Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 09, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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try 9, 1944
Shasta Dam Faces llic Future
for Fill!
ntlnucd from t'ago Ono)
11.21) In duy-long rnld
, moim and l'"- ' 1 10
tintuirlunl Itynkyu
.their second utrlko with-
"supporting Strlkti
o strike wor In trlo.
import of " DmiulM
rtliur's report opcrntlou
unit, Hlttitttnil iff JttliuiifW'
.foieoinent which might
,, thiua destroyed In
,,y round'lho-elock bom
;t f Luzon by U. S.
r mill Inndbiised ll",-.
,.,irly morning Pacific
-, minimi" loll! of lli
glrlku lit Formosa, mipply
or Nipponese armed
, In (he Phlllppln'. Mini
- iilr field I" Iho Ryukyu.
i link Forniost with Jnpwi
lulls worn not available In
mlt Hie strike win conllnu-
nilimed From Pno Ona)
....-il. ..,.. I nf HiMliineitt
shifting the weight of their
k outliwiiril In on nppnr
((ort to cut through to the
........ m.ttlllll fflllll duo
III Mill V,, -
Tho Gcrinnns wi-ro mid to
ling "largo" uiiiK lorcca. a
.... ..ininlilllfllin JCilicI rrd
forces diHiblcd or dc
I'd OU German tititks In thut
In ono day's fighting.
Berlin linmilcnnt toduy Mild
it'll. llt-lllZ ulKieriini. vjui-
uriiiy chief of stuff nnd nail
iiiiuliT'ln eliH-i on me com
rout, had v III ted tho fight
11,,.,, "nt flin ueslf-rn luv
hr" lo Hudnnesl. Tho FCC
ded ino nronticusi.;
ning Grease On
it Starts Blaze
M1NNVILLE. Jnn. 0 fP)
InX grouse on n enfo stove
d n bhuo liint night I h n t
tened to rcnd Ihrouiih tlio
cn Interiors ol ono oi wc
vllio's chief business blocks,
o fire, which drow over
spectators, wiiit hnltcd nflor
nyhiii rnurli of tho Pnlm
mid cmmlnil moko dnmngo
corny office nnd apart
s. mslflcd Ad Bring Results.
he kind
pou can
a cold '
ottic of PI
ported mj
n Oallour, Culhrlt o Co., I Id.
'to IN aJUumannm
tumi II Y I
R V'.'-.f'-V!
INEA Tclriihtxa)
Nlncty-flve per ent complrlo when (lie lint butch of cuiicrclo u pliuscd
in lu 0.0OO.OO0 ouuio-ynrd duiic recrniiy, bhiwui Dnm ftnd Ha powor plant,
on iho BacrmiiMito niver ntor Redding. Cullf., nlrenily urn upplylng
power for the Went Coant'n wiir clfort, Vital I,', ;-! i.-iilrmi-nt lor lilt
final wurk mint nwnlt end of llif nr. 'I- '' ' ' i In Ciilliurnln
wcund lmiicul of concrete In Uio world.
Bradley Given
Bronze Star
FOHCK. Jnn. I) (l' Lt. Oon.
Oninr N. Ilradlcy, commiindiT
of tho U. S. 12th nriny croup,
him been uwnrded tin; Itronr.P
Stnr for his prompt notion In
mt'Ctlnn and vounterlnit tho Cor
ninn drive throuiih the Anion
ne.1. minromo hoiidiunrti-rii an
nounced fodny.
Prlmo Mlnlntor Churchill. In
a meiouiiio which ho nsked Cit-n.
Eluonhowor to di-llvi-r to Urnd
ley, mild "I coiiKmtiilnto you
wholehenrtedly upon the ilKniil
mnrk of merit which hn born
conferred upon you by the su
preme commander In chief."
Cattle Ceilings
Expected Soon
An order Impoahig colllnua on
tho price of llvo cattle Is ex
pected to bo Issued by govern
ment food agencies within the
next 24 hours.
Authoritative souru suld tlio
order would prohibit buyers
from paying in excoss of n price
somewhere between $17.50 and
$111 a hundred pounds, and It
would also increnso tho govern
ment subsidy to slaughterers
from $1.10 to $1.(10 a hundred
pounds on cattle grading good
and choice,
Tho subsidy Is designed to
help slaughterers sell beef nt
prices in lino with OPA ceil
ings on retail prices of beef.
Greyhound Cuts
Stage Fares
SA1.EM, .Inn. 11 (!) Pacific
Greyhound Singe Lines will re
duce its fnres on tile Pacific
highway In Oregon by 20 per
cent effective Fcbrunry 1, Pub
lic Utilities Commissioner
Georgo Flngg nnnounccd today.
He said the reductions In Ore
gon would snvo bus riders $350.
0U0 n yenr. The new rates arc
tlio same as those in effect in
California, where reductions
were made recently,
Flngg said fares will bo stan
dardized nt tho rate of 1.5 cents
n-mllo for all distances up to
300 miles, and 1.4 cents "for
greater distances, Round trip
fnros will bo one-way fnres plus
80 por cent,
Mt. Laki
Mrs. L. C. Rcgnlcr returned to
her homo ol Swecl Homo, Ore,
Inst week after a short visit with
relntlves here.
Dorothy Dixon loft last Tues
day morning for Eugono to re
sume her studies at tho univer
sity after a three weeks' vaca
tion spent at the homo of her
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Nccso and
family moved Inst week to their
new home nt Grants Pass, Oro.
Paul Falrclo left Monday
night for Fort Lewis, Wash., for
induction Into the army,
Pvt. and Mrs. Pnvltt Newnhnm
and son Eugene loft Thursday for
Columbus, O., nftor n two weeks"
furlough spent here with rela
tives nnd friends.
Mary Lucille Dlllard submit
ted to n tonsiloctomy operation
Inst week, '
It's Kept Cooking
The favorite soup of French
peasants, pot-au-fcu, is a dish
that noes on forever, it is kcp'. on
tho stovo nnd conked for years,
with tho women Just adding left
overs to tho pot nnd keeping it
cooking. .
Asthma Mucus
Fought Easy Way
tt ehokinjr, RMpttiR, vrteeilnff, murrlnff
itftrki of n ranch (ft I Asthma rob voil of ilrrn
nnd rnorgy, accept this liberal trial tttttr. Dot
Mendaco. n doctor' nrt script Ion, from your
rJniffnUt; tnkn exnony us ill rafted and i
for yourself now quickly H unimlly helps
loosen mi remove mien nirnnminf mucus,
thus promoting frnnr brentlilnt nnd refresh
in(T Bleep. You do the ludjrf. Unless dellRhtrrt
una entirely aatisneri wittt results.
I m
niaht without trylnr rirnteed Mendeco
Germans Make
Stand on River
ROME, Jan. 0 J'i After with
drawing five miles from San
Alberto in tho past two days,
German forces hove made a
sliind along the southern bank
nf the river Heno east of the
Vnlll Dl Comnceliio lagoon, al
lied lK'iidiuarlers announced to
day. It was the first time In four
days that Field Marshal Albert
Kes-ii-lrlng's troops had shown
nn Inclination to fight In 'hat
Street Car, Bus
Workers Strike
(CP) Thousands of workers
plodded lo their Jobs on foot to
day and it was expected many
hundreds more would bo un
able to report at their posts
when 2700 street railwavmen in
Vancouver, Vietorln nnd New j
Westminster, 13. C, struck in
protest nt the national wnr la
bor board's rejection of their
appeal for higher wages und
Improved working conditions.
Every street car and most of
tho buses in the three coast
cities remained in tho barns
nnd picket lines were expected
hourly nt the main depots
throughout Iho three cities.
Picket lines -had already pa
trolled the main bus depot in
Victoria for three days while
drivers in that city struck de
manding cnunl pny with British
Columbia Electric compnny employes.
Gl's Near Last Nazi
Escape Road In Bulge
(Continued From Pneo One)
had been captured in the bulge.
Bradley said much fighting was
ahead and Unit lie did not mean
the Germans were "on the verge
of collapse." He said the U. S.
1st and flth armies would bo
returned to tho 12th army group
.from Field Marshal Montgom
ery's command when the salient
hod been reduced.
All along the 30 mile northern
flank of tlio Ardennes salient,
the Gcrninns were declared by
ono of Field Marshal Montgom
ery's stuff officers to be on tho
defensive and fighting resolutely
to bar the allies from the one re
maining cscupo roule from tlio
bulge. This was the Ouffallzc
Sl. Vith rond, nnd tho American
first nrmy was within four miles
from it nnd crntcrlng it with
,?.r.v"-i4.T ' -
"7, fc -
l 1v '.''
'lJUH? ll
Vnnlts battling tlio , German
breakthrough in Belgium are
bottling n type of Nazi fighter fnr
mora rugged thnn tho members
of tho "People's Army" who for
merly fnecd them. If German
caption on photo above, made
from eoptured enemy film, la
true, the soldier Is one of those
who participated In Gen, von
Kundstedt'i breakthrough.
1 e Gi Group Til
Utotauno . i) U o o rflSP grouP W rtu0v,ry. ,,e' - . ,
BndC f 5 . fr-H h Sears Easy Terms . .
I M(Mlt it ihV-''-' -sSSS?iS'if' , JS- 1 i Pre-war construction! Full I "'
LaiTip liHhtJl --L ; size panel bed, smartly J
And Table j llPis I S 'T
v. 'K-'eirlife irfiS itrTi'Smr Cn lr 1 8 Miami sandstone. i
" "U.Tb pC: " ' Lrt With Double Deck AQ9S i
' B ' f " .V .. .. r,. 5-Drawer Cheat ,
Mellow maple finish with ' . - -t .
milk stool base, 16 In table"- 5-Picee 'r-" 2JJ I ' . Spring-Filled
top. Porchmentizcd shade. ' r..'ti I v -mfr.rr.i ' w'
-m n - Dinette Set R tfV$ - 1 Rocker
M'"55!gS2i8cM? " HlTSl'. Sears Easy Terms
SenrsEavTerm -i kjSV '
ftelP'V PVWl oble leatherette seats. Des- ' I ritsfi 1 the answer' Spring-filled.
f1, VUlJI 2 1 ert sand tone. , I J Choice of covers.
rur ooc ai oruniaut waay.