HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREB Midland ttupUie Aewd Lnqell Valley E lim Mr. Jolm fluim of L .pent II." lM.Hl.v woi'lj f hVlr cliiiilililfin. Mr. Hill nnd Mrs. 'IV Kvjilt r , f Kliunnlh I'"". , vIMH'll II il l".- " y (luring '"' '" , pnrtlcli.nl.'d I'! f ';' .mmluni. In Hi" '''"' I'1" ' v r. .... 'in. i itiv nvi i'"' , " .""i , III ('11111. Iff. lli.r, hi uncliw of Grunts former i.hi.. ' i.i iir iiriiu'ii. K.M. ll'. itiiiii " -. . . .... N I Ilium' nil" wok v'" his imroiil. Mr. nnil Mm. rii.rnlil inn lul 1., ndvnnood InilnlnK nl Dli'iin mm ' iiwiimiw mi'i lhy ("Inrkr Im returned Iri'Ktill nun" i-uin-Ki' ' ,11ml' Hi" holliliiy w" m'r unci iincic, ftir. n " it.. M..rl ('liirka wiik 1 1 " - ... . Imlliluy KlH'Kl lit tho Wll; mid enjoyed meeting old i. id. in iloliiu defense I In Oakland- Irs (io Uihon spoilt till) Jtu'yn Willi her brother In binul, returning homo on Sat- 'ri Drown mid inn were New j visitors Ml the mil iv hiiini'. j; mid Mm. V. W. Ill-own LMiirtln spent Now Yoiir'n eve r ... .....I 1w lliifrv Krity. ml. linn .". j - r. 1111(1 MlH. I.Otll Hllllllllll L '..... .r.,,.,1 IwuiiH from Wlmll- :m niter M'ndlng tlio hull- Willi her relatives. r.i. Mnrjorlo Hrlonden mid Jay Fnlrclo of Henley were .-11 vulU-y visitors on Tuo- ir. and Mr. Charley Vincent family of I.akcvlew ienl -.turn weekend will) Mr. Mrs. Lyman Htzhugh nnd Uly. Mrs. Mnrgo Unify of biitth Full win ulsn n week- lmii-sI. Mr. mm Mr, Hny .-. and Ui'iinlii enjoyed Christ- dinner with thu group. mid Mm. J. II. llcimlry family nnd Mr. Kl In Rond St Sunday with Mr. mid Mm. I Cochrun nnd fnmlly. Ir. nnd Mr. Chnrlos 1'nrt- and Jlniiny Johnson wore Ycnn (iliuior iltiol of Mr. Mr, l'cte Ilrlcxlucso nnd lelh nnd Mnynnrd. C. Clifton Unrrctt uncut thu end with Mr. mid Mm. IVle i-iscsi- und son. Mr. nnd Mm. fK OImiii nnd Hobby of nth f ull wore bundny vis Uurrott Is on furinuuu lift- i) months In the South I'u- irnard lluffrr nnd 111' mothor it Chrlstmns Day nt I'rlno. nlo Vincent I homo from Ida. Hi; has u medical dls- o from tho army no wns III inny months nnd underwent icralloim. . und Mm. Poto llrlcilscse ion .incut Chrlstmns Dny In mth Fnlla with thu Gcurjic i fnmlly. r. nnd Mrs. Hurry Krnr.lrr ninnor gnosis rriiiny cvo- of Mr. nn,l Mm Clwnn Pm. luid son. 'J'ho neension wns iirumiiy or Mr. Frnzlcr. . nnrl Mrs. RciT 'riinnin nH By returned homo on Sun- uiicr spoiHiuiK iu (tnys nl uiiiieiion wiiii nor piircnu. W. Monrops. . nnd Mm. Hill Btimott nnel .snont Npu, Vftni-'- l.N.n iii. bnd Mrs. Lostor Lonvitt nnd Is. Mnry Smith spent sovornl i i uoimnzn wun nir. Mnry Ihorn. E. nnd Mm. Orn Johnson Now Yonr'g Evo with the ,v rrnziom, . inpnlhy is extondod to Mr. Mr. Frnnk Moyors on the 1 Of tho former' mnllin. f. nnd Mm. Owen Popple nnd "i"-"- now Your Kvo In lal l Full. tulM, M.. i. .. by Krdnninn and Jimmy. Chiloauin mid Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Ml nnd Nnrclso Mlnnto wore mth rails visitor Snliirdnv. r. mid Mrs. Almoin KnRmiel- "I fnmlly wont shopping In "nil; Knll, Snlurdny. J'olhy Smith, who Is in the 1 mime corps, wns home the holidays vlslllng her r nnd sister. (! '1!l''nl HO Doy Scouls of 'iuln went on an nll-dny v-rysmi sprlnRs Sntur- r ,5".y. Sc"i't wore Invilod "! Murine Bnrrncks Inst on wnore tnoy hnri n very g nolo time. Troop SO of Chll- oiiiln wont lo thiink 1 hit murines und iillleeiH und ulso Miijnr Jnu 1'ohh Inr Ihelr kind hiiHpilullly, Muiyhcllu Mclliulo hits rucuiil. ly iimiui'uimu mi upiionillcltl op oiulliiii, II Is repnriecl Hint slid I Hi'ttliiK iiliniK nicely und I ex pecleii linuie llilii week. The Chlliiipilii hluli mid Junior hlKh ncliool hud u party IiihI Weil newliiy eviiilnu. 'lint purty wus held hociiui.ii of the splendid wink tho schiiiil did In tho llth Wur 1. nun. hitudenlH tuppod their V-MVIi iiintii by ;iiio per cent. Mr, und Mr. Krcil Miirkwiirill mid Mm. Tlicnilure Murkwiirdt of this city wore vislthiK relu lives In Sun l''iiinclsco over tliu hollduys. Mr. mid Mr. C. K. Wejiher mid inuilly wore In bun rruncl co over tho hollduys. i.iiio run wiiiik, who l in tnc merchiint uiiirlno is homo on u seveii'duy leave, vIhiIIiik his lath er mill Irlenils of this clly. Douiilil I'lillen, Who I n phniiuuclnt In the iniirhie, I inline mi ii liirlouKh Vi.iltiuif his family and friend. I'uttcn him Just returned from tho South I'nelflc. Dick Klury wont to Portland Monday nlht to visit rolnllvos nod iiImi to lake his physical ex amination for tho navy. He Is n student ut C.'hlliiqulu hlith school. Nina Sue l-Vrrlman and Klidu Dcllnrloll, who are nttendlnu tho University of Oreucm nt Kimene, wore hoino over the holiday vol ition their parent nnd friends. Bonanza Word hus heen received here thul Kenneth llrudshnw hus heen transferred from KnrraKUt, Ida., to tiulfport, Mi., for trulnliiK. Mr. and Mrs. Nowel Carl, tho new proprietor of "Hill's Place, " have heen dolnu some piiliitluit nnd mak inn Improvements to the Interior of the rostuurnnt. Mr. und Mr. Charles Husk weru dinner KUeSt nl tho C. K. Kyer homo on Tuesday cvenini!. the occasion hehiK Mm. Eycm' hlrthday. I.loyd Sparks nnd Henry Schmor left Thumdny mornlnK by truck for Sweetwater, Ore., on a huslness trip. While there they export to vlsll with Mr. nnil Mrs. John Schmor who have recently purchased n furm In that communtiy. Mr. und Mrs. Everett Spnrks onterlnlned lit dinner on Now Venr Oay nl Sari's. The fol lowing Kuesls enjoyed tho occa sion: Mr. nnd Mr. Wllliiun Spnrks, Lloyd Spnrks, Mr. Het ty Ciubser, Mr, nnd Mr. Everett Sparks mid children, Uonnlo mid Hilly. Gerald Drown of tho U. S. navy spout New Your week vlsllinit Willi his parents, Mr. nnd Mm. Eurl Brown nnd fnm lly. Gerald spent considerable time In tho South Pacific. Lucille Tweed, of tho wnr pro duction trnlniiiK office, met .with the heitlnulnil Spnnish students ul tho itrndc M'hool bulldliiK Inst Wednesday. It wns decided by those present thai slnco Wednes day eveiilnn Is already filled with school event, the lime for Die clnss be dimmed to Thursday.- Therefore, the clnss will meet on Thursday .evenings. Miss Tweed said thnl there Is a strong possibility that If the enrollment I sufficiently Inrgc. It mny bo n reimbursed clnss. It 1 therefore urged thnl everyone In the sur rounding community who Is In terested In gninlng a working knowledge of tho SpnnLsh lan guage take ndvnntagc of this op portunity. Mr. Tom Lovclady wns cnllod tn Mlllon-Erecwnter, Ore, by the death of n close relative Inst week. Mrs. McCnll Is nsslst ing In tho Lovclady home dur ing her absence. Friends will bo sorry to hour thnl Mm. P. E. Dram well Is ngnin confined to tho Hillside hospital In Klamath Falls. Mr. und Mrs. Fnrrcll loft Inst week to spend the remainder of tho winter along tho Oregon const. Mrs. Jenny Fink hns boon con .fined to tho Hillside hospital tho pnst week. Mrs. Fink is a sister of William Irwin. Fort Klamath Announcement huvo linen re ceived hero telling of the. mar riage or Hertha E. Plttuiaii lo Frank W, Houston December 1IJ hi Mrdfurd. The couple will be al hoine In AhIiIiiikI after Jiiuu iiry I. MIsK-l'lltmaii Is a sister of Mr. D. F. Lawtnn of Fori Klam ath and has made I homo with Mr. and Mrs. Luwloii nt thu Law- ton ranch for several year. Clifford Kngln returned Thursday (o I'orUniid n f t v r spending his Clirlslniiw, vacation hero with hi parents, Mr. und Mrs. Hurry Engle. Ho I em ployed In n Portlund shipyard. Mr. nod Mr. Don Cnmpngnu nnd fnmlly are enjoying a week' vacation vlslllng friend near Kcdtllng. Calif. Ciimpnuna is lo cal i'MT truck driver and. dur ing liis vacation, Herbert Ed wards Is working on the freight run between Fori KImuutli und Klimnith Fall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zunibrun spent Chrislmas with relatives In Mnmalh Falls. Mr. and Mr. Harold Wlmer and son Donald also spent Christmas Day In Klamath Full as guests of their danghler-in-law, Mrs. James Van Wonnor, and members of her family. Mrs. Joe Taylor Is spending two weeks nt Kllson mineral spring near Oukrldge, Ore., nnd on her return will bo employed by Mr. Itohcrl Cable at 'the Junc-llon lunch. Alice Gray left Inst week for the Willamette vnlley where she will spend tho winter months visiting relative. She hus been employed during the summer and full by the Illg Luke llox company In Ihvir local cook house. Charles J, It r 1 c c o returned Snlurdny from umouth's ubHcncc during which ho spent some time at Hichardson Springs, Calif., und later visited with his sou mid duughtor-iii-luw, Lt, and Mm, Kenneth llrlcco, ut Le Moure, Calif., where Lt. llrlcco is stationed with tho U. S. tinny air corps. Mr. mid Mm, Hoy Wlmer of Prlnevlllo were Christmas visit or ul tho home of their son-in-law, dnughtcr und grandson, Mr. mid Mrs, Elmer Zumbruu, und son Hillio, ' First Lt. Alfred B. Castel, Jr., U. S. army air c o r p s, urrivod homo Saturday from Belgium on ii UO-diiy furlough which ho will spend with his wife, Mrs. Alfred II. Castel, Jr., of Fort Klamath. Lt. Castel holds the Distin guished Flying Cross, the Silver Star, tho Air Medal with 1 1 Oak Leaf clusters und has made 05 combat missions a pilot of a P .'ltl slnco D-day on Juno 6. A group consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Castel, Sr., their son and daugliter-in-liiw, Lt. und Mrs. Alfred H. Castel, Jr., und Mrs. E. M. Hrnltiiin spent the Christmas weekend visiting at Tionostu, Calif., ns house guests of Mrs. Cnslcl's sister and fam ily, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Church man, and daughter, Mrs. Hobert Shaw. They wore Joined for Chrlstmns Day by Mm. Cnstci's parents, Mr. and Mm. Dun Snv ngo, of Merced, Calif., and the Churchman. Mrs. Shnw and Mr. nnd Mrs. Savage wore Now Year's Day guests here at the Castel homo, in addition, to Lt. nnd Mrs. Cnstel. Pvt. Glenn Smith Is visiting here on a 10 day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. und Mr. Wesley Smith. Ho is stu tioned ut Fort Eby. Wash., with a const artillery unit of the U. S. urrny. House guests for tho holiday season ut tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pago and son, Gene, are Mm. Page's father, brother, sister-in-luw and niece, N. G. Srnythe, Mr, and Mrs. Vere Smylhe and daughter Yvonne, ull of Portlund, Mr, und Mrs. Harold Wlmer have purchased the Edith Moon properly adjacent to their Fort Klamath garage and expect to movi soon from tho Orvllle Schroeder residence which they have occupied since their homo was destroyed by firo on Octo ber 8. Mr. and Mrs. William Sic gel und family, who have been renting 'he Moon house for some time, are moving into tho Tom Dychc property which D y c he bought from its owner, George Iloyt, last month, .Jacqueline Schroeder spent the holidays horn visiting her father, Orvllle Schroeder, from the Christy Girls' school at Marylhurst, Ore, where she re sumes her studios January 3. SOME STRETCH Snakes, because of the elastic hinges on their jaws, are able to swallow proy four times larger than the normal diameter of their throats. ight Coughs due to colds . . . cased J-Br wiinoucaosuia . ?nVICKS on VAPOROB fjji.wj.i.wjfr;N:i.i.i;i. M Why Thousands of Doctors Have Prescribed g. limv r l bbu iuvu Pertussin FOR SaJCoughs (DUE TO COLDS) ft' (DUE TO COLDS) Pertussin mu( bo good when thou sands upon thousands of . Doctors Imvo proscribed It for o ninny yenr. Pertussin n.i nl nncn to rollovo your coiighlnK.il '.losrns and mnkes phlegm cnslor to ri I io, Hnfo nnil effoctlvo lor pom em nun young, jncxpciuivoi Announcement Tho First Fctlcrnl Savings & Lonn Association of Kliimnlli Falls Has Declared Its SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND As of Dec. 31, 1944 P'lils dividend will be entered In your passbook tho next time It ronclii'S our office. YOUR1 rf PROPERTY IN fir - mttw a Protect Your Investment With Sears Dependable Materials! Closet Efficient Cabinet Sink 9ft . .J,. ot vlUCOiiscH i vi"' staio'i" l r ..nd cover ' ,V''i . . HOT WATER ' TANK Mnclo of full BJiune qnnllty primp j.hrt't ktrcl. Gi von lied by lint dip proccn which rormi a lcnk pronf, rustproof cnaitnB of pure line over entire Ntirfnre lnlde nnd nut. Six 1-Inch tapping nn lank ore tctci( with ulnndnrd matter flauffci to Iniurp hunt fit. Guaran teed for na l. wnrklnn prewure, Av-tHfthle for iii-ren- 15.95 MASTER-MIXEDJPAINTS 4-HOUR ENAMEL 1.59 Covers In ono cont. Dries in 4 hours. Qt. Whltoglo Enamol A ptiro brilliant while. Qunrt 1.7S One Coat Scml-Glos For walls nnd woodwork. Quart .' 1.15 Trims Bordors 1S 29i Transfer Docnli X0t-2Qi A modern cabinet sink with one convenient drawer and two large storage compart ments. Counter top 42 inches long, linoleum covered with i stainless steel moulding. lBuilt-in china basin, 20x18 inches, 7 inches deep. Fin ished in durable white enamel. Complete with mix ing faucet and "J A AA strainer. ' tWU SHOWER CABINET 44.50 Handsome, sturdy . . . de signed for long satisfac tory service. Steel frame with asbestos cement board panels. Reinforced concrete base with removable strainer.Includcs concealed type fixtures mixing valve with indexed hot and cold handles, shower head and orm, soap dish curtain, rod, and hard ware. Gray. , 1 Piece LAUNDRY TUB Sturdily constructed. Made of wntorproof cement.. Rounded corners, smooth finish. Two compartments each 24x24 inches nnd 14 inches deep inside. Com plete with swing spout, fnucct, trap IB AO and stand. IO.17 FLAT RIM SINK This favorite stylo sink Is Ideal for use with a built in cabinet. Made of vitre ous china stalnproof and acidproof. Glnss-hard sur face. . . . easy to keep clean. Size 17 x 15 inches with 3-Inch outlet. 8.95 Chemult Mrs. Muclurc has returned to her home in Chemult after visit ing a few days with relatives in KuKoiie, I'KC, Ralph Hash, who has boon stationed at Camp Robin son, Ark., was home on furlough several weeks ago. While homo ho visited with his father in Host-burg. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carter were business visitors in Klam ath Falls November 17. Mrs. Arllenc Franklin went to Klamath Falls November 20 on business. Mrs. flugh Carter left for Oak land, Calif., November 29 to visit) her son In the hospital there. i Mrs. J. R. Thompson nnd Fay! of the Chemult cafe went to Klamnth Falls January 4. If it's a "trozen" article yoy need, advertise for a used on in tho classified. Car Owners Who. Do Not : . ' , ' '. O P A Warning SP Run the Risk W of Not Gettinq ; : lyMMA New Tires! : " . 1 w Jl liSI FACTRY il E ? 13 P JILiiuiiMilliiSiMWeei lll.llllllMlllll)l'"" 1 ' ' 1. Guaranteed . Materials and Workmanship 2. Prompt Service 3. Famous Firestone Gear-Grip Tread onAny Make Tirr 4. Grade A Quality Camelback 5. Factory Methods Used 6. Extra Tread Depth foi -Longer Mileage We Loan You Tires While We Recap Yours Main Street Store, 527 Main St., Pia. 24 Main St. Phon 519S VyO MORE J A V "Zr f : .