipcover Fabrics mm w SIMM One way to establish a definite color scheme in a room i. to have drapes match the slipcover.. So easy to do when you make them yourself! Have them ready for spring this year! All-Over Floral. Floral, en Strip Colorful Stripe. Others at 59c ilft"i''if a.i?iy$y:t I life ill ill . ,r Vs?'' ' Prisciila Curtains 95e Florals, fluffy dots, or nov elty clipped figure, to dress up your windowsl Vsiv' si Drat. Up Your Windows! Prisciila Curtains 95 Fluffy dots, novelty clipped fig ures or sheerv-printed florals. These are complete with- gener ous tie backs. Tailored Curtains Lacy weaves, open air meshes with bor der designs. Panels, pairs. 1 .29 BOYS' WAIST OVERALLS o A Sanforized shrunk. 8-or. denim! Fitted waist and wide turn-up cuff. Sizes 4 to 14. Reduced! Boys' Melton Jackets t .2" Heavy weight, part wool, button front. Two slash pockets. Sizes 14 to 18. Reduced Boys' Poplin Jackets .98 Water repellent. Tan military style, with shoulder straps and army air force insignia on alcevo and breast pocket. Boys' Plaid Mackinaws 100 All wool, heavy weight, fully lined. Large collar can be changed Into a pnrka hood. Four large pockets. Red and blue plaids. Sizes B to 14. Plaid Sheet Blankets 89 Sheet blanket. In pink and blue plaids. All cotton material. Size 70x80. Children's Non-Ration Shoes 1-49 Llttla lots' white non-rationed high shoes. Well made, durable! Size. 2 to 8. Slses SU to 8 1.88 Boys' Plaid Jackets 3.98 All wool, medium weight, zipper front. Size. 8 to 18. Brown plaids only. MEN'S UNION SUITS 1" Cotton union suits. Long sleeves and legs. Fine knit, excellent duality! Sizes 38 to 46. Men's Melton Jackets 3.98 Cossack style! Warm and practical. Button front. Navy blue melton cloth. A real value at this reduced price. Sizes 36 to 48. MEN'S WORK SUITS 0.69 Heavy golden blue striped twill. One piece. Sanforized. Reinforced stitched at points of strain. Sizes 34 to 44. Also blue d.nlm work suits 3.29 Ladle.' Wrap-Around Turbans 98 Rayon material. Can be worn several way! New spring shades to choose from, LADIES' RAYON SLIPS Lace trimmed rayon In tea rose only. Also rayon jersey in white. Sizes 33 to 42. maw noon A Variety of Style. Suits and Coats 75 w Checks, bright colors, pastels in tailored or dressmaker styles. Smart kick-pleated skirts. Boy coats with sweet heart lapels. Or Chesterfields with new details on pockets and buttons. 9 to 20. Soft Dressmaker Details Severely Tailored Types Wonderful Kaw Color. REDUCED! Women's Dresses A.00 A group of better dresses priceo io clear at this low price! Jerseys, light weight wools, rayon crepes in one and two-piece styles. Reduced! Girls1 Coats 6-77 All wool and wool and rayon coats of suede and fleece in plain and plaids. Fitted and boy coat styles, snugly lined and interlined. Sizes 7 to 14. REDUCED! WOMEN'S COATS All wool suede and Shetland coats, made in both fitted and boy style.. Just the right weight to wear right nowl A grand buy at such a price. 14 .77 ItAlrV " "on Q"J SERVICl "TUMS'rl DOWNSTAIRS SECOND FLOOR