PAGE SEVEN 7, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fr.ip Wanted Male WANTED PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks 54 Hour Week $1.62.5 per hour jtermounta'in Plumbing Co. oth SI. Services PLUMBING SERVICE !n i Healing Equipment jpullcil and Repaired DAVIS LMBING CO. Hurry rnone ivoa i-ium MCOME TAX SERVICE fimcrclal Bookkeeping Inolllii A. Central! ijpom -I. Ilepka Bkl. Hi) N. uui ot. Oiion nines and Saturdays Phone J-iu MOm OIL BURNKI19 NACES. CHIMNEYS. fined and Repaired toOD COAL . OIL FURNACES able (or Replacements impira Our Prices TUFTS MING SERVICE rhone 8040 8B8tf APPLIANCE REPAIRS ?alr and icrvlce all makes 03, vacuum clcancra and othtr electrical appll We may have the type ot tube you need. Roason prices. Phono 3188. sARS ROEBUCK Tues.-Tliuri.-Sat.-tl Phona 31.10 ED F. KING lUpll) Tanks tnipfctlftn lr. Modern aqutp- tonlenU hauled away. M iirMBTiTf iiiwn fAKtNd, lltittom. end nucklai i. AHeralimti on new and old Spit Mis. II M Allender, 7.11 4 Mftrm am. ph. mm. isiim Blp Wanted Female WANTED! Experienced Saleslady For 'HE TOWN SHOP Main at Fifth Apply In person. Nn phone calls. Ml WANTED RES PERSON for Someone With. crienc In Womcn'i Rcady-to-Wear. Apply NG'S APPAREL Phono 0431 noon TOR REBUILDING f Boring - Rcboring BS MOTOR SHOP lhor Mechanical Work Knsl Mnln 1-22 'nh'if.l,l'..flrl " Women (nr nlir.r Pnslllnn ami eenrral nf Cuv "nl""'. "rady poll- Jl'Dly Dirk Itrodrra alnri. in Zr,V'""'"' "'! dlahwaaher. Wo. p"Jril. Apply at miter's Cef. ffVi.l,I ""n lo day with ."one anoo. 1.W7II 'apahla Wnman n I" I Wlei. taill HAM 1.11 It Help Wanted. (4(1 34 Phone rMT.I lDOMf 14 Help Wanted female WANTn..l..))' (nr marklnf (nil ehark Standard Cleenera, I17IIII WAN'IT.n Ittil.l clerk Permanent ni HOP U'I-Ii. ma tint.) Ih4 lf II Help Wanted. Male MrntnfNT ajM.enMltrf t aall broad.. I lir.ume hrallh and accident pollry fir nld-lln. i-.tinpenv. Lead,'t. I.lttatat roniinlkalena. Can rant varr larga tnrnma Ym,r ruuntv nnan at the lllna WrMa (iilaliriretlnn. 10 rntillnelltal Ca.ualtv company, M't S W. Oak. Portland. Oregon. 1-t WANTKll .Experienced aaih cutler. Ap. ply Metier Itroa. Phone Seal. (111! WANTKU Naal vounf man lo handle lllht deliveries and work around ainre. Apr-lr tn per.on Moallei'. Klamelh flower Shop. 1311 Mam M WANTKIl-atpnlrer or praaut. Uptown Cleeiiere. 117 Ho. 7(h. U40U WANTrtl - Aulomnhlt mcchnnlri (nr wnrk of II M (Ul rU. Cnnon Clivrolt Co , rk. Cll(. WA1NTBU- KKpvrlvtii'tfd rdUlnr rvpalr mm. fJifl iiiiniiintn. inoroufni.r ti.ppd thnp. Diit mony for riiHi rnun, Andtrton Auto Mrvlct. A.ia Wttnul. ttf WOlll.n VOU llh lo Mm ntnnoy "('! tchM dllYrlnf a tlril4rwi ppt rottlt? So Mr. MHItr ii IM Hrld offtc atlr 3 p, m. WANTKD No and lxf tn t-t pink- l.llhl wnrh. food py Apply Howm AlUy, lit Main p. m, or any vantni Saturday or Sunday. HSItt flllKr.P tharr wanted tn ll SOO a)tap W hava fond ahrorlntf hft hot HO ItrtrKM)'. Call tha Mtlity ftanh 791. IB1t( Sltuattont Wntd ' GlRt. will rara for rhtldrart ntM or nay. nit uayion. i-a 22 Roon.t Por Rant ROOM rOR RtNT 10W jaftaraon 2ft Housm For Rnt fOR ricwt Ona and two room caliini. Aiiarnum auio L.aimp. ! TRUCKS rOR RKNT-Ymj dnva; mova yourfif. aava '. otnta Deacon iwrv Irai tan) rait Mtln Ptnnm KXH -m 29 Mlicallsntoui For Rnt fOR RKNT flrwr tandara. adiars and wallpanar ranuivlnc ntachlna. J, V. I'ntiprwtn Paint mora. Phona 5334 1320 Kail Main. t t3lm TURKEY HANCMI rOR RENT 4031 Bit- ta. t'noita 7c.i. ' i orricc HPAt.'R rOR hknt m mca or tira. wall locaud. Wrlta Box 1U7. Nawa.Harald. 13 KLKCTR1C KI.OOR SANDftltfl and edfer rvntad. ta your awn work. Inqulra Paint Dap I. MONTGOMERY WARD it co. i -aim TOR RENT- Preiont location of Fashion t.'leanert. Ana Main, modrrn front. I a v hv to foot. Inqulra) Rudy a Mn'n Rhop. (too Main. ITSUf WILL .IIIARK MY 1I0MC-438 Adam 30 Real titna For Sale FOR SALE 8-room home, nervlce porch with laundry traya. QHraRe. in hnsement. Oh North 9th street. Price $3400. Tcrm. Newly decorated house In Mills addition with furnished apartment upstairs. Oas water h.s,tf!- ainrl lntinrlrv Irava. Dou ble KnrnEe. Corner lot. Imme diate possession. See Fred Cofcr . BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4103 Fine Investment Close-In apartments with five units; three recently completed with all modern appointments; well Insulated. Two completely furnished. Electric ranees nnd refrlucrators in nil. Gross monthly income a l) o u l $nio. Prlco $18,000 with terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 lit N. Oth Phone 4384 HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOn 121 N. flth Phono 8401 1-lOm HOMES FOR SALE .IftHN Mr-PKR. MK AL.TOR 118 N. 7lh Phono 4321 2-5 ron HAl.R -9.rmim mortem houae. alar vnllon. pre-war nrlre. enay .j;m' mnai aeii, nM imj ... . . ." tllnR Co. Plenaa do not tolephonft. l-ia FOH SAt.R - Now vneaol, atlrarllvo Enallall couaso, o;w uaiiiornia. ".'"" 4:i.i4, l -to - .. . ?At u.,k . ' rurnisnen ii-roomn wmi - trie rafrlxerator. electrle must, over- aiurtaa set, niirmrntt , lawn, trees, picket fence. Wlnlar'a fuel aupply. Thla properly In Hot Hprlnga. beautiful view. Move In January lfllh. Phone owner, 80.14 l-io Fon flAl.F. .'l-bedronm modern home, full rement basoment, plpa Mrnjrf, .Phone nana. Automotive (4 Sell- Your Car N O W OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Moin and Esplanade We Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal :. on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 30 Real Eatate For Sale FOR SALE Dairy and Stock Ranch 1000 acres 300 acres Irrigated grain and potato land. Fully equipped, machinery, tractor, etc. 50 head producing dairy cows, about 30 head young stock and horses. Situated 4 miles east of Bon anza on Lorclla road, $10,000 cash will handle. DR. L. L. TRUAX Owner. 403 Pine St. 1-13 DUPLEX Two apartments with basement, i gas turnaccs, laundry room, etc. Lot 40x120 feet, north ot Main street and close to busi ness district. Price $8500. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 120 S. Oth Tel. 6072 1-10 FOR. SALE .Vroort. modern noma with nook. Wonderful location. hlot'h from Fali-vlew achool. $700.00 down, b 1 net, $;i3.oi) per month. 1333 5ar: Kent. Ml POD SAl.E New and second hand ilfirf, all Block and equipment Included. 1(1,10 Chev. Pickup, nets $400.00 per mn l.fAif Alt htrlaT.. SltO.OO tttT TOO. Price $3,100.00. fl acres 3 ml. from Ah land on paved rd. it-room mod, home, H ear snrace, 7 stanchion barn, all Irr., nchnol busi, milk cream route, prw mire ivtem. fl cows, 1 now, 1 yearllni hull, 24 chickens. Price $.1(100.00. Trmn. Southern Oreuon Land Co.. No. ftO Knsl Mntn street, l-ft Fort aALF.-3-rnmn house, modern, wllh hnsemeitt. partly furnlshedi lo. In Phono 34(1B. 1338lf FOR SAt.F.-a-hedroom housa near Main: also plnno. Ulal 0713. H PARTLY KURNISHKD 9-room modern house. OaraRo nnd woodshed com bined. . Plenty of wood Tor winter. $2300, 2nd road west from Lien's Store on Keno hinbway nd turn left to the fourth nouse on ien. i-ii HOMKflF.KKKRS ATrFNTION 1a.nnM .inrlArn flimUherl SttlCCO llOtlSft. aI. in nipim. Whv nnv rent when vou can own your own home. $1200 cash. Phone MM. 110 FOR SAt.C-RO' acre farm, tmproved, ....... a.'Mioii fnr nulck sale. CliniS 1IUCK. Phone 0470. M0 FOR SAI.E-l-room mnnrrn nnuw bath, double Rnrnpe and root cellar on t acre ground. 3110 Wlard. rbon Olll t , v. - " -r tutoroottve Will 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat 34 Automotive Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends l-12m Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phona 5193 John Sandmeyer, C s. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg, 1-3 1-m Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 218 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 6:30 P. M. M5m FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. flth Phone 6042 l-6m MRU ireNRV it Uimbard'a Uaad car i.ot. nai n, Bin hi. top ui-a CASH PRICD at onca lor .vour car. All makaa and modal, tor "la. 1-lsm ron lAt.E-tttt Plymouth a-door ladan, no?, Don Smith. Malln, ora tor,, nhona 114. rni At.v nn THAnr-lMA nidamohlla aartan (or latar modal, 910 N. tlth. l- ron 8At.r,-l31 Plymouth aadan, 4-fyl Indar. now rod,, bearlnsa and battar? Clood tiro, runa ood. . Call StOl rf 10. rlbl.r U. nTaonnall. v , 1-10 S4 Autom .live 34 Your Chevrolet Dealer John Ashley--. WE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS Who Need Transportation TO FILL THESE ORDERS We Will Go $ THE LIMIT $ If Your Car Is' Reasonably Clean-We Will Make No Deductions Be Sure And Get . Our Appraisal Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. tth St. DON'S SIGNAL SERVICE TIRES and TUBES Mud, Snow and Regular Tread Motor Tune-Up and Brake Service LUBRICATION OUR SPECIALTY 9th and Pine 34 Automotive SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED -LARGE SHIPMENT' of Fog Lamps Popular Prices Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. Phone 4113 1-9 Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1942 Chcvroleti 1935 to 1941 Plymouth! 1934 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1042 We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Reground Crankshafts With Bearings" to Fit I. C. " Ike" Heath 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Phone 3214 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES " All Sizes Monarch Service Station B, K. Teed 301 So. 6th Phone 7071 1-7 RADIATOR , REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2349 S, 6th St. Phone 8331 1499-tf 10,14 CHT.VnOt.KT COACH -Mint acll Maka otter. 010 Sprlnc atrcet. 1-10 WANTSD '41 or '4J model rar with low mlteaice (or very eatrnttal usa. Call 633T daya. S0S1 avanlnga. 1-U rna 9AUein4n QMC t.,-ton truck 1936 Btudebaker a'a-ton truck with 9-apeed renr end. Phone :Wfl or 1B4, Mallo. uawoy Hmllh and Son. 95 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD r Stove mid Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery , . Phone 8387 JACK' EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m Automotive Phone 4113 Phone 5567 1-10 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Attention Farmers . ..For-- Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymastet Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Suljghur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So 6th St. Phone 8247 Tues.-Thurs.-Sat ron SALE One pair -lady', (Isure akatea, aiza S On b.p. atatlonary caa online. One . Chester Model 63 ca bra 21BB. rixlt Shoo. 744 Klamath. 026U rOR SALE100 toru baled Day. lat cut alfalfa, oats and rya. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before croasinf river or call Doug Puckett. Tulelake 7104. 33Ut( FOR SALE Ice cream machine and fountain. 713 Main St. 1-10 'On SALE Dry wood. Ray Bllxseth. 1314 Dayton. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 1433 ftiarnn, mono at77. , i-Jim STOVES REPAIRED. All available parti aiocKea. usca furniture, stoves oougnc OK Second Hand Store, 830 Klamath. Phone .W71. 1-31 m FOR SALE-Trailer house. 24 ft '42 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. Clti FOR SALE Remington automatie ahot- gun and Bhells. Speed boat witn 60 hp. motor. Fixlt Shop, 744 Klamath. 1675tf BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magailnes. Call 3.-162. 2-5 FOR SALB Boy's bicycle, laced rubber hoots, size 7'j. leatner ooots. site tf. 2-plMt electric hot plate. 1830 Or chard. 1-8 FOR SALE Walnut secretary desk, end tame, breakfast table and 3 cnatrs. army cot. Phone 5670. 1-9 FOR KALE-ia-ft. trailer with dual axle and four good tires. Phona 4993. 1-6 FOR SALE Larga wooden barrels, in quire at Fluhrer's Bakery. 1733tf At bt M imi.. MaklnH nnrf tRinrN Calculator. 124 S. 9th St. Pioneer Trliiting & Stationery Co. l-15m CERTIFIED NETTED GEM SEED POTA TOES, first year Montana dry land foundation stock: grown at aiacaoei, Calif. Ott tie Edwards. Phona 8713 or 1121, Tulelake, Calif. 1-11 for SALE -Car radio. A-l condition 417 Lincoln. lKMtf FOR SALE - Enameled wood and coal range 4345 Thompson. Ph. 7610. 1-8 REGISTERED White Collie Puppies, also bitch. Fred Fisher, Rt, 3, Roseburg. Oregon 1-13 FOR SALE- One 9 h p. gasoline engine with 3-incrt intake aiapnragro pump Phone 0729. 1-10 FOR SALE Bedroom suite complete wllh innersnrlntf mattress, living room dining room and kitchen sets, also nlncm and double beds complete, has socks, stand. eit Prewitt a Tradim Pmi. So. Hth. 1-1 42 MlscolUntout Wantd MRS. HERMAN URAATK. Glenceurt Apartment, Weyerhaeuser, would Ilka to buy tate model car. prtont bob, Apt. . f- 1-11 It it's a "frozen'1 arttcia you need, advertise (or ft used one in thft classified. 34 Automotive SEE ROSE NOW'S the TIME HERE'S the PLACE TO GET TOP PRICES For THAT CAR OF YOURS ROSE MOTOR CO. 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 PONTIAC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum 44 LlvCTtock- and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1945 the better to serve southeastern your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks. suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools. guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring ' WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 52LSo....6th Ph. 7160 761 tf CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7510. 421011 W1XL PAY CASH for used suns. Bring them in f or anoralsal. BELL 5 HARD WARE. 528 Main St. 1-31 m WANTED TO BUY Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1321 SarsenL RPU CLASS Mirror. reftvertnj:. plate win dow and auto etas, furniture top. shelves. Kimball's Glasi Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. i-m WANTED Case aixleen and eiahteen nlckuD baler. F. D. Coon. Dlllard Ore. . 1-12 WOULD LIKE TO HEAR from reliable men who would like to train In spare time to overhaul and install Rerrtirer ation and Air Conditioning- equip ment. Should be median .oil in clined. Will not Interfere with your present work. For information abom this training, write at once giving name, aaarcsa. age ana your worn in hours. Utilities Inct., Box 1050, care Herald and News. 1-9 LEARN PRACTICAL NURSING Be a trained practical nurse. Big de mand. High wages. Learn quickly at home. Fine extra money occupation. Ages 18 to 60. High school not neces sary. Write for free information. Wayne School of Practical Nursing. Box 1951, care Herald ana news. WANT TO HEAR from parties having fancy work or articles suitable tor gifts. Phone 5392. 1-10 SOLDIER AND WIFE In dire need of small furnished apartment or nouse. Phone 7491 or 7378. 2142tf 42 " Miscellaneous Wanted WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR P1ANO- Louii R. Mann. izu n. 7tn. rnone 4519 or 7175. l-22m WANTED TO BUY-Irmerapring mat- tresa. Prefer Beauty Rest or aeeiey. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4690 between S nnd 7 p. m. TBtf WANTED Late model pickup Must be In good condition, w. Reynolds, pnone UU. Tulelake. 1-9 44 Livestock and Poultry GRADE A DAIRY with licensed retail milk rouie. Nets aywiy.uo per year. Price S4S.0O0.00. Prime properly in every way. Walter Jonei. Realtor box 947. Medford. Oreuon. 1-12 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits, tbuiuvk f BAitMii . 919 Eaat Main. Phona 421U l-4m WANTED Dead and worthless animals. t'nona abju collect. i-jim WANTED-Poullry of all kinds. Pay hllhest price. Mallory'a Y Market. Marrill-Lakeview Junction. Ph. 4fr.!0. 1-10 Also csss. Martin Produce Co. Phone 337S. l-3lm HIGHEST PRICES paid tor hos, veal lambs and cattle. Johnson PacklnK Co. Phone 3323. ntahts 3303. l-slm CHICKS. Klnesl and best grade ot chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Kails. Send for free i-atalosue. Talent Hatchery, Talent, Orcaon. 2-3 4B Financial Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rates Long time easy payments Prompt Service , ;v It will pay you to investigate the EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 45B4 ' Tues.-Frl.-tf 34 Automotive CMC Phone 6130 44 Livestock end Poultry Oregon. Arrange now to leave Klamath Falls. Oreeon OREGON BRED CHICKS 993tf 46 inanci.ii When You Want a ' CASH LOAN For Any Worthy . Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett .... .at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles - Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 l-31m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Ynur FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months lo Pay No Co-Signers ' .' Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 1.31re First Federal1 Has Plenty of Money .... Buy a Modern Home Refinance Your Old . Home v , a . ' ' Pay Less Than Rent Long Terms . li4' Low Ratei ; FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls Sixth and Main Phone 8191 . . 1-3 In If ire "froian" article mi nei 4 vertlae ieu a uaad on. la tha alaaaUiaa