HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE FIVI ' I ijlUlllliiililillli"'"' fwri-kV-iicI vtKllorit In Klum WUKl ii. uiii,.,-,i fll .1. gllCSlB Ml i"..?:?A,w,,n,.!?ihr K .hiiinliiT i'f commerce L- Willi Hi" United atui- k..r f CCMIIIIIPIIU. I"'" - ,U-iiclcd trip tlirpiiKll Col ,..... m..vi'ii. Ar roll and L Olil Mi'xlfn. They left for (lie souiu. MtTliu liimrtl Mini com- lll'IKIO 'l . Wives club will meet .. HI 1 II. III. Ill lllu iiiiiiii; r president. Mm. J. 8. 7 i.onner. n h-kiiimi will be held Wcclnes- 17. ut 1:110 I), in. Hi nuw. r.iuiiiM.11 I..... ...i , a kii'IiiI hour will follow ill navy officers' wlve lire I to nllend. tfjortUnd Ciipt. Jinne E. As US murine corps, who nScd from two yews' duty Id i i, Pueirie lo siiond the favs with hl purents, Mr. )r. Leslie Rollers, In ex jri homo Wednesday from hnd where hit has been for t'CK WIHI inn ri"" Mr. and Mrs. uarry mi- Ichlco Mr. and Mr. Scott mid diiiiiihterii. jiiniis il;.m-i- urn vis Htm in l inco dhls mother, Mrs. June War ind his alitor mid fiiinlly, Sind Mr. Charles Collier, fettle girls will rcmnln Ml the ir home mid Mr. and Mrs. jrn plmi a vacation trip of ?l weeks In tho south bo cturnlnB homo hero. To Speak Dr. Jiimes Miliar, noted world traveler and leelur. er, will Hddrens Alliiinoul liomn extension mill ineinbers, l'TA. wild wuy pei tuns Interested lit B p. in. Tuesday at Allaiiiont Jun ior hlub sehool. This Is the only oiiu ol Dr. Millar's lectures In the Klanialh I' nils urea llud Is open lo the general publle. J lis tuple will be, "Vitamins for Deinueiuey." Dr. Mlllur will ap pear at Merrill Ii lull sehool at 1 p. III. Wednesday and al the Malhi community I'rc sbyterltin church at 7:110 p. in. Wednesday, lie will address the Klwanls club wl 12 noon Thursday and maku his final lecture In Klum nth county ot Modoc l'olnt Thursday at 2 p. in. Mtthodttt Circles The circles of the Woniun's Society of Christian Service of tho First Methodist church will meet Thursday, January 11, (or des sert us follows: circle 1 with Mrs. 0 no rite Gllerlsl, a IS Grunt, Mrs. Jmiuette co-hostess; circle i Willi Mrs. licorgo gas per, (111 Cross, Miss llogan co hostess; circle 3 with Mrs. Bruce Hlnkley, Din Huron, Mrs. L. K. I'helps, co-hostess; circle 4 Willi Mrs. IJ. R. Stebblns on the Lake view road, Mrs. tlrbs co-hostess. All women of the church and congregation will be welcome at tho nieetlniis. CUE D ED ftTEi T TO SAVE III , Moit There will bo in I meeting of the council n ol the First Christian h, corner of Dili and Pine, 1 pot-luck luncheon Thurs 1 January 11. ut 12 noon. to will be a name exchange illcnt sisters and all nic-iii-Jure. Invited lo nllend, t proving Frederick Rocn- tfwlio lius ocen eoniineo lo Siine at 203ft Portland, I re- ins satisfactorily from a so- ate ol mumps bui has been from Roosevelt school the holidays. He it the son mid Mrs. A. O. Hoenlckc. Ttrk Rltti Masons Matt 1 futh chupler No. 3. RAM. Horn Its regular meeting csdsy evening at 7:30 p. m. ving wie noyai Arcn mcci rder of the Temple will be rri'd. All companions nnd .. 1 nights Invited, Igsry Mrs. R. J. Michel. iCalifornla, I recovering from surgery at Klamnth hospital on January 4. Iris Is assistant manager of Jlmnath Production Credit lotion. fcsndlx Out Patricia , 7-year-o d daughter of Mr. filrs. C. W. Bute, Pelican leamp. Biy, is recovering (an opcrntion for the rcmov- liter appendix at Klumath B hospital. Hor Suratry Mrs. Carl F. n of Fort Klumath under- iniujor surgery at Khminth 6' hospital nnd Is reported I iiiceiy. ivnson is with tho On state highway denart- ilsnt Mrs. Knthryn Bra- iiuuter ot wr. vern Peugh PonHld Mraieo, Is a patient uinsina nospuni where I receiving medical treat- Furlough Pvl. er from St. Lewis. v,i, i. lough visiting his parents, pud Mrs. Henry Warner. jary. He will return lo his i January 20. Baptist Missionary Socltty Tho circle of the Woman's Mis sionary society of tho First Hap list church will .meet Thursday afternoon, January 11, as fol lows: Esther circle with Mrs. J. T. Patterson, 702 N, 1 1th: Rachel circle with Mrs. E. J. Hoolhby, 21)10 Summers luue; Miriam elrclo with Mrs. M. A. Rogers. The Bethany elrclo will not meet this week, BRT Auxiliary Tho auxil iary lo the Brotherhood of Hall road Trainmen will meet In reg ular session Thursday, Januury II. at p. in. In the KC hull. Mrs. Henry Rodman, newly Installed president, will bo In charge and the other new offi cers will be In their chairs. Bhrlnars The Klamath Falls Shrine club held an election an - Installation ot officers on Wednesday. January S. Those who huve taken office for the ensuing year aro Nobles M. C. Casscl, president; Glen Innian, vice president; Clements Lundy, secretary-treasurer. ' 7 TSgl. Adrian B. Chaney, ion of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Chaney, 010 Mitchell, lost his life Oclo her 18, In an at tempt to rescuo i wounded com rade during ac tion on Lelcllu island, accord ing lo Informa tion on Pclellu from the war de partment. Cha ney was report ed killed in ac tion in word re- M -elvcd Novem ber 14. Young Cha ncy ha been awarded the Silver Star posthumously by Major General Paul J, Mueller, com manding general of tho 81st "Wlldcal" Infantry division, for Sallaiilry In action against the apancsc on Pcleliu. The citation rends: "While participating In an at tack against enemy raves and emplacements located. In Ihe In land rldgej of Pclellu, Sgt. Cha ney observed a comrade fall wounded to enemy fire. With out considering his personal safe ty In tho face of enemy machine gun fire, he moved to the side of the wounded man and hud Just completed rendering emergency first aid when he received mor tal wounds. "His heroic act of solf-sacrlfiee Inspired everyone who wit nessed it." the citation said. Sgt. Chancy Is survived by his wife, the former Barbara Lee Ja cobs, now making her home In Baker with her parents, Mr. and nirs. i-ee Jacobs. From Bni Charles Overbay, connected with the U. S. forest service, and chairman of. Ihe Modoc council of Boy Scouts, will arrive in Klamath Falls Friday evening from Bend to confer with council officers prior to the annual meeting of the council Sunday. Yank Troops in Bastoane Strike Back V " -y i; i HOGGED FUEL L mm MM UN T IfikA Itailio-Tclrphoto) Troops of the American 101st Airborne Division move out of the snow-covered Brldan village of Battofme to take the offensive and drive Germans back during siege In which Nazis Isolated them for 10 days. Signal orps rsdlo-telephoto. Appointed Organisation Chair manJames Patterson of Klam ath Falls has been appointed or ganization chairman for the Klamath district, Boy Scouts, by Chairman Greer Drew. Moose The Loyal Ordor of Moose, No. 1 100, is sponsoring u new piny, and those members Interested In taking part are urged to be present on Thurs day, January 11, at 8 p, m. Leaving for East Upon re ceiving word of the death of her uncle, J. A. Campbell, of Gnrnctl, Kas., Mrs. Olllc App of 320 N. Sth, left Immediately for an extended trip cast to at tend tho funeral. Will Hold Party The Home Economic club of Midland will hold a card party Saturday, Jan uary 13. at 8 p. m. at the home i of Mrs. Roy Huff. Members arc to lurnisn pics. To San Francisco Mr. and Mrs.. Leo N. Hula, 303 S.- Sth, aro leaving Tuesday night for San Francisco on a business trip. They will return here In a week or 10 days. From Redmond E. G. Al bert, assistant district agonl for tho U. S. fish and wildlife serv ice, division of predatory ani mal control, la In Klumath coun ty conferring with the four pre datory' animal trappers stationed In the county. Returns to School Merlon Albrccht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emit E. Albrccht, 310 Pa cific Terrace, left Monday for Palo Alto. Calif., whore she is a student at Stanford university. Masting All past exalted rulers of the Elks lodge will meet Wednesday, Janunry 10, at 6:30 p. m. al the Pelican party room. Marry Mixers- -Eleanor Cur tis, 1335 Crescent, will be host ess to the Merry Mixers Thurs day evening, January 11, To Tulelaka Ross Aubrey, stale-federal potato inspector, was In Tulcloke Monday on business. In ihe U.S. Army Medical Dept. Kindliness, tempered with wisdom, will help bridge the gap between war and home for thou sand of battle weary veterans. A an Army Medical Department Wac, yoii can heal and help, ou are needed now. Mall coupon below I U-. AIMV R(CtUITINO) STATION i"i Olllo,, Klimslb r.M., Or.tnn '";'" wassul any abllsstlin en my part, lh tw IHwtroHd kMkltl bovtllts Wl. ' NAMI ..,..,. .....,..- ADDMSS -....,....,..,,..,, .,. ' .........., city ,.. tati "'" "'"""-" ..10NI... ...FHONI NO. K tbis MsssAet sroNSoaso BV BROWN 4k HAIBY.TACOMA .ih sm. ...imiimn TJ. V Sta Scout The next formal meeting of the Sea Scouts will be held at the armory on Thurs day night. January 11 at 7:15 p. m. There will be inspection nnd a demonstrating of splicing. Sells Out William Green, farmer in the Klamath basin since 1000, has sold his farm and is moving to Santa Rosa, Calif. His wife, Margaret, will accompany him. . (Continued From Page One) Since the Clipper usually alights at some considerable distance offshore, there was little hope that any of the 15 persons listed as missing had made his way to safety. The. only known survivors were nfeked up by boat not long after ihe crash. Among the missing were a missionary, Paul J. Whitlock, 36, of New York, his wife and their three young children. Toilet Paper Goes On Seattle Ration List, Say Dealers SEATTLE, Jan. 9 (IP) Re tailers were rationing toilet paper to one roll to a customer today and some reported their stocks exhausted for two and three weeks. One wholesaler saia inc ncwesi wariunc snori age was due to manufacturers having halted production on the cheaper grades because they could not make sufficient prof its under present price ceilings Another said the shortage also was due to diversion of paper manufacturers' activities to the manufacture of war mu nitions and there was not suffi cient paper pulp to keep mills making products for civilians operating at 100 per cent ca pacity. Adult Spanish Class Program Resumed Those interested in the adult Spanish classes, which have been meeting at the Fremont school every Tuesday and Friday eve ning, are asked to register before January 12. The classes, which will begin again Tuesday, January 0, will be given at 7 p. m. for beginners, 8 p. m. for the intermediate class, and S p. m. for advanced work. A nominal fee will be charged for the series of lessons which will continue through the month of May. Airmail Letter Suffers Delay SALEM, Jan. 9 lP) An air mail letter which Sen. Thomas R. Mahoncy, Portland, mailed two years ago was found when the senate's mail box was op ened for business yesterday. Mahoncy said it was too late to rcmall it. Police Court Three drunks, one drunk and disorderly and one traffic violation was re ported by the police department Tuesday. Royal Neighbors The Royal Neighbors will meet Friday at 8 p. m. in the KC hall. Prisoner Writes Parents In Klamath SSgt. A. J. Mitchell of Klam ath Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 1201 Crescent, has written his parents from a war prisoner camp in Japan. "The weather here is fine and I am working most every day," he said in the letter. Sgt. Mitchell was captured at Corregidor after fighting with MacArthur on Bataan peninsula. K. B. Curric, traveling agent of the Klamath division of the Southern Pacific railroad, is be ing transferred to Portland as city passenger agent, effective January 15. Alfred Kuslcr, present city passenger agent at Oakland, Calif., will succeed Currie in Klamath Falls. Curric was brought here from Portland in October of 1943 to handle the in- creased military passenger traf fic caused by the Tulclake seg regation rpnfer. Iho Klnmulh naval air station, and the Marine ! Barracks. Kuslcr will be as signed to the same Job upon his arrival here. Nine Senators to Speak Over Radio NEW YORK, Jan. 9 UP) Nine, new members of the sen ate arc scheduled for tonight's CBS broadcast of "Congress Speaks" at 7:30 when its usual time js doubled to.. 30. . minutes. They include Senators Morse of Oregon and Taylor of Idaho. Whale Boats, Dorj Shipped to Scouts The Sea Scout ship, Elk, has received word from the navy department that two 26-foot whaleboats and one 18-foot dory will be shipped to Klamath Falls immediately. The boats will be reconditioned upon their arrival and used for summer cruising. The Sea Scouts engage In a training program which in volves piloting, navigation and small boat handling. WEATHER Mendtjri Jinu.ry s. IMS MKT. Mln. Kufeite 60 39 Klimsth Fillj m 3 Sacrnmento 45 42 North Bend 58 4 PorlUnd S4 40 M.tlford SO 4.1 Reno S8 S3 Sin Franetico 31 42 Srattto - SS 4S EDITORIALS ON NEWS (Continued from Page One) was Influenced by this optimistic thinking when it lightened up on poinl rationing. Then came the German counter - offensive that dashed our hopes of an ear ly end of war in Europe and made it clear that surpluses after the war, if they develop, will be better than dangerous shortages before the war is ended. Hence, presumably, the re sumption 01 point rationing. CUT you can't convince the cynics that it was anything but a deep-laid political scheme, and it is perfectly obvious down here that people with unused shoe stamps in their nossession don't propose to take anybody's word for it that the stamps are not going to be cancelled. They nn: Bums to nci snoes on mem while the getting is good. e TT is reasonably probable that this whole sequence cf point rationing relaxation, followed by resumption of point rationing ACCOMPANIED by cancellation ol inc stamps mat people had ac cumulated during the relaxation period was due to bad guessing on the part of our governmental autnorities. But it was certainly unfortu. nate, because it resulted in wide spread destruction of confidence in what our government tells us. You can't listen to what oeODle queued up in these waiting lines are saying without coming to that plain and definite conclu sion. The gist of what they are say ing is this: "I'm not going to be caught with ANY MORE stamps in-my possession. Hereafter I'm going to spend them as fast as I lay hands on them." You hear that statement over and over. PICKLED PETS Until comparatively recently, French peasants often ate cats as rabbits. It is said that the prac tice persists in some sections of the country. In China, both cats and dogs are pickled whole and then eaten. , Klamath Heating company of ficials announced Tuesday that approximately 2000 units of hogged fuel had been located at Lamm Lumber company plant, Modoc Point, and an effort would be made to obtain the fuel which will be trucked here to relieve the company's short age. John W. Kirby, manager of the Klamath Heating company, said that the 2000 units com prises some 30 days' supply, coupled with the usual source of supply, but that no definite assurance that the hogged fuel could be obtained had been giv en his firm Tuesday by the of fice of price administration. The new ruling on fuel ra tioning affects hogged fuel used by the plant, as well as other forms of fuel, Kirby pointed out. The heating plant is making plans to convert one boiler to oil, but this is being held up pending action of the petroleum administrator, Kirby said. Entomologist to Work On DDT Release CORVALLIS, Jan. 9 (Pi Dr. Don C. Mote, head of the Oregon State college entomology depart ment, has gone .to Washington, U. C, to represent western ag ricultural experiment stations at a meeting on the 1945 use of DDT. new insecticide. He will urge the release of enough of the miracle insect kill er to control the hairy vetch weevil, a threat to Oregon's vetch seed production. Limited tests-made by federal entomolo gists in the state last season showed DDT the only insecticide yet found to effectively combat the weevil. Unless DDT is supplied, Ore gon will be unable to meet its wartime goals for vetch seed, in demand by southern states, said farm crops specialists here. Commercial mint culture first began in New York state more than 100 years ago. Service Men and Women Home on Leave Pvl. Rtec J. Warner from Ft. Lewis, Wash. Here until Janu ary 20. Pvt. Harold Patterson from Camp Crowdcr, Mo. Here until January 10. The above se.'vice people are entitled to free passes to the lo cal theatres and free fountain service at Let River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres and R C Woodruff of the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy tickets Medford Sawmill Resumes Operations MEDFORD, Jan. 9 OP) Tha big Medford corporation saw mill resumed day and night shifts Monday after being shut down since November 30 for the annual overhaul. The entire output for the last two years has gone into the war effort, mill officials said. The 1944 output was 90.000,000 feet of lumber. largest in the mill's history. The previous high was 80,000,000 in 1943. Classified Ads Bring Results. WASHINGTON AND OREGON: today, tonlsht and Wednesday w Hea nnlnc Ihts afternoon weat Wedneiday intermittent lilht ra: cent rain or enow mm poruon. Wedneaday afternoon. Preclp. Trace Trace Trace .00 .00 Trace .00 .00 Tract Cloudy Ith rain portion. Int. ex- cooler ITtown shop I 1 Main at Fifth Hosiery I t;,5 894 Special Group " I Handbags :-r,':. 504:; Special Group SvveaterssJtv8W$l$498 Special Group , Jewelry 504 I TOWN SHOP I II ' ' ' , Mln at Fifth Just Received! Shipment of -MEN'S KNIT SHORTS, MIDWAYS and LONGS Undershirts to match DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. Paul O. Landry this question: "A friend recently had his wallet containing a considerable sum of money taken by a pickpocket. Is such a loss covered by a personal hold-up (robbery) insurance policy?" For information on any insurance problem, consult THE LANDRY CO. 419 Main St. Ph. 5612 The Courthouse Is Now One Block' Down The ' Street From Our Office. Quickly Relieves Distress ef Sasezy, stuffy flead Colds You will like the way a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril promptly, effectively relieve distress of head colds. It soothes irritation, reduces swelling, helps clear cold-clogged nose and makes breathing easier. (NOTE: Also helps prevent many colds from developing if used in timet) Try itl Works just finel Follow directions in folder. oSrDroP.Work.roA I Right Where TrooUe hj ViCKS VA-TRO-NOL m All The Time in 45 DEPEND ON PENNEY'S I Useful and Decorative Too) Shower Curtains 3.98 Made of glossy watcrproot material decorated with pretty or amusing designs. Colors to match or contrast with your bathroom decorat ing scheme. Metal eyelets for hanging Others 3.49 They do so much for a room! Fluffy Chenille Bedspreads .98 Practical and long-wearing! These are wonderful addi tions to your home. In soft, dainty colors and patterns. Size 90x105. DOWNSTAIRS COLORFUL OILCLOTH Just. Arrived! New Shipment of Oilcloth. ,. 46-in. table cover yd". 33e 46-in. sq. table cover iq. 43e 54-in. table cover yd. 39e 54-in. q. table cover q- 49e nOWNSTMRS Indian Blankets Colorful plaid Indian blanket. Red, tan and navy background with attractive . de sign. Size 70x80. 1 a. DOM NSTAIRS T